HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-27, Page 6Q 'Hlursday, August 27. Itrl3.
September 1st
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you'll need early. It will
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Book Store
"On the Square
for forty years"
Used Every
The Term
$2.50 to $7.00
By Johnston Abbott
(All rights mooned/
(Continued from last week)
There is little to tell of the re-
mainder of our jouruey. The weath-
er was warm and dry, rad we travel-
Iwl hl sowlarative case mud safety.
Soule of the rapids we navigated hn
our canoe.. When 1t was ue•essary to
disembark as at the ealarne is and the
(row. that time onward he ()nide 110
further mention of her uawe. and the
friendship that had grown out of our
mutual unhappiness rapidly dis-
"Itis you know wlwther he leis el -
braided her slut* oi1 ly arrival?" On -
41111 -ell..
''S01 W my knowledge," replied the
"fie has some phut," 1 repeated.
"Ile lx playing a pert. , HIs present
urbanity is amounted."
"I ant 1111.11110411111.111104110 agree with you."
And ao; she sold. "you herr replied P. Dufour, "lint after all.
brought me safely to the. end of our "'11et eau he do:'"
Journey." "Ile has received eouvlueleg proof
of the futility of his furw.r methods
seem*•It seem* s', Madetuolseale," 1 re- and realizes that 11 he 1x to brink her
plied. to marry haw or keep her fortune hl
"And yet you are down -Ito rttd. the family it eau only bo dune by a
Are you not glad to Iw Iui
erer' ev.plete change in polies. He 1"
plrase•el that Fortune hae vouchsafed
hitt euuther ,bra,. arilt I
1011 that bather failed to severe) by
lstieltee coupled with Importunity, be
has i1 tin wind to devise some scheme
whereby tr
bby he ay apply comptll*bun."
,,lore luau glad, Ma•irmu(mr�lle."
Orn dwngernns rapids, tree "ores Stas slo dot 1.«,k ttf-Yhe t4' �lrtwl
-lvenganiuns e*rrlel our cauls• and Its -what Is the hatter?"'
cements 941 their shoulders while we 1 shrugged my ,*moulder,.
wletkeel - unburdened te•hlud them. "1,•11 we!" she urged.
t tweeted. "In truth," I wild. "If
there i, one couslderatluu that nears
my contentment. it is a' very selfish
one. -to wit that t. shall uo longer be
privileged to vujoy the tompnuluu-
41111 that t]artuue ,has 'so kindly -be-
stowed upon we of tete."
"A pmol Kruse for melancholy,"
she rejoined lightly. ••'I shall Judge
the s1Mverlty of your desire for my
cowpony by the frequency with which
eget I4M k it,"
I shook my head. "You will he
among your friends, and there will
be no leek of those whose conversa-
tion 1s more enlivening than mine."
we meet the Hurons with wham we had "True enough!" said Mademoiselle.
set forth from Ste. Marie the year' "Were wy thoughts Ment upou enter -
before. now on their way dome armed tahlme•nt early, I might look fur it
with mun►ets and loaded with pre- elsewhere, though indeed you are
petits. we lay In hiding from them end ro,utetiwew rawly wore diverting Wau
they in wait for ns. for several hours. you think; but I ate In the midst of
TThtlt they r*'*t•hed the emichnd* n that lwr91ezllita, dlt1kulttei. d*others,-it
we laid eradet them and came neer Is glidanee, and help, and pioh-rTTeiu
enough for us to rei•ogniie them. As that I need more than entrrtatnme11t,
we were now near the Island of Mont- -1 need friends whom 1 can trust."
reel and In the most dangerous stage "1 bare learn,yl." she elided Iger
of the Journey, we prevailed upon a pause. "that you art.* friend whew
tthem by the prowls.• of additional I can •trust. 1 am not blind. I do
not think 11 is be mere chance that
you have bee•u et hand to help me
whenever 1 have been 141 trouble and
to actmmpaoy me when 1 hare moue
into danger. I do not kuow why you
have taken It 1115n{ yon to watch over
Iu*o,i in May, into the little stream me and guard we, but 1 know shut
yeti have d e so, snot 1 cheek yon."
that ale Marie iota the St. Lawrence' "1 cannot�detl-v. Mademoiselle, Med
at Ville Mlarie .1e Mluntrral, i have taken a dose) interest in your
forums, and that I bare fotlewed
them in the hoer that 1 might b4' of
gervIe." 1 repilt-.i-- ".ts for aey' rea•-
n()nA,-surely no further explanation
is neessary than your own charm of
person and dispo-inion, which quakes
tif1 men eager to.serve you."
