HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-20, Page 6• .,,..yam- reps. Y THE SIGNAL, t YR ,40I Tacker Fountain Pens $2%9up School Opens September 1st A pen is used every day in the term. Select one now before the opening rush Al! self -fillers - 75C. to $7.00 1. v Ic St ore "Un Le ware vren for forty years'' II i In another year, how 11 different that boy or girl of yours will look --but 3 I photographs of the (hid- it Siren never grow up. 11 Let us help you : e -p • picture 1 record of the.r childhood. 1 i LA ROUX THE ELUSIVE -- f By Johnston • lbbott All rights reser.et. (Continued from last week) "Were ,vera alias V is uata. -. da , li Itoux," said )Ixdemoisele, '•I should i profit by past • ex1wrienee, and take stripe to arrangemitten so that you would latter do without being asked what 'yon had r, fuaed to do in the lirat place. JIM now Int of perp out at the sate.. and wee if we cam tell white time- it is:. The wind that, had raged earlier In the evening had diel down. The night wits cold and still'and clear. --so deer Host the stars ulaseyl with adaaan- tine Williams., sad seemed to hang 1 down vat of the 71:y. It was past m l.ly fight. )ladenutMdle Wished me a Happy New Year, and 1 returned title lom- pUpte•nt. end we Int -trued to re-enter dale warm cabin. for the words froze on our Il;w'. I stood aetdc t0 iet MaItIralloiselle lass, but she bade me cuter first,. '•1 lines heard it its unlucky tint a woman..14onld iw the seat to sinter the. house eta New Year's morn." she said whlwslcally, as we that In place the canvas that served for a door. "In our position." 1 agreed, "we enema neglect any precaution." She laughe1. and bade Lite mood - night, and. (wing dleinclInel to eep. I set down by the fire again d lit my pll'•'• In ,Jhe active yearn of j4nth and J. T. FELL Telephone I147 Godertch. V' ADS GEO. MTEWART. norie. Wedding Ilunciles-Floral Designs a Noes -bait). - Phone 105. I V v !� �: QUI � INTGARDEN n:i7esupptiE4 HILL' P1 ONFThg.aesiii ring J; Sly Auburn - 32 61412. i middle life a man indulge.; but little In setrospeetkm. since the Interests iuer purattlta which Ordtnartiy engro14 use. In the ma,u, more Via attention h to do with the present .and the futul, than with the past, The events o: hla tartar follow oto. upon another, each crowding the pr . ediug one into 1 the lackerou„11, while hie viewpoint and habit et mind chivies, so gradu-I x11T and imperceptibly that he is un- conscious .. the a n f ! lteratt a nc, per - the: he 1* wiser than h only now and then. whe of idlenles be scum once familiar ba chance. an old fu long•uegltcted t hood. that his tack once mo to those earlier days: and thus. t it sometime* 1. In the hour of tt passing year, WItL half 11)0ae1 eye. I watched the rising smoke of my tobacco, while my thoftght* drifted aimlessly into the past. i saw• myself. a little boy, scrambling over the old stone wall ( to the woods where rhe wildflowers grew, and running ,klwn1.111 with my companions to the stream where the minnows nibbled one's bare toes and the fallen tree made an alluring and adveptunons !ridge. I heard again the•• was. 1 t in a moment es upon scare Or !lads, p5" Nati dotter. Or a sure of Ms boy - memory carries bt GODERICH, ONT. FULL OF ACNES AND PAINS Toronto Mother Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , Proud' rattle of my *eeoUtremPUte, as 1 swaggered in the flush of early tnan- 11MN1 throng the comrades of my sol- dier life; out of that bpisterous mem- ory emerged a tenderer end sweeter one, of something little noted in those thoughtless days.