The Signal, 1925-9-10, Page 41. 1
Thursday. September 10. lir„i.
a The Store with the Stock It
Now is the time for Fall Clothes
See our pencil -stripe English
Worsteds at $30.00 and $35.00
Clothes made to measure by Society- Brand Clothes.
Hundreds of patterns to choose from.
We have the famous Prince Clothes for boys, with
extra knickers. Various prices.
Also see our very Targe stock of Sweater
Coats. in prices ranging from $2.50 to
B8.50. In fact, anything you want.
Men's and Boys' Wear Pipe 57 Nut Bark of Mestrssl
loft on Monday to juin the Mesta es -1
,•ursion anti the ladles spent the week iI
vi•Iting friends and relatives, and a1i'
returnees) to their !homes un Monday of
tills week.
Mr. Tow \Vllsou shipped two car-
load, of sheep and hogs uu Monday
' and a curluud of wheat 00. Wrdurs•
Next Sunday thr_-atiuual thankof-
fe-ring of the Woolen's Missionary So-
ciety will hr held. when Miss Janet
• .\1p. who has spent several years
I ttaohiug anti doing. social service
work. will tell of lave extwrie-uces. A
liberal collection is expected.
Several from here took in the Lib-
rete) rally at Exeter till Monday -and
enjoyed the address of Prettier Edits.
Mt-- Pearl Wilson. slip spent the
la -t two tuont Its with her parentis
Mr. and Mrs. \\-ilsou. has returned
to Flint. Mich.. where she will take a
Remember the wined fair which
takes place in the township hall un
Friday the \'.tit.
Mr. Cannon St.nhers, iuxpeetor of
,o tit . ls. lebudou, called on his old
friends. Mr. and Mrs. I'aul Steed'', on
L6i)BCRN, Sept. S. -Thr Ula-iou
)Mud will hold its monthly meeting
lu the church basement on Septem-
ber lith at ;t uciotk-.
Thr 1V.M.S. will hold its monthly
mew•ttu,t ou %Vett rsday afteruo,u of
next week.-
Mr. anti Mr.. 'toy r Ltnktater wit
two children visited the Toronto Es-
hibitiou fur a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Horton and
baby Harrieto spent Liibor Day atl
Est -ter. •
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hicks. of Ihkrutll
\iipe•ut the weekend with Mr. an Mrs.,
Ger. Fulford and other friends.
Mrs. 1'ert;v Stewart elated her
,daughter at Stratford last week.
• and
live Carter ar
Mr. and Yrs. g
ily. of Auburn. -1e•ot the week -end
with Mrs. Parser's mother. Mrs.
John look.
Mi%sea Grace Redmond and Mary
Keil. of liederich Collegiate, visited
.it their 'oases here over the week-
Mr. N. 4...Ai.._r.. ,....t ,nut
friends In Ahdnaeld.
Misr A. lteckett, „t kk•Wria Mudd' 1 leeward \1111s)•. eke) 'eras attested
tale Loudon, is slMudiin Ii't vacation', same weeka ago by Provincial Con -
td.. Phippru au it charge of
Lloluies, repre•reutlug the town.
at her bows hence. -
Mlwa Ant ell Is %datel ice In' obtaining credit miler false pie-
S.R. No. 3, eke reek -soil tit ,het Truces. 3 N Mntt•ue•etI by Musks
lit Lur $iw. trate With of Godericb. at. Police
Miss Charlotte M . -Ke•uale, .t L'urt Tauten`, herr on Friday last to serve
Allert, was tome for the week-eud. thirty day• in the .•otWyaJail, v
Miss Minute Cathcart Ir visiting Wise
taklir l'hlpPt le jab af y.
same daych b
friends at Detroit.
Mr. and ilea. Murtievil„ lttb family,
of Detroit, visited at the home of their I d,
aunt Mrs. l'athtart. of.Kltitall.
-Miss Elie tiuwerby, of V4estaeld.
Nowt the week -cud and holiday here.