She laughed and .hlushel. "Ton
are a courtly tot.uist.' ,sir declared.
"Were your explanation has patty
sIM,k.•11 1 should ,1)'4.114 it wore credible
and tied it aSefe, ewharrabaiug,"
In another year, how
different that boy or girl
of yours will look -but
photographs of the chit.
dren never grow up.
Let us help you Creep • picture
record of their childhood.
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Toissiieatr 117
Narle 1.
Water for
Miss S. Noble
British 1.. Block -
Lawn Service
The hon t s for ujie .of water
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rom--5 o'clock p. m.
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In case of fire alarm,
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Your co-operation ie\
Water and Light Commission
Secy Chairman
800 Rooms • 800 Baths
$2.50 per Day and up
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Progressive Merchants Advertise
The Signal :: Goderich
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Unto. as o.'0 rounded a turn of the
river, we were alarmed by a sudden
and unexpected meeting with a small
fund of Iroquois, but their numbers
were no greater titan ours. and though
' they turned to pursue us. a fear well
planed shots seemed to convince thew
that there was more satisfaction to M•
gained, with less risk. by the [•sump
tion of their journey upstream than
by evsntinuing to week an encounter
with 1144.
This incident brought hums to us
a lively appreciation of the need for
volition, and ao vigilant did we be-
eotue that when. a day or two later,
rewards, to return with us.
Thus reinforced. we made a party
sufficiently Wrong to travel boldly and
without hesitation: uerertheleele IS
was with the greatest relief that we
el last tunnel our 011 IOWA. One after -
Imagine, if you Dan, 'the welcome
that met our arrival: The entire
population of the eettlewelt poured
tout in a body to greet us with cheers
and :Monts. $ea reel) had we landed.
when 1', Dufour come running, bare-
anheaded, with his black robe and
white hair flying in the breeze,
.1111 lneoherent 41154541 of joy .,and
thaiiksgtt•In!!' m1 ids Idle, (liberty
tulittaint;,shIsa-came the` ,t4sernor.
wtiti illle. Manan+. -and lime: de la
t'eltrle, •.who seized upon Mlle. de ! harr ao n; 1, t' .•e11turralss yon,
t'batillon in transports of enthud- M1demol*elle. Iter if mt any time 1
ass. hod thus attended. and sur- eau hell) you, 'hat is iu,leel my de -
rounded by the surging crowd, tvc ire."
mare our car way lo the fort. near the
=ate of 41151411 we art M. de
t 111011.
Whatever might have been his feel-
ings 0n first hearing of tsps cousin's
oaf, return, be had by now hurl a
Apaew def some few minutes to which
to dh{Mt the ad►,,' and encountered
Wer with a fair degree of o,omp,snre.
There are many who profess to be able
to read a man's thoughts in iia hs-•
hnviotir and the expression of his fea-
tures. but for my part I hail's' nel'er
I:041 e1*1111 hl A1/011 nicety of dtserimi-
4:tfon. and thtnlgh 1 watched hitt
(lrsel7 w•itlt much curiosity, 1 could
discern in his weld little but a spec les
of hrwildernwnt and a mixture of
con MFli* emotions-71m'inrmth. he
had regarded her tem having perished.
I'rrd.oddel as 131444 the passion that
hail bed him to f0110W her no ardently -
and 440 persever1Og1J, thee'.hail been
n0 affinity of the mind,no loud of the
spirit between them, antl_t- found my-
self wondering whethev'tlw chain
that had istund him had dissolved
/Alien fir (411117 pond of deal/Lbs.!_
ne•nlel 10 b' laid upon It. Hca
hea11h. at bast, had not declined: hp
was handsomer than ever, his car-
riage ex erect, his attire 410 less sump-
tuous. That his dr•slre for her was
not extinguished, --tor perhaps I should
Any that it warn rekindled at the sight
of Myr,-'meas eIerly erMent. But
whereas, before, his behavimlr had
spoken of an tmwtl)ing yet impotent
snhjellon to her w•iiIms," there was
111/1- III Ills deport men t a oertafn
smooth indulgent urba'hity: it was AA
N the utter wreck of the plans- en
which he had met his heart had derel-
n thirlf (ertdin t•gnantanhy, just
as to nobler Rubs a her*nrement not
seldom brings added strength of char-
a.•ter and composure In the fate of
adversity. .11e 44341 learned that ►,e
could lite without her. tend the kno13l.
edge en(1014ee1 him with a measure of
independence that manihMtel Itself in
a trace of b18n( Indiffe•reger, . and In
the well chosen and appropriate wools
In which he congratulated iter Alma
eor wife return.
