HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-01-16, Page 12a U a .1W Wit Your Choice of any Station Wagon Coat - Stadium Style - Quilted Satin Lined with t e Purchase of any SUIT at our regular prices $49.50 to $65.00 Remember these are our Regular Prices - No Mark=ups - All have Original Price Tags. Pick from All Wool Worsted Suits - Stripes - Plains - Gabardines - Pic and Pic - Yarn Dye Worsteds. Sizes 36 to 46, Single and Double Breasted Models' n a a 1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 14 a a a a a a a a a a a U a a a • a a a a a U a a a U a a a a a a a a a a a a a KING OMINIKNO11.1411110041110.4111,00.0.0110P Proudly announce their Greatest Sale in history, commemorating 65 years of service 'o' .thir many good friends and customers in this section of Western Ontario. So join the throngs won't you and save on these bar- gains? There are store - wide values you won't want to miss. Dozens of articles not appearing on this ad are being offered at unheard-of reductions. 1.1** g.0118M0.2.pan1-0.11”....r.0.111.4p10.11.0.0111-0.1100,1110.0.111..M.010,00100.0 ONO BETTER GROUP MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS $2 By ArrOW - very slightly counter soiled REG $5.95 MEN'S SATIN BOMBER JACKETS $10.99 REG. TO $15.95 I Fine Wool Curling Sweater Coats REG. $13.95 A GROUP OF MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS $1.99 In Plain Shades and Plaids REG. TO $5.50 CHOICE OF OUR TIES REG. $1.50 TO $2.00 GROUP 2 RANGE OF TIES REG. TO $1.50 59c or 2 for IGroup Better Fur Felt Hats Reg. up to $7.50 •••11111••••••••••••••••••• I would like to take this opportunity of extending a hearty welcome to everyone to visit Kings on this their 65th Anni- versary Sale to share in some of the many outstanding values lisledabove. LLOYD ELLACOTT, Manager, BOYS' TWEED & GABARDINE PANTS REG. TO $5.50 Boys' OILSKIN RAINCOATS with Helmet REG. $1.95 ' 99c Walker's Trainman Overalls & Smocks 9 EACH OR $8 50 SUIT BOYS' SATIN BOMBER JACKETS Assorted Shades, Quilted Lining REG. $13.95 BOYS' LONGS & BREECKS Corduroy and Tweeduroy REG.. $6.95 SPECIAL VALUE BOYS' SCHOOL & DRESS SHIRTS 99c UP TO $6.991 50% Penman's Merino WORK SOX REG. 69c RANGE OF MEN'S SCARVES ALL WOOL - Mostly Khaki Shade SPECIAL MEN'S SLEEVELESS SWEATERS Pure Wool Monarch SPECIAL GENUINE HORSEHIDE JACKETS en Y An BARGAIN COUNTER UU ou will find articles here originally priced as Small Sizes Only REG. TO $19.95 $1.00 REG. TO S1.'5 Penman's 95 COMBINATIONS $4.3 BOYS' SUITS All Wool Tweeds 1/2 PRICE $8.49 up, s t ere 46 ilEASONS why you should urry! Hurry! Hurry! DEPART $9.99 $6 991 $1.00 $4.88 $2.89 89c $1.00 $1.00 49c 29c .99 We have reduced our prices drastically in our Ladies' Wear Dept., including all our new Dresses, Coats, etc. In addition to this reduction we are giving away FREE of charge with the purchase of each dress at these mark- ed down prices, your choice of any one of our House- dresses. high as $5.00 being offered at REMNANTS They won't last long so come early and make your choice from Prints, Drapery Ends, Dress Good Ends, Woollettes & Silks, REDUCTIONS UP TO 50% AND MORE Visit our Home Furnishings Dept., where too you will receive substantial reductions on our Draperies, Curtains, Blankets, Spreads, Car Robes, Lace Cloths, etc. monowall••••••••••• REDUCTIONS “The Friendly Store" K. D. S. 9 a.m. Thursday, January 17th Remember the time Sale Commences at ormemogoommoncamenarouinvio. I Ladies' Scarves and Squares (all wool) REG. TO $2.95 Rack of Ladies' Fine Dresses, Skirts and y 2 PRICE. Gabardine Raincoats Group of Ladies' Chamoisette GLOVES REG. TO $1.50 RANGE OF LADIES' BELTS Assorted Colors REG. TO $1.50 RANGE OF LADIES' HANDBAGS 1/2 PRICE SPECIAL • U a a a U U Group No. 2 - Boys' Suits with 2 pr. Pants SPECIAL $4.99 GABARDINE All-Weather SKI SLACKS Girls' and Men's '(Counter Soiled) REG. TO $9.95 $1.99 Fine Quality TERRY BATH TOWELS REG. 85s SPECIAL BABIES' BUNTING BAGS SPECIAL Men's All Wool O.V. JACKETS REG. TO $6.95 GIRLS' PARKA HOODS . REG. UP TO $2.19 Girls' Lined Gabardine SNOW PANTS Sizes to 14x' REG. $3.95 SPECIAL GIRLS' SUIT DRESSES Lighter Shades. REG. TO $7.25 $2.99 BEBG.OTYOS;10.9M5ACKINAW JACKETS $6.99 LADIES' NYLON HOSE Broken Lines and Sizes - 1st Quality BABIES' WOOLLEN BLANKETS Broken Lines, size 36 x 50 REG. $3.95 SPECIAL Girls' 3-pce. Fine Wool Coat Sets Sizes 4 - 5 - 6 REG. TO $22.50 TEA TOWELS, in attractive Patterns 3 STORE 9c EACH OR 3 PM $ 1 400 39c1 $2.99 $14.95 1/2 PRICE $2.49 $1.69 65c 59c . • 19c 95c a a. n 1 • a a • Tiny Tots' Chinchilla 3 pcs. Coat Sets 1/2 PRICE ii 1 I ii i i = it WI i ii A i ii ii 171 I II I i e i titiniiiiii iminititiminotnialithillititiiitatiliiiilnimilliiiiiimilniiiiIiiitiiincimmtlilliniatimondinnomincialliniiionniiiiiimilimitillialitimannititiclisliiiiiiimult i ammil ma irimmE nimiminimpollipo lill itioniiiimitifoloeimatingliiiiiiiiiiniCiiiliminiliiiiiiiiiiiitiniiiIMMitniii BOYS' ALL WOOL BREECKS $1.99 I REG TO $5.95 With the Purchase of a Coat you also receive FREE of charge your CHOICE of a Ilat from our Millinery Dept. Good News from Alec Coutts, House Furnishings Dept. Mgr. Mr. Coutts is authorized at this our 65th Anniversary Sale to give away FREE of charge one only 1st quality part wool Blanket approximately 64 x 84 Reg. $8.95 value with every $25.00 purchase from all other Depts. not featured in, this ad. LADIES' WEAR DEPT. SPECIALS Broken lines of Tooke Blouses, Ladies' Slacks, $1.00 Pullovers & Dresses - an exceptional buy at PAGE TWELVE THIS VVINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY nth, 1953 ~~III~1111r!!In IIln IIIIIilitsllln III~III~IIIIIk..iIAN II !, ! ,. n