—something that now pnolstened my eyes and blurred my vision. -the yearning. tear -stained *nee of my dear mother when, on my departure for the wart. the threw her luring arms around my neck and prayed (106 Dir my safe return. From that my thoughts travelled to the bleak winter day when I stood bare - beetled by an open grave and heard the frozen earth -rattle - on the lid of her cofitu. Aad felt on my arm the aktng. feeble grasp of my poor father. who oras so soon to follow her. ' scan can boa stns a , ,• are few There R each! Ihau thet b:n.• more precious>a{ and l.r Iteeti111 of good and affectionate sof the hes he in � thought parents:iM earrulent had hoer shire been healed by the Soothing hand of time. a wave of bier slid grAtit11lhr welltIl Up in sly 11,ert. as 1 thought of those TWO graves` al n1) home 111 far away Fennel'. I eorr.Wel, more oil his account Mao on me 4.WH, 111 the grievous and unmerited bullion of misfortune that and had hastened my fattier'. death. •. y aur. might nt sot a . his styling 'h g whaled i t '. . b 1 thought . 1. r rkrn d r t i have. been la U -+1 that I was stripped 0[ my Inheritance: This (,,nsolarion 1s, halt- that neithee lila name nor mine was *rained with dl -honor. For myself, the h.ss of my \pro.pctt had never weighed over- brarily_..nn .my mind._- 1_ had had a l rr In many attrring ■elvpnturee and in nesting tr:.vela, and though I was 'Via- T merles rti de' Irp a'thud atrnde, tln.1 somewhat gaieter and -More meditat a mesh 4,f .existence. I was not sere het the life 1 had lived was 1.11+ attractive that, the life t had left. The exPetlition in which I was now Involved: i tonteniphitell with mixed feelings. My anxiety for the safety of )elle. tie Ilintillun eaused MP to dryad the• hazarda `of our Journey down the river In the .,ming spring; Mut 1 coned not deny M. myse!f that the prlvhI.ie of eonfinned and Inti- mate Ass'elatlon with one who ' pots messed the qualities of person and die - position that gars her every word and rook and rebore Indescribable charm. Iva., rt plpasnre that would end too \ soon. Asanming, however, that Providence should favor our return. and we should complete our Journey wlth0nt lahap, what then? Wonld Dlademnl- le he content to return to Mince hold tier fortune in tenet for Its nigh ill owner. in the hope that he 'might some day revisit Ills early !tome? 'Would Aro perhaps assume the search to be hopeless.. and dedieste her wealth and herself to the (church? Or would the, In preference to the Toronto, Ontario.-” 1 have found Lydia E. Pinkham'• Vegetable Coin - pound • splendid medicine to take before and after confinement. A small book • was put in my door one dad advertising Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines. and u 11 did not feel at all well at the time I went and got • bottle of Vegetable Compound right away. I soon be an to notice • difference in my general health. I was full of aches, and pains at the time and thought I had every complaint going, but I CAA truthfully say your medicine I • hap:. for an ides toften Jpi:rotus•uet certainly did me good can and will imeak highly of it, and I know it will do other women good who are sick and ailing if they will only give it a fair trial. Lydia E. Plnkham's Liver Pills are splendid for constipation. You are welcome to use my letter if you think It will help an one." -Mrs. HARRY �YLSTWQOD.143 ttebeeStreet,Toronto, tttrm Tt3 expectant mother is wise if she considers careful) this statetisept qt Mrs. Westwood Itis but one off a great many, all telling the same story -Wins - ficial reeglta. Lydia E. 1'inkh•m's Vegetable Com- pound is especial! adapted for use dur- ing ur- ni g this period. The experience of other