Thin change 4138 not lost upon the
mirk perception of Mlle. de i'hatfl-
on. and whereas aloe had been wont to
meet Itch petulant* with asperity. she
ow met his urbanity with anteing
Fhrmna-hat penelrely i followed the
esger, questioning group that enr-
mnnded Mademoiselle and eaeorted
e4' to her quarters, 1 carried In my
and a kindle of her belongings, and
hough wilting hands sought more
hen nneetoretieeemeofit. 1 was
oath to let 1t g0, ax H to do PO world
to finally dishurden myself of my
)urge. She was safe. and In the
idst of her friends, and 1 would not
vc had It ofherwfse. fn n day or
-r, we should all return to Quebec
d I should he free to go !reek to
'thlr conversation - was interrupted
by the return of 1111,•. Mince and
ine. 44' 1n 1'• -trio. and after a few
Minutes of f,,rib,•r talk 1 took my
Citinfall. XXIII
A fortnta It ter we were In gne-
iss., and l .staff* it the lower Lewis
near the 8:11013 s edge, with P. 17n -
four, who h:t1 come to ss'' me off to
my Islam( home: i paused used for a
nluai..nt's • ouveraation - with the
"What now F' 1 wad. -3111-1 we a1
last retort to the humdrum of daily
"All th::.zs e.,u,iderel. we are
fire():. . - he herr to ,10 no;' he
No dont,'. 1 replied. -'rhe pros-
pect doss ler greatly appal to tile.-
ile'.""Sonr 8,1,'•ntures have - nock you
restless. he remarked.
"1. -too...*m a trifle loath to settle
dawn." he admitted, "and I think
Mlle. de 1'hatlllou has es.Igew1iet--Abe
"1G dr 111111111011. at least, WPM
glad to be here," I said. "There 1.
ll0thing of Aimlessness in his m.sel.
1 should, like to know what crafty
plan h.• is turning over in Iia mind?"
"Sou think he has Keine new pint'?".
I Melded." Tell we." I -aid. "1111i he
learn from ,von the provisions which
Mille. de 4'hattllon had made for the
dlxp,sat uL her fortune 1.n came art her
"Ile (11(1. Since we believed her to
be 1/0•o1. ie .4011g11 1, on our arrival at
kitie_Marie. to .take cheese of Ler be-
longings, as next of kW. and It Ii' -
to grottier- the xvtit,
1q whk•h she named me as trustee."
"And he beyae familiar with 1114'
ten* of It?"
"blow did he take the news?"
'Whatever revetment he felt he
kept t.. tiiut.eif, but it seemed to line..
n hardening Abet mem him. Until
then, he had appeared to roe chasten-
ed by the disaster that ted fallen up-
on us; the fate of his e0s111 WAN a
sharper blow that) he had ever before
felt. and it sorted in a measure to
strip off the enreini a of xvlgs1urss
with a•hteh hk life of easy iinlulgence
had snrroMaded him. It Is hard to
may how dolly he WAN touched: 1
('hey he ores ren the way to forget her
*tonftiesse and enshrine her In hi.
memory AA one who (''old ultimately
have become his wife. end the Influ-
rnre , f the 11101111111 A011111 douWsm
have ,a•rslste.l Until, sooner or later,
it was dispel».•1•,I by 'sone new interest.
Hut when he barna! that she had ter-
ranged that he should not Ire her hely,
-that he should not inherit even If
all hope of find ng 31 de In Roux were tely;
ultimately to br alba nion el. -when "it eone.'rns Mlle. de ('ha1111on,"'he
he Learned, moreover, that she had began. "She ie In reeelpt Of displeas
Wel s' Huh. toutidenee In him that ing and dfsquleting news."
•`News'()" 1 Raked, . *Imo alionee?"
