HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-13, Page 7IW J t*. THE SIGNAL, w»' GODERICH, ONT. County and District volessesameselniemeiiweti etlgageil as pries -loll of \1'a1 - tun public 11001. Mr. Where taUgflt at Heldelburi tort year. The former principal at Walton, Mr. Pruder, will teach et Toronto next year. !luring a recent tl.nnderaturm for hay barn ou the farm of J. M. Eckeri, McKillop towushlp. oh.• aqd a -quarter tulles. north of tte•eforte. erste tame fly .ltgbtulug and burned, together with ten tuns of hay atl.d a tet mple- uut.. The audit baro else took are., but was proved with theardstauce of the teethirth lire brigade. There was outer partial lusuraat•e. Huuuah Homuth, 'site of Henry bodkin, an rid and re-I;eetel resident ..f 'nu -liberty. died oil Sunday. August Surf• lit the age of .eighty years. With her hush,4ud she had resided int the •aw.• farm near %w•tlow' for over fif- ty years. She Orales, hesidre ler htishail. two .4,I(4, fleury and brines. of /..t1•1 ud. and one daughter. Mrs. David Hu1w.•s, of Turntierry. Mtn. (Dr.) Whitley, of tlurrk•, has returned trete a trip to the Nest. Mir Win Pepper. who taught list year at Hearst, Northern Ontario, tuts leen ,engaged as teacher In S.M. ?lo. 10, Stanley. turd ut Londerboro', soil Frederick' 'Clement !'rest, only eon of lire,- C. tt West of Loudon. The young couple will rerida at London. An obi reeldeut of Morris hall hetet called front life In the ewrsou of Tbus. Abraham. Iteeased tired for .eine ttree In West Wawanueh. .Hr is sur- vived by his wife and seven children. At the manse. Loudeeboro', on Sat- prda7. August 1st, Rev. James Abery performed the marriage cereunn•y uniting Miss Mary Crawford, only daughter of Mr. and airs. E. J. ('taw- Charles Sellers. of Morris township. WILSON'S F ';PADS F Y, Y' I EXETER Alias ttladys Hervey left last week for the St. Lawrence River trip 1 through the '1'buusen, Islands 81141 tip the Saguenay River. W'lll Gould left last week for his how. at Miami. Mam..:Ifter a visit to Ids mother. Mr-. 14.1. 1lould. Misses V.nui t'oat.. and Stella testatevtt hart' rout -tied home after Kill therm all, and the A trip in the West. going as far as 118uK. eros too. 10c wicket Th.. - einrriag. "f !'era Irene. • the greaten to hold any the in cheek mail the old steam-eaglta gets to work, R. Tinouson .is lult'iug an elevator eree•ted at his cold atorege pleat, so that prutlut.• eau be taken up 1001"quickly 10 111. void sturug-e plant. A. K. Kale, of Vermilion, Alberta, last week took., 1a.ssrprslup of the Awerlcau hotel. He la au evwrieuced hotelman' bud routempintee nunklne a mildew of changes in the house. W. A. Lowry owned the Intel for the lain hair year's. Hydro power was oaf here for sev- eral 4aya_last wee*. caurt44g consid- erable lucuuvenieuee 10 Users.- ZURICH Au Interesting event took plate *t' the Lutheran parsonage 1111 Wedues- day, July 20th. when Rev. II. Itembe united in wedlock Miss !fuse Hess, duly daughter of air. and Mrs. W. G. Hiss. and James O. 