The Signal, 1925-9-10, Page 1\ **e For the Bride IOur Wedding Invitations, An- nouncements*and Cake Box Cards all reflect that distinctive style so desired by the bride of to -day. Telephone 35, ThiSignol 8EVENT1 EIGHTH YEAR NO. 11 EARLY CLOSING PETITIONS BEFORE . • THE TOWN comai DeOision on Question of New Town Hall Is Again Postponed All the !armlets( were present at the regular meeting of the town countil on Friday evening. The ',valeta of Maitland cemetery reportsel eight burial* during the month of August. Wm. Tait. tire warden. reported that he had made en inspection of all Ilw buildings inside the Beeline its and with the exeeptIon of two they were •Il in tirstselaae eonditfon. The proprietors of thew two prontired to 'attend to the matter at once and be, intended to call on them In a few days. A communication from the secretary of the tire brigade asked that C. To - tan, E. Taylor and A. -Barker be paid VS each for service* at the tire ou Hamilton street. This was granted. Another communication from the erigade, asking for a number of new rubber coat* and hate, was re- ferred to the fire committee. The tax collector reported collec- tions of 4372.10 from August 18 to tieptember 4. A request that the town take an advertising space In the Automobile Oreen Brit wag ['ferret. to the dm &nee committee. Applications for building permits, as follows, were referred to the dee committee: A. W. Madden. reroofing dwelling on St. Andrew's street; Wil- liam titivens. garage. Elgin aveuue: 1'. J. Ryan, brick dwelling. Newgate street ; l'. A. Nairn, repairs to roof of verandahs Raglan etreet: Geo. P. Gould. re -rooting building,. on Ligllt. bows, street: Geo. E. Albion. frame porch, tibias etreet ; W. Walker. al- vial commit..e was Med to look into 1 •or an hour or aro . um its , tering front of ?dare on :square cs.t.othe matter. . • ' greatest electrical display twit many: ber has the -101 pled by A. Cornfield. _ luiprovenent ot tiler grounds around PeoPie bad 'ever totem. The streets 1"' "'mei' 11"1 the soldiersmono was ausgussea,, were delugV with relit and many cel- At the Elate Petitionfor an early cloniug 'view PetitlOns for Early Closing BVIlliw ' and tee taus* eouotees. woe asked ler* were ooded. Trees were blown, August 12th. a 1 s , to take the matter -lip, . I down. teusl.,c, in front of Mr. M. _P" et"1°Ye" were received from dry good.. met-- Next le:" _ii muses degolgory' Selman*** house on --Keirgate-Adiatakill.t htrialur: 0 GODERICH, ONTARIO, lplionomoamwmamommiwome overhead bridge on stiltford hill were found to be in very poor condition, and the committee mended tbat molicitor be in•irgeled to notify the railway eomphey to have the bridge and approsch.* put In proper condition at once. The committee re- ported that the retitled for a sewer uui l'it-ton street from iVaterluo to Wellington ern- strfReiently signed. The cemotery- \lfia)committee committe reecatonendrd that the chairman of the committee be 4' wpowered to hare -tone and cement pillar', erected at the entranee to the .etnetery, and aleo to order the neeeeenry Iron posts front the Frost Fen* Compsuy. The dre committee reported that the four appilcations for building permits referred to committee at the lied meeting had been amed. The water, light and harbor com- mittee recommended, In the matter of taw use of C.N.R. tracks on the north wide st the harbor. that the company be requested to agree to the follow- ing: That the orig nal purpose of Obi track to serve industries located along the north breakwater be ineleted up- on and that the right of the Canadian National to exproortate thin public The News EMBER 10, 1925 New trop t'unting from the West » Whose The only grain tont arrhal at the: A little bobstle harbor *him week oat( the eteaturetutting its house (Irl. -aim. which came ..0 Monday ' tber last two with a tilers -of 17e004.4 bushels of lolltebude's Pet, wheat awl oet•ernings for the God- friendly, and a erich elevator. Thi: Wat» tbe» first glad to bare shipment received at this port of the conaidere a print 192.1 wheat 'crop. beat place to br we hope its Barrister fluff Gang to Stratford ell"' , .. t4r1 'hat beim 4 11, 11114501 nab, 'IW prabahlS le. II fat &Pi -de'llave been as vtiftor we dyy-got • extolls' 1 _he a /titres, ad Will cora algli • At: • .