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The Signal, 1925-8-13, Page 8
ci Thursday, August 13, 190d - EIGH11 YEARS AGO tN GODERICH AND THE HURON DISTRICT Moan's Gazetteer of 1846 A2- fords an Interesting Back- ward Glance From. limit.,.. C.tu4(llau Gazetteer. ptnbjisbevl at Toronto in 1846, and giving lutoo-wa1 uo legordiug all parts .f what lean thea celled Canada Nest, we take the following para- graphs dodcriptive of Goderk•h sad Ow Huron distrkt. In Cumparlson wltb the conditions of the present - -den,-_tlua..prarg testi. p1-ttde in the last. eighty' years Is truly wonderful: 11l'R(1N DISTRICT (lousists • of Jho cuuuty of (Huron. wheal returns a member w the House ot Assembly ;' and comprises the tul- lowing tuwusltipac: Ashetee. dtiddulpfy Utenshant, Consorts. Ik,wule, South ot ye. 1'nllartuu, t odeAcb, •Hibh rt. 110), Hallett, Logan, MoKtl- iop, Met; ilI(t'ray, Stephen. Stanley. -Tuc•keramith. t ;berm. and Wawa - nosh. AU the towii 4tips, except the Seat and the last, which belong to the Crown, ere the property of the Cau- ada Company. and were formed out t the Huron tract. which was pur- -Biased from the ('rou by the Can- ada tbmpany in the year 1x•:7. The Hum tract was declared a dlattict la 11'42; previous to which time it formed a part of the London dlatrtct. A large portion of the land in the district is good. although some parts are rafter hfliy- and broken ;- anfl the laud generally on the borders of the Nike. and also on the Maitland River, is rather poor. There ie but little pine in the distnic•t. The dlatrlct is watered by the Maitland and Bay - Geld 'titers, and also by the River Ante 4411bi . and the Thames; the for- mer of which is an excelieut mill rrcaw. anti the mouth of It forms the teoder4•h harbor. The Great Swamp, as it is called. which Is situated to the north of the Huron treat, encroaches on the townships of McKillop, Logan and-Wlice. In this swamp the rivers Maitland. Sauget.* Bayfield, Thames, and it is believed also 'the Grand River take their rise. The Canada - (itmttswr -weer nlhtwed- by the govern- ment- 1(s,(Mf0 acres of .aad as comten- aaliuu fur say loss that might arise - to them from the swamp forming -uy part of their Par Itnae• The Huron District I- settled almost et' -Ittt vely by emigrates from I ttglaud. irotund and Mwllatel. ani a few (;rnnana. Godurieh is the dl,ttrha town. is huud• ,moiety and hvalthfty"wjtntttr.l , n lurks Mira, Thisee .--'are- ne)--t im -n lands for *11.• itt the Mettler. rxeept in the ' townships of A -Brest ` and. Wawanoah ; in which Mt,a(a) acres are open- for vile, t0 es CurrwM, y face acre. A town has Se•r•n bald ant by- the ('rows err iii•" fnat hip of Aehtbtdet, -nor--Cite lake shore. lel *bleb town i..t1 ere sold at !1t currency each; t.. Imre-base any of which application must be made to the Crown land• agent at t:od- esricit. PoputatIoe n in 1001. 1.VWIt, (71►1)P R1t'1T The district tue•,•n of the Huron Altslrkf, setts,' ,1 on T.,k.r liutrnn. at Hie entrance Of the Maitland River. It was laid out In 1827 by Mr. (salt, (ben s.M•refary; of the Canada Cbm- puny. Tin• Tn tg-liefidgonite r-eltn- ale. the greeter part being built ou t rising ground• more than 100 feet above the level of the. lake, tail It 13 consequently dry and healthy. The atenery In the neighborhood itt beau- fetor tbt- trrw•tr--1* to north and northwest winds from _ the lake. In $nnsettuertce of which the weather is oeeaaloneily 'wintry. evt•n in the middle of summer- nn the whale, however. it is a very plesumet summer r•si dear,. ()wing to 11. re- mote situation. and partly (anon • Its !wing inenrselMe by land frons any lure: ,01 the .l'roo lues wont of Luudou. Godcr'rh has not increased aa fast as wany ,..her placos of the same age. A harlsor has beeu constructed at an ex- fe•use of L10,000, but the piers are uuw gettiug our of repair. This is the w,ly harbor betweeu 1'ort .Sarnia and the • augeeu Islands. A light- house is Just about being erected by tete Government. In 18.7 a road was opeind to the luws►bip of Wilmot, at a cost of 111100; a road has also be•eu made to the • emu of London. A 'steamboat and several schooners have beet built here. Way" run twice a week from Godericb to Loudon and ,:alt, and during the last eeaauu the ;Steamboat "Goderieh" (late "Gore") called here Oa her weekly trips from Windsor los Owen Sowed. A fishing Cumewuy was eeiaMlsbed here. some years *ince, but