The Signal, 1925-9-10, Page 31 ,a e P "Wilde,"' M tLeteatl Lrr, "you PREMIER'S SPEECH know it in not proper to say '1 ain't yWhat le '• the matter, where's our grammar?" "My 'rammer? U. she's dead." Unlimited Quantity- of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOB SAIL. at $$ per single cord. delivered, TH OODERICK M.LNIJ- 1.CTU 00.. LIMITED. (loot of Angktsea St. Phone 01.) OPENS FEDERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN Regarded u a Strong Pronounoe- MOM of the Goverzunont's Position and Policy -- Ottawa, Sept. U. -The addreu with which lit. Hon. Mackenzie King opened the Federal election eampalgn of 1925 in North York uu Saturday uuekalbttdly wilt be recorded among the notable and historical utterances of Canadian politic.. 'Already it ap- peirl to have made a profound im- pression wherever it has had pubti- eation, seports iadkstiug that throughout the country its reception has been similar to that accorded it by the electors of North York, who heard the Prime )lintater directly. - Friends and admirers of the Pre- mier and Liberals generally are grati- fied at the character of the speech and Its contents,. •and declare that the campaign could not well have been opened in a more ■uapielous manner. Glad Elettles Orr in political circles, as elseetrhere, re- lief Is appareut that uncertainty is done w•kh and the electiuu on. Lib- erals and C.onsereatim-dike appear content that the zero hour has struck and that In a few short weeka thej outeeme will be dee•ided. 'The brevity I of the campaign was antisepa'tada and apparently is generally satisfac- tory. As previous- ttespateber have indicated, there has been reason to believe for some we -eke .that the Gov- ernment would elect to have polling in the last week Its October. 1n fact, the Gocerntaeut'' determine 1011 to repeat to the country, and do so at Gibe time, Las all uloug been us cer- 1tale as anything could be lack�i-n�g� appears! Octal apll�,10ret nett: Wind aple'ara to he the most imjoreestve feature al BOUSBS - *OUSES AT.L KINDS FOR SALE If you intend buying a home let me show you where you can save money. Never was the opportunity better. Get pikes on what It AUl cost you to build. Then come In and see what I have to offer you and sive money. This I will prose to you. P..1. SAN Real Estate and Insurance. 'Phone 50. GFA. WILLIAMS Dealer la DOMLNION, PROVINCIAL, MUNICIPAL. AND IN- • DUSTRIAL BONDS Fire. Life, Accident. Automo- bile, and General Insurance Agent Office, North Street. Phone 53. Tie Armstrong Real Estate Insurance Agency IASY sad g 1 bens.. and Lets is Goderich sad ,Vitiaity. and Farms for Sale A large :Panther of houses lots ..fes sa:e to select I'M la almost any• part of the town desired at prices and terms that should suit anybody. Over 50 farms for smile. a few well timbered. some of them where the buyer la only asked to pay for the improvements at a lrtw valuation and the land is thrown in the bargain. at terms any pueblgg Rican could easily nd.e. Ask. a ut them. A good pines to buy any kind of property\ For all particn- hers write .or rose J. W. ARMSTRONG • Above Pane 'Farr h Ont. G , P. O. ilex 89 ti CRAIGIE'S \ lasnrance and Real Estate of • Minister � auuduncrwent es the Prime dbsstdutluu and tin- terms of .