The Signal, 1925-8-13, Page 3Clubbing Rates
The Signal can save you money on
almost any newspaper or periodical.
Rates on request.
TIN BZGNALAPSI ITINo, Co., Intim I1. Mtlims
SEPTEMBER 12th ---19th, 1925
This leading Canadian Agricultural and Industrial EztitLiti,•tt to now over
half -a -century old, and improving with age. Colne sudsiest the targe liar
of added attractions booked for this year. -
Entiies close .teptemLer-:Srt
Et., further r nor •:4 on sepl,-J. H. SAI N1 EFS. I's,.-. w • � (•4s(.\, &•e.
London. (,steno
Unlimited Quantity of
at 28 per tangle cord. delivered,
(root of snglesea St. Pboise Sl.)
Summer cottage, 7 MOM, fur-
nished, situated st,BIne Water
Summer cottage, 7 rooms, fur-
nished, within two minutes
walk of the Hotel Sunaet.
These cottages can be rented by
the week or month.
First Mortgage
Real Estate Bonds
to yield 6 anid- better.
Secured under the
S. W. Strauss plan.
Huron Investments
M(tsew:c Temple Bldg
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
House. and lots in Goderich end
Vicinity, and Farms for Sale
The girt, can't go nosh farther
with bathing suit• unje.i they go
foto the water. -Life.
If you Intend hu} O:: a home let me
(bow you where yon can save money.
Never w -as the opportunity batter.
Get prlfesi on what it will cost you
to build. Then corn.. In and see what
I have to offer you and save money.
This 1 will prove to you.
P..1. EVAN r
Real E.tatel and 111aurance. 'Phone-�Q
Beal.: in
Fire. lite, A., °lent. Automo-
bile, and Cen. rel Insurance
A seen r
• •tti,'e, N..rth . r. Phone I18.
fu the Editor of Th. _ ,;41:
Elisabeth %%iIon Tells Yt Ilse! A letter from F !) lturujuiu.
Nurk at (Airtight i puidirhed in Thr 7 io T -1 -gram
(Ills- Elizabeth %Vissuu Is reterm.l °t June 11)1:. 1r,un1 a epodut'2Su
tiered iu tlu+icrich as 4144' Ut the tie' er1 "runs sir Ju1111 'IIA . :11 11t)• rtrect
daughters of the luta .Itev. Jai
}a'r when a nation 1 arts raw ma -
Willson, j that -terlals abroad its sus gill he sure to
follow those raw anal :1'.. out of the
pA' ug. k.--�•ektren tiurrr4 country.
three" busus to be L-rri-irtTjai-C_iii sl=ur r -A a• s,tenage• riwe:_t.,_.,yse_�
°only if one halite -um to bt' burn and 1 ,.t ...e enormous a1' profitablers x
Witt Nail 'Iu,rtly for t pitta to Rejoin
Her Husbaud
1'riur to her departure for China
114 )°Irl Uel• dl-tluguitat-4 hu.baud,
]fee. tk.uutd Mutthlllrtay bar !µ•N14
pay}ujf a farewell v1'It to .11twlerirh.
.tt the -lose of the WJrnlug service in
North street l'utted chttrch uu t;u
--entree tut0.1 ( -44
\luts;i111irey to the congregation.
she leas 1/Ul r. evens rivv,'
an attack of tunsilitis. Airs. AIatt;i!-
Icray sus out a ,,e to make 1y leng-
U1y address. but she spoke Irihty tat
t1µ• work in which she and her bus•
baud are engaged. She said that they
bud returned from t'biuu' a year ago
t missionaries of the 1'resbyteriuu
c'hurvb, but they were delighted to go
bark to their work as representatives
of the United l'hurcb. Some yens
; ugu, she said. Dr. Meet:HID-ray had
been releused by the I'resbyterlun
board from lbs evangelistic work in
Holten to do a .vechil work In l4ttsieg-
hai, mull ever educe he has been rue
br°ugbt sal, to the year/ at ruulautk'.!'port trade of this 'kA •I loth from the
age-old ('hlta as In du every ,
sat lauds. Miss E. A. It. 1'. 47111140, I :aiu. Think. for exati:pie. of the im-
mense Wan fatties or t iW Cotton sent
every year, from .4nierlela cotton
plantations to Earot,. "las it iccu
found that till- pn4444.•s an extort.
