The Signal, 1925-8-27, Page 8:11E SIGNAL, :re .. YR*. TTte 1\l.\S (jl:IIJLAOY The (t(nrrul took Ida•,• recently at Seafurth of Mts. Tines. Quigley 1111 died at Toledo, 4)., oh August Tth. Mo., V•4gle). whose maiden name rr.17-11'gnes •ltebew. w** born in Tuck- ersluitlt and lived at 14eaforth for Wins. years. Tater ,witting to Goderich with her hualaud and living here for a number of year.. Mr. Quigley died while a resident of Goderich and some ileac later the widow moved to To- ledo One ,on. James, thirteen years or age. survives. also several brothers sod sisters, most of whom live at IN)- lido. o-leao. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Dalton. of tomo, attended the funeral at ties - MRS. JOHN M IX)NALD _ After an illUM% of some weoka Mrs. Viten McDonald. wife of Mr. John McDonald. ('*abridge +street, psased away on Monday. AUguest 17th. Thr deceased was borhrrrt ra8ml '$ !o the but *pent parth township of Hullett. coWlug to God- erich with her husloud about forty - ala years ago. She Iravee to motet ber departure lire husleand, who Ms teen its poor health the past year, One son. John. of Window, and Ave daughters: Mt'.. Jus. Mmes. of St. 'Phomas; Mrs. McGovern, of Mont- real; Mas. A. 1.. Whitty, of town, and the Miser. Jessie and Anile Mc- Donald. rDonald. at home. One *".alar, Mrs. ilortotl,, of talk -ago. also survives The funeral took place Wednesday morning. the 111(b. Rev. P. J. Gram eonttucting requiem nus** at St. Peter's church. The pallbearers were Messrs. Jos. Ernes (S[. Thomas). A. L Wbitty, Thos. Lacey, Wm. Farr, Fet7mrs and T. O'Connor (Kk- cheaer). Alt the children %ere home for the funeral. also the surviving Mater. Mrs. 4lorton• and others press - mit re -cot were Mre. Holmes, Mrs T. Peck. Mrs. Rriffeth and Miss McDonald. of Detroit; Mrs. Wyle. of Windsor: Mrs T. O'Connor and Mrs Jaime Flynn, of Clinton. of l;uderk•t►. `"dice arty twine wa, ru Jieverly to*faablp. near (bait. but over trip years ago, with the other Mem- bers of the Arw*tru$g family. she re- moved to this tow}, which had aim,: Weal her home. Mr. William J. Ann., 1►trous, of town, with whom she re - sided, and Mr: Charier Arwstrou11, of l:hicago, tri►--tawyttly IM1Y(l'fa; btu• thee*. Mhos Armstrong had been i11 tor eight mouth*, her nerves anOthisrt being afftttlett. She war throughout her lite a devut.d member of North "*reset Methodist (now I -1311e411 church. In the abseice from town of the pastor of that church. the fun- eral servile* ink Sunday afteruvuq were conducted by Rev. W. W. Stod- dart. The pallbearers were Meer* C. M. Robertson, J. L. Aitken. ('. tan - demon. W. Mere. W. H. Itnlwrtson and M. IR. Lee 'rR tonere took Place fres' the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Yates, West street. and the in- terment was in Maitland cemetery. Among Hooey present were Rev. E. F. Arnest roag (a nephew) and Mr.. Arustru*g. of Listowel; Mrs. 4'. Kdeue, of Dundee-. and Mrs. howler. of luuerkip. GOLDTHORPE FAMILY REUNION AT OAKVILLE Mayor MarEwan std J. T. Goldthorpe Pr'erai-s in the tisther ing Oakville. Aug. 22. -An event of M- erest to old residents of the hake Shore road took place at Pluelenda Beech , two miles went of Oakville, when 132 deoceudantr of the Gold- thorpe and Van Every families gath- ered for their annual picule and "get- together" ou Wecluewiay, August 19. Both these families settled in the Mlmieo district nue hundred years ago. coming from the United States with 11th "lilted Empire Loyalists The Goldthorpe homestead and farm was located on the grand where the Provincial Asylum for the lnaaue ei Mimks, now stands. Mud the Van Every family lived Just across the road and their farm is' now'part of etre village of Mimic**. 