The Signal, 1925-8-13, Page 6L-'*'-MMINI •A restful night on Lake Erie Makes a pleasant break in your journey.* A good bed in a dean, cool stateroom, p long sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast in the *not_T -- Summary "aaGNDgQ"-"CrrY OF Elt1F'_"crtY OF BUFFALO" Daily May Int to Noweneier 1St1* Buffalo- 9-oo e. M. JJ Eastern 1 pew Cleveland -90 p k(,. Arrive Cleveland *700 A.1,1.1 Cranderd Tlmu j Arose wuaalo -•740 A, 711. Steamer "CI IY OP BUFFALO" arrives 7.V A. M. Conneedoae for Cedar Point. P' t-4 -Bay, Toledo, Detroit end abetAak your tl�p�, Aet baket s-$7.50. -$ 7. atwuMenet enc► fur tickers C 4 B Um. New= fiend for free sectional prole char of din Great Ship SEEANDBBE" and 72-pmae booklet. The Cleveland & Buffalo Teaaale Co. Cleveland, Ohio Fares $5.50 'Tour Reit Ticket la I Good on the Boats tt Tlntr•,:.ty AMtft.t 1:t. hat SPECIAL Low PRI CES opt discontinued lines I I China ROYAL CROWN DERBY (JNik_ldo) FRY OVEN CLASS and several other lines. SEE SHOW WINDOWS AND BARGAIN TABLES Wall Paper EMBOSSED POLYCHROME. To, make room for new fall patterns, we ,e clearing out about 1.00 rolls of this REGULAR 50c. PAPER AT 25c. ROLL .-llso several room -lots of variov, pattern `Papers at bargain price, Porter's-- Book Store " On 'the Square for forty years o4. 1 w Sunnjsuds Wa Radio Sets and Supplies Te174 1ep)N headtot„ W. Mac DO NALD Britannia 111111V Advertise in The Signal to fncrasas your sales - _-LHARDWARE, Auburn. PHONES: Dwngasalas, 5 ring 3; Blyth, 32 ring 12. e Coo Wat EEANDBEg Length Sro Breadth, AS fine 6 inches, :.'No THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal and London Free Press f6.7a The Sign.,* and London Advertiser ... 6.75 The Signal and The Toronto Globe 5.75 The Signal and The Mail and Empire 6.75 The Signal and The Toronto Star 6.75 The Signal and The Farmers' Sun 3.40 The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star 3,50 The Signal and Saturday Night 5.50 The Signal and Presbyterian Witness The Signal and The Catholic Record ..,...... _ The Signal and Mcfean's Magazine The Signal and R.,41 and Gun Th. Signal and Montreal Witness r•n,„,al 3.85 new 1.60 ..,, 3.75 4.50 3.50 The Signal and World Wide - '-- renewal 4.23 new .. 3.as Clubbing Rates With Other Periodicals May Be Had on Application THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. LA ROUX THE ELUSIVE `Dy j ohnaton Abbott (All rights reserved) 1■ j tvurk* for you stair/inner yon and ( *Woes it ant mem probable to you admire* you whenever you are pot that he mi. long ago have returned looaiiiii,-why du you *eek suutbcr- to Europe'. mien v„ "'fllai ul •1Y be, I Sill puazled at (Cuatipued front last ('li.iPTbilt XIX light days the Indian woman lay, bt•twcteu lift and death, burning watt toyer, panting for breath, with a "vita". eats/dog jo her cheat, and much petit h1 Irtalblug; on the ulnae the fever departed. her skin be eam moist. sod she fell into a natural "tike will live," Mid Mademoiselle, as we stoat and,wattlied her. "It seems so." I *treed. 