HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-27, Page 44-Tbureday. August 27. 1908 a The Store with the Stock f' Travelling Suits New arrivals of our early Fall Suits -newest shades in good strong tweeds, exceptionally well tailored and splendid fitting garments. Real Value at $25.00 ad $27.50 See our all -wool grey serge Suits, Special Value at $30.0 For high-class hand -tailored Suits get one 'trade to measure by SOCIETY BRAND. Prices $35.00 to $55.00 ontreal W. C. PR1DHAM & SON Men's and Boys' Wear Phase 57 Nett Beek of I THE SIGNAL, rlstwr at the home of Mr. uud MTxI batetrcttrkiting ut'd to thelrtl4 u*t Lnurlue uwit rned homeotheer rfirstMrs. theRyan, wee.k.re. Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald. of Tor- onto, who had leen signing the Int• ter', tuuther, Mrs. 'Ed. Fowler, re- turned e.turned "moor on Monday. They Wert accompanied- ItYAILS kdua Fowler. who has gone ,i4, m short visit to the eKy. The followleg hate gone West trout this vicinity: Mrs. J. Bartley and ,laughter. Mrs. H. Caesar, Mrs. Will. hers and sou Maurter. and Marvin Need. Mrs. .1114,. Sanders. Mrs. Nat. \Vhyardl and little wen. Bert. Are vl--iters In EIwir 141 present. week-end visit- orsThe following urs at the home of i)r. Case and Mrs. ease: Mr. and Mrs. H. Guutlfelluw, of 'reroute: Mr. 4'cter Case and Mho - Taggart. of Exeter, and Mr. /Glenn. of Hensel,. Mr. .1. Elliott le Improving the ate peursnce T.f We -hole* isy - e. oat nL pa In t. Tic work on the srhad Is nearing eotupletiun and 4 expected to be ready for the re -opening of wheel September 1st. Mr. S. 'foiling. of Go.lerieh.- is a visitor here at the home of Mr-. Itobt. GODERICA, ONT. Nell Mai Donald• Mrs. F ince ewe, of Ooderlch, vista - real. py, of Toronto. spent Irl frit -tide l4, Aehdeld at the week' I t".4) wed lt.'l vet -Ohm %%Oh his parents end.. Miss Irene Jlatd)onaid to visiting • at Miss rtlFrlo❑ Wiley, of I lettvaL Is Mende nit Win -gluts). 'Jamas Florence MacGregor, Wiley. ugafweeks* with Mrs. Mute unite• is vtaitlugice) lu t 1 tI.urler. 1 --and Ashfield. Jars. 11ar.1 White, of l'hk'ago, 1e, AUBURN visiting her mother, Mrs. K. V. Mae - '"AUBURN. Aug. 26. -Mr. and Mr.. IL•nnon. The Asbaeld Vrt'beyiterleu c will A. Juhuett„°re. and viakurs letu'i re. B. of Itou and 11ab1Nli► Carlow, their annual picnic at Mae44'nslr a weir-, lust week. grove on Friday afternoon, August Mr. and lira. A. E. Culli� and Mr..esti, and Mrs. J. Carter. of Sault Stt•.I t.E.W.p, tl jrJllnr regularMarie. Mich.. motored herr last week meeting of the }China). C.F.W.I), war to renew out t►cqualatauc!. Mr. and Mrs. Itorri.en, of 1'I, kford. • held at the home of Mrs. M. C. Mac- Mich.. visited the Iat,rr'14 sister, Mrs. Kenzie on Wetilicselay last, with tike M t,.puith• for taint' days last week. preaideat. Mrs. John MacRae. in th'' 1nuLL'lnlu wk. • chair. After the regrdwrhmsltn e heti Mr.. anti Mrs. km. i.,- n dispoMM1 of au futereetiug pro- torted to Theme:with• and St. ThtWN4, grave was given. e•wlebtIDK of coin- visiting the formers sisters there. lannily singing. a 144,10 by Mies Mar- Mrs. Farquhar, of Clinton. spent germ gMacLennan. instrutttrutale by the week -end with Mr: C. Mi.: t'upe•laud. of Wingham, Mi.s Mr. and Mrs. McBride and dough - Catherine MacDonald) and Mous Mar- ter, of Midland, are visiting the let - matt MacLennan. and splendid pa- ter's cousin. Mrs. O. Meltrieu. Pers by Mrs. M. l'. MacKenzie. Mrs 1 Y J (, caner ,old Yr. A. lie.•keti and Mrs. Duncan MacLen- nan. A dainty lunch brought an en- joyable and profitable nfte•r•noon to a close. The September meeting will be held as 14 picnic at Lakeview ''ark. LOiAL Grave- visited Se'af;rth friends on I Sunday. Is 1.it'fAl•, Aug. 28. -The M1 sea 1 visit lug lfrieni. dsniraround There to.this Fv�e•l and Hellen Stoddart I ; k Mary yo wte vb.ite.t their cousin. Mildred Fisher, Mr. and Yrs. D. MclMnald and Mles last week- ... -----r--.. I/Imelda. of Jamin. teen. and Miss •..-�T--"a 111ay, of W rOWet 9T. ACGtC$TIRIK here this week. _ , Mr. W. Brindles,. of Guelph, visited at Wm. McAllister': one day last ST. AI'ta'STLVE,ltg. 21, -miss week. \Ialsl lyddy. of Tor e, L visiting Mr. 1. Prenatal •i: busy threshing at Mr. John i edl,ty's \_ t In this vicinity this; week. Messrs. G. lteeimond and B. IlrophY left for Calgary on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. .1. st adahss and Miss ' A. Shanahan. of Hallett, anti ',E. -Mr. and Mrs. Mr Joe Shanahan and children. of l'Altl.tYW, Aug. -. 1 CARLOW Montreal. were week -end visitors a J W. Boylelt. Mrs. 1:. Crave., Misses Mary Graces anti Mary Pollard and Mr. Jas. osier lure SOLID COMFORT IN R is *bat you will get out of our fine. thickly upholstered library am:ripe s+, divans. setters. etc. Our upholstered xmrdiyw y ,rdr o geriluY7 A* the men m wane44( who wants first of all. tv.wfort, together with lurtlsnal Itr-tter see our line. Fred Maerh•l and .on. of Ann Ar .or. %telteet' at the home of his brother. Mr. I•aul Maedel. on Sunday. Mrs. Jamee Scott. of G,ulerlcit- Is renewllg old acquaintances. around 1 Carlow, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dat* S,I,wnnz. of t'Iht- I ton. visited with the M -,4.le on stun I INS. IMr. and Yrs. P. \14,-.14.1, of Nor- ! wich. spent the week.end with the•!r parents, Mr. and Mr. I':tu1 Mitedel The ('o-operatIre shipped a evade*( of hdegs nn Yosdat. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis 1Fi rble And Mr. and Mrs. .t. W. ve44144 left ,ol Thursikey on an extend,M trip to the West. Tiwy went by last from !tar - The 'notably meeting of tea• W.M. S. will he held nu \\'edne+dac neat Lt the hall, at 2.90 p. m.. when ladies of Zion and Nile will to,•• t wi(11 the lo - 041 auxiliary and tat... p:.rt In the program. m. rnlon service will la held at Zion LIBRARY church on thladay. Sondny ledus,l at 1.30 t church scenic :r 3140 p.m. 11* And Mrs. Stuart ,and child. of Hamiluw VJalte,t ,silo their uncle and *nat. Mr. and )ars- A. \\ !1r,ui. for A few ,sys lo- ‘1.•ok-. 1 r4R.1N01..\T 1'.