44f Amerh7ns to the: ewures abroad
where this maternal is u:auufac-
lure•d? Or should a t•ru-ads,• lie started
to keep Itrltlsh coal at home. '•c•o111-
.ervinK' It for the ,e. coli ptuent of
llrltlsh Industries? No '.u.• stenss to
have prop..w•d. as Mr.'ttanijuml pro -
Poses about pulpwaisl. that sash ex•
Io.rt business 441)4)uld 1.• .t..I4Iw1I.
There h au and .1 y -loser still. 1 gagevl fU })ruri44lug t'hrlstlru litera-
F:rrry y-ur we rxpor , yu:ulti•
firs of 1'ttutldtaa i1 11 -- - t t-,.ry. lure fur the Chineb4) people. tar has
elgners" are- also admitted. =\arty large pert of (4 to jus- a- trnlr alae' 4405)' uteri tunny book* Into the "'bl-
are In resident* In the school nod the I arse language stud has written others.
day scholars bring the roll up to material for menu le,'tiring purposes .•Ur*. ►la,lalllrray muper..11t. Isms pa-
ns pulpw4NN1. lfhah.t,.r fur•- lk "red book- and
W papers f41r women
day *dust! 1 United litotes and freuo tires" Brit
who hes just returned from a five-
year term hi ('hengtu, Nxeehtiali.
West China, tells Intone io0•r•sting
minae of 1►er wort" as u teacher in the
Canadian school there.
Ills: \VII.uu it spending the summer
with her sister, Sirs. J. F. Itey-raft.
and Rev. J. F. It�yeraft. of Brantford.
at their ,pmwer 1 at Itunde'au
}Birk. At the end of r yeast's fur-
lough she will return to (`hlne.
The school. s-., Miss Wilson told a
Fred' Press representativte. ars ewtab-
5.bodl for the education sal the ehll-
dren of Canadian Methodist misslun-
asies, but the children of other "for -
Job Printing
For JOB PRINTING at reasonable
prices try Th1 Signal. You will get
prompt and efficient service. •
gram I'1.Iw APIC(', 11'na,tulttu.l�le.
\Veduesduy, August it :.::p p.m.•-
t'rugrrm fur ehlldr'e•a•
5:45 p.ns. - 1'rograut (. Albuuy
44ruud Theatre u1YL,sttu Julius !lox
horn. Conductor; F:,y-1 H. Walter-.,
o::1.1 p.IU,-'•itUe4i• 1 Knowledge"
Ctltfraday, Aaguil :N•. 1: (Il
rlluslc_;, talk. "Drying F'le.wer.. for
\A (iter 1'sc," 11tce Nt..lohu
utiuy • 1 AO p.m. --Organ recital c.atephen
�'e'-1-Yt-IttrF�r•ittitr,-tFwem Yr L•!.
1. site ltl,'et•ker Hall, .tlbaii N.
from 1 , ;};111 pons. -limner proiruw (runs
Tru F:yck Hou'l, han}' XY.
41:3.5 lotus--4)utdAtoor "hugs=.
Dug. and August."
4t:4,'. },.w --'Program by Viol. $-huy-
ler, pianist. xud El, 1.- !'lark.
7:344 -pew. --Marine L'au.l(rout Witt%
11:411 p.m. -Royal flour from \\'.I Z.
141:31) p.m. -Organ recital. Stephen
E. RuhvIalr, from Proc'tor'', Il:+rwuuu.
Illeeeker :Hall. Albany. N.C. -
F'rldny, .august 21. 1 at pm. -31
sk': talk. "Survey of S,4 i .log --d'art
CII -association." Leda Gutman.
1:341 flub orchestra.
5:30 p.m.-Infernnthins 1 Sunday
Scioto/ Leeson.