•hie alt• pelio the people it his frank-atatt-T meals of the reagens which impel! him' to the cuur-e be has taken. ' Could Have Carried On The Government could, as be said, Imre carried un for another Sear -and a lath.. It wuuld have beets justified by law and precedent iu dulug so. Alwr, as be acknowledged, many of his supporters advised that he should do so. with a view to party' advantage, urging that the geberai improvement taking pines In etsonomic sad - nees conditions and the effete of the record harvest wo told help the Gov and the frustration of the Admtnl/- tratlou'r efforts to pas* legislation 'de- sired by the tor.pk. The ease fOr- Nrnate reform by regards as stronger now than it would have been had the election been earlier by reason of the (Senate's own conduct. 111 other words. he gave the upper hoarse rule e RIs t.. effect Its lolt.g. A pro - Pastures Aro S a from Long (Fro p:•tffbr Farmer. Sun, Aug. 21's While tin• southern old e.f Iftlrou eeouuty might be included it the arra that suffered from dread' all through touL�4�ttly from the people OWN CROPS IN HURON AVERAGE OR BETTER, Sll:ENTT-EIGUTII YEAR NO. i «111 re- the growing ..r(t000, grain crops 'leve wove any olete. it to reforu,• a fair average awl the wheat 1. Mtigbea to Itaaaat; , threshing out surprisingly mea. Fur - been j-..bbu. _. ossisiyt._y_lie.tui__ uadr_ i, cher north, loth in Hltt a and Itruce. the number in wbl•h the Prime -Min- relnlibl wap more at►ii around t\ lane toter turned the tables un the leader have been a .e•lleut; of. the lllgositiuu mi the matter &teen rad ()wets Sound 11w -harvest was wh1.11 the t'wI-ervatihes have rallied never better. ,...-,. s.•.."4^ a .•ry agsleet the Gov- TO the south. In- tie important et•as- erImeut. At Mfr. Melg11rn•s own tug rectluu of HbrutI. ea -tures have door hr places the reatousibfit•y for leen pour all .Mane,. Au average holder in the in.or{orat•d company, the wort-rxirloitd migration to the number of cattle have- hen carried on h entitles: you to vote at the anneal rutted State,.. On hint he lays the grass this summers. many iudi•Idnai a ,lIi,g, t.. have your say as to the blame cveu fur talk of annexation. farmers taking caritas of Western p•dk•y to be {.erstted kw the nest In hi. efforts to 4Iseredlt the t:uv- feeder., but with short grass gains year. to help siert the board of cover ernm.-nt. the t►pts.�litton Leader. Mr. hare not Igen rapid- Hay. with the nor, for the t•u•uhtg year. or to be King .Ieeinres. has done Irreparable exceptlou of alfa was a pN.r erop, r!es•t,d as nue of the governors. The injury to toe interest*- of I:ausda .at in ,spite of the fact the last year's bard of governor". .�Irry our the lame - home and abroad, %While the po4tel.s ,oweoYng. were unnaualh goiirl. hr outlined at the annual meeting of the Government were ipevltalely Gat a Goad 'Hart of. tier shareliAIdt•rs. aid report their Leading to improvement in crowd- The unexpectedly R•s+l grin bar Year** prugr.-a to the mewbere at tow Hons. 'ir, Metghen wan -frightening vest le attributed to the goal start x11111141 weer DR. With .aa orgaulza- people net of Canada. depressing early in the eprtng!4•t Agricultural tion of this kind. the beard should hnsioess 811.4 dlaetllragina intending Representative S. .11. $tether$. •'',%e never he allowed to get into a rut. if Irerr nut had a real, waking rale for it does: the fault lir. entirely with a year at least,' he remarked. "01111 the members of the As.o, biltioll, -0.110 the crops would never have withrt.NMI have the rcm.dy in their own hands. the drout.h if the seed heel not stone Thev have' the power to dictate a new in under such Ideal roudittons. .It 1 nli.y. and t.. elect a board of gover- wet tie beat weeding tint we ev. news who will carry out their wish's. bad, inti auk .o 4 .