HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-11-28, Page 36PAGE 36. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1990. SAVE! SAVE* save $8. io***• >-#• WITH CO UPC SAVE!knechtd PARIAHA HRV PDP^ Cut From Canada's Finest Grade 'A' Beef Assorted Vaneties BONELESS TOP kg 79* Seedless 1/2 PRICE Product of U.S.A. SWEET JUICY NAVEL ORANGES Part Back Attached COUPONS BELOW REDPATH FINE WHITE SUGAR 2 kg Bag With Coupon Below FRESH CHICKEN LEGS Product ol USA. FRESH CRISP HEAD LETTUCE 79\a *s.. .... . / C TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT WITH COUPON BELOW 5Utreor Ck CLJi 4 ulre <w e KX r® Oviario Product of Ontario Caneda Fancy MACINTOSH A^kES 1.99ea w Product of Ontario Canada #1 FRESH GREEN CABBAGE ■Jumbo Size' 79ea Cavendish FRENCH FRIES Straight Cut, Country Cui. Crinkle Cut, Frozen 1 kg Pkg. 1.29 KNECHTEL^i ORANGE JUICE Grapefruit Frozen 12.5 Oz.Tin 1/2 Price 99’ r 24 x 280 mL Tins Unit Price 8.9o/100 mL 750 mL Bottles Unit Prioe 6.6c/100 rr^ 5.99 2/99 p. - r-x------------Plus Deposit J I SIRLOIN STEAK 6.59 kg 2.99b __J ----------------------------------------------------- Del Monte JUICE 3 x 250 mL Tetra Campbell’s CREAM SOUPS Product of U.S A Florida Grown RED OR WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 99’V___ T H t Product of U.S.A TOMATOES 11/2 lb. Tray 1.69 ea. Product al U.S A FRESH CRISP CELERY STALKS Product of Spain SWEET JUICY CLEMENTINE ORANGES 1.29 Bunch Frmh Y<jun^Ortario'\ SIDE SPARE RIBS Cut From Canada'# Finest Grade 'A* Beef BONELESS OUTSIDE ROUND ROAST 5.49 kg 2.49ib Celery, Chicken, Mushroom 10 0z. Tin 3 For 1.99 *A Lunohtyms Favorite* BOLOGNA 3.73 kg 1.69 ( MAXWELL HOUSE Instant Coffee Regular 200 g Decaffeinated Sierra 150 g Jar With Coupon Below 3.99 Pepperidge A Farm Layer or Chiffon Cakes Assorted Varieties Frozen 3KY255 g Pkg. 99’ DECOR BATHROOM TISSUE 8 Roll Pkg. 2 Ply With Coupon Below 2.69 _____________ HEINZ KETCHUP 1 Litre 2.59 J Regular Style 450 g HOT DOG WIENERS Regular or 33% Salt Reduced 500 g SLICED SIDE BACON 1.59 2.29 1.21/100g z ULI </>—I Special Price Without Coupon 3.49 ValM Only Al Knechtel A««oc. Stores Coupon Expires Sat., Dec i. 1WO 28 oz Tin HUNT’S THICK & RICH SPAGHET11 SAUCE With This Coupon Get Buy 3 /'mJ Get I.OOOPF This Week ’'urchuse Pi1 - Valid Only At Kn'"'' ' A#«oc. Stores Coupon Expire# ’ ■■ Dec. 1, 1»9O Datf Sfcecf or Shaved 9 91 Purchase of 1 - 1.35 ky Baa of Mintrte. Large F IAa' or QimA OLD MILL OATS Special Price With This .30 Coupon $ W<h This Coupon SAVE .30 Off The Purchase of 1 ■ 9 Rdl PXg. DECOR BATHROOM TISSUE Special Price With This .30 Coupon 2.69 Special Pace Without Coupon 2 99 VaW Only At Knnchtef A,toe Slrxet Coupon Emwm S* . Dec 1.1990 WATTS 1005 ZLT lb. 2.84 kg. With This Coupon SAVE 50 off lhe Pur- chssa ol 1 - 200 g Regular. 150 g Decaf­ feinated, Sierra MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE SpKt.l Pric WHh Th I, .SO Coupon 3.99 Special Price Without Coupon 4 49 Vslld Only At Knechtel Assoc. Stores Coupon Expires Set., Dee. t, IMO NIELSEN 33752176 Wth This Coupon SAVE 1.00 off tie Purchase of 1 - 700 g Pkg. of Frozen HIGHLINER FISH IN BATTER Prk. Wkh Thia 1.00 Coupon 'Great Shaved On A Kaiser* SMOKED HAM Dill Sliced Or Shtvd With This Coupon SAVE 1.00 off the Purchase ol 1 - 700 g Pkg. of Frozon HIGHLINER FISH STICKS AND FRIES Special Price Wllh This 1.00 Coupon 2.49 With This Coupon SAVE 1.00 off the Purchase of 1 - 425 g GENERAL MILLS OATMEAL RAISIN CRISP Special Prlca WHh This 1.00 Coupon 1.99 Spocial Price Without Coupon 2.99 Valid Only At Knechlel Assoc. Stores Coupon Expires Set., Dec. 1. ’M0 WATTS 2.19b 4a/ioog J I 2.49 Special Price Without Coupon l 3 49I Valid Only Al Knrrh'.el Assoc. Storee I Coupon Fvplres Sei. Doc. 1, 1090 Whh Thia Coupon SAVE .60 oil the Pur- ch#re of 1 - 450 g ALPHABITS or 400 g Box of POST SUGAR CRISP Special Price Wih Thia .to Coupon 2.99 Special Price Wtbout Coupon 3 59 Valid Orly Al KnecMrl Assoc. Stoiee Coupon Expiree 9ot., Dec. 1,1000 ' Iw With This Coupon SAVE .60 off the Purchase of 1 ■ 400 g POST HONEYCOMBS Special Price With Thia .60 Coupon 2.99 Spocial Price Without Coupon 3 59 Valid Only At Knerhlel Aaaoe. Storrs Coupon Expires Sat., Dec. 1,1090 NIELSEN wih Thto Coupon SAVE .50 Off The Purehsse of 1 - 4 or 5 Litre TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT Special Price With This .50 Coupon 2.99 Special Price Without Coupon u. KNECHTEL Special Price Without Coupon 1.29 Vafrd Only Al KnechteJ Aaaoc. Stores Coupon Expires Sal., Deo. 1. 1990 Wih Thia Coupon fl * VE 1.00 Off The Puichaae ol I * I I Are P-vdar. BOO rrtL Liquid SPIC& SPAN OR LESTOIL Special Pnco With This 1.00 Coupon , 2.29 ® Special Price Without Coupon — 3-29 Vairf Only Al Kn*v * Assoc. Stores Coupon Expves 5* . Dec. I, 1990 SCRIMGEOUR'S blyth FOOD MARKET 523-4551 SAVINGS BASED ON OUR REGULAR RETAILS. VALUES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, DEC. 1/90. We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements.