The Signal, 1925-8-27, Page 3Clubbing Rates The Signal can save you money on almost any newspaper or periodical. Rates on request. Viola Job Printing For JOB PRINTING at reasonable pr4ces try The Signal. You will get prompt and efficient service. - MEAL raufriNO too, LIMITED. PIiWt► ESTERN FAIR LONDON - - ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 12th ---19th, 1925 This year the Midway and Grand Stand attractions have been carefully chosen and far anapest anything of this nature in previous years. _ -- A real gots) time, full of fun, pleasure and interest, is as ared to all. The Pure Food Show, Dog lotow and other exhibitions are bigger and better than ever. Entries clow t)eptember :ani $40,000 IN PRIZES ANIS ATTRACTIONS r.r further In orm/otonsppty-J. 11...AI NIDEKA. Pres . w 1' J tegtte)N. see. Lontun. l lnlartu Udimlate! Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SAli at 38 per single cord. delivered. THE GODERICH MANIJFACTURDW CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Analeoea St. Phone sl.) Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada You owe it tt yourself, to your dependents and to your loved ones to buy Life Insurance and to buy It now. Consult tui. H. R. LONG, District Agent Goderich Phone 115 -rst Mortg Real Estes- rads to yield 6 and better. Secured under the 3. W. Strauss plan. Huron Investments Limited Masonic Temple Bldg., GODERICH, ONT. CRAIG1E'S Insurance and Real Estate CODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUGUST 27, 1925 EARLY CLOSING BYLAW DEFEATED -TO RENT- FURNISHEI) Groomed cottage, bath, electric light, furnace, two fireplaces. Possession Sep- tember 15th. Summer cottage, 7 • rooms, fur- nished, situated sit Blue Water Beach. Letterheads Envelopes Billheads And all kinds of Business Stationery printed at The Signal Office. We will do a job that win do credit to your business. Look over your stock of Office Stationery and if it requires replenishing call us by telephone 35. The Signal Printing Co., Limited J. W. CRAIOIE , FALL - Millinery Opening Monday and Tuesday, 'August 3 l st, Sept. 1st. We invite you to call and see our display. Universal liinery Corer Cast Street and Sglare, Goderich • south walk. Deputy Reeve Moa•r iutiwgtetl that be bad the matter In mind, awl It RADIO PROGRAM would receive atteutluu later when -- the public works department Wad nut WI:Y program iu brief. week of Au - ON THIRD READING f'"' Iia q Nisi Ili. 114_':,, I .k owpo t -, Tur y0.trtlun of slur Rwovul qt the X.l'.), licurrul ha.ruh l'uwlwn)'- ntarket building dad revh•ed pad La•-. 710 kilac)•cles.t37n.J meters), Heaters' solved itself into u di•tu'ssIuu 0 e standard tiwt'. . . Council May Take Interawitchin fro wan to build a new lama 1. Suuduy. Angus :h►, Il):00 a.w,- S 1 Ills Question to the Railway )k)tue removal the a uwtrilb.rw faCurul .e S. ells of I hu )'lest 1'reeby teflon commission UI - a M 1 al program from ltarwanus 7tleeker Hall. s(l)um).' N.Y. Friday. September 4. 1:00 p.w.- ` Musk; talk, ('itinen4dp for Wowen- The Election Travels.- Florence C Tabor. 5:311 p.m. --(lots mail/ 41111 /41111411Y School Lt•st...u. tt:01) p.m.-4'rograw ,by Albany Strand Theatre. 1nlina ltox- Floyd 1 Walters, born. cu11dtx•Wt; i or11:30 iwwwllgtr uncillo of the market church, Val.- )Magi . �.T. 8:30 p.mmild F�atMt'an segk4 5114- bu11111ng, Coude •r ')'arae) remark- ` .:0 ) p.m.- use Health talk. sig that -if we wait for a new town li'J%. IS ail punt +i ur art play. '�lirllrvr hNJ. we x 111 welt feu year 7 :45 p.w.