44:444) p.m. -Albany' strand Thcofr-
orehest144, Julius Roxboro. conductor ;
Floyd H. Walters, organist,
U:$.' p.m.--+Oalene Van 'Deo 1.11rg.
ninety-eight, twenty-eight of whom
Are_ in the high_ school.
"The -Ontario course Of shi,ly TNpi
examinations aro followed throtia'h-
out," Miss Wilson raid. "the only dif-
ference from our cnlrse 114 holo* he-
lug that isrklt.s Eu}i14411, F'reiut+'x11.5
Latin. the,:- buys, anti girls have a out 44'4'11 in his own in.;lU-tt;r. shy and "'loess: es}arlxlly was he
native 'slr14 urn.' us, teacher. to leash The truth is, of „ours..., that. w•4ttill-
them Chinese. ' In some was th4 gr,r Cul for the influence exerted u ,
y on his lift. by his 44544 tl• llifer tlud
re•ems stipl•rtiu0us, as most -vt- the
have no guarantee N "I that there'll.
eblkireu learn from (brit CGlueou not. `even n probabfl y wf-1'atrattiau f_rie•utk the late Dr. lltraug. ,
dr•uaxug.11 to. speak Chinese before milk llr+hi44 more tb:u-a--cars-umlt` int Sluuohty ntt.rmo.n Mrs. Jas.
they speak English." proportion of the p1155nt.NNI we now ' Stewart. Mtgfa ncenu e. gave n -cep.
Aft.•r Ono Imre finished their third export. and that prop rly dltec•twl, thin for Mr.. Mui 1tt1T4rny h1 order
year its Iefgh school at t'heugtu, it war '')4lt lug hs ltsrll au a'•t Th., iv)us.•r- that (he" utlivers of the various w44-
learned. the inlet--. Iwai cud girls cation of our fury►:•. if oar .Ngi- I ru-n',t-ruissk.flttry organization. might
usually core to Canada to enter a tators Tor emiwrgo as,,., nmol coti-.I tare" hrr'•atrd I4arI -till more "f her
more advanced school or university ,'''rued to tet•p flits nrlreri:il at tiotneTf work for Chines... _ w',ao4o and '1155 -
here. . Su strong., however, I, the at- they harp an ottr.tett, ,.., 0.4 fur ,k.. 1 44r.•14. 'rhe gathering Nut hold oil tlo&
truothon .f tete laud of pagodas cud itrg N,. 1,et them go : the market' lawn .•f Ann:: Stewart's home and
IoniP to the NN1teYK1.i..l.•It we should
and children.
ta to a 4Larmigg_ manner Mr+. Mite61l-
I Ilvray toll of the lute of Dr. MacUfi:
livray fur tbe' people of tbalerich and
said .that often ht. had spoken of the
debt he 11W(.41 them fur their ',veva-
1412yallpw'04N1 h, a ;.oa.1a will be
last equally arall:.l•i,• In t ii c 4'e
of raw lumber. )tun 1 -observe that
neither Mr. ltarnjum Ler ;dipole else
has extended the -argument to lueltide
emhnrg) on such sta.i.risi as Joe doses
temples that they leas., it, swot nod bay 0. There it, 1'.'!.4nn• free- 5 there, stu=d the dotter. and •hrul..,
cases, with the aroWNt intention uf, ly offered for sale, tl, ! , :i. the vasII NI" \Imod,illnray'-ls.k.• m,•r• ru44t
m, eN•M they o)a'ely „C Ila- chine....4eo ,meso the r
''w•••••011=1umiak lea, L. 11 1 , have 1 r 1 tar ran- 1
TAN' Leal;-",= of taw+ e•xtraragaure Lf x',1(4)11 mails they. mu-- - ,',sets rwlpire, 1 1p•' -lutrnoll-ri-tics hn.l Ih.• r-I..•-i.t4
the young• -r r•nerstrrm it the .that it In great quantifier•. '1 pricer UM.' 1.--d.. '4he 44(,,wr1 -.•pi.•s .d .lift'. r-ut
I .-Ti&i6---t :.`f4' ictii7 se.iStL 115_ a4,a,-is_ fain ___ - kooks pllhlish(vl for tit m .ru I their
'�r - - - h Motet and t Id . f Iho '4 )t to whlrh
iwn-ht• No • nsovlr+' \u kr cretin' •7�1dii�T}t�lir--- :'-Tutttir •tt4'4
-Twl„t• a ,ear- come (0' shopping :likelih o 'Thatw'mi I n.• t i- At tit,• -1•,.- 1,f t1:
t>a Ifi•fnr•
•Sat Life Assurance
Co'of Canada
V011 owe it to your*•(, 1,0 your
dependents and W your brMtd one-
- io buy Life Ins mean a and to bu}
it now. Consult UP.
