HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-20, Page 2T$r August J0, 1025. •+t r THE SIGN -- GODERICII, ONT. I gardlnIt Canada's trade with the! MR. FIELDING'S FAREWELL fully resumed his old post as Minister isnal ESTABLISH= 1848 GUUEitICH . . CANADA limber of Canadian Wesley News - wan Assoeiatloo oral Published every Thursday mes. Subscrlptlou price 12.00 per year. To uite1 Mates and Foreign Couatrte . $-.311 per year. strictly ei advance. THE SIGNAL PRDiTING CO., LTD. Telephone 35 , , Goderitb. Out. 1C 11 RobertsonManager and Mana i b to I oiled etatcN. It ►s. rata out that spite tat the tariff harriers erected by' the Culled States. Canada', is making 1 thanked prTgre•1*s' ht dotting -a market fur her good* at'ra.i1 the line. "The Clotted Ikatset;' 'it say.. "hits recently raised the duty on thirty-two out of fort roue of the principal. i tuunu,li- J lKlw 1 tars which Canada I» dealeous of marketing in that country. and: the shipments of ('auadian goods across the loonier continue to II grease." Duet th. •twelve raphe ender) as i June, 111'5, Canada 01(1 to the United States gaols valued at $4'29.275.000. 1 betterment of $•'e.'t:I).000 compare) with the previous twelve months. At ag the _mune II= _llluatfli...'tmm._1bt.r Tufted State* totalling-$.Sl7OOdAJ00 represented a decrease of 1i34,T87.0dI' The result (:f the steady gains which Painted,' has boo►, making In sales to the United States is that the adverse balance of tntde- between the two countries has been recliteot hyo almost $410,000.000 in ono year. ' The Monetary Time% cites a number of speallk :articles In whl.'h, despite in.•rta-ed enstoms duties, Canadian products hare found their way Into the I'nitd States In iuereased quan- tities. lu 1111. when all bacon enter - el the 'Visited States free. the ship- ments weer only a little over UM I of !quanta. and (plight the political • I battle with his end rigor orad► 111- A long, useful and honorable caret's health fumed hIns to retire stogie time tat public service is brought to salad ego, by 11a• annouucewrut (bat Right Hun.: 1:artybw has Its merlta as well a. N'. 14. Fielding w'Ill not lee• 4r, cauotldrl. Its fault. uud In Mr. Fieldlug the -` tor 1'ariiuwrnt lit the urxt general, stew is merit at its 'test. Hr mak.. election. Mt. Fh4diug is uow lu hill tato concealment of his preference for 11rvelaty-rig11111 your and bas barn In flue I.11wral ]arty, and in 111s days of c 11T' almost continuoust for physical vigor r enjoyed the r t-wLlt- T 1 g a r 1uy d Ir 1M tJ torty-three years. lir. eutered the battle nod was one of the must rife Nora 8t'utia Legislatu -iu 1. '.. ram tel of swolvtswrn hi the 1'nrltvmentary watk• l'rewier to h144. and held that ureua. Itut he was serer bitter ur position continuously until •1tttkI, wheal menu. 11e t•ould are his opponent's he berHwe slur lliuister of Pivauce to point of view, respect hlw uud to the Guve•ruwcut of Sir Wilfrid Lou- suite extent sympathize with him. In vier. his retirement he eau look lack ulruu Mr.-.h'lelding s first budget, deliver -1 111a career full of huu,,rabl- achierr- Pd lu 10417. 1s generally regarded as a neat, joy of tissue, and p1,.mad It re- umsterpieve of Hueutr. It was 101- bottom, with &Head and for. -•diol..