-. e 04OWN. ., lite' re- ' ,A. itabi, ' • 1...,i . t. Mr. R. A. fluff, barrieter, intends shortly to remove to Stratford to Ti Dimon' practise his profebeion titere. Mr. , ,Mr. L R. Cluff 1 well known at Stratford. be- (rived word ing the sun of Rev. Canon Cluff, of chief engineer that city, and having ',pent most of Power Commiee his life there. During ble brief stay representative itt Goderich he has worked up a sue- will be here cat censful praetice, but he twee wider Op- week. the. lfith portunities openiug to him in his home situ of matte town. The people of Goderich will the Goderich learn *Rh regret of his decision to A public meet remove from this towu. - will be held lo house on that Brut Residence Burned and all lu tend. Bromide, Sept. 2.-A are took place property and &oleo- it a "storage rid- in (Own today which completely de- fog" be not allowed to go linemen- etroye 1 the frame resltieuee of Mrs. Honed: that InterswIteang arrange- Parker on the street leading up to await* be made to govern on thlii Mut statitm. The lire started 'Mout track .4:• that consignees would be 11.43 a.m. It i, supposed to bare guaranteed delivery og this track of started from the kitchen stove. Mrs. ears arriving via ether railway on Parker had put ou the lire for dinner equal terme. • and had gone into the front part of these reports were all adopted. the bowie. On returning she found Moe ?whit Camp Grimed the back part of the house a Masa of Councillor bee smoke of the need flames. The %hole house was almost of putting the local touriets camp bunted to the grouud, including most ,_ of the furniture, before any water was Septemtwr 14. grouad ip better - toudition. The towu at, tweeted has oo lease of Lae brought on the *erne. IR. and will preperty, and the glitter of obtain- , morning. Sept ing a lease and making improve- ments In the place wag referred to Girl Last Night's Storm I hert will pat -mile of all the A terrilis electrical storm. ascons- 1 on display a ehalrmeu of the parka and public panted by heavy rain and a stroug' fall and winter %corks evuonittees joiptiy. (*.Auditor Hays IOW be noticed Pindieliresmile04egAteorty two letura1 . hist night, counueueing shortly be -1 ..„„„, k. that the meting art," ou the Square Nyustittning a tire posh, and the two- towed .v2* *nether, 1,111,0,1 ilivan'trinnonfon_l* I ..T7".‘'..Tieli,„-hlinel'ujeci,.1, were dike with kenos and paler, fere midnight. Lightning OW11 PERSON * Mr. Wm W •-• end at Toronto. H. U. Mali DeReid Rays Cameron ItOsidasell Toronto this w The t'amer...re-1.1.•liee to the ear, fed nos ('res-ent ha- hew1 porchewd hy Itg. J. Wedey et 144 rot t . Dr. Reid in a foelwet thelerirla boy. a brother tit Mr. t'. A. Reid. peeler niegletraaes• 1 h. underst...I that fur the pbesent at bunt be will *outlet* to treble at .wettpying the re-idente here hie. 411trigare - for the mummer. Fur mime year* be derbeit et Tor and him family have had their sum- this Week. Met residence at Rayeeld. Dr. Held la at present in Greet Britain. the xItibittu Mr. larmarel erk-eall at Mr. Welter ' week-ead at his J. L. Killer= to County Court Bench Anoouneesient oils made ou Mon- day of the appointment of Mr. James L. Killorat OrGutlerich. to the coun- ts Court. bench. It Is understood that Mr. Killoran will go to Strat- ford, lineeetsling Ills Honor Judge 4.11arron. who is retiring. AltIonith 1 there 1,4 getwral regret at the neer/4- •M*•mty of tbe removal of lir. and Mrs. lir- x . 1-4111orau from Goderick. obr citizen. hoittaiLsa. sit.