woman who have found this medicine a blessing u proof of its greet merit Why not try it now yourself? as, "The ice has all but goue. It we delay, we may meet the Iroquois." "1 do not like these Iroquois!" ex- claimed Milt. dr Chatlllop, with a alight shudder. "They are terrible!" • they are to be feared, at lewd, not rl•apee ed." "They are fiends In human form the declared. "No worse than our friends the f u;rons and Algunquln 'rake Marie, for example." -Marie! She is kind-hearted, grstefdl, affectionate, -- aliup a mJnd- ed, but otherwise the same as you and 1.' "I doubt it. Mademoiselle. But here she My toatue to Join us, Let ue home whistle of birdie Anon 1 heard a sweeter, richer note, the vole's. of Mademoiselle, who approached me through the trees singing to herself the ancient rondel of Charles of Orleans, - °Le tem)* a 'abode sou manteau "1)e veM, de froldure et de pluye "Et a'esr vertu de brouderie "De Settled luisant, eler et beau "11 n'y a beste ns, oysean •'Qu'en ton jargon UP chants ou crie: "he temps a lais.ie son manteall "1)e vent. de (rotdure et de pluye. "Rlriere. fontaine et ru(tl_seau "Portent en three Jolie "Uouttes d'argwnt dor faverie•: "Chascan *abtlle de nourest}a1 "Le temps a lalsl,te *im'IDadtlaII utter moot you made for me. There "De vent, re friidnn• et de plitye.". 011ie something solemn .'omet is erre r b R g e 1 „vim Pel 11 r M tl alt! elle tin11111 As Il R ver a vel- ra•able In travelling as w are travel- . cud greeted mr with r �anPy raced •g ' !fags through the wilderness, -one Is . 'A restful night on Lake Erie Makes a pleasant break in your journey.* A good bed in a clean, coil stateroom, a long sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast 1n the morning. 3ew1m.,. ' 3EEANDBFI"-"'CTTY Or FRIE"-CITY OF BUFFALO' Daily MQ' let to November 15ti, Laney wash" - 9(0 P. M. 5 &n.rn ttee.e Clavelm/-903 P. M. Ante. Cleveland • 7:00 A. M.l Standard Thee I Arrive BuEalo -0703A. M. •Steamer "Cl TY OF BUFFALO" arises 7:50A. bA. sad _ p�1et� AirConners! ce. f Pio.una Pueetot7 fo r Tcka i . •alias. Nor TourYm Ncket t or osselet aaeua7 foe Nekets •tom Asaos.ob,le Ru. 57.50. geed t, r foe b ism of sad d BEEF is Goat 8 . e The Lind Buffalo rams Co. 9t fat Fare s5 Toot Bed Ttek.e is C:ood on the Dom. J S � p �aclowa ar.ett� 1 �'r • THE SIG Clubbing The Sigwal and London Free Press The Signal and London Advertiser •• The Signal and The Toronto °Sebe The Signal and The Mail and Empire The Signal and The Toronto Stu The Signal and The Farmers' Sun The Signal and The Famdv Herald and Weld* Stat • Tire Signal and Saturday Night The Signal and Presbyterian Witness T dlfawal and rhe Catholic Record *� absset need McLean'. Magaziw 4 6 711 •7S r, C,75 s 5 S0 3.90 .17111 4.M s.•o TS. Stara/ awn/ Abattis s Glean -.} -;:. Newel obis The .Sigma and M"nyrel grim. _ ,r• sew este The •irrl amid War renewal 4.25 nes. 3 S5 Clubbing RassAwah aiihsv Perin,lie1ia May Re kJ an Application cloistered I1fe,bp*tow her hand on nrit of the many young gallants who wonld eagerly seek 'It9 One other solation of the problem lurked In my mind,n■ Alluring sola- tion. which 1 had of n dismissal a* Imprnetleahle. ytq' can not succeed In permanently banishing from my thoughts and which whenever 1 enter- tained iI, arousal in me ern5leting emotions of trepidation and desire. On this occasion, being in a fanciful mood, i allowed the idea mare \Tedn neral ; the night we* tar t finally put fresh log* on t took myself to bel. tl'Tt 1L XXI pre lien in- here rhupand on the coming o there be any time thaws of ns not endow of words reall.w' our de when We And onr,el vex /snaking In the sunshine, wh