from some misman- emeat did not succeed very . well, and ssbow brok•d-11K---A imne petl- cau was shut bore during the spring tit .1ti45, while feeling in the harbor. (:oderfeh martin- five -churches and chapel; via, allpi..vrttal, Presbyterian, Catholic. $recession and Moltodist : there 1s also a stone jail,and court house, and owe Canada- Company's of- fices are kept bore. l'ottulli e, port four times a week. --Population, 6670„ The following government and dis- trict (dies are kept in Goderkh: Clerk of Prase, Tr.asurer of • District, Sheriff, Registrar of the Cuunty. Col- lector of Cnetoms. Inspector of Lit -en - see, inspector of Fish. District Clerk. Clerk of T)latrict Court. 'Professions and Traders -Throe pbyslefana and surgeons, two lawyers. one surveyor. two breweties, "three distilleries, two taanoriee. nine stores. one druggist, ave taverns, one tin- smith. Ave tailors, two groceries, one foundry, two watchmakers, two waggcta makers, throe blacksmiths, ten shoemakers, one gunsmith, two bakers, twe school;, one ba agency, "Upper Canada.' t'riuejpal muerte, 1 "Rattenbury's," # Godericb la fifty-nine mile. tram Loudon, and elght'-two from Galt: for stage tares, see Loudon. (;alt mad Hamilton. The export, for 1x44 were small, but during th,• spate of 1845, about 12,000 bushel; of wheat were shipped. GODIRICIi 7'hoit'NSIIIP A township In rho• Hnrnn district, is (sounded on the o"rth by the liver, Maitland; on the west by late Huron: un the sunith__bg _clue River, Hayfield. and oa the miff ay Mullett. 1'he soil on the hanks of the lake, and the Rivers Maltierei and Itayfield, is pair mud .tnny; tin• re•rrof the town- ship is good land The Township con- tains 5,1:060 eerwr, :Li; ' of which are t teased or sold. of w h'eIi ' .5.1:.0 pctes are under enitleati,m__l.'eth•rich con- tains" one grief fu.l twd saw mills. fulling -1M 'ant-- eurdlufl machine. There is a taeera---art-:Mt t(tytletd r.wd. four mules wrath Of '(poderh•h. l'nulauta, 1s3. Ratable property in 1 the township, flikltt. •:s.- , ('OI.1N)ItNt: 'r.t -Nttllli' \ township in 1h.• Hnrnn district: i+' bounded un the n•orti, try .\ahaetd `ttttrt Wawannah:-on the west try' take Huron: on the "with by fire River Melt and; and .'a the tact by the township of Ila::els, The land, fur from two to tures whoa bask the lake. and fur lfsif a mile on each side of the river, 1. poor; the soil of the rest' of the township Is good. Colborne contains 3,5,400 acres. 13.188 of which are-teasw4 or sok t-ef-wltielt 155,1 are antler cultivation. There are in the township five saw MILL, on creek, montane into the River Mait- land, and I la r ak Intron; and one dis- tillery Prq,nlation. 5055. !Ratable hip. L,'I " 2a ASIWU'JLD A tbanahip in the Huron district, beldagthMTa "TTie- (Vont. Is bounded on the north by Crown lands; on the west by hake Huron. *a the ninth the tnweshli of ('ultiOtae and oa the east by IVawanosh. 11Hs towatsklp possesve•s a flue climate and exeellent , soil, and is settling very tat- Nearly LET US SERVE YOU DAiLY with pure, wholetrotne Bread and treasonable Pastry.. All orders will receive our care- ful and prompt attention. Leave a standing order. We deliver daily. E. U. Cleveland RAILER Iv. •st Str.•. t. none -114 1 - 'IoW& Halal every lot aloug the lake shore Is taken rap. .\ town plot, comprising tale aeras, W laid out at the entrance of the River Ashfield Into Lake Huron. The village is celled Albert. -A creek enters the lake at the north-west corner of the township, The River Ashfield enters the township at Ira north-east owner, runs nearly mouth 1111 within about four miles of the south boundary. them makes a aharp bend. Ind runs west -south-west till 1t reaches/ the lake. in Ashfield 372.2 acres are taken up, of which 223 are under cultivation, Thera Is in the township one . sawmill. Population '21$ 1litable"property 1n the tow-n- ahlp. 111.325 Go. Government prise for land in this townahlp, 8. currency per acre•. PORT ALRIPRT A village in the township of Aah- field, situated ..n the Ashfield River at its entrance into Lake Huron. nine iWiles allure t;ndertch- Port Albert has one tavern. Population clout 40. - FiAYrlp1T,D eltrantceMoff the River Ray eld, ltweelve ,tiles below Goderich, it was bald mit In 1834, by the Baron de Taylle, who purchased 'ho land of the Can- ada company The hanks of the river and lake ,re here atateot sixty or 'invent, fe.