HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-10-29, Page 44 '1 4.o.. 4.y. U,•tober L"J, 1935„ t Made -to -Measure by. Socia :Brans WHAT IT MEANS' Rich new Fall Fabrics. 1 he `finest imported wool- lens and weaves. Haddingtons, Scotch Downs, Salt's Ma,tjestic Serge and other exclusive fabric, with a range of models to choose from to suit every taste and every build. Add to this, the correct tcut and expert tailoring of Society Brand asd you realize what Society Brand made -to - measure means—the resources of this large organization centered in a suit made expressly for YOU. Made -to -Measure from $30 to $45 1V. C. PRIDHAM .& .SON MP 's AND lit )YS' >a'h.:►ll riicl�F: „ The Annual BAZAAR of the C. E. D. Class of Smith's Hill Church will be held in the Township Hail, Carlow, on Friday, November 6th. Hlnwe•madr flaking, Fancy Work, Candy, err., for sale. ippe•r fr.ttn 7i to S Admission to Supper, 35c; Child- ren, 25c. - - iN New and Used Furniture TRY Blackstone's Furniture Exchange ..I •' I(4,•:a!aav .1 t,..lr sir!. i Big reductions on Boys' Winter Overcoats Boys' heavy all -wool Over- coats, in plain brown or grey checked patterns, all- round or 3 -piece belt. Clearing at $5.95 and $7.45 Sizes 30 to 34. Boys' Reefer Coats at $2.95, in .o/n, grey or blue. Sizes 2 to 5 years. M. ROBINS SIGNAL, -- GODERICA.ONT. W6$Tl1IWD %vi:.'rF't;l•1►, Oct. :T.—tier.. E. 1'•tttlter, of 1t. nutiiter,,prravhI'd % :eery inspirit(g ..menu off tlunday after- 110011 ice the• t\'4•.ift.41 tatted ehurrh, and' ht lbs 1 hodeylrrnult'United ehur-h to the evening. • • Mr.. \1'm. \\'Ills. of llullett.ralaee' a fen days this week vials her IhtUalt. ter, Mrs. Henry ,Armstrong. The uurarorrile weather hat: tarti. a sett draw Mick t.. the farmers' har- rr-ting their Punt oro,••, (Nttlit lid Wang01.1. anti tnrnull.. The lerril414 tlnelafat•tas of fast week- ealued a great destruction and the apple crop. N,%KA310t .NT l'.ARAM(H'NT. a t. T. -Visa Irene• 4...rr, of 11'Miti' unroll. bs 1114 guest of tor aunt_ Mos. Joel. iirt.dersou. et 1'traul..uut. daring 1it.• we. k. Mr. and Mrs. Gt..rote Belt and fuel i!y and Mrs. lh.uuld Morrison and Charlie. ..f Malmo. were guests of Mr. and 'Mr.. 'sVin F. \14.1:111, of Para - tie .11111. at tit• w.•t•k•rnd. \I r. Lloyd Robb. of 'r.eswater. ri.iterl with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robb. of ,\ntla•rtey. Mr. Holy. (:rant. of Heraia•k t•irr. tistted with filen . at `.tartlla. Mrs. Rob!. itutten And hala•, of urar 1 144 (.rlo8. visited altti )t r•. Jae•k Ihaul.•rstoi. of Panrnenul1. during the k'mt. - Mt. and stn; Rohl. Itullen. of 1....1, aL..h. v.i.it,d with friends in I:telrriell daring the week. ' 1.11(1.. ,frau Barnard. of Paramount. held the tuisfort 4,e to :lip and sprain icer Ing. 1OYAJ. Lt►►,tt., flet. Y%. --Mr. tVhittirld 111 oMeupy -Jtytl .•harsh next thtnd%v. The pastor, Rev. \A', It. Atp, wi'1 have eharm. of the anniversary rarri.'.. :It Port ,Ah tart, Miss )tiidrsd F r her els}ted her tri,ro.t, )1t.. Fiero-r,-.• - Harris, at $'ransf,ni it few 4441.1 last week. Mrs, .t. streets had a very t:ttcnaiefai- a,a4ion .role on M'.•dtsesdar o/ 1a.41 deck F:v.•rytitius was dis(arrd of e•olulnunton wrr11.