Yr, Ted -Johnston and friend, Of
Toronto, Moire been visiting relatives
Messrs. (:ori ou Orr and Ernest
Johnston motored to Toronto and • Kenzie sod MI-- Loi- MacKenzie.
spent a few days at The Exhibition papers stets reel by Mrs. Duncan
[lie begtuuing of the weep. Maelntyre. Mrs. NI. 1'. MacKenzie.
Miss Johnston.of SheP Mrs.N. 3. la.Kuyie. s Mrs. (i -set
p,aedtnn, is spending is few days with stud miss lie H \Lu•Ktnz(r. After
her sister. Mrs. Rube. :ktwerby. further ceamtoeeit'' singing the meet -
Wedding bells will soon he ringing. lug closed with ',: , I Stte the King."
Mr. and Mts.\G. Fuller and The weather bels): tine the next meet -
Messrs. H. Whitfield, H. and N. Vol- tug will be held at ,I.akeeiets Park.
ihitinn vial -torts at Tor- Kintaft. •
o last tit
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snowdon and
children, of Stanley township. were
transient visitors here lata Thursday
Mrs. T. Sowerhy, sr.. and daughter.
Mrs. Thoa. ,Amy. visited the former's
slater. Miss A. Wakefield. In God -
prick last week.
Inapcetor Tom paid a volt to
Union school this afternoon.
(new ('hutch Notes. -Service as
Moral September i:t :it 7.30 p.m.. with
this pas -tor in charge. Sunday school
L c towing to the conflicting
events the \C M.5. meeting at the
home of Nlr-. .1. Yuill has been post- •
Ironed ubtil Wednesday. September U;.
• The rattler meriting of the U.
T.l'.SArms\ held Friday evening with
a .good attendance. The program con-
di%red' of mdt(th organ sele•tlon.- by
Messrs. Elgin \and .1ruo1il furter. a
v.teal duet by *totes Esther ]Icflwatn
and Marion \'unser. community sing -
Mr. ling. Glen dud Mr. Harvey Green. inti led by Mr... iritlield, and a de.
Mrs. George 1:1..11. Mies Jran Gku, bate: "Restdycd, that a spendthrift b%
Miro. W. Sallow Mrs. Henderson Breit more of a benefartor\yo mankind than
.Mrs. A. John -,•'n attended the ['reit- a miser.' which. was won by the at-
bcterini fleeting at Bnicefleld on flrnuititr side. Nit% Robt. l'atwell
Tuesday and enjoyed the seesions acted as chairman. and Mr. Whitfield
very much.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Les. and 111(1e boy
i null Mr. and Mr-. ))armee Xaedel
teed beth buy. of Eestri..epent the
wetet-end with tiler grenthutrnnts,
Mr. and Mrs. Peel Martini '1'h• met)
Mrs. C. MacGregor and fatally, of
Uetruil who have been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Hobert'Drew
ban. rt'turued home this week.
Mr. Harry Mteleuugld siteut this
week at Toronto F:shibItiou.
Mrs. Neel MacDonald. of Ki la1!,
*twat the week ♦Isliing friends at De -
Miss nary IL MacKenzie. of Rip-
ley, visited at the ittrme-trf-Mees' Ilan
MacLetu, of Leerier.
Miss Thelma lleluty're has returned
hum,. from Detroit. where she spent
her vacation.
Mrs. Juhu N. Nl iKenzie. of Itipley.
visited with friend.- int A%hneitl.
Thr Reptembstt we•tlug of the Kin'
tail Wumeu's lnatittue was held at til
n at•
home of Mrs. A. with s
tellance of thirty-four. With the
president. Mrs..$..i-t,•,t. In the chair.
the meeting wag opened with the In-
stitute ode. The roll call we,
answered with -Your Fa,'i,rite
Fltieer," whit" was rattail/get
community `Iegtn_ Instrumentals
wet.- given by 'li-- Mary H. Mac -
BAY FIELD, Sept. h. -Mr. Harold
11'e.tuu has rettrutd to' 1letrult after
spending his vacation with bit father,
Mr. George \Cesta,tl.
Mr. Jt We- t'atitug. of Loudon, i•
vlsitiug hi. grandparents. Mr. and
Mr-. James Sturgeon.
Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel, Mises
Yloreuce and Mary Mu•Duuttglt and
tLrir aunt_ Misr J, fright, who vent
the mouth of August in their tufittre
at Lakeside. returucd to Luuduu on
lir. FL W. and Mrs. Garrett and
fatuity', of Cleveland. )Ohio. and urs.
Culver. of Toronto. who .pent two
aee•ks ht one of Mr. it. lieard's cn-
tages. returned to their homes un
Iter. F. H. and Mrs. Paull returned
front Toruutu uu Saturday. They
wire accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Pauli and daughter.
Itev. Mr. McLeod. of Sarnia. ew
si -
ttusd•ed the arrvkill St. Andrew'
a'nitewl • church till Sunday last.
\Mia'- Rhin Hilt, of Rra(urtb. spent
the week -end as a guest with Miss Ai-
wa MacKay.
\ties Nina Proctor. of Toronto,
o 1-
ii-itiug her start, Mrs. GeorgeKing.
R,.v. and Mrs. H. F. Kenttedy are
vending their vacation at Morpetlh,
Mr. Will Cameron and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank lament.' and bow and Nils,.
Mildred Cameron returned to Detroit
Tue-duv mornlug. 31r. and Nies.
and daughter .Nacre: or Monne, Mi-
chigan, nattiest icer anti spent the
week -cud 'vita Mrs. .11uslie's brother,
Mr. W. F. (',rupia -11. Mrs. Ainslie,
Mrs. Aosta and soon. John. accom-
panied them to int it return home
Monday morning.
We are merry to report that Mrs.
Robe M(I)owe!- in III -health. Rho
is staying at pr. sent with Iter daugh-
ter. Mrs. 11rat•k Kershaw. of Blyth.
WESTjLIT_Mein. A. -Mrs. Amos
1'halleuger,\ of . Golrrlch. spent Sun-
day with her sister. Mrs. J. L. Stoue-
Mi -s Eltua Cook tuck ill the 'Tor-
onto kair last wk.
1t was with dle•p sorrow that the
large circle of Westfield friends
Iearuei of the den 11 tit the iota
daughter of Rey. M1'\need Mrs. It. .
iwatgley, of Vow/ i'h w. !Szechwan.
(china. Mrs. Longley was returning
to Canada with her family and af-
ter t len days' homewear journey
the wee daughter passed sway. Burin)
hook place at Van•,,uv'.-r. on\ the ar-
rival of the ship there. Mucin sytu-
pwthy from this community go ottt
to Mr. and Mrs. Longley and family
in their -ad hurt svt•ment.
Miss Ella tdowerhy *pent the week-
end with her parent- in Getkrkh
l' A 1t W W. -Mein. It. -Mr _MIL Mrs.
1tuucau t itwtord and three children
motored ftbo Fliot.'Mieh.. and spent
the week -end it It ,Mrs. ('rawtord's
parents. Mei and Mrs. A..Wllson.
Mr. and Mrs. Still and ctliltfren and
Miss Lily Bone. of near Collingwood,
visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson over
she week -end. ,
Those who attended the C.N.E.
from here are lies W. W. Walters,
Dependable Woollens Only
We'll say the same for our Hats. Sackvales $4:00.
Dan Dobbs $500.
Its time for your aew one.
Use our remodelling, relining and repair service -
McLean's Block, East Side of Square, Oodsslsb
tw._ isaut:.t. a greater purl ut .bis life,
his kindly mini geuerous spirit endear-
ing him to y„uug and old. Fur the
pit -1 nfteeu years the diw'eatel re-
-ided Dit, M, three gagely
ill ton rui'rida
morning. while- trying out a (reality
touii:Icred rte'ator, his baud unfurtu-
natiy came iu contact with a lire
Wirt• and deeth w•as ivataulaotoan.
loin. retuaias "ere brought to the home
of Nir-. O'l'uuuor's mother. Mrs. Joy.
on Saturday ''''ruing. accompanied by
his sorrowing widow and children:
Ntargaret.O'l',mnor, sister of the de-
('e*it 'Mr. and lire. -('bas. - \\onion-
nee. Mrs. (retie litiifiu mud sou, Toddy.
MI.. Gertrude Joy, Mr. and Mrs.
