HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-20, Page 1Salliimarse 1 4; 11 1 t For the Bride Our Wedding Invitations, An- nouncements and Cake Box Cards all reflect that diatinctiv style so desired by the bride of to -day. Telephone 35. The Signal SEVENTY-11101M1SEVENT1-11101M1 !IA NO, $4 41. JUDO CAMERON'S BODY ' OONSIGNED TO REST Liar Atlrrld at Pnner*( Sent* lar f)i,t` ished JYgist_ - PERSONAL (MENTION GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUGUST 20, 1925 I nal Counter Check Books 1 We can meet any competi- tion. If you need a new sup- ply call Telephone 35, The Signal THR RHINAL PRINTING 00, LIMITED, 'Mbabane m Mr.. It. M. Cassel-, of Hatniltoa, visiting relatives in taloa. Mr. Jafl uk M,'hersuu, de 1t'•trultt Is The Nu' '*1 o('qe i„.,. .fudge _ Ca-'TTattlug eta *unit, Mr,.nekhat¢ roan toot plc'" a, Thur -day after- s.. eongregatian.• • 0 claimer h7 ' at Knox war d. repre•.ri Hug the community, church, where the conducted by lire. Judge Pawerosrw pastor for 111 years. assisted by (levo ( A"°a Mr. Meltrrarld in labs o,tdres bore testimony to .one of •the 011t -4 'ptalltte. •of the tate Judo-- hl• blgb e'v'e of public duty hi. kindliness. wh.h, though sometimes (..ncesled beneath a grill',' minn.r. wt. a .trnng c•hnraeteriatic. tab faithfulnewi in friend/MAP hl. drvotluu la the .Lurch of hi. fathers and blr r.•giilarify, so Inns as health permitted. In offend - after at divine service. A lung cortege fullesed the remain. to Ma Mind eptnet.ry. wh.•r,•rInter- ment was made in the faptlly plot. The pallb•arrr* were John (:alt. A. l'. limiter. MAD., of town. It. .t. Batty. 1tr. (*antenna \1'llson. 1 Ir. Ivan Wilson, of London, and ff. M: fay. of Barrie. Members .,f the town rnunell :Wend- ed in a body. also co-unty Medals anti memtwr. of the Huron Bar .1s-orla• tion. Accompanying the hotly from Co- honrg. beside, Noll. Cameron and the little daughter. Diana. were Mr. 11. M. Nesbitt. sheriff of the united coon - Mk* tlertrnle /lodge, of Turoutoi is visltlug friends In town. Miss Marjorie ('hark is vi.dtlag friends at Mitchell. - Mr. Fred . Paten. r of Ik•t cult, 1s' hulldallag at ido how.- here. Miss Deist Doolittle. of Munition, d vbdthrg friends 1n than. Dr. Lee Kilburn. of liatailton, Is a holiday visitor to town. • Mr. J. E. 1', Elliott. or Bull, 1'.Q., Is spending holidays In tett n. A Business (mange Mrs. Tillie. Elllott, of Nile, fs visit- Mr. W. J. %1:7111, of town, leas p iiiR her daughter. Mrs D. M -Ilw'aiu. chased tik. l.arlirritg Innaitwwt Misses Nina Grahat. of New West rtrert from Mr. W. ('. t'acuplw York City, end (sena (:ryhaw, of Tor- Mr. Want took over the 'endues. tb trete. -are visiting In to • week and hir announcement sperm Misr Violet Euston s on a two el.swher• hi this Lague. Mr. Cam weeks' vacation with 14id. at De, hell and fatally left on %Twine -d7 Inrlt. 111 for Toronto. where hr ha.... tired Bet. ('- i'. /'lark,• frit family Itawe pwltlon In the hairdressing della goneto %Vyaudot:.-. Mich , for two WWII( of the R1mp.ou -torr. M week.' holiday.. Campbell's many friends will r.egr Mn.. Jahn Stewart. of Woodstock, his removal from town. hss returned hotur.after vlikiagg her niece. Mrs D. wain. _ - -_ Many YWtorw at Wise Witter ('hib Mr, and Afr.. John Wiggins and .on. Thera was a large atten /mil- Ihmald. left last week by motor to the Blur Water Golf aid f 'ouutr visit relative at Roston, Ma,.. Club ground. Am Itaturday last. whit Rev, F:. tdWilliams, B.A.. and Mr-. wits "visitors' day." A ltt!•ge num( Williams. niCkreland. Ohio, are holt- t.s.k part h, the contests of the du (laying tr f(PWn and vicinity and many other. enjoyed the hasp Mr, ,Ielreo Hawittua. of P*rL, has The N f T ('ontribullww le Bald Pimis The following additional cootrl duns 111 rite timid fund* are *.kiln elgel : J0. R. Male. M.I.Is $ 2. Reg. Sharman ews o the ews o own Of Intermit to Poultrymen bu- \\1t11 the objet of hrlpina Isn111ry- wi-I men 1n this distryt to rill their flock., a 4.1.-.is•rativr shlptn-tit will 00. iw made from Meieset on Thursday. 