HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-10-29, Page 1OFFICE STATIONERY
Take a look through your Office
'Stationery and if your supply is low`'
telephone The Signal (No. 35). Letter
heads, billheads. envelopes --anything
you need -at reasonable prices.
Interesting Addresses Accompany
Presentation of Diplomas
and Prises
'1'111. ro11alnen.r111ea1 e1.•n1Jw•d of
Central .rho.l were held In the school
1 •
ant Friday evening last 71 a room walk
t4.-aefully .ie•orate.I in the %wheal col-
ors mingled with hunebee and bran-
ch.... of asdar. Festoons J.f red and
white intertwined hung from the eel!•
lug, while email bunches of o•edar tied
with rel end white ',ribbons adorned
the corner, of desks. The table
hall a white err r r un whI ed
craw of green with
f ted tad white. The prtre^
is worth advertising if it is worth
having. A space in The Signal
properly used is one of the best busi-
ness -bringers you can use. All suc-
cessful business menknow the value
of persistent advertising.
Your Soot." and! "Auld Laing Syue."
ler. Field was cake.! "pun to pre-
-'-It il.e prises fur g.•ueral protk'teucy•
To get the meaning of protkleucy be
aualysrd the word. showing that It
euml e from "pro" and •'facia," mewl-
ing "ti, push forward." In order to
attain proacte:cy, be sold, nue must
he able to detach ort mind from ex-
traneous matters, and to couarptrate
•.0 the subject before our at the met -
went. He spoke uftueinter
state In eduvatiuu to urdr_
teen might bcowe good cl
paid a high tribute to '
teachers of tire sa•buoy fuerr
r the
as well as
u 'aug "Love's Old
las Alma Rowell tak-
at of the
that child
inns, and he
!cork of the
they bad taught to
to minds.
The pupils t
Sweet Song,
ing for iulozjiart very prettily.
Hi. C. Y. Clarke- was very happily
introdleel by the'cLatrinan and spoke
10 the Yil4lis on tie noaes.ity ut male.
lug tihoke of a elver*. Ciders one
Lad a deiialte% plan in life one wound
only Britt. Thole. alio were willing
towhee n w work. to free clink•ultite.. and over -
wrapped In white tissue paper and •'umr them. would ttud life a grand
eir plans for
with cell ribbons, were also in 1 a c*teerlut be urgeder then• to remember
evSp et them. that the tieing that .cony must in say
Space had been n•srret'd74. the ...en-
11 d for e'alling was chars. ter, and be cum -
tee of the *tom for IbP pupils
cum -
an em the secret which un-
icit h d raduttt"d s'1• mid- . • - ,, ,
alas. wh a derria}1he lift of the 4_
.rammer. Other pests and choirs were said. For their sake* 1 **Petit). my'
early Oiled by parents and friends.
Poon atter R ado.•► the IaPm• .self." To seek to attain In order to
inert of the gradua ng clam. were es. i he o$ grunter use in the world is the
ev+rted to the sea$ reserved for them. 1 nublert .Talmo.....
Then to the motile of a march the pis 1 Mho IL. G. Robertson, in present -
toils of the ,.enter form' entered and' ins the prises for perfect attendance
took their (•laewe with no .nmmands land fur drpurtweht, retallded the pq-
t Its that we are •ell Intluraard mora
The News of the Town
Poestnuptlal Reteptiou -i
In huuur of their res -Put marrisRr
a reception was held at the home of
Mr. *ud Mrs. Charles Iharker, Angle.
sea street, ou.Frlday evening. TI.,•i'a•
were about thirty -relative. present.
from 4iodeeich. 111)'11.. Ismdenbori
and other points. A v. ry enjoyable
time was .pent lis game's cunt m5slr.
uth.•r t n chords final the plane. • or hos by the example of other* and
• and
th a snap and prrcielon of t that -one could as *all ,.toss to ful-
rnt that wutlld lar dune I low those who are in the right path
t to n .girls. of r. anlars. Mfr`- as those who ore in the wrong.
roar was at the pisco, and . aeon -, •'rt,C names of those who received
oat the for the she anief a, men were: {fill)' Acheson..
G.C.L Lk Varied
('olle•glut. •;note Literary
Society will hull: n tp"4Iog In the as.
seutbl)• ball of the ,. hood ou I'rl.t)
,•t•rutug at K ti edu:•k.
Supreme Court of Ontario
Mr. .cootie.• Loeb- will preside at
the Ilttron awls.* to 4.p •t. on Mou.hty.
Nu.. oXer"211.1.
l irtoria *Stool Conuaenrrmrnt
Older It..t restnrtwr 'flet• ....t.ia . A11(11r 1.3.1•r,•1/4-4 .d
A eonfe•re•w-• of irk•: tools_ and Victoria ...hoot will h. held on Friday
leaden+ in boy.- wort. In tht+ av/anty evi•uiut). Nooeml.•r alta. •at ti o'clock.
ill Iiabti•ii ant Prl.lav
Is to Ise held
1ilidt•ra' I)sy at tier Hospital and tiatnrihay ut tial. eri.•k. The pur-
e pose of this e.mtrren.P the• ex:rn-
The public Is reminded again
Friday. Nevemis•r il, will he vlsltura'
,ital. when the
day at .U4.;nadru burg
superintendent .tad memhers of the
Women's ltot.pital Auxiliary will toe
pleased to receive any persona Inter-
ested in the -buepit•l_ and show them
through the Melding Tin hours wile
be from 2 to 4.30 p.m. .
parift the eboruse" and 10at , aateoue Arno Irsti .e bOQO[ai.
hill singing. orlaAys
Brownlee. colt. sin lis e • w lee, rsvelyn Cooper
Rev. and 1'. Mroduee l the
the . (sccutad-class honors), Victor Elliott,
shale Ia usiiian ibP cartons. Beatrice Henry, Woe, Leggett, Nu-
speakers and mush* 3,r gr his opensualed
o lie M,,V.•rwld, Marguerite Itobin-
arntal manneThe program ..1s'and son, Charlie Mobtu+ou, ...Ikea Stowe.