'flirts. sons Of the original Gold- thorpe family married three daugh- ters of the Van Every family and one S4111 of the Van Fh•ery family married one daughter of the Goldthorpe*, so that the families are closely con- nected. Until Mama twenty -Ave years ago Home families had a reunion every year and It is planned to make It 140 again. last week's gathering being the start of the new annual picnic. The olsk-.•t member of the two tam - Wee at the plunk' was lir. W. Gold- thorpe, of "'ort Credit. ex:Reeve of I'e•1 county. who is of the third gen- eration, and the youngest member of the two families was the baby daugh- ter of Mr. George Goldthorpe, Cooks - vide. wbo represented the fifth gen- eration. Among other prominent members of the gathering were Mr. H. J. A. Mac - Ewan. Mayor of Goderkh, and Mr. J. T. Goldthorpe. of Goldthorpe. Ont., a new town In Northern Ontario. 1111414 MARY ARMSTRONG The death on Friday laid of Misa Mary F. Armstrong removed one wli bad been almost a lifelong restden 0 Porch 1 Dresses Ladies' porch frocks in three distinctly different styles and a wide range of colors. Sizes to 44. Regular $1.95 for $1.49 t •_ are very smart and gut reasonably priced. Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. Goderich t. 11197NJAIIIN 1;ItAINGElt There yawl 11 w:1y at Ogema. 31 isk.. un Frisky, Augu.t 14th. lieujamin • Grainger, a former w441 -known resi- dent of the township of Colborne. Mr.'Gralager was sixty-four years of age and died from the results of an affection of the teeth. with which he had been seriously ill for about tau weeks. The 4 hterna 1 Sask. i Times refers to the event as the passing of one who bad taken a large share in building up the community- in which he lived. Mr. Grainger was horn in Markham township. county of York. Ontario, and In 1S.s4 marries `torah M. Walter*. of Colborne township. He went to the Wr,t 1* 10057Sie and his three sous taking up lands. \\lith others he wet instrumental its e•rtale itching a school and then a church and Sunday ..cho,l at Key West. and later In c.acllli'hing the Orsi telephone 'lateen in the munici- pality and the first 4;rain ";row- ers' A.aodatlon. 'Hr was a n1e•wlb•r of the first aural c'ounc'il. and. in fact. was a leader in all comnnulity move- ments. •His place in the hearts of the people among whom he lived was aMeNrd by the Urge. attetutance at his funeral. the largest ever seen at ()gem*. Mt.. Grainger le puiv(ved by his wife. one daughter, Mrs.'Grace Horner. and three w.n$. W. R.. Ray and Benson. Tim wrote Pon. CM!, fell In the Greer Wa.r. ZOO,. ('Dandy Medical Association The Huron County Medical Asso- , int boo held a-naatin&ut the home Of 1rr. W. .1. Milne. INFIh. on Wednes- day afternoon. Besides the• regular Humin-... au address_ x'11. given by I.r. A. J. Grant. of London. The Medical 1ut+sfersl)ro of Goderiell was represented- *4 the meeting by Ors. A. 11 Mnckll*..;V:--F.-4iallow and Il. Taylor. Thenext quarterly meeting 111 1.e Ibeld in Gole•rle•I1. The Western Fair 1'I,.• an.U•etueo.: Hologram ogram at the tvestern Fair, s onniber 12th to 191h. all/ pro. -bre whoewoul('ntes- tllinmrut ut • ,a.; .re uereFl•,3ous[t'. a touurd. Tom tree attractions in front of the grind stand halo• been selected with great care and no ex- pense spared In providing n pr. i;ram of ont.tae .,,ng .anality, concluding with a flrt't.•rka displty which repre- sents the-unroni,• achievement in 137r0tfClali.