The Signal, 1925-8-13, Page 2430
Tflut"dsy ♦ttdttet ls, MS.
,. i• let era UMI I.utds. which -t•oWd
��g!�e r► " vier be retlnrb y.•t ovoid earn 1 TO nnrnrnY_E_ THE
•ir�%c Si ][silt 1M•r ,,,, . mere that! ttorernmrat EGG
via htald.. sod oat? that. oet they would w
tiSTlit1,1SttUD 1.'S48 arty the tau -tact of **ruings )3
l H CANADA mon.. In (Nr:, of tenni oar t►ait of MAY tail: KEFT 1`'itYk111 W1THO(OT
sire' •ewrulaaa steni• 7 e the
()OLD STOR i(iit
total Water Glans surd LLne Water May Be
wenn Geed -When w Yreeene-Packing
f 1wabi
reel h. -lion'! Feed Carcases w Live
t the Stack.
•k u( (coatributsd by Ontario D•partm•et of
!tt of Agriculture, Toronto.)
their A household economy well worth
'to all while may be pratolced by all house-
s rl k
t• THE SIGNAL, •rte(. T ,u. • GODERICH, ONTI,•'i•
Member of l'anadiart Weekly Nein- to dtellard lieu!.inti
l Talus et the aaulgw
lntprra Aaroeiatf•* 1 .r*tem.. iftp{t eri•u at.,-. .,.-
1'Irbllelt, 1 every Thw...tay asorning. capital int
tutest•riptf.t prise 62.00 per year. To V e'1ta,•nt •ut the C.P.B.
lent un a g(rhrtwturut su{,tv-lien,
l tinted St:, ca and Eorcigu Countries, for ani time. that `h not roulade
pt..:*. per ,•er. strictly to advance. b outkteut. 11 1. proposed the
THE SIGN 1L PRINTING CO.. LTD. holder+ of this stock, ,safe }n
Telephone 3e , : Goderieh, ons.profits,
•saa's1 A'Ilerer ppss,, t.) a eking e equal urtg
'41 11. itober:son, Editor anti Manager tsettnil and
_ - management N'lth
Thundu, ttlgtlrl 23 llt?,3 larrtner. the Dominion. whli% de
•the 5ltaraaM/1Ug and fails seer
I.t 1-
1181,.. 4La• is hound 10 say thllt
those Who put forward tads plan tan
-tamely have extorted that it wtu)d
lung stand as ua
meter diseneost.
-fin - f t- I',�;• too •
• _ '41-44-0- - --"•-•!-'-The 4h.teat 4t .t h •:1.t1 rjj }a Ye•a
-Perhn a those New Hrunswtekers Brnuswitk, fe lowbtg that lit Nota
,r had not heard of Ostario's,_I•ly1J2o- (*win. seems I. !,e regarded by ('un.
and perhaps they bad. • r(eatives h . Rtrovittee as an au-
. • • soil!• of rlc�y f. their rev
hit tat • In the
• And perhaps the - potpie of New coming Federal elections. No doubt
__.-Brunswick wanted a Premier whose the durable cry has given the ('on -
mane they could pronounce. and so •••natives ° e•,t,•d. hope,. and tenni:
elected Barter in peace of lenlot. donee. bet the eel •t that Nova ietsoia
• • • • and New firmr•will'eleete4 t'oneerr•
Metkuloaity is one of the plagues •thee L. gtsialnrrs On l'rorineial I.
of lite. rays The Oweu Sound ,Sun- rue* is no amanr "of Const•rrative'rho
Tines, We don't hear any complaints tory In a eoe, -.: nn Federal }-sue
The people of •',• Marititue'Provinces
regard the e1i- . : ett.tom• tariff as
unduly fat -oral the manufacturer-
of theario and t:u.4.te. nod inst,•nd •,t
fn verlr
rg the hi_h.<r tariff whish Mr.
.Meighen propos,•s they. demand. a low-
ering' ut duties. Pee -auto, of their gee.
graphical posit ion they have tittle
prospx•et of devOT,PItm markest for
In that, though -there are any num- their products in 'Cetera! or Western
her of tin Lizzie. already travelling ('anode. and they obj1.•t 1„ eatrrytoz
• around the country. the burden of ee-tow. Natation with.
• • • out -.owe titul ars:alma advantage to
In South Bruce thI . untie,•. theutregvee. Tin result of the Feed
have nominated 44 monument mann- "ear e4001011*. .,h••nevir they cower
taCturer ae their enndldate for the 'fer tut as de•i•,c'1r to furor of the
fiou.-e of Communis. rhe LiM•rals [Altera! party :t- the I' c*..
here chosen a dtw•tor as‘th.•)r enudl• lien.; have beton favorable to tlte.(un-
,date, and on the principle that the aerratiree.
doctor -gono.abeed. et--lh•--tombetone,
man the Liberals ought to Rif.
! • •
of It to this district, but of course tete
climate - bere.Is better than up in the
Georgian Ray district.
• • •
The I1-,smnsytrania Itailr...t an-
nounce* that it will girl• teethe; to lte
fast through freight tratu- in plat•,
of the numbere by which the have
been known. Torre i.. nothing new
Jacek Hunter.. of The Kincardine Re-
porter. made an awful mistake in his
paper of two week* ago. Ile report-
. ed a man dead who wasn't dead at
tq ---*11.---ate Judging trent the way In site's' new tongs r.f tax.ei„n.