•. lowed Ivy the rust proafeerou- period Aug. s. . in Canadian history. sucera'dlug nu o•rs of -----extraordinary drpresalelr -Prtrb A PLACE ON THE MAP ably this was not due to the tariff MARKED "ST. JOSEPH" changes alone. The vigorous immlgra- 1 lieu policy of 'the M;uverum.at ! '--- brought uleett n rewarkable develop-, Hectic Hi.4,ry of the "Town" on the meat of the prairie slows. East told, Blur Somers Highway Nest. Agriculture and inaunfurturlug' 11.ouUuu Advertiser) a 111111 vol together. The British pr.'- i Tourists who drive on the lake (eveure had Its origin lit -the saw.' shore Hood toward Guderkh lustier jwtlatl. Previous to that there bud oil their naafis that right wiles frog berm such talk but utrt1iug dime. Mr. tir,uid Brink is a place marked "let. l'ielding's view was expressed iu .throe' Joseph." 1t ,wtmld he almost as easy words: to go last there without being aware "Itut why should wv wait fur of the fact a. to pates )foray, wn the F:uglaudt to utkr artium? I:ult- road teats -m.0 Parkhill and_ the Bend. Muff tans dealt gelterou1*I( with tts without being' aware -that a Osier in the la -t. F4lglaud has given with a nasi(• and recognition on the us a larger degree of liberty then' wap lied teen entered, appruuehed, is isossetiWd by any other (vountry entered and lett behind. tau the fare of the earth. She has Tet thirty 'years Hp/ the tourb't would have stopped at 1:t. Joseph. It *'1414 too were mummer resort, but a dream city' In the wa►iug. on the In- tersetlou of the laky shore road well the one lending to Zurich and Hen - 'Lt boasted 11 hotel of no meau proportintm- _larerr our then .. IRS 111 that distrkt-a factory fur the Iwokiug of alnwlnumware. house,' for the reridrt,1( to live tit. . t lit [host• days 1t w -as tau .Itat thing fie a sjarlal train from Mout- real to pull Imo llo'usall : the 0('11- pauts. mu.tl• of the high hat variety. would toe driven aerie* to the great hotel at St. Joseph. and there enter. 111111111 as D1117 I.e 11i1 ('outku• lut•w law to eut.rtwh,. Thr 141404 41311* p1 hit,-r•st capital in flit• venture 111 or- der that at'. 7osrl,h Might en1ue• a few steps further from the state of ew- bn-o toward reality. Even 1.'11101uvt -.Ministers vitae. s1*., :rant were impres- sed to the extent bout a dock sprang Into eX1$t4'uee at the Natoli of the clay bluffs. %\'hat Ilaplealel ao the duck was eiguitl'sits of what later happened to St. Joseph. Ity the time it fated the tigers of else• *inter oti, the e•xjmrserl shore of Huron there acs no do.'k. $Even today. residents .who arra There at thrs tI recall t tie aloi ex- Ierrners of those hectic days. Ihw week workmen would be )mid In full tr money held in a -dishpan; tient pay day they wrath be willing to,artt their pay 'dipolar thirty cents_ on_ . dollar. The gat -Ws never rase to the' great hotel: the hotxnm lett oat of the far - tory w tueiner;--na---treat bolat.' ever 1:I1;il'1' Ila\. 1\' 1-'It:l.lrl:\tl slipped hl ImeddP the w•hart. Bats and hoed -owls took up•ttlfir residence h3 flue hornet. Today. if the driver mews of the policy. are sewn it, 11e looks carefully 4111 (114' west slelee of preference eantalued In the present the Toad, hP may Nee the exc'av'ation tariff of the Rifted KingdolL, uud. 11: that arts made for M►p great central a modified form. in the trade agr.a' huiltling-just it hole In the ground. • t1, Australia 81111 (Ile .West that's all. Indies negotiate.' by the I1: ag. ( err- 4t. harts. T1k Y-pray,- oea we eminent. retain Its 8111. tai the affections of - Mr. FiJding was our of the Argot-. Those who avatar, 'roan. mos far lin- " tors of the fY'I ,ra•iry rr>tty with tailor. iu 1 r I t- , this 11114.1 Seat's 111111 Although 11 was rejected in the general election id A Smith Atner•iean lady. aged thirty, 1 • :4' •1 i r r- as aireaaJy u mingled six i not, that it would haye himetite1 Can- it stWm11 M be the thing in these days mold. HP was himself d(-feat..I in that to marry In haste and repeat et tele - election. hist returned in 1917. as a area-Londom 4nnrluy 1'Irtorini. 