"From Entrust.. As you know. the
•hfp 141. Jnu'ph came in the day after
our return. on tabard WAS n certain
M. Simon. a notary, from Blom Ie An-
v.'rgne. who Is sent by the court to
seek Mlle. de (')/at1110n and obtain
from her a depnsitl011 netting forth her
re'1Aon4. If Any. why her uncle should
not be apperhited am the legal guardian
of her perentt end her estate."
"Von amnae ale!" 1 exclaimed, in-
emit/done "MRdemOleolle le of age,
and risnIfeetly enmpwtent to (Meet
her aRetre! Surely no JustWeatinn should hare come to he sty tfntted
tau, lye found for sue(1 au appoint-
"It steels absurd," agreed 1'. Du-
four, "yet stranger tbiugs herr hair
pelted. sold the sat)sfuetiou 111111
.110044 441 the expreestou of M. de
vhallilou renders we wlraxy."
"Aho'" 1 said. ''Si, that is the
(tow of cowpulslou he thhlks to ap-
ply! 1 Wender hum tong it has heels
"A►lp4.reatly her mode matte appll-
cation Mout a year ego."
\ pe' item fuwily!" 1 sold, "It
pnazlc, nu• that our wembe•r of It
xhuuhl L, so noble and these ()there
SO Iasr.
"Nile. de Chatlllon Is upset by the
thought of losing her Independence,'
coutiuuest the priest. "Mho feels that
11 is ma obvious effort to prevent her
from curtyleg out the pians on which
she Iue, set her heart."
"1b0 sou tllltk' 44444' would pe tura"
t flskel: - -"I hare -brrouaht 'Mesar
give iter.- I pointed to the 'Aber t
laske•rs in the moat,
lie you. 1'(141 144*- iu the midst of
That way he. mild the Jesuit .411•11 abnrrdatee, the gift nay seem
thoughtfully "but in Rhes. modem mode 1rld(ni.' said the Jesuit. "but to me
times eoelpulsion 1o. not easy to air and 10 \ludrwul.rl1.' ()care could b4'
ply. lu (hr days 0f 1511: ausemhrrs hr nothing more wrk•owe. 1 aw Marr
might, have ridden up ha a coat of she wilt hr. wore thou phased at your.
wail, with 8 troop of sp earweu at his rhoughthdhall tnrdM."
Nick, end carried her off to hi' castle "%s.• salk this mutter over
is defiance int the Fang and the law. further when 1 .te you again," 1(;
Hr cannot de sr, now." said: "it the meowing'. 1 suet go."
"Neve'rthele,s, 1 should like to be ltraslhng over the information gb*-
able to read his thoughts," 1 ma111. I'll we by I'. Dufour, 1 sailed down
"We must watch hint." Into tis *. 1.*w'ren1-,• And tied wy'
11'4' stood In silence. for u minute car !Mat to the wharf and we..mded the
sol. until 1 1554.11 leave of him, exact- _rock 4%11.11a basket in elth,•r haud.l
Mg a promise that he wtuld visit w4' They were Meavy and the way was
ere lung, and set wall for the Island '41t1'11. is. that by the time I reached
of Orleans. the plateau I was hot and out of
lit• it lose and a rude• as it way, U1, breath. :'(ot wishing re present my
.fMet a wan has ctlose•ti for his homy "elf to the t'rsulines and to Mee. ,b
grows in his affection as he bv•omw •'hutlllon in such em0litiou. 1 turn
settled In It. and it wee with a certain amide to heat in the .shade of '4 elutup
warmth of ewollon that i saw the Of trees and bushed at the edge of the
-familiar--root en)4Yge film the nth- OUL 111d there euule quite uhexprt•
-ring du.$. ('loofa(), as 1 did, unen- telly upon Mademoiselle herself. :Hee
'el. 41111 unexpected. 1 looked for
was meted at the base of a Ir.i, look.;
no welcome. and 4t was t1wlefor- with
eastward over the ricer. with her
the greeter pleaanre that I saw my chid in her hand. My coming startled
four talon awaiting me at the landing her a trifl.•. hut when slw recognized
Maar, They had revegnlae l we ups me .h. welev4me) we molt cordially.
preaching sail. and their demon-trot-
uiadr, w4' mit down.tion of delight -at w4' r, -tuna wax mast 'Tins is Ilket 0111 dorm," saw mall.
cheering and aroused me from my "What have you in ()time isaketi?'
somewhat despondent mood; 1 greeted ".t humble gift for yon. Mademol-
them heartily with the pleasing real!- ee•Ue. If you will ae•rpt It." 1 retitled.