\1tAMOU.NT, Aug. 24. - Mrs. Beattie Gibson and balm, of Detroit, are the guests of Mrs. Jack Me.l.itU- ley. l'aran oulit. Mlfla Dorothy Webster, of Seaford'. who w -a4 visiting her cousin, 'Hazel Reynned, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Smith and mil- and Mrs. Warner Bottler. of Marine lay. and Miff. Fowter Thomp- son. of Ih'trott, Mich., motored up and stent the week -end Wall their aunt. Mrs. Emily Ensign, of Lochalsh. Mies Mary Mac14411, of I othiao. was the guest of Mex. Will Mar4)l11. of Paramount. The Auguet meeting of the Para- mount 1'.F•W.u. was held at the home of Mrs. P. H. Ma4Nay. with a large attendenee. The meetinll - opened with the singing of "II Canada.- Some eorresp,udt1 ce -was rend. followed by tliscuss ieU. Instrumental numbers were given by the Mitosis' Verna Ham - Mott and liar11bv mud Mr. G. MacNay. Two •pleidid papers wore given try Mr. and rut. J. ', . an. Mrs. A. ('. Jacluwa usetona to \slug 1'n•leycrn. ham 04, \Vt•Jnralsy 1, , i -it Mrs. \Yin. .Il..lne. Malheur!' is visiting friends in l.nekuun- this week. Jaeks,o. w'Lu is Ul at prra•ht' Mr. and 11n1. Rolet. Johnston and Mks rearm Rubinson. who Las family. of 1'urt Arthur, are rlsltlnj i,eeu yl.(014- her pare td• here.' re. anion,; friends here at present. turned huwe (en Petr Iii lt,.v. 1). T. L. M'•Kerroll. B.A., ot, IR: and Mrs. Weir and Jue-k sta•4( T„rnnrn, pleachest u very fonehtl ser- a few (hays last eek at the Itdrltor - m,e it I rAtitw church nn Punday. old- home. at Btrathrey. Jus•piihw, and Mrs. Jas. J11•Natn, ,f Am•, who has 'fere there during tile 114,11 - beide.. and daughter. Miss Tena• days, reunited imme wlrl1 them. wrrr wk end visitors At the home' Yr. and Mea Walteri1-i. Cunningham of Mr. and Mrs.' T. 'Rose. 1 left o4, Friday to rl-it relative.. in lir The Junior League of the United \\'teat. ,-hnrch held a picnic at the river last Kec. Wm. itaitlby, of 1'rtndia' \\'wMewlay. formerly of Aubnri.. wlua has leen t lit de will be held i4, the Presby- bath resby- ri-a bat l his brother. hire, on Sias urian church on Sunday afternoon eh -Uri -b. Inst preached a in the italxist 3 o'clock. Met. Gordon 4',.I - church. afternoon♦ and I4.) family qninon. contig to 'o1M i f Toronto. Mr. and Mn. Cooke and [amity olid will ring. Mr. and \irs. Row,( and fnmlly, of A Geed ,floe Etpeelede-.\ garihen ['olden. wile trate been holidaying sen and errtvrtninwrnt under the herr for the poet sic !reeks. returned auspices of the I'nnngnwnoll t'nite.f I (•hunch will l ' held un the chnreh Mrs 1. Itohineon and Tittle lawn nn Mnudae. ;h•I,t,•mber 7th. J. R. WHEELER Furniture Funeral Director Hamilton Street, God/wick. Ont, home on Tneeda7'of rhie vs -44-k. daughter spent loaf week visithlg her son. Frank. of Britoil; Miss Ethel sad Frank w i.1 . Washington left on Weal/reekyer where they have !soh +er•ured schools. Mr. George Raithby had the mis: fortune to fall •Q :e toed of grain on Friday breaking his (ollarM111e and otherwise injuring liiineelf. W. hope tot a speedy netters. Irs. /:rant Macltiartuid and Miss 1 Miss) Penelope Ha n ah. M \Cite_ a strk ham. returned home on Sunday .*ft -r Greta Campbell. Misses Mary ud Annie Maclionald ,.4.