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
' A large aumh*r of h"a-.•- an,I-4♦-'
lobs for .sale to select from In
-Itlnmrt -any JI*e1-ot-ih@--.lowu
Altered_ .at }tri-!._ - and terms
.that sh0nld snit alryl)0d ,
_ t)l* 30 farms for sale, a few
well timbered. (nm! sat them
whir! the buyer 1 only ask4Nl
to pity for the improvements at
a low valuation and tlu. land I.
thrown 1n the bargain. at terms
alarm•" any pushl:.g Inn:. eottld
M .easily han4;'..
�l\sk about them.
' A\grnul -place to buy any kind
bf p perty. 'For all particu-
lars white or pee
Above Parsons' Fair
P. O. Box RI4 Goderich, Ont.
And all kinds of liu4inees
Stationery printed--
at The
�igtual O@ice.
We will do a job that will
(Id credit to your IIu•inetat..
Look over your stock of
Office /Stationery and if it
requires replenishing call
us by telephone 35.
The Signal Printing Co.,
India Pekoe Teas
Direct importations from the
Darigan gardens
Also English Breakfast Coffee
A trial order solicited Ask your grocer
James Lloyd & Sons
iv)Ilr.: o },iipearn: '.u., candy . , *be'. rwL.,,rt}ttg-' l', r'_ J4' m, , one• of the se pgbllc I .'4 had 1.veti
likelihood 'flint bud ill a.rg. LIN . 11.14d..:pes.ii,t. -
!t! cttruitrsata tit Children se Cult �_ ud)1r' %secs
are allow, -.1 to go tido the -it). '400,4 in tnn-11 great .tall"its": ivi-04u4•ere• 41141414'• WOre1 1.111711-1a41 A1r,
through a medieval- soli with nom i14 lo'-s''ut. they W. ,utdonbtedty44Ia•ti il5 ivray' for her a.ldr.•-.. awl
• gates. iv slot. for gifts. let . ms
u March' r(1(•h I't-rtal a- •• • l .dj41 nee. sit 4 31)7. St.;.4u•t for the opportunity she
mimes .a. Chinese fair. outside the a much ehtwpt.r ns,-. Therein we i had given to the ladle. -,d so pleasant
wa11*. it is hell- In the --"41410 lung: Irl:n7 ssnd tar% Yey t!, tib- •lrelw.d 4gt-1)A 4tuth-r)rlc. itl•fr•+Itm-ntt. were then
Kong" 1the Green 4:cwt Templer. tntlou, Jf tit* Adr,nat444 ,f enrjmrg.e--i'i,il ttrt n syn pic44xNlrt-..Ntai tlma
Here at 'any time. on pay1N•nt - of 1:44 1 1'1tr 14414* 11441.)- lac in,r•.i tine wet , "':I' sit il. ..
several ,it"lr." 41 •offerer is allow -.l of "14.141' 11 4'a14ad4" 1l. ' nti;;hr 1115-. A}nr4lillirr,(c ex4Nrt1 to Sall
t0 rnti rhe t; rill/ Gnat on- that port ..f well he di e n amus lbs 1 iz.. r. rr -.,'n t;, r:•julu her huphnnd In
the anatomy which (N)rr. y,pi•l, with =hose .w-14• - "r....4 -lots )vh.. -0700.1 S1121/.24/227j. 2114.4 the to' -t- rtshe,, orf n
the_ offlifted area of the patient. hurl' fat=e i their l' 1*(1andk. s, .. „r .1,-1 of friends. obi -Land new, -w511. fol-
\\'here•npon the pain oflsnpla'ars. ="Seoul! 4.,sien from them by 41) 'sus. ',"e I., r.