• urs. Johnny J. Jones fatuous Mamie will (33'133)7 the midway, and for wholesome rnjoyra•ut anti amusement the Jonah Antics are in a *lass by ttemsewea. Moe.- Jones Is -recognised as America's greeters showman soul Is noted for providing ;t"ow"s and amusement de - rices which are above reproach. All - patrns...Ad .Uiee Exhibition may rest fissured that the a_u$ mements on (he mpdwlsy err ,e t lineeat that ('*0 be secured on fhb'. continent. Special ride- 111141 amusement devices are pro- vidrd'for the children. A program of harness horse races will be combated Path afternoon dur- ing the exhibition. and as the track at the Western Fair is the hest in \Vest- ertl (►utario rate horse owner's and rteIIors to the exhibition are aaaurel _excellent rare. under ideal conditions. PERf4oNAL MENTION Mr.. Reg. Stack, of PasadeuL l:*Ll• torula. is visiting her mother} lir.. \1'Mruuck. Mr. and Os. G. C. Maeedel and son. of Auu Arbor, alien., and Mr*. W. Maedrl of Vetrtdt. are visiting. at the old lone, tantalite!. Mr. Erna. 1'rite•bar'(t-b s -kern -of' terra are %as accepted a position with the )sussesfry 4'nr•Ilner Co. of W1a11►stoeh* and leaves for that place on Monday next. Mrs. Us M.•Iterlannue and children. Ilargsret and W111141:e. of rod Sas- katchewan, Albert*. an• visiting at rhe i.1ome of the formats sister,. Mrs. I. PN'elas, 14ust stret. Mr. R. S. )'teacher, of the Arm of Mosel res, Fletcher N Cu., 11011d littal- or . Turuutu, +Pe>dt n two days in town last week. 'Mr. -Fletcher tome year. ago wit. on the staff of the Bank of Commerce In Goderich. Mr. J. T. Goldthorpe. of Goldthorpe. Ont.. has heeu spending a few days in town the past week. J. T. I$ en- thusiastic ragardtng the development of the mining country of the North. tot he still keeps the warmest aped in this heart for Goderich. In the Magistrate's Court On Thursday last Magistrate Reid convicted Wm. Champion. of Brus- sels. on a charge under the O.T.A. of having liquor illegally. and it heing s second offence the accused was sent- enced to one mouth in jail and to pay a fine of $900. or in default of pay- ment ayment an additional three month* 111 jail. The money 14,14 not forthcoming and Champion go•• t0 3811 _for n fnnr-month. term. -- - Several cares of sp•e1T and reeb- lew tilting of automobiles' have. been 'before titemagistr!ate daring --The week, and fines of p:. and $10. with Posta, have been Imposed. Regan-1'lt'arm At the residence of the brit s par- ents, 1treetsville, ou Tuesday after- 11.4on. August est1t. Miss WJuona GledhiIl, only daughter of lir. and Mrs. A. S. Gledhill. formerly of God- erich. war married to Leland 1). Bry- an of 'Halley bur). 'rt.. bride. who was given away toy her father. wore a grey travelling suit and carried pink costa. After the ceremony. *Melt •was conducted by Rev. Frank Vipond, the bride and groom left on a motor trip, :it the conclusion of which they will reside al Hailey - bury. Who Is (icing to 4e4I Rogers' Bihar} __. leas Radio in Goderlitk? A l'auadian firm has effected the long awaited development in radio - the elimination of lotteries and aerial in the operation of tong distance sets. Everyone who has heard about the new Rogers' batterylees radio has ad- mitted that it is a marvellono Kruse altion-"If it works" -and it sloes work. In the presence of the Tor- onto Star motto reporter this new five -tube. billed radio-frequency n- either, *operating from an ordinary light socket and tieing no aerial or hatterteees, tuned in twenty -lire.. eta tions in a Abort time. ()no of the first fnrtory nests to rum" through was used In an apartment in Toronto which has a high tension is.w•er line at the rear. trolley wire•- :uel telephone wires .at the front, and ,b.