Iwithtios n piano duet by bre. Jenner and Walter Buffet. Itutry Wambold 12ud
114i•a Elliott. played with their ens- class honors', and Veru Wilkins.
tohe hr1111a*a Awards for pruIb Iruey :
The c .. thetf U htlr a as aro r°' I ttr. 1 V -H lsbrst teiat-tit -the =f
ferrel ill the ox.iatea atnertttrrl loud excellent In art work, Vtttor %l-
wilestsne marking the path of time. Ilutt, pier donated by Mrs W. L.
71 was a great pl1. 511 awl gratitl• Horton : bhthwt in the chs in his-
estiott to him and to all present to Ito- Marten Akiw
aMr to wekaaw Triminal shaman. tory at the entrance,
k ,rite isaatad by the Maple Leaf
tomtit. ant petrel, in s, y
The ty fon to Rid
lo.e+snnection with the liquor export
warghottw at Godrricb harbor are
taking a , wider aa.op•. the 1 urline
Itrrw IiS • Co. of Lundeu .uu' ihr loll-
solJdaled',Cxport Co. of Winokur bas-
in Bern ' ought in on ebarger. under
the b. .A. r ma .•r w 1 iirr-ar
sitting bald by the Magistrate 111 the
town hull Wednesday morning. when
there. was quite an •array of lets'
taleuL including
Attorney -General's
onto, and /'oust j••
?tenger, In for interest
stop of the 4-.rt.E.T. e''rnadtaa Stand-
'festah .' program for
'tlkl('uc 1 K
rel )
lap's throughout the '•.uaty.
Tlw a. iiferrn,•.• is-•tedule•d g,2
under way at .; owies Friday t•teu-
iug with a banquet :u North «ter t
-'nited etoleh fee ell-iteiswstew.
Then- will be tuUSta. a eing••a,d4. wu-
,.Ieal apprerlatinti 1111.1 short satin
sea after tho. bansorr; _Tbe 4..hi(ates
• tE.•'auditoriutu
I it first Warning.
Ilea of conter-
rtnnisetlun Into
tate Move. The
hack i' renewed health to the rete r CLa 4.r 1.1.11.E-. higbekt in artth-
with such Pf- Pt 11 $rN P
+hr hs+ rlwAne Mde'r'4'1
always ti. u111y given and nook* to *tan, -
high terms of the work done by !lits .!aeon ill artrl:; Bi y Ac1slwQ<TM}ib'
rat it lie rapt.). Sidney Leggett,
lt, nevi who has i' b ..even.! her 1 prize' donated by the Women's- lnati-
coune, tion with the me .e nl. tate; highest to grammar, tiludys
' The pupils then rendered tery Moonier, by reversion *rum Marion
Iwnutifuly two choruses'. /1. can- A111u: grade O. Helen Couper, prize
ado." and Kipling s "Thr Children'. donated by Miss !tall: grade ti,
Inspector T,om was--calledupon to I` -are. prise donated by its
} lturritt ; grade 4. spend for the y e•i
present th.- Vtde[nr [.Anrief.wt tst•da work. Henrietta Carmen and Meta
to the fortunate winner, Miss Marton, n4h.ardown. pMra• donated by Mlaa
.Min: • }fr told of tlw unusually keen; Burrltt ; grad.• -2. Vera Clark. prise
e• medal this
for the Ed-
comtwtltlgh Alli the dnawld py Miss Rollie; primary,
. Brennan, of the
'part merit, Tor-
'ruwu Attorney
of the prose-
'iulsur, for
will then adjourn
of the church for
.lot chis time the
ru.r ottt rrs a14
Tux i,. Squares
two malls addn•osea•ot tier rse•nitlg will
Iw Riven by Mayor lillseBwsn. who w ill
wet•ofW tbes4sli5atcs..aad_ the 1Ltys
}'rrmier, Mr. Gordon Lapp. who will
:peak on "The Man of Tomorrow.'
Thr *Saturday amoreirr tu•,tston will
open with a devotional period eon•
d04-t•d by Rev. R. ,'. Me Ih•rmid.
Theo disevrstlons of the Canadian
,ilalidurd EtBeje*cr I•roirwtt; will b•
Button. Mr. Fotrlung. of introdtbeed by rte*' u'atis,w u( tba•
the Carling HrewiaR to. ud Mr. 1). -Ontario Itoys' Ror11 ttc,ard. "[n4.
E.k•Holm•a for other defendants. Mr. Missionary }Jnterpfl•r will -1W the
Furlong asked for an adjournment In subject of an addroe Ly RPT. W. It.
the case of hie elleat.. and itu ad -1 .tip. and "What It Reins to lir a
jourument in all the charges \ was Tuxls Bi; • will be • d.'ilt with by
mad., w November .17th. I'rentlrr Lapp.