)Eifion that these. faithful -fellows and ole•aed the hamlets for her In -
were not merely hiaeliug*, but slo"'tion.
staunch friends- As .we Walked. -The kindly. fruits of the earth In
the slope they Baton." elm. meld. "Title is le -
1 presses!' m- wish a awed an asteptable present, fent
hundred eager q0sttons, null whom even more areeptable'I7'lTN• Tact fleetwe entered the house and 1 praised
---term--f«4'-k�'rpl11% (t nrtt.6tu1 '1'144in -fit---Imre 4v5m.• to sive me. Al the
n*Weiner, theirhunest Nee. Iseimt,l verrmommt of yore arrival 1 was
pardonable pride. wishing fur your advt., and counsel.'.
i{rgarslle•ss of economy, tc,• lit half ".11Motlt this let.• -t move of Mon.
A}r.tr punt Uti'l.'.
a dozen enndhw, a114) we sat 1914'131ket
at length, while theygar« me an 11' 1,.0?" sihaverashke•edAr.d '1 !t? lint fromlII
4eaaMt of, their stewardship w'ht••h "From fore Dufour,' 1- have this
was most -.r eeihwtele. i loss► -lets --a non -rpt() hfm ` tTptgtet.
sPtmll .Mere tt grand ()taller 444.4 tfe,� I-ts it ,pot Argndalmts:"-)4» exclaim -
thele hohitr.1-n *aid► wa'" stilcnn- ,,el indignantly. "1)o yon know tori
toechr•l. and 1 purest it with_ a rep what grounds my artier se. k,' to
howl. t\ a en jorel a ver, be par-.
foe -eying. not webeet bllartn-' and-IiR7�He1 *s etc ilI4tdlan?"
4'11-11 tha•y departel tit 144.14' ryuart-4's \n. 110 what gr111l1 1
h wate•hel tII•ir /14,05' t..n st-ndy stppn "Os We Rrnnm4 float i ate lueapr
((tilt the reflection that while i'. - Un- abh• of l,w/kiug after myself car my
few* would asatir,ily hnvs dila ,- W"ls•rty,-Hat. 1 Ito w5ak-wiudlsh--.
I Im„...,vrg_ r)loly, _aha[ I aw ill
ptnr.•d- sort indulgence. It was net Aane;� --_--
without Justlfia•ntion under the ear- "-1 ells"t siulstrr ra11emrt" 1 said.
enmAta ('iIAT"1'p:R � "It M plus w
phat 1 should bare ex-
t'rorly cultivated, the so11 of Neste "f him:'
,the t•�•kp,1 wt m4' In amt()ulshmrut.
peerFiancee is of richness unsurprised. and "you • speak an though you knew
it the severity of its winters limits the him;" she ,x441.,
8118514•1' of fruits and vegetables that "tie was the leading spirit In plot•
run he grown with snots..., it al•o ting the ((Tong to tee,44ntii-p-nF-tet,
limes the number Of Vannes sunt Etienne de '.a Sons that tau :err now
pests that 1488841 them, s' that these. seeking 1.4 wade. As you know. Y.
Haub. that tire sults,) tet 111e climate Dufour has told me of ft. lree would'
reach a perfection seldom tittle/ el naturally expect he would to• loath
slse'w11re. This thought was brought to see ib,• fruits of hla vllIainy lease
to my mind its i stood ill the kitchen net of the family."
garden' n fow• thn•4-after-wry--reform--_.. '-- eisos-.aftr.wirlheesait11i
awl maw siMoot ole rssphrrrlt's and fully. •YGNevsusly as he Alread. wy'i
currants a1111 g,Mse0111erri.A, gilsteitlug pear father At bast felt the pricking
yellow beans and peas with great fat of (,.naele•uce•. Hut my uncle be not
foals, to say nothing of carrots and only itnre►M•utant,-he 1a self -right -
beets and melt 44umbler vegetables, wens."