• x111 L.- -brig at azul ;thud (hies. .tore obtained. • tigdr tasekfit r the order of the Ila. The ovum. `.,(1 M4.11t41y, of last 4..k 1161 a 141 of ,1itlnage Ice the apiilt• .roto 444141, Ilwr (y,.l Went lice dial (1441 pres.alkri snie:Tctelees the 11urk. I t Tuesday .1 .solo,/ n ui(Wb441 of t'ri. t i. idol 4,t 't=k •• F% Wet at the bullae of M t.. -.t. $lt!ryu' olid fatally for a 1 4, itiug prior to their 41r- I,ar:,,r.. •tor theb• now biota. A, Wis. r.•{:.'il. Loyal 1.' -•trr - to Inst. g•.•+i_..u1$-U• as the 1171'1.8 fatally and 'good. Alai,- g4, with them to their 11,•4 It.4111V, s., .,n re•.fn) u.1- the drat sliittment jot . •t: ,•1 poultry trtit s1eUt•Pi•utug .1 fen weeks .ate, that the De- p:u•o.' t ,.f Agr • ulttn• shipped a11 - ,it!,.: ,:u• 0,1 F'rhi.,,s Ittst. N ILE ih1. 1:1.,. 11. Currey. 4,1 ole• Nite Sate. ..•11: ,, 4 ith alt .. hue.- \Ir, Currey un•i ••n Uun,la ..!.•.I „ill Wier ..'..• Nu• who. 11..... t l eoriD,.. IIIc:`,_ in the w• 44 f.nmtah. tl.,nk,d th.• •.•h..• of 11 Ir v. -teem an. 1e• 4watt ttl.eal ;;rat!tu.le and its, .4,..•,1 by hitt; h. tin Nunday 'he .np•rhrt rnde41 ae h4.ul, 471. pre•• !.Irt.sa anti a eluh- .t• routed hie farm fur Toronto. The .18 very much. as N[le .vuumunity. ,r., who, . has (.141 of un•hestre. was pen. )1r. Currey tor the ,n•\pn•.ilua 3aaurrd them that • remember . ftll ••.•I those whu had •'Ir work of the Mr.. 1:•wia Tal! tats returned sr. ter an absents, • • several wombs. 1h>r!,,.Z 41 111c .di.. ,kited friends at _-t_k•troit sod ls,im• •4'•-t. The return trip 4444. 18:4,1k4 w.u. sir. Walter Ten tor in hk ear, a••••mpauitrl by Mr. wad Mrs. Inca 1.. -*u. of U.eh•rk h. alto had been vis(- i:l{ their tbttghttr. Marion, l'he par:, report a rather uul.tea.ult trip, w4 .tecuunt*of the Maul :11--ft/3. _41tt:1114I1 s«aM.rti•li..� y It begin- to Look .t. though the tate Tor *cation, was 41 .441 over fur this year. wild ge,ae art• hurrying •.outs and the vlowdrif:. ere getting gaits. it«•p. tri. are Pt.. in hope that lu disc, tnamter w-., - t.tke ehargt• of m,r11 of November • . . The Nile Cal►ru chanttj._giwrh•rlr Good Bread Great care slttntl.l 14, taken in the Selection of the right loaf of this moat, important of all foods. Take no ehabee-. g4e a•:•urt•d •If the la -4 he orllerin( Cleveland's Bread E. U. Cleveland 1;114;K Nile Sunday ::sect at 11 ut•Ia•k. i4 o'clue•k and there .till he no evening servtc .n the Anglh•an church last °rata,/ to the absence of the 7. F. H. Paull. Commencing the'.. umbtielIL_tor tit T Waiter. H..ng, of Wow. few days to the village.: rummer home our the i 1.. M. Lac. Miw..Iran friend motored t rom i and •1a-ut 11144 wtek ge 1 4 r I►rtru 'spew-- • wee•►"cud • t the cottage,. - turairl Para—rhe , f.