At the tel way he knight anything. of their ""the Iat.4. -
1544 s --In w lot_ - 11('4►\4►MI1"1'
Willing t0 1)bligy
day*. L.II.wIIA Om fair: NI s 1111iu)n' llu a,aori t 5Tt.--
said. ••the-r•h.N11 qt1"N rat rgyrmblew i kledlwt) Ntrlle d•1 t a o 1d(n r tad -t iii quickly fling
N menagerie-" (Tito _l`o, ')ntlu.k} .,• -.•.i tit. frrrurla: no.j turn a}rp1b-4
.4 -hat with Miss %vit...r o}u•u's m},'` %T y "Pitt nhn'lid, Mr. 14ry44n. wt;;;;,-
it"' a' ,i I.-1_1't.rin, 'err rrr:r f«r--rrs1.4•
eildl-1114 vistaa.4:TT4 tnntlnr; ph ening, 4ltatinctltla--aha a gift "Or ora• ;=fade. .
tilted Lrietni+i$. of 4'11'1111 1111 ('11in4'se tory. insist err fi,i):king Ihrt. 64-evnu.,1"• l0. olio! tu.the• 4.111
aetwa nese tluy 1444' .}s•elal .i.:rHtfes iry one MetdI la,lt trh. :rn-w-r, l hi. kncNk. "d.
"441x4 and eat. 4utt� cure" and 14144 ore 14' _ 15 intr4T a seed?" .,)� T a(4 1 14 i 14...4 rrn)-IRtrrI-
dalkn' t4u4ined+ with cln4p•fiek4 nn4 44)4141441.1114", fn a lust( a 4.4 NI
other44 -ath)g +til?'
(1)1.+-44444 (hr-iMnusi tnn11e•r Ilio elle• cud 44•hr 1.1!0411,1 14 nut=, tike Alr. barrow•. The ,dd lady -hook to -r -head.
hew INN• a•I15411r-041,-Gill D111. the sere-. rl gh•nr erlminal tall-cyr and u tnr(stt't : -Any 441-Trill-Am':_-r.nl4l 1117- motor -
red 4 or
1 1t} tintatn. where astir,- .e;' their court prooyvdlir _ n+lr.4' inlni;in • ia,•fnll)': ^.aster oil: it con have
sloolovis in the (-10)1)1.'. nut throw, that he tea•' en11.•J , ;he task ,.f c
ffiii•f37at4-(s trttTr -ten- 'nered--*P+os--wt - puuudLyf_ religion;
tlndilha. and tdetistr4 of Chinese u)nr- One thing very manifestly wrong
tinges -and market*, feasts nod fun- wtlh the world t: ,soy in that there
renis, are quite teo man, people In it nth,.
Sinn•:• ('hengt) is 3.4100 miles into the . are fullyeourim•)that they k
11114.11..r- of flan most n1Nlerli travel nearly everything 4041 swell Ise knout'
e''nv-nienlv'4 ore nhkhown. 14.44211 11141111 n great n4u y things, You can
Nippon in with intl., every day who
know' all about a•In the Bible in and
what It isn't : who: religion should
sod should 111,1 he: what the Imre rein-
edI11Me for1
ns, n -a 1 1: all the ills that
441711)1 rho body politial nod 4,,-inl.
Lean Ih,lrmat14n) :4ue1 44 inn -11 uo,te.