1.itwrnt sum:in-ring riwtsrrtptimt. -Ile . . . - did not ,hrter Ole inion Government. Burd 4')ifft,rd nfilhudlPiph rips ehnt and avoided soy. entanglement which he only knows three• causes for total ise+sfi-te - vr4tlr »• f.ihrreL .Aetiwenee--1t week- lntelie•l. a wr•ol seciatio('. Though . an ousae:•peaful .o*i11tutioa or a' weak {wicket. Apr candidate for the 1,0 trrshlp to 1919. paretrtly he never titongtlt of s week he reauaine! st:Huchly (Abend. -beer- In jail. --London Sunday Pictorial. 1'Inlr.111,5. Auras' '.•1. 11425. 8IR ADAM .BECK'S DEATH , • SIL LIA ,B11ck dPa,t atta't illness of some month1. Ile was a pmsllgions worker. and neglectel his health to keep h1e hand upas the great umrhlue which 1s operate) from the Hydro IOk•es at Toronto. air Adam sen' the moving spirit In On- ::tr.. s great Hydro enterprise from the titer of Its inception. about twen- ty years ago. alai he lived to .ate it supplying light and power to a large portion of the 1'rovluce.' 'lift• Wig pre- .ruiuentlg-4t promoter, with iremeud- oils energy, great push and daring. with some of the fallings, too. that attach to the promoter's tempera - went, but these are forgotten tin the moment of his passing 'from the life which was so actively spent in the ..•trice of his Province. The question of a sltt'•t'tissar to Sir Adam as head of the Hydro=Electric Power Commission will present some difficulties. During Sir Adam's life- time the Hydro undertaking 'wise AO thoroughly in hie control that there -e-ms to lw nobody to take his place, untess one of the engineer, who were associated with him has the ueces- twrLcapaelLies for leadership. It Is r plate to - which a periticis)tt decided' ly i.. not welted.' and ft ik'ti, le• hoped that In making the appointment the (internment -wet! be guided by the interests of the' Province and of the great organisation *Well was hills tip under the guiding hand of Sir Adams 1te1k. . YOUTH NEEDS A STRAIGHT LEAD i no duty agnins.t it. to 2.3142,(wa► gat i Inns in *tate of a tax of 261,. <rut- I1 •-iii Tate such attention has' been --gattrar.-11F1INl--rmtain expn.t!s}-f•'' given to the crime wave wale!' has the 1'ulhd Stare. 1.i7i0,000 1, sludii -o been. sweeping over the Ame.rieao re- flaxSed. The ('n11(11 States doubted "mar rn4 more than --touching Caw- -the duty, froth 21Verns• td *1 ernes adian *doves. Cause. hare 11w4.1, ilia- Undid. :11111 Canada last year color: eus.ed and remedies sltttt1stei. lout tool 4.:1I::.QM1 buoglrls. - rf'-ry' day adds more *rimes to the tither t'ann.lian •'mmn1Mllties weir 1 list- The --crimes age of all etateel.JlgiLiv,ltt)uuel _1 ine71U$e to "flavor from petty theft to murder -Mr the with I'hited States Importers In 111.= alike- of a tbri0." and, a great ma• taT•e of inrreasrd duties Are tre.'L gkeu us liberty to tax le.r wares hnudr.slwv•tgh1. k'hilr ill the ninrl ecru when elle admits our goals u.ontl>s ended June. lf125. airy free. Hurl we have torted them to Huwuutt'l to 1(1.2(t hundredweight.1 nu euormon. degree. Why -hnuld .1..111te a duty of two\('t•nis Iter iimm,1. , use wale for England tai 410 wore? 111 s Ate 4,f an lucrrl4,'ea1 duty on but- wnut4Nody 11111s1 make a most. In Mthis matter at1,1 aP prnp.I ' that ter. shipmett..of ('anatflan Antler r„ the United Status have grown to °.