'That he• - lug the rase. 1 moat today set about building a house." "Building a t se? What has her recovery W do with that'" "Had ••blue diet! We night have pressed- on, late ON it i•. Itut sine•e She will recover er wr must prepare to spend the winter here." Fortunately, the spot in which we found ourselves was weal suited for our p[trpofe: We were 011the north- ern shore of the ricer at a 114401 Where it broadened out Into an ex • pane of water which was *imoat a lake. Itehind us the low ground sloped gently up to the (mit of a steep cliff which curved in a rough semi- circle from west to east, and would protect us against the coldest winds. From the water'% edge to the wall of rock, a distance of a hundred paces, the ermind was thickly grown with trees of medium size, mostly pines and firs and cedars. Anticipating 114. necessity of a WO - longed stay, 1 had already chosen a suitable site for a cabin, on a little knoll at the base of the cliff, and now that the matter was settled. I took our axe ami fell to work. It would he We/Thin/OP to follow the details of th4 task or the makeshifts I was cots - pelted to adopt sufc•ieut to say that the eablu w -aa aidoetantially but ruttglrly built in rribwork fashion of loge• nntr1e0 together at the corners, with a fireploee of stone* and clay at one end and three narrow dormitories at the other. hi each of which was a -t+rttultlre_tieurh_-uu which to _sleep. The floor was of mother earth, ear- teded with chips and Iutrk, and for dryuesa we relied ma the dnlnage p.r"et lett by rr l e all tile%com- - mini leo tint with the Inver groan. near by. For wItidoirs WP had tst'p holes that could, Ie staffed up if the weather grew ton severe to hove them vett, and for a dray we hat, tr nar- row .opeulu „ _Tereil With eth the . reek,of toe. be be 1 atIllon's teat. ly'rhe time this work war cosa- plPtedl, the nitrite -were very cad, soil 1t w•aa guile time to move In. Our pa- tient heel, been slowly gaining strength: had 1 desired a reward for my tabors. 1 could have asked nothing tetter than the manifest gratification cul the mow w,./11a41 favi• whet, one dull, row evening. wt. carried her 441r..uah-til. _ taarr.aw_duurwYi._aud laid her ,m a .v,euf4.rfab1e tart frnm Nhieli slit• 1.0611.1 sop the• togs Ionizing tri • the kss-rtlr -__yup �pP (liatUlrw, tau. made uo •., rut of her P4/t141/1111a41: my uli11.1 w,es •Itildeyl between et.mpatrwtcwr that n lady- ref llrt-•gt•mttt•-trtrttr loot sift op into:i ig slerruld he red u•el to 'Mol- ine plea -ori• la Poo crude a habitation, gad admiration of the eh.wrf,i and •khully..spirlt In which site exclaimed upon every gf** feature of my de- aiq11aud retraiuc•d from (riti!•izing the shortrnmfng, mf Its exceutlou. Our habitation being completed. there wax little Imre we cotdd do save nurse our patient. This was the sea- son when the iroquols war parties ie•ere returning down the river toward their own country, and we saw not a few of them pose our retreat. To dis- charge a firearm would have been to eourt discovery, and we lived mostly on fish and Qtr KWh small game as we could snare, and looked forward to the (1mt• When All otir enemies would Have [sten driven south by the coming of winter. and we could carry on with less need of concealment and Pllenve. To me, it was a season of rare Nol- te nfineMlt. Thrp breeze was holm with the *mR11 of autumn and the; sen shnnu hexer from- hie- fete -rising to his curly setting. Indolence was, In the air. In the morning 1 would go the round of mar *neem to tee what Heaven had sent us. When the .run's warmth had' begun to make Itself felt, we wool(' entry Marle (as we now tallied her) out of doors for An airing. Made:m.1,mile would alt beside her and sew and talk while i engaged in leisurely Mohican in faith small tasks an presented themselves: at eening, We would retire Indoors, and no soon as the darkness had fatten thick enough to concetil otw smoke, wee• would light our fire and cook our evening meal, following