\• J ► . INI:IT i:it i r: M 'G l'Ii1Jd jiIG,iT IION. W. L. ]IJCKEN%Ih: ta\ 'What I .want. tornake t4ear and repeat et fie-Intonelt ie thatwehave ue {•ro0lem more. urgently in mewl of sulutb it than the rallw:.F l r:,,elem. that without int solution there is little or nu chance• of reducing cos national debt and the french and other taxes. to nay nothing of railway rates mid fares: that fn the interests alike of the-t'anadhin National hallway-. the ('aiadian _-_ -__ ._ _ art: and that the Pacific Hallway. and the piddle. Tis suG►tTion mutt not be dehy-.• oolntlon can he worked ant and given effeet to only by a OOvernai •nt that has ant and A titillate from the peoph. r.. act. 1 amp OUR HOSPITAL 4►ur nese hospital bus been, the sub; jt'tt of eery funorable+ comment from ereryvme w•L.. Las visited It this sum- mit. more especially by those from out of town. We uow have its God- , rlrh ooh a1 the meet up -t -ds tt• a:11 1., I4tluippsl wall hospitals in Can- ada. one of which our chlze•us have t've•ry reason to be proud. 11 'e have. also. 1144• most druo,ratie form of wauagensent of any hospital in imt'rtts '' .r t rel �s- are elected from among the members of the Hospital Association. Mem- Iwretnip in this Association Is opep to au,votte. and costs *.'.(4' per year. 'filo corrode rship makes you a share - immigrants by ht+ misaepreaentn- thons mud pWilutislik broad:testings. It is widely acknowledged that the Premier lure wadereffective nuswer to our. of the principal /►pilo•itiuu are gnments. , use win are not familiar with ' la Cotm�attre x11 average aro or better. Whoelt is ter•• ono ti the oIIuw• ng out n policy hist entire outline ot, p p.lisy and purpose. Mr. King was above,average; from all ue•onuts Wit help einem to Appreciate iheir.op- strictly consistent with III, past pest- forty bushels to the eters Is routmon. telrrtliity more clearly. Gen. 111 Ruing to the country ,.40 q,. and ••.m,• fields have run nein lift y-, The Loewe of 40rce•ntors i•.msi -ls of is asking ter a more aut11uritntlar threw hashelo.- a tw,^we members. 4)ue usemter is maudgt•• aro the power of a majority Where Wild Carrot Abounds uam,rl by the town ronncll, one by to retry out what he has already Travelling 'along th.' Blue Water ter t sntuty uuncll, 4nd nue by the started. The �bluet changes urn' Ylighwar through Gcsb•ricit lostoblp harsh Medical Society to represent largely anticipated In the matter of '' .• .7141001 trip being lmpress,4 by thein for the year. Tile other' Lite •_ treiprath$,.', trot :eine of 1111 ape time ,way In wbldt tile' a nntry+ids Is no -nets -v.\ of the- hoard. are tluc•t.d by nointments`. 44.144'it.0 surprise. lir, infested with wild carr•').• Not •lIl7 ole ,units r- .t the Assert -4010u it tete. )larirr war expected to 1w taken In Ire `, 1144• rood -Ides 8114 with the auunal up thug. Tree of tea• 4,1.4•ttd we.'t., Lot 141x10400 mel meadows ern 'ntr1ut., rs . \ 1h,. ►.rued antomatica117 - The incluslol of either Nies Cannon want Mar,., are ail ttd•i: with it that r tit en 4e l mr, tune tisk suc,w..a.ws 1F -f• in ss . oe w i,jety � elee•ct ah at'n it b �i1t1••,tlt--f..-+iJ••tia- rl. lgura-- Tlth`- nwrr+•4.-aittn+a>:Fr it h•-IaJtvr+rll !firmer' __ • mmi,•r It s made 4rowpt;Ilde t.uisb tilrw tr�otr giRii; ..fltn''Awht't1r..!lvay � tr'o`t-'ix-*'xfr*•h•nr'e'� 1\'ihl cnrra is rail clasal as ummh r+ MI 111, g •j -r- a -strong support in 1 arliaw prepared to ray' that of given such u majority. the present 1.• %eminent will take up this task 'immediately and at an curly date present tr. Parliament the ��' neve++eary Teg7KTrffiuf."