--laakewuol Farm Eusrtu- 'Me : t paw._ lir Fn.l•,rtck Meli re, This, however, did out focus to n.. hie, from WJ% rr•sentwl hp the \1'I;Y 1`Inyers;t Tru' i GB aiC rOUld the oplthe of !leer/. Musings, rums a:00 paws--toaltrey Ludlow. vluliu• ; k:yek I'luy. dltw to 1 i�iLlul p urged the cauln•11 h. -get together- Ist. Crow 1('J%. lI:a01 paws -Thr Kr, tune Trl6 am'1 to wear Hurlbuta and decide what is to bet done about Monday. August 31, . 1:00 p•m._- o gd of /'art r lice, t ne Tile lit v-` t 13ei 11 t "H er pd m- ate All the weathers) were present at the uweting of the town commit ou Friday eveulug. Mr. 11. T. Edward• acted as clerk. ' . The tax collector reported Pal - menet of taxes of -1233.87 fruw• Au- gust 7th to 21st. The Mayor spoke ut efforts being =ale by Mr. Blake Cheer for the re- epeulug of the vaulting futtor)'. Mr. Cheer was *skiing fur an adjustment 51.1 F..'ri -i i(,ir II SEAR NO. 35 town ball. _ ]melt ; talk, 'Famous eu s s- s fuser and D. KIt'inger. `- lu this /connection tit! Mayer it .- way L. F. Von Helmholtz:' by W. E. ctutnrd E. D. Kboa nae :S, ' because'* 110 PH. uuarked that the Ladle. wag) -trate Widdemer• I► progrm by Ten ti. -4. HMrI nod the Cblldelrt►..fid. tioelety utIleer 1:30 p.w.-Asia flub Orchestra. tet \ alight hate attrit in the new build- ...ill paw. lug. 111111 lite Hyvltie Ia.i1t • ,uy thus of the taxes uu the apple evaporator the local Hydro should have better of- of was honest down last tad,• and mets. This lel to $sato rrwavks on •this wvtw referred to the nuance cow- the Hydro propeasiry to "roe" things suit the Mayor agr.s•.1 that tale sly- wittier.A nut/. , from Mrs. M. G. ('awerau dr,, -Electric Commission was a very expressed predation'of Nle alum- arbitrary laxly -lout what were they ell's sympat y in the senting of flow- going to gb1 ghoul it': err on the O •rdan of the late Judge Finally It was ,kri,lel that the Cameron's' fu it . whole question or a new town hall A petititat for the evn•truttluu of a tituald br brought up at the next sewer on 1'►ct�� street, between general committee w„•tbag. Waterloo and Wel rlutgtou streets, was The next topic on the program was -referred tu- t • ]Rurks commit' the new ire truck. The ll.eput) Reeve succe'*ti'Tr that '.ng neer r y Water and mos $•otnwisstonrr Thy for and Reeve )(unclogs tw a commit tee to go down t.. the 'tickle fa.•tory at W..-drtoek and inywet the new rn trine hefure it Is slapped. The Reeve declineis too/Wetly stat lug that he didn't know anythin abort an engine. Others of the councillors thought i Quite tutttcient that the engine whet it arrives should 1..- up to the -gseitt time.. The clerk was iiistitetel t the manufacturers wiw1/--tiw- •k will be delisered. ucillur Hays •roved the this from Kingston .street to the GN.R. •readht of the early elesing. bylaw other. 11t.; ewe .waw estimated at .empltaslzing the- view that this by -3300 and the tuwu was asked to )sty taw. which bad sir.tttlr been siva half of ihir. The matter was refer- first and .uenied n•adiug tlld n, rel to the public work's committee, commit the council but was 10- said ssuw• of- tits. councillors commenting orient a prltt'etlou 10 the e,nua•it, as .at tkaliy upon the eouaIwtry''a pro- • Councillor ('ole iat-t ooksl the'moth pupal i•t unload part of the exla-ttse1y and after a brief ...ii.cus.(on a Vote ssmT en-thr- few*. - t• wes taken. which resulted The tare committee' .r! tMtmeudel feat of the mot'lou. Tht•re r tall frr . at a fire alarm J.o litetalleil hi the motion: ('oauelIor,• lLlt 4'eu • .• Ibatont - liviug fla.ms. The ridge and 15ale 1:0. and agoi11+t water'r,ld light commission had !sett Iter, Msmniugs. lsrp.,: Itt•ere Mos Diunt•r musk by ' o Tea Eyck (►r•bestra, Albpuy, N.Y. 0:3:1 p.m. -The ('atricala Trio anti Mr*. Neuman V. Catricala. 'soprano. Tu. -witty. September 1, 1 p.m. - Mush.: one -sect .play. 'Admiral Peters.- by Will Matinee Players. 1:81) p.m.--•I)rgan recital, by Ste- phen E. Bobwhite, from Proetoi s Har- wanns IRee••ker Hall. Albany. N.Y. :811 p.m.--I)inucr program. Hotel Cao Curler 'Orchestra, .1ic1>iesteetady. N.Y. 0:8:. p.m. -Studio program. by WtY • orchretra and 011ie G. Yettru, pianist. 7 :2'5 paw -W(iY orchestra and John - I.. Martin, baritone. I10:00 p.m: Mnytlewer orchestra. I from WR('. Washington, D.('. Wednesday. September 2. b:ai4,1 p.m. --Prose iu for children. g ;,:44 p.m. -Program by Albany Strand Theatre ,,rche tra, Julius Tha- t , horn. a n/N.10r ; Floyd 11. Walters. t 1 organist. l 11:35 p.m. -"•Balk of Knowledge" o program. Thursday. September 3. 1:00' p.m. - 1 Music:- talk. Survey of Sra•lulogv d Part iN_-"1Nomination.' by Lola liut- ntann. :,::a1 p.m -Dinner program\ front k Hotel. u T.it 0:3 p.m.. --The Rile- Stang Quarto r H.•1.•n Riddell, .oprano;• Mrs.. Ja s 1t..' Conant. eontroIto awl Cytt la m • Viok, contralto )label Keefer. n In- The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency Houses and Lots in Godencb tad Vic,nitr, and Farms for Sale A large number of hunt -es and bola for gait to select from in Illatost any part of lac town desired at prices nmol terms that should suit anybody. Over 50 farm. for wt:c. a few well timbered. some .,f them where the buyer is Dory asked to )sty for the Improvements at a low valuation and the land is thrown in the bargain. at terms allayed any pushing man could easily handle. Ask about them. A good place to buy any kind of property. For all particu- lars write or see J. W. ARMSTRONG Above Parsons' Fair P. 0. Box SA Goderich, Ont. tee. 1'orrespoutlence het end Mr. Harvey Lt..011re regarding the perpetual u cep of lots In )daitlaud e•wetery• with lir. Giv- en's it►tque for 800 for this • rpo e. wee reficLred to the cewet and parks committee. The plant supa•rlutendent of the ('ettsdlan Nttiolul 'Telegraph*, w- s- lug with regard to the removal of t' eumpstty'• pals -s front the Square, state) that the only way iu which the tow•u's wishes eontd be met would be a by atlac11i11g a small table to the elec.' tru trlc light pales lu tilt• rear ut buildings Co ''the clerk of Toronto. n ace orchestra. Albany. X.Y. I 2 3. They are flexible -no pain); . They are thoroughbred. . They are comfortable. 1t'- amusing but Ito.. Inst a wide- awak., hustling werch:alt who 'k owes advertising pays fast a list of w• 4. prices in the piper and his comps tors who don't beliett in a11vertlslu will tumble over thewAelves to post s tot of lag tts in Ihetr ndow on which ■rg davc•rtQ.vi -igtas tewiiltng of guuds they hare at the same prier. floe ti.►�_- 7.30 P-01.-1'.14. Marine Band. from •a s %V1t(';-Wil 1i itTi0- -• 1,110 p.m.-)tnvw.l Honr'frOni WJZ. 10:'V pal. -Organ ,,.Ital. 1•y _Ste er pheu .E.' It..pse•lair_ - 3taint___Croft.. • Aske) to (.bust up the tire alarm at and (councillors ire. Sproul aid the -- pnwerbe0uy!s`. --J►ii *11.-- applh:.t-. Tenter l5). Aisne for building runts referred to • Thr coarsen then ',dimmed. the committee had u tamed. The matter ftf painting an .cleaning the REPORT OP HOG 41H1' HsNTS fire, was left over fur-cousidern- for sweet tvultt�gg•.taguM i3, luta tttn, Sind the matter of appointing a' }lOviaa County M.r:aw• Aubinrn los strivers for lite new tire edgia.e was left nrer\tor another week. Total hogs ....14211 The pnt.11.• works cotumitt..• re•um- Select !shot] .. 444 mended that tin painted signs be pro- Thick smooth .. Witt curet aid placed . at the lake and , Hcavie. 