The afternoons program wlll_ra.Q-
G.C.I. ('adele at Iwmdirt ' s st of dlsruse4'n* -+Ifr -v"r
(tit Thursday uftern...tt;ia-t a tram . eete of importance Intl a Tuxi- con -
of ten /i.l'.t. ,,dell mot .rod to Loddon r ve. At 4.30 a leaden' meeting will
to take part in the annual ...eget ride 4.14 addreesed.hy )Ir. J. It. alar-
Wert to 110 helot at the Core raugrs Toronto. 1
the following day . Friday I. Although r etrhins pr -ries tie• •'.e.tus
the local lay. were not awung the will be siren by Mr. J. M•
winner* In the team Competition, two IMndoa: -
ef them, }:tgta-ieuttrr sad -'11 '_1Vrb rdon Lapp will remain
ever gond"; and will
nnrr, were o1M.r,Mtu1 In winning D.H. '
C.A. bronze medals. Tho- tram was .twat at 1►ao ,Soisd r Mtalonl In the
th North
composed as .lulluw*: Senior nectlun-
"ltob" Mark. E4giu I'urter, W. Web-
ster, Jim Ross: Juntor•set•tiou-Allred
Sturdy, t'lsren'•e Walker, Colica
Hunter. Frank Woruoa•k; Captain E.l-
kiutd,)aytain March!
Tbe Choler's- -spent Lire night -
military barraakio et L.neloo. -itliuet=
ing begun Friday morning at 9 o'clock
and continued nntil p.m., after
wltk•b the awards were presented- by
Gen. King.
Twenty -tire ,•adet teams i the dist-
rict took ..port in the ebo oG`Tillaon-
burg High School carrying off highest
honors In the tenni osoupetltion. -.
.trrbliteet ('sen Herr
lir. it. 1t. ('.N.u. of 5. 1t. Coon k Sow.
:uekit..t Torout,.. an••t the. t ONa
•1y night In confer-
u K
•-nes- regarding the plans fur the pro-
nom Ww71 bull. The session
astei until a late hour. thr plan' lae-
W I LL1Ali
After a long
'.Vllltuum l'.,utnaon
home 1111 the Huron
day. October 21st.
!Buono wits in his
icut been horn tt
h, the yevr 1545.
country•, at the ase
1 his parents. who
i line. Hullett. ?forme
ago he wurrltd ('at
the Lake Shure
('ollw,rne township
aao, when he ret!
and carpe to Boll
!tome. liwldees his.
mourn Igo low f
Samuel Mitchell, of
`elm M
Numbs of Auburn. it
Ina •ttlorougbly disci/slim!. at home: ab four
-_------ .me great great'
A.l'oraflelds line Store tern. Mak Waj. La
•Mr: -A. Cornfield has recently *tittle Los Angeles, bre. .1
extensive att.•rations to his store on .goner. Mrs. Hawn
the we.: sloe of tJw *Square, grid It in tout, Mrs- E. fleck
now oar of the truest 'tors to town. brother, Robert. of
A complete. Mew *tore front and ,hew George. Edward and
windows have hem put in. and the pred.'.ws.wd him.
il.•ide• of the store haw beim remodel- on Friday was eon
1.ri. The Impmvat•eaur include tb• S. S. Hardy at the
1. netL:ening of the store, new hard-
w.,ri-amt--new Phetri.• light
fixture*. mark the rtmodtdling of
the Korn Mr. (ornnrld Is putting on
•a special sale in holier', gentlemen's
and children's wear. "Shop where
you are invited to shop" Is the mot-
to of this store, and everyone should
make it a pra.tke to read Mr. O'orn-
lield's antututa•tmanta as they appear
la -tis.. _Advertising columns of The
Short from week to week.
'Congratulations to Tela Cott
Mr. Tom .'utt. of Go.lrrk•h: has fnl-
lill..l the .xpoet uthon. of those who
tray-7t•atetest lit+ -+a llolaleCk• taret'r_
.y wino W t1" -tit t-1-`trtrr-w•l1,1u.ri
ship ,1. r 1411ro1, rutin: )'. This eols ol-
urship. of the value of 1100, to award-
ed :.nnaalt)' 10 the ,•a*,lldate wbo obs
tains :1w-'-htlfltr•st marks in the ,gouty
ai toe: more .that. ten paper,. of the
t-pp•r. W tool - e•xemtualiou5. Mr.
1.1111 :ms now eutertd up,I the course
in arts 04_ Mas tali -Witty of Torontp•
The ,r.,•nd t'arte'r ytrb•d+trt ip-Nr-the
,.linty. !Mo. goes to Milne Meryl' Sal-
ter. 4.1 t'tiittem and, the third.. value
Isla, to another Mot student Mho'
Isabel!. E. Fraser.
.A t
Flolay, o
ill tiederieh
afternoon aro! \ t rn{;rtte N in
street United
the evening.
aw,i Bent I.w.•nted. 11174n a 'm ,.1- .11- Warta• k, -ye4a s 4on i•od by _.Mlia
Px k she 1 nd Bona•
,,neon woe' i .
\ ,solo. "Inn the !toad to Mandalay."tIliolt•attendance
:utile deptettne•nt:
ass gleet ill nor valor by Mr. Erie I For Sr. IV.-1'erf*•t ill atteatauee, Jas.
WiIsom. I Sutherland. prize d,ntattd by Mrs.
Mr. J. 1'. Hume presented the' di-' Currie, and silo hill) Sutherland,
1"00per; grade
they are now thrown more upon itwir . deportment. \'Ilea 131Wdon ; At -
own responsibility than they had been 't.•ndafiw•, Velma *tut.. n aud Stan -
in the public ,chew!, where trey were ley Haddon: triad.• 2, deportment.
under circ rare of only .,tee teaeher.
Keith .`Ituthrrs, p iter attendance.
Now they have several teaehPrw. two !nesse I alddeat : primary. tttt deportment.
one of "shoat could assume• entire re' Nkk 1'vndent, attrtynur•, Edgar, War
.p'nalb}Ilty for their wort Their tuck.