• 'ift.,,1MM1 pnuldM. in 115.1. When buck• wheat wits golug Into tl\l'titad States free. Canada M(I4 55 lit a wre•r _4111aa1 hotshots to that country. ,'Last year. against u` duty of 10 cemt>+ per Ioulllr'dwelght. Canadian. shlpmrett to the •Rtnte4. were nearly bn•hets. Exports of ('nnadian cream to. 111• Slates In lira, when. there w:a; no duty. were 3t little over 1'ask,4aa4 gallons. whereas in the last fiscal erne. with a duty of :y11 cents a gallon. the exports ,I 11101111NA 10 L':_27..lwaf gallon*. 14iutil•rly rile shl;anefit- t Canaille"' milk in•rrase d from •4s1. - taut gallons in ifrJt, when there was ('snails. shall Tend the may. 1'anhda did lead the way and pre- ferential trading within the Empire iesnut' a pre -tient instead of ;in aca31• tmknI quest hat. Ewen 1 5(•1op Jertty at the crlatinals- are yowas. berries, 11.14,'. br1At: slii.rt* and mid- 'Carions cantles have been as3d7aed: dlhlgs. ¢raw-s.aal. turtlips, lit,v 1111111 Inx*rsa and reatlr'»nPav Much al 'raptly smear. - usually follow a war, and which are There Is 11 durable h ---'i, in dose unt_.Rre1ter this 1154.' heiause_. L the _Agin•. for t'nnadlal:.. 111144 Is that. n mesas '.ilk severe strain of the. tate war. tbe- enstonts tariff. though It may hamper ijgtpatrter.'daet not always do what, Is ex(wrtel of it in -preserving the home market." '1)N• 'ogler is that gruel Canadian preolm;s are in ,b•tri:tnd love of pleasure. the excitement in. ( o byswiftness s he otoN (boast the [ to s f, ( m d 1 car -all those suilaratel7...or _together. And with addltiotlr. of other cause*. have sten moon, 1 :aro 14,44%,001,1 .le e.r ,.ht, fL.- yr, la. tautpl wi.kn•-ss sltow•tl. eine of If orae pr, ln..r» maintain ihr gnitltty the leetar'•r. of ('hare:cul U., lilt of their goods they eon reasonably es. rantwhet w-uliT + -ro Toe able Yea Ms r iT`=tnetn'-arra . t he a prime cause ..f !1.-• trouble. against la hostile tariff. 'Y,,,':. 50. Old "wilt •410aye- wag" I interest. 1f the inser•s: of . the 4. ' .•is is greater than .l hr !usenet -id I tL• home. the .fns-'. wltI went 1111•, y.mt12 people " Tie celtii )iii uc-i:f 11' -tn•et 11 „A.,. to mini, hl.tan--! Cholera iuflurnm • ane o1 f11- rot ahrew.iu•••+, bat not for Lisdl Ink /I 11110.111s of e'IH:IIII'K"1. II is a trouble that isoners m. etiabl44'111tr, es - i i -:toe of mn^,l(ty, It 11 much mare i,w•Ially cholas Ii►e'r 11Ttifttwe`nl.olth.. .4l 11 'mit twiny - fhau-jlt wa• •t genera- and noisome erolpt .e:'ion I- • .:., n. the :,gra to Alike .the home war • i11- i 111111' nae may -..a. 1.. I. ,..:i1 Ththv's Own Tabh•:s 1144 :u. 1.1.'1! Inedl• eamoo CHOLERA INFANTUM Arr.'s' 4,1$ slime t ,oa:- ;hp dao, h •• I 'e - many paned 10' ;tee .•hlldr(•u, ,•v,:H age. rind their contpno; a m ns. •tn.ltt__unlaitir ala• h, • fatal results., -• _ -i'erhalw attother eon,•.• not ai ro,-,ogetrxd: -nf sirs--itr•rrrr+'-- -}ov 4.11110 is'slue 'are•T• setae'-. o l4" i abl.' )NY)ple Ari thea ma'no'r of n'r•d1•ntir 1„ the law. Be.fl e'tabie-yrwpia-i1' no, .t*iit, n•'r k111 -.--nor -tet fire 10 hnlleTing+4 hilt they do sorties ti. in Itak the hr..: -9411,151 •petNiing• or _11:Uzen and t11ey dlwlet : i,•• •v'a•xs *xstn•+r r1d• ,heath .uf f Ing -bicycles on sten .'.'I. -*sail. or pt'r•I t:ratline ('am baps tiley wat••r their 1awu--l11 pro-' and d atr.s -, the IMol• 3.1111• in par tinting ell.