•t high. Rayfield hes two taverns, Population shout I'IO S©M pi --_-Root} V ltTAR RRCORDB' gt:e -' been reien'ae•d lately. "h MiniafureCotrct'rt" is one, "Cerus froth Rose Marie" is another, also "Gettty From A Student Prince,"' -to tai nothing of s o to a snappy fblt-trot.. °lithe and hear them, - Yon can get the boost hits too in rite sheet tttnaie, -your piano lank,, unfinished with-- mit ith- ,tilt then.. H. E. JENNER I ww intpn'tp by Magistrate Among (he ,•as.y coming before. Magistrate Reid dnfing the week was one for contrnvtntion of the inland Re/ennP Art by li'•rt Peterson. of SPa- forth, who tine charged with boring $ 81111. Ile paid a Inc of $200 and elate. -11 Silverstein, of Romordvllle al- ert paid $2oet and east" on A charge of having h't"t;,;tting liquor for MRN 11- ted6T1y, V (alters' Iht) at Blue Water' ' 79n• lime hat. r 11011 and Country •'isle is gassing imitations for Attar - day next. whi,•1. will be "visitors' 1 day" at the Club z'oundt Three ape tial events have Ltve arranged for vltltora an IS -b ,;P contest for tie dim,. a similar ....pivot Inc gentlemen, And a two hall mired foursome, nine !taloa. flu/table privets are offered for each event. A rery Intimating day le s t; •, fed a - -- ----- - - - -- -. - ! -- 7► ' -.r► _ • atm . OBITUARY 1 .Mr. and Mrs. J. Cornelius. l3IUIVDRIPB 1AI1E REG18!'ER AUCTION SALE QILRZZRED ACCOUNTANT t Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Moore,' of Tor- i. 1sAl'Dk:R Tor - 11111t0, sprat last week with his movies. AUCTION HALF: OF' WDLL LO- NE 1'. CIBBS, CHARTERW- i Ivtt- ra. Me. Ttumaa Carroll wLU have • (•A lel:1 RF NIUk:N'CM. I'RO- FRIteountant. 102 Ontario street, Thos. and Arthur Moore: A o i Miss Addle (toss, of Taranto, is elparing Male of huusehuld turaltlwe r PJIIRTT. Stratford- Phone 1580- Res. 133,0J. I am instracted by alit. Ol0.N8MOIt5C WILL18 (1. I Ou Sunday worulug, August 2nd, at hie Inoue, Neilson street, Godericb, there passed to his rest, alter au tu- nes' of only two Laura' dui-at/ea. George Meaty louder, Canadian Ka- tional Railways agent, and veteran railroader. 'Leath was due to heart failure, and was more unexpected, as Mr. luluder was about his duties end iu his usual good health on Saturday. Although lu his seventy-sixth year, the late Mr. Lauder was very active and keenly alert iu his business asso- ciation*. Ile was also an enthusias- tic follower of sports. He was presi- dent of the local ('auadian. National, soft -ball team, and one of the most interested tpev-taturs of all their g1111/1`.4. Atthe -eddy age _of eighteen Mr. Lauder Joined the Grand Trunk Rill way as operator at Kingston. and since then. during the last fifty-eight years, he was constantly In the ser- ve's of the railway, holding responsi- ble positions as operator and later as train despatcher at Kingston, Mont- real, Belleville, Toronto and Strat- ford. Ile became statiuu agent et rhea.) rd and theta at (;odericb, where he remained for the past seventeen years. Before three ap- pointments Mr. Lauder acteti as re- lieving agent at many places and be was one of the test -known men in the service of the t'ompany ; in fact, he was the second oldest man. in point of service, in the Company's employ at the time of his death. Mr. launder took an important part in fraternal at•teties, in both the Odd - fellows and Masonic Orders, havlug fifty-year medal" for both orders. He was a member of Canada I.od e, No. 49. LO.0.F.. Toronto; Stevenson Lodge. A.F. & A.M„ Toronto; Mait- land Lodge, No- 1118--AFr-•-A.M., God - prick, and Huron Chapter. No. 30. R.A.M.. (;oderich. ., ,The late Mr. Lauder was born in Kingston, son of the late John Lau- der. and was married to Itlatstaab Pari of Toronto, who predeceased him just nineteen months ago. Three children are lett to mourn his noes: .Gertrud E. cashier Canadian Nit - it llwa$', Goderieh ; Beatrice G., of the aff of the 4t. Catharines Collegiate Institute. and John IL. ilttoggist. Gotterlch. The funeral was held Villadnesdar. Angtmt-dib, at 2 p.m., from his resi- dence. with full Masonic ritat, the services toeing a ondttcted by Iter. S. S. i[ardy, of St. 'George's Anglican church. The larrorary ;tall -bearers were railway asc,neiate.^: Mr. it it Fish. general superintendent, C.N.R.. Toronto; Mr. W. S. Wilson. superin- tendent -of transportation, Toronto; Mr. W. J. Piggott. superintendent. Stretford': $r. 11.. ilotmes, agent. Ac- trnt; --IEr,- A. O. Pattison. ea -agent. t'lirrton. anti Mr. J. A. Hodgins. ex• ageat, Mina Craig. The active pall., bearer* were members of Maitland Lodge: T. H. Mitchell. G. L. Parlous. W. C. Patton. A. Chrysler), H. C, lop and J. J. McEwen. Out (of r alt business at beth the C,N.R.' as C.P.R. drfaets was suspended for three hens during Oita funeral. In attendance at the funeral those form out of town, hordes the hono- rary pall -bearers, were Mr. ('. J. Me - Keough, saslstant superintendent. C.N. It. Stratford; Mr. J. Towner,. agent, Ntrat1ed; Mr. J. T. ()amer)n, agest. Cuelph: r. W. ('ayley, supervisor of tr r . 'M11idtni --' -depui tine nt. Stratford; r..1'. H. Mumu, suer- Bnn1 travel i rag t re► ht agent, ;jrt- \tvisor of taek. Stratford; Mr: F. ford; Mr. 1'. Flaherty, depot master. isietph : Mr. 1. Illaon, ex -conductor. s4(11.104.4,4-1-- Mr (Lttn.nn _ patcher. Stratford.. Mr. W. Brown. ex -first aid instructor, Stratford: Mr. 3. Hartley -ex-rule- tractor: _$trat-Y ford; Mr, D. Ross, ex -e {neer• Strut-' ford : Mr. C. E. Rose, et( -bridge and building fireman: Brantford; Mr. R. Iltte rest• -ateretary to'general anlw-e li- t•ntlent. Toronto; Mr. S. W. Rust, tine with her parents, Mr tad at hid helve, St Auttrea street oa . v'Thursday, Aug. 2011,, at 1.30 Guudry, .aut•tlotteer, - Satuntay, August V.-Aucltoe sale of real estate, Iapoaebold furniture and chattels. property of Mr, Was. Rerrlmau, at his realdence on Watuutz street. HC IIROPRACTa DR. A. N. ATKINSON 11 CHIROPRACTOR Goderfch. Cltronk organic and nervous die eases. Consultation free. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m., except- ing Monday and Thursday afternoons and evenings, and by appointment. Residence and office -Cot. East and Victoria streets. Mr. llalcolm Moss. Mr. and Mrs. l'i'my Sugget, ot Lind- say. and her mother, Mrs. Scutt, ales, IIIc. Wm. Mawthurne, of Brantford, are rlslting at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Jor Iiol t -. LARGE .%('U1ENCItS • (Oontlaustl trom Wiens 1 heard fruw tea Cuuu[auqus platform here was that gtveu un \1'rdneaday efteru.ew by )tor. Julian B. Armee, aided traveller uud explorer, who transported his ;,udleutq on the uua- glc carpet of intertest to the !:astern lands and scenes. Owing to the ralu a.4 -;be. .-yn.l hada»; tt Sill•. tots incident to --(terry Day," the au- dience was not so large as It would ordinarily have been, and those who were not there missed au opportunity not often available seen In large cities, and certainly rare in Guderltlh. Mr. Arnold' appenr.sl iu Arah_coatutl e, complete ettrl to the lung tluruoose with eta distlaetit,fy Arabian tette' or head-dress. •lie carried his audirnee` first to I'alestine, the little ,country of 9,000 square milt., which Iran given to the world its greatest religions. In Pal- estine, the lecturer said, there are few Jews, and fewer Christians, but 600,000 Arabi who pzoduee the fiutet dghttng material to be found any where. In the (treat War the Arabs. smarting under the memory of Cen- turies of Turkish oppression and rule, had risen t. the side of the Al- lies, and, with their 200,0110 splendid troops under .tI ied - direction. had cleared the Holy Land. 8stypt, and Mesopotamia of the hated Turk. The Arabs, he said, heat given to the world toper. ettgar, eottoti. chemistry and algehra. nod our commonly ■steal meth• cid of notation, The lecturer dwelt upon some of the characteristics of the Arab, his contentment -though the average Arab bits not a (toiler. - his generosity, his democracy. and his courtesy. He spoke - of Bethlehem, where General elleuhy would allow no shots to be Rossi. allowing the Tuft to steal Kveim before the AlUtts enter-. 1.1, that the note.• of battle might not disturb the birthplace of the Print* of Peace. ' 'He spoke of JornMhem, now with ImProred _strrt r :_ nrt• 1wo4ee. el.rtrle tight and a university:. of Nazareth, where. on the top of t hill wl,k-t must otter, have been trodden by the feet of tb• Cloy Jesus, thy lec- turer's father had. many years ago. !Mitt and equippe•.1...,hospital in mem- ory of las-wife: • R;Jien Nazareth was evacuated by the Turk that hospital w•tis lite only cle1n place in the vii• lege. - Th h, M mis.ing freemen's of the Chaldean ac- count c count of the debar.. He told of ex- caratfous in Egypt within n few feet of Tutankarnen's tomb, of the location of which her wit- entirely -Ignorant, tllougl.. his donkey. tethered w tnne.• nwnr.•-vcnriart('Trrilfn ea ant thungl, ahowiu; them where to , dig, lint they, not dreaming of the ri. Merv+ ,o near rat hand, abandoned what •s.eme profitless toil. i. Ile told of rhe prestige of English- ' amens the Arabs when. the pg. prr,asina \ the word of an Engllsh- msn."_ area . t1113._ttte thlt g is ahs.o- 1 T1 Is rn upon. P FOR RALE AGF: FOR SALE. -ON NORTH street, (;oderleh, owned by Mrs. J. 1'. Button. Apply HAYS k HAYS, Barristers, Goderich to sell by public auction, at the pre misea, wearer of South and I'l.'tot, streets. ( sler[ch, on SATURDAY, AI-Gl'8T 15TH, mat one .it'll rp: The south part of lot i1 the town ut Goderftb, on which there is a tvutfurtablc• frame residence, eenteining eleven rooms, .bath roues, Clothes closets, cellar, electric lights, and other convenienees; also a tart. 24x10 (which 'will Ire op- tiouat wit1 purehaser. t. The prole rty la Joist tw.• blut•ka trent the Square Kati is in good condition and 1. an Ideal lot-ation for an apartment house. TERMS -One hundred dollars to la' paid at time of title; balance In thirty days, D$NBMOIII' WILLIS, T. GI'NLRI-, Proprietor, Auctioneer. CLE-\RINt: Al'l'T1oN SALE OF 111.1teFl PUR 18RIXGle Sgt. C. A. Lips w111 sell le public anetime lit kis reel - deuce on the' Rankle! road, Godericb (alt to Harker Bros.' neaps), ou SATURDAY, AtaGl'tltT "70y als , a the r tui radio set coat- SALE.- FStiil) SEDAN, commencing at 2 o'clock: • l l - N' piste; one anomie; one 111auo, Circas- sian walnwt. Apply MRN. HrTTfN, North street. Godcriclr. Dolt MALE. -RFD:(, COMMODES, li mattress, easy chairs, rocker-. inralld commode chair. range. washing machine. tabled kitchenware, plc- tura'. ia tures. Jersey Brack Giant and Part- ridge Cochin bens, Polish High Flyer pigeons. 1t. McDONALD, (Dunlop) R. R. 3, Ooderich. TENDERS WANTED TU i»meS FUR C(1N$TRL 1TI iN O( Hamilton Drain. township of West Wawanush. Tenders for the construction of the Hamilton Drain accompanied by a marked cheque for 20% of Me tender will be received by the undersigned till August 21(11.. All cheques .must be Made payable to the Treasurer of - Went Wawanosb, If tenders not ac- cepted cheque will be promptly re- turned. The engineers plena and avmiticatlo_oa may be_tkea at the un- derftgaod aster-at`any-time. Tenders will be opened' Friday. August °.Rtb, 1 . Lowest or any tender nor ne- cessarily aceept-ems- - DI'RNIN PHILLIPS. Clerk of West Wawenosh. Lneknnw. R, R. ';► One Singer sewing machine, drop - head; 1 fumed dining -roe= att. 9 I M. :STALKER. Al'CTIONERR, photos; 1 mahogany -finish parlor set, for household eftecta farm *AMR 3 pieces; .1 sahoganpaniab table; 1 ate. for the County of Huron, oak rot -king -chair: 1 Edison pbouo- Address all communications to J graph, ret-..rds and roeurd cabinet ; 1 STALKER. Asrbnra P. O. 3 -drawer sherry ta(de; 1 llhht•u loongr: 1 bookstand; 1 high stool ; 1 dower stand; 1 droplrttf klctten OPTOI6ETEY table; 1 small kitchen tattle; 4 kitchen (bairn: 2 ,idol chairs; 1 sewing rock- AA. L. COLE. R. 0., rte; 1 3-pi.•ee walnut bedroom set. and .n• OPTOMETRIST, OPTIOIAN, mattress' _.aad spring; 1 brass bed West Street, Godettcdt. with spring: 1 mahogany -finish tired- Honor Graduate of the Oaaadiata terT- 4 --child's erns, mattress and; tbalmle ewer. or Toronto, spring: 1 walnut chert of drawers; I Eye* examined by the latest meth Florence auh,matk oil stove and oven; oda. and the proper fitting of glam4 1 Empire ,taaae steel range; 1 (jute` at moderate prices. Ontario Doa1 • &re heater. nearly new; 1 kitehe•u cup of Examiners Certificate No. 871 board; 1 child's high chair; 1 washing machine and wringer; 1 galvanlaerl iron wn•h tab; 1 grass rug; 1 tapes- MUSIC try nig. r _' by Ir ; a nnmleg of email mats sad rugs; about 6 yd.-. unlbn PROF, W. H. JACKSO:i. Organist, cense; large plate linoleum. 11'xLI' ll and Director of Musk, Nor* 2 large feather beds; 1 pair of feather I arse, lfethodlat (buret. Instrttctlbe pillows; roller window shades; 1 gfve•n 1n Voice Culture, Organ, PLnq large cloths; basket ; 1 Mak sifter; i Vlolln, Guitar, Theory, etc Studio aad garden tote; 1 lawn mower; 1 ea- In. 37 North street. Phone am, -tubae-a-atrntller-uf pictures; 1 Mat lt[i roti: lions; a number of empty neat= sr*; •a ,Jnantlty of fruit; 3 window I MEDICAL >as : t copper wa sbbol ler ; 1 glass: Wasbboard;' a quantity of carpenter i ntl. ALEXANDER FISHER. sad auto tools; 1 dinner set: a aunt- 1J Phone 907 Stratford, Ont. ber of crocks and ether dishes; 2; Special attention given to cars d water. pude; 1 Fuller seep: 1 hanging' it.fants and children. tamp: 4 small lamp..: 1 child'* r ek lag hots: 1 ebild's verandah gate: I DR. F, J. R. FORSTER i9►1Td-s steal' 1 crosscut saw. 5ke ft. : 1 scythe: R exert: 1 clothed horde: 11 HAIRDRESSL'VG ' PABL01: HAIttoItE:ISF1R AND IICALiI til'ECIALIST. W..