-hair• and small bents are pr101len try
the uuly mean* of trnn.}s+rtation.
only x tow months ago the_flr.t rick-
shaw appeared.' The trip down
rlc4'r. MI444) '
Wilson said. wens nlc°m-
p)t4hed by wenn• of small boats. eneh
With' two post...neer* -!waging Art
Sul It to a ricer Reamer a114 nt nuttiest spirit aeon',! look letter nod
Shanghai Int., the hist word in modern 4w• mach !letter :111.1 he into -h more
comfort. .oe of the F:mpr,ssi liner,.. healthy anti ivIt.l.•-0mr. .after all
Many a4,puatintancoa of MMI Wflmn there are a great tunny things that
will r-niender that n part of her et- "1011 of no do n,.: know. ,Ind our
}'i --rt. - e ' trpgnt'r'err Te11-1'54 -1 i --4'h
when .hr was '111pwreelted on the
_ Qtane -
Purpose Visiting Goderieh and Other
I'oints on Blue !Vater highway
(-wen Bound. Aug. .v-1'r.4'5074t
Gtv,t•gt• A1,-nale44, of the Owen Sound
Board of Trade, has written the sec-
retary of the Sarnia' "'ham Of
4bmtm'rce. George 1'. Paton". who Is
also the s4cr1'tnri' 01 the Rine Wet es,
Highway A*,4n•lation, regarding t
organizotlon of n hikers; party fro
1 dwell Sound to Sarnia 411111 other
places on the Dims Water Htghwa7.
The Sarnia hikers when they were in
(liven Sound n few weeks ago extend-
ed n vey (1.1'tllnl Incitation to the
()wen !Sound ihnr,l of Trade la rutnru
the sl -it. and the ptoposttion (a naw
ander consideration.
Alr. Henries hall +*4411 several of the
member* of the Hoard• and has re-
ceived plenty of encouragement. The
plan (1 16 take not less than three
clays for the trip, and to stop as tenet*
rise*: a Xln4'artnne and 154wlerleh,
either going or coming. and asking n
w from each of these pla(•ea to join
thi\,pnrty. The time for the hike lin.
tint `levet decided upon. hat the la -t
week •tn Angnat has been 1ngg164041
4M than a good time for an outing.
There b ,no doubt that the Owen
Sound peojdP world receive a rent
hearty wel4'4rlpe from the Snrnlan. If
the trip can be arrantred.
\fr, .fnmel Ryan. of Detroit. 1* holi-
daying ,it hos home were.
ledge aly,4s of_u.aay of, the things'
that we 'are fain:!,ar wlib II Men
rather sup•rtl-hi1:• It would be ►et-
cultivateNd the' hnhi; of thinking of
.ursel,,.e as dtud,11- tlnd learner* to-
aher rather tba: *44 full-fledged
Perh44pe it is hs. nisch to any that
ft..tmati4m is alma.'- *ballnw. 41111 it
at least eery o,-,-411 that ft Ina a
tendency that was. The man 4114,, Is
4n Ince thnt he ',no'w, lnr44lt7b0
e•e.al444 to le a sad nhollt what
matter ha. any 1111n the fold-.rbe0
Dogmatism In ,u y field 1. an ill
thing. hit In the is --14 of religion it
Iv 44NvInlly ha 1.4,0 and harmful.
Anil yet. let i1 be .':.ted frankly. that
is 0111' pias where i• tetAs t. thrive.
:And the harm that tt 'dnndt in that
field. in the kili5nc of that 4.4.mential
f'hrlstlan gree! .f , ,*ells. is }Inst n11
Y*., we believe •'.4t a greater mo
deity right in the m'4ot of the f'hris-
Nan ('hnreh, and ..:a0ng the people
who Are trying to 1.. fellin t'rs of she
meek and lowly NnaarMp, would he
nu eveellent thing 1 K one time, and
wnn1(1 bring In It, trails a number of
real and excellent :)ti* waded etrtetw.