5Jf0. Aug11-t 27, and ►uburn no Friday. August :kf. See the :Idverti.a•m,-ut Jfflf on page 4 regarding this shipment. I'tu•vtuu-I)' aekudwledge•(L , , . , 100.25 $107. Keeping Up the Record 2+S Murray Keruighaa. sou ..f Mr. and Mr,. J.S. K,•nlighpu, of iteumlller, has taken hi. matriculation examine- ur- rim. with flying ...loos. 'He wrote on Oil twelve rnbjes•ts. takbia first -Main b.S I1. urs li tive. secoudttlaam i, two. and la third etas. in live. Thi. gives hill, in. is matriculation stauidine with one year ie :, Itenmlller tool two year. tot the iy t'. lit rill Teclu,ieal tt.•h.N,l, Toronto. a Murray Is not yet sixteen y.•ars or rt- age. r. et Sending Cheer to Indian Settee; Ill, Tuesday afternoon :he supply committee M the \t'.31.44, of the former 1'rrsbyterbili [roup ill rn7,nrrthN, with at the 1 tilted church tact at the home of Y Mrs, Warnock. and po•ke.1 ti bade of •1. clothing for the Birth. Indian school. e4 1t consisted of au outfit unr a lies y atmruntlug to $411.3f1 and in addition s.7 i- in cash for boot.; a partial outfit for a girl awounttl,g to a{1. There nere also giant. ■ud card* amunitiu_ to $11).10 from Ieebura auxiliary: a boy of ('hristmas toys from the Lechler Miw*ion Band valued at $'. and good. Sud rest, autounting to al ; trout the Inion auxiliary• aakh,g the total raffle et the bate $1111). talky of the ('lull without p.rtleipa (claryti(/ the position of aarlataut at ing in the 4,1111.•sts. ( aeWrNt1',. drug store. Prize- w.•re awarded as follows tie of Xorthumb•rland and Tillrham : )fr. Jas. MltrhrlI left on Tie -.da,' (:rutle,u.0-1st prise, Geo. 1irwr, Mr. J. T. Field, clerk of the Surrogate, fur Windsor, where he will remain silver 71sh fru}.; 2nd. E. 'lt. ('lark Mr a few• day•. belts Corona cigar.; for concealed ho ('curt :..1r. .1. F. McMlllto,. knottier, Miss- Anon Elliott, of Itayfield, is lu contest. 1►r. M.sdly and Mr. Vogel 0t the county officials: Mayor Me.l ' visiting at Fin home of Mr. and Mrs. gaff balls. "Adler -1st prize. Min tbnr and Chief, of Police J. C. !tar. .'d•- lure, Ea.t street. Willson. fernery; h.! Mrs. W I WFdear rrrad Regret in Cabarrg - The Labour[ $.•ntInel-';tar. in refer- ence hast week to the death of,.Jadgc Cameron. Paid: The snddenneso of his death (cued widespread regret M ('obiurg, ale guest. of Mfrs (;encs• l'Idean. All interesting Wedding took place *(erre coming to Cosourg last fall. tlw Mr. W. ('. T. King returned home at the United char.•% parsonage, Hen , lair Judge ('**swat' had made malty a4 Saturday from a rix weeks' trip rail on Saturday tartwhen lilts t - I ort Ir 11rm. (:es.,. Rarehi*r is spending two Stevenson, lied "i,N.k iigaLi(e• for work. with her .1ster, Mrs. '1'. E r; fur concealed -ht I )fes -hole In .anti. Mases., 1'rtrrlor.sigll, Miss Doolittle,_ pir candlesticks. Mr. Harold le•velg, of Detroit, and -r Mr. Earl Kramer, of Flint, are the Pines-WAiteaide • Lueknow• Pieniekerst at Harbor Park t,: Tile .ougretethalal picnic of the Lu. know I'reslbyteriaa (-hurt+ was held at, Harbor Prlrk, it:emierlMI, un Thur -dot last. I'r*Mlcally the entire \,nrkn• Pv on[regwtlon, waif pre pfet, , yyi well as many 'friend. from Rt. c a Helens 7411,1 Dungannon. Sport. of 4 M various kit i h1'e nk•I:, r- of Uf w -ere', awarded, Th list of went. Erin rPl•tur of (,neer point- of interest. and w= liner. 1. SA follow.: St. (;eorptt's , Irt(r4'h, rnadu4'Una the Mlgs Bessie ('atter. iff Terrtmto, O. /arks taco, 1-eric•es. gearaand nnder.'lleit-il' tared to her home on FottlI v y hast r JohuwGa, Mary •1.\itchison: ions' nit.r_•yetNlln. au enjoyable vacation - race. .. ECHOES t..., _ OFD _ .._ _ a. -and ttntle•t. r ERBY DAY i %!c'1+••us1 a t,.1•tr man, sir +rr many fr7rnd.. and Arm frivol., who learned to admire to England, where be visited his- Harriet : Ruth Mottle) Whitest(' and lore him tar. lis litany lie hails( mutiw•t. tare tool t ,.• *hilly with which he Rank of Muutrest. has returned from G(r(lerleh. INg•ume the bride of 31 r. 1%d gr:uwl the bio•h iri those united ,,,um King'tou, where be atteld.41 the old moud Fines. of the Clinton Collegial tier. While It was known that his is." s' reunion hold in that city. instltnt, staff. The (rrs'mouy went hen Ml, wag nest all that ...mid be dr lir. 1►. A, 3M'artln. of Winnipeg. performer! by the United rhurdl min aired, it well frit that alter he had Is ri..ltiug at the -- Mrs. 