=3tr. i(tntt at kWh -mood Hilt. eenme n tater on. Hut Mr. King .was' North Atlantic shipping combine. He disposed. neither to take advantage of efforts were only Interrupted by lbe preeede•nt nor adopt advice based ou' death of Mir William I'eterrwn. party considerations. His maroon for Those win know the Prime Minister dl4s ilei t I'arllame•nt and aliuw•lug entertained no doubt that be would the country to etcrl a new one Im-i adopt u fighting attitude on that snh- 441(11lltely IN the need •.f ■ Government I jest. as he has dune. His (teetered ion 1 sufficient, . u d t u sa•x t , r majority b et land monopoly t with A m,n I j J .t any s ' a a n J 1 R e -With, it t ter -enable g'rat,plr r �. lug. i..t� for w dire with him tte+le rt,e*'e'tK s" lir i proWvma sod bring its p>bliehs triol of public service business and the at- e•ff,• -t. The national interest is the thirds and relationship which 1111 factor which has lntfu,nee'd � he Prima l Government should take toward it. �liniafrr. On the question of fiscal p.11.'y. t .ts he stated. Aix Ministry might . premier King adheres firmly and. -TO RENT - FURNISHED 6 -roomed cottage, bath, electric light, furnace, two fireplaces. Possession Sep- tember 15th. Summer cottage, 7 rooms, fur- nished, situated at Blue Water Beach. J. W. CRAMS Sun-- Life Assurance Co. of Canada Yon owe it to yourself, to your dependents and to your laved ones tobny Life insurance and to buy it now. Commit ua. H. R. LONG, District Agent Goderich Phone 115 Fist Mortgage Real Estate Bonds to old 67, and better. Secured under the s, W. Strauss plea. Huron Investments Limited Maeouk T.-pl. Bllg•. GODERICH, ONT. eltlife r-tiTroollaor ,o rntua*II4I Sha-tnnll,hm,1 ter tlrr_..tu, 41444 1844 l.as support of the majority of the Com -I taken ever since he came to ogle... items during *nether s.wslol, but He is umlinlr,,eally op{Nwel 444 t1N• emelt a -erosion would be employed i extrema in our dire tion �.r the other. fur eam{Mlgu purpose -e. and Guvetu_, He maintains. as he has walututurel r 1e• e M .r rl sill e wt .m ret•• . r •xfr rut un•asnre•s and p .I t In the_ past. that,. tsar id up._ Without a !Isar majority vow, t14r _1o?iit� 'nf high pirate •t„on Government could nut fettle -0M 1-propnet'd by flee ('oas.'rraflrio ter 'i 'e throe h. The ,'rime Minister. there-, .rpp.slte looney of free trade. wonlel fore, s it was expected he would.' set one section of Canada fleetest the deter's' d to appeal to the country ,•titer_ would skeMer e•ouhderatlon. instead o to 1'nrltemel,t, to Ru to the ills policy. as he stateet in the ('om- people for n unmistakable. mandate Mild a IMekl in the Commune suf. - tklent to enal him to give effect tot /1't\ national issues. lil4 their w We es n tfo course• is well veal tato) to appeal to! the people by virtue et its ,ourageun'.� nese and public -spirt , loess. Mr. Klug, it will be nliuttted, has chosen for his fighting round. hail mad.- the 1es11e. of the (II ign, the, 1 oftestlona which 11+1 ntnst lousl3-- engaging the attention and et cru of the country. And he ham mac his ak- paosiion In regard to thew uuut act)= denr. 'Ht� nit .j quest acid the tranoportation problem gen (rally are recognized as being the most Important berms ,Canada 44 the ptesetk time Mr. King's policy, as outlined to North York. 15 _ direst amt fat?-=ttach-! Ing. Relieving that a monopoly in rellweys, either by public or private °whets-hhip, le not to 4.1 euntempt*ted. lip hex determined to have the rail- ways operated es sepsrate syatenta at the least necessary cost to mho.