(', CAMPBELL Treatments for all Sealp trouble,/, Consult us at once. Adele haat Classical work la our motto. 'Phone 26, West street. AUCTIONEERL'40 THOMAS GI'NDUI', GoirEKI( . LIVE STOCK ANI) I;F)NIDFAY, Al lCTION EER Telephoue No. 119. Hales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satlsfactlos Farmers' sale notes discounted. ROBERT ROBERTSON, Qualified Auctioneer, Elden Street, t;oderieh, w'lll conduct any sale In the. eonntn of Huron. For information apply be P. J. Ryan, Hamilton Sty or ordeal lett. with him will receive prompt ale tendon. • ta tc•ctnrpr t""ri,t#(t+r Ptearatlons iN•PHIP. - SICAIa, Inaaritre .vtilatnmia 3trd •nf the' finding of irately to 1'. a e•nderl a n. `- __- s- I tlge hair been ¢shed hr the Rneliah tutWt of leeldn:_ Lith. newer breaking word given tun Arrph. The French. the Spanish. the i Ilan. have little or no ifl. a ,. t r w f I d thArabs, b • 1 • r -et-des- patcher. lour ;hey motor. Would bay blood see .::d - hand Machine..' VOX. 9, THE 1110 - NA L. s W \NTP1D. A JUNIOR ('(MIRK " for one of the local banks. Ail dress in ooh 'handwriting to EOM 59. NIGNAL OFFICE. - ARTIOL.F.8 WANTED. FAI,egs teeth, Also bridgework discarded. Any condition. Highest print. Mall' 8. RAKER. 344 Sladeatone Ave., Tor- onto. AVEND-A - RMA Llt!r.-AreMET., to take over a good territory for a well e established Life Insurance' Company. Only those confident of producing business need apply. BOX 33. SIGNAL OFFICE. I trust /tart 1e171, 1.'tlow tiro English. Th.- -- - chief clerk to nuperintendent„ Strat- ford: Mr. C. Rugg. supervisor to eater service, fnndnn : Mr T. Rumlfall, agent. H'•peler; Mr. V. O. Snell; dl- vislnn freight agent, Stratford. and F. A. ('oewts. Stratford. )Atny beautiful llnwere Terre n si- lent tribute to tie esteem in which deceased was held by all who know him. Besides many from iterirtnal friends. flerni tributes were received from the Ontlerich Elevator and Tran- sit Company; Onderteh Organ (7o. ; the drugglsts of (;o,lert -h; il,tron Chapter, No. 30, Ooderleh : Stevenson Lodge, Toronto: Mnitlnnd Lodge, Good- ; f'.N.R. employees, Goderieh ; C to R. employees. (ln.IPrlch ; and - el -Leh Planing Mill, and (7:N.it. nil- c•lal. and atnff, Stratford. RENMiLLER 10)NMILLI4It, Aug. IL -Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, of Kennan City, Mo., visited Mr. Stewart's old home at the ltenmtllrr Nurseries last week. Accomppanying them /fere their sopa, Fir. 1a►rtin Stewart and Leonard Stewart, aim of Kansas (7tty, and Dr. .Stewart's bride. The party motored all the way from Kanas,. ('ity and left to visit other relatives in Ontnrin he - fore prnrnerling homeward. Miss 1.II1la.. Jackson. R -N., of New York City, who is home on her vaca- tion, is spending thin week with her sister, Mrs. Faired Moore. Mr. nnri Mrs. W. Caulphlln and fam- ily motored up from Lobo and stent Hannay with Mrs. C,aughlin'a slater„ Mrs. Mitred Moore. lecture was replete with Intereeeit. en - baffled by the unique ,Prersonality of tbt tertn er-,--bi- -wide exnerienew, aaut his assoeiatinn with Bitch leen 'of ae- tlim as E. Si. Stanley and George Smith.. the Assy-riologlst,_ a.ulwaD - A1TK1l)N-Et.I•"T.-On the 4th it t. at the reslden.e'of the bride's p encs. Londne. Oat., by Rev, Ma Turnbull, Phyllis .t., daughter of \ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. !Riot (formerly of Goelerieh t. to Uerald 11. Aitken. son of Mr. J. 1', Aitken, NAFPF)L.-in t: h township; on Monday. March 10, Mary Anne Naf- tel, Widow 'rat the late Thomas C. Naftel. CAMERON.. --At Cobonrg, on Mon- day, Anglin, 10. •Malcolm Graeme Cameron, Judge of rhe Milted eoun- tirs Of Northnliberiantl and Dur- ham. WANTED. -AGENT( FOR THIS TT district by the Confederation Idle Association. larceptlonally good con- tracts offered to the rigttt men. Ap- ply to O. J. CAVANAGH. General A t, Goderieb. P.O. Box 496. tigthosti- -_ _ - Eilt • AUCTION MAUI child's blackboard; 1 tub stand; 11 r . NGs1. T8ilOAT toot stool: 1 babe board sad rolling Late Rouse Surgeon New York fir pin: a number of house planta; 2 tbalmlc and Aural Hnepltal, aattllslatM seam dear;,l 8 -day stock: toilet' set. 