- are gratified at the recognition that 7 -., bas Nose to Mr. Killoran. or. at we - ,_ , ' must now style bim. Judge Killoran. Buys Former An importsot place this week he -HT -0- town, Colborne store Small. Mr. gaged in the some time and to the people minuted deems - store will he chants i S. A. Gray Co., W. J. Small: di,o,11.,,ion vt the 4u.nfion of a net fell on the frame homer in the ad - town holt,. and ants several itf tbe-iallitng lot. which is being prepared .aer ., o,t. Ready -to -Wear Co.): from boot and member. bad spoke. on the stib,Met for occupancy by Rev; --and Mrs. Jet. I,a!r. ' `" 'Ilw''' in"T''Illalif' 4W' Reir' ShArinau* it wes deeles.1 to Mayo the matter' Hamilton, and *smashed in the whole ..1 I nt sit !falter liens 4:en. MacVlears and noes et whic over until the next . *Ming, gust In aide of the building. The roof over -. alerted asi 1,41 1111. Illeilllthlir to stilt Architect Mr. Weiley 3.14•Lean's store un King- 1 - 1 liglitt eistil and,11r. thaw . fa El n the Ma Cowls i i los Ilays -led the, the og the Midwa_y trots were blown . . . . f .1,•":,..,,,,,ndmil; 141ibrd„ iinna'1,71bliell:Ir,.1,1'4.1.rIolxki.is.....,;1-v-agui.:t.,11,1;.1.tys! t7111...aht.l.u. ;111,110,titpil.r.,uilltioilnin-., respit,•tive classes oil merehaudise be .. , eilabling- bylaw tin eoenectiet. with down. and oni or two were rtimed to Rooth jaall11.101;;;Nattsressidona ._of regret at closed f rota 7 o'cle.ek p.m. oll erltql , • departure and_ the Ar11 Drees -dine a reeognised puhlle holiday. w.,,n, 1,...twi %tit wil.,,h- wa, ,.,,„ . 1 i Alen tamp na. i 0 t. . extent's -el in an addreas rea.1 by ltiss gond. 14...,•Ish,•• of the Wtn*sor st aff were leader. addreesed a nn', meeting- in the areue at Wieglitun. H.q... James toe curly 4•1001ux propositioe 1. :tie ilk•ceog. A little risti got Tatithe main (bay. excepting Saturchly and the night tirst and second rondlne of mitten ExhIlyitiou building, hut only minor until 5 (Selock a m. of (to pt dny. 1.yous l'oyirucial Minister ..f Lands on II... third rea‘..t. be given its! , A barn helonging to John ,IleClin- IP' nr°"11' The month ..1 Peeenther is inieepted third reading now. b •• he got no sup- • ehey. in Ease. Wawanosh, wat struck I .... M litt -requeld---`--- 1 Lor light uitot_. _.and_. honied,___Leget ser ' Case Against Willem 1 - - -- - I hie departure Aeloson & Royal Ladies ?won deelere in men'• furnishing* (W. 1' Pri.tham A Kon. Char. 1tIa.•k. Home eek.el that all hftsinesses 1t. the y whose mon street Ms* wrecked. either ' igabiairiaat"11146groirada-- '7,4,vw-rn-at 'adtradrfg"etsupebrzIntemfent M e ,_ , toot Ude* Decoration Serviette vs*, -1.7alon detvoration services will be held at Maitland cemetery on Sun - .1. day. September 13, at 2 ism. Nem- ", berg of Romp lodge. No. 62. I. 0. awe tor 0. Is, L. 0...L. No. 1M2. C.nurt God- asajovilan erich, No. C.• 0. F , cud the war .. veterans lire Imbed to meet at their eau joie. the Tenons headquarters at 1.30 oclock. The iyaratie will he headed by the God - r leldf, . ftt poor oriel. band and addresses will be de- i_ so ardii, )leered at the cemetery by lot -al miii- .1F1 ida. 1.0i. 'stens Visiring brethren are cordial. lead olio* 17 invited to attend. ' Itotnil win I dissortmeelr -of stolise, • . Mr. and Mrs. visiting relativ week. Mies Straw AMU, oaf &Mee elite Mat Mr. Vint. *Ind* end parents. Mr. * misti Elisabeth to Lon.lon 'after with frleutis here Miss Evelio* home after spelt Turouto. Mr. Robt. W. - visited his mot over the wevel•-e Mr. 11. Robins to Toronto last Exhibition. NIcoors. Ruffle are a this weelgt Mr. and It family spent / Mich. ng:by• Mra. A ter, Jean: vett *let to Tor Miss M. R. Time %Vette* Political Haim onto last w.441 winter uiliUn BEST EXHIBITION FOR YEARS IS THE GENERAL VERDI et.• holidaying at Niko took in it seek. eisso the Zvery Department Has a 0.00d tr *biker's Showing and Attractions )11 Ppent the Are Popular at atratford. The nett of the Right lionorable liackeuxle Ktug, prInse Mimoter of Mi,"; M thinsoln. to Exeter I RI Muuday wag the tun: ercosiou of great Liberia *Ili.. ifltrai !Iff tr. Kilos *es **LAW fur anti Prit r. au ikehlrese winch pteeeuteil the . Mod lair of the approachieg electiou Windeor. writ/_ lean and convineiug tattooer. tither 01 4t. lipeakers weer Mr. Thomas w fah' Liberal caildlyiate In South r. wirt- Bilron; thmator Archie ItcCoig. of ty wiase.