( they pierce and the taxpayers of Canada at large. His policy to this end is that of controlled competition. The C.P.R. anti the Canadian National will continue to compete, hut they will compete sanely and In modera- tion. co-operating to reduce costs in-- steed t stead of combating Peels other at the expense of the people. If this co- operation Is not effected voluntarily It -alit be by e•eompmheh,n: The Government's pulley in this respect sees aMlcipatel to some ex- tent , by Hie Minister of RAliwaye In hIs eperrh on the retiree). statement lett session. l'nlrsa, the r.onntry was prepared to go in for n gignntl. rail- way monopoly. the dangers of which Premier King pointed out, the , Gov- ernm,ent'a method of dealing with the alteration would seem to he the obey loirleaff ._ este ewers Critics • Those who have nought to have It believed. or who have themaetvee be• tiered, that the Governmtent •had abandoned Its determination to bring about .emnpetklon sad reasonable retie. on ('attadiee gongs on the North Atlantic have had their sneerer. The Government Is net thrones with the mous and repeated to North York. 14 a broad national p Iky designed to -rrve beet 1lir country as a wholes, not any particular section of it at Gt.. ,exi caste of other seeders. Hr .re- gards such policy as the one indicated by the trrawent status. fitesit(On and 11,1810 of Canada. His apw•s•11 gave .red intimation tion _iliac he it6 hr,la ' ample oil and ,tintent in met Mr. M, iffier the issue of the l.,•ter's own shoosing, that of tAdtioer ff Tariff Board As he had prev;. „ usly premises!. for above-the__futthgralrte t --the Government's ia11h y, to have . ifs et given to it the fullest and falreet manner. an advleewy tariff I.s,rd will be create:(. With regard to the question of Sen- ate reform. Mr. Kill sake for a clear ratesesseseinatitstedeeM the'str-posttlrm ire token 1* that the de-_ i,Irsblllty tef Segue.- reform has been ,h'moiletrated by. 11,e politir•al hostil- ity of rhe majority in the upper hoose• to the 1Iw•red Adminietratiou 110Z1 rd. choices. and 1 1 1 his ren k thteise leo _ weed In the. soles. that ,iti i• t_ r• ;illy -ire daisy e: c •u -herb Taft -entirely in Cnri'rulu.0 -ale dui- ar a hues IN •' a n + 1 t t m •-r ,.f TI tr individual.. .•.� NI ft , ,•w� to 1 i Both the n. N blit when nay weed Taus wild Derr a the hood. f n f and t11• S lieltor-t:,•urrll arc• ex• I windy district It meat take a heavy ,hulIvidea14 nee pr.:`\ided a--crv14•e to -toll from crone. The preponderance whish w-,• . h've In. ,mr t,-,-'Ist lrliIWI. of me•udowt 141,11. yvCu:e loud, 4vh,•n mud which w.' re inti tied to take for 1 the i' - la .tr.•ugt leu,•• 41, , _ h t sow- foto innately. `'u the past. hospital • p tl toile mtrtavtL or not manage Is•ril•n4wl in Parliament. and. nre men . Poe it ability •nn e1 n . ' •,I �, Iz u r • u f g Mr. Gordon 1s looked meet a a string man-fetr Thr• Ml,,l tr7. - *H4 for the. Iaunigratiou IN•partment. that ,umlrar.d with the More a&suthrr, :ural grluatcd. unr au ince est wing t Ia i,iiiffili `cog(T&•t•;.,-7rri--Dori,- --stn+-he,:,t, al e�"'"'1 while there wee f*Y-)res 141111 in hued ua1 friend, when t •7 reet`Ir141 e{wrt its 111.• rural 4nd teen• Rnck4v'lrat attrutiide _ -�,_J• W.mmnnly used is :110 rotation as Is this 11,4 nu nu • it nt (1ti le• to - - -_-- -mot1eriug crop. and alfalfa purl Mk.•? Whitt right have ser n exie(4" _ ret clover. wbteh a•• lard witlii--Ie•. tl•an tv.. tytalr4,l . rptee\ to our GODERICH'$ BAND'S FINE PERFORMANCE Pse weeds. are he e/Nen ta•.rr-prywtar- oe,mmnnity ter essawr the whirls re- `__ Only fix Points Behind the Leather* ASS; -1,44 tttr.: itR•ir<m -*--eo*ssara- in ('• Ii. E. Competition \ rotation. ruining ...hen -1.5 six 4Ir iwpurttut branch ut public eight y'e4s. )4.r• alt., 1111 4ttd t."r,." TIn y 1 ay a '41re" t memhcrshI' The Goderich band, tinder the leas' ilk tstnrc• like rap• (44P t• sin du1L,r. la•r .year: threes is ne p retie ..f )Ir, II. E. Jcuner, ma+le 1111 exrellr11t stliewing • in the rinse "4;" band competition at the Canadian National Ilxbibiti.dl, • T„r.rltt''. oat Thursday last. -Uthough they did slut carry off any of tile• prize hooey. they ...sowed seventh i" -'' on uuh.l 4 Tart -Sr.w took -that I lutist• e 1W1.11-1. fTt various points its Ontario. They were aharded (• {sdn!s• tool the fact that they were only six points trelow the first -prim• wtnuers and tel points e• the Lowest Land is c.e,shiered u In • 1'1.4 Rt'�1- 9teew'ifryr'_"'Tyy. is 'nsttu'iui1J remarkable as the 0*'al tram Iles been organized only about six Immo111li,. The hays themselves entrel the trip All Tnrunt.1 awl are well pleased with tete ont,otti" of _their-adventrre. which was .the lust of its kind for tuoat-uf't21trinand•mea. Th,' adjudic.t«r4t:t••,rials "C" band. woe Capt. 1'11444." (r '-elft. flus, Its.., 1►treetor.c•f )lush.. Royal 23n.l Regi- ment Rand:--Qtiee• eh. Capt. has officiated at several ('.N.T.. con- tests. and is n men Of eutstnuding musl•al ahility and a most callable judge. The teeet selection was "Sul- llvsn'p_Operetie• Gems," arranged by 1..' ter Itroektoii. The elmte-'t tmn- meni•ed at 111 ,,t'I's'k.114 as Ilievitrnning. when the draw fru• p, . Wade In a large tent specially crested for the band -men. The la all Land dre,r lettt.(4. (880(1on and it oras about 12 o'clock when their turn cane to -fatty on tie mein bend stand. Knell laud played is march st les-1bn* of their 1; w,aiel} ra p• Tltfy the matter ..f w,.4411 1,11„;,01. if holes of their -ever getting a d. oe.I dope ar•• not prnetteahh• 1 tl,i- out of It.. ---why the they de. this ye e lion. Ohl h'•(11r'• lands -are `p(1414 after crar% tut ed tiller for to: in this 10 of Think this phase of the ipls Har n. whi.9t Is prolaldy the velar. over. The Ladles' -tltxitl ry will very of tiles praltietion in the Pros - sl•nrtly be king u cntvass for (1enr- Beat are another important Heroes, b. rs tor next year. Put aside (on l'71•II 4•r' 1. liir Tia t t,�-r running ermined- �ttn n now. and sets 'u they 4411-- mslrl its 1!124: Thea c'ent's 'you to become a member :how them Ater -,az rapidly and w ill , that you are w illiig t. do yon' (41141. 11'. b. mill.. An average ', m win 40.•14- - b.. able to go by the g , ,l quality lean, 1s 11...111,:i Fluid •:ay. '-t am It 'ellen-holder T 1I 141 ;11,11.11" -ti j•nal ri's'k .•44wpatlly (1111'114'• _ 4rti Pu'i Irasr - _ 4 is 444444._lhut_.uvxu- this platy" fur `were are 1411tuit.t- that cvltl ts• \elle Is• 41luu. ,dudry of a better I ire y u know of any indnstrial- �tP baa et lune coriN.ratiol tchere�y„It can hay a __ 111141., 1111. local boys played tis" •sappy march he' "Men of Ohl march d following ttoy g and test piece-TTJey T•reI.4.lnao hearty i' - applause. from the large . _euermmded chs• 41 and_. The fact that they temporarily forte' that they were playing'tor the jii.t who wan In a tent only n few feet away, and not for the large nu• diene who were some distance from' the stand probably Iret market for them, at one of the judge's chief re- marks wee that they - were playing too snappily. A /summary of the judge's remark. upon the Goderich ab,tn,1 follows: litil1 c good p•rformanee spoiled the biting stne,•atn notes in the brass. Thee habit 1111* taken away some mut Illy from the tone of the solo cornet. who is n good player. Develop a singing style. The tone of thea baud la a little hard. but is grad" The 1alnde who competed in cines "C" and their standing, fnt',wninie 1 New Toronto 2 Meafor( 3 Waterford' 4 Pet roll's r► (iltelph s Weldon 7 Goderich 2tpi41Na1 1 is •non Is• r. harvest of 1.,k, I tor. Hnrol'lph• Ing to put their burls. Huron real nth important appli•-grow• lug moot}•• member -hill and he eligible to the "Twenty -114'' • crar• IIS() apples were Ioaiel of management on payment of ald\Mr. • St«ther•• a nonuul f, 44f two dollars? n 11 i,rr. ' 44'1.7 �md hen• erre wauy gp.dh stern - Tiinrrii5iett d ,'11*n11g wiN he ole.