,a.r.s would, therefore. depcs('
much upon th1•mwelves. He advised 1 The sono!,! .\rfhnr Circle bazaar
aa.i ergo••1 thoroughlm*e In all their; will be held In the Iwturc room Of
work. and the useesslty of Rising to Knox rhumb on Saturday. October
rash day Ina proper 4 share of work.! i1st. Tea will 1,. served from 4 to 7
leaving .11.1 •othing to drag oa't into the;o 1eles•k. and homemade baking. faie'
next du. 1 work. rrudy._ei5....*1ll be •on :or ,...-
diplomas tahw
\frtT-pli",e Nn
sa.rasfal students Mr. Mums ask
*donut. 'u' the graduating clams. In Jean -_Abell and Viola Elliott: grade
his aektress Ile reminded them that , 4,po4iMerit • Helen
per*alewi._i to speak to theIfr. Gerald Al. Kidd has sold his
• --present aTin.T -t s e *t oehicken farm wear-ties.(-.N.H- track- to
the CotbrIsle Intalttte. urging them Mr. F. W. ('''limn. who •oaten from
to ndvert:ise the eewtrse In order that 1 1'orbwall, Ont. Mr. Kidd and family
t111• (lessee. might- be 111114. sit removing to Itetrult. Tie new
Ttr• rn31sIk(Ory was then Wit i►yI tn"Tlrfrtnt fir•ttiir b#5.5. with his
the me•IaJJlst, Silos Harlem A11in. w•iti sed fatally. . .
who gave a bright and -thought ad• _
4.P. times
votive. Transferring 1
phasing Rom 14rts
And R errkn
Clear P41
dress Pas
As she auris the called attention to .\t the regular meeting of for water
the wall behind her. where appeared and Ilght comma.."b on Thursday
the naaes, of hog ciose/nate* written
In red on • white tltottnd. sod bekle
them the ,.rione points h her ad -
Avers Atoll*Ay written.
Theaddicrsr 'Atli then invited to
Join in the *tieing of emelt 01d fns-
orites no: "OM Black doe•" 'There's
At Long. long Tr*II .\-Whiling ' and
'Hone. Sweet Nome•.'.
Her. Y. E. Feed spoke to the grndn-
ates. his theme toeing "The Value of
Sue' m.'• -Hi• told of the many deft-
nitlons of suet,.s he found In
the diettem ry Sid. a , rwnmin
enr11 briefly. Este as I:e,me111stotr
that asPeres wail the a.'ompllwhment
of 19 $hI*R-ultld to ourselves and
to Mhem, TM' velne of su.ce.s w -n.
ate . he amid. the prhr of it : for
s•aaetimP* people paid t.10. great a
prior for what they deemed sucr•,•ta.
but Irlo fiiiik Tf Tf_ttteorn the worth of
aee.w., the heart. the encmlrngement
It ga'e to the worker. A certain ad-
vertisement appeared not long ago 1.1
a urwspaper, at the 4'IId of which were
these words: -No illsosnr5Rel man
nr„1 apply." The best work ...odd he
done only by those who expected to
Three song., were then Riven by the
.11 the
lis bo t urriyale "t t
be Gob
The gra a
,sib PJPtattr ihr oast 1410 w'e,•ks
were as follow•.: T. .1. hrutu
:.0.O0t1 bushels of oats nod 70,000
bushels of wheat: \'akartle•r. 121+.000
bushel. of oat scalping.. :;-r,Itm1 hush.
el, of wheat and 10J.0 (10 bushels of
oats: Midland King. 194.10)0 tUshels
of wheat; Ilrlllutl, '01,000 tniaheh. of
oats; Maplr..,urt. 135.MO bushels of
wheat; Komori... 1:01)00 tuslwts of
wheat: 'louse Smith. 121.1100 buebrls
of wheat mud in.,*M* bushel. of oats:
.t•aw•a. _f10,pM) bushel, of wheat :
Franz. 23:.,emwl bushel*. of wheat -and
615.000 hushels of httrley : Sarntas,
1,;0,040 bushel...at wheat -and barley ;
Canadian Engineer. 1t101KMr bushels
of wheat.
The etteamers Mapierlurt. I1rnm-
mom! and Komoris ore expelled
,gal11 at the 1;1NIerb-11 elevator.
The steamer Laketon discharged a
-err=;i40.111t0 #w;ahrla oi-wLr*L-Jtt-
the Western remota/ Flour JAOIs ele-
vator the past week. This was her
tlrar trtlr whirr- t•Ppatre-erre.-grade
hertail shaft.
The Canadian Goternment steamer
Grmrtik', en route from • Saraia to
iK1 i rdlne. wall in port rm Weritt'es•
day of hoot week. e
night last a motion was placed on the
recons for the traansferenee of thr
rural Hydro lines hitherto a part of
the .noderk•h 1yttrw. to the Hydro
EIeetrie Power l'ummisrdon of ()n-
utria to be a.oudn,te,l as separate 017/1
tents ander the Pr, 1114111 l'ommh►
slob. The motion i• in terms set
forth in corresp ndee a with the 11.
) P. rommisslon. a. routs'.:
Nsltfonl-Menesetivl4 lark 1.1ne
Tow'n's .qulty nt pr.••a•nt-day
value ..f original capital east
iron of *rt -t 1A - -err.. _ _ 001311
Te-iPtl-to tale' ntFi 'Tb, __tine
• from Nelson tenet to He.
hrldg,• and pay present -doily
gl4r of original tsarist cost
of #:,71.24 t1:0Mt715
Town to pay depredation re -
*•rte of 2 per cent. for
tore -414 ,renes 'em original --
,'aplta) enq of *2.:113.35 hos
_6:41.24 taken over by tows.