-0; arttam; woo srisb aity , 4.11e.ral cnudidate 16 West 311•1•Ile- .sba• • tita vet. and CaptaistFraitAttuderron, the • slaudaed-losuor Illobth Perth. Tho y'' oftemsgemonto • foto the useetiug were ezaellent, mak -WUO _,there eina,.111 re wd y all ostiti iiroptwe are Toronto .this Monday to r.-- 4 Kinfla- ", IssPrit speut b. ro. (1. Weir. t tow eeturned sztended That The ikali•ricli Itultrial Exhibition 10 iii progree. this week, and hy gen- eral ......ent ie the A. st for many t.ars. In peaetleally ,very 41epart- ment there is a good showing. and the Interest which Is 'GM` Indicated is moat etwourairiug tO the direetors and Is an augury of sneers, for the Ex- hibition in future years. The program before the grandstand &l -.o hat proved very popular and has been witnessed each evenIng and at- , ternoon hy well-pi...teed crowds. The On. bas returned two noes this (Thursday) afternoon two weeks at oere keenly contested. and the pro. '. gram for tomorrow prontiers equally 4. • li.jP.137..in'''a 'IP' i! I::: I ir"Th°de8imartItendanee today is to be 4.- .4_;;;;;t. ered eminted in the thousandm, too' with * 4,`"at tho- remotion of the admission fee to 1 - 2:k. it remain. -tit-b- seen If the re - sot own criers will corer expenee,. 0.101- At any rate, the Goderieh Litaibi- - *-1/1 iktm trt 105 Iseneef which the NAP- . .t e mollify may be prom% jigil• “ae-.. Mr. and lin.. Witter E. aouf--44te... , London Free Ms t 111) * tu a returtool to their hope. • street' math, alter a deligtOtnI motor -• - ir .nr'llst- camping trip to Wianipeg and *mush oat stet, lag the State* of lowa. Michigan.. Y 84.1, of. {60 14* - Ikt.ni".\‘‘n:inn'llipestfliktghtie; avrereligulinestinft. op with helit'at brotiver fistyry S. MIX GO illn"IUrse NW; s tor the • .C.I'.R, and Mrs. Kelt}, soul it, 'Ilty''s'inuit'eoti-146-14"in. &det-tir, ATulitylitr7o1-.11.r. *4» 'lie tentfelit folk tWe'lltate hank. ti .11tt lrew • • . of HURON PRESBY ort Of • The tont Stoat Preapyterlal W.Nd itrmrellet4 Ytte -- Mrs. M. Keardey and Pero' Kr*. y have retnined . from »6 too titol illriih-h- 111 kit. • - *Ur*. WM. lloylc and Mrs. Y. and Foreste. awl 'Mr. Geo. te,potton. itawbey and• Isrgaret_ kit the Conservative Candidate In Nor(11 Week• riptit thcives at Toro linrou. (dee stoke. Smith's t'alto. a ti Montreal. any -Trout were . , *s14410e* were perforuted members Mrl. ma o 1C44 and Al.% of the -Neu-Sr:Yr- V.WA7 fro -•rt.routo, vhdted at tow artowdetit., whoa,. ‘‘,..e„, et.ao week -end tit • tit.- bene of Mr» anti,: t.y Jame,. .13piniltos..• Mrs. from this minested rwinpudeory war closing. The p -t Rion etated t hat "by ehapter 21!9. section s4. snlweetion 4. the eounell of tit' mind. cipaltty. upon receiving, * signed by not less than /brew - in nunilwrs of the orenplery of ht netts within the mtiniriptility Owl longing to the elast to Which Mleti ap- plleatioat relates. must within a month lifter the presentation of etteh appli- eation pat. a bylaw giving effect theret.• and require all buelneeses with- in the munieipality belonging to the clam specleed in the application 1* domed during the period of the year and at the times mentioned -.11b-ek•- tlon 2 of the said Act." On motion of Councillor Turner and Deputy Reece Moser, these petitions were referred to the semis' conindt- tee. A request from the Collegiate In- stitute board for a payment of $2.4100 of the 192.1 levy was referred to the finance conIMIttee. A notification from 1iagistrate Iteid of the commitment of a boy to the In- dustrie! School, for whose mainten- ance the town liable for payment of 50 cents a day. was referred to the special committee. - from the town • solicitor informed the council that the purchase for the town of the gar- age property adjoining the town hall Wad been completed. lithenitmed TTr tit Th (I anted at 9.30 with hn‘. itnitlementses etc. Mr. Me- -TO e ..ew ts 1111Ttnn auxilierievc tend efighllwew bands oat loci -inn Tite 410torle eititreit_ ttrueetield A a - for otch,..4_,‘..