...which 7. J. apologized In 114-t week's ra►r
tkt31r. Lrur7.-toldwas
paper we iwagtine the Chap we+ quilt 1 g fig the Prov,
healthy. and bigger �t terry rewJpisa -:n and that,
•^ gger than the e.iC114,. (y'.'} • premier `h r:l
� iu d th refers
Loo. iasetlfeptn oth4 ••
t tt'*Y ,t bug. hoiret.-r,
Aar'rdtng to a «talemeetrt by zltc Femme"•u (:'( ..he.for
":IaPpr N.I.
�l *ring 3Ir- I1ru'� -' j titstYs.
ter atm e•,•4 of r''.•tette. The pr
York, Canada i* the only country econuwie. were
'f' :l:ovrrnm, •ie'. Mi forgot tot
where the income per capita f< a«w attics .,t rutin
greater than before the ,war. During
44A itx•rr,;y-,i indemnity. ane t
the inti tea yP-fire:;, according in Ibis ris followed ',y r;e•w taxes of an
$ e. inky undo- 1 of in the U.
eolapany's .figures, the per e•apita 15-11 r,;nee, c qapie1lsttk_
romp fn the ease of 4:rear Hri:eiu lies. tak on '..•• . r, riff tine tax
then from $238 to .*'212. fa the eseel1tAMdI1M.
of the United States from #83I to
no P 4ditions• new revert
le2til, while in the care of l'anaLl At whH le .lAt #, rzn•on Government
has risen from $230 to 1241.
e r .. • ..
!rives during the period when eggs
are most abundant and cheap. The
high prices generally ruling during
the period October to March puts the
extensive use of new laid eggs be-
yond the reach of -people with 11m1ted
incomes. However, all may have
eggs for r16tw lase by putting down
a few doses in a suitable preserva-
tive medium, and thereby supplying
the need during the period of scarc-
ity. It doss not pay to put down
more .than enough to tide over the
period of high prices.
Water Glass or Sodium Silicate.
Water Glass Or Sodium Silicate U
one of the most useful suDetanoee that
can be used In preparing a suitable
medium for preserving eggs Ip good
condition for alt household purposes.
It It a pale yellow, odorless syrupy
Liquid that may be purchased at drug
or grocery stores. The proper pro-
portion L one part of water glass to
ten parts of water. (Use water that
has been boiled and cooled). Should
the eggs float, and they are known
to be absolutely fresh, add a little
more water.
2.Lne Water,
This is • very successful pr aerv-
atIve medium, easily prepared by
slaking three pounds of good lump
lime In a small amount of water, then
add the milk of lime thus formed to
three gallons of water. One-quarter
Pound of salt may be added. Keep
the mixture well stirred for the day
and then allow to settle. Pour oft
and use the clear liquid only. ' Put
the eggs into the clear liquid and
store in a cool place. using as needed.
Time to Preserve Egg..
During April and early May eggs
;�•�- Afternoon
%detii•h, Ont..
%trot'.. Klt,g w1444) i,i'ft rtertortous,
-11) the truth shall own nils sway
He trill wake Ili, kibgdow Iclorious.
Hr will reign through eu.IIees duy
Nations now from 1:«I eetraiged
Then spall s,•,• a glortoise Tight :
Night to day wl:al1 then. he changed.
Hra r''en +half t: Outwit iu the sight.
-Tlrowas h'-41y-
I'K11 E
4 lur Fatltee „•• .w•k to he wade ,n' et iter
fr'ru 1411lewee. utak', us• pure in
weed. fill enc wi• , :t.leigtn sense of date.
elunrgt• its wit > !nnr,))4) 'aewf' ai,.
Mut' we glory ( ; Ir\ ones epi the
1 S. LESSON -FOR .11.4t. 1p:3.
restore Title -The 'Mtaretbales
I-e*sws Pasant,•• -.tele 16: 6.13 -
Arta 16: 31.
The hr -t feu ars of the church's
history saw. the- ) .o. a.l pr. -tithed itt
Jerusalem and 1'..--•u '. The -wond
saw it 1.rot•lalw. n -tale )Jiuur: auq
it 44 ,. 4.14)3' at t::. •�teiing ,d the [bird
de•ude that (V.r:' rlestwteh,•,i a-ior-
ut:d ea N.lu0 fro t:rti�op.•. n))4(' rice
greatest triump)• of the, 4:,»pe•I Were
nfter'ar(Is to I„ uo1
ftrlle,. 6-&-A Hentirenee.
The Jews n..:• ❑tetten,tes In the
di*trieta of Heat:onla. 'but I'aul was
not permitted t there.. 11t:• HuIy
Ghost had other 4.,rk for hini to do
and wan trope• Itis West ward.
even when be d.--:r..rm )ay' -tn111-ow the Aptr:r .*,lu,lilaiiepltts•d al.I
will we are a4._ :,;.t.- Rt; _Poul. lye -
ever. live! In at. enut:pli•r(• '.f !t(-, people. and these I sow the paltu trees
vtur tv11Ppla1l:.:+_,__Ih-holt Jeremy 1 of Tral•atur,re, miles from a rall-
TAyIor, to bis 'li'cense'r e.o-Th:• Way '.nay. 3* that slmpte palm -leaf pr-
of-hiwwiedge 41 sit:*. nut that they
oe••st , d hate a kuowl-, t 'eC., •.�ttt,t
edge and • a le ,r• r..t fling,. 'ew'u haute*,. the lnrge•st t'lii:ib:•
Dress