'McCormack. Nleasrs. 'Clarence, Term
Anil la•im Juy. Yrs. J. Collins. all of
Ih-trait. and Mt. \Gm. O'Brien. from
Maid -tone. Out. The funeral. which
arlucs, were visitors over the holiiay
with Mrs. Smith's father, Mr. Jean
Webster. Masser (:carpi Mitchell,
of Toronto, who had been holidaying
tit his grandfather'%, returned home
with the. They made the trip by
Mrs. W. Cameron is visiting friends
at Toruuto. Mrs. Ed. Ptckwowl ac-
eompitnled her en route to New York.
Mr. John McQnliltn, Miss M'eQttil-
Itu. Mr. Fred and Wan Florence Me-
motored to Toronto last week
to attend the exhibitive.
The Women's Sfissionary Satiety
will meet in the caning' on=Wednesday,
Septrmlw'r 16. A cordial Incitation
1. extended to all the ladles.
Iter. C. ('ramming was at Orlltie last
w. -.k. having twen called there by the
sudden death of bis brother-in-law,
Mr. Goulniock.
Will very iargt-ly atteed...I. took plate Mrs. Harry McAllister ani family,
at Rt. Joseph's church on Monday of ATma. were visitors with Mr. and
wttruilue. ib-quiem mass 111'its sung Mr. Tulin Mei.)onald en route to
b7 Rev. loather Dean. 1'.l'.. and Ere. Ripley. where Mr. McAllister is .se.
Father Monti. of Sims.w. Ont.. MB- tion foreman on the C.X.R.
lltw•arers Mlsa Jean Marshall. who spent two
were Me,. -r. Frank and Percy Mt- i mast . T hoTTdapi with net aunt. ]LTi.
earthy, Wm. O'Brien. Jas. Wallace, James Ramage. lett on Friday ter
,Jerry it t'onnor and .1.... Dineen.; Kitchener. where she will before
Four of 'Mr. ,'Connor's fellow -work- returning to her home in Winnipeg.
men motored up from Detroit to be
present at their tutoradr's ftmeral:
Messrs John Julian and Ed. Young.
1'AItAMOCNT, >cpt. ..-Mr. and
Mrs. E. 1). Hort,., of Toronto, are
visiting with lit and Mrs. It. Dx•a-
uau, of near Kinner).
Mr. John lou--. of Detroit, is
sprudtug a few ,i,:ys with his Lair -
eats. at Lochalsh
Mr. and Mrs. 1:'rue Mcl.,cunan. of
Detroit. are the guests `.1 Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. MtDoo,ld, of Paramount.
Mr. Peter Mur,l•.•h. of Detroit, is
visiting at the Lela• of file brothers -
el -law, the Cttiion brothers, tit
l.,.•ha ish.
Mir: Ida Felts.. of Toronto, is visit-
ing with her parents: Mr: and Mrs.
A. J. }'sees, of IL•miok City. •
Miss Florence M1ri)t-rwi . of Luck -
now. is visiting with 'friends near
Mr, and Mrs. \\'m. 'h; McGtil, of
Paramount. open: a (iay alt ren
in Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. I:,•artie Gibson have
returned to their home in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs...lack Hewk•rs.w, tit
t'sramouut, Visited with friends at
Whitechurch daring the week. -
Mr, and Mr's. J irk tM)won. of Clin-
ton. visited with friwt �t A
ing the week.
Mr. Andy fltaratlton and Irene, of
Renfro, visited with friends iii
Paramount ,Modus the week:- - --'
`trate a_ helpful criticism. Refresh -
meets were served at tine close of the
meeting. Both this year and last
the meetings have been freeto all
who eared to cnic. Ail expe•niees iw-
ing paid from the Society funds. but
xxinpumummummummom xl
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
- AT
at this meeting a eollsetbou wsataken
for the first rime. and then result was
ywith friend. at Detroit
the parents of the tgrmbers. n
% pleasing
to not
it i R
N t�n�n ���•t�t f erregratifying.PI
IIIIII�IIIflllllllurrllllrrrrlllllt/1.It1t' the interest mull support being given b,
xllAlllillllAlllllll rlluru mnixximumniumm
w' 1111e.