•tifer•••we snit illi• 1,-.pitallty -Iirovetiptil iw•tpri; wit, very -IMP appreciated by all those privilegt(1 to' teiell. 1he •ehIllir. The luorrihig's derritiellist. The tuesideut. Mre. ilterg.Was In. ' o'cl....k. ss 1 Clinehey lust another barn by fire morning Oh, the charge against 'di - et one ur both. of tbese_nowilb_. !est year. The refleglIon of loot litim Wilson. of 1:uderich :owusliip, . , A nn SE PARTY - : !light's fire as- Steen by _man/ person* of having a loaded revolver. (Ayr a pur- . in ttoderlh. 1 poise dangeruus -1.. tile puLlic peace. ' Betsder--t'rsigie -- -----;-.--- ______ - - - - ' . PERSON.IL-MENTION 1 The evideqee was taken' a week ago. The marriage took poles quoit, on AT DIENESETUNG PARK --tt'Irourty -.Crown Ait-rary Seagor pro. Alon•leg jpotnillit nit Jeseie Olive Ming Married (nook Have a New - i secuted and Mr. D. E. Mottoes ais 'Alexandrida a, 4ynly ughter ...f Ur. an Bedding telebration I waren! for the 41.4cuee. Mrs. William craigie, Esist __street. Kind of A surprise party ul ,i 111.1r•thil iiarr- te Toronto to resume his work on tbe I Tb, evidence showed that Wilson and Mr. Lewis Ritssel Brinier. young . Mr. Earl Elliott return...1 this ,wevis est and ef a 111W 11'611.1 was given at , -tiff of Upper Calla 111f College. oft the. evening of Jolly 7th Mit par- est sou of Mr. and Mrs. tioorge litio- Nleneoetting Park .ot saturday even-. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. l'rldiettu have. elialwd "mat' *k -four 1113-011nee der. St. Duchi's street. Rev. It. C. fog lasa: The print -ire.. were Nir. botttris=frentr -a - Isiolliogger in the MeDerinid performy.ol the Oeremony sit , Ireturned from their trip to Manitoba. Stanley 'E. Fry of Detroit and Mr.. lavatory -•-•r fh..---sti,-.0„k mu, and at -11;31)---rs'elock.- -The --britier--isio, , ing her sister. Miss E. Washington. 2 o'cloek the next-mortang was found elven. AwaY......il her father.' wore a Mrs. W. I1. Gundry, who was visit- eity. Mr. Fry le the eldeet ""n "' and other relatives in town and (*I- In his env, in 16.111 of his Isoartthig sand -colored :suit iitli-bUiiiile shoes A communication from the Citigens' Refwareh Institute of Canada .eon- Veyed an invitation to the cothi(lf 10 attond the annual convention of the Institute to be held et London Septem- ber 21) and 30 and Oetober 1. t'onunittee Reports The finance committee reported that the debentures, amounting to $3100, for funds for the new fire truck were rendy. and reeommended that they he offered to the eitizeus at par. The general sinking fund debentures fall due next, year, and the committe., re- commended that two term mortgage. hell hy the fund» for f700 and E1000 respectively. he turned Inlo -h. that the funds may 'he Available. when reeiffired next yenr. Two ale drills and tools from the Nat al ShipltitliIIug plant had been Wi- th. Western 4'aunda Flour MIMI; ' for $4,4,25.- The public works commit tee re- ported that the tender of the tilelerich Pinning Mille for the erection of a wooden stairway down Harbor hill at Welleeley street. At' a 'prier of bad been oweep/NI. In the matter of the communication of .ingust 12th front the Canadian Nationol Tele- graph*. rega Hine removal of t be I r poles from the Square. the ennoplIfee reeommendfs1 that the company Ito In- formed that the town will assist by snowing thent to plinT a /Mall on the eleetric poles at the retie of 11411141nm% on the Muer,. from King - •t on !twat to the. telegraph ciffiee.,The anitroachei and flooring of the C.R. Fry thee Arlen Oringle. of the twine lentos »»Pellow and Ker- and hat to mittch, and coaled Rioter - Mr. Vernon 4 Fry. a prominent De - Hens, has returned to her home at go„,,, with the liquor in his fly roses. The bride:tumid as. Mies r-- 4.