- ''11,' T , 'hey a1: 1 ihr tuorles, I relknlate ate lame+. /14.4 •.c4.•1 'u the satistb'l In SMninch and thus preset.' No'• 411'e11d- :lit ,'1Hy; 444I slnunn•r 1•om160ill IS. r , ey Hr' aro andabs.hlh•ly .apair- I 111114.44 Io .•4,011111 uetther .)(lute. rot .1 uatxntfca;._DL-vthrt. Fear tit_ drugs. They t'Itnnl.t posit -4 do fano-they nlw•ays do gall. The Telt! •'. are sole! .-mctltt•lac_ticaterb 4)r by tush at 21 a _hug_ _fros..The L . 1\'illlanta' 1•111e ('n., Itrlekyltle, int. to W44He*i1 farce mfl,n1 .\eIve•rlls4r) and the wci'tern eautt• lar. 11.1 VI` 1 ,sl n gad alt sentient/au ',a.the r 3o451.. alalcolm 7131 NM,ple , 'of e ha Laps' the 'Ittllti. tr j " *III lilbit.d hours and 't f ".r aIle" are 'ellitased as r".per•liible rv.4r1 Ist'rou1ae Mllitt*gsers. 1'otfh :hie, u.',_tllsrl- toinaf*, If it 114 right awl r.petable l•• bre" rose laws it camiotno very wrolh>t •., break say tett 1i47--11 stn -" ratie- 're. -or-of A wittluntt 1art4-ltagrea t ;uses and It world err we11 fro '.1501? slwttnrs 10 watch w.11 their mew att(tu44 frw•ara1 laws 1107 vas! Ott* irioemigr; gtvd sea whether flats are setting an examPlo Pato for, yonwg imenhir to follow. At any rare. It would be worth alt i• to exp ortmeMtt In dieing the young folk. Troffer, nbf 11-•ler.) hntmrit'41164-11Tr:t • leg, by exempt.' In w•rnptilona ohwliS, We le the Inas of the land. 1:111• .1 IOW 1'a III. r''1 1,100411 11014 Iteltl smg (leen for tt.l ..tad 1"'e 14 l'anatla for wiling.. 3lo g.. a 1111'a ••.,4., 01 British )ittnrhta pgasrtitrg art' from the 10,11111,-I(ry-I1 W'IIi, •.,Il Ili ll - e.... 'i ( r rolls ila flair , . i It,eoreot ii from fie 1\ L .-.1.net 410- Fleet • met in the ufw Ism?' 1' Tatars a uUwlwr of hutting sad ,. • •r Yarns of the arse '5cc.f. A ' • story- ,.f a mhre nuusu.:I um ►a. ags- row:- 'RluiI'1.pa1 - .. lo} Ii. It. I'tnito i 1st ' 141?' •,1 a young t. eed. "3II:--Iii ilddlf inn 1 . 'C''ar Mlaft attic;,-• (.ovpr?l o "' 1' lupus i11 w..r...ie CATLDI D - • O IIs :1u;ltng. • /3w aim nn eontRlas n, M.-1 ten,ls r I: cryo good atorlea x.. num mummer. tl.itfiete-1 to '''e'. Canada Is pnhtisb- 1)o.l A./.755 .I. Taylor Limited, 1 tltltar, j 4'Hetl jalt*. 51 tv,1/M►, a11.1 the title Au :,rti: f•: I.o i.mrlr of Tie Bonet 't 4'hamt•t^tl "Mn4 se r'ausd:l." wtlt Lore Tint•. 1T,r,", of Angers ith 1M 10 the w ane*Of 1? "lit competi- tory nn aln•i )lac. 11 the c4nadlan Oros *Oil 1. ..rt-;kfnt Information rt' hllAgetl izhMsItl(Ilt. -s' Gentlemen Farmers ihiring the last feav years. a number of men have left roan for country life. anti the Idea that a few thousand dollars. and •surf• hooka oto agricnllnre, would maks them sitereaful farmers. They will Lake the priers at the country fair. They will have the fined vattk'. the •i0i4 affluent hosts, thetas,'" -reasonable 4m440-wnei--slue. most di•ot,ly swine. Their nrripts will far outran their extlensors. The first year they are disappointed. The tlelvold year they tol- laps•. The third year they tack M -a -pat tha stgu "Fur .