'at Moor•Medd Eye lloapital ani TKRM8--cash, SOolden Square Throat *1 ,Ital, Lo . Rverything must he add, as Mr, t don, Eng, Lees L loads; at .!sn. fc.r Yleortda. ' 33 Waterloo 8t. 8., Stratford TO, C. A. I.k1.8. T. GT'ND6tY. lyhone Zfl7. )'roprietor. Atuelemecr, 1 At Hotel Bedford, Godertch, we AUCTION SALM OF FARM, 1.,,41 bursday.-lagfs' Ruh frnm ]n ■.m to 4 pm . STOCK AND IMl'I.6tM.RNTc3. The undersigi.-t auctioneer tae re-' crlvetl lnstruetlons ,to sell by piddle LEGAL *Milos at lot 11'..,onces olon 16, e;od- I erect -townahlp, :1 :cites northviest of ROi'DFOOT ♦ KiLLORAN i'itn ( . on rristeit ifolary Pubiic, eoe FBIDIAT, AUGUST 21. n M ne Lead. Money to Len Phone cemmencing at 1J.:p" o'clock. sharp. O;Tk•e`ThP Sgygr*, the following:. ( (9y.hwdale mar•:. 7 years old. re ) A. CU'F'F, 8. A., 'B4RRISTIR, , gglsterol; ClydesdaL• ware, :1 years; ilnndtor and Notary PnNil'. Plod► kwy-gehti --8--yeses•--l.sy aeldiug- ierieh, Phone 411- • year., welt I,rok; 1Y •14img, 1 - yettr old dark' gr•.my I'en•hegtrou fns.;1DUDLEY B. HOftME8 ' 7 Durham cows, 4 years, (1111, to frnh-, I3arrh,ter, Etc. en September mt,er Iso : i 1ttck row, sunka,L, Omeee--i1s m11tnn street. Oodertcb 4 yarn, tine In March< Week cow, Phone 27, milking. 3 years. due in January:. Holtitela cow. 1nilling, 4 years, dor in s10A0>sit. Rg AIRTER, January; Hereford cow milking. :i years, due In Marsh : white cow. milk- R66iE1ITO. NetO1ry Pablfe Mat ng. dne-In February; 2 Durham cows, 1 vaya Once -Coact Hoeft. i iN MEMORIAM STALKER, ---Lt loving memory. ourdear mothor. Who p*esed on Augnat !rah. 1921. in our hearts she Urea forever. MLased. reme•mbeeed, though, above; Yea, she lives, our dearest Mother, Treasured in oar deathlras love. 'HUSBAND AND FAI(LLY. • Liber OR FOUND LIOUNI i -CHAIN OF BRADS with reveille. Apply at THE SIGNAL. LOST. -,A mum OF MONEY NtAR i corner Kingston street and Square or Recall Drug Store. Finder pleettee leave at (RONA7. OP)r iC1. i oST.-A BL.1110 SUIT COAT ON 11nron mad going to Henmlfter ono - Sunday afternoon. Pinder pipase liPH/TECRURCII leave at PRICES (MFK'F RY. Elgin are, Witt1'rctfl'RCH, Aug:- 10. -Mrs. (iter.) Watt and daughter. of Burk's Falls, and Mr. Harry McClenaghan an+t -citlfdrpn, of Retgrnwe arleet Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Was. Harbour. (lies Annie and lack Sitlrrtg, of ,Hamilton, and Miss OlI a and Vliiaa T18n, of Winghem, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Far- rier. Mrs. John McGee Is visiting MD week with her sister-Ia•1aw, Mra• Nlmpeon. of London. Mr. Msr•den Kirk, of Toronto, a•'4 Mr and Mrs. J. D. 8eeernft nail el' ren agent Sttnri*, with her parett • Mr. and Mr. Andrew Kirk, of forth. , • Master Joe Kelly. of W. AIMS- la vlsltinr with hla grandpp; • PUBLIC )10TIOR VOPIRB' _ LIR 1925 -MUREX. PALITY OF OLHORNR, COUN• TY OF HURON. Motet's is herefre girth that I have eompfleed with !lection 10 of the Voters' l.istn Act, and that I herr up et my office In Colborne 1 _ . tri the 10th day of Attiring,1 . Parte 1 and' 11 of the list of voters of the end mnniripallty, And 1 hereby call upon all voters i5 fake' Inunr4T 1 ip proreedings to have any 511'0r11 er omlaalont corrected •.eeenrding trl',lilw. t‘,. -r1 at ('')'t' t-own•hip. Angi.t MRS 1. •IIET' ''.'1'(Ng. clerk. UCTiON 9AL9 OF REAL, 18- TATE HOUSEHOLD Ft'RN I- ('Rl: AND CHATTELS, \MR. Wi'LLIAM BIIRRiMAN will self by public auction at kis resi- dent* on Walnut street fillet off the Huron road), on SATURDAY, AI'GI'BT 22ND, commencing et 1 o'clock: Parcel No. 1 -The property on Wal- nut street, 1% acres of good garden ground. on which there is a frame house end stable and ben -house in 11as electric_ ood ore,a Parcel No. 2.