-but--- MIN Ilk. lu Pee; over 210.0e0 harms we 'lave it ern, gas) authority thnt were rhipp•d front Huron. Lao- year ,.ash dividends ,ere not nwnys the ostia s' .,,000' ; Nut most snti,+fa.ury th4•rr ' t ince emwereail 1 fnrnl or•tebird.+'tu'+'tt-411:11e-7....-N rem wantt --orae.return for your girded, hilt Pattie plagtati,1,4 44f ten' money, bay 11 five -dollar ticket. Them t. tlfte•vn nem- have, as )Ir. Stoth'rs ter rplI'I sick and we yell keep you ire 11111 11. been ming hack to jtn4le4 can- the hospital for ,o,. - seek free of dithers TLe problem lo to get the ,'large. . 1- orchards that are worth euvlttg hue •••P+•'-r4w4..-- •q1"' , 11i1Jt ILtr._e ,) to view.. Mite: Godfrey Jansen. 1id,.7 Pal- a Fruit 4 rows •t nu.Il We. organ- elar. 4frde -Carver. -Will John+ton, hc,111frui?ist�sle,4s 111.,1,1 lit-('ti►1f dieity ase. ll Inst __ clnrturt•: .trthnr Curry. 1l:arold „ , , New, omlw, rronds'ues: Sid. 110ey. ,f.. N.'vc11tlo r• 44.hich w 111 • M• repeated cam -heir,, Howard Fowler. altos: this bill. .t spraying -.erein• w'ys or - Gets. Jrunett.. Taintrite7 f'lla I111114C' gaeirieei lith- -1'r:og un lines 'dialler .1. Harkin-. Iseeses; Geo, James, to that carried out in 1lurluuu end i drums. - XarGdk, through Ihr euro{le4atlon of ntid 111 rounds of pe,: _ agrirult11r711 repmw•ntxt 4r - tllr cl.,t ('. spraying sette-sarprivire4.-- a. Thursday the bondsmen were mei by orchards, end circulars .,I \\ )les•rs. E. It. 11'I¢lee �i.l'.1'. Ilret44r 'I❑ fifteen + + Hay. wi.4 Cion. Rance. who remained ained how' peat when to vprty were sent to \ I tt wTil tTle lioy' tlrr.n►Rtrtw►i N+. o• rite sc _,,t«.iit__.fttt}_ grutrcr Tllr Corinrtt }__ - k 1t t .tt noni 1en14 tl'• bnpdsnl.•n erre ole, 14rtw1 a• n central pur.4l;isht4 ngrnt 1 1t'i4le t- Inuch4on. for x )4444' material.. The sum • o1" \ a...r. - •i .1+ st,trr. l• Tllo, Mite wore their tial- �a mir�9f-y7+.t •. - - •11i - liaulgmrt, fruit le emend. utl4' ituprucell be•ome forms for the fir -t time rat the Tor the Il,i•Irlls for A et -operative selling onto Evhibitt,u. They nrr part icu- orentilgAtinn. Monte;and RprayIng tarty well pleased with them. •ehel are. howrr,•r, thee ‘r."111..111 to becm,str'lrnrl them•rhPa one of the hest t•n•kl.•1 fieri. dr,' ''l bands there. Third Year In Goderich ACDONALD GIBBS THOMAS McM11LAN, LIBERAi. CANDIDATE %SMITE • rlItON. It may not be without slgnlfesnce that the first mere nit addressed by the Prime M1nittte In the present eampn4Rn, after nisi-IIIh8 owl risme 01 North Tort. was in Mouth Huron, where Mr. Thomas Mcllrllan is currying the Lib- eral hauler to, expected victory. is Mr. McMillan to lie the Next Minlete-44 Agrkniture? la a question that la not unnaturally asked. Durint,the comm. of his address* at Exeter the Prune Mlnlstor paid a norm trfbate to Mr. Mc- Millan, declaring that to had the ability and energy to he sus of the gre.teeat public see in the coutry.. _ 44 •" R7 •' .. r .soil " A,i « $ - ()abridge __s..,_...:sts _ " bleto 1 1. 0 10 lstrrwPl R1 ,•TA « 11 i$rton TS ,. 12 HagerevIlle • The Onch•vieh hand was somlroseel of: 14. iI. Jenner. hnndmalter : Iittln ley Porter'. Robert Henry.nMRenoo Pentland, enrn*tt; (CltOIRMASt'ER KNOX CHURCH) will receive pupils in piano and singing. Large library of choice piano and vocal music. : :. • e VOICES TESTED FREE For rates 'phone house or clutch, or address Box 64, Goderich.