$n1*' ' - --- They' knew not that 1gr1('attaritrr- ci(•n(-e and a trade. slid that a farmer might se well go into the engtueor's rom.of a large steamer, onpec'ti g la ten minutes to start the irachluery-. and sue- celUifnlly guide the vestn'l across the Atlantic. a4 one knowing no- thing of country Iife hr undertake to eaglneer the Intrlinor and nut- lranrhtng affairs of n large farm. 111e gentleman 1.rnu'r ham great contempt for urdinnry stock anti-talks-mayof "high bloods." HI* testae are -all Ayrshire.. or Shorthorns. or Devon's. ltut for sees' reason. they do not glue half as mewl, milk as the awkward u.bers-die mialgrel tweed that stand at nightfall looking through the astghbor's bur.. 76e unitary- are all (:olden Homburgs. and Bluff I)orjking,. fent they are stingy of laying. NMI notwithstanding rill the inducements of extensive coop an4 ingenious nests. are averse to any practical or useful expre•e' -fou. 1'h.y' eat, and drink. and cackle. and do everything but lay. The gentleman farmer expects with sand? nat1r to have be- ing.shrnbhery. and a very Funtainlaean of .hello -trees, and and snmtller hon.ps. The likens. white. itray.ellei. 1111.,'I?' crass. -hall wind about the hong*. and iwiet tin'm.eIvei N'.•IP1lt11'N• of beauty. And all this will be k. p; In or- stroke- o1 section. hoe. aa.l trimming knit.. pa of wi Into n!1 der with a There i- 11 trlrulp know. fat WAS fairly rattle 114•1.1* are glad to inner be.hive with a'' look n1, h r•anlidnw-er' tarn not to hie to he .rt14pte?1111,wat in trojra 1'1'•1 a 6119,1(1 unto farmer es .nrvu es h 10.4. 1.1111. alsrrow- thetr ports with der(sion As h, passe.. The n the novice. Wandering too near the -Frost hug. hl- is, sues to get stung ilk- ages. 4ages. The Ihnurl--r sells his milk 15 .' hexer eat rap IIIA 91.151 1 even/tit c,nutlme. his cora. Th.. rust Ma In his wheal. Everything Itoa'% wrnna, and tenni.., is a -_" ere are „a1) Iwo eon'Htions In whl. i- *hem a m:41 nlak,w ngriruitnrP a Ile h f»rrnln yga dfatt to tie fatal Itch for town whl` h - 1r a conntr, The °Uwe eendlf,on I. 11/114 a CBlepil with a vitt-pins of messes. ono apart of ihr excitemcuta ,.f eity Iife, goes to the country, sot Pit(sctlag n return ,.f ,trehala erinal to the amount di.hnsar,l, Ont exporting la heelih and recreation. and coromrninn with natant, In find a wealth ec.tpared w-IIh which all handless of w•rlp and package* of Govern masse aeruritie* are Wnrih1esa as the shred» of paper under the tewlq ee room desk In the waste basket.- Exchange: SAL SILKS BLACK CANTON C Best French make, 38 in. e, deepest raven black, heavy vy beautiful weave. Regular $3.75. 5.2 sale 85 Paulette Duchess black dress Silks, 36 inches wide. Heavy and pure silk. French make. $2.50, for.. $1 69 1.69 Blick Silk Taffeta yard wide, our best quality, Regular $2.95. On $2. 25 sale... 5 SILK HOSIERY "Harris Knit" -Our newest and best quality. Pure Silk Stocking, every pair guaranteed. and every desirable shade in stock, 81.2. to 10.A • Q Extra special value. Pair.. • ✓J SUMMER DRESSES Voiles, Crepes, Broadcloth, Silk Duchess. All are this season's best styles. On sale at each... 5.00 FLOOR RUGS Three ec oral Persian pattern, Y. this season's late arrival, in Wilton Rugs, size 3x4 yards. Half-price sale.. C (111choice, each V.V Two only, size 21,4x3 yards. $29.95 . Regular $39.00. each.... DRESS LINENS 36 inches wide, in all colors -a delayed lot of Pure Irish Dress Linen Regular $1.00. Per yard. • • S9C. RUG FELT Yard wide and _ 6 oz. to the yard. Saves a rppta, rugs, lin- QQ __ oleuma. Special per yard LINOLEUMS ON SALE A number of new patterns in our best standard quality. Four yards 95c. wide. Special per square yard •7 Butterick Patterns for September all in stock. -Delineator on Sale - W. ACHESON & SON Bedard Family Has Happy Hettoiaa Zurk•h. Aug. 17.