741 river back- r 1 elsewhere til give Pit h.•arie. 1 warning against the dominion ut re. $hia). hogs 841 rears on the Na-- Lights. feeders 20 :;n .o 11 fuse; and that :h thenal-Shipbnitdiu Co: ---plant. 'the town freight •heti d the garage building on East str be repaired with asphalt rooting. The harbor et.matinee eported In The n1*TWF .N. It. to drllVer at car from tl 1'.1'.It. over the (.N.R. tracks on the north side of the. harbor. ,r•t•omwe ling that the matter be taken up with he 'Lethally (commission. The comm tee had looked into the mutter o Smiting logs an the bathing In'ach and it had lawn stopped. The reports of the finance commit- ter and the cemetery- and tisk= roue I latter desalt only with rooting: mat- ters. The repiirls were all adopted. Reeve Mutualness repurtr.l orally for the special committee with reference to the Derry Day celebration, stating thatthe flown had rwrived $1`2'. for booth privileges sad $75 for the titer- ry-its-muni] itemisee. The town would therefore be a 11ttle ahead on the dry (having emit ributed 8100 to the ex- penses). ' - Couneillor I'altridge asked That the wrrpdns he devoted to park parrtoset. for the punt -hit -4- of new setts or re paalritiq old one.. A tN*t•nrslo11 of the railway Int. r - !witching wow ion arra• f' marks by 1•onnelllor Hays adt-i'ing that the matter he approached tc;th a great deal of tnt't. •He had beet talk- ing with one of the C.N.R. ottteial', who (tilled that any concession- granted the town in the !niter be by way of agreement with his eomttItty. councillor ler said there wens a Munnwrelnl desk on the north aide of the harbor and 1t looker) as If the C.N.R. was trying to take it out of the hand- of the town. 1'ourn•Iblpr Turner was eonhttnl that the town fluid recure satl.dae- tlon without going to the hallway Commission. 1t wvs important that the matter he settled at an early date, so that there might he no trouble in eminectlon with the accommodation of the whiter fleet. After rem+kle-rai.le further diseus- slot) 11 was derided tel ask the harbor etinuulttce to give the matter further eau shkern t bun. 'Phi, following npp; lea tIons for Imil*ng p,-rtnits were referred to committee: J. Juek, frame porch, Mary street; E. V. Cleveland. gar- age. 14t. Patrick'* '.fMet; John Arm • ret. redlingling shed, 'Newgate street; Cha*. McCabe. hen Louie, Angleette street. The question of peeking an exten- sion sion of the town boundaries at the lakefront waw dl*rusidal. The late twig/. ('ate,rnn. when torn i.elleltwt. had this wetter in hand. and (Solicitor Itulme* w111 ie aakM for a report. Councillor Turner asked that some- thing he done to improve the walk* down Inlrlor hill, particularly the -1 r1'dia Pekoe Teas Direct importations from the Da riga n gardens ASK FOR DARIGAN BRAND Also English Breakfast Coffee A trial order solicited Ask your grocer a�tmtt>• James Lloyd & Sons EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS • HOUSES - HOUSES ALL KIDS FOR SALE If you intend billing a home letme show you where you can save money.T Never waft the opportunity better Get priers on what it will cost you i to build. Then come In and see what I have to offer you and save money. This I will prove to Ton. P. J. MAN Real Estate and Insurance. 'Phone 50.' ful breaking in. Their mother can afford til buy them. GEO. WILLIAMS Dealer In 114)NLNf10N. PROVINCIAL, MUNICIPAL. AND iIN- DUSTRLAL BONDS. Fief. Life, Accident. Automo- bile, aid General Insurance Agent _ -office, Worth Street. Phone 121 Advertising Did it Wrigley. the / hewing gunk wan. eel/Mine,i how he built up a bushi, • o1 ntililty' of pa,-kages a day-. 