muted string•of our emotions q1 In nohow) with fie mnrmnring hnm n awakening nature. and, sensing the tr. a ,fl/d.dtMOMs tW"'F}penseslnn wnnid enable ns, to give atw- *nr•P to the harmaay that seen* vrfM_ in taw. In each a marl f stand 1,7 the ricer's estgn one erquielte morning In 11. Vent.Triny and the day before been misty. with fnoese.nt falling ,11110reatatyrain, but now the ala shone theweeds, elerest hhlc. Whir! met sharp line of s M a clean. seemed to harp • the world mimic Had ger slither Under fool the gree was &reedy green, and the vfolsts and/ white wood lilies were in bloom; the f air RIM fel of fragrance and the win mss and In *11 Agee Ir1.0P *cul In verse : ails! frilly, If e year when h the gift . it Is aln 1 laekoned 1, r to approach and la a Moment abe 1..pd lades us. "Tel: me. Monte. when your people take Iroquois pr1.-uers, what do you du with 111.'m?" Her eye- snapped. -W.• caress them with stick- and knit!•- and burn thus 1 with tire,' .•!:e replied. "!tut that no way to treat you: enemies. You lire now a Christian 1111 should lob.. your enemies." 1 am now a 1 llristlan, and 1 love mi- et,emie,," she rcpllel (Wilfully, "but nay people. tle Y are nut Chris - thins, and they torment the Iroquois till they scream • like children!" she eddied eagerly. Mademoiselle slgheil. ••.lte you ready to come with us down t•he rive!, 1 Metier she asked. The Indian woman replied with an atfinuntlye grunt, and together we went to pl.:sl et our canoe and pre- pare for our departure. There was little to he dour, siuee our belongings• were of the almylest ; laving all come out of the ea1OP, they could be put hack Into It with little packing. Ity evening, all was reedy for e+o early embarkation on the following slay As we sat before our snug Alin, for the last time, aur mood was) tinged with melancholy. . "W, bare beth utoit comfortable here," 1111111 Mlle. de ('b*tlllon, look• ing about her at the rough walls. "It mates me sad to Mink that tomorrow night this (shin, in which . we have found a, much of warmth and cheer. will Its cold and deserted. aril will re- main so night after- night and year after -leer, until at last the timbers decay and the roof falls iu, anti It 110- (1013eP a shapeless ruin. A house In which human Iwlnee have lived seems to adsorb from them something of life. of humanity ; its desertion savors of loneliness, iia decay and collapse of death. )ly feelings ,are much The tains-a,s-_wlten we letnt►ehlnd .nit_ the •uttug - . rwor of faith th a weapon more la ,glide and mitt - 411 ali4'more attraetlie to the aboriginal jui1 gathered that the locirtlons of the laser \'ativaa had become merit and lurwldable a soserifar tarsi our host an as es,o biro that only hu J tuuvinoe 1 p'' now lay IU help m from -ample, au that he war anxiou p fens the favor of every s • , 1, � t'trucbniachmau w•hu came way TlIs eoneluslon 1414* hero ttr.ogtthe events of later ye -ars; am! cons int the J w,IrMdesemesc of himself and his sI"' trifle, 1t is little credit to us that the! DationoFth*T a11d was finally swepT away by the tierce tide of Invasion wltlroat a2* efort s,(1 aur part t0 tusks It seem that au allinute with the French was • thing' worth while,. Tb,'ngh they pxer.ed u. to eta? with them for a time, there w:is aothiag to tae gained Ly doing so: but their prono.uuc.d friendliness gave me so Asia %!deli met win the full cuncttr- r.nee of ]pile. de t'hattllun, and w 4.•ked them 10 pr..ville us with an , escort of a dozen able-11Idled 70tlni; Indiana to %•hum We promised x11 amp.i.