HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-01-16, Page 114- Ak 4- 4- 1- 4 4- 4- `STAG! CRS Presented by personnel of R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton Wingham Town Hall Wednesday and Thursday, January 23 and 24 th. at 8.15 p.m. 4 Don't Miss this Big Show. 23 NOVELTY ACTS Dancing Girls — Magician Acts — Songs Dances — Specialty Numbers 4•EmommidnomilimmOwinioonnimmommismilimindmordr' Ammirmorammemo."61asodemmedrk 2 HOURS HILARIOUS FUN . Admission - 50 cents Proceeds for Child Welfare and Community Service Work, carried on by Lions' and Kinsmen Clubs. wiehes ,Tarts and coffee will be pro- vided. Knox. United Church The annnual meeting of the een- iwgation. of Knox United Church will be held on Tuesday evening, January 22nd., in the Sunday Seheol room of the church. Following the transaction of business, the bearing of reports and the election of officers a film "And Now Z See" Will be shown in the auditorium of the church, The entire congregation is urged to attend. YOUy TELEPHONE is one item that takes a smaller part of your budget than it used to. Its cost hasn't gone up as much as most other things. In another way, too, the telephone is bigger value today than ever before. Now you can reach twice as many people as you could ten years ago and more telephones are being installed every day. If you haven't service, we want you to know we're working at it. Your place on the list is being pro- tected and your telephone will be installed just as soon as possible. COMPARE THESE PRICE INCREASES DURING THE PAST TEN YEARS FOOD" UP 111°5 '0,-.-, Pura.0 Stoloh. .A.rep. mac,. W. MO. Telephone service is one of today's best buys THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA FILL UP YOUR MEDICINE CHEST- BE PREPARED FOR ANY EMERGENCY BABY NEEDS — SPECIALS — Alumintun Funnel and Strainer 25e Johnson Baby Powder 03c Jolmson Baby Lotion 5 oz , 69c SIVA Baby Food 98a Stork Nurser 89e Ostoco Drops $1.45 - $4.25 10-D Cod Liver Oil (Puretest) 4 oz. $1.00 Rexall Teething Aid Liquid 35e &mil Nose Drops 45c Twin Tips 29e,, 56c Dryfold 60e Naney Dicke Panty Sin., Med., Lge, Ext. Lge. ..• 97e 'GUARD AGAINST COUGHS & COLDS VACAGEN - Oral cold vaccine 2 months' treatment $2.00 41111111111111111111.11e. Rexall Nose 8,r, Throat Relief Oily or Plain 600 111111111.1111111111.11r Neo Chemical Food Tonic Liquid $1.55, $3.35, $5.00 Capsules $1.65, $2.95, $6.60 New taste, pours front bottle $4.35, $2.10 Geriatric (designed for people over 60) $3.75 Asennimisswar--- Mi 81 Antiseptic Lt. Mouth Wash $L09, 76e, 390 Johnson prepared MUSTARD PLASTERS, 3 iii. 46c Firshild Back Plasters each 35e, 50c, 756 VITAMINS and MINERALS PURETEST PLENAMINS will give you a complete com- plement of vitamins and min- erals. 25 days' $1.85, 100 days $5.85 Halibut Capsules 100 $1.19 (Vitamin A Se D) Puretest Yeast Tableta 250 $1.00 Crude MolasseS, ttttt 2 lbs. 39e Wheat Germ. Capsules 50 '111.25 FIRST AID KITS 590, $1.69, $2.75 HOT WATER BOTTLES up to 5 year Guarantee 025 $4.25 visnrat Eurta, Health Belts & Supports Elastic Stockings Ottawa Elastic Trusses MicKibbon's Serving Your Comnzunily since 1901 Phone 53 0 Winghain !Halo McKibbon's Bronchial Syrup 75e I rffriwk* NvErgcvsoiky, aimAny Kith, 1952 THE WINGITAM ADVANCE-TIMES 19WE IKIAKVIEN a a a a a a U U a a a a a U U U U a a a si a 12 21 «A Paul Douglas 1111111111111191111111111941111 /11111311111111111111111N11111111111111111111111111111111111111E111111193112912111341111F9111L PERFECTION IS A RARITY even with that Marvellous instrument, the human eye, Seven out of ten of us have some eyesight defect yet, whatever the defect, it can nearly always be corrected by properly fitted gla,sse Safeguard