Mi-. J. 'R. Whittaker. who spent
several weeks with Mrs. J. 11. Mc-
Leod. returned to Toronto on Mon-
M1 -i Jet -ii- Metcalf. who has been
taking a summer comer at Canaan.
('ons.. returned home m Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred 4h-nnett and
family, who spent the summer Iw-NCn.
Metcalf% cottage. retnrned to their
)name at Richmond. Indiana. Taesdiy
morning. ° t
Mr. G. Murray. -tifrnwe'&filyrtaret
hank. spent the homer at bit homr
at .lrkona.
Dr. O. S. and Mrs. Atkinson and
family and Miss H. Kerntert. i who
-pent the summer at their cottage. re-
turned to Exeter on Labor 11)a.Mrs. J. 'Hodgins. )fr. Lined Heitz -
in,. 'Misers Stahel 'and I►or.thy left
their homes Toriwte un Sun-
Dr. G. and Mrs. Feuer' mad- Miss
Doty. of 'London. are .133.3111,1111 Mr.
Dixon litatui eottage.
Mr. Henry McClinritey and Mit'
Emily. Meelturhey and"Mr. and Mrs.
Wiseman and two children Motored
troll 1 etto4L and -spree the week -end
Mr. mud Yrs. Solium ltobtnwn tad
family:- lir.-. (l)r.) Alexanjler and
son. George; Dr. and Mrs. White,
M1.4 Agnes. and Loa Is White; Mr.
11 are
{- Mrs: Jas. McDonald and-Phytli'of
tParamount. ire tlw•udiug"the• tit, ek.e•nt)
Mr. and Iles. Ikwatd-\IcKenz .• alt t
ltd 1 ,1 wgbtIt. „f lee trait. mutoreil up and
friends of Inn- 11137571.F. w-1 ch -IT
Is art aper liig a week or ia'cTitTTi�t
honied may continue increasingly as with els istreuta at LOchnl%11 .and
the Society flourishes.
• Asti VIEW
1SW! terra. t -ifs. •(dia+`ies
Nae(:regor. of Kin -tomer. rialto! at
• In• homy of his mother. Mrs. A. Mas-
e:rcgur. over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Tnek.-r and family. of
Toruutu, are Gutting their many
friends 1nAshfield.
Mr, John Knee -Mei. of Lorain.
init.. sprat the week -end visiting
. ■tri■■ru■��■■>•■�■.W***1[■t>•■■■■■■■■■■■■
Fall and inter Coats
• • Phone
Dry Goods
1*1 1 ■A■ Rt1•RIIIRII$U ■R■
Styles - - Shades
They are quite different this year.
You are invited to the advance showing whether
you wish to purchase or not.
of the newest shades and in such qualities as Crepe Satin, Canton Crepe,
Flat Crepe and Crepe-de-chene have just arrived this week.
for many were purchased in dress lengths only and will not last Lng.
Regular $1.20 yard.-- Clearing this week at 95c. yard.
The S. A. Gray Co.
House Furnishings Ready -to -Wear
oche r\trtet. 1.. •
MwJni,l. IsN.'fymkr
n and bre
dna th-
=. "tt\t„r awl Son. Allan, u
; he guest); of Miss Mary
id(1. lat.
Mr. .bot. j1\febster. who had been
visiting with ` friends at Varna. re-
turned to hi- mine near LN'kn,.w.
Mr.. and lit 1). J. McLettoatt. ani
Andrew. of L nrfer. anent the week-
end with tr'.e•• Iti at ('Ihatlrnm.
nLoving s
D. ulI
► .v IMt t
Mew 1 c
is visiting wi•'1 friends at Wind -or.
Nil•'• 4`tie t,•na Roes. of [Awful 1. h.
1s taking n tt1•ipkras conNt V11111'011.
Nir. :1uo. t',rger. of otliinn. is
.pending t1, eek -end with !bolds tit
Toronto. ,
Mr.. NI. F, ,w-, of Sarnia. 1 Visit-
ing with her deter. airs: Herb En-
sign, of•hal-ib.
Nle marl,. 1,ong. of Hemlock CIt!
left this v.. • for L.ondna to trait
for a urn'-: 1 St. Joseph's hospital
titers. -
who were at-.. utpanied be their wierrs!