- aoutrnteil spending two week= ai!!i her_ uncle. soles and Jh sd:un. s Stnrther . and l Mr. Janne e Jackpot' Hamilton a .int t. while Wiuuifre•d 11r. Wm. Kempton. ,.f Ripley. is t tees mina, Mist Y. E. Garrett, .\ Webster ware a humonons reading. visiting his daug111.•r. )lr-. 11 Thiele. I Mrs. Weir, of Loudon. 14 v[phiu lye[. The meeting elose.l with commnuky Mrs. J. Johnston and' .laughter.. sister. Mrs. J. W. Tippet. \ slanting- the hostess served a (zloty Mary. of Roderick are sisiti111. bur, Mr. and 11ro. Im.mta \Vllauu null, It Mies 1 lrothrr, )1r. D. Lockhart, 1 Mtsw birrcrthy. link Lair City. Jirs. • Mieefuusir Jlacll,'. 4'.; of Te rI .'lh, \lies Ed MA Jan.. hstA secured- A 1"'- • Joliet \t'ilsuu. Lorain, ()hlu, and IP the gnee.1 of Mr D. J. Slat -Lew' witiun in Winglmtm .t head mllliu,ri Mrs. J. lfatonew, I'Itt+burg. Mi...' leer in Mre. Belles inii111„-re. eatablisk- i tva•ek-t•ud gu5*s with Dr. arab Mr. N. moot. I W. Wools. e I. Mr. and Yn. 'Ed. Slitter ami 1 and Mrs, Wilfred Milkmaid end ! daughter. 'Dorothy, of Klt#e•hener, spent i I.NO VNN(1N, hag. _(i.�ttt-v Mr.' Sunday with Mr. and Mr-. \\•m. Foe - and Mrs. Williams ,lid family. of Pan- ter. is dusky, rthlo, ar visiting among'. Mrs. nesse Call and Master Robby Mr. .1. laifri -offriends North th Dakota, friends here. Mr. Wttttatas he meek and Mr.. Vera Waiter-, of Detroit. clsitheC with Irl. D at 7McIntyr !leerg Mr. :.n4 Mrs. ll. A. Jlclutyre, of AtlAdthTd to -the 1" "I'k' o its and vMrs'114i.t1\Ceawn.e rr'>r parents, Mr. Will' Kinnlil. finest the week -end will+ Port Albert. tint baa ing been frieek at Parkhill. . first chargee le fanada .•s Anglican Hiss Adeline Drehmanu lett on Sat- Mrs.- It. D. MPD*.n*ld. who uta+ minister. Be 11a• Mo .r . b.ron.P a urday for Wiajham atter srpen..iug a ,i -icing friends at. Itetrolt. has re- 1're-sl.rterlan atinister and is now rho D bntays with lir father. Mr. 11. turrtrst to her hone near ,KintalL_-_ I prcaeheL In charge at nu,hl•,ky-. Gi•urich and Mr. atel- Mr.. . (.*-p1t Nike -, ling a few week" , of Detroit.1.l'. Ohio. y to rra.rt Yrs. rite=. sou. ('irate•, of Bad .axe. .11i.1., are is spending a eKlnti with Mrw.l'•' - We err tort. 1 Cathc:urt• of near (Cinnlil. c Ellin* on fisc -irk fist again. Also visiting .Mr. and Mr-,. Selene' cleave. )Low Catherine Bine. of Amlerley. Mrs. Jacob Ryes. 'We wish timi1 HolmesF.e1. Holir Wydu11 .. r. 1{grold ilpe•nt the wreck -end with friends at lea'-1T-fei 'Irrr''Y*7. fur ]ti-+•largare, /Ryan. of New Lis- their l*oii • at St., Catharine'', MIs,. T1Mtrubt. _ r. ---M -. _.h l ,.r - ..t... e had :ren ,. wa•ks t two Dere lair Hulalea sprinting '1i,• neck -end )blas Violet Schnitz. Mr. Frank Er - Supper - will he arrived from a to It ,;check. after wi.k-h an excellent pro - grant of music. readings. rte'.. *i11 be given. Admi-cion : Adult•. 3 �' children. 'LK'. it the weather should prove unfavorable. ,lir supper :11n1 Program will to given In the cliiir'h. BAIYIELD -' -- _..--- HAYFIELD. - Aug. t3. -Mr. and Mn. ltay'moud Bristol, of llienstiug -Ridge, X.J., are the guests of tbt' late AS/WIELD ASIiFFW.L, Aug. l4-�Ml,as Ise Aug. 29 Inclu•iV* CANADIAN NATIONAL Exhibition TORONTO t9Ze Sept. 12 1nduaive t Bimpla a. /rt Whire hnreh; ♦hrkeM-# ' and Mrs. $lwpson. Kintall, the first qt alta weep.. Miss t'upelaiii of glass). was if 11111,. of leturicr. Mrs. diploe, of Turuutu. 