'W. (1. MacEw•an. Albertstreet. the young ,conal.• left nun honeymoon r..•..md'-AanlClitpr n? 3iigh ['ousts of character. hie entailing reel un- )1r. E. V. Leslie, tatausger of the Whiteside and Mrs Whiteside I•ER&$)N1%L MENTION Ur. and )for, W. t'. frill:au, loft Tuesday w.ruing 011 a trip to \1'iw,i- - .-vein--be• avow) risme-Tlir,i T a et?ias Amnia' Gathering d•el•k's. The •,rood annual gatlo•rhig of `, Mr., t. 1., Knox, town clerk. left -on veteran rswblenta of tj(e town took I' Friday t,. join Mrs. Knox at Kingston piper yesterdat afternoon at tit. Pat-; for a hull.ls" visit at her "former riek's Park. '1'weuty•o,u• wen of MAW.. righty ,}-ears of ase or over Were Mr. 110:1 Mr-. J. J. Campbell. wad present, including Mr. T. C. McKen- dangbter, Audrey. of Aylmer, visit - sic. of TorOntp. who is here vbdtlug 141 at the home of Mr. 11. H. Taylor lits relatlre, Mr. Jane- MacVleur, who'tlrr_liprt Week. u utprr-Ja an .octogenarian. 1 Mr, aid Mrs. /C( pian an. Remarks appropriate to the ,erasion daughtrrM, Marguerite awl Doris., of were made by 'Rev. J. E. Ford, Iter,' Pennerston, are Viath,g friends. in ('aeon 11111, Mr. \\'u,. Campbell and town. tt Mr. t'. Seeger. and a very pleasant Iles \\'. F' ('hark wn. called to t'Inat- time was *pont. =hams liar week to help iu dealing wish A more detailed retereloe t0 this 1114 outbreak of tang cholera iu Kent event will be wade next week. ee7nuh'. • Mrs.. F. %I. H,wsnl ,and children. At the Harbor who hare leen visitingtot t!1.• h,. The .i:c Notate of grain lust arrival at the M. H. 1. Strong. left for their 'route llart►ur til• .work tins the .ha,u,.r at Newmark1.t thi- afiereouu,' Thur. J. I►rutumo ods whk•h unloaded 31i.. .1inlip Hay tool Mr. \1'm. a e•argu of lel(M141 int,. „[ flex and I14i.- Hay. ltnvneld road. sire risrtipg their (ISP bio.. of wheat at the Goeleriela rhe- mush.. Mr. tierce Harris. at Sent- INN,G 1 Iani, tint. `Several fin yachts have lawn in the MIs. 1..,1. harhur thif_we•T. The yacht Navajo an ,•xteud,•d visit wytlt rrlativ4. and MIL of Sundu+ky, .0 route to Stoke, fri,•ud• :u I'urt o„Ilonue and Niagara Bay. was lel is,rt 11AIN morning. Faits. N.Y. .1r. W. F'orr.•st's dredging (Atilt b. Mrs. .1 Muur,1' and two ehildrru, tot work In the Inner part of -the har• tot irrhJ.rt.tar, Alla•rtit, am tiath,R bor. 31r. Furred recently purchases( with Mrs. 3lunror.. sister. Nr.. R. Star A. V. Crawford Ing and it was Me•\Whlnney. i.rroyeht here Inst w•re•k to aa.I*4 la Mr. Jos. Finn and big ni-.e, MI•. She dredging. It M old thio Inc war 1A419•I19 F,dry, of Detroit, (t•,•re here for the w'. •rod visiting the farmer's parent.. Mr. and Mr.. P. Finn, Mr. and Mr,. .1. lis 1,e+lie. of rink - land. Calif.. who were attending the Clinton 111d lb.yiy' reunion, are the guest. of Mrs. Leslles sister, Mrs. iatwra isioraton. Ilhirrnt roast ' and ttvwaahip, in the person cut Mime. Pearl Willson, of •Toruuto. Anne Mattel widow 0f the late Thom.' eepoyo formerly of j -z 'while after r township. hn- 115 C• - , dt.p*rived this lett; ea 1,141 11(11 T -t:4ua 'while ri-I4 (it g Monday, Angost 10th. at 1hr of 'old u/y,tln' ianers Ip Wal. rich Enid wie ritlnity,the page threge• necks, • •1•P`nt)•-s13-• roars. Thur mina and - Mrs, J. I . Tom nod her daughter, ate daughter survive: .Het1N•ri, Pere Miss Jean Towg leave this week on a •lyal,\ Wilfred and Florence, alt of trip t.. the Viand. during wide!) they ;.aier*li township. ' The funeral• took wjB__st.ip•--jpi, . Wnne.mvpr, Se•at,le. Platte i Tula g bnllt by the late William Marlton of G.*1,•rlrh. OBITUARY Mita. THOMA$ 1'. NALFTEL- _ A -lifetime resident of Coderieh town 1. • were lopsided for,pie- r Jay last to ,Maitland nIl ages, /PM suitable lair* 4't.mptery; Itt!, :t. tr. Hardy, prince Ruinous Jai 410.11' l'nrk **I many made .t►eht a 11.041 rwr,rery from the (144'rntion lo' !night g*hi his u'nnl gond health. hilt 14heelt Was. wit the 1'1104. 