'Frerithkk. Af- terwards the. happy curled.. left 1111 a trip-te Mnskuka, Niagara Valls and other points before settling iu their home at Ilriusley, where the groom i.. 111 111.11,111414P.lwpluveni nt.i are Ming made at the beet telephone oilier which will improve its appearance greatly. The death recurred ou Monday, August 3rd. of Herman Henry Rend- er. 11 its seventy-eighth year, after a few days' Muesli 6f pneumonia. The ec deased was horn in Germany and _eater to Canada when a young man, settling in Huy- township. where he had shote lived. He is survived ley his wife, four Wine and two daugh- ters. -- at Dru&gists dab a few days age &1141 ''rat -lured her arm. ,As a result of the t u Old t ig ues of O.T.A. officers during Week, Police' Mesita 1,1(11 Andrew..held court seelawn d convb't'.1 Mrs. Annie McLinskey of Niagara Falls and Sar- nia of violating the O.T.A- and fined her $200 and costs on a , Wiese of tell lug wine. Her assistant. George La- lond, was fined 1 •11id costal uhi' also cotenants' to the Goderich jail for two months. Mrs. Mclinskey was ruuniug a 'refreshment booth during the celebration. v". fywuiger daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. . .. BLYTH racers , Tlur..Iones. E..•ter. ro Vrauw'(s Brian ' Hier. of Brantford: son of the late Tlw Itlyth Hortieulturiel Nte•L•ty and mer Stores. 34 I Mr. 1141 Mrs. E. 'Hsi'. takes Mare will held u tower %how in Memorial Electric Wiring 1 We specialise in Wiring of all kinds. Let na give yon an ' estimate for wiring your I house or garage. Private Telephones, Motors, Dynamos, Electric Light and II Burglar Alarm Systems I• All Work Guaranteed pools, Iron . and Toast by Electricity We havean i'tment of the beat Electric Irons and Toasters made in Canada. ROBT. TAIT Electrkien West St. - Phase 1511 gni.tly 4,11 Katurday..1ugust l:.th. ball on Wednesday, August 19th. An agitation 14 .0 foot to hare an Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Logan, Rath - Exeter 0111 boy.' renlriun next year. leen. Mies Ellie lugau end Miss Lil- lian Jackson left last .meek on n motor BRC%SELS trip thro1I b the State- to Deloraine, Man. The village .-o0no'it hes4 W. J. Carter and Ed. (Irilllth lett a. eheml.a'en l Orr gine.- mea last week on a trip to England. 11 111 haul it Auj 4dave.It leas two '23-; Messrs. Collinson and 4loushe•r thin g:t1. i-ylblders. wbi.•It sbo*ld enable year are cutting their tux crop with ' u binder. instead of pulling it. The . x4s remelt has so far proved • quite ii eatisfaetiery. and the new method is 1 much le -s exp. -naive. Mr. and Mr. W. M. Scott and Mise Varietal, left last week on a month's I retch to relatives at Hartford, 4'onn. t and New York City. LU(l11NO\a _ Rev. Cauuu l'. lt. Guido.. rot orof l'Urlaf, e;jlureh, Louden had utterer. of the merit* to St. I'.:.`res Anglican ehureb last Sunday and will again of- ficiate next Suuda7. atter which the newly apipeinted rector. Rev. Arthur L. lIttl'hell, will have . earge, Mr. and airs. Rolle!! Mullin. of town, r.'e-t•utty celebrated their "guld- en Wedding. - Mr. *ad .Mr+t_-__1414• .Maelllurnl►t.. who were here uu lis 11 1 71110011 trip, 'wirer returned It' :heir hustle a6 • •1,1 1 kk r e;11 ' A// rout- e U S & SORES a meBuk Atlanta, Georgia. Tine congregation ..t l.uckto, w United chure•h held a Iwo( eujoy.I1.le l j,11r.•I I the N' i -t11 1:eel grnory pieulc at thylake shore at 4'111rk'. Point. - Mrs. Curti,. left for a trip up tic! lakes. airs. Jawei L. Murrey; of MaUlli ton, who was here visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J. ('tui'. diel W'.•eluestlay morning ul'in<t 1% 1•410: atter 1111 I1h11•.•s of a fl'W days. 1411c was a daughter of the late_ -\h'xruder Scott. of Sea - forth. a•forth. and was horn in 1Lirlaer11.ey prix• ty-six.' years age. Its -ids. her hus- band. 'cies leaves tier y•h. end .,n•. daughter. The body was, hl keit 1•e Ilawlltou fur interment. After 'tm Ilhlrss of -owe month..; Mre Bogert P. [Wade died at her' loom.• lu Hurt.urhry oil &/nuday. Ate' N'eltiva•. 