- I With mild and gteitee, and gown whos•• gelut of Europe with -other membeesee(Alis. Mae Mabel Farr. of Stra Itorsl, ' ' swlynt. tlw somber plate a his Therese Fry. ..f Kitehener, troit Ottanties,'.who is now on a, tour ii,,,raaa. rled early In July it llatuiltun. Ont.. smr. ami maa. wiiregi Hilliard nnd loaded stwii,, in -hi_ 1 auriov".1.e.1 revelry; and a otonlwr of pansy georgette. She carried Collin]. woo sand erepe trimmed with family. The youhie couple were Mar- ,"rielteel friend's in town title week. and had etweessfull)r bidden the at.- Mies Marjorie Hilliard. of Waterloo. poeket I Ida rose.. Th., gnome/mien was Mr. er..t Until last Week,\ ivhen_ twine of vialted friende in Iowa at the week- Itrou lit !serer, Magistrate Ite'd ma , George Bender. jr., of Toronto» broth• - their frtends herame ettipteitlene and onti. the ch:ege 1,f having the liquor for er .)1 the gresine. After the ceremony f lug. AM „ , _________Seuner. of_ ilittiolt. nfld the revert of . Miss ' Nlay Ttiniapiton and Mtvs-111, +01.111S-evers.tari. uteittioning es-- . .. . . ow r.t.n.,,,,u tes•ially , the thirtroWST11- quills and • . , were the efficient caterers at the IlIc -113114'wortaY-ot . f1,1:io,aliiii:Ir4;,,11,;,fiu...!...tal:,ia. _.arini.3.,,,i‘t.„::,,,alaiiisd hose.: Mr,. --Ittittiop. Of lintlerlek. t.,,,,,tryit)vntia,timiratreatinsusc,er». !quirt. Which Was-, tturlt4t. respieSiiely. , • Mr. and Mrs. Philip Graven., and Mrs. -On -Miner; of-lilyth. gave a re- . 1**116i,tiraeelle. 4Atratford. anti !NW, of the eplendid Provincial meet; inge_betyl in London. Mr-. Hogg gave Mr. Patti Gratenc. of Lemiull, vtr a I ••41 . roll.. Impre-T' i1it.litringurtft ' - nr the "Ifrara""^f"--0144e- Paro41" ;tore iney-titor Pi Toronto. on iter 1.11th. 111"Cr the holiday. , 111.- Jestn Murdock. of ihneeticl.1, Mr. R. I.. Itel.1 reterued inq--t-eJek sung at very pleasing solo. TheArtorit• , from Saskatelteann -11110 reports 11011- ing 11r,4111-111 111il with PrilYve by , dit bit e t here to ho exeellent. lie brititalit with IOW a earlot of bor...., which he 1- offering ter eale nt Ise.k- Imo- neXt Ttlesday. . 1 .... t *7 1111- 41.•venloek. the stfternoon sesol..14 the devo- es ere boo. Were conducted hy member., of the Myth ausiliary. The nnswers to tlw roil call proved very sale. he was- cony ted. but an sweat' and the wedding breakfast the happy ISonald Fraser F.4ter. grandson o P. s. J. tenser. a etteresting and very thesitireit thistle unearthed the eti. .nce vvithout mr. and. unit. .L.naatipr Raneiraaa. 144. rio; _ , of Stratford., -are .visiting friend". in against thigocoitit,tion was entered ' conple left by nlotor ...I a trip to Tor- the late I and is toe e before Joie. Barron onto. 'Singers' Falls and Iturfalo, after who ha. been the eMiat of tie 'tIt. %ton stri.t.t. 1ms ry•. 44-4frIt- 444t44 11°1r "f II Armour 1u...tittle greeting. front year. Ater. • \ the knowledge of the .rlde and Fraser Wellitt _t____ 1.111• redidente of Mene.etu g Park t Mr find M G. 11.Dos, (Iti- ' here tomOrrOw.- • which they --toice tlio-huaL. mithere.1 In the Bring room of the . en'tto.' ILI'llf,111. are spersnd. Mg. nf...4":, daofys -111- ' gllMen Indef and Mr. R. H. McCrentis. dressed: town end are ntny.ng 1 vrith Mrs. T. Judie Lew'o after hearing the arc down the Si. 1.11Wrelive. The bride turn.* To --Kau itlere-orm-yrr„dr-try.r_amvo.4a4,,,t the eso. -.. . t this morning held there was I•et‘dred . town. . as the Kleagle of the Klu Klux Klan., McKenzie, Vktorla street. i res .feretiet. to lirticelleld. Nir. Antiwar ,..'. proyssotiot try urose---111-votr "f ("'"T-Messre. 41. A. MAI ter7Y4-4.06 Mitt 14. late- 1 i alasemilea. 1 es ' for which Wilson had the resolver in A few eveniutoc-prior to. the_Wedelitig n 'enable ihatht ail to the purpose eluding a cheypie from her parento. 