your eyes. KNOW their condition. Have them examined regularly—beginning now. W. R. HAMILTON, OPTOMETRIST "A Complete Visual Analysis" TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p.m. "Thurs., Fri., Sat., 3 Days Jan. 17, 18, 19 `The Law and the Lady Greer Garson 1. Michael Wilding Monday, Tuesday, January 21, 22 The Day the Earth Stood Still Michael Rennie Patricia Neal ,,,,,, ,1„1,,, IIIIIII,I !1,111111,1111,1,lllll 1111.1 lllll 1 lllllllllll .111111111,01fi1/0 lllll 1.10,111.111 lllllll 1 lllllllllllll Wednesday, Thursday, January 23, 24 "Home Town Story” Donald Crisp Marjorie Reynolds Illlllpnnl lllll It11.11 lnululnallu untlllul1l11 ttttt nullutnn ltttll N,l,lll 111 t MOM'. tttttttttt 511001.011,111"" Friday, Saturday, • January 25, 26 ngel in the Outfield" Janet eirst Meeting of East Wawanosh East Wawanosh Township Council held its inaugural meeting on Jan-, uary 7111,, 1952. The members sub- scribed to the Oath of Office admin- istered by the Clerk. The Reeve, Orval Taylor asked Rev. Moores to address the Council. Mr. Moores spoke of the better way of living and some of the temptations of the pre- sent day and prayed for divine guid- ance on the Council in their deliber- glen during 1952. The Reeve thanked Mr. Moores for coming to the meet- ing. The minutes of the meeting held on December 15th, and special meet- ing held December 20, 1951, were read and adopted on motion by McGowan seconded by Hanna. Carried. Cor- respondence was read and dealt with by council. Moved by Buchanan sec- onded by Purdon that grants of $20 be given to the Huron Co. improve- ment Association, $5.00 to the Ontar- io Rural Municipal Association and $10.00 to the Onta,rio Assessors As- so, iation. Carried, Moved by Hanna, seconded by McGowan that the clerk order 8 copies^ of the Municipal World, 1 copy of the Municipal Drainage Act, and clerk's supplies. Carried. WARREN HOUSE Furnishings DRAPERY SLIP COVERS VENETIAN BLINDS LAMPS - CHINA GIFTWARE OCCASIONAL FURNITURE ttttttttt III tIu,,,111111I1111111 ,1 ,l 1ttttt M11111111111 ttttt $11 C. C. McKIBBON Phone 475 Wingham ..141.11.••••••IM Moved by Buchanan seconded by Hanna, that Reeve Taylor be Town- ship delegate to the Middle Maitland Conservation Authority .Carried. Moved by Purdon seconded by Mc- Gowan that Clarence Hanna be the Township representative on the Wingham Rural Fire committee. Car- ried. Moved by Buchanan seconded by Purdcai that Orval Taylor and Orval McGowan be the Council represents- tiveg on the Belgrave Community Centre administrative Board, Albert Walsh was present claiming an error had been made In assessing S h B h Lot 36, Con. 6, he asked for a rebate of 1951 taxes, on motion by Buch- anan seconded by Purdon he was given a rebate of $15.00. Carried. Moved by McGowan seconded by Hanna that council petition the Ont- ario Highways Department for the statutory grant on Township Road expenditure. in 1951. Carried. Moved by Buchanan seconded by Purdon that council asli a transfer for the miscellaneous item in 1951, bylaw No. 1 of $56.74 to the Bridge and culverts column and $147.98 to the machinery repairs column. Mov- ed by McGowan seconded by Hanna that the tax collector's time be ex- tended for a month. The Assessor was present and told council that the Township would be re-assessed to make numerous adjustments and he would have to receive a salary raise, after some discussion it was moved by Hanna seconded by Purdon that the Assessor got $400.00 for 1952 as- sessing. Carried. The Road Superintendent also asked for an increase in pay, it was moved by Buchanan seconded by Mc- Gowan that the Road Superintendent receive $1.00 an hour, he to find his own transportation, the increase