HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-02-27, Page 9Hello Homemakers! Remember you can cook fish without trying. It is true that many kinds of fillets and steaks can be cooked in 8 to 12 min- utes in a hot frying pan, However, the aroma permeates the house. On YOU CAN RAISE HORN=FREE CALVES WITH NIXON'S HORNEX New, medicated, plastic liquid Painless—Easy to use—Just brush it on—Economical—Cost only about 10 cents per calf Get a 1 ounce bottle with brush applicator today at: Kerr's Drug Store -*ER, PREVIEW OF CANAE);AN JET TRAVEL Central Press Canadian This seven-foot, nine-Inch model of the new jetliner, to go into service on Canadian Airlines trans-Pacific route, will be shown in Mont- real, Winnipeg, Toronto, Vancouver and Honolulu. The model, costing $15,000, shows prospective travellers exactly what the planes will be like The jet service is expected to start this year, MILD CANADIAN Codfish Casserole 4 fresh cut fish steaks 1 small onion, chopped 1i; tin mushrooms 6 tbsps. boiling water 3 tbps. butter 3 tbsps. flour 2 cups milk Salt, pepper and paprika Place cut fish in oiled baking pan. Cook onions and mushrooms in water for three minutes, then aldd butter and flour. Mix together, Gradually stir in the milk and stir for about 5 minutes. Pour sauce over the fillets and bake in electric oven of 350 deg. RADIO nEws BY oDittn-zer WITH THIS FIRST column a new feature bows into print on these pages. We'll be dealing with news of radio people, news of radio pro- grams, and maybe a few critical comments of radio's performance in general, or of one particular aspect. — LENTEN FOOD SUGGESTIONS — CHALLENGER FANCY RED CO!'! SALMON TI3/4N 7 Z. 40 11), BAKE A SALMON LOAF — CHALLENGER 151/2 OZ. 46 rAncy PINK SALmorg TIN fp FOR SAFE DRIVEsTG We'll check and clean your brakes, add fluid if needed, at our nominal check-up price. A vital precaution for safe winter driving. Drive in To-day Crawford Motors Telephone 710 Wingham OUR COMPLETE SERVICE KEEPS YOUR CAR VALUE UP.. OPERATION COSTS DOWN Give Your Generous Support To HURON COLLEGE APPEAL HURON COLLEGE LONDON, CANADA "The Mother of the University of Western Ontario" Huron College, the Only Men's Residence On The University's Campus, Serves 176 Men Representing 10 Denominations. AN INVESTMENT IN HURON COLLEGE IS AN INVESTMENT IN CANADA'S FUTURE Campaign for $375,000 Opens March 2nd WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1052 ININ10.1• Yr./ TFIA WI TCHAM ADVANMTIMES AGE NOVO gam rcrai co s LIBBY'S LIBBY'S LIBBY'S LIBBY'S LIBBY'S QUEEN'S ROYAL SLICED PEACHES Tin 70 HAM QUAKER SUGAR PUFFS 1 5 0 CHILL AND SERVE— PORK 12 Oz. %GU LOAF Tin 41P4C4 Y DOMINION CRYSTAL—Granulated FRIE !MAR t 5 aLab. ng 4 ORGANDIE TOILET MME YELLOW LABEL SALADA TEA !..r g' 530 BELIVIA3 SOUP EX EXCEL ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE IN WINGIIAM Until Closing Time Sat Mimi CALIFORNIA SUNKIST ORANGES SIZE 288 29c z. Roll elf.AN .44 G 11.4 4.7 LISTENERS WHOSE memory goes back to the early days of the broad- cast medium are often heard to be- moan today's lack of lengthy pro- grams. There's plenty to dispute that view. First, there are many shows today that run at least an hour: CBC's Wednesday Night, the Ford Theatre, or almost any disc- jockey effort you care to name. Second, even the short five-minute capsules offer some of the most in- formative and entertaining listening on the air. A few of the 'CKNX shows that help strengthen my view on this are: Dr. Bell's Farm Bulletin (7:55 a.m,); Women in the News (9:45 a.m.); The Peggy Brooks Show (11:30 a.m.); Ogilvie Reminder Time (3:40 p.m.); and, on Sunday, Speak- ing of Sports (3:40 p.m.) Frequently any one of these quickies will get more across in five minutes than another program accomplishes in multiples of that length. the other hand, fish, with a sauce ( on it baked for 25 to 35 minutes in! the electric oven, seems to keep he flavour in the food, Fish, fried, broiled, poached or baked, is our favourite Lenten dish, Throughout the coming weeks we shall endeavour to keep you posted on various methods, while this week we publish recipes for baked fish dishes using the less expensive cod and haddock fillets. Any rnild-flav- oured fish fillet such as flounder, sole, perch or halibut may be sub- stituted in the following recipes: Fillets Florentine 3 lbs. (2 packages) green spinach 4 tbsps. butter 11/2 tbsps, flour tsp, salt Vs tsp. pepper 11/> cups milk 'i cup grated cheese 2 lb. fish fillets Wash spinach thoroughly and cook until barely tender (about 8 minutes.) Chop coarsely and place in baking dish. Make a white sauce of butter, flour, seasoning and milk. Add cheese and pour over spinach. Place the fil- lets on top. Cover the casserole with a piece of wet butter paper. Bake in electric oven of 375 degrees for 30 minutes. Serves 7. Fish Roll Biscuit dough (using 2 cups flour) 114; cup finnan haddie 1 small onion, chopped 1 tbsp, minced parsley Milk Roll biscuit dough to 114 inch thick- ness on a floured board. Combine for about 30 minutes, Serves 4. TAKE A TIP 1. Let frozen fillets thaw just before cooking. 