Though we had exlsrriene,-d little dif- "Thea lawyer who MA ben. seat to
fieulty in finding ,ubsistelli•e On our see yon, -M :iu1m.=rill y4At-A
travels. w4' hall come be. no much del!- hint?"
catless_.aa_._ titer., tad 1 wished that
Mille. de t'tlattllon and P. Dufour
0441111 144. 441111 me to enjoy them. !tut
5444(0 Ntry were not it oeurred to me
that it would not be out of place to
earry each of them a Micelle gift of
garden praltx•e, and ,the plan cew-
meulled Itself the more that it would
'Mord ata opportunity to stye and talk
with them /moth,
Aceirdiugly, that afternoon. 1 1I
In the bottom of my bat four gone
haekets of the lest 1 hail. and acndded
before a favoring breeze arra+s the
sunlit waters of the hgellL 1 rill
the newt!) of the little river St,
l'hirlew, whirtr le navigtile t.., small
craft at high tide, t 111m found toy -
self at the gate of the enclosure t1
eurronnde'd the Jrwnit Mtasf,m hmusr,
I step /wet ashore with two Of th,• 11A -
kris, and watt met at the ,)nor by 1'.
ltufnnr hams -If, who had seen me pn-
ter the gate. othinr ice ed de but
he must .•nil his brother nti3Alonnriem
Go eee "OW 1 hail brought. Most of
there 1 knew of old, and star" It w'aM
the first time we had met shut. my
return our greeting,' were . of the
heartiest and they besought me to stay
and take my ev0nthe meal with them,
but 1 explained that the errand that
ling] brought me to the town Was but
half don-, and 1 mart be gone. •1'.
i)utonr esostet-d me to the river's
lilt down a moment, my son," h.
Wald, es we reached 111e Mink, "there in
A metteY 1 should like to mention to
yen. a ostler In which i Am deeply
Interested' and which *ill, 1 Imagine,
not 1e• withotrt interest for you."
H'e M'atetI (urseiree side by site.,
soil I Interim to hear what he had to
work on my farm. in the monntime, she had nppr,inted mt•, a emnteara4re
my protection wets no longer needed: Atrnnzer, to carry oat leer bequest. --
hot i anuli at !Met carry her bundle. It brought hole to him haw small a
(rare or twin. she looked abort nntil place he had ,M•ruplel 1n her rega01
her eyes MAtM trprnn tar. AnA when and ens as if she had returnee from
the ladies remelted their doer, site the grace to adminleeter A final rebnR
beckoned to me to enter with my lmr- more galling than any to with (h he had
den Mario, who had fMlnwp41 *'lose- .submitted in her lifetime. To de him
lyra also entered Medemnieele Manes jo ilc.•. 1 think this rehn1 affected
And Mmp. d0 la i'eltris were deepit hive more than did the material *le
(ntereetM In the Tndinn woman and prltntion it serried with It."
led her M the room she wax to on- "led he melte no protest?"
ropy, leering mo for the moment *lone "None abate,,r, Aare to inslat on
with Mlle. 41e Chetillon. She rvetfardp4 srrmtInizing the do•nnlert for him
me thoughtfully, with a little *mile. self to new that It was in order. Taft
Agiagagilint: -MI WI!.
Nltar 'lei he have to eay?"
"He ask..! Ire gne•stiong,-lastly
solvent my phuI,. and the will 1 had
arcade, and how soon 1 e•xp•(•tel to re-
turn to ?ranee-
"And you toll{
"i summery! hIs gnestinni in es
rens%onahle 111111 as truthful a manner
as 1 mold."
"1/Id1w seem friendly, Masl,'n n-
M e,
"He all. very precise And nnlemn
and formal But I know tett as 1m•
t_wy_tgt_tp7se It and my wee.. he will
favor gay noel•wllo has for year. at
for/1 hill amen remunerative em.
nyment. The very filet thy/ it is he
-txsmftte 'Tee
*sibs l enw t'- fir: teat my nnele tins
made etw•h 4(re0RRyel with his applien-
tion that It wi+l'b. *Nowt hopeless for
we to resisthim."
'flare rnr Thrnpilttf' of any piAL,
SIhe sba•k her head. "i am at it
Ins to know what to do. T thought
at first of returning to France at
once. --this ;outing week, -411 the
same sills ns 1(. Simon. Int before
1 mr'ntlmml the Mea, he urged 11 'On
are e0'Atrovely and persiatpl,tly (hat
i emrinrlel it would he better for me
to stay herr."
'Thin M. vimnn." i mold. "whero is
h- to for fonnd'r'
"At the inn."
"1 think, M s.h'mn1se11., with your
perm -futon. 1 *linnet tike to wap him
and hare a tnik with him."
By *11 meanie. Shall 1 give ,you
a note of introdnethm?"