to begin the 1st. day of February, 1952, and a by-law be prepared confirming the raise. Carried. Moved by Hanna seconded by Fur- don that the Road and General ac- counts as presented be passed and paid. Carried. Bylaws No. 1, 2 and 3 were read the first and second times being road expenditure bylaw for 1952, borrow- ing bylaw and road supt. increase in salary bylaw respectively. Moved by Buchanan seconded by McGowan that bylaws, No. 1, 2 and 3 be read the third time and passed. Carried. Road cheques—Stuart McBurney, salary $104.80, bill paid 60 cents, $105.40; Ernest Walker, operating grader, snow work, $96.00; Frank Cooper, snow • work $87.00; Reavie's Service Station, grader repairs, bat- tery, etc,, $29,05; Bert Armstrong, post for starter, $3.50; The Pedlar People Ltd., steel culverts, $488,57; Township of East Wawanosh, share of McGowan Drain repairs, $2.72; I hours, at $6:00, 50-.00 ; loss Jamieson Geo. E. Radford, snowploughing 108', snowploughing if/ hours at. $8.50 per hour, $409.50; Can. Oil Co., Ltd., 405 gallons fuel oil $81.40; Dept. of High- ways of Ontario, tax on 405 gallons fuel oil, $44.55, General cheques-- Ont, Association of Rural Municipalities, members fees, 45.00; Association of Assessing Officei•s of Ont., members' fees,$10.; Post Sanitorium ,assistance 4 weeks, at $7.00, $28.00; Lloyd Cook, fox bounty, $2.00; Gordon E. Smith, fox bounty, $2.00; Belgrave Community Centre, rent of rooms, 1952, /` $1.00; Albert Walsh, rebate on taxes error assessment, $15.00. Moved by Purdon seconded by Hanna that council adjourn to meet Tuesday, February 5th. ,at 1 o'clock, at the Belgrave Community Centre. Carried. Orval Taylor, Reeve, R, H. Thompson, Clerk. WE DOCTOR 'EM UP! IRONS eo I SO 10 RA110 st ELECTRIC, "sawmc YOU SINC8 1935'1 The regular meeting of the Bel- grave Evening. Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs, Cliff Logan on January 8th., with eighteen in attend, ance ,The meeting opened with the singing of the hymn "What a Friend we have in Jesus" followed by the Lord's Prayer, Mrs. Moores conducted the instal- lation of the new slate of officers for 1952. The president, Mrs. B. Wightman offered a worth of thanks to past officers and members who had taken part in the past year. fi The annual reports were heard and approved with a marked im- provement over the previous year. The worship service was taken by Mrs. R, Robinson, Mrs. G. Michie, Mrs. Grasby and Mrs. Armstrong. The meeting closed with the singing of hymn 376. "Blest be the tie that Binds." Mrs. Moores led in prayer. Mrs, Geo. Michie conducted a short recreational period after which lunch, was served. Mr .and Mrs. Gordon Naylor en- tertained the euchre club last Friday evening at the school house. High prizes went to Claire Chamney and Harry Cook .Consolation, prizes went to Mrs. Harold Woods and Wm. Bie- man. Mr. Charlie Scott of Kitchener, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Scott. Mr. and'Mrs. Marcelle Phillion and family of Woodcock, Were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dunbar and family of Wingham, visited on Sun- day with Mrs. Thos .Brydges and Mrs. Currie. Library Board January 24th, Thursday will be the date of the annual meeting of the Belgrave Library Board, The meeting will be held in the council room, at 8 p.m, in the form of a social even- ing. The necessary business will be transacted, and then a social hour will .be enjoyed There will be shown a film "The Return of the Trees," provided by the.Department of Lands and Forests. Mrs. R. G. Eckmier, County Librarian will be present and will speak to the group. Refresh- ments will be served. The public are asked to assist by bringing sand- Leigh BELMAR