• reward 412 ,sur • Vi' Marie Ile Muatreal. faderarrival theset CUmslanse• there woe 00 sl'arelty volunteers, the dltlleenity being Jelit,1! to limit our escort to the deatyed ulna - bet. congratulated o naives' her, IIs. wr utI wJ u 00 the proapet of 14 much safer anti lea lab nous voyage than We had anticipant. t r, 1adranee( what hare you r in p your hand. Mon-. avizYt with the thought that hereP we I intr 1 !serif Mew? Wildflowers. I Tows" shall tearer come agora." We lem expected to leave Marie with her yeople; but widen the time came to elk) farewell. she clung to the arta of Halkeelaselle, std begged that she minbt allowed to aceom►any her. prombluawith more expression of emotion Llan 1.' characteristic of . her race. to lir her faithful and in -1 dustrious a•rvan. She declared that I adapt her httatatw was dead and she }tar) no eliildren we sere her beat and closest freuds, and u't.•4 her request so.strongly that Mudraafselle turned M. e int loyo . •'mWhat do you think, M. Qrgaier't' she asked. '•%Venld I do wet 10 tako her?" "Why not, Mademoiselle?" i relined. "If. later. e11P tires of your eak*.,y. =slit, or you of her. ate can retie, to her 1Yoyle with ho great diMenity, and In the meautime yuq can no doubt 1 Coate pmt /egg 1 than 2/ : fon Though it in WO utee what • otherwja© take you hour's, the coot of fhe �lepJtutie is one of r the fad ytai,a outlay. - A study of expenditures ,1 by hundreds of families ' shows that food costa 43%, miscellaneous 25 0, rent 17070, clothes 13% and the telephone Isle.., • $11101 nae subsoils, odd. to As sodas 4f }'Ot lf�lteleyAoru teach her to be of great ee." - -- -- - "Then she shall some!" ehrlarod Mlle. de- (J1atlllon. with a readiness that showed clearly In which dir•e- tion her own wishes Inclined. I did net. blase -her for- tlgwtrin6-the-osm•-- - patty of one of hey own sea, eines- it was aearcely fitting that n young and beautiful maiden ehonld travel al Me - with the rough company in'whfeh sew 1 As for Marie. her aarisfaction was Awkwardly 1 offered her the palsy.., "i have passed this way IK•fwre.1 intense. and she hastened to take np "1 tribute, )Jxdemol*elle. ft'ew the' )IAdt,l1►uii*11e, uA may 1* called upeu 1 her me•ttstolaed pore lis our cantle, ell ., . t r f0 , e, i■ yNrr t come. I tilt*[ 1[ falN1*a.pf the fon•st to thele Princes," 1 ea3rrne*s to set forth. As, I noted. tin She hlushel, and alrepttd 11, grille htay areae In ywnr tut," F r-tI5 1 expression of contentment that 5 •11 ly. gruielou.'l)-, "III,IIYd,' aha raid, "lt hi plli brave. the face of the Indian woman. 1 em..I "Their poor. exiled. I'daeeas2" *It: bi•art that _ltddly facet the•ae vices -I enot but remark tem fortunate t! )- aa1d, '•11 w•aA jowl of *a 10 tis•:,r, •inter,. again inti ItnWINO 1)41..KeNst the charm of. per—n again. t ,lronld; re and convey their mt rwtge.a it happen that you do re•gtrn, you and-dl*por itlnn that draws to the nn. After *4!" She runlin1104, tlltreih.'-Imoat light a are and sit herr foran I without an effort. 1110 esteem and :.f- feetiln of all with wham they . ly, "lite exile nut "115"115tmplea*sett; 1' nal memb14,arse d. •ante in eyv� 4 1,11(1lnn. -hawtryt0 dipres was unerkind to yonreontnet. Snell a gift le of inanitely "You . dad R tolerable-3I*,io of -t lteren.e-'-,erns, rete w l to lend her into. morn i-tlhw tbnn rank or w. -silty: am} seller dangers which you knew better then 1 hnv.• never known an. m.. more "Defter than tolerable.. Jg-r now.x140 dirt, -haw you folluWrd the in- richly samosa! with It then )elle. Ile for example, -with this sunlight. and •dlana and rea'Sed her atter mile had eh:atllon. dila thy. end this titer-emi-an tee loot all hope of rPacur,-haw the same l (To be eMILutYi) y f the fairies to bring tae til d'lwud upon you and trust to Sour{. i : II r , Ing." "tide':" rete added( whimsleally: "When you return to Frauec;• I "The sr HawPr4 that yott yirkwl tar said. "your memory will bio sturetL me thin morning nod w141eh I hare! worn ail, day Inert, -1 *hall lay teem. , *Macre.]la.' they are. ou this shelf n1.,vth e e tir.