2. A piece of fish, large or small, freed from skin and bones is called a fillet. 3, If fish is purchased as "cleaned" it may be cooked as is after thor- ough washing in cold, salty water, 4. Although fish may be cooked with heads, fins 'and tails on these are never served. Bones should be care- fully removed from fish which is to b2 seed to children. 5. A 'fish loaf mixture may be bak- ed in custard cups which will re- quire half a baking period, com- pared to a loaf pan. 6. Sprinkle a little lemon juice or sherry over baked fish to add a piquant flavour, 7. If a cream fish sauce is too thin, add a few dry crumbs. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs, W. W. asks: Should we coin- 1 bine fish with cheese in a casserole dish? Answer: Adel canned salmon to a Welsh rarebit and you have a per- fect nutritious and tasty dish. The cheese lacking in iron is enriched in both iron and iodine content by the addition of fish. Mrs. C. D. asks: How do you pre- vent a salmon souffle from falling? Answer: Corral the family around the table before removing the souffle from the oven. Mrs. J. E. asks: What is plaice and how should 'it be cooked? Answer: Plaice is a salt-water fish which is comparable to the flounder or sole sold in this country. Many English people poach or bake the fillets of flounder and plaice. Since 'these fillets fall apart easily it is ad- visable to cook in aluminum foil or wet parchment paper. FORDIVICII On Monday evening, February 18, a number of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Simmermaker to honor Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hargrave and fam- ily, are leaving Fordwich to make their home in Vancouver, B.C. They were presented by Mr. Earl Cober with a silver cream and sugar and tray. The boys, Paul and Grant, were each given a signet ring. A social time was enjoyed when cards and crokinole were played and refresh- ments served. Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave will be missed as they have taken an active part in church and community. Men's Parish Club For their February meeting, the Men's Parish Club had their wives as guests on Tuesday evening in the Sunday School room of Trinity Churck. Mr. Norman Wade, presi- dent, was in charge of the meeting. Prayer was offered by Rev. G. D. Vogan. Mr., Frank Graham gave the highlights of a meeting for the Deanery, held in Goderich, the prev- ious evening, in the interests of the Huron College Building Fund Cam- paign which was addressed by Rev. Chas. Mixer of Kitchener. Contests were conducted by the committee in charge of the program and an en- joyable evening spent. Lunch was served by members of the club, World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer service Will be held in the Anglican Church on Friday afternoon, February 29th, Mrs. Wm. Wilson will give the ad- dress, W.M.S. Mrs. K. Graham was hostess for the February meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church; which was held in the evening. Mrs. W, Cooper gave an interesting article on "Why I am an Abstainer," Mrs, H, Doig conducted a Memorial Service for the late King, Mrs, Marguerite Johnston was leader for the Worship service and program, Mission Work among newcomers was the theme of the Study, Mrs. Gordon Brown, president Was in charge of the business period. Lunch was served. Lenten Season. During the Lenten season, prayer :services will be held on Wednesday of each week alternately in the Un- ited and Anglican churches. This week, Ash Wednesday; service will be held hi Trinity church With Rev. W. R, Tristram giving the address, A I3onspiel was held In the rink on Thursday and a Carnival on Friday night. Mission Band At the last meeting of the Silver Star Mission Band of the United Church Mission Band, Life member- ship certificates and pins were pre- sented to Elizabeth Patterson and Laverne Stinson for faithful work and perfect