44 visiting Mr. and Mrs. la'o. Swan. ,.f !millet'. Mr. Jas. Murray. of 1'.r,mount. Is visiting friends in London. Miss t'athrrfue Mclkenald, of Loch - sash spent the week -raid with frank& DCNG \\VIN ;- ,„ yin- NV,,s:aw Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO l. t 1, .1 N N l 1• I' R S A It 1' The Annual World's Fair Eclipsing anything previously presented -unique, monumen- tal among Expositions. Aug. 29 -Sept. 12 INCLUSIVE Specials at Price's Grocery Neb Soap Flakes 2 for 25c. Easifirst Shortening 23c er lb. --- Laundry_5c.2 4 bars Pu ed Rice 2 YOU STILL- HAVE A FEW DAYS IN WHICH -TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BARGAINS we are offering during our AUGUST SALE Ai, week we offer the following lines at reduced A few dress lengths of Bedora and Normandy- Voiles. Clearing at per yard 49c. Bathing Suits, all -wool, in striped and plain colors. These sell reg- ularly at $3.25, $3.50 and S3.95. Clearing at • $2.95 English Flannelettes, in fancy shipes and 32 inches wide. August Sale price, yard 35c. White Terry Bath TowgIL- large size and good quality. Regular price 45c. each. August Sale price, each . 35c. Figured Crepe Silk. Only a I(•.. lengths of these goods left. Reg- ular value $I.50 per yard. Friday and Saturday, just half-price 75c. Friday and Saturday ONLY Anderson's Scotch Gingham 32" wide, fifty patterns to choose from. Regular price 40c. FRIDAY and SATURDAY 29c. - - e Odd and broken lines of Corsets Selling regularly up to $2.95 Clearing at 95c each Misses' Voile Dresses selling less than cost prices _Boya'_Suits, in_ khaki and col- ors. Regular price $1.75 each. August Sale price. suit.....$129 A few lengths of Checked Ratine, close even weave. S,Iling reg- ular at $1.00 yard. August Sale price 69c. Figured Lingerie wide. Several ors to choose per yard 500 Rolls Wallpaper Clearing at 9c per roll Crepe, 32 inches patterns and col - from. Selling at 39c. Kiddies' Dresses and Rompers. Clearing at 59c. Striped Broadcloths, in several dif- ferent colors and stripes. Reg- ular price $1.00 and $1.25 per yard. Clearing this week at per yard .;65e. Phone 56 The S. A. GRAY CO. Phone 56 ME SELL ICE CREAM Goods delivered tree Your orders selledted W. Price Grocer. Elgin As ��eNch VMS. 3:41 win. Mr. t3. Sender: Mr. Norutnn Ha - Sell and Mr. Art. Kale(. f 'Kitchener. slant the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sander. hose who __Among ' ext rt ea .n o the oe est were Ole liar- vt'tKrr r John !toward. /'h1is. Parker, Align Py•-• Samuel \Vhk..idtn• .1141 flay,. 