-'A very happy event took place on Stwday at the Leone of Mr. ,old Urs. Bedard. of Zurich, whew a family reunion was held lu honor of their 1luughter, Sister Eugenea, who raver home oto a visit. This was the first time lit six years that Sister Eugenea had visited hour. This family reunion was eonolde•red the largest one ever held In this com- munity. all nil. members of the fatu- ity being present. le the morning. the whole family utotnrs} to mail. After divaer a family picture wax taken. J. La- porte. tx-nerve iat Hay 11*1l,Ship, asp4' at short addrevs, and .1. Itadour. of Stratford. some recitations. The evening wok spent in playiug yards. whsle -etre Jeffrey boys' orrin4r t-_ru- tertalnel with music. The 1.01111111 Ils• numbered about 11M1 In all. TIle.members of the family preaeett *.'re: i►ruuts Bedard. of Zurieh, !MIL ig of *Tilbury, Joseph, of 4'hatbntn, Wr"r!: (`haril., and Melvin. of Court - right. Simutr, of 61'iudsur. The,plttle•. .1 %orn-k. August,- of Parkhill, 1w'nn, of Zurich, Mrs. Frank Iliwmy. Chat- ham. Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey" Zurich. Sister Eugene•a. ('hathatu. 1fr-. Iww'• relive Jeffery, Parkhill. aud Miss Ger trade Bedard. of' Zurich. (1f a fam- ily of Meventeeu. only two are 'hoot. The ' gathering broke up on Monday• (over 74111.0510 invitutl its have 1s•rtl out to3th. p-rTmnry 11114W11111011110 the i'revitiee to be the gorses of the t nadlan National Exhthiti.n nn Toting Canada's lay. The world will never got guy fetter WWII children are 1111 i11)14[0110/1111 1_;1/1 (heir Iogrent•--4'hicago 1►11itr News. eAffmmunimummimmo Bello,D forget my my Stip palter yen to hams 11 niCiht • this allya lstt the. -thy r t bei Use tl Y'r•rself after asakine or when work drags its a great Side freshener SHION'S Never before have we , FAOOTWEAR VORITES had the pleasure of offering a more extensive line of Iartistic Footwear than in our present range. : : : : The new designs are the last word in fashionable Footwear and you can be assured of getting just the right creation for every occasion. The pikes are most reasonable. Tennis, Bowling ani Outing ARE HERE PI EVERY STYLE Have a look at our line of OXFORDS he >sEl_aa1 fess GEO. MacVICAR North .side of Square Galerich Nature seem• b M, -.i mit all her A womalr never tire. of -hopping bad eau. ill one husliet. when she long il+ her Lair stays In cur!. r'I.: founded Chi. apso.-T'r•outu Tel"erun l •-:w. N.o.w. ( 11 SHINGL-ES-- 5X 3X $1.25 per bunch up ONE CAR Robert MacNair Brand t The slum/,,,,/ „f 11. C. ,Shint'/e.) EI)(,E GRAIN 8. C. CEDAR The best car we have ever„ handled GODERICH PLANING MILLS Limited (BUCHANAN'S) P. 0. DRAWER lea► PHONE 4711' 11 1 11 0 00 VE6TLRS ANTLD $15.00 TO WINNIPta Pins hall a rent a mile beyo*d to all pointsia toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta,-geimontoa, Tannin Calgary, MacLeod and East. Masai- ReturningHalf a cent poen utile to Winnipeg, as 1178.8111 to destination. OOINO)DATES SEPTEMBER 1st and 4th September 1St -Toronto, Caledrnn Fast, R1Ketnn, Meaf.rd, COiingwoo4L Penetans. Midland, Parry SeptssSounbedr 84tni-btTuoyr,o(nntopr , o1lgeIn•wdnoePaT, etttw. aod ainll ;O*tattainrnmtl south an i weal theffin lr, (Intarin. 8PE IAL gSEPT. 4th, , Leave Tonto g114.: 4th,. 128.3530 p.m.p.m. TRAINS_ jcprRnA1t:D Yllf* m...di1t► tral.a -C.nar rtaii. C.11.aiet Care -- •p olid j dare for W.sn.III and Chil4reis parch... yawn segfit to Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways whetba oe esu pear gag destination in the West is a pallet ea the Ca.ad,aa National Tickets and an information frown seared Agent_ 5.