440(4'.' coming to ('elwurg he has taken a greet iaterest in all tlwt pern1111• to the welfare of the town. And he had recently purchased the Ane house at the earner of (Ware. awl King str,•ets from the e.tnte of 11* Mate J. P. Field, which be wawlpav- lng remodelled Into s, fine residence for .bis faintly. -- Hi•\w•sr 'wort) to a- Jn.)ge of the ('onntt\ Court of the unit.,( ,,.mile,. of Northumberland and Irnrhani nR lairs. aad iati•r. Res.. A. Sinclair. Afterward '4 Mowbray :\girl!• rata.. 1 years and Mr. and Mrs. 1W. 11. Henry. jr.. awl trill through the Tlrou.:lud Island. Mr, C. V. henry, n( Kinr•ordtnc, rlstt- on their return from which they wit ed st the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, take ftp residene. In Clinton. 11. Henry. sr.. 011 Idunday. A few .evening,. prior to her ttel Mr. awl Mrs. 'Geo. At,, Tilt ..,, LMIst. ding the bride. who until recently Ruth Tilt. of present, harp r.•tnrnwl,raras a resident of 'Jenson. was th hoe atter .pending two, weeks with guest of honor at a gntlwring of A Mrs. Alhsi. 3lnxwell, Colborne ',tree:. number of the young ladies of the village.. .1 program of tnnslr.' game. was canrpstiy sought by the people. (•te., w-71. (•armed pmt. anQ the bride 4'itiaens of all parties and condo (N too -b• was -showered- ♦with a Imre. i7[ [Ind to 1141rP 111. :,hl.. atglrt:l nl'.' In htimter of articles which will la. the Ruldaulr of their municipal .1_ til In her new home. tinder.' Ma Ile FIs r, 1su1a•1 iJlpni . las; boyo rut, 7 'ar's and mute sI Aylmer Alleitiaou, , Rey 14doawu girl.. 10 yea a 1 und,•r. Vern: - Stewarr, Ikerut 7 'Non : boy,' 14 r years and under.\Jaekfe Fisher: Loon e and M.ihmal'i\ \Frank McKenzie girl., 12 years•1ti t itratuaam. Mary Mae . oar. Allan livid. Car - tirlr TL.swua-.aad- • Ihnnald, Stetlp Slterrart - rare, t;raer 1..c•khart, l% nut ; Indy tracheo.' rare. (See re By common( (d ..tit the Iemdin, lir. w•I,,, has 1x•4.14 h( Alrxaudr5 hosldtnt singe (11.11(1 W14. ,Xvardel tb• prize opf for a1, ols'rntiou, will Iw NlrasNl fu II, DI anion fnt:nues. t au page ;) Friends of Aliso J►urnthy 1West4NWe/k a $10 for t11.• Iaest'\ brag, baud. Th. 1 prize -money 1''r putt(' and fife bund- - was diylde1 evetily \\onn,ng the icon. : letltnr., ., The parade was ext oiled to N. 11 WHO long. It chole(, tie Seµwru nearly three times. \ _Sir Kuigi.p ttt,Ws,_ Nag awarderd the prize for the oldest nie•mbe•r hi the parade, is ninety years of «dr and Hats 1111.wed • nly- du._ fir- ange -walk" In xeyenty-nue y rs. Meals were served during day \'r i tort n and North sir .. ha.. Moue r P!1 r• n c1i"-Tl"( 1 .1 under. L,rai,e inch; (toys' emit `•she MSrintuxh; pte•ptemis'r 10. assuming the drib'. ,• otl lu its public *direr kr ling n 4 1 ) f the. r 4 club owl 1 need e g hint/elf 41 4 •. r f 1p f on able n t h v Pr• p Incl lerttrnnrnptrt 41t Many able us. has le the! the Pie tnn s I'or.,•st"1\ tot an .xtrn-Ire, the uty, a. well as the privilege of ' ay n terunou. • xtoen rinks. repre- r •b,at two -,mnntha later. and lie Mr. ams t 1 hot' ws for. reorient • spoke ., Thr I:oderk•h Inw•n M,w L..l i RT'ie' 7.-TfiA Court tTtat h l• Keen olio) might- i"'. termed -fermi Bowling Tournament patrtnt- xat(uat- •iwlp- grner.l by so n4. i 1 j 1 I the I hm.d fie always held that It welg 1 f greens nn R citizens to take am active Istat _tit renting Stratford, Lneknow, \Wing'hnn1. clrl4' nanou•. apd hl. partlripnttu Min1 in Myth, Exeter. 1Irnr'el. and t:,,d,•rieh the runieiptl life of Godericb to so club., took part And the various e1:ents many different ,•apseltles b es. t„ were keenly contested, The h, i,.os long a periost showed that 11F preach- f went to p' Blyth silk-klpp4l by H. Rnhlawli, alto want the Western ('an - *Oa. Floor Mills trophy and the first prize of cutlery rets. Their wore w -ns four wins with p plus of 14. The Aw'ond prow. china tea sets. wAg won by an Exeter rink .kipped ly 71. •Crich, who hod three wins. with 11 pins of lv, The third Prise. electric frau.• went to a Jtru-srls rink Aklpt- pa d by 1). Moss. Their score was three wlux with a phis of 0. A Gal- erteh rink skipped. by A. Whiteside. tied with the itras.th rink for third place, int in the play-off were de- feated by the latter rink. They were awarded the tonrth prize of fnttr copper kettle.. past. kn!1 b41 r of *'- g the 'Javr.tad an under- standing mind. he Wax able to get tot the root of all eases. coming b•fnn' - -.biro. his jiltignlents (claw always -sail*. , fully prepnr.7d. well thoeeght 'Int and furl( of taw and logic. A Notable Career Frew a sketch of Mr. Cameron's career able') wax published lu -The Signal at the time of his removal to Coburg last year we hake the follow- ing: Malcolm (tramp Cameron. K.