'ss: ilth W. J. eui-'ie, 12th .tat. I1 Wray, K \flews. hu the culueelilhlfl '.till Iw buuouu'#.l after Go- !Mei in.lsetit'll of the tbt'rwhed grate. - kir. Nud airs. 1\'. 43. l'eputugtdu and two elul.treti. of '.b,lil'e4. alts Tirlt- iug •,fri..: I- around %%'iugham stud' 'Fre,water. It be tweu'T• year,- elute 11r. 1'.•uuiultou lett ler rhe West, 51111 this is the arid time be lois been lark to we the t(4'lIP. of his boyhood dept Mr. and Mrs. J. A. J•dutston twee r•- nlovtyl- to W'alk.rtou. Mr. •.h,hu.tun hlivuig secured a puxitl.'i In a factory t t►1•re. -trwxt tied, Thr-.aexeeu*ed wilt. a *WUgl•'I ter of the hue Will4aw N. wrestle andf It I. said. that ea' I.,: °Omni w111 prevent it woustll I10 II --at towing al W1/1111111 40 lift. lived lu McKillop towuslrp mod six war- ago, wheu Mr. lk,dd. retire 1 from the farm. Mlle is 'Mr%ivet- Ile her 1111slwu4 uud • ti,4n$hte•r. \lis.. 1:Ihealed 11 Luudsls'rtugh. •• tortuer Tuck.,rswilh girl. new a 11411'. at 14 -l4, it, Itys lweeu left *_+Mal by n 1111i.mr. This; is out the first Ilene she ha- been hquen twreil in it similar way. W1 4HAM harry Hopper. lringoual_s.wil. hast Before leering for his • new t•larl4 t Ilan a t• K I. u u Hr . at Hu sem ut. presented by the United church cote ereegstlom with a obese* fur 11410. as a special farewell gift. Mr. •Colluu 111su was the recipient of a silver ha service from the thee bowling club as a testimony to 4' - good fellow. ship lu the'club. r;•.-1neprratious are Is'iug 41114(10 for the bolding of a ptthoe'I of agriculture at Ltwknew -u.x( winter -from De- et•mlwr 1041 to the end of February - muter the joint aueple.....f the Luck - now Agricultural Society and the ag- ricultural repres ntatitrx of Huron mid Brine. BLEMISHES OF THE SKirl Are Proof the Blood is in a Weak and Watery Condition O'le the -igus that the 1110041 is out of order are the pimples and maeightly eruptiyas that break out on the fate or holy. The same , rendition le ludi ated try ru attack of, eczema . or scrofula. You cannot get lir. and Mrs. Allwrt I.. ''ole. of rid of Meat. trouble. by the use• of Anuxtrvnlg, at hie residence in' that •w l•ork. and Miss Gertrude Rr's- purgative me.lianes, a. •u ivatly'-else- Aritt. Mr. ,,I 4" eside will r.1 i11! to , .it Newark. N:jt.. hare minted pie try ter tit,. "l'u►a.4%.4s Merely I"Win il. Mr. a l } del to !elf homes after visiting - Mr. ga11a4v rhrun*b 41%11";11;74"1".1- ilt s?',10eew ati.d I.►v.-s Following Mn, Hie ...tell at"rllt•t ride' mother. :frac A. T. 1,')I.. and It x4111 tre'alrr. N1tnt.i• ii-iI, l whet Judging 11f the t Tie--tanding oat .ruin- III, ether ..litres in town and vkfnity. the hbNsl Ix chomp to is:_out of order the Ta. .1 the .AgrGultura! WN•lety'x1 Is a tonic witch will .rano Its miss- e,, blael Mil 11111111( 114411 clop awl' grain c lwlition : 1st A. \W. :le l Farris. 111 •111111 Itieluir.I Wilton 1N : 3rd Geo. P.x•.N4e, 1C1; ;1h ''has• 1'a11. I to -r. 1w::'11, helot 1 Fortune. !GI,: Mil G. A. tiulerats,,4. 101: 711* 1,112,45 ixrr1 1 814.4 %is.. ' r le I . _tete; . _.trti-t'erer Ni••F:+ere. Ith dud errgy. Ir {t. E. Itleh• , !1. loth \\'m. of surest from .%%. t'. .treat mg. The death of 11r . Hobert It. Alt ken, at the age of thirty-six years, ,.-•erred on Monday. August 3rd. Itefore her wurrhse•• the de•eaald w'us Ella Agatha Tripp, du Ether of Joint 'Tripp. Itesiile Ii. -r is etas; brothers awl sister- she Laves her Iulsb:eud and all iulunt. i J. A. McIntyre and fa ily left last week fur • Fergus. where Mr. Multi tyre has pnreha..esl a 1111. +11111 batg- gag•• b)uha•s.. 4 The ' wedding wa. s.deu'tiz•d In \Wiugham 4 .11.4 'church on illy 29th et Netti.