•pla.P, and when. yeah+ !eine•. you come hack and perbsl.'. find what retrains of theta. -A0 you not think that will help you to re- member something of m..?" "Mademoiselle," I reviled. "ther•eIs' nothing of you that I shall ever for- ger. ansa the unkludness of whlch you speak.-andthat 1 have already for - With a smile and a sigh the rate to 1484'.' 1111*. "1 and mentitnental tonight. and that 1r no frame of mind for one who venture* on theme webers. i bid eon good -night, ti1r," the said. 1'IIAPT1l1t XXTI The river was In flood, told the swollen current Pore. tar swiftly nn U er way. Until 14111) m Me as we ahauld_rsach the \atiou of the Inland. we Judged It safe to travel by day ; there was little llkeilhoral of Iroquois hands haring w made their ay s4, far ~Itp-fFi' river ober the opening of the spring. lard woe two Men alone. 1 11hould have been inclined to 'steal part the home of this Nitioe by night rather that, trust ourselves In their power, for 1 had alwage found the Algon- quin* 'sulle'n and thievish allies at se !at ; hut ttle7 arse not entirely lacking 111 the rlrtne of grwtinade for ,prvlce dale to we of their tNbe, and w I1 ants! likely that our rennet of Marie would ensure a friendly wel- eome. our wxpectatdnus In this re- ilprle•t were more than Justified, am when Marie bad told them her, *tor nor popularity war wlthont 1i we were canduetM al ones t preeenee of their Met a o potentate whoa* rep11ta ,anguinary ferucky was Ilia fame as a crafty. Inns poll tieian, !te open arms, and fpvtIon anti r_ Turn ..f talar d ver Hewers. -I 1thJ1t t instant/ eltehant .l strew •th and kill an J courage with muI.1, that will heof 11,4(1,i -et to years 40 come." "I am r ' led, air, Of your WWII arldmn words uttered a year age. Yon might bettor say 'If pot return to Prones'." "A year ago." I repeated. -it seems less than that." 'Time pusses " she Il1.s.•rv,Y1, men- tPntlously. "It in two rears since we set out onietlr travels together, -near- ly three yenrs since 1 left Fr*nee." ".!nil yuii think you n1(7' not re- t there'•" ' Why 11114,111,1 i? There -will he no- thing to take me." lint have you not eo,,idered the an i once suggested, to await at his I the return of M. .1.- Ia ROWS?" '4t does not appeal to me," she said.', Huth wily not. )Lld.•nwi..•Ile•? 151141 11111311e4 "R74bltts• 1 Am Iack- Ing In that virtue which ),at, of all men, most ttteatlfestly exemplify, -the virftur of patietwel "It Is a virnuAthat all farmers mast have, or aetuire.",1 replied. "Tell me," she mid, "when we re - torn to gneiss, do You Intend to de- vote yountelf once mote to the work of your farm?" "Dalt yes, Mademoiselle." "What (10 you And In mush a mono - tomato and lahtrrlous life?" "My living. for one thing." "Jhlt h*t-r your thoughts never rip- en to higher parwult.'?" - "Higher, Madetmlf*ell.