('.. 1s a native of Guderieh, a son of the late Malcolm 4'. ('ameron. w111, sat In the "louse of Commons for South and \\'e.t tlnrou for many year.. and who at the time of his death was Lleuten• ant- hoernot of the 'North-west Ter- ritories. His mother lwfore ler mar- riage to Mr. ('amerou, was Jea.Iv H. McLean, daughter of •1)r. John Me. Lean. .4 the- Royal Navy: - With the exception u( a few yearn spent In tete practice of his profession at Toronto, where he war a partner of Mir (newt. W. Ross, Mr. Cameron has been a resident of (:alerich all his life - Ile attended the GodgetaM' (irat*nar hoot and Dr. Taa.ipd'$jrnons school at ((alt, end was diad to the jtar in 1879. at the *47 of twenty-two. Ills professional career has heart one of distinction.. in 1(111 he was ereatA el a King's (',noel. ()1, many ex-- cas10114 he was nominated no Crown counsel and 1n thin capacity ler cna- deleted the f'rown's hu,lnp,, 1 many assize mutts throughout the Province. In 1904 he *as appointed a member of the Royal Commission for the re -1 vision And c•nn4olldatlon of the atilt - of Canada. For three years' he Max an etamla*r of the low /Society Upper Canada. dose is the 11ntho- t several legal volution., Inetudine A Treatise on the: bow of rh,wer,' Written when he WAR twenty-four year. of age, which was referred t.. by 'Rt. Ron. 51r Henry Strong. chief mince of Canada, kit "the nw+•t able nit legated work on the auhlp, t over yet publisher'. either In England.' Cannel, nr thet [lilted States." At one time he was ti'I*(red n position Pon the editorial staff of ere M the rest law pnblishin[ commodes le merlrA, wlth headmiarter. at New ork. but. althnngh the offer Irma to net flattering one and the reemnnpra- nw would hare been bnnd.ome. he echoed It, preferring to retaain in snide. Mr. Cameron laboured en He into le life and was town mnnilllor, ere and mayor of (:nderieh Reveral ea. hi. municipal career envpring ng period, both itefnee and after years M n'idcnee at Toronto. municipal affair. wax and 7nemogsfn' and ed no idle. theory. Asioglie/hit. many peddle offices one whir "he filled for menu. tine was that gf president of the Al a erlrh Board or Trade. whk'b at that period was he as active and flourishing state. 'Fort some time he hat tNr•u dl'c•bsroes the duties of corporation solicitor fol" the town of Galerlc•h. Mr. Cameron bad alw•Ay' a fondness for political life. While in Toronto he took 1111 active ?t In the affairs of the then nowt g Young Liberal Club of the city, dad was elected prow ldent of that b1 'Hit first venture for Parllameutsry honor,. was in the Provincial general election of 11100 when- hes wag the Liberal eitadi•lale ' for thq o1R rldrnngg of W f tgron. Re swarth tIaKet9f at Maitland was suc,r aSd Mt [ns. two tpru►s A mnteh In 1111x1.11 doubles bet w•Irn In the Lees retal: g In It14)i, Wnforth (nit Ruderieh players took In 1 511 nor warn tlh -mea „f his pine.. on Saturday. The players and - party tor the seat 1n the once of 1 score w1.r4 a. follows: Connnlang,. but WNW defeated- Seaforth Geid('rk•h Any reference a,tn %r!..('Ameron. Urs. Heckel! ., Miss (I)r.) Tom avndd at ntnee be noted la %complete, Mr. Higgins ....0 Mr. A. Dlckle..1 ify those who knew him 41:1 'bind h7-! Mrs. /Smith ... Mrs. D. Wallace I elude mention of his ability a' s pth-' f RRart .1 Mr. D. Wallace Jin spl►laker Superb gifts n ultary t ms. M0Ta anti a thorough grlgp of Or 1 Yrs. Greig Un, nal13 .1 I Mr. ideLean 0 Mr. Donaldson 1 %fig. (:rle.le .. Mrs. T. Mitchell I Mr. Smith 0 Her. Mv'Dermid 1 MIs, Warren ,. Mrs. ('onlM7mr..t Idge; Jnek'nn .1 Mr, ilerun ....0 with whir+ be Spilt place.