•trical machinery in the haseement about every handicap to good operation. The Rogers' meet was placed bride a *'t which many regard as the finest s*t heretofore o1 the mar- ket. The Rogers set wag stmpty plugged Into an ordinary light socket. with no "A" battery. with no "1t" battery, with no aerial whatever. and every station picked up on the other set was tuned. to equally. am. well on the itogra' set. and with I.* distur- bance. As the evening wore on and the dlaturbanee faded. even when using only four tubes. on a bot night In August. stations were_tnned 311 all the way from enO Ne rleanws to ('hl- rago wlthont any aerial. The Q.R.S. Music Company of Tor- onto, who are dletrthutort, for Holm product, nre desirone of having It sod! In Gnderleh by one of our better storett and) anyone Interested 10 this might rommnnicate with theta. (ad. t ten ust THREE Rather Niles The only grain boat arrival the Iwo week was the steamer GlenAn- nan. which unloaded a cargo of 118: hull bushels of wheat at the Western Canada Flour Mills elevator. Me -sirs. Farley & (.rant expect to conclude their work on the river breakwater this week. Excellent progress kat leen made on this work. When completed they will have re- eonstructSd in concrete about 900 Het of the breakwater. Several fine }'setts hare been In port this week• among thaw - heist the "Matneio" from Detroit. Hikers Hers from (tlevelaod About thirty young wen froth Cle elaWL Ohio. were In wwis ou Monday. They arrived lit the utter- most and left au Tuesday morning. They are on a motor hike through Ow -fano.. A uuwber of thew were mete - hers of a alailar group which paid Goderich a call in August of Ust paws. Thole ratite along here is b3 w•ay of Tohermory and Owen Sour and they will make the return trip to Clt'velaud by way . of • Toronto and Niagara Fall*. Fought en Kipges Street Magistrate R.•id Intl court at Ben - sail on Friday lust to hear charges of disorderly conduct against Wm. Kyle and Gordan Halter. aim oil a relent Saturday night -tagei a fight on the main street tit di11.1..n.- A.dispwte arose between - the young -fuer while they were attending the (Vinton old lacy: reunion. an4' - they agreed to owl -3 at Kipp•u sad settle' their dlf- ferenea In a ti-'ic encounter. Which ..f the two won III., hall),' U not on record, lint Magistrate !Celli gave the Anna dkclsloa, 1r:eessing-Kyle $25 and 4'41.1. and Myler 41/1 :"IMI Posts. o our - • : - -s mmoth Anniversary SaZe FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY This is your opportunity to get unprecedented' Bargains. Do not miss it. Get a new outfit for the children going back to school. SHOE' WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP A. CORNFIELD THE LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS ,z.,;„ SQUARE GODERICH \ r PHONE 418 `.".;.r>wIIM. «e! .. Bond Tattoo at Seaforth A large number of Goderich citizens took in elle band tattoo at Sesfeyrth on Thursday bight of last week. The main street was- brilliantly lighted for the occasion. as was also Fairview Perk. where ilia: tattoo was staged. The Goderich baud was present and 4114 Iia tart along wild seven other Lauds-fruW Brxlhagen. Zurich. Lou- don, Clinton. ' Mltelwld, Stratford and Se•rrforth. Commenting at 7.3t 0'- 4104. i- rlt k, the lands marcher' r' from the 1)it•1 hotel to the park. where cart boo 4 rendered selections before the grandstand. ;Following the musical pr ram moots wen• thrown on MC IN and a merry sing-*oug took plate. The program at the perkwas clotted with a tine display of fire- works. Afterwards there was a atrea•t carnival which continues until the early morning hours. The Seft•ball League The whedish, of game. in the ei0dl- erk•h soft -tooth 11epg,4. was donclndel on Tuesday night of .his week. with the exception ..t• a few Ise -Named games. Thr paositsau'd l.i.eu. v 4..