which we would sit before the fire until It was time for ns to go to our rest. If Marie had caused UN delay and diseppw,iatment and danger, *11e re - weeded us in a measure by the en- tertainment sr1nleh we gained from our attempts to educate her. A4 first it *14.0 my task to act as interpreter, ,tine,. Marie knew no French end Mlle. do ('hstiltml was ignorant of the ,%I• t ttnngrlfn tongue; hitt title conditfwn e11d i t not long ahli4*, for Modemo{sPlte was f sn Apt pupil and Marie oleo displayed marked quickness In picking up our ward. nod phrases, so that they (0tdd Poon carry on cnnrer•Rafion with little 0r 140 help from me• lint when one Ref* shout eirillaing an Indian woman, It is nPot'Rsary to teach her more than the mere tan- guage of elvilizatfon. 1(impl4 yet enhtl., polite but stubborn, the ted Atkin offer. A baffling problem even to the Jeantf., and MR4r•molseN( forted she had her has& fell when vire ten- dert:nk to (0nrert Marie from heath- colom to Christianity. Sometimes Marie would prove Wiest to a fault, rsaponding 'flood" or 'That la true" to every proposition ; bat *hen urged to adopt the faith which so readily week) met her approve! is good tor the 1 anuthrr people, toms.' Another lludrux4w Ile' d. but when asked to ter there, she t somber go whet •• friends . and (sur was there rove lodgment of stab Oval idea* as esle•mlee,---r'I 4114 444.14111 kill thein would say. and witness to the mark. t'atieeiltly lou worked up„ her ultimate cut me; clue day I eh. there was better please Ms dune s(1 much 1• coming a Chef - great tight dant. she •Ilow•ed bet - forthwlth, and Area, (tledoa al. the utmost doril a caslons. i i . she would say "It 're4aell: but l out of evitlt different ens - nm0e she li4teatl to -'•rIptton of Heave), she would not like l.liesl that she world Tier relations and ,11ee1 *11d gone. Nor .0 her mind for the 4ntrae•t and uoprae- 11 of -loving 004'4 my enemies and t if 1 e0U141." she r eyes would bear -.',verity of her re - Mlle. de ('hetll- leo'. the credit mf , erstun tsetonglf i4. uu•e.9i (o observe that in which she could .h•tae.l &-119. were had •r her. than by be - i1111, whereupon a .1 upon her. W, that •1f to 1* converted leneeforth remntel i Paternosters with nth all appropriate Sometimes her questions were direct that It wa• •litlk•ult to think 4 a imitable answer. One evenlug. fo example. when_ moiselle wa describing the to, of Franey, and ln,•. luxuries they .•nj.•y. her with the 1111',1r win- she had coup • Iaitlte "But perhape 3 ,n have away," "ale wet, ,11, "an where else to co, "No," replied 11 e.to Intdselle, of my awn free sill."' "Ilut how is that you, a eau go where y,. will?" "1 have (5004; nith•,whk•h I my way." 3Juury? Who - that?" "Like wampun. 1 more nought att. "And where d you get this this. that Is more sou:l1'after then w "Prude sty lata•.•.." nuswrrw dr t•ttatlUos.. "What is •rear t• te. %" T11r- lead wki i . �l.w n._ ill .Fralae 1'tq.lr Lou 4.r f terrine them ae - -. The land vr1 • u you own: But sorely` no ane 4 ..9n anti? You cannot hake it,- s,4. canted-.bwtruy id, -you )-*shat • [•7 N with you. You say 'people ;..,y .)oli for letting thew lire oat It. !,o14 .10 you mak.• thew 110 that. w [,. a >,nl aft- s.• far away across the i.e.: water? Is there ,army great l'hief who holds them lit tear of you se (hot thaw pay trot for letting theme ire?" "Not for -hung than lire," ex- ptiille•t1 MI1.• • de ('hrtilion..' but "-for lettils5 then; lite Oil my lint - "Then i- the re other lamb they ay Yh•r' r4. + i+�r .lit-ptyaityk.