14e- Int--4ette-4t. Ly stk•kaus_lo,tL.. ant• Ihu• and advertising it. He' spend. over a million dollar- a year in buying newslnler space to tell the world about fit,•,ent chewing gram He lens educate.) people to chew gum and to chew Wrigley's. He did out lop shouting Ott -onh as he attrnctt'd motets. - 1 • says you mud keep It up or the hay.• w•111 forger yon. Whether yours it :-cent er 11 $30.000 blttiue+ . keep tel ire al.ttt It. ASHFOILii) ,1t4i)FiEI.D, tug. 17. -Mr. Elmer Bradley. of Tor, To, WAS among the week -end visitors re. Mr. AWN. Mac nn. of Windsor. rlsited relatives here over the week- end. Dr. and Mrs. John Mncl.enn and family and MIs- :Sarah Maclean re- turned to ('hleatt on Rednetltl�ty lust. The *ehonl-home of 8.1}-Y 1o. 3 1 Kintall l is being repalntel. - Mise Anna liiieDonald. of Br •e - field. ---Cited _=air-. A. Beckett_ tit week-. - - - Misii remise MieDonald. of Toronto, is visiting her allot, Mrs. Dungan MacLennan. Misses Iles$)/. and Belle MaeKetl- she, MIs.. Mnrgnr t Mael.eanai. Mfs- Rlia beautiful Play H Ow is"- kalar irltcn ,,lata such tale o aiding Slime from alae bli to islj. SHARMAN' "The Leading Shoe 5tesei Phone W. Reg. Sharman Goderich • A m*AJ1-iW!g r.'*e'- what- he -saw B'e beg le' differ- Welts' got a• ate garden. and we lino '.-Liv.tpnnl Weekly lust. Anna MacKenzie :tnd Miss Ella Cow -- an nre alt home this week after en toying two weed,' holidays at Pori Elgin camping grounds. They report )Introit a liplendi l time. ills', Dottalda tta(tiregor return/.) to Duluth on 11 tnrday after spend Inc n eery 1,1,- -ant time with her many friends i1 Ashfield: viol with her sifter. Mr- y1adlill, of •Winghnnt The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held on WesIneisday afternoon al the home of Mr Jame. MneDonnld Tite program for the afternoon can alstel of . four pipet*. rend liv , MI -- Hardie. Uis* Anna MneKen,le. lits$ Elin Cowan ' amt Mee. John Maeltne, and n solo by Ales Amanda Muu-l)nn- nld, which was tntx'h enlnyett. • After - words line -hes: was ',erred by the Montego. Many' it girl +- tingle today let apse she couldn't eta, awake while n elan talked about bim*NL--itrnielon Son. t Travelling tr•ahadour. and other nnvri ettreetlon. *111 feati,re ltnsk Day at the ('aea,llan Nslonnl Exhih- 14 Goderich Industrial Exhibition Wednesday, -- Sept. 9, 10 Thursday, Fridays ,1925 The Popular Holiday Event of the District Extensive Exhibits of the Varied Products of Town and Country Many New Features Big Frize List II GENERAL ADMISSION REDUCED TO 25c. A BIGGER AND BETTER SHOW FOR LESS MONEY Track Events-' _ Purses $900 THURSDAY: --- 2.\50 Trot or Pace - Purse $125 2.20 Trot or Pace - Purse $250 FRIDAY 2.30 Trot or Pace - - - Purse $225 2.15 Trot or Pace ' - Purse $300 Rxsv'ptlnnal ,:ii .* to $eburs) *hoes for itnys et "the 1101.' aline -plum around the enrn.'t." Sde them in our wlhdnww. SHARIIAN'ti. Special Grandstand Attractions 4 1 Barlow and I Sensational and com- edy acrobats, w i t h Barlow their funny tgick house. Henderson's Famous Juvenile Pipe Band The most popular amuse- ment organization in Western Ontario. Pipers, Drummers, Dancers, Singers FREE PERFORMANCES BEFORE THE GRANDSTAND Maple Leaf Midway Enlarged and improved. A grand assemblage of amusement Something doing all the time features. General Admission to Exhibition See announcement next week of free ad- mission to children in procession. Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information on application to the Secretary. T. GUNDRY, DR/ W. F. CLARK 'President Secretary -Treasurer . s".'"«see. Mrw•+•s- 9 •