('.I. gauze i. to is' played tonight. The gaits,. phtyed sinew -pm Inst re- port were: Aug. 1:1-Salrford 10. ILC.C. 7. 13 -4;.l'.1. 13. l' N.It. 2. " N.R. 111, Square 8. - • 2-ltankters 13. blot•t , , lt--9jARMM -FI 4(N Iail KI) R 0 0 M 8. 24-•itatlkera- 13. Square 7. rf with all modern conveniences for $atitald ..thigh w'b'*'l students. Apply at 310- '• 2.5-S.Inape defanitel to W.('.r._NAL OFFI('F. N, Tltls arak. a_ -lith.- standing-.. is -_the wood half of tie Airtinle : Won irdlt Saltforl _ r, 1 - 4 --.2.. DIED \lt\I51'It(1N1;.--in l;odkerlch, on Fri- day. Augui 21, Mary E. Armstrong. sister of Mr. Wm. Armstrong. Mcl'AItTHY-1u Gokerieb. on Mon- day, August 24. Mary Me('nrthy. daughter of the late Charles .Mc l'Mrihy, Kingsbridge. GUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER Saturday, August 20. -Clearing auction sale of house furnishings at the residence of Mr. C. A. Lees, Bay- field nod (next to Barker Bros.' gar- age) . Saturday. September 5. -Adminis- trator's tale of residence property and household furniture at the prem- ises of the late Mary Morris Strachan, Cambria road. ROOM WANTED MAPS Glp HURON COUNTY FOR sale 4 THE SIGNAL OFFICE, Price 25 'rots. D« i&E8IJINA, THE NEW 4'LAS- Vy t111'AL teacher at the ('ollegiate Institute, wishes to hear from a pri- vate faintly with _a nk'e home having a spare room for a paying guest. Breakfast required. and If possible full board. AsMrew- P.O. JIOX ,432. TO RENT uoUSE TO LFJT. e- DES It.\iDI.E as douse, Nelson street. Every eem- vcnience. I'oaseo*1on 4klolaer 1st. it. J. ACHEIFON. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT giltANK P. 01B118, CHABTBRIIID a Accountant. 102 Ontarto streets Stratford. Phone 1580. lies. 13303. AUCI IONEKZINO Colt SALE. -TEN COTTAGES ON a the Late bank. Separately or rub bloc. Terme reasonable. JULIA THOMAS LEWIS (loderteh. i CCOIL. BENT OR • SAI.E.-$EVEN- roomed Croute. with furnace, bath. etc.. on Orme street. betw.es Victoria and ]recti. Peamw{on pat ter part of September. M.• W. HOWELL. ROOMERS WANTED • rut SALA% LR'RIGHT WEBER piano. 1n good conditlou ; twelwg- auy ea -a; has exceptionally g.s.d tour. l'Vt' to MISS MAY 14'1'4rD- DART, )bat street. Lh111 s•\I.E.-FIVE-WAS)ll HOUSE II situated ou Elisabeth street over- looking :Ake; large lot, electric lights, water and sewers. Prier 6000. Terms :1110) earn* balance at $10 per m011111. Apply ---la HUH. A. FINLAYSON, P"a"ll" s; rest. 3t DOOM1OIS WANTED. - HIGH as school girls preferred. Modletn eonvenie•mr's. Apply at THE SIGNAL. - isle - W('}']t. .;;' 3 2 BlnitPr. _ : u v A- 4 Lions 1 2 -, Mgnare 1 ' 5 M.1 .C. 1 5 (M- Weshne-'ay night of Inst week 1sltford .Wi;oltely won (sae-champdon- ship of the fret half of the slh(dnlr Ly_,Irteatit,4 W.('.F M. for the second i11...' The .•nre son, to -'t. FIR$T-411..%S3 FIU'IT FOR SALE I'Inne, pear* and apples I'Inms ready this w,ek; ('an be had Fye tele- phoning .430121 or by calling at the farta< --atstr cents n i.twket. nr for r fnrm. (;Foo f.AITH\VAITF:. Huron road t(;ealeriek P0.) - • LV►R SALE. -BEDS. COMMODES' i I mattress, easy chairs, rockers, Invalid .immode chair, range, washing machine. tablets, kitchenware. pic- tures. Jersey Black Giant and Part- ridge t'..chln hens, Polish High Flyer pigeons. R. M1cDONALD, (Dunlop) R. R. 3, Oederlch. WANTED A01x)MMODATid* - Ft tit 114)0M- F:R$.