- re t_�u.. la so If r s P d el n u elritell bed no- isome ipid, g ANA- -Pride d 'by t e leen, tnreuleuees an ri4 interrupts al uquity as t '' :Inuntt the E!lreueh, marts.,' 1 ex• hiving roil 11 no trace of 1JIw what• plalard, "Mademoiselle is eousideretl ever. Tref, are few people hive uuw. to he very, beautiful, au that everyone There wee, fewer in the days wheu admires her iShv maks the . 1-i- he le Bald i • have cuwe here 11 sews Dowty de ;a Itoux, not as a wan. but tweeg,dibkv that a ge•ntleuigu of till 1*9*11se she ha* a very valuable prole eonsequeit., should have. mew mud forty whirl once belonged to tilts. tour with tit bc*i;g remembered ly, and stir• wi4lte► 10 glee 11 back to guy of tin older inhabitants." hiw' "Ibis it •. eurrtt! TO you that if he "lint why do you w1.h 10 give it stilt lives. he w•111 to *ure. to revisit tut(k to him. Maarlle'!" " Ilts•ausr it really belongs to .1:int." late Beebe• of his youth westurr or -Did you steal it from hits?" later, w, that perhaps your teat chance of Oudlug tilts Is to return "Xu," replied Mademoiselle. grit••- hulue• and Le wt the lookout for him! lye. "1 did not steal It. but 11 was given '" lit tnP by the perncln tern did" And s'•'1) wandering about the ".twemg my- Irre,p1t•." $11,'11,1:" old Marie, world (-44l-tug people trouble aid "*hoes we ..(953 thing* wr keep,.tllvui. danger 443 keeping thew away from it wit axa_".____�_ their fano-•. Is It not sur" "T1tat le not Onu*u*' awnug.- --- Iliac i'rartwr b+ar rhea French," I said. an inrpire, „n to all ul us. Mudrmu) "truly swung those of the French Belle. Tlu :hutight I parr lit wind is Whit are wicket," nail Mlle, de ('ha- thin it 44''1141 le premature to gdlvP f1Ncln reprovingly, *net rhe Open, (lie the ptrup•r. r of M. dr In Kiutx to the rest of the evening it iostrnctiug her l'rsalines -. tong as there Is guy pots - pupil In the-tnitdard of honesty cur- sibtllty (ll 11111 appretrtug Inter." relit among F:urupsau peoples, le., which. *11119 not perfect, Is, mu the• whole. superior to that of the ladtaes of New Frauce. _ ('IlIPTE8 XX _ Toward 1tl eud of November. win- ter get in abruptly with a series of heavy 'snowfalls, aecuwprnle4l by blustering - wine.* and folladereI 1by dans of Intense cold, and we had an olitiurtunity of learning how our log bouw would meet the rtqulrements of the etiolate. To our !relief, we found It warm and comfortable, due no doubt to the width and depth of our fireplace and our free use of furl no Ie.. Oleo to the sheltered location wt. had chosen. When the weather cleared, the Iro- gaol, being by noir-aft -gone, i went nut 011 a htmting expedition and was fortunate enough to shoot a fine back sad a number of partridges. and on my return was able to report that tracks were plentiful: IS -tag thus as.urerl ul a nultk•ieney of fresh neat for some (IMP to eome, 1 hail little work on my hands, the less that Marie was now well ennui) to assist Mlle• de ( 'ha tihot. with her household duties, 440 that 1 was driven (0,4 -hop- ping firewood for mer* uxerc•Isr. Piller these agreeabl.• cotelltktus, the time teapot -4 Mem:sully and 'un- eventfully, aid we should doubtless iI re lost track of it altogether, had 1 followed n euntout i had long age for td of making a Dote of Intel) clay as it pa restu, Bud Mllr di► (:batlAun rw - t►•prl*ctl Brea .nice Ileoi'ai lufertmd her that thin • ttae P Year's et •, "Then a mum celebrate tr." ah • rlaimte+�- teat. s Let dlrnitlur> spent 1349 M'{tt•rnoo n in decking !t wills and ehfmmev stone,. with Imai- ere- of glossy t•,rrgreen which relieved to. a marked ext9 it the monotony of tile rough teekgrouud upon w•ki.'31 they atone. T1s• til•(' piled high w•i!1, resiuoas slicks w �eh hissed au.: erm•kled au a sheet uP 5anie. gyre 051 n warmth- and bright OA tlat prim - tested every toaster:. 