1. e.. MI *t..iI1_--------'t•:.m
>InklSr A tots) 1.a1*nre floe the
H.1.:.1'.(', of Ont*rig, on throe
ttnes of 6415.10 - tf1n11.75
le.* $4111.:I.. l2Ni•:,0
(1-oderlrh Towns11130 Line
Ii E.P.C. to pay present -.lay
boys and girls: "Itenben. Iteu1N•n, 1 re value of orlgtn*I exp•nd1•
Item Thlukina." a round. •'Row,kitow tare of 111(41•!10 .,. 004 HO
Own -441.-
white and gold. ',lint -n
TOT* - reeentlryeti in yeast
had taken out of a cants -ear
stun Street. This would tw
m..uth ago. The ,wiser may
:hem on ca:Ilt. ler thew.
'SON Mr. .I. W. Kitty, 1'rogretsi%e
Inful 1with Liberal mullion, is re -e lee ted
away 411:171.11‘'
on N'o,inaa- in North Huron with .t majority
late Mr. Col- of 100.
*tl Year. hay- Mr. Thomas McMillan i. elected
Hire. England• in South Huron with about `250
ruse u. this
entree, with vote* over M.•i•uer, ('ouset'vat.ive.
on the Bass Robert M.•M11Ian is a very poor
y -nine year, third.
)1. I coal, of Goderieh gave Sp otton 396 tna-
1 resided to
tour yeah jority, Wingham gave Spottnn
rom' iarmlu$ 378 majority, Colborne t'iwnahip
to mal'.• Mo -i gave King 84 maajorit'. Blyth
he• Ieaytw to,
ave S n l01 majority.
1111ren alts. $ ptott0 J
Mr..\Il► •rc The latest summary of the t•te-
itry st• John turns of the Dominion genera! • '
nddr. r: and i elections is as follows:
lolar also - ("0138C417dT1YPP
M pre.ent is Liberals'
stud., of vaa
tool of elite. Progreolliivrs
wen. and one Independents 5
Ills".•h. B.C.'' To he heard from 4
!toed baring
.. 97
unreal eertiee ---
1 by (31. lt.v.1 34:)
-• std at the The Prime Minister, Hon. Mat' -
graveside by the t •4diau order .•1 kenzie King, is defeated in North
Forester'+, nrumllie , of wblch Ho
riety the pallbcarertalwo were mein -
and levers! of his Minis-
brrm. Thr 1n1•rmPn wam in Colborn' tern, inelnding Hon. fico. P. Gra-
„•metery. ' I ham, Hon. Jas. Murdock, Hon. V.
(HENRY BIll•i%ARI, I Massey and icon. T. A. Low, have
Thr death of holy R,11ard, nil met defeat.
8,-aforth. fora,ert► of Ge101.•rich, .a•- I With the results so nearly u
mitred Wedoesday Ot Blot ei.'eh at the
home of his nweir Ow WINO nal -
tie, the political situation for
smog,•. Ntrstford. lie: l utfard •seat, -Home time to come will be in a
to xtrnttord a1 Ma. amtha ago to,
ehhotir a•ondition.
*1.11 his uI ea
taken 111 awl seas -gar
hie home. The torn
- -
mar Strafford f Dr. b ` MI f tlTe, i
aatl fab years -
tad, hlne %luck
set erlll r
4:.e11- •leh,
than a year
his sifts $101.1J3'
cant. ro nw • f
of the m o 1
etrh•h an
the r den
1701 Hiller
To the Edttur of The L+t us';. , •
Lear sir. -'ruga Lions 4 1111 ..t ' •1-
cried is composed of a Rro1131 o: m••:
'tl31,... sole object is to promote a fer1-
ig f R
toward. each
.etTi.- colo aol
W cry
way 1
,vance the w•r 'aro of the .vmtul'
in which w'w 1.'t•. N'lth this in . '.1
•bey are ae•euslomid to meet together
:1• 1.srular it11••rt*1• and 1l: sorb meet.
:nits Invite men o: outstanding ability
ill different walks o1 life to address
them on their purticnlnr subject. in
131* way endeavoring to obtain at
firsthand n more lurid and intelligent
nuderstandln5 of the various 1..pics
whi 11 aria from time to time and
whish may be .1 national or hw•al In-
terest. On Friday evening Inst they
had the honor *tel privilege of hav-
ing as their gars; Mr. 11. R. M .o'1. y,
of Toronto. general manager of In-
dustrial Aecident Prevention Aitttut•ta-
dont. w•hoa.• suhjeet was "The Work-
men', 4'umpenaati.0 A4•t" ,and -Awl-
dent Prevention:. The ,Tubo realiz-
ing *bat this subject Is, or should he.
of vital importau•e to every .•itize1.
whether he be an employer. employe.•
dant in the home, erten awl
to give everyun.• the opportunity of
listening to lir. Mlorley absolutely fro•.•
of all root. Through the kindness of
-t'he authorities of --Knox ehttr•h: tate
ie,•ture nam of the ehur•h was grunt-
far purpose.
o h Club the ru
tl t r u t
o.l DLI"
free. The lecture- was advertised hi
the pre... by dleplay (lards Ilk th.• ..ore
windows and M every factory in 111e
town. Can you imagine, Mr. Editor.
the Anrprls4 gad• hnmttlnrbul of the
me•min•ra of the 1•!111 when 1 tell you
that *Intelrla• of the O'lub member. Duly
ane btltitee'.s ma11 ensldt•r,i It worth
1.1s While to come to the lector... 111111
1101 nue employs from. any of the fae-
tori.s w'as lugreatrd antra1 to be
prose .1 Stich •pt 31y on the lair! id'
ant chimer.. '"1 '-!ally to so. itnpert
11111 a'subj.s•t prtss•lt..l by a mal. of
Inch trli'n•hta: address and wide ku•ntt
rd(''• a. Mr. Morley. Is hard to under-
-rand and dors not speak well for the
growth of that community pp
Tine Workmen's Compensating' Aet
The piddle neseing held in Knox
church lecture room lust Friday night
was not well attended. The audl-
enc* d.onelsted ehle47 of member.. of
the 1Jone ('Ink under whose auspices
the meeting was held. Mr. It. 11.