"i shall dispense` with An Intro-
duction, and hope that he ham not
own wars 11,nt I am a friend of
yours. And fu the meantime, lent
ht. eh0nld by chane.. app us together,
1 shall !pare you hero, and when 1
jytve delltered_-the basket*, l Milli
40 alow'n to the Inn And endeavor
to mnke the a,•,ee of this
worthy otter,• . rnintwtr--
"Ton Navel no trent the Tndinns,"
wild 1[1Ie, rte 1'hatillon. "lyre you
alma harp me from the lawrersr,
"That remains to 44' seen," 1 replied.
"T wnnld that teal had re,rlM nap mere
ast0re to undertake the teak."
you not e'me, 1 *Wold here
mete for 100," •hr• said. "1ko.s it not
w'pm ntrshgp that yon, whom 1 Moult-
erl en erleronslr when first we met
i.••4'-. i.nf�...�. -..
After Taking Lydia E Pink-
ham'a Vegetable Compound
Ingomar, N. B.-"1 took your ma&
eine for a run-down oandttion and inward
troubles. I had palma in m right aide
so bad at times that I• could not walk
any distance. 1 saw about Lydia !f:
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in the
newspapers and have taken five bottle.
of it. 1 am bettor in every way ad
you can use my letter to help other
women." -- Mrs. ALVITA M. PERRY,
Ingomar, N. S.
Nervous Breakdown Relieved '
Toronto, Ontario. - "It la pretty hard
to explain your teelinp m rurvoue
troubles. 1 felt low spirited, bed pain,
in my head and ayes, always crying, and
did not want tit go anywhere. 1 do
knitting and fancy work, and 1 would
get imtahle after a few minutes of
work. I have been in Canada live year,
and have beep this way ever since I
came. 1 am taktng Lydia K. Pinkbam',
Yegetable Compound sad I sleep better
and it seems to make ma set and 1 must
say 1 stn feeling more y. I have
great faith in In your became,
of what it has done for m husband'()
sister and she rscommeed.d it to me.'
-Mn. A. Sewn, 10 Burleigh Avenue,
Todmorden, Toronto, Ontario.
All druggists esll thea dependable med-
icine, and woman sunsets() from these
troubles so common m sat should
give it a trial noir.
totltldaut end _chief reliance when 1
am in trouble7" - `-
-You .1111 hot • Insult ate, Madeaets
sell-," I replied.
"Lid i pot amuse you of conceals
meat, -of telling we half trntha3'
"That is not uecessatlle a* insult
I &alit. "And 1104* you have forgiven
"Ilnbevl I Wove." elle answered, with
a smll•. "though I have a suspleiom
that there Is ..h y,11 still c.nlreal
from mo.. --such se,•rets. for example,
a, the real renown for your iutereet in,
my welfare. 1 410 not know why IOU
do 11. For my pert, i have concealed
nothing from Fun"..
1 laughed. 'Thai, -I+fa41 ms) Uel
bersuiw you have nothing to con-
ceal." 1 replied. and took m1 kavn
promising to tot her hear further from
11ie Aday or[W'O..
(To be eo*ttaued)
The career tot the wool from the
•twep'w--darty ter the•-•Aniibed ankle of
fnmWW 144 to -he iilmuritrd 117 a al,-
,•nal exldbtr-at the f'anedlan National
FAbildtlon. •-
I to y Ale; d - rtept. 21). :10,
Myth -Sept: 71, 24.
]crus -ria --(./4L I: 2.
1 wingslidma••-t)et, 1. 2.
Exeter -Sept.
(iedsrlrlt.-fispt. O. 10. 11.
Kincardine- Wept. 17, }ti.
London -Sept. 12 to It
Leek nu w-i1,'pt. 24. 2.1.
Mitchell -Sept. 20. :10,
Seaf"rth-Se•pt 24. 2:4.
7'oNon'ttr -.Cog. •211- to AppL 7'1
Winghem-Sept. 20. 30.
Znrk•b--(ret. 1. 2.
of "Nugget" there's the
same high quality -the
quality which has made it
the supreme shoe polish
throughout the world.
Shoe Nish
Made hi Black, Tan, Toney Red and
Dark Brawn. flies While Dressing
(cake) and White Cleaner (liquid),
-- OF -
Plumbing, Heating
and Tinsmithing
to your entire eitibfactian
Phone 431 BaAld Rd.