( Mr. ( peon In the very forefront of lit speakers In the Province of (Kopec; He lax b,4, heard on uml platforms, not merely I politica campaigns. hot spm ions wheat a literary nr patriotic address ops palled for by the nature of the n"sem- tdy. During the Reef War and again In the•trnublcyl tittles of the Great W his i t I i r Orare' ... Mrs. ('li.ptr •1 xr*berbsrt ..D Mr. C. Eaten:. Mr. tial ns. s rn ee mss unr* n Mims Ali Miss E. hays Yr. lifer '• ringing snmmmus fn patriotic endear- O.Jlar. Satlnde•rs .1. or nail him serw4Nm •• on sorb ,(elons Neg..ydltln • lt1At Clare Hays wpro ottnght front far and near. Dur- Mr. 0. Ne.11 js Ing the Or.nt Woe he was nn the list Mrs, 0. \dl ..• Mrs. ass maw, mt speaker' ns. the.Patrlotle L.Mtne Mr. Cresswell ..0 Mr. J. Ifs the t'nirertlty of „Toronto. ftp MI -s Ekon', ,. bliss K. a,, 1 has always been to demoted for iturns Mr. Ross 0 Mr. Chapman It Adnh•er,sry dinner.. mt wbtea hir tri- butes to the ,memory tot ltewtfattd's na- tional hard have leen heard with' In- tense delight. 1t will prrtteghly he ennensled, haw. "ver, that he wag At his M•.t nn A rode je•t very near to hie heti rt--,'(11nAde." IIP hest woken on 14ts snhjeet at Many dilfeeent places and always with Rent aeoeptane,. 4t*p news• rater ^nttmeftt waj that Mfr. Camer- on's address wraa,y' Inds,A. an eln- gneRt tribute to the e(►yntry too Kee In, And shows Mr. calm/4m to ten pm, smiled of Rifts of mind and nttrrgnee whir% shnnld pdaee him in the !Vont rank of Canadian nrnteirs." Mr. CAmprnn Is a Presbyterian And a memiier of Naos church. Onderkh. 1.111ggart Mlss Will inni ate ..1 Mr. ('. t'nmpion 0 Miss Sheehan Miss \t. Lee .. . Mr. Henry .Mr. J. Platten. .0 Miss McTaggart Mrg. 'WI1110 Mr. W. Greig -0 Mr. D. Marney 1 4 to Miss McArthur. superintendent of Alexandra hotiJ1rel. hs awns nn three 'wewka' vhcatlnn. 1)I1,Mng her absence her position 104 being filled by )Hos Florence Dougherty. It X. Mr. avid kin. H. J. MacLean and thole, daughter, Sloe ktarjorie Hoc - T 01, of Lindsay, matte ■ hetet *lett to town this week. They were milt In/ a raptor tont aad left hprp Monday morning for Klncatdlse. girls' needle 1144(a ('he+t- ,1Pnn 'Ih•ua- la., Mrs. W. J. 114 Douglas; noel. -(1 It - 11 e.d Yrs. J. IIe41ne t Mrs. t. .Ir E. Jn , hurt , 1 •• , i married '. sat mon ► rn e . Dir. ,. -?Yii'hrrleait.-iiiR%: FToilt7l`,3: . die.' rare, Hazel Ashton. ' Iso e l ' 4'hestnut: young m141'h ,1" .1. l:, nln'1 Mrl'llerson, /'amcrnn Maclk,u 'l: hot.' eat rare. J114.k Jirabrnn, 1111 •11 414nne•tt ; matched rare. Nail ('am hell. George H. Ikntglas.,-- . Some of the. visitors m*pr --seri themselves ox greatly pros .I with the attra,tlois of Harl..,r Park for an affair of this kind. learn Irl 1 that •b,• has made *mit rapb rernv4•ry that she will be able ra ge t.. her home this week, Messrs. J. 11:ll mud King, St. Marys. were fu 1,.wi on Monday on a telt' l.y motorer,le. They dntemrk1d to 1 follow t1.' Itlue q'ater Highway +tree• t:..4,,•fan !Erne-Trirta and return home through the central counting. Mr. Boll fs a' menti„ •.r of tete staff it_ Tne, St. \1ary. ,lo0rnal.lrgns. Mr. mud Mrs. tl ' . ('. 11 Ross. 11!j E'sfn Hie.. (:a,k•rt4'h. Inn u1we+ the f4•( I Ih"p men( elf tl„•is. 11I1g,••t 1111ma111. f. •' 'Margaret. to Fh.,vd Ellsworth Smiths It..9., of 11,4r.f!. ,41'h,. former - 'y of ('.1tln4nu, t 114%,. The wedding i• _lo take pia.,._ .,.-:l,,.-rletirr tfirr- rrt ' Detroit. 311th. - I that 4loWu guests at th.• hire Itird t tIf opo, _ Hine Wit..r.. lk•7►eh, Bo Ilea. MI's smart. Mr- Laing. Ill -s 11a71, Torente: Mr. nod Mrs. Nick. Detre*: Mr R'. if Rondec 11ogi111: M1t,1 A l.iiIrd, WovelaeN•x ; MINI! Letle }.:'ores ln,loronto: 31i-. Nina M. „raham; Net' Teirk ('By: Mr. and Mrs. ('erten, London :"311's Marion 1•L. Cuff, Brantford: Mr.. .1. H M.•Filr- Iou.l. Mrs. V. 1. \W:Irdell, Mr-. r'hn.. 1'. McFarland. Mr'. 1t. M. Kerr. Ire. troit ; Mrs• j invent Manning. S. Airi- est; Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Mair. Windsor: tot (1(44114 ha- ' 1' oh fistIl Ter 31 CHAUTAUQUA CLOSES WITH PINE PROGRAMS Not-tkeided let Whether It 11111 Ke:•-"-' turn Next (ear The (1.,lerieh I1h:urtanglri cleared ou Friday' 11 1111 atter u well-atteuded gel'll'N of Imtur.