'le.. James Ferguson returuwl .to London on Sunday after spending his vacation with his mother. Mrs. •J. Ferguson. • I Mr. J. D. Hoods left un Friday for London to accompany hie i[r0tller 140 14s :ks t earn. Mr. RoIlfl'i 4',.rki11ant. of Branton. arrived) on Tiienday to Spend a few ,hiss in the village. Mr. S1.1. ('le. -ale nr•tnrnwt to Strat- ford on Saturday after spending his caoatlon at his home. Mr. and Mrs. 4104,. King and \Ir. and Mrs. A. F. King visited lust week) ai Elmcnle• and Toronto. Jirs. Brown and ,irtitford,\lir Geraldine Brown. St gate•-tA at Mho Botbwell's. Mr. Harold I'oltoek. of Toron'o. is visiting hit brother. Mr. Clan -live Pol- lock. Misx Katherine Roos. of K!tcherlrr, is t1w guest of Miss Nina bung -Ford In Il er Lodge Park. lin-. Victor Burt. of h•,ndun. and Mho Mnricl Howard, of Montreal,� epent Sunday at the formers hone. Mr. rind Sim. W. R. Jewett. Misses Ethel and Grae• .lowest spout the, week -end at Port Huron. The three Anglican parishr+. Ver- ne. MlM1Mon And Rayfield. held a picnic lest Thursday in Jowett's grate. All sremed well pleawrl whir their outing. Miss itubie M. !labor nett little Mt,e Helen FIsher returned t„ Klt- r-hence and Waterloo on Monday 'net. The many talents of Wilber C. Er- win, a former well-known resident. now of Kitchener. extr111 conare1111a- tlons and good wiehee on the occaelon of his marriage to \ten Florence Miller. of Kitchener. th.• mnrrlaar taking pia(•P on Sat nrdny. A'wrest 15th. Rlrels Ib. NI ELECT RIC WIRING INSTALLATIONS, ETC. GEO. W. STOKES Gibbous Street- P.O. Box 601 SOME particularly goal VICIOR RECORDS havy been relea:.i lately. A Minim t " ism( .se,farie'' 1- "Gems front another, Al,:o a Froud A Student ''rine -to say nothing of goitre [nappy fox-trot. Perlin . , • hear them. You ,can .get the latest hi too In the Flreet rrlmtic,-. piano 'look- 'p:finished wit out them H. E. JENNER- Cleveland's Good Bread is pure, whnitla,ttw and nutritious. its delicious flavor is a sure in- dication of tp quality. if you are not already a custom- er our esirsman will be glad to call. E. U. Cleveland BAYER Phone 11.1 Wert Street. BUY Solvay Coke The Faultless Fuel 1 1 FREE FROM GAS Uniform Quality Samoa Yew Mosey 1 1 Does all that is claimed for other fuels AND DOES IT BETTER 1 1 Sok Agents for Goderich Dean Coal Co. .-erten of High -Grade Anthracite, Bituminous and Smokeless Coals InnnnlllUllIAllllunlulllllll SPECIAL DANCES Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. -AT IIXXIIiIIInWIII Ilillllllllllllinnlllllll All nine Provinces will he represent- ed In the women's motion of the Can- adian 'Nstlnnfl Exhibition. The mo - Idel farm kitchen w111 he repented and si'rer*l new fe:.rnre. added. A Celt) Pp*9 ti Prempro Seiforth Near Mr Jerk Frn.t left Patnrelmy morn Int! for Niagara F' lIa. ter stn 111 and his holidays Pmtllie. IMMO THE PAVILION (NEAR SUNSET, GODERICH) XX111111111111111111U1111111 IIINIIIIIIXXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIXX PREPAREDNESS Why 1st for the cold weather before ordering your FALL CLOTHES? Drop in make your selection of the new fabrics, and \a'e will have you ready for the first cold snap. NeW Hats for Fall ----- The style is higher and wider. the strongest shade grey, hut the new biscuit and tan shades are good. Use our remodelling, relating and repair service. TRE PHONE NUIIIBER IS FOUR NINE. FRANK H. MARTIN TAILOR AND HATTER EeLean's Bloch, East tide of Square, Ooderioh