-ljlrle t, lomfnrtablr home. Apply to MRS. 31. A. HOWEi.i.. Tra- falgar street. LOST OR FOUND ntNTFJD.-51AII) FOR GIN MAL noigework• Apply to was. J. 1t. KELLY. Lighthouse street. W\NTBD.-A (x)MIPIITENT 0181, TT for general housework. 11135. It..1 t(JHIS*JN. Nelson street. IM\N'rIOI) AT . O\'4'-'F.-M.tLD FOR vv .\lexaadra Marine and General Hea!pilaL Apply to ISI.YERINTF)ND- NNT. t1ST.-)N Fit(1t.\Y. Ai'GUST 21. (s a white gold bur -pin set w-ifh small diamond, in 1;ray m or the Steel store, nr between these places. Finder p:case leave at the SIGNAL OFricr and receive reward. WA."1 SMALL EL/CC/TRW n mutat. Would buy good second- hand maehiee. BOX 8, THE SIG- NAL 1T 14T.= N 2I"MPAY, AUNIUIT 16, Ai between Kintall had Ripley. Mack leather club -bag. initialled 3. M. 0., containing clothing. Finder please notify L G. BROWN. West Lorne, Ont., and receive reward. ARI'►t'LES WANTED. - FALSE ne th. Also bridgework discarded. Any .•ondltion. Highest prices. Mall. S. BAKER, 344 8ladestone Ave., Tor- onto. 311.t Iar•a114o- t man carries his w•Ife . pictur.• ha hitt witch le no sign N►r4-aMR=1 t-4 --act); .woman he the _c nsce, 1,ih•.. ".4re you related to def)'ndnsst'•" eounsel ingnlred. "4301,3 fly hlga- my," the a itartw repblieel..! ,1mndon .\II men nre equal. but that doesn't explain 11nw .nage m.•n enol look drte- sed up in a patgy pair of pant+.- GUsgow Herald. if the Filipinas complain that their dem-nth-me" 111 s no, k0ry, they ml t cross the Pacific ,'.,m.• time and take a kook atours.-Life. 'The -a t:.,e gait I. a most offer - Monett' ah ,l," any. s farmer. I feel mire tiled. li a hot in this rnmP- where•- 1,',,- •1 8nnday Pictorial. aminie Our Club Subscription .Service IgPLANNED 40 help you wham you want la t.baeriba to sow' papers nr msesaine4 or renew your old subseeIpeien.. le's convenient- It tetes sou noth- ing It save row ssseney. It Is at your gervle* at any limo. THE SIGNAL CODRRiCH ANTED. -AGENTS FOR THIS district by the Confederation Life Asso.':atlon. Exceptionally good con- hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m.. excepts- tree'. xcept.tree'+ offered to the right men. Ape lag Monday and Thursday afternoorsiii ply to 0. J. CAVANAGH. General and evenings, and by appointment Agent. Goderich. P.O. Box 426. Residence and omce• Cor. I. Telephone 436. and Victoria streets. GUNDRY, GOD/CRICK LIVE STOOK AND G IRd1HAIR AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Sales attended to anywhere and ever* effort made to give @attatactioal Farmers' sale notes discounted. ROBERT ROBERTSON, QualifiedSt Auctioneer, Eldon will conduct any gale to the, cont* of Hurn. For information apply MI P. J. Ryan. Hamilton 83., or orders left with him w111 receive prompt ab tentton. 1 M. STALKER, AUCTIONEER. . for household effects farm egos ate.• for obs County of Huron. Address all communications to J. S TALKER, Anburu P. 0. OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, 11. 