- of ltetroit. week 411th her '. F'. $etcalf_ . g a Ha1bw•, lag to the Yin B _4'(R$T 6'LiMPNE w'a Poitou' • I • STANDARD. DESIGNER PATTERN Istelr4nna BELROBE a� it pecial of Ladies' Coats, Misses' Coats and Ladies' Dresses will be given at our store MONDAY, NOV: 2, afternoon and evening. The Pullan Manufacturing Co. Ltd., of Toronto, have kindly arranged with us to have their Complete showing of New Models on the above date. This display will be in charge of their representative, who will be capable of assisting in the selection of the proper styles and effects most suitable for the individual purchaser. Every garment on exhibit may be purchased and delivered at once. Plebe Remember Thi, display is for outplay only. au4 that we will tint be carrvilig winter ',oats or drt••w•. ice 'tnek this fall, tttett�for. you will purchase theme gartficnt• at very' little stove• the utanufn tuner'- c.,•t. Set Our Window for Friday and Saturday Specials. F. E. HIBBERL SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT—Dressmaking and ladies' tailoring in charge Miss Grace Hoggarth above the store, The . iuu4ay school -.•„Zion will Ire at of the village. Hey. .1. 11. McLeod uundueted the -.eeriest. nervier 1i ihehtrfft uu het. Vnoday .tli'lrswu ter lite tor. jt 1 r . ur, 1 ; 11 r. ],tine i'Mtt'.lud. )ort, -- — - i 1,14.!"4 and *1s` 1.. I'. 'White at•f „;fork,' ,.•8.1..1 ' the__ -4 0f2 44-nry- at Zion • :reh obi the liecatiller ••ir1•u1t last I a,t.• vent a ":,:day. Mr. l'l.n Ind .4(1(1 a !colo .lo.hig their , •t hi.Il -wa. moth . njeyett by all (i.••- •.•44111. .•fl:' Mr. and ;ills Mrs. [Vitt. ltu.r.n anal tlnntttt.•r.--(,rat dila lha}-Y I Margaret. 4d t;"Ar•r:,•t;, wen• guests of lu4ruit on Fritts Mr., 11 MrPisee-etip:-ale_' iF•+4t'�'YIIt}`J 11+Il ➢27fTe,-t4. self and abet (•(sired utiles 1rltntbt and .•l.1 tor. A. 1 Atli., I. ,-irhl••'r•', t • air, _Ulan 'yr - INUNf;.INNON west ..1t Friday las Mis. .1e.s(e Meteq lid •Nt:ANNIIN, . U• S«, -The 'fol. -pent a foo. day. last 104 in4.' are on the ale,, 11.1 this week:. parents. Lr. anti Ilea lir.. tie.. ,t,n.lene.n. Mr. and Mrr. y. Tin. Y.1'.S. are holo), i F;, ttnn•herable i:isi.. ]Its. Thais. Stu- f e'en su.ht( ell Felder e tiler= .t Revd, l esivery 18 all leaner j.lawotnent ..f St. And hots«t for, c1tureb. \ its i!uadotr furuiiu will vale The Mia•ion !Lunt of Er-ktne Pres -Pres- - un. \t". 11. Mfsrnrr *lid tows,.the our qurst!on of fts hes a alit am •, • r11IJ2 ..bur. 4111 hOkl .1 1htu,k„f• also hate -pent the punt fuur Wout14 finish. Clo-er examination wilt prove 1 teritii :aee•tt11 4.1.4 Fritluy ,ev.•ntilg, in Mr, 1,. 1t'e.to11-s house•, left hitt Its splendid r.wrtrt)rtien insuring a I tb- .•l.•r :711th, 0\ short pn.,:ratu will (%trine -day fur t1u•lr home in 'l�..roUto, lit.' tlmr of +errlrt;ibl1i7Y. .t com- 114-'.it•11 by tt.• members of the IWud, .i'1•r. ,Ultert Leith purchase the '(4ariwtn of Pricers will rause you to foilow,.l by at, .c'elr.•... M• 1:..v . 1'. 11. property uttered (..r Pule hj If . E. we*uler IWw we 01444(1e t•• ae•it .nth M.I11t,:,i.l. ' 1':Jdoell. The batter has ;t(cei up high grad.• fnrnirtm ai 4.••a grade• coaia2 101mi • he die teleost (u the (4411 .kee 4h4 and is 8t figures. T1.41'. our .4.•7.1 448.1 your t 1 g ',resent t� t- ! !'r.-•1,�nvant 4.l. 4,U Ftnudac. No- cel;; sl r..uud Mrs. W. J. Pu4+ter. \ up{>r4rt,lr,itt' I ..•n:1• --r 1.1 t- ;,reporal,ry ,..• nits .•l.l • "rldar evening. . 11 --Ir.T--)t s--t+--f--E-etswte.r.t._spent-. I r ..4 a 74 1:Irelay a. gusset. • If - •: )I - .1. It, Mi Nab. Lnt•k- I•..4. A sill :• .i' ,•unci on Tue-4ay , lgnrning :. 11. ,• tch hospital, where Nr-. {t..1.