11111. ..ving h nri-My. is Shoe er A/1S Alle,i, L.. h.r hy Mies many linieleone. gift:, In. Callf. Imiuluti. Elia, CO 1 iett on Mrs. itotoo• ... To. .inv Mr. 01,,eitimr ls Mr. and 311',. T. a. Clongiter, •ef emphasized . the necessity of the W. Mrs. .'irrtuoir sang e beautiful solo.. N.S. memlwrs serving Ity preyer. the represent:01,,. of The Toronto 'I'lwit enure the speakers of the at. Globe In England and has been moetly Mrs. mak- tog a mar a elintl4f ilre h. 6. gl'n 1gri2K,M. sudtlienlY the rens. of Winnipeg. were in town one ." behind by fetter metliterm of 111° Western city after rtmttnn nfflon- he would not Pearl Ritchie nt the home ..f „ ay this week on their return to the WUt»ftt"f the Marwick. and many alftit. tif yoting rouple were seirssl from drhino. -were present...) hy her girl lndelble Order and after !Wing PP. noniron. Mr. Matheeon II a member eurrly bound were escorted into the wood's Het, Ne. Pry tons howl of the Winnipeg pollee _fre. They woo• made the trip hy motter.-TfreteeitewskOtwatilmots-----=-1-Dr. J. P. n#0, ii_.....7„ittex. . .. 0,rtsrat securely to a tree and his young regietering 11105 miler. from Mr. apparently for dire imniehment. .. „ Matheson's holier in Winnipeg to his ford. has been 111,10 illItell to the Sen - bride taken a mute alertly in the huels father's piece et Southampton. ate. I. n te himeelf from his ropee and The W.('.T.1'. w,;I hold the regular took the groom a long time to extri- elieet. which had been ...surely , CHTT•CIFI NOTES - meeting Monday. September 1401, at ened neer lilt bead. Histrou- . ,....44 ll p.m., lu the Temperance Ball fa -t . Ides during the next hour in tinclitUt - "'"'"' e111117•11. Sept. 13th -The Two cars with Michigan lkense hie any through the ..trimge womb( mil .. rnlny night may he imagined. pn*tor will iirenel!; Subjectt,: a.m., 4,__ ,,,....tauly a.aN injured, hut ow "Comfort in Trial; p.m_ "Condition". '''• '" , 1 Plates Collided on Enet street on Mn The young bride during a two-hour 1 for Sneer.t. i ears, were ....my damaged, 1 . •The Signat 18 11 -1(d to stnit that interthl wits given plenty to think! in Knox chttreh the 'service.. next , the Goderieli toe sehdp nehool fair. abont. before Rho wns ntboved to re -1 Sabbeth will be itt charge of the min-. ahnonnee.1 to tots. place September torn to the hotel. ,111 :miming thing liner. Subjects of 1,1'111101a2ad, win i. held - usual at Porter's 1A : 11 .m.: ' . ii Hill. Western Feir. 1 ondon, Sept. 12111 to 111th. Don't g. to London with 4-9Id. wortoont Immore when yon can boy larch gamr. go, -A-looking. Ferric*. HMOS Mende. heppencei while the bride wa. etill I Seeing tlw Ineleible" ans. c.iptire. A search party wag sent River of (Pod." Sobbath "tool, lit out from the hotel to find the young 10 o'cli'ck• Poly. Jnet when they arrived near The regular welting_ of the Wo• the hitting place of the Klan. whe men's Missionnry moesekr broke looee from her enptors and church will he held In the I ,al•le good!' for tittle stoney at SOAK - shriek lug -Ben. I nm, dear." she ten; room on Tuesday. September 1»'t. i MANIA. Into the arms of a ',Mingo man. Her ; 3.30 p.m. An interesting predrill ' The recent gathering of veteran lilisband was 4111 a mile 11 IVRY in the 1 nill he given by M1/1/4 Gordon and reoidents .•f lioderiets has received hush. very much loot. 1 Mrs. .1As. Dickens -A cordial !nil- ! considerable untie, ln t he n11 tulfle N1`11111VS to Pay. the young eollisle teflon le 1,xtended to all the women af 1 precos. The Stratford Rencon-lieraid will not moon forget their honeymoon. the tonere/ration. 1of Snterflar Mat had a reproduction of hat and p eorangy. Of Oplaellit rottesTit. tervio»ea *4 , North street United The Signal's a net of the gathering and miring ihi. sittnInk Of Ow lylnytrr The only two people a man will aly ehtireh nest Sunday will he as fol- end of the 141 Alreph necompanying 1 Mrs» Walter J. oinasfont. of Londofl. ow to talk to him that wtI' are bis lows: 10 11.M.. Men's (lob, Mission It. smartly- (rocked in figured crepe, sang wife Mid the traffic e.np.