0.. A• OPTOMETRIST, OPTiCIAN, Wert Street, Goderich. Honor Graduate of the Cueadlaa Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Eyes examined by the late*► meth- ods, and the proper fitting of game at moderate prices Ontario Boar4 of Examiners Certificate No. 875. MUSIC Door. W. H. JACKSON, Oriented 1 and Director of 74ussic. Kertti street Methodist ebureli. Isatrset1ts g ives In Vole* Culture, Organ. Ptaa Vlolln, Guitar, Theory. etc. Studio gal rnatdewcs, 3T North street. Phone sea. CHIROPRACTOR N. ATKINSON CHIROPRACTOR Ooderlch. Chronic organic and nervous dim eases Consultation tree. OAIee AUCTION SALE TICAL ( t CvVLFAR1NCI AUCTION SALE OF DR. ALEXANDER F1SHER, HOUSE FURNISHINGS. ' s Phone 991' Stratford, Ont. Hit, C. A. Ls EB Special attention given to care ot will sell by pwblk auction at his real- IW.faota and children. desire es the Bayaeld road. Goderich (next W Recker Bios,' garage[, unR. F. J. R. FORSTER SATURDAY. ACU ST 29, D RYE. EAR NOSE. THROAT commencingat 2 o'clock : late Mouse Surgeon New Tort Ogle. slue Stager sewing machine. drop hea.1 ; 1 • fumed dining -room set, 9 thimble and Aural Hospital, asalstast ' pieces; 1 mahogany -Wish parlor set, at Moorefield Eye Hospital ani :t pieces; 1 mahogany-flnlsh table; 1 Golden Square Throat H.tapltal, Los' one rotting -chair; 1 Edison phono- don. Eng. graph, records and record cabinet : 1 i 53 Waterloo St. 8-, Stratford- 'lbs, :t -drawer cherry , table; 1 kitchen ephone 267. lounge; 1 bookstand; 1 high stool; 11 At Hotel Bedford, Goderich. off Sower ►' sad : 1 dropleaf kitchen Thursday, August nth from 10 a.m. table; 1 small kitchen table ; 4 kitchen no 4 p m• chairs; 2 old drains: 1 sewing rock- er; 1 Spiro, walnut bedroom set, and ntattroet_-autL- 1 spng;abad with spring; mriahogany-fini1brshves dres- oer; 1 chil.l'e crib, mattress and R UDFOOT A KILLORAN spring: 1 !riding chest of drawers; 1iarrieters, Notary Public, eta. FlorenPe aut.,rnatkk ofd .tore and oven; 1 biewpLre An..a4' at4.1 range; 1 tar heater, !party new; 1 kitchen cup- • board; 1 (.11114. high chair: 1 washing 9 A. CLL'FF, B. A., BARRIBTRR,. ;',3 machin and wringer; 1 galvanIzed Solicitor and Notary Publle. Norte Iron wash tub : 1 Erase rug: 1 tapes 9t., Goderich. Phone 411. ' try rug, 7'4,' by 9'; a namb•r of small! a` ' mats and rugs: about 0 yds. union! DI'DLEY E. HOLMES ' carpet ; large piece linoleum, 11'x13'; Rsrrbster, Etc. { 2 large feather Inds; 1 pair of featlx'rI Omce-Hamilton street, Oodrt11c1. pillows; n toner window ahaden: 1 Phone 27. large clothe. basket; 1 ash sifter;I garden tools; 1 lawn mower; 1 ca•9EAOER. K. C.. BARRISTER. niers ; a number nt picture': 1 set of C. SOLICITOR. Notary Public tai Potts' irons; a number of empty seal- Oouveyaoeer. O1Bce--(7ourt H oo"' ers; a quantity of fruit; 3 window 0odertch, wcreen"; 1 *sipper wa*hloiler: 1 glass washboard; a quantity of carpenter and auto tools; 1 dinner wet; a m1m- heer of crocks and other dishes ,.•2 water 14110; 1 Fuller map: 1 banging lamp; 4 smolt lamps: 1 ehH4'e melt- ing ekIng horse; 1 .•tail&'s verandah gate: 1 child's alert; 1 eroesent saw, 5!J ft.; 1 scythe; 4 axes; 1,ekottem horse; 1 child's bla(khoard . 1 tut stand. '1 foot stool; 1 hake board and rolling pin; a number of "louse planta; 2 screen &norm : 1 R -day dock; tollet set. TERM$ 4.,,I.. Everything moat be *old. as Mr. Tope Is leering at one.. for Florida. C. Al.. 1.1111'.--_. T. OUNDRY. roprle,4hx._Auctioneer. I.E6AL Money to Lend. Phone 97. The Square. Goderrlcb CEA.LED TI,T•- DEltPf Addree.