• Young. elder 4101 later of, Mr. awl Mrs. J. 11. Christie. as 1 Itev. A. E. Purley I'eutlauid. of Losti i. 111.. /.1/.1111only .. of iter. noel 111,. S. 14. I'e1111111111. of Ntnithroy. The tore - tunny was es•rf.nmed be tit• til', tn'x father. assisted by Rev. W. B. :111- [11.". tri.1.-v 1.n -t.... - A-fter it 4... ...lotion at the home of the bri.ic'" Isire•its. the happy couple left for n short touter 11111 in Ontario heron • Lavlua for their Wow. at 1.)34114. 111. Two voting pvq.1.• of \Wlughatn. t'1411s. Lloyd. Y I4e-t soil of Mr. ami Mrs. A. E. Lloyd, and Mlss %'era Proc- ter. daughter of Mr. alai Mrs. %Iidler Procter. Itluernle road. were wr.lded on Saturday morning. August 1st.- at t.istt.wtel•th..ereneety brine, putter's'. el by their former pastor. Itev. E. F. CLINTON - bag eIemeuts 111111 lent.. the Mood rich It'll' rel. Fur this parrls... there is .ttieatg.t incidents of 1114 Homeltt) ether Wait* eau' item! Dr. Wil- . \Ceeh,,wit a run Ion of '114.' family of 1181115Pink Pills. ev. n 'y.•. of which John ';rutin •hb•h took Veer at hi• helps enrich the blood. drives out I1u- hra W s, , .0t 11 F i. el 11p. Ilalw•thorue arc.. 44:emittuu. 1)111.. tell fur the Iwue•ni of oNa•rs w'11nt th..:e pill+ did for 'h t. NhP .I1ypr:-' "1• w;1--uRrrIuIg Nrribty from meted - 43141: 4 4bs•1uresl with--u.+iral liu •turlL bel w'itl sto-1es My complexion was sallow'1 had• oo strength, feel- 'a anti I:ui aid. :M nook home ' In Jaw. street. I i<- Lildren 4111 14/1141_ Sun. STP par - 'Are era*' and their fend!{ 4 gathering to e4 the week here. Mrs.- .%1114n Vut.her And little o1 St. John's. N1 h.nndlitrid, h arrived ..n n vl.k t the Inoh'• •tts: Rist-. A. A. - Ho uws Gantt.. Holmes, )t W ealey tar ,rage. Miss Ella Alum fell oR the v Alice Discovers New Wonderland at Wembley stow ex... ♦^"tdYr ::.. .4"r r 1 .r- zasr 14, '.a. •.. r;.i;iie. -The swamis west Ia*. the Ark la ease k sesta 1 know what we'll do," said Alice, "it's go to Wemb- ley." "What do you want to go Wembley torr asked the Walrus, who. was always asking foolish Q*es- tiotsa anyway. "I 'want 4111 see the sailing ships and sealing -wan and cabbages and kings," replied Altce. won't see any "iia, ha," laughed the Walrus. "you sealing -wax there, it's all at Madame Tussauda and I have my doubts about the cabbages, too." "Well. 1 shall see lots of, sailing ships end kings," said Alice starting to cry: for she was very fond of cabbages, "and anyway. 1f you go to the Exhibition alone you won't he able to get in to Treasure Island as they don't admit adults unless they are escorted by children:" 182 year* old, noglonger a regarded bllt! the rinself es a being child an.a had secretly wanted - to go to Treasure Island all the lime. So away they went. When they arrived at Treasure Island they round a real trs'n-not a very t11a Bite. it to true, bat, neverthe- less, the realest train to the world -puffing iike n grampus, at a little station labelled Bawff, as if enXIdue to gst'on its way around Wonderland. "Look," said Alice. "there's Peter Pan." "That ain't Peter Pan:' said the %Cairns, whose edu- cation had been sadly neglected, "that's s 'Canadfan Pacific engine." 