-A six -room house on Wilson street. - •Newly painted inside and -- out. _ Electric lights, ipsod gar- den, town water. Close to Hotel Sub- set. H01.41P1HOLD FtTRNITiiR AND CIIATTEr,s Two tapestry retain; 2 rocking (hairs; 1 round walnut table; 1 or- gan ; 1 8 -day hall clock ; 1 sofa; cur - taloa; 1 carpet; pictures; 1 full -slued hedatead and spring; 1 feather bed; 1 dresser and commode stand; 1 reversible rug; 1 single iron bedstead and spring; I fall alas iron breleteed and sspprring and wool mattress; 2 whit, - enamel theater drawers and wash stand and rug; 1 oak dining table; 8 Windsor chairs; 1 arm chair; 1 small rocker; 1 bookcase; 1 sideboard; 1 walnut cup- board; 1 drop leaf tattle; 1 rug; 1 teal -bootee--and--sMMd-pipet; 1 eieetrtt'- heater; 1 e•lee•trie iron; lamps; 2 pre. tapestry curtains and rugs; 1 large table; 2 small (shift; 1 tante eel" - board; ! Happy Thought cook stove end *pee; -fl kttehen chairs; 4 n4t1 chairs; 1 washing marhlne end bolter; 1 wringer and tnh; Renecepaas, kettle, dishes, ear.; sellers; 1 errors -eat saw; 2 hand Mwa; 2 hock fawn; 1 axe; 1 lawn mower; 1 ladder; 1 step - adder; shout 100 yrs. d frchicken wire; 2 email ehleken rasps; 30 yds. ,flre netting; 1 flower Mend; 1 htilgy, meas and harness; 27 dueka ; 35 hens, Partings TERMS ON REAL ESTATE --Ten ore cent of purchase money to he paid t time of sale; balance In thirty Myo. or term. may he arranged On nrnftnre and rhattels, rnsb. Mr. Rerriman is ikeying Ooderirh nd everything mnat be dIspnaed of. T. OIINI)RY, Au nth► w g, 7 a d A 4 and 5 years, dote is Nortenher ; Godetrleb• hhte tow, 4 year.. dna is Dezember; Hereford cow, 4 years, due In Janu- ary: Durham Cow. 4 Years, due In January; Jersey heifer, dne in Sep- tember: 10 betters 1n calf; 18 butcher heifers: 14 2 -year-old steer; 21 1 - year -old steers: :5 1 -year-old heifers; 2 young calves: 1 stager sow. due fist week In September: .7 - *bunks, 7 months ofd; 9 young pigs; a 11. Deer - good Deering Joinder, eondltlon ; 1u -ft. Dooriny rake; Maaw•7-Harris r•nitivetor; Mascs►y- GEORGE, Hartle 1S4 hnv- drill ; set _ of 4-eec- & - _.sed_ eared Insurance Inn Tr ,-row►, ttiraiiilag tt- IU)V$R8 Eon SALE 1 twin plow; good set of Brunsdon Loot' at -•ncy for life. fire, antomo- sleighs; good wagon; farm wagon : . icit_of_seilm Viral Res, capacity; Zt/4 blip and aecl(lent Incur ice. horse power engine unmated On (1 P: At res{MtiM ey----'A'safalpe true'ks; good top buggy, rubber tired street. 'Phone 456.set Itesd •double harness: pair of show bridles; urge quantity of hay IN$L'RANCR sled grain; 1924 Overland, 4-passeeng, t !.elan in excellent condition; nam- O J. CAVANAGH, her of good end prate; *event! horse . General Agent for rottan;, forks, r-hotttr, wktffietrww, Confederation !Jae Asaselatlau neck yaw and other articles tan Also rive, automobile and strident Mnmer:ma to monition, Inauranre. .1t the sante time and place the fol- Orate: North ureses,. 'Phone 438 Inwiug farms will he offered tor sale P.O- Rot 428. if not sold .pn•vinusty: but 114, (on-', sk,rs 01 MY acres good clay loan, well entered with a 9-r.rom good hrk•k INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC, house, btaik (tarn 5600, water In elf !MOP MUTUAL rine IN- R'lape a Flaps BnKR:Sfx,W, Rix. R.C.HAYS-R.C.HAYS, JR.. B. k. Hamilton St-. Godericn REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE home. end barn email maple bomb, tweeted clown, 2n *ares in alfalfa. This farm H iF.1T ailepl.r1 w ant- ed farming ..r-.Gl-rylny, r, Tolle trine Reboot. 3 Elle. ,roes Clinton. Lot 711 ennat.+ts of se ecr.•s. part clay loam• balalwe light Idem, well Sec.-Treaa., Seafnrth P. O. watered, ',Mehl,. for Rrata,_or grass. Directors --A. Breadfoot, R, 8, Parma fromsepnrately or together to Pio. 3, Seaforth • John O. (Deere, Paw 4, Welton; Willlem Rtnn, R. R. No. L 2, 9Paforth ; John Benne lwtes, Bred - halves: Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. a, Resfnita; Robert Ferris, BarlocJameMurray Gibson, Rruceflald: Jas Evans. Beeehwood ; Jansen Connolly, Godericb. Ages --•J. W. Teo, Ooderldi f Alex. Leitch, R. R No. 1, faintest Murray. Seafertb ; 1. Rlne'ltley, Seaforth. Policy -hollers eon pay ail payments aad get than eateeb receipt, od at R. 7. 1/tartish's Clethtng Stora alike; 1L W Mitre Grocery. Ebro O. R. ELIde I'P, otos street, (lodertch, or J, A- Reld's , Anetleneer. Geese 1 mss, Bayfield. (r.uelderable ema'I fruit. mere alt 1SS-RANCE ('O. -Farm and isolated town property Insured- Odieera-Jaz Connolly. Red -- rlreh P. 0.; Jas Cramp VidePr.s.. 'Brentwood P. O.; D. F. McGregor. snit purchaser. TERMS: On farm 25 per sent. of pnrrhase Ener paid on filly of sale: balance may remain on mortgage at a reasonable rate of interest. On Moth ,aad implem•-nht, all ensu Of 210 and under, gosh: over that amonnt. 12 !oaths' ,•r.e4Ut will he 11r1,11 nn furittqing htnkal,ie pellet nr ti (thump/It of per cent. allowed Inc earth on east.- amorrnte. Everything to 1.• sold, a, proprietor Is giving rap farming. WM A. 'P()WNtIri NT), Prnprlet nr.