HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-11-28, Page 28PAGE 28. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1990.
From the Minister’s Study
Pastor pays tribute to lifelong friend
In an hour or so my wife and I
will head toward Hamilton to
attend a funeral. The news of this
friend’s passing came as a very
great surprise; while she had
attained more than her “three
score years and ten’’ yet she had
been in much better health than
her husband. They were on their
way to Florida and were within 60
miles of their destination when she
suffered a massive heart attack and
died. Because there had been no
sickness, and no warning, her
passing came as a particular shock
to her family and friends.
The funeral will not be a sad one,
however. In fact, I expect it to be
something of a celebration, for the
day of her death is that for which
she had lived all of her life. As a
girl of 17 she had a personal
encounter with Jesus Christ and
never looked back. At the age of 18
she and her husband were married
and for 62 years served each other
and their Lord.*****
We’re back from the funeral
now, and it was all that I expected
it to be. The church was full and the
singing of the great hymns of faith
and confidence, “Guide Me 0
Thou Great Jehovah’’, “Zion’s
Hill,” and “That Will Be Glory For
Me” was inspiring. A quartet
composed of her son-in-law and
three grandsons enunciated the
assurance of all believers as they
sang “It Is Well With My Soul”. It
took a full hour to accommodate
appropriately all that was said and
Tributes were given by denomi
national representatives, for both
she and her husband had served
the general church as lay represen
tatives for many years; a repre
sentative from the Childrens’ Bible
Mission told of her involvement in
that ministry; her young pastor told
of her support for him as he took up
the responsibilities of his first
pastorate, and of her extensive*
ministry within the local church; in
a tribute from the family a son-in-
law related how he detached him
self during a time of family prayer
and counted the names of 150
people for whom she prayed during
that one devotional time.
This “Mother In Israel” had a
great influence on my life. Fifty-
one years ago she and her husband
were part of a small group who
stood on a grassy comer lot just
outside Hamilton’s eastern city
limits and proclaimed the Gospel to
a curious collection of kids who had
gathered to check out the action.
When a Sunday school was started
the next Sunday afternoon on that
grassy lot I was one of the first
Three years later, in the newly
constructed little frame church with
its bare stud walls and its pot-bell
ied stove, I yielded to the claims of
Christ and the love of that little
group and started out on the
“narrow way that leads to life.”
The prayers and love of that godly
woman have followed me ever
As we stood by the graveside I
felt that it was appropriate for me
to lift my voice and lead the
assembled group in singing,
Sing the wonderous love of Jesus,
Sing His mercies and His grace.
In those mansions bright and
He’ll prepare for us a place.
When we all get to heaven,
What a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus
We’ll sing and shout the victory!
Let us then be true and faithful,
Trusting, serving, every day.
Just one glimpse of Him in glory
Will the toils of life repay.
(Mrs. John G. Wilson)
I concur with the Psalmist when
he declares, “The lines have fallen
unto me in pleasant places; yea,
I have a goodly heritage.” (Psalm
16:6) I pray that Mother Freeman’s
mantle of compassionate love and
prayerful intercession might fall on
L. Winger leads Mennonite service HURON CHAPEL MISSIONARY
On Sunday, November 25, Leroy
Winger led the service. Special
music was provided by Sharon
Demaray, accompanying Michelle
and Destiny Lichty, Amy and
Darryl Demaray, led by Tillie
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Warner and family. As guest
speaker Tom delivered the mess
age entitled “Foolishness or
Faith” using Galations 3: 1-9 as his
Compiled by Mrs. Margaret McMahon. Phone 887-9250
Literacy topic at WI
Thirteen members of the Ethel
W.I. attended the Education meet
ing held in the Ethel Hall on
Tuesday evening.
President Patricia Keffer led in
the opening exercises. The roll call
“Why you would or would not like
to go to school today” brought
forth some serious concerns about
the education system of today.
A motion was made to support
the Town and Country Home
makers as well as give a donation to
the Ethel Hall Board renovations
Doris Jacklin gave her report
from the Guelph area convention
held in Atwood.
Margaret McMahon introduced
the guest speaker, Mrs. Rosemary
Rognvaldson, a librarian from Lis-
towel who is involved in the literacy
program. She explained illiteracy
costs are quite high to the country.
Society today depends more on the
written word because of technology
Patricia Keffer thanked Rose
mary for her talk and presented her
with a gift of appreciation.
Pamela McLellan and Joan
Smith are convenors in charge of
the Grey Township Firemen’s sup
per on December 7 at the Ethel
Joan Smith gave the smile and
several items of current events
were given.
The Christmas meeting was dis
cussed and a definite date will be
set later.
The next W.I. euchre is Decem
ber 3 at 8:30 p.m. Susie and
Marjorie Gebhardt were in charge
of lunch.
“Is that
a snowman
on the
"No. it's
your husband
who look
a powder!"
Make your move.
Cross-country skiing.
Sunday at 10a.m. and 2:30p.m.
Sunday School 11:00a.m.
The Church of the “Back to God Hour” and “Faith 20”
Back to God Hour 10:30a.m. CKNX Sunday
Faith20 5:00a.m. Weekdays,GlobalT.V.
text. It is only through faith that we
are blessed by God’s Holy Spirit,
but this blessing is open for
everyone who believes.
Sunday evening, 24 families
participated in a “Guess Who’s
Coming for Dinner Event”.
The Youth held a successful
pancake supper at the church on
Saturday evening.
Tuesday evening, the ladies’
group gathered at the church fo the
monthly meeting. Sylvia Stevenson
and Joan Miller were in charge of
the meeting. Sandy Stewart, of the
“Huron-Perth Centre for Children
and Youth”, spoke about the
services offered through the cen
The Men’s Fellowship monthly
Breakfast was held Saturday morn
ing - Jim Boyes from Listowel
shared the story of his Christian
AUBURN 526-7515
10:00 a.m. - Family Bible Hour
11:00 a.m. * Morning Service
8:00 p.m. - Evening Service
Tuesday, 4:15 - Kids’ Klub
Wednesday - Livestyle Evangelism
Friday, 7:30 - Youth
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Carolyn McAvoy
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
- Sunday School
9:30 a.m. . Belgrave Service
We welcome you to come and worship with us!
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