9 don't erre." answered Alice, .tahing to cry again. for, tike all modern children. she hated to be eontf1- dieted by her elders, "it's called Peter Pan beeahse it goes everywhere std never gets )tel or tiresome." Thts sly reference to his floe effectively subdued the Walrus, who ado relapsed Into silence, and didn't set another word until they were seated In the little train and slow. ly ill t of Dante palls( out Ito Lead Jena war war also there." There was Long John Silver, with his one (rye and i -` B ii,g very e e k R y WUa 11111 et tamps e•a11.-d scrofula; mid at tines they were t•. rr tsinfnl. After try':_ •recent so.-cn4.•1 Nam, nu'illelu,s. Ur. Williams' fink Pills were reeom'l rimed to 1114 11.11:1 1 got Half a doz•p I.'xes. After t:,king.l them 1 1'11 1 n d, 'ideal Itnprovem.nt in my uplwanln.e. and to my joy 1h I1Natse o'er.• disau4s•a'ring fruui _i y dict.. 1 per -ever..! In the treatment .E and finally 1114/ o:;;y algin left of the' tremble• was a sear l+p my 'leek where one of the .we! .tote. !alike. Slave x>; I hal tine 1 hat, Ins a In .,'first t;eeatsh--440.1--.1w:u a r 'tammemd 17 W'illinmf fink 1 he any •HRrring' • I from impure- i4 '- - 1.4,42 cru 'tet th pills ihrongh any is me4iein. 111+tl.•r of 1'y mail at 50 .rets la Ix.x trim Th :: --r-,..- Wlillaair Medi- cine Co.. Bro.-k - Out. wooden leg and piratical disposition; and there were Mother Geaee, Sir Francis Drake, Robinson Cru.oe and Man Friday, Humpty Dumpty, Little Bo Peep, Jack and Gill and ail the other fairyland people Alice had read about het never met before. And they saw the ani- mals enter. into the Ark which Noah had' provided 10? them in rase a rainy day should come along and wash Off all their paint. Of r nurse. they sa'w lots of other things. too - the Rocky Mountains, for instance. and the Ootdeft Hind. "While we're about It,' said Alice, when they had seen all there Wits to see at Trenrure Island, "we might at: well go in and see the "Canadian Pacific Pavtlinn. Everybody goes there. you knew. So In they went. and saw all the good things to eat and wear n Canada. They were shown arore und the Wildingith that hyhave la big man to blue who had "t' P R.'' on his epaulettes, and explained to them that the initials meant Canadian Parole Railway, and ttl\at they had put up this building and made Treasure ' island -1e order to let the boys, and _girls In England ' know what a fine country Canada le. Rut it iresently began to get dark ,and Alice had to take, the Walrus .". • home and give him a bath before be went to bed. t. "Well. that's that," remarked the Walrus. when they got outside. Of course. It le; 'replied Alice' ',what else wand tt ri "I mean it's ell Wal- rus wk) had been annoyed rbecausegAl grumbled Wel htr►e h sed to show lifm to go into the Ark with the other animate, ,'and you ;didn't see any sealing -wax or cabbailes, and ' not wane kings either:, _ "That's quite true," replied Alice patiently, "but I've Nand mit e a lot am y Canada rro esas MuI've atbad yon Skew - I'm Alt [nod time, tie yon I'm e4a41.5 sattetled." Part tt b, Ar'.: re they Fent home, and the tunny pa Alice dI4r*ot•w+ake up -for ibe had not bee* dreanitng at flu. - It would tette tee lone to 4eec r16e1m tamf - OA saw or all a.o'onderful people they ey had Mich an interesting time that Alice soon forgot all 'about her cabbages and awalinit-wax. 4t SEA ORTH Mr. Wird Mrs. 44•.o,•rt Hell uwt with a- •sonlewhnt arr4",la sector accident 1 - one er.ulug'iltST week. They wet. re-- -' turning from 4•11115.11 on the 2'mi 'eon- 4 1111.1111 rood. -i t,-4,-•remlth. and oa a 1 -- narrow sire* h. in ehe'khig the wire) -.I of 1h.