Mr. Alex. Siopsou and Mr. Thu.
latyeff. Others from it dl%tance were
Mr. __anti Mr. J. Ketuy, Mrs. S
Styles, and Nlrssrs, Jew. Finn snit
Detroit Frank Griffin, from : Mhos It.
M,arthy, Mrs P. Finn. Mr. and Mrs.
--J.. Valve. from Iledertch. Mr. Joe ('ou-
-na�-31atisw. and Mrs. .1 T. i:ricin.
Parkhill. Mr. O'Connor is survived
1,•u his young' wife. formerly Jib,. At,.
We Jay...antitwoehildret. Uary rr,un-
er aged eight. and Jack. aged -k :
.rima by two -1-vers 11341 one brother.
Margaret enol ('harlot. of ih•trolt. atf,l
ler.. Joe. Hussey. Young. S:-1-. To
b rxtrnd'•d the hearIt,'' sym-
pathy of this continually in t:.. it sad1»n•acetaettt._ • 1
WING 1I A M . Sept. 7. --Chao. he -
pant. an old and respected rye -Wont
of Wiughtw. lied at hitt home here
$uuday afternoon at the age of seveu-
ty-tlu'ee. As tie, result utf a stroke mut-
feria several- tnnntht ago. The late
Mr. i.epurd_rane 111 W11411tetu from
1 )anions t .-wit ge for over thirty
year. be had 'vett in the- employ of
the G.T.R.. ',lug a shop foreman
when he s, d his connection with
the cmnp:I1 . i)nring most of his
residence 1. r: he has leen proprietor
of the Exchai pe hotel. He was for
about arty y,nn, a member of the A.
O. F.
As n shalt of scalds received when
sIle upset a pan of boiling water over
betweit. the y,.ar-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Raker. of Lower
W1301nla. died last evening. The in-
fant child .)hulas(\ upon a eltnir beside
M.. tshi., ort a'•dch the pen re•wel and
grubbing the ,dfr of the )wan upset
the scalding water over herself. Dr.
Calder was-itmmnntd and had her
removed to tips Wingham hospital.
where her inlfn+ies were dressed. She
a•a* returned later to her home.
where she .iteeumhed some hours
nearing it charge against the
WInaba in F, : • I1leer ('mutt tn7• f.lm-
11csd. tliat 11- pant. tinder present eon-
(fltlou', was a nnl-ante and a menace
to the health of the people of the
town. WAS ndlnnrno4 he Magtatrate
lied. of Gosh•rk•h. nntfl Thursdayl
The charge was Lid by Mayor Mills
and the mune)), and the objection
made w'n•t to 'he Odor and (Inst email
stint from the plant. The hosting
was opened h,•fnre is crowded entire
roma nn Friday afternoon and was
Interspersed lar fretptent laughter
nrovnktd h7 the Mambo* between Mr.
Morphs.. of 'Cis -towel. eoews1l for til.
defendant minim and Dudley
and Mrs. 1'. Will. Ills. 'Agues mid
Itoob Will; Nit. thud Mr. Ernest Man-
tles. nod 1':nuity; Mr. 31111 Mrs. Vitale
titan and fatally; Dr, Tillman and
fumUL..,d._irot hoot i nntl Mr. anti lin.
1)rr and faattty ; ?t[r. and \It Mc-
Conkey and )!r Nelson Niti',tnkey. of
Srratfonl, -)%•u. )males fray in the
Hayfield fair w111 he Moat 'on the
_titan and :Ntth. Tttr young 1%wple In
it- -rang, itf 'trill trio* an herrn-t
atg play. and it will 1... worth rtlu!:
staying to ter it.
Mr. Cecil Hudgins. who .'-pint the
simmer with his mother at the cot
tag,'. returnee) on Friday to ('altfor
Mtec 4:rete 'esker end Mr. Er,
York. of Toronto. are spending oho i•
vacation with the fern tf'' parent
Mr. teed Mrs. F. Baker.
Fred Heard and Merton Mern••r are
attending the Clinton Collegiate.
- Mr. and Mrs. W. 1'. Clement and
311.4 Betty left on L.altor 1111r for
their hone at Kitchener. They -pent
the summer In Jowett'a Grove. -
Mr. anti lir... G. ''. Kitner}• and
.laughter returned to TAtINtu On Sot
oIday. hating -tent their vacation it.
Peer Lodge Park.
Mrs. W. H. Shannon. Mfrs. L. Hiles.
'Sirs. Jennings and Mi.. Shantion are
opw•n-41*g a few -weeks in -this form is
(•nonage nt Lakeside Fade.
Foes Jit.. Leong-Ftiord. Mrs. Ling-
o a e 1r
rheter on Wednesday after a_pleas-
ant holiday pent at Deer Lodge
Park,- .:
nT. 11F•T.F•\d. Ikipt. 1. -Nor: Utatr
Ie•v 1'404 attended' the Teronho CMttl-
bltio:. last week.
Mr. and ]yrs. >aeaaa)aau. of Owen
Sound. were ti.ltarw at (he laefsa
over the week -end.
Yr. and Niro. Ed. s•ii+h. of Tioronto.
and Mrs. \\'ell K,., - of Sr Cath -
Cleveland's Gid Bread
is pate, wholesome and ottt►itiow...
Eta deatiose flavor is • sow in-
diction of its .)nstiity.
rt yaw an• mot already • eusk.W-
rrowe salesman will bawled 4. call.
E. U.Cleveland-
Phone 1'4 West Street.
Solvay Coke
The Faultless Fuel
Specials at
Price's Grocery
Neb Soap Flakes
2 for.- >-r.25c. t
Easifirst Shortening
23c per lb..
Laundry Soaps
4 bars _ 25c.
Puffed Rice
-2 pkjs 35c.
Goods delivered free
Your tellers solicited
W. Price
Grocer Elgin Ave.
Phone 356 (Iodertch
Uniform Quality
Save. You Money
Does all that is claimed
for other fuels
Sole Agents for Goderich
The Dean Coal Co.
Imparter. of High -Grade
Bituminous and
Smokeless Coals
• s
KINGSBR11N)E. Sept. il-I.abot
city visitors here •inin,lt•ti lar. and
Mr•.. .1. Springer and children .
Messrs. Hurry awl Mike Lannon. Mr.
ub( t'Mir. Mr. i.nwrence Austin.
Mrs. A. (winter. Nie• Geo. and
Fred McGlynn, MIa,' )ternadiue uud
Mr. Len. O'Laughlin. Miss Nbonl a O'-
('onnor and ' Mist Margaret Long.
Nies-rt. Hill and Philip Mr. !Sil-
ly Meyers. Miss Minnie 4)'1'otti'r anti
Moister levo Condon. alt from 1k -troll
Miss /live O'Reilly, of lahlcngn. nod
Mrs. James McConnell. of Clinton.
ND.. Jas. (.)'Reilly has retttrmel to
Detroit aeeompanied by his t,wdher.
Mrs. tint. O'Reilly. )kiss Margaret
Foley and Mr Wile. McCarthy have
also returned there.
Mrs. J. 1'. Dalton ti -iced her sit
tors to London
Mrs. Jos. tel,nnghlit and Master
Ralph have returned from Detroit.
a here the latter had nudergone n alt
ee-afnl operation. 11'.• are pleased to
report his favorable ,atilt inn.
Miss 11izahetil Martin has r.•tteriu•tl
to London after spending A month at
)tine home of her brother. Stephen.
tlnnNlc. sure Margitp Dalton and Jas.
Keane attended late Toronto) an Itihi-
Death of Mr. Jelin O'Ctteease.-The
people of this tielnity were showier)
and sorely grieved by the new. of the
death of Mr John O'Connor In De-
trolt, on Friday morning. September
4th. Mr. O'Connor was horn inatA h -
field forty -fear years age. and here
\ range of new and smart samples of
Dresses and Coats
appropriate for fall and winter wear
are now on display.
Fashion's newest shades and styles are portrayed and
are certain to meet with the approval of the
most fastidious. The reasonable prices of
these garments are in themselves a feature.
Fall Millinery
in all the newest shades and styles.
Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
East side of Square