--Cineltotati Bend and church elites...4. Public The 1114,1),1 nn the hill il-t the foot of "4111 Peotilise Me." After the ect*P. Emplirer. worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. eon- WaterIc., street are tn. a eery liad molly the pietawere reecited at the ducted by the pastor. Rev. C. P. eondition cin Monday night Mr. Ito- home of the bride's perente and a The Goderich hand wilt give a pro- Clarke. Sunda,' Retool at 3 p.m. -Atl bert Kerr took a hod fell when he butIet luncheon was "tweed. On gram of mode In the square next the elinreh adwIltovInn1 1s being re- went thrmigh one of the afro'. The their return from their wielding trip Simtlay evening after the,ehnrch own deeorated this week all the services 1,1W11 1',111111`11 1,1110111,11 bare owes re- to Tomtit.) and points east Mr. 111111 Vlefl. will he held In the Sundry sehool paired At ones. in order to *void any Mr.. Wilson will make their home tit • room. further mishaps. the parsonage at Tohermory. 11r. and Mrs. Itiehlerd W. Ryan ate t 114.1r 1111, 14i. tieularly of the It -ilia Jeffrey ...hd ie. A wedding of interest to many 10 ter--."--17.31771oti."-Tirillt.'7711167-+"177,11-rtsvifffrerreP-S1W-41014444Plistrsoffass....-,, pie in Godertett took wave at 1»utoit thiokin. C Ittetroir. 701111grmt Anil Of . . • on saturday afternoon, Sepfeiiiiser 5. Mr. awl Mr.. John MeGookin. of Gel - when !morel Georgia, daughter of fit.t. iroilltoi. The InarrifigiT t- to spy. ,n0 'dm N. A guatv. ti,sweey late in Pleptenther. Messrs J. 4'. anti Fred Pee.011. of Deana. Motored wee for the 1V0.1.k. 1.1111 1, see their -leder, Mrs. Crotten. den, wis., nyrived here the week pre - rhos»» on a to her parents. Mr. and lire. 4. Westo0. Bennett street. tin their rehire to Detroit they were theseloanied by their brother -In-law, Mr. 'Crlittentlett, Whit will visit friends in the tersiewn. Mrs. Jamieson of Toronto, and Mrs. McIlltOy Of 1.01iiIMI. Mir Jamieson told it ilwillitor ..f work nuatoig-t-The indlans•-11111 tf Itenmiller. wit married to t thigh 4'. Wilson, son of the. late Rev. and Mn.. Jasper Wilson, formerly of Goderk-b. 'rho church wits- plensing- ly at rn:aced for the occasion With Into slimmer flowers. The ceremony was le rformed by the brids.'", father. It -skied bi• Rev .1. F. Ileyernft. brother•in-law of the groom, and nee. W. J. Moores. The bride was charmingly gowned in ashes of rove. canton with hat to 11.1 go, Chas. Ileale leiter to - mated* awl .carrleil 1 rbgtyyer bootleg day_fogitheliTenle In 'N"en Tort city 01 ocrPf."1"tt and mbrn after a five month!** liettilny. the an _o breath. She wore the groom's gift. ereater part of whielt war spent In Isabella fax fur: The hrilini .siderirb. isol 1.1111111P from Loyhenxtiu 1131/1 played by with_ it lar' print Inif nipline;44 Itt the bride's skier. Mn. T. K. flow',' .• „.a„ ravitt ar-ta Trac„h„, 'itOrt» rust ends» with matching after applleatimi by, his work. , • lInt.ottown attest* at thy. ftine Bird Tea shop: Mho Margaret Wan- oer. tt klisw Ai 4s Moore. W. H. Vinare, lAstowel; Mr. Russel (-at. MIs. •fluslin Htslop. -linistsels: Sir MI.. Helenilt'I' Iit.tili Miss Ceichrfine. IINM- pagan Indions with that . thin Iuditius, proyina to her audience the worth while work %%Welt is I•eltrg. done hy the mieei llll etre. It nes god o to 11,111' pi the .ipkjk4141 the of 111(11811. 11111411111111r • .,1114,1.. Nix.31111111.-lift told v ery visidly the advew of the new pupil; tl. "serul.hing:- tiw onttittilig f the bale received from ...one }listen, o ntilfiry. stol tlw methods used to with the. new 11/111/11%, love. The 101- • silence collItl ted hitt have sin ittereneed intereet in, and nppreidation of. the -work 4 go. amongst the In - 111.1111P. -Mr.. McEvoy told in aMost mornest and interesting manner of file itam- derfni M110411,11RrY -NV 'Wooltington. The sixty-tverf addrem- es altreii•theso had Ulla point of Masi-. lasitr ih their mesons -es: °Christ is the solution of all the problems of the world." A play. "Walt a M*nnto». wn nit intereating teatime Of the program. It wet given hy the ATIlePflf•Ill M11,11111111 Bend: Dr. ricteber oprshe the ellISIng word. end Mrs. nellwall led In tlw closing prnyer. It 1‘11‘ felt It. *11 present that the clay had been ono' of ilton 11nrgaret Towson. Walmyinususl blessing and Inspiration. as ton: Llent And Mrs, 'Needle.. Mor. well as n'1plen.ure and felines- 1.1nil, Calif. e • '11