3Iadetaui. atone- aLlast placed up.0 a table the Juicy road of venison wet eh I had w'at.-hiil with hungry e)e for an hem- "r mer•, we ..it clow Ito 01T siiupl9 r(pt'.t lit le spirit of ayety slid eonvivinlity' that left nothl g to. • desir•ol. „Felon* tag -MO- f,•nvt;-."wr---wd,,,... a to the fireside. where we sat. aerie eusetnte•eh and •llst'ime1 to the wits 110 "1 hat•,• .eft those behind lite who will wren . lid wslcuwe h1m should to. collie to t.. Hour hi my absence. t.it 1 cannot • still holettultely and wait for hint 1. appear.'. "Why c..r. Mademoiselle?" "1t on, ulee my whole 11fe. For example, 1 must remain single to the ZPwatlmc. •in(e. if 1 s4. martiwl, any hualwud o 111 sequin. au interest lu my estate. 11441 he may nut take klud- ly to sty ditpoatng of It in the man- uer w•h!(1 1 have ih mind.• "That is an aspect of the runner that had not occurred to me." I said. "11 Is a pity that such a Loathing, for which you are 1114 no wise responsible. should embarrass you in this way:- -lei not waste your sympathy," said l!lwdetuoteette, airily. "It nett ewl,arr,seel 4.r 114 that way yet. Veyerthelc... time In passing, and 1 should 111.- to arrive at *0me finality in regard to a matter which has s mach hearing uu all my plats." "Suppose.' I Mild, -suppose you the 1 the Vie„wtr de la -'Rous, and be re - fusee to accept your offering,-w'lat 111enn ?" "I shall make him meeept 14" "Rut •1.-111,1 he penile, In refusing"" "1 aw. 51 you knots.. cert' deter. mlbevl." repliel 1(11P. de ('hat Won rtnalut,c. "I am not accttstoplyd to being m, • with refusal. In fart." she adMtl • znificantly, • 1 eenn reme•inber only tw.• occasions on whirl 1 have asked n Ulan to do 4.t• a favor and he has denied it to ale." " IW.•r• I the Vicomte ,1. ,a Ronx, 1 Iv should refute ti) ('u }on au Injury umler the gniae uta fat„r by [wroth - he tint 71,11 to eoudrmo your -elf to in. I+ellitenee• and dep'ndtnee__eti at._ac- "' count." - Nu. .\ i Imioi ii P►at!.. is •ew'narf 1,. ••n.• •• rSoo-ur.abfef her _- 'Cln n • no 41%11 no land, 1)1b.1 r . -•u., ., they are to ilee• at i 1 -'ttnderctn t o lint they .h. t , yam- -how- ft. ft -that You do a •L. .• hard work? In my t uatlole . • "man d,1er the work �' f..r her , .111. lie llxlrts.--- ht. work -.1 It 1s *lid! n,. , and w omen are for. 1 itert.-44 ll-.:runt_.u4, .Biglearti 1t is d(f• - fetent. 1p.• Is •he man. yet he eh,i4s' nlclst of• the work. INw•s 1t• also) tight''" f '.Mv fnill. -1" mid Madrmoisrik• with a Sleigh. -Tort -should set him (tight :" 'Theo tt ii) , real he not make you i work?" .•n.ellr" 1 Marie innocently, "You muse ,,•k him," replied Mile. de eliatilhtri',: ,i+•marely. 1 "Why do "n got make Mazellee i work, Iligls•nrt " persisted the Al- is trnngwin woman "Yon d,e „ r naderetatol, ltarir„ 3fade•moiselli a great lady, with many to Bert,• her and many more who would Ii1,• to P.M4P her. I OW Nit n psis toll !rumble farmer. Al+t- drmnis.