Morley. a r.- .reec•Itatiee of the Work-
men's Compensation itoanl of On-
tario: was the chief speaker. His ad-
dress was loused mainly 011 the 11,
tory and working of the Workmen's
Compensation .tet. and It Was very
inteerrering. Tihis Act. he said. was
one of the gtentest services rendered
to the people of our Province, beeline*.
it oat flatly a•natpatt1ated the workman
who bad An ae•hleat and was 'nail.:
to work. hut It was *Iw'ays looking ter
ward the safety of the workman. net
speaker send tho I)nt*r10 Act was the
most Ilbeval in the world. There I ..barged inste1d of bents oftere'l with•
ens 11nllmtl.l mwkcal and 111.4pItnl
attention in Ontario and 1111i seas at "11t eo10t it might have beet. different:
who brumes
'The Le es
1Liled rLur•'li w1ft-frol,l 11a•ir
haat% LY_ on - the -last - $14441r(1 t )
ltalptist :n1r di: Service t. a -nal
11 a.m. Eacein 4,•rvlos et itle
nowt; vu • 0111^. of 44rule• r :Iry 1./•r
• s'1 TZ-1ars
., ,r "'trod- "a'•
1 -1 . -t4., ' '1'11• iv,. Selby Jef 4.r -4.u.
11 -14.11 a.unject : ' iiiiuuniotl, or' the
J• 1 .
411 1 e
school. 7 •.w . the -•s 4.uo1 of a werte.
ght .•ertbuits un '1')..- 14.
I11:10t1 ,;f a l 111131 Mein :. I1111•trate.l
11: t.l'. 3.iG of .1,'11-•.. Subject : Think,
i1g Thin¢.- Tt.ra g11.
'1'h.• service.. at .'orttt -tree? 1'1111.1
.•1111r•. nevi. Sunda, w111 1.• n• fol-
lows: 10- a.m.,-- Mau•-_Ctul1. 51iwn11.11
rind claps•+. 11 ' 4..w.. putdh•
aorslip. Nub)eet "e:ud forbid that
1 411..11111 glory. sate ;n the r1.. -,t of our
Lord Jean.''- Tie- spe•ram.•ut of the_
Lord's Supper will bi ol.s,•rved at this
eervl'•e. 4 p.w.. Sunday school and
,dolt clea'.•s. 7 .an. Mr. Gordon
lstpp. prt'mp'r of th • 1'(o'incial Boys'
Parliament. will speak.
On Saturday 11fo•ruuon )ire. Jane-.
Hamilton. of 1051. addr•a„d the
Itru,rfiehd Mission Patel at its anneal
tbankoff,ring--tn,rting Ai the chew
she was preset/tea by the senior load
-junior- attxlllariltt-with -uu honorary
life-W*•tub.•rship e.41Hire te•. 'Tfil'
wru11t 11151 the members had :node a
*1? the koelety of 114110. dlr.. ILitu
111115 bee been roflii,ited with the
axeru:ace the clump Presbyterial
tier tattle'•' +414. 17*F #red wide
hound.. The arldres, made referencer
e xil
'i• w u Ill tIl
• al .. t
11 s.r
r thf 1
4. 1
ur f+i
litre. Buri 1i-Tti,t time. This iie pewit -
• 111. 01.1 1. eertiti -nt.• In he presented
0111110 the 3.N•let)•. The se-"nd 1411-
pres'•n:ed to Mrs. Neil Shaw, of 3:R-
mondyilte. Irl 1*'rsrgnithrrl of the tante
fit' ser• lee• ..f her Tate hn•I'uud ,net
1111' 11 ,,e 'Anse.
1 v, r} l(-,.s!td Ihtntkolt,w'tn'K
ne..l'n3 xa• held by the \\',ane.'•
yl1.-;1.eu 1.ty of KNOX C1111re11
111-4 'I'i1nr.,i.` The 111?111,• r,.on wog
well 33111.11 and r 11 lterl3 ',Merino -was
u11 I';h:le f' tai.' the peat -liege of
-the Anxiilnry lis have with them dlr..
II. It. Iloroo of 'ion.lila thrill rlci•-
president of the 1w.51.5. of the l'res-
t,)trrtaii .iI111r b Who haft addressed
t -es slam,
),-ma•etluJ4lu Srufilr.th the pro -
1111 -11 w,• are all •o anxious t0 n4. de• tfom Banc. Mrs Horne Is lwws•sse.l of
ve1.1p in our 'midst and without whish rare charm and great ability and was
wr cannot legs 1.1 pnelp'r. Perhaps-1-Steat441 to With tourer Interest' Iter
haul an admission ter of allot i,e,tt 'tuasulge was mo.? hly,iri15. 11 .he
nutlIne.I the work lying ,before the
ehnrelt, dwelling more partienlnrly nn
the women's share of it, and stressing
the 111841 0( w senseartfiilit'f+tntr rP-
ste.nslhllity. \ hearty rote of
thanks wa4.
