HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-20, Page 8&- Thursday. August Vit, 1920. THE SIGNAL. l' Public School Pulens %Ito Past .•htgUer School Examination+ • A Superior Varnishing Crtatm TALC COME Fullowlug are the 1161114* of public os'hool plitiplls of West Huron that mote tot Lower tt-Ilistt subjects at Dtyartweutal examinations and their standing in, each =bled. C; -p site.l. .1f Many etcur oaM.e,r'etiallus ll 1. dos aa.w -era mar area ewer rood y .aosatis,►. mow, Mut., 'Wier 17 t.in, r.c - Iw Con. 79r Most people in thkg„ ity know that we a se in Toilet needs --a very neteseery part of "My Lady's Boudoir." B,v carrying the assortment 1f standard lines wt• satisfy al- most every desire. Make our e oT your headquarters in Face Powders, Talcums, Cr)au15, Rouges, Bath Salts, Compacts, Toilet Waters, Sachets. -- VARIETIES GALORE •lr CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE ' Phone 90 The Square Itemewlt•r there are slwaya bar - rains for you at "the little shoot -shop sr 1 the corner." WFAtRNANV. Summer Millinery -AT- Half Price In this sale we offer at half price Hats that rep- resent the best values of the season in style, materi- als and trimmings. You will sufely find just dm. Hat you want in.this are sate. MISS M. R. 1 ?cVICAR Kingston St. Gaierich LICEIII•RN ` 1.EI0BI'ItN, Aug. 1s. -Iii,. Frencte Quaid. of hetroit. is visiting at the home of her sister. Mrs. Oliver Cook. Mrs. Alex. Horton and hale spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Herr. .4'oel, at Woodstock Mimi -Sadie E. Horton, from Buffa- lo, is spending her holidays with her relatives here. Mr. Harold Whitfield. the ts•r- hunt pastor. will again take charge of the service here next Sunday at 11 a.tu. We hope there will Is• a good turnout. Work and Service Mission Baud will hold this month's meeting at the ehon•Ii on Saturday afternoon at :I p.m. The reunion of the family of Mr. - and Mrs. Jos Cook took place in the Itform of a picnic MI Saturday last at .sunset Park. Tills Inas become an an- notal a*htir lewd eerielot, it was en- joyed by all the company of seventy - omen. Including children. gtawichil- 4r and great .grandtblldrert end e few friends. , I- LEI SUS SERVE YOU DAILY with pure, wltulcntonte Bread and seasonable ras,try. All orders will receive our rare - fol -and prompt attention. i.e •e a standing order. We rdtily. Cleveland _-_. RAILER Photo. i' -t- V West Street. va alas1Na, 3M SO M - particularly_- good VICTO' ' ECORDS have been released 1, • lye "A Miniature Cone " is one, "Gems front Rowe , arie" is another, also ''hem- From A Student Prince," - nothing of some snag fox-trots. Come and Ilea them. say You ta!)-get the latest hits too in the chert music, --your piano looks unfinished u it r- out thr'aa. Specials \lot Price's Grocery Neb Soap Flakes 2 for 25c. Easifir'" Shortening 23c per Ib. Laundry Soaps 4 bars - - 25c. Puffed- Rice 2 pkgs.. • ..35c. WE SELL ICE CREAM Saadi delivered free r orders sollelted Price Ave. Oodedck i Aaiti lH1.i).:NO. 8 Ylr Me rga rel Clare, Johurtalt. Eimer is 3 'n 1 0VNURi'S SALE REUISTKR Saturday, August r2. --Auction sale ht' real .estate, household furniture and chattels, property of Mr. N'w. Jierrlasa.:tt his resldyuCe un Wa street. r 'l'htiraday. August sale of real estate at Beumlller household furniture at' the resld ,.r Mr. Janita Heidi[•, Quebec street, t;otlerk•h. *hurtle), Aagu-t 211. -Clearing ni int sale of bugle furnishings at the redderue of Mr. C. A. Lees, Hay - C ne1.1 road (next to Barker Bros.' gar - C age). Saturday, September 5. -Adminis- trator's sale "af reitl.lrucr properly and household furniture at the prem- ise- of the tate Mary Morris Straclmu, condole road. " E OLBOR`Flfj, : U, x Dowses. Hehner McPhee. Garvey - Itolwrleoat, l'IttyUiM Rutledge. Hoy' IIJufield. John Itwlmta.d. John Redmond. Mary W A WAt.' Bamford. Warrsa .. 4•••••••••••.**,-, WAWANO$II. N Jefferson. 'Htlllard WA W ANOS1l. NO7 Leiw•hamu. Myrtle , .., -- HAY. NO. 4, Hazel atl'a's 4' WAWAN%)SH. M.►. 2 Taylor, Harrlatef Taylor. Albert 5.. •-,.0 0 s:.. • d N.F:, NO. 1 y.', •1 "1 • u ] r jos- A C o a -0 116,79 'sedan', 1{ e l' C` (' C C TENDERS WANTsD Tt1NisttltS F4)14 %V*l4tI)l1N STEPS - 1'eudera ..•111 Ie na•riyetl Op to Mon- day. August 24t1. at 5 ticloek pew.. for the etlttatructton of a set of Wood en steps oil the river Tank at the foot of Wellesley alt-w•t. Spacificatiuus may be se.0 at the 1'owu Clerk's orate at the Tuwu Hall. Lowest or am- tender nut nonce* tiarily aa•eph•I. I.. 1.. IKON, Town Clerk. G. 0. I. NWS The 4lo.leri-lt Collegiate will re- open on Tuesday. Sept.•uiker lit. as provided for by 1h,• new regulation of rhe Eduwation IMtwrtmelt t. instead of on Tuesday. September Sth. Thule students of Forms 1. and 11. who tailed in algebra, gtontetry, 144 - till and French for promotion to the next . form are required to attend school. Isah moaning "sod afternoon, from Monday. August 24. at 0 a.nnt to, Auglust :it, inclusive, if they tlhr.Fre promut tun. l;ok•rk•h Collegiate 1s finely equip - 1571 for carrying on secondary eilnca• tion in all the brau,-lwit, including: Normal entrance for loth sec I and Arstrfasr eertlAetttes, Junior and hon- dr- mntrieulethot mad cv,wmerrial Work. prier[dlug -a two-year diploma course and nevommalatiug w limited itumher for q, third -year course. Young persons opo Stave already secured ser enol and first-class academic certifi- cates can to• ()reports! fur tlw two-year dtpdutaw . course In Ilei• our pear la book- keeping. shorthand and typewriting. Stuck -tit- -wbo have just pt -'.wed the high school entra>tre -are -attriw.1t--to take a -thew -year regular high aehool course retort taking up the regular spacial cumwert`fal subjects, so as to Ire mitre prottrkt t .•ltd thus caywhle of eiseturfng Metter pesltkeue in t un- nucretal Ilfe. Miss Parlee. who till such splenoid work last year. will be nt the -head -of--this .h•tartmetit again this year. The staff of the Collegiate has lawn cutuplehd by the appointment of two highly rv•i iimabrntl T tevtelwrs Ti, fill phi• rarautles caused by the resigna- tion of Mlss Holttt• and MI -s Hunter. Miss 4'. Hnrwasb. a graduate of , Tor- onto CnLTersity. with ph, *pedalled will have aha Tor F;ngllt+h. and ClintI,1T t 1 Iuh history. Mr. S. )I a distinguished graduate of` Counter ably 'Titlty. "Ir?I -fin1 ilaaskwi. sped -Mist certificate gra by the Ontario Rdin•atton Depwartmedt tviit hwee rhatgt of the cts',.trs ami lea! eullture of Jun- Ph.D.. Olil the el ROOMS W.ANI 1 DOOM.ERS WANTED. - HIGH school giris preferred. MadPre eouyeieteet.. Apply at TH!' dikKA .. WARM "RN tf 1 D--_ WOO M S. aa with- all tern cooveolences for high sehoo1 lent. Apply at STC - NA L 1)F'FICIA. 1pI.IO NOTi LISTS. 1925.-MI:NIC1- 'L- PALITY OP COLBORNE. COUN- TY OF HURON, Notice is hereby given that 1 have complies} with Section 10 of the Voters Lists Act. and that 1 have posted up at my office in Colborne township en the 10th day of Augnat, 1923. Parts I and II of the list of voters of the said municipality. And I hereby call upon all voter to take immediate proceedings to hare any errors or omissions corrected according to law. Dated at Colborne township, August 11. MRS. I. HETHERINGTON,- Clerk. FOR SALE DRIYArd $At.F. or HOUSEHOLD ll goods. etc.. at the rouge of MRN. .1. F. IU TT4IN. North street. God- ISk•IL Phone IRS.. part of the English and history. lsh IMO Fl pltIVATD SALE (W HOUSEHOLD ▪ furnishings and otker nuater6ua articles. i'pgtty -1d -J: 'WELL. ip,, Dovkl street Let* tt. 1. UPRIGHT WEBER • .piano. In goad condition; 'without - case: .I log excel -Atonally meet tone. Apply to MISS MAY STOl)- iMnRT. East street. sALE CHARTERED ACC •p' 11't3 i -PDA SA SALE OCIYTA]Y'p HOUSE rya.- i AY:S. gig' N $ P. C` A. • ' r Accountant. 102 CHAR will Neil by public auction i Stratford.101 Outarlu titres**SQ deuce on the 1341y4e1d at bis rent. I'houe feeler -To Barker Brom.'ruad, Uoderlch = - - - 1 1 SATVHDAY, garage l. ,int AU coagmoepdug at '2 o'clock: 1?D'1 CI'IUNJ One Slinger . od; 1 fumed sewing tan,-htu•' drug LIVE 1l\DltY, OOp RI ws;dluiug-room 19T0(`I[ *1 iuuhugauy' fluislu parlorset, AUCT!owIlCR O 3 DI 1 mahogany-firipah table; 1 TepeDhoas No. 119. oak roc "'hair: I F:disuu phuuo- attended to aaywhrra and ever* arupdi. reror n ••nf ,-uhiuet; 1 stfort made to give aatllda 3 -drawer cl,.•rry a,•, - 1 . kltch.p ttlmers' ole Hofer QLeotintltd ' lounge; 1 t kataud; 1 high atiiul 1 flower Wand: 1 dropleat 'kitchen tnhte; t emailt:ttt'kat-pandeT i-kljelien chairs: 2 odd chairs; 1 aewiif rock- er; 1 3-pkrr .ca;uut bei ow et. and mattreia and sprfug; I bray bed with sprlug: 1 wahopuuy h dew tier; 1 child's ,-rib, wattages and rprlag; 1 walnut cheat of dra e 1 F7urenc'e automatic oU store as 1.1 f Empire Anzac steel rattail; 1 f M. s bee heater. nearly pew; 1'kitchen cup- board ; 1 child': ulgtt clue :_l. mactilos and wringer; flat .eon wash tut; 1 grills rug; 1 Wapar try rug, 7yy' by 9'.. a number of small lusts mud rugs; about 11 yds. midi caryct; large pieta lluulrum, I1'x13'; wl0a 2 lame feather bests • 1 pair of featlwr i A L. COLE. u. o., ..-- -- pllloa4; ti roller baste; shads: 1 OPTOMETRIST, : larlry• hes basket : 1 sUter : coma An. West Street. ganlec ,b; 1 lawn m()washer; '1 ca I Honor Graduate of nom' mere ;1 number of ptcturese ; 1 set of 1 Op ttthalmlc (`ollege of Toronto d Potts' ,ruga; a number of empty w•al- Eyre cxamtned by the late•► ars: • quantity of fruit; 3 window ods, and the proper fittiug of glassy screens 1 copper washkalltr; 1 gra+stat moderate prices. Ontario Hosea w•ashbeard ; a quantity of carpenter (ot Examiners Certificate Ni. 875. and aura tools; 1 dinner set: a num- ber of h.ocka and other dishes; 2 water pits; 1 Fuller mop: 1 hanging MUSIC lamp; 4 knell lamp*: 1 child's ro'k• ing lora; 1 child's vtraadati gate; 1 PROF. W. H. JACKSON, Organist' childs skit, 1 crosscut saw, 51,i ft.: a and Director of Music. Nutt 1 svythe : 4 axes ; 1 clothes horse; 1 street Methodist church. InMrvctloa ehild's Mac rd ; 1 tub atapd : 1 given in Voice Culture, Organ, Plano. foot stool: 1 ke board and rolling Violin. Gutter, Theory, etc. Studio at) pun : a uunnbc ..f hours plants : 2 residence, 37 North street. Phone 118► sc'ree'n doors :51 y clock ; toilet set. TFRMti-('ash. Tit1NIrERil FOR OONSTRUC'TION of Hamilton Drain, township of West Wawaooeh. Tender. for the construction of the Hamilton Drain accompanied by a marked cheque for 20% of the teener will he recedes by the undersigned till August 2Sth. All cheques must It• made payable to the Treasurer of West Wawanosh. If Madera not ac- cepted cheque will be promptly re- turned. The engineer's pians and 'specifications may be seen at the un- dersigned office at any time. Tenders will be opened Friday, August With, 1925. Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. DLJRCII!N PHILLIPS. Clerk of West Wawanosh. Licknow, R.1;. 3. 1410 TENDERS, 1.1 AI reseed to the - undersigned, and main I ' Trwlrr for Igneling Mork, Saugeerr, River, Out.," will be reef -Ivry! Until 12 c•lo•k noon' (daylight sav- Ing Tures l $eptemler x; 192:'., tor a Lauding \ilca•k. , liaugeeu River. Brace Fouuty, ut. Plana and lu of contract two 15• Still and slwlifle ►tktu and forms o tender obtained 'at\,this 1lepertmru at the !.lik'e's of the l)t4ttrkt Engines t'ustowa Itulldlmg. 't( ve udun. tout. Handing. Torssu*o /Hut., --acrd at the lust 1um.•.. Soluble on. 11nt. Tenders will not b• cons ergs! nu- Iess made on Prhitel haw -'supplied y tlw Tt.pwriment and in ile:•Jt,lautr with, conditions eo ntalnetl there Eaa•Ii t.•ttder must be, nccuwpa'e1!'a ht• an accepted rhryur on a charter hank payable to the /Water of th"a Minister of l'ublic Works, equal lu MT Pet t•efif. nt 1111e alni'tunt er tender. li gids of - the Dominion of Canada or bowie of the ran/WWII Na - theist Railway ('rrmmanr rtf alae ie tweeptel as uccurity. or bonds and a rhwpie if required to make tip an odd amrrnnt. Note.- invite prints can he obtained et this Department by depositing an aereptel 'MINIM• for thee, sum of *10.4%I. poyalde 1., the order ,nt the Minister of ihublk• Works. which will to returned if the intending bidder -submit a regular 1,1.1 By order. S. E. (YDRIEN. Seo•rrui ry. Department of Public Works. Ottawa. August 17„ 111213, ROBERT ROJIERTS(W QualiEldon $tettfiodsrg will conduct any ale in inlet- tut of Huron. For 1(prmuriun applj a P. J. Ryan, tai rut . or lett with hl 'r -,-r • orders tentton. - prompt as I wax, smog et: MM(IDEL a mattress, easy chain. rockers, invalid coisnoode chair. range, washing Itnachtns. tabled. kltcheo'iiaie, pic- tures Jersey Black Giant and Pee- p' a Cochta kepis. Pot yes pig ns. R. MeDONALD, (Dsatop) B. R.'8, Oodaeich. • 1+06'! OR Mies Grace Violeon has' returned home after s two weelett - vacation - spent with triiends at Detroit. FOUND MARRiW:D (GALILOW--PAT7'F:ItSI IN. - Oa the FOUND. -A CHAIN OF BEADS 111th Imt.. at 'Trinity church. Blyth. by Rev .. .. Hawking. Margaret with Apply at THE Elltle. daughter oof Mr. and Mrs. G. Penerso•k. I'lltubridorn, England. to -Frank A. Ganow. eon of Dr. and Mrs. Gitilow. Gogh -deli. Ont. DIED MeDoNA T.D. it 140111.rIttlit on Mon- day, August 17. F,Ilen Mt -Donald, be- loved wife of Mr. John McDonald. GODERICH gamuts ptri..--tA SUM 0 MONEY NEAR corner Klapoton, street and Square or Retail Drug\ Store. Tinder please leave at SIGNAL OIMIICE. OST. -A IILUE 'SUIT COAT ON ma Huron road going to Benmiller on Sunday afternoon. Finder please dleave at PRM7E'S GROCERY, Elgin COET.-4IN SUNDAY. AlICHIST 10, ad between &inter! ilind Ripley. black leather club -bag. Initialled 1. M. ti.. rontalnIng clothing. Finder pleat* notify 14. G. nitowN, West Lorne. Dot,- and -evesdlets reward. A I' l'T1uNEER- .d or h d effects tars stock. the County of Huron, rr*. a)1 communications to J. Auburn P. O. a Everything mu. '‘e ao1d. as Mr. CHIROPRACTOR Leis is leaviag at olletr t,or Florida. C. A. LEES, T. 9U;tl3Rnv DR,, A. N. ATKINSON Proprietor. CHiROPRACTOR uu+tlaoerr. I A1IMkNHll7IATOR'.S !tA Gooteand tJbeFl Chronk-erpnlc and neryoae its• ItPAGID 2iftI:-PR,Ot1tW ' AND tea sea. "-Consultation free. Omce 1 1 4 ►1 SE}HOI.I FUHNITUI hours 2 to 5, anti 7 to 9 p.m.. except - tor InetrueteU he the adminislh-' ing Monday and Thursday afternoons for of the isolate of the lair Mary Mut and evenings, and by appointment. vis $tradiau to. sell by puhl1a aurtlon' lBeatttence end omce-(Jure East at the prrmts.t. ('ambrin rood. •;od al4 Vletorla streets erlc•h. qn t SATI'ItDAY, SEPTEMBER ^13 1 commencing at 1.31 ri clock : ( . IIDCDICJIIr T-b.----tn uiue 4a4 --ie(- on -W►s..t.th►' _ ,I EN road. at present occupied by Mr. A>wDER F188)Q1r Strachan. This Is a well-Iub't 'ram.- "lone 997 Stratford, Ont. --- reatdWnw on a good garden bit with Special attention given to Carr a/' t"tti, t1 trc.s. kende', etre The house Stents and chlldtth. -__. t, hos all owyenleucn.. 111411.1.1111g...:not Engineers. water heathy[. lights. Pte.It can be DR. F. J. R. FOR holes -tett at illy time iererl„us. to 1CYIII LAR. li0Sll sale- t Late Motile Samson NsW York Ogle TE1tMiy: 7'h -e hundred dWllara rw tgrilmtc and Aural Hosp1 + asrstanl quire) at flaw of sa1r, balance Witte at Moorefield Eye Hoapttal as! payable on terms. to snit purel:.-er. `Golden Square Throat H4ryltal, !Cele IMrutturr tmrt ` 1Tatge1a 1 ostiole don. Eng. No. 1t. Wrstlughunsr; 1 srwing mn chlor: all porter ruriturr, 'Inctnding S3 Waterloo 8t. S.. Stratford. Tai. parlor suite. rugs. Kc. ' i-umpllrto• ephnne 267. beolnanj o.pltrs. c71r1aetul. erre: wN At Hotel Bedford, Oodertch, or \futngn,om furuitnre, fac'Iu.I1og dish- Tlnnrati'. Augilet 6th from l0 -Lin. rpteta.7rl.--.",,,.„1-, .11--: -}} --w 4 l..ua. ------ ut aha; 2 cock stoves; 1 coal oil cor.it at o1 !soil opt heater: 1 wastling. outfit. • plebe; 1 ah•gt►llc•a cell teak.;-'- wr -' :T nuc ter ill r - alt. nt.s•' pROt'I1FOOT & KILLORAN years, to •1 ind well -broken: I butt•' ` Barristers, ry Public, eto ha) -: -1 • - 3 eiAteyi-)-«i-..4 tituglo hnrne•s•: 4 trough'''. -Money to d.-. Phoma 97. TEIIMS : A setas or- * anti • for Owe -The Square. (ioderlch it. -r. rash: eyed tdtmt amoaat. thnw A. CLT'FF, B. A., BARRISTER. mouths• erwllt will het all' r ell !tint- Solicitor and Notary !'uhllc. Nord" 1 blest uppn.vwl joint n'•f; St., Gnderleh. Phone 411. 11'N. STIIA1'HAN. T. t' DRY. Admhtistratur, .tit ioueer. -r DULLEY E. HOLMES At -4-'1'141N SALES tele v Ai. ES- Bsrrlater, Etc. TATE AT IIENMIL 'It AND Ofi1ee-Hamilton street, Godertell. 1NIt'Sl}t11M)1.1) Ft'R71Tt' Phone 27. MW JAMES HEDDL will aril by public auction at 1117 home, SEAOF..R. K. ('., lt:1RRIMTER, (Jtietwe street. Ooletkh. on ( SOLICITOR, Notary Public as/ TH1'ItSIMY, AIYOUST '7TH r. Conveyancer. Office-Oourt Houast. commencing at 1.30 o'clock : Oodertdi. One dlningroom Mite; bu6'ee, round -toped extension table. 1 arm chair, 5 side chairs. solid talk; 1 rlr- trola : 1 solid oat miter, leather BAaSn?aRA, F. seat: :i heavy oak rocker', Walther smuts and hacks; u dluingroom chalrs,1 Perforated bottoms; 3 hielelacketl chairs, solid hollow.; 6 kltclwu chairs; 1 high -chair; 3 wooleu rank- ers: 1 i•xtenatttk kltrlwtu table: 1 scdld toppwl kltcheu table and t• book cane; REAL ESTATE AND T ISURANCB 1 high gram enp(oard. Solid 'dark waluiu;__.L.Peerleas. Cornua steal OF.ORAF., range; -tinge --etre with --besting rumor Real Estate and Tnenranee and nipper re7ernolr; 1 Model Huron l101'Sd„9 FOR SALE 3 -Ti isiwy;11u.:irw 1'ertert1wi oil stove, Loocat togr,ney for life, fire, automd 3 tunrnef• .1 Singer sewing machine, bile and ace ey t lite, fir -drop head: 1 bedroom 'rife. dresser• Office: At residence, Trfalgar ce. wand gid wvonllm attr 2.11,0: Irtn tails street. 'Phone 45A. with /joriutS and matters.: 1 wo.nclM bed 'with springs and mattress; 1 • bureau; 2 feather ticks: 1 vis- INSURANCE low rug 3x4, 1 rug 3x3; linoleum ti otYitoth; irindttw bleu ls; ' ur- ' ns: (Silures: mirror*; Sash nth: wringer; garden tools; 1 lawn mow- er; tuahe;; cooklag nten.11.; fnal t jars and other articles. Thal( -('ash. ILEAi. ESTATE AND CItATTEI.S to 1s• .n:d st Itenmlfer.at 11.15 eielgrk Tana. en sass date NMMI?f4 of filo Andrew Heddle homestead, Contain- ing ten acres or more, part of the Waller Reserve. on whtrh there is a comfortable frame dwelling. tarn and stable' 24xa1t, II riling shed. ehie1.•n pens. etc.. and slant 3 acres of t-hoiee oreher'd, mostly- winter fruit. The balance is all gdsol tillable laud. __ Se 1. church, general store, mins l Nee. 74ems-, SMfortb P. O. and hlaekstniih tamp are alt within Dlrevtttrrs-1• BnNdhat, 13. L ten minutes' walk. In .onne of the No. 6, RMforth • John O. arrows, iia nicest rtllnp•s in 4hitarlo. thnlr tt 4 weitont Vllllam Rltm, R. R No. milest tenon t nderich. At the some 2, A ileafortb; John Rennetwlee, Brod- time the following chattel' will 1s• tragen• Geo. McCartney, R. R No lis told 1 stat 3) tight : 1 egotist host r Slsatsrth; Robert Ferris, Harlodtt (pop buggy : 9 tight spring wanner. I set of , ills, harrows : 1 -11- we drag Mnnay Otbaon, BrueeflMM ; Jams• barrows; 1 walking pbtw,,.. tram, Beachwood; Isaias °gently. TFIRMM tot real vomit- one-third Ooderlch. et purchase money to i.r Void st,ttmw Agents -J. W. Tee. (lodsilekf of sub•: bolas/0 min- be arranged. Alex. tettrb, R. R Nn. 1, (' Intent John Mnrray, lleaforth; 1. Alnto.ley, tie yforth. Polley -bolder sun pay all paymewh sad gust thMv tarda r(ww1$. Id at It J. tlferrlak's Olothteg gene % Reinersl railway frees will again Quattro; lit A. Otitti Otrocery, 5e In effect during the period of the sten street. Godseleh, or 1. H. Canadian Nstinnal F,xhIhttiou. Omar 1 Shiga, lavfel JY5 er Ct. AUCTION SALE IIUCTION SALE or REAL ES - n TATE. HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE AND CHATTEL& MR. WILLIAM BERRIMAN will sell toy publie auction at his resi- dence on Walnut street (Jost off the Huron rood), ou SATURDAY, AUGUST 22CND, commencing at 1 o'clock: Parcel No. 1 ---The property on Wal- nut street, 1% aCrPS of good garden ground, on which there is a frame house and stable and hen -house In -good repertr. Has electric lights, good well and orrhard. . Parcel No. 2.-A six -room house on 11721011 street. 2Cleirly painted and out. Illeetrk lights, rum ;fa- tten, town water. Close to Hotel San- TWo tapestry. chairs; 2 rocking chaire; 1 round walnut table; 1 or- ; 1 8 -day hall clock; 1 sofa; cur- bedittead and spring; 1 feather I dresser and commode stand, and wing; 1 full SIZe Iron he and spring and wool mattress. enamel cheeter drawers and and rug; 1 oak dining trobl bookcase; I sideboard hea ter and hooter: 1 too h For First -Class PROMPT S 'cal Work and VICE W. MacDO D Telephone 171W GODER1CH LISTEN NW cmiLDitem AND YOU SHALL HEAR Of THE MAN WHO ORDERS ENOUGH FOR A YEAR VACAL We are prepared to stiitplY. GAGE itr 1,e,45 in lip TRAVUUNG GOODS lot 11.• istvtite new and we ean give ,1 good Va Any -of the following Box Trail Club -bags Straaanat runks, Walrus sad creel/Rs/ft SU itCaMillier St .75110 PIU4Sg5. °- to ' $1841. Hid uses, ithenallit gap /froi and Leather Straps "nw Lastaiing Shoe Starr nen. 158 Rya SHARA4.40 GODERIeff Put the Heat Eollut dismies winter vrorrits• Yo will be proved in the warmth o nth and isdoth our home. Every lump of this coal a treasure of cheer. ..Conifort abotweSs eiheztoopiPiltiffilFarsitr/ort. by 77.7t-ig this Simon -pus-, mil. It coots no more. rot Good Clean Coal J. B. MUSTARD corpAALN y MAID WiANTED.-FlItit GENERAL "a housework. Apply MINI. E. V. liEl4StiE, or at Bank of Montreal. WANTED. '- SMALL ELECTRIC la motor. Would' buy good imermil- hand machine. BOX 8, THE SIG- NAL. Iva three. with help. For particulars apply to Mita. J. B. KELLY, Light- house street. fa teeth. Also hridgetv pelt discarded Any conditios. Highest prices. Mail. S. BAKER. 344 Sladeetone Me., Tor - wANTED.--A REAL LIVE AGENT " to take over i good territory for 33. dog business need apply. OFFICE. _ 1LE Tr i( Iota/ t24 r from a re room for 11.sayloit rapt ice from ftle roThrglate 110es not tier Addrefis MIN IS fettieNA HIE WANT110-1,11OleNTh -FOR TEM Agibelailat preeptlonaily good con- tracts ,to the right men. Ap- ply 14 d VANAOR, General Telephooe lite 4111114 walnut cup and rugs; 1 large ebnirs; washing mei-lithe and boiler; 1 wringer and tub; sanrepans. saw; 2 hand outwit; 2 !mirk snea; 1 RX4': 1 lawn mower; 1 ladder; 1 step- ladder; abont 100 yd*. ft ft. chicken wire; 2 email chicken coops; 30 yds. horse !Ind hairnet's; 27 (lurks; RA hens, TPIRMR ON REAL ESTATE Ten per cant nt' purchase money to be paid At time of *ale; balanee In' thirty days, or terms may be arranged. fin furniture anti chattels, cash. end everything munt he disposed of. • LEGAL Nape 61 Rape Hamilton St., Godericn 0. J. CAVANAGH, General Agent' for. Confederation Life Association Also fire. nutomobile and accident Office: North street. 'Phone 486. • INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. !MAP MUTUAL TIRE IN- SURANCE ("0.-Ferm and isolated town property insnred. Offieen--Jas. Connolly, Pres., God :4 rieb P. 0.; Jae Evans, VietePrem, 111911.47,