attendance. Woman's. Auxiliary The February meeting of the W. A. was held in the basement of Trinity Anglican Church, Fordwich, on Tugs- day, February 12th,, with a good at- tendance, President, Mrs. Marshall Arm- strong, opened the meeting. Mrs. Sel- by Foster read the. acripture, Math. 24: 1-10 and all repeated the members' prayer. One minute silence was ob- served in respect for the late King and all joined in singing "God Save the Queen," Roll Call was answered with a; thought on Lent. Letters of apprecia- ion from Mrs, Spencer Brears, Mrs, Art Forester and Mr. Jim Strong - Trade were read, Report on the sick was also given. Mrs. E. Hargrave and. Mrs. S. Forester gave readings, also Mrs. M. Armstrong OR the Ar, A. work. Plans were made for the Day of Prayer to be held in the Anglican Church, Friday, February 29th. Roy. G, D. Vogan gave a short talk on the meaning of Lent, The meeting closed with prayer, The remainder of the afternoon was spent quilting, Lunch was served at the close by Mrs, Wm, Sothern and Mrs. Roy Simmons. FANCY QUALITY—DEL 1VIAIZ NE3LET4 in 14 T Oz. ins 330 CLARK'S VEGETART N BEM T2oinoz. no AYLMER 24 OZ. Jar nAspsionv 15.14 4 AYLMER SEVIILE ORANGE MARMALADE r ar 350 flaked fith, onion, parsley and mois- ten slightly with milk, Spread mix- ture on dough and roll as for jelly roll. Cut into 112 inch slices and bake in a greased baking dish. Use a pre- heated .electric oven of 400 dogs. for about 20 minutes, Serve with cheese sauce. Baked Fish Fillets 1 lb. fish fillets 1 cup milk 1 tbsp. salt Dry bread crumbs tbsp. salad oil Cut fillets into serving pieces. Com- bine mily and salt, then dip fish into the milk, then into crumbs. Place the well-coated fish in a greased baking dish, sprinkle with salad oil and bake in electric oven of 450 degrees for about 15 minutes. (Do not add water.) Serve with lemon or almond butter sauce, CFOR, Orillia, has a neat way of working local talent into its regular programming. Barbara Chase, vocal- ist, and Russ Waters, pianist, provide songs of the era while Gerd Smith discusses antique autos on Motor Memories. Smith, incidentally, has been driven out of house and home by his attraction to automobile an- tiques, He owns no less than 15 ancient horseless buggies. To accom- modate all this machinery he bought a farm near Huntsville. It's not un- usual to see him clattering down No. U highway in an old Maxwell or Dnralit, commuting the 60 Miles dis- tance between his farm-changed- auto-museum and his radio station in Orillia, The program is recorded on tape and shuttled among five radio stations that participate in the ek-, change. The show is heard SiindayS at 2 o'clock on CKNX, LB. EM MEN MOLIEENG CA),ITEM BAG ONTARIO NO. 1 IDENINh TEIZITELTE RICHMELLO SIEVED M17.47.Jei'D ECONOMICAL — FLAVOURFUL TI TO CATCHUP L Y'S FANCY IBBY'S KING PEAS CHILI CON CARNE SPECIAL DEAL 1 Pkg. Cream of Chicken IPkg. Chicken Noodle ALL 31 1 Pkg. Chicken with Rice FOR SPAM:JETT! with CHEESE II ANCY VICEIKRAUT 11U C 71' IL LIBBY'S CRISP GARDEN FRESH Head Lettuce TENDER CRISP Celery Stalks FIRM RIPE IMPORTED Tomatoes •Ra M cit8i %um TrAnnys 2 2 TINS 0 OZ, ti,WIFT'21 ALLSWEET 120 NATV.;ARINE IPkt:' 3E0 MARCH ISSUE—BETTER LIVP'G FRESH GREEN IMPORTED Cabbage lb. 8c Domusixox &mitts LIMITED SWEETENED ORANGE Tin 20 Oz, 130 IN OIL — HAVEN SARDINES ?It 110 HORSEY MICE Free Plastic Baby Dish With Each 6-Tin Purchase NO. I WHITE HONEY .rirt'' SOAP FLARES =4'. 570 SHIRRIFF'S LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS Pkg. Ad QUICK QUAKER OATS ;3,14' 360 IRRADIATED QUAKER PRIFFETS PIM. MO GOLDEN COHN SYRUP b 740 110 FIAEAZINE Copy 50 DOMINO SIZE 60's 2 for 25c SIZE 48's 2 for 23c 14 OZ. TUBE 25c 390 27 27 180 21.1Im 310 goLE 250 T,1,1 OZ 190 TIN OZ 340 15 OZ, TIN 3 5 OZ. TINS 24 OZ. LOAF 16 OZ. JAR 28 OZ, TIN 290 150 920 LBS 270 LB 490 lit Personals Mr. Eldon Graham and bride of Toronto, were recent visitors. 4n Fordwich, They were acedMPanied• by Mrs. Lupton, also of Toronto. Mrs. Nellie Gamble is :spending some time v,rith her sister, Mrs, Mow, et of Milton, who is now at her home after :being in the hospital for :some time, Mr. and Mrs, Ward Schaefer were recent visitors in Toronto with their daughter, Mrs, Paul Wendt and Mr, Wendt. II THERE IS A NEED cry An Advance -Times Classified Can Fill for You -Sell MAKE EXTRA MONEY BY SELL- ING ATTIC-ATED ARTICLES uy YOU ALL KNOW . EVERYONE READS THE CLASSIFIEDS YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES ARE USEFUL TO SOMEONE CALL 34 NOW Wingham Advance-,Times