*ed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Landing Block. Saugeen hirer, (1nt.," will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight sav- ing), Tuesday, September !4, 192.', for a Landing It1Oek. Saugeen Itirer. (truce County. Ont. Plans and forms of contract ran he seen and specification and forma of tender obtained at this Department. at the ottkea of the Dtatrlct Engineers. ethitoma Building• London. Ont.; Equity Building. Toronto. Ont., and *t the Post Office. Southampton, Ont. Tender. will not be considered un- less made on printed forms supplied by the Department and In accordance with condition% eemtalned therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an aceepted cheque nn a chartered hank payable to the order of the Mlnioter of Public Works. equal •t0 10 per rent. of the amount of. the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada nr bond* of the Canadian Ns- tion*l Railway Company *111 *1*0 tx' accepted as seenrity, or bon(is and a cheque if required to make up an 141(1 amount. Note. -Mine printe can he obtained 0t thin Department by dopnoIting an accepted ehepue for the snm of $10.00. payable to the order of the Minister nt robin, Work.. which will ie returned If the intending bidder *submit a regular Md 1ty order. 9. E. (EIIRIPP4. Secretary. Department of Public Work*. Ottawa, August 17, 1906. • ADIeL:clot tATU ill BALE (ba REsb1rI:NOE PROPERTY AND 114)3 34gFJOI.I► ,F1 RTU1IE. I am lustnxted byNIthe adminletra- tor of the estate of the late Mary Mor- rie Strachan to eel! by public auction at the premi+es, Cambria road, God- rrirh, on SATURI).\Y. SFII'TF:IIBER 5TH commencing at 1110 o'clock: The hon+.• and lot on ('amhrla road, fit pr,•.ent oecapied by Mr. Straehatd 'this is * well -hullo frame residence 011 11 good garden lot with fruit tree*, l,. rrles, etc. The house has all ('0nvrnienrr.r, including hot water heating. Iigl,M, etc.. it can be inspected 11 any Bine previous to sale. TN1t31S: Five hundred dollars re- quired at tfm,' of sale, balnnee made payable nn terms to suit purchaser. Furniture and chattels: 1 ratltnla No. 3. W1erfingkot*e; 1 sewing ma- chine; all parlor furniture, Including parlor suite, rites. etc„ 2 complete b dream m., l, Nall dlningr(l.m fuiternittit(vbrpeta, melodiste, i 41.h - e,, china. glassware, ate,; alt kitchen ,tenall* ; 2 rook stoves; 1 ectal oil cook .rove: 1 coal 011 heater; 1 washing ontflt. complete; 1 id-gallarl oil teak; 1 well bred roadster volt, rising three year.. quiet Ind well -broken; 1 bug - Ry : 1 anity : 1 Mitt,: 1 ant of tingle h*rnes's; 4 hog trent*. TERMS: All sats of 120 find un- der, math; ever that amount. three months' era* w111 be gives on fern Ishing jest test WM. 4 &N. T. (SUNDRY. A Asetloneer. Flaps Rape BA RRI.TKRA, ETC. R.C.HAY8-.R.C.HAYF,al.. B.A. Hamilton St.. G.dericn REAL EITATE AND 1iNSURANCs D . 0E0116E, as. Real Estate Aid Isserssee HOUNDS 1t'OR HALE Local •agese for 11fe. Are, automo- bile and t insurance. Office: At residence, Trafalgar street. 'Phone 456. INSLRANCR • o. J. CAVANAGH. General Agent for Confederation Life Association Alan Are, antomoblle and accident , insurance. Mire: North street. 'Phone 4111► P.O. Box 420. INSURANCE, LOANS. ITC. MWILLOP MUTUAL FiRm 111- I 9URANCE ('O• -Ferro end Iwnlate town property insured. Omcets•-Jas. • Cenn0Uy, Pres. God 4 rich P. 0.; Jam Evac. V 1ee-Prea. Beeeobwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor. Ser: Treas.. Seaforth P. 0. Directors --A. Bros Hoot, 8. R. • No. t, $eatorth • John G. Ortwwe Ifo 4, Walton • V(Ill*m Rinn, R. R. Ne► R 8 e.a ortb ; John Reenwe(wl.w, Brod* began; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No, 8. $aafortb ; Robert Ferris, Refloat Murray Gibson, Bruceton,: Jame* Evans. Re ebwood ; James Co*solly. Ooderleh. Agents -J. W. Teo, Godetieh t Alex. Lettcb. R. R No. 1, Mateo! John Murray, Sesfnrtb; 1. Mecham, iismfortb. Polley -bolder, eon pay all paymeeM ani get theft cards vwaelpt. e4 at 1t. J. Itorristt's (clothing Mass" O11mt*s ; R. H. Astra (Fvoeory, stet arse, Gsdevieb. or J. H. Clew 1 Rms. Rayfield. • fi