•? in whet respect?" "Pursuits In which NIMHst% would glee yon a higher rank 'mime men?' "V,'hat have you In mind that would be better for me than farming?" • "Aare you, ' for "xample, ere! not of bring a moldier?" he killed In the quarrels( of prior 4 1 harp no such ambition." "Hut to the service of princes men rise to 1•`nk and wealth. I)o not much th I nmeappeal to yon?' "They are too etisily lost, and often teas de.rly boa L O . Pan Mf bol throe 11.44a a sed wear kin one Milt mt a finsAt�y ham. 1 eaisle Ilfe with soler mel*ltre eon _ Y� srP-...tp•W Tonnq lis * t• �wTr" pike ete9ata.da� to nnahtnd,. ••e*N P done 1 inert re anrli•er, h.tf tt*aPA not fhP w*fpr M th0 *titan e,nithern shore. ",lt what ate you staring'•" shP dP• m*arts. "Af 41P Mrer, M*rinmoIie11,• And aha( sap you tklnkln3?" she postal*tM. 1 am thinking that the lima pow 41rrle44I for ns to take to our rah... ageln." "{{Itaf ! lido seas? And Ienle 'stir mint boom"' r, .'1 *cold th rt 1y. 4)1.13 1 Teed for 11ed by nowrnpn- ns with that ills af- ar as the rea- rs woman was the • of h)r recent run - Iwo (abet we protease -it nrtpsi on hie redeem for the m.,idtsning and eulogising. 1 1s ir.el.Y. .-very rreechman hP had ..ver Ines, laelusing P. ihnfmur fine! M. de Clbatlll(m, who hat vlatted him in their Journey down the river In the preceding aMumn ; from that he burned to an exhau*ttve hfitor7 4,f 111,, dealings with nor people from the heglnnhir Ile /!,.wad how 511 his eetinne II, the peat (slime of whirl* had hem (inestimable to s dearly I had iw'An dictated by mntivnlc of purest friendehlp, to advsnes nor emu* or. *1 worst. c.o.) protan nj from the otherwl••e dhr*trota 'melts of our Inezpw•rleuwlIk' `sit j -..si-w dMedfea eesniga V�'1itlA Iris eon tem - plation of nor vlrtneew had led him. Uteri by step, to that enlver*1nn Ile ended by Pahl/Wiltwith pardonable pride, fbe muskethad been given - great Kritaia *111 swain have as orgatils.e.1 exhibit et the 1':ul•dia❑ X1 114001 ExhihiIion. arrangel !y the British Federation of Intim tees. which reprentaitw ).9ttn mnn,l sting eatabli:dn,nt* with a Capt arftuu of twenty-five billion enlist" Water for IrdtiRn.. ;t The hotwalor %we dwells • for lawn service are 5 o'clock p. m. -- TO —• 8 o'clock p. m. In case of fire alarm, - service is to be shut off— this is for every person's protection: -- - Your co-operation is required. Water and Light Commission _I«L,. IKNOX, W. T. MURNEY, istesy Chairman UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO' YOU may find it to your,advantage to make comparisons before deciding which of the universities within reach you will attend. Do you know that it costs less to at- tend the University of Western Ontario? Do.you know that the academic year is longer? Do you know that the standards required for stu- dents in all grades are hither? Do sou knee that ar+r.a of ambitious .tudests 500 (1.11 waythrsgh Why e• towed your lac.! aa1- w.rsaty sad eal.y aa watt, ma- waaasgset Por 1stormatios writ* e.. Dr K. P. R.arTILI.g, R egislnr, Twain, Canada 13 Hot Point Stoves :: Sunnysuds Washers Radio Sets and Supplies Telephone 1741' W. MacDONALD Britannia Road Specials at Jic[Mnald's Tobaeoo-20c. plugs, 3 for 35. Mc EW EN'S cocoa -10c perelb. 115e. ping*, 2 for tae. Monica Lathan and Vanilla, good quality 10e. • Mottle. Try nor b.l00 Tea. Good quality aid cheaper than the package Tea. Fresh bot of Turn Maple Syntp on hand. Fresh Lettuce, Celery, Rhubarb, Cabbage, ate. A rww ehiptnent of i)at.s, Figs, I'ntnes, Dried Emits, Pace. $eldkwl Raisins, bent quality... 2 peg. far 25e. Shrelde ll Wheat 2 pedkage. 2Se. PnnIlght, Snips -be, INimfort, bold. P. h 4I *nape Ynnr choirs or assorted r. 4 for 25e. 20 Berm good laundry fey $1.00 A full line of ti())DS fur Sr 0 CLEANING. A good assortment of ( 1 V 0001119. Hee Si NO .D and 11,F, CURTAiNS. Floor Oil ;;Mph s able (►i1 Cloth, in different colon and patterns. Amo, -':,,'tit len Towelling for 20e. a yard np. medium It 1'tsierweer for miring. )tf call r,d !days' Ceps, at Teclone= -aran saw! you Tenney in 017 -*Wean J. J. McE4NEN South Side Square Mos 13 - (deed* J eersid M all Arts of the tum r 1.