• ear, a Hudson conch. it skidded in a pit. of 11.041• gravel and over- I turned in the 11' n. Both ieentawt.' were 4iiluo•d in 1h' .114 x114 111,• to grt oat. Writ fort 011 . ..t.ly two'nhWi 1'+1111.. shag al Ile- tin. in Mullher cut• 111111 1 em,ceelh•,I 1❑ 1 t' vitlnig 4111111. Mr. i lien's 11.11111 V1 II:. b. .447 .11 and L. was taken Twee to 1' lel011 ter u1.•11i.a1 treatment. int 44 o,-11.11 w'an not aerluuxiy hnrt. u•.r wee the car badly damaged. The home . f 4!: :end Mrs...W'. 14. L. tummies, uneee a ' etree4 west. was the 0. .1-a--tto.4.-bat needle wed- ding at high 1.;oe nn TMlrxdny. .\Hans'♦ tit':,_ ah. a their daughter. Mary. wa- wilt. I n Marriage to 1'71. David 1,Ioj;d Curti- of Marmara. tont.. t eon of :Ire. N. E. ,rtla. tendon. Tft.l eery t Iva. Is,;','rmel by Rev. W.1 D. 115i0omald. .t' .rwnrdx Il/r. and ` PN • 1• TONIGHT .Tomorrow Alright NR Tablets stop disk iaaiaaiaat .s14.,. biMoua atfaske, Ile *144 eead.a the elateisathe mat" asks you feel dm. "Mos Tim Ilse iJrer i" ;') CAMFBZIL'S 1:1/UG STOWS • • r , latk it? "Wagget" gives shoes all the crstnfort el age with the ameesurease of new- ans- -Keeps diem -•Moluh.d.e Made in Blade. Testi T Reit and D.ar4 Bresen. w White Dressing (cake) White Cleantr(liquid). Thu •'fur. .1111411.1 13. 102.5. W. DONALDSON Plumber IN BUSINESS TO DO ALL KINDS - OF - Plumbing, Heating and T insmithing to your entire satisfaction Phone 431 Bayfield Rd. Hotel Tulier DETROIT 800 Rooms -800 Baths $2.50 per Day and up ARABIAN RESTAURANT GOTHIC GRILL CAFETERIA TEA ROOM C. C. SCHANiTZ, Gen. Mgr. I ROBERT WILSON -- for - Massey -Harris Machinery Frost Fencing --- Toronto Asphalt Roofing `Rubber -tired Buggies Farm LightingePlants \ Hamilton Street, Goderich,'Ont 50 000 $15 Harvesters- **TYMNINO To wi il i' Psa \ $2O r. i as -,sy to q a ut net ..• Nm weaToa- ' Ireew at.tte.y-rte 64\ get to an4 ttrladt.e Trr+wa. w tats °such e Aug. 18th iitMw. Kava .Mn i j end Woe to a.Mga..w. kolkor o. Sept. asst dam ~ "fl , tl...r un. obi.. 1.. ow V. w.. 4 Toeeste to .ee.4 Y,esda.s iiartts. obi.. F.11. ...w.rr. v.... u.s.wd• Aug. 21 set . se.o.a. on Owen tit.. . h, SI. M..r.. Pr.t toll / ewe l.tlon. T.rowta .w Solt. 4th r,e e1e.e eL. n wo ``' + gets. =TIM "a.+'"'=' f. .:`1i 41 Teewel.. Mon4 we4 ' SIIRVIC FROM TO Ladles .tad ted ww-3r Cart mot he e.oewe kr ...led►. ,.s. d los AMMO .d Ihr .wen. Travel NI information from say Canadiri Podia Arm& CANADIAN ; PACIFIC T148411 1.11 4111,11\1 1' 4 %Its 1111E GOItIltn I1 -.'111 \.NI. \1 1:1 ST ^I••'1' W ru v IW ;) 4.Tom'i - f 4. 11111101MalaM1aw► tvkgintvgitIt 4C,r.1.. s -r,8 Midsummer Clearance Sale t'' 1 ldtal br ;M SUMMER DRESSES ---Th balance of -out sum if er Dresses are being offered- at grere- ductions. They are the .latest frock*. in voiles, crepes, printed crepes, tub silks, willow suiting.., embroidered and drawn, silk fugie. In curter to make room for fall goods these most be cleared out quickly. ' - - LADIES' FELT and VELVET HATS - .e--,. at big reductions. A new shipment of ladies' Felt.and Velvet Hats for early fall wear. SWEATERS AND PULLOVERS Sleeveless Sweaters and Pullovers, in silk and wool and all wool. '7'''''"'"'''''''''''' ..,.., t w; ---1-- FOR THOSE GnING WEST Get your supplies here befote going West, as you can save money here STRAW HATS' ""` Clearing prices in men's Straw Hata. Come in and get one and save money silOP WHERE 101 .\RR IVI i 14 4) TO 4110i' „., Watch the papers neat week for annouweesmwt of nur ANNIVERSARY SALE A. CORNFIELD LADIES' AND GENT'S' FURNISHINGS THE SQUARE, GODERICH PHONE 415 a pr Rytr tur. . t is r u 4/4y;,. li&4't14144t t triaolti 1tf , a Me