RivORT OF' Hon iglifirsaperg
I'oll.winx 1•. the report ot. bag *hlp-
m,'nt. from 0114 di -,Alli for the week
ending July 341t11 :
YAOaw .4,4.11rn
Total hog• 411 43
Select lin-.n 1R 111
Thick sm,soh 97 251
(ferric. 4 :1
Shop hog. 2 2
1 _ui4)L'g4'L1L" '4...g1 -Th* Ohl Noiy:
IN gr.4fn41}, "hut 1 could' tlx yelu up
. witlt n '40-.' of s:ot.-''
\A'GY program in brief. WAIT
(Schenectady. enectady. N.Y... week of August
14*. 1925, General Eli 4.trie 4'unslauy-
75at kiIoN•ycle• (3711.5 'meters), Erste?u
stundut'tl time. -
$111111ay. •tugnitt 111. BAD
rice of the First Preetrrterian 14iur?4
oWf .tlhany.J%. N.Y. -
7:'N) p.m. -Studio progrno from
7 :45 11.111,--I,akohro"d Farm En -
S, IRMe, from WJZ.
11:(41) p.m. Gdfr•-y vi..-
-littlrt-_1tl?u 11'J%.
• Sl.uday. •\-gust TT. -Yalu -111".=
Music; talk. "Springs, and Sluttre--
see. • by Prof. It:Idiot Itlncktuore, New
York State 4'oll•g, of Houle mice. :Cornell t'oi4'rr'ity.
4:Mt p.tu.-Asia 4'I1I1.-.�rr'lie.itl`a.
3:344 p-414.- Dinner mu -le by Hotel
Ten Eyck or•le14trn. Albany, N.T.
11:35 p.m. -4 ithI," Wakefield, Cad
man program: A.4 4'.ampshal l. ."lobi,.
7:410 ' p:m:=-Prngram -1)y Nehru, .
Huy.' .wheat rll from Hotel Van Cut-
ler. Wheueelndy, N.Y.
7:44) p.m. -Song reeitni by 11'''
Monntain. euntreito. u.sldt-d by Jn-
seph f4•rriek, phutht.
Tnewlay. Angusf 44. 1:11 p.m. -Mu -
sit•: nue-ner piny, "Ten for the Muer.'.
by \\'GS' Matinee Player.. - '
1:SNI p.m. -organ netts5 by $10pllen
itli�� erT L• TTfro,,mUtlti1TS'r4N-rr;..r'.'1'. IInrnuono*
h "
5:30 p.m.--I)lnro•r pr.'um"rel
\'nn ('nN*r orchestra,gr!(r•held•.11tndy.l
pont. -. )ru.nlologkat talk,
"Ther Glow Worm.- !'art IV, L. A.
t1:4r1 p,a).-$'n=ine bl , �.. lw•Itcry
('Ickett• baritone,
p.m. --Travel' talk.` '"4)vnr the
Seven Seek" *MU t WJ7.
7:25 p.m. -New York l'hilhnrmmit'
orchestra symphony Ionogram from
1.ewliwohn Mta4lnm, New York'. WU
tem rut Ilrngfwtr*ten. rnndn(•ting: re-
hroadeast from WJZ.
11:20 mm. -Program by Hattie If.
Carter. c)mpn"er and plani.t, and 1•.
Lellny. Pickett. baritone.
IA :On porn. -Donee .reM'stra pro -
sr.%'EN7'1-F:IlHTH 1F tit NO. 33
7:2,., µu1.---Xt•w York l'itttharmonie
or'lo•-era sywphuuy program from
Lenht4ul(u 141a,ltam, N -w lurk, 't II-
Icw' f..0 H/x,;.trlltrn, conducting: ('414
br•adw4'4 from W.11.:.
1►::10) p.m -TJtre•e4564- ;.ides. ,.s"Ties
141,11's House'." by flown, jwestntwl lop
the 1\'151 !'layers,. Ten Eyck l•l:ty,
jur: Edea Waite. pianist. rssist-
Saturday; August ':1. -sixth of a
series of artie•l'. from "The 1•le4ng
Age." by \vllliam M. Jacot). l.ibrurlau,
I�tt ,•cul }F-.11e-r-trlc 1.0..
symphony program from JA'wIsw,lta
Stadium, New York, Willem Von
11.og.rratetl. eonductitrg ; rebroadcast
from WJZ. -
!l::q! p tu.-I)N4.e program" by Teti
Eye): 44. ,4 .r•he-era Albany. N.Y.
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