•lk' )s !:• a*eustamel to rrnrk. lite, t tiki' -- "t\'hat is 110- dhfferenee between a great lads awl A humble fnrme"ri" ",l ve rrittftf•�,,.d difference. if Trot had 119191 In Fr ince you would elm- prehend it." 1 , ,pMined. While Mori - [...metered this informs - Oen 1 stole n :'.fnee at Mlle. dr Cha• tilion and fog ,•.I her regarding me with e•urh,n- ',•arses. "'Humble?'' .. Id Marie. "What do yon uu•an when you (MY 'Humble?' "That is pre,•i,ely what 1, ton, wits eLrntt to -ask," added Mnrfem0lsellr. "Poor and !only," 1 answered. "1 should not call you lowly," r.0+rked 3lademaiselle thoughtfully, "nod as for brio; poor, --you are not s,. 1swr as I shall be if ever i find the Vicomte de la kerne." "For that rrus,rw I end it hard to wlsh you suets•s.," "Yoh think is better that i /dumb!. have wealth rather than happiness?"' "ivy no 1ne4nt' 13nt an lout( tie yell ,.'„'_,(tom pIttri.te. whose. -blustering and rherat- ng 11th 4 mphaslxi•d the (",*fort r r .: liac'rts_ of rt•fr •e•.. l'reeestll Marie rosy, aid w t t1 T a g�runt.*:,l ja,4- light retired to her dormitory, leaving t• abate. "1 wonder where oar friend. are to - right." Haid Mademoiselle <innwily. No doubt they an- sari. nt Mlle Mahle: atrl mourning our lose." t -said, "That Is t.. say, 1 suppose Pere 1)u - our is mourning us. With ll. d 'hot illen it pray be diRPrt•ul.'" Mademoiselle /smiled. "So ST,tt oubt if my cousin. M. de 1a►etllluu n mourning 14x:' 6114' said. "H.• -had no ream:rettu grit- . for toe," r•pliel, "Also his grief for you may- s•rhaps• 1* tempered by the expec•ta- ion 'of attcreeniiag to your testate. 11.• your nezt'liair, ii 1,r not?" "(Ir w„nl,1 ls• my neat herr,' naw'rred 3lademulselie, -were it nut +1' the fact that uu leaving (booboo, 1 fn- "Indewd: Wat he aware of your ac1nR dune eo,•. "i presume he is aware of It by nom," sh,• 451,1, 'I( be Is aixlome to succeed to the pnt*te, Iteux tt* contents will. not pIP*P, "If my curiosity lie pardoned. Meib•Ioiselle. I shoubi Is interested to knelt what disposition you made of the property." -I left it to the. Vicomte fie in item." ",int 1f he be not found, what then?" '•it is to he held (or him for n is•rlort of ten years. If at the end of ten years be 11 stilt missing, it is to go to the i'rsultne5 at Quehee." ly Ink M. de will nppinlidrolthe iherrnngemsnt+In you nh are made, TholemolRellr," f remarked. She looked at me with a twinkle In 1441' eye. "He will be furion,," Phe Said. "Were 1 n man 1 skould took forward with at it it: next meeting You know he it o;"117 vindietlye :lisle -telt hitt. and. further - ore. he Js a great swordsmen." ,.ere you RN brave a mall n' 91,11 err Were n Indy. you would leer no one, Mndenod.elle," 1 said. ,rine laughed. "At arty rats. being a women, i do not fear M. de Chart! 1011,v she replied. '.'Mndetboleelle," 1 seid. "may I re - refit. without offence, W•tnetbing 1 once sniff that annoyed yon?" "Chet is for you to judge. 31, Rig - board," she responded mischievously. "You have earned the right to a cer- tain freedom of Rpercll. IA,t hot), you must be careful." "it Phould not annoy you," 1 said. "1 do but wleh to repeat that In my npinfoh ft Is not likely you will find irthe 1'rance.f(omte" de la Roux In New 'Slave 1 have been everywhere In Nen' France, and have not found him. your opinion seemo to have been, in a manner, bet lfled ." 11 • rfk htm. 7011 :,n• happy in the belief hat yen are doing your :hey, and at he same 11111e y..11 remain in the Mut inn of enmpurn•;eo hielepa.ndei(e ell- er the pdo.easlon of the wealth you seek in tralrvfer to him." "W Rigbeard." aahl lelderinisMle, -i cannot PPP, !1)rP5Ao11 of the N11 - titre. that gives .cap your new (and very appropriate! passe, but i think, -fn fart, 1 am sire, -•thee speaking with r, arc cheek." tongue *5 IA your The vivo rnpted Marie, Tho Viemnfi.',. #, 1 have come to 444411,; (lhatlllon. "Tort hare route tit (leek a Mani" repeated Mario,___. _ "Rat why do yam seed to seek a 'man, when pin .ltgtt! 