• -r: 1 - _er11!.1 toicosst natty. '('b.• fin, r.. w Ik.• place tett Friday 1: • r.,., 1,• . iii' eeaiet :'lLtfek- )1r, J. It.,,., 4t disposed of hie 404, r ate: `:Ie • air. to Mr. meet Me h'hirn,-y. .in. ••1'. 1:. M. atr•Krnsfk 'ail. suit kis 1 . - , a4s1444. Throe gen- (' • en 'more to ig 'rrwirrd to au .ash Ain :.i`:' "_--'^. \14. .I.tt:on . 0, 1 a political meet- ing in . i:.• ttari.sa ..4411 .it Friday evote bug. .\ ear(e r. seidutiott was pelts• 4.4.,:. .11.- 4111. 3om+6••1 by Mr: alar. F:wail fr.•m .1,-------41. Mr. Wm. Mt, New Shipment of Winter Coats 30 have arrive . t- s wee a -- we - have better as- sortment than ever before. Flares, straight lines and wrappy modes. Fur -trimmed or self -trimmed. V+ For the best of value see our splendid range of Coats priced exceptionally Iow at $35.00, $24.00, $17.50 The S. A. GRAY CO. Phone 56 Dry Goods Ready -to -Wear House Furnishings • -•.._ «- ,moo,»,+e,.4.•. .. re.,r Mr. Erman Clark, whit arrived brume recently from M.eTier. Oat•, ha. gone to fort Homo,_ >li.b., to non.C1i.r a ;w+i rMIMIW dl� , , tl t . As - n�_was ehulrman. The IV, mien 1.'et a ro n 11;if.... e 4 r: .-srC - ice the part.h .,t1F--.4--Saiorst. s _ _e $ .• Th • .•r.'. tion • .• i•4 toi cous4t o 144 nta i. 4G ...:;•(bile -'-pre -1 'stun e. told 4 Madan. Ike V.•lle. Refresh. oleo. tt be .......1. Everyiar1y in• ,(tool. 1'!,- 1. .I i; 1 - hull a worrier. in 'Ie .\u,'i••,r, 4 4 'kt'Sunday after- noon :u :: 1..1. Rev. E. Hays w-111 re•a••h. 11,1 1. 1:. I'.'. •- 411, .1111.41 to St. Marys tordar t,i\,••end the funeral of nig load.•, \ The ..1114.1u1 hos: t- of I'uitt4 chutes 4111 Wt..'on alae afternoon, No - 4 ember. :;r•l, at ..'e}. k. The /sacra- nu•tital -ort ice ail he h1•Id on the NI' :.41121 Stupidly .1 eo7i4.}•tbu with Ih.• Tiutnk•Zirir; see% 1 ee. 4.n whirh .112 4,+21 1a• stelc.•lh•-, ti(•lmul fgtening.—•A large represen- tati.0 of (.4r.•e'- And ratepey'ens as- -.•74',1•••1 at the ..; ,.,t1 or, Friday after- uwtu_...ayt, the ... asi..n 'being a re- n134b4 after, Ow (wrnpletlutr of the sort of alt. nut. •. en the school thin tali. .A ap4.ntlid ;.rugrato -had Meet prrp:med tar Uo- (*4..)14.14 hod wile rendered ti, the d•Jight ..t all pre out. Thr vlsllurs In•(.rte,I the changes aia.k•, the basement. furnne.w, fe1e., :um weer ht?hlr t•fMs.rl with the im- provem.•nt. m;o.1. Apo...dire w'ete In(1tt!• by It••• .1 Peter- and Rev. F:, nay.. tin• ten -int•• and Where, The rehf[ftl i5 now r'.'rc eotnfortable. and 4111 endow,- a .ati_fa,'tory building for 7444(41 rear-- RAI f110.11 BATE! P:1,10, (h •. 2T.—Dr. W. 1. and Mr.. Tillman ami Mr, and air+ .1. Daly, of Loudon. .pent the tweet -end Mr. and Mrs. ltuy Smith and iitt-. daughter, ..f i.ondou, returned to their .hone! the Is:ginning of the week, ;,. ter spending aW t7ai';s ttlrir'atr: 711. ]dr., it. Smith. .toaui•l M�atlltog.--Thr uoal meedit,1 of net Yl'.$. 'writs held I:211 Friday. Pies following officer -- were appoin:rd: l'resident,' ilnrut,1 Seomhtaner : t its -president, Jesus M. - Kesale; w.•retary. 'bleu (bombe: treasurer.' Lucy Wast,*: .rgaui.t, 1'luy Edwards: leader of ronmnmity sinn- ing. Mrs. F. H. 1'auli. Four -tit..• dul- Icers w4,.