-, and entertainments. Th.. malinger. Mr. Harris, his re- mained i, fawn 141 secure a guarantee for next tear. but we uud,.r,and That up ty the present time the required unullaer of rfguatures Inn• not been oh- urinl. :1s usual, the largest audience of the week was out for the play. ' •+(;Err 111.1 fake." whir% was given on Wrd4es,lay night sad war heartily en- juycd. The plot revolved around an exJwrl(u.nt 111 Industrial cu -operation w %telt, after an exeitlug series of nye Enol duwus..tlually Issued ina 1hr11111i; Chicago Lytle Singers The convert put 4.11 by the Chiengn Lyrle Binger* mi Thursday afternoou wens on.. of 4'hautaugaa's t'.. t, though the sh,ger- were hampered by the 1: dlstesItlon of the supr,11lu, who was u .pie ni d.wtor's orders. was prewefit as awv.ai- umiil.t. Thr coot rahn. tenor. trial 1111•s were In good form, and gine nu .0...111.11t prui;nlw, th.• <.v'oud half eonglsting of gypsy songs Orel' lu gylisy roatnnes. At ulght the same trio again de- lighted the audietwe with a program of solos. duets and trio., their opening number. --Men. ofTiarieeh," being full of spirit. and forming a line cxn/tra.t to the second numlwr,,•In the Silent Night." Every succeeding detection yeas finely rendered. hilt special Men- tion must 1e mode of the contralto -oto. ".4 Creole Ie/1•e Ming," and their final imuher, Iholley Reek'- Delon.- 'Willett brought a. hush, ,ue- •,s,Ied by raphtroos applause•.' William Rainey Sennett The :manna. William Rainey Bets - mat, with. a mixture of flu, nod tire. .if Jest ane{ canoes, kept the nodi*nce iu alternate Ills of laughter awl -tri-_ 0u'w•*., 1{-•uTi eet wm• "Pnthlt11 5 to Power," and i'peelal attention w•as given to the problrw of the child hi the community,.lie (gte4R-d with the •hue Inelit that the life of a common. - y. of civilization _rlrpends 1111 the e 1) ren, who tin: the hole of toy fla- tlet. Some of hi• pithy g.at,•W,•, nasi-: •e:rw.htn'w 4Ah -lir tttntfc fntPr. •r -ting." "The thing 'That 411tr1'exta 1v)'.i mud girls' will get them; it the outside int. -rest% are stronger than thew- ..f the borne the olt'ide int.•r- ,ews will 'win." "voteltalise• oNl }sole 131iun1?ie...' -You're never .town a' I out until you admit 1t:" ",Ss wen 141'I a ship to oro-. the ocean an wt:11 7,0 ,R sway to Die at the helm, or ''x1;1-41 ,y,l *117, o.,, ldtr(M rn1 wifely down. v busy sure.' wltll to. Mold nn the wheel. a. eY o•.: A bey oar xlrl.iu traiyu .. Jifr without n• gable. mid avoid 'iigawtrl'." Hr f rl with an appeal to u1r- 1 .uM.1n i,N the good seed In the chil- dren's. hearts f..r 11.. e+ail -,v,1 :4141! 1H be soy u. inn) rule-• the g,NNI. f. ern • - •':wtl,r implant..) tl,• 'eV)? irtH e•rnwd 1.111 th,• gn,Nl. - bruin s-Pr4glfaa( 117, Frbhry atrrna'•1i tdu Dart) En - wank.. Iiungriny soy, *olden opinion. Trettrfi..-.atrrtb r, Fite Wee.* foran'- .I r..• orchestra. a t•lulhe. a 'cella, ton hurl,. :111(1 1111 urytau. Uui' of - the musicians par, w.evl a, welt, -a-sem church and SL I:w,f;e'g rhnrl;h. The 1/1(1 1.11 .1t the carbons cburehe- hail 1 repare.l for mtk•h larger number*. titan they serial,. 1'o.glblr the mune ler o1 visitors In town 4411s •holt :is large as woo espeelwl, and a .ttren/ \many of titer(, wile did mint. brought 'tier own nn'tls and pirni k,d at rho• 171111. link Aid other Olives about to Awards 10 Junior Horlfnllturittr ' toed 51r. Moore, of 1111. Provincial Mont - cultural y'4uuRit cultural Department, paid a visit to tuw'rl d the Junior horticultnrb,ts of (:eiderich freer Merry-go-round on St. 1)nvl,1'., afforded flitcrsinu for the r elenn4lt. 11 remained In til Saturday night• orl„t from Fordw1ch. Kill• u11 Friday last rad awarded the prize' ennllne 11ud Lackuow uuirclawl b.- the plots which the pored(. lo,y-s and girls have been cultivating These wern'prit ((steel it the report on luting the ...coin, 011 Moitrrlil sfFw i. Page :i of theta 1 -once. AI an Winter and Werra Moore thee( for fis.st pine, and sfrnfiou of iiia kind .null iw held Ida Clink and Ririe Whiter tied for "alp by rotating several rpledal excur- sion tr fns. Thos1Y nein en+ne• by this in connection w•Ith 1 • o *ether at \the lend of the The miser for last flower belt' weeps (oudit,jelu. travel have eliengr.J awarded As' (allows: Jr Rn'ntly' rota! rhe d(y•. w•hpfl n .Ie•mnu- ]here Bald that wlepfrotha•r-pinta} 1 itju__ uun'hn1 wart. (4 ta9eyr were equal In some rfexp•,•ts they , fra-th I of' (he crow.). The rapt ma - were score) 1101-11 oil Iteetrllrlt of jorlt '(came t1y motor ear. w iris__.