3IRI►ear4. Who r" tsler titan Mlle. de' (To he cott11 W'd) OT*RIO WOMAN REGAINS HEALTH Wants Other WomentoKnow About Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Mount Forest, Ont. -"Before I took Lydia r. Pinkham's Vegetable Corn. pound I felt weak and miserable, and bad pales all through me. 1 was living in Ails Craig at the time.and one day a friend earns in and told me her ex- perience of using the Vegetable Com- pound om- meand advised to take a bottle, which I finally di I began to get stronger and those pains left me. I am glad I fot1nd out about this medicine as I think here la none equal to it for women who have troubles of tbis kind. 1 cannot the Vegetable Compound too high the good it has done me. Whenever 1 know of a woman suffering 1 am glad totellher of it." -Mrs. W. HIDBDAL*, H.R. No• 1, Mount Font, Ontario. Women throughout the Dominica aro finding health in Lydia E. Ptnkbam's Vegetable Compound. No harmful drugs are used in ill preps- redoes- just rooms and barbs --and it can be taken in ty even b a nursing llotbsr. roe sale by all esu. rophey Bros. 1---, THE ii $ADLVG as FUNERAL DIRF.('TORS AND EMBALMERS orders carefully attended to atpU beers. night or day GODERiCH J. R. Wheeler Foteswl Director and Embalmer 311 ealle promptly' attend- ed to day' ter night PHONES Stere 335 Residence 355w Hamilton Street, Goderias IV,�i!the liniment. Spread it 6tvti n p.or r 3 FOrTi _tell sit ted part 11 erases pine rc:isiQss sti..n: <. The ; crl".; ,. '" eine chest. to • other- year, ---hew different that boy or -01 of yours will look -.'bat photographs of the th7w dren never grow up. Let us help you keep a pietsiw record of their childhood, J. T. FELL Telephsoe 187 Goderieb, • UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO' WHAT HAS THE UNIVERSITY TO OFFER? 1-A wi to rapt* M excellent courses la Arts, Medicines Public Health and Titre bsW1*s and up-to-date equipment. 3-'S leodid library facilities. 4-Blghiydeveloped work ha Physical Educe - ties; a chance for every student to take part in games. 5 -As attractive 'seri life. 6-C1ese p.reiaal coataet a.. tome arab,' r mad etndeats- 7-- aTr•matie effort by tke valverrty t o n,f p worthy snidefW to gat iliac, 1 .bar graduation. Writ* toe Werra - tier to- t P. It. 1t*YILLI, PM.D., asgtsttu, toles. Gana Specials at McEWEN'S Mclh.nald's Tobacco -20e. photo, 2 tot Sac 't 15e, plugs, 2 for tat. Cocos -10c per Ib. Retract Lemon end Vanilla, good quality 10c. a beetle. Try sur Ifs,se Tea. (food quality anel cheaper than the package Tea. Perth let of litre Staple Syrup on hand, Fresh Lettuce, Celery, Rhubarb, Cabbage, etc. A now shipment of Dates, Figs, Prunes, Dried Fruits, etc. Seediest Raisins, best quality 2 pkge for tag $hreidtd Wheat 2 packages tat, WmIight, (surprise, Comfort, Gold, P. h Ii x,apr Yonr choice or *warted4 for las, 20 Ban good Laundry Soap _ ___fee 61,60 A toll 1,11e of (JOOD.i for SPRING CLEANING, RothA good N GOO si?R (;LtP, and Dment ofOUBLE URTA1Q1TRTA1Ny. Floor frit Cloth and Table Oil Olnth, in different co)ore and pattern.. A5ortrnelnt of i.inen Towelling for 20c. a yard up. Medium weight underwear for spring. Men's and Ifoy.' Qapn et cross p We can sa?P ynn nosey in Dry (}Dada. Mame 41 J. J. McE:WEN South Side Square Oa.& de/leered le all parts of Me Iowa