+ vnte+j towards the new 4.40477 1u 111,•. towel, hall. It is 111.1 the object of tilt Stt.'iety . to oink. maonrr, -trnf� �3,i„ trw+«ir—Lriag._444(, baud they were (1enerou• enough t.. donate it. it is hoped that the (•uu11- iii :tiro wi11 lw generous and allow the Society tb.• use (Attie town hall for a (4;w of their extra meetings, The We 31rs. Parker. --The follow - 11' th.•r of Charles Parker. whit was. tory 'r 1 k •taws -la this 4h-iulty, having lived as u,• 'rrnm 1 r t . nar.t - of -bet'- -life. -.t la,ut8e•reutren year, ago she went to North 1)akotn : Ste.. taDt Preuss passed aw.e7 ort w'e1nrW,ij`, 1k•toltrt Tth, at the 'hole of her daughter. Mrs. T. W. l'ox, of w"atlialta, North Dakota. For u nugqoo- bi•r of years the Parket faintly !iv -441 urar l/snabr4ek and Milton. .tt {rte Huse of her death she w;t. eighty-six years, seven months Had s1•rent da7s old. Mts, l'arker bud tarn (11 for some time and un nl'l•d11111 of her ad, vnnced year.. nothing ...aid he dual, for her. ate, ('artier diedesern' years ago and the surviving member, of the family are: Charles, of (14171cht. (hit.; alts. E. flatter. of )1rtiskow, .tlht.: '{'hums, and tt'tllium, of Nal 1.11111. Sask., and Mrs. T. W. ('ox of ivalhalla. The re•watn: were cou- veytd front Walhalla to stilton on Thursday and the funeral ser,(ees were conducted traps the Methodist church at /futon one Friday at 'L.:;U p.m. by tier. Mr. .lubustuu. Inter- ment was turtle 11, the tkkltelkuw.' t+•tn.•terr near Milton. A very large number attended' the fun,•'nl 11ert134e to pry their respects to is wtUtaa they had known • and honored for a great' many Year.. Vire 1,1 the (4411(44141017. were her gratuitous. Superintendent 1'. C. Parker, AMtoma, Goner.' ('un. ' 1448(1don, /:4.u. ('ux of 1Wa11wtbr. Clarence rot of t:rrwrille. Marra' 1'.tx of ('airi/ and ilubert Toll.•tw.tr of M(non, Messrte, John 31,('lure and lc, hoot Uhler returned on Monday from a trlpl to the West. J. R. WHEELER Furniture Funera) t�ir.d.r Hamilton Street, GodericIio.1, Specials at Price's Grocery Libby's Pork and Beans, regular 15c, 2 tins for 25. Honey, clever), 16c a Ib. Sausages, 25c lb. Gibb tikllsrred free YNr s rdarvt wiicited W. Price Greece, Elgin Ave. Phone 3.'18 Ooderlch ltring it. all your _. Photos '1 prt.1a, and have thr01 Framed brighten up your w;t11+ thee _rev ekly's. W.. owl .• all our ,.••4' f (( pietllIr mu•itding. in 11.e4, in antique 74.14.1 and sit- ters, nations, ''tuahogany. Polly - throw—.. 4.110.1)3'. and greys. F'rrwtog thine artrtkeatly and 4x11 at nu%lernt( (rri.a•. lube,/ theta In today before the ('hr(st- 1it„tom, Ste': Art lid Gut Sure ENS Marin Phone lob BUY Solvay Coke The Faultless Fuel 1 1 1 FREE FROM GAS Uador . Quality Saves Yon Money 1 1 Does all that' is claimed for other fuels AND DOES IT BETTER 1 1 Solo Agents for Goderich -DeanVim-. *porters of High -Grace thracite, Bituminous and Smokeless Coats For First -Class Electrical Work and PROMPT SERVICE 3EE W. MacDONALD Telephone 1 ; f w GODERICH Britannia Road Hamilton Street Shoe Store We have 71 complete line of ladies', gentlemen's and childrens shoes. Come in and compare our prices. J. A. Chisholm 14 V IdA 144 VS1 '4