____.__ There were -*bout -a- dawn. refr(yh- In the-te•tt of •knnwtedge regardtng booths lir the --notions- hrott earl. ties of flowers .11e:11. Mnrnfly wens first, Verna Moore second, Audrey Wieland anti Roth Mnrne;v 3rd. Rh,* ley Taylor. Thelma, lbw.- and Mot Edwards 4th. This two took the young people by surprise this year. Mr. Moore says prizes will t* ren for the test address nn "How 1 AJrow the Heat Flower. on My Plot."' Mr. More expressed him elf it. lile•n`.'4 with 1111A it being a here and will sire the innior /in lent -turn! Society A write-n(r fu tl turn! Journal. Journal. Mr. (: nae 1411111- wnit, drove Mr. 3fcor Sbmt town send quotes 'ome of is rpmorks: There nine he pec, a nrnund this tn•vn who do things." 'Ten have the mast Ienotlf,ll to fl 1n °starlo," "The. e m ett flu trig In' ii*F* - i7i;Ti1 way In- *fiddle Ing the miniature parks, having 1s curt. rte." "The hospital gran ' A are coming alone well" "The . Ming of the t(quare win bring ire for every ,otnor tt emits." 1`.s.,]ffr rr _ promised tQ sire the 'N• ^ - rrrastroted *entre 1117 toe Af t•he whom* s 4(N "•wt'M1k.11nf 11441.e will he High-grade gold NI epeetaeles and lemon for only other Foyle of frames and tenter kt lotted priees onto, and Timm Moroi) it co, Mon. treat. Tbe best rielleal work to be obtained and at moderate priers. Two flays „Too, Frifisi. Saturday, Angulo 21, floare ewer. essith'a Art Store, Oederteh. COUHIRNE -1Ir. HMI Mrs. John Treble. meow. town. spent the week -end with friends • Mr. I. ,R•tin was eallet1 to 11411.1 one flay last weeek. iliA Alrter, Mrs, Young. hoeing passed -*War wrtattetthy ix extended to alt .1orroft. lee too many for, a pthetnble bust- 'Kende. The deceased was a :o'er of Mr. Rieliarel Ryan of eieseleli. • pluudjag 1•114-1. of WNW range. The? Mr. Eterett render *nil Int- periumator, rei•ited the 'tory of in beer *musk Need- less to say. he lit•lei rant)) 1110 last word the (40,114. 114.nli0/1 Imperwsetion or ?h.. iNry were eajpoeltIlly tit,. voilre !inerrant In 4hf‘ evening. sprint seettery. unique 'nage Luella Fuirtag. the •Implieril- alfew. "ant ilor role admirably and setts *Mr sustained her aceono. ly pretty. The whole program fully saistaltud r entertainment that I. high-el/irk.. GODE.ItICH TOWNSHIP - _The center of Hos town was prettily deeorated, and a "Welcome" reit on East street atm added to the irg of the demonstration. Mr. W. E. Elliott repreeentee \ hie paper. The London Fins. Press W1141.11 flurried good report Of Ire el.1141111 The committee. in charge frf the celebration were (sing...self .1f Cairn, y II. M. Hnnley, Comity Chapialo,' Cantelon, and Sir Knights kg.' ."'1. Brownlee. Wm. Brownlee:, Ir Nevin. Alex. MeNevIr Mon and NT. J. raleoner. uoYev- dr, Sturdy. They Md. their work mow Arany !ample were In town? rt,etre.* In all direetIonw and reds of motor ears were parked fah emu rettri amid there were Woe. 1 re \paws meta. ,as • 171114 II to the sure" "f (1181;wrynn::11:23111::11r,111:11/111:11;1. fr41211%.M11ifehlhig111111:1.11:. enli. on any. *terra I nett her Mrs .1ohigenian Mi.. (Mutt. Treble tottiRlettem Roo 111::::1".'"11411:::11":114 16°111•1"oltairen.17:1:74.1tdevIr.tivfivr:Ip. her mint. Niles 11ory 1- .14,0114 pUtIehnfue stalterme., wiat,s for tour 010 one.. at RIRAR- Ramk., telling her of tile de•I Of her brother -fa -Is sr- Pen fa m 114r,meer. known in this Mfrs/dap ..1. preached a next Sunday . town, Ohio. street chart* mairfternt at NOTES g service 1. gi al titiI1Ellie111 TOWNS/HP. Aug. Pe -Mr Jack Wii.on trots up from Lei- den' il ing tile paq week MI n von. short -v1s11 with relative, at Di•trglit. Mr. And Min 11. , Johnson. Brown ‘1.- hen Chlaholm arrived front lie , ,,1 in hie nevr ...Tan ilatordOI even- iel' end broth,,r, Mho. Myrtle, and Mr. Mr. Rich. McLennan motored to lit. - Trott on n latrines- trip 1714 Week. I'nion t'hitrrh Notes. -The W.M.A. or,t tomorrow /1 1 f h. home of lam, at the chtireh. The prngrom will eon. Will hate ,bartre. yt • 1 • ere!' popular musical rifle will siren Ai the Canadian Ns. Britton hv the Royal Cita-