..-.1eook•red. Mr&_Herne at
rho: e.melnston of her nddrrss, rater
which the social rem Inittee • took
charge of affairs. serving tea and
oak.• to eiJl pr.s•nt. During the plrn
saint half hour of .modal intercourse
that tnllow•w1, n welder of new urines
were *doled t.. the .\nxiliar•'s Meal
:n No -
t►blk there was
to return to PK.Rf1Oti AL MENTION
was o
re wears aZo
, _utile n 1111 r". •b. os' a, were_ -
t .'try. For the guest. of Mfr: and Mrs. \1. C.
resident of Swanson the fast week. ,
forth let* I Mir. , Rd. Sparr h hover from Mont-
adr'ived by real, rind Mr. Will Sparr. who. had
Henry Bu •I been home for some month.. hog taken
the ati i a position at Toronto.
In It • Miss Lily Ferguson and Mr. .\nihil
t of Sea- Ferguson returned this week from the
dater from Wear. where _tttey visited their bro- ,
tiuleadgr ' thee.•. Mr. A. 11?. Fergttami. at Morden.
ord. on' Man.
targaly! )Ir.. \l. Matthews. Mies Anna ('lurk
st were lien! MIs, i.eol.a thassey, of 14rrt
y,} y'+i ton. were re ern* -.visitors at the -
1 e of stir. and. •W tt. (dark,
e .. i at styeej. ...
....t tale d M key. -+tant Ile s 4'ajrt. 9 .. _.-. .. .
J hrireh assiatrei by 1 'rile.., utdas front 10.•.rui where kr 1l.i11 beefy-
James... r t -
11: Bruwat, r. .r of 111. roar. ..115. eallwl nit ;er,atit of Hoe merle.... ,,u-
Ileus dwelt. N.•nfiorth, a l& It cbnr1h l ,Hutt, of his ?deter. Nits. Sarah Mor -
vit. Bullard had fn1111fo11Y attended! rlson. of town!. who w:1• struck by *n
for twenty -dee y,•ars proIotts to ' is ru3uou'bite Ma, vl•itinw at Detroit.
removal'. to Guoerteh twe1te }ger. three %reek, ate NI is. Morriwan 1s
oleo. 7'h.• Pallbearers were •Me••rs ,1111 hi ti.r 1..,.441•.11 :1t I1e•troit.
It. yllnlie, It. Nrott. .1.' Ilenttle. M. i " Mlh.. 1,11111 Itn.•r•-. 4 3' $.•,forth. Is
,1.0141-rr tie Itri11 • rand T. hale. 'Isitiu: rti•ud- in 1.0411 thio week.
Among the floral ff,rhltn w. , I Mi.. o onnie .tsirt -pont ire
Licit!. term the .clan Head 114- 14eek1td Nit`i frbmda at itrrunford. --
.•11i:ery O.. and a eraseeni front all•. Mr.. .t. \I Mleluue•, and 4.111 Wren
1 t•I
.t e•.,ler h. I ae ref Great Britain,
, summer.
M r.
1•' oh
where 11...y
-pent t
\lint. A111EItT '1'1)\\'N 4IIEN10 1 \p Innes.', Viet e1giluc, ..f the •tenm-
The &nth of fleeted. Emily N.•••trJe'--r•T' Franc., wit* he torn tut,. w..4,.
suer. wife of Ails -rt 'r.'wnshen. (cod• Mr.. !carry William. and family
erto•I• n,a'n•LiP, .Ncnrr..l un tlVwlnee- {,art, moved to d'nll.n•u.• Hownmhlp.
,N1y, tktols•r Htil. She i. snrrfred )mt lrtg re•n1•d Mr tl;x,rytt• 1'nrl`ey's
by her hus1wud, one• 1, gb(,4 std four;"fare ahow a utile oast of Nile. Ur.
rutty: F:rnl'st of Ile it ,;134ld line 1:.n1- Neil ti0,11 5 has retire! Mr. W11-
erit•h town•hip: 51r• 'Nelson t'rielt. Itein.' t. . 11Btown.RIEFS
Tneker,mith : willill of Hanlh:l ; Alvin. ;
of Toronto. mktla11
.':.. of Hamilton:,
abet by her aged tnthe•r. Mr. Alfrwi'
St.11chmer. three sister* and live' bra .I•,,,, \'i• bu•t., Iluwe anti 1.h'nd
thrrs: NIrs. Wm. Beard, IktyIieI'I 1.1,,31,;:,.„.1‘;
lith rill n1t t;I ll.`an•sttu,r "fternwm.
Mrs. Janie. l'orter•, Cotlprieh : Mirt. .
0s:•,l..•t 2,7. :1t 4 u'.•Io.11. •.5. 1511 at-
Myron Butler. Go•lerieh township: *,,,dune,• i• re.poesfed.
Jdhu. B.ta'rtatt.h will 14ea1-r4em07. 111.,- intuits. elute -bogs-, suittaMrti hat --
Stanley telwuship: Alf.' of . talk. ing*., lto.tou boat o ,u1npl•de Ilse
soak.. and Fred. of Kitehetier. The •,f trlt,t33ug g,s.d nut
a w'Ide lenge
funeral took place 1111 Saturday. ,rent 4.t P11..' at NII.\Ityl.\N'N.
'ter lith. After n •hart )h.-4. at 'rib.- 4.10k•r11.11 Women's. inptlhlte
Ler late home, '*11111.') by her r. will .till thein 1 31lI10r meeting at [he
tor. lire. (t- 1.. Itllkln. th.• ("n".--tet.home ..f 11r.. Fn 1I Toole. Elgin ave.,
I'n,c..•e a •td Trinity (demilt. Hayfields : n Tlnirsllu} Noi: mlw r :w
ivh, re a large rro.td had assembled „11.. Arthur
4' n•le bazaar will be
IRr llu,lr la -t [es)te1ls to one in the Iw•nur room of Jinni
they had !onion. s'1
.he was Milano!. here she labored in
the tataaday s.•Mml, here she 1411* mar-
shd, t►1„l 11 w t• trent here that she
114d wi-had to to .nrrT'd T. MI t:-ittr-
.one to her Inst resting pItire. .t lenn-
ehnrrh o: i'ut it, :) 111'1
the dl'Phl) ,.f ftIllec work Iii the
it1•\Ioll .101:1 .1,1••- window.
-Ttumm:at' sale Noveuiln•r' 01 4ind 7.
111141,r lite :mope,•, . ••f 3laple Lent
present 11 -
► I 1311 r
( .. u y
.Icer. I
►.i .F t
SIr. Ilk. -yr,• sus .+ nils/te,l by It Oro store-Tarthe soptare. A\r, ,,u, hay-
I*.F.ISiII o' n -I ..•mol )tt.1-1 Ai the 111¢ c,••d se,•,bdtmu.t .lotriing to be
Hee. e Ii. laud ft•nte Li ,V 11 • .1ih.i for 1s r.•,tueaed t4. 1rlcph.me
••lo+l• of the .arc lee interment loci. NI•• N*tr•n 11."":1 . -
IAACe s'1 .ihr I:nytlelft ....meter) -_ _ ---
1:;%: -
Among this..• l•Ir-ant 111 1?, farm,'
were Mrs. I'urter .11..1 Mfrs. 11:,Illeht>. EIGHT GOVERNMENT
f 1:4.0'rt,•h. t MERCHANT SHIPS SOLD
ST. all G1'STINE
NT. .%l 63I'reriNF:, ,s,: 17.- yli•• I
1.1:, 5\'1):41 1. of •'nig;i1) •11- 11
frietels Lara hot seek..
lir. and \Ir•. .\le\. Hatnnl and 11i...
I'. Ilanetn, of \winghnm. clsita-1 fflekds
131, IN•KIII IIIA at of the w, -.k.
vtr.' .1 tR•dw••."1. .4'
cl+iii•d )1rs: 1 7C-sttnnIIRt-onr-Mrmdwy:
'tiny 3.ross.ers were In thl* vicinity
tat. latter part ofJust, week .
)lr. I- nal. st Ite.bins.ul visited at Mr.
John Thompson'. on Sunday.
very important factor in the Act. 1t
was amtauldMn5 the number of ne•'i
dent. flint (wen* every year. l.a•t
genr there were :0.675 'ttrruletlt:4 in
this I'rn'Inre. of which 4(r2 were
dent II Cane., .tCeotdlng to ref..rts
this year would IM trotter. however.
At the rinse of bis (14411144• n hearty
vote 4.1 thanks ens tendered Mr. Mor -
Icy. 1lrher speakers were itr. NL F.
(:allow anti Mr. 11Iex Saunders; oh*
spoke briefly.
' W: ITALT771V;
Chief 1hel'rich tions.
liodcrlah_ Out-
1it is only fair to obMrve. 1* 4.•m•
11.,•tinn with the shote. that no nd•
ranee ref 4.e of this lecture woos pub-
lished to The $IgnsI, and tbtte • large
proportion of the petrple of I:uderk•h
were not Awn,. that Mr. Morley's n.l-
braes,. was to be 'Irmo -gator Nin'
%Illtrea1. .,t C7. bright Pt. 11Wel
ouging to tho Canadian tioveru-
,tele Men•haut Marine, formerly em-
ployed in th.• (11-,':1• Lake. *rade. have
been sold, It wilt utlkta fly learned to-
The Mayfair C .tri ant) acquit...1
t'nrrw,ttan 1.iyrnttee.-e 4'p11sdiets
1iliilor. 1'aneaten' )towar, CanartlnTr
Trader. 4'ilua.ltan \warrior and ('nq-
adian Signaller. The gr„., :ontt,lge
of these. as registered. is as follows:
Adventurer. 2.0011: Sailor. Sower and
Trader. 2.103 ; Warrior. 2,4(n). and
Signaller, 2.415.
The ('nn*dtwn Engio.-.•r--w414+ Lues►---------_ ._,
tonnage of 2.:574, and 01%0 'tuadi en ,
1'athfin.ler, with grass totainge of 2.-
375. were 1,1115hl tip Mr. Pate rrl,ii
111.111• two were hntl4 at t'ollingwmd
In 111_1. while the remainder 4e•re
eunartu te,l In 19110. five of theist In
*'ort Arthur and the Warrior at Col- -
11115w-ru 101.
No Inkling of the pnr••14Aae Itrlea
ens dlrulged. '
.% big almost' at ,1.,.. Hyau'*'etore
iast week was at. oloJrvt ..f +at*Jaatty.
Noun• t. )- were •dtut rit$ it% Targe
proportions and kir, Byrn, offered it
to the 3104' who would carry -It three
tittles aremnd the Square. Fronk Tut,
fent took Irina np and m,, 1.- g,en1, al-
though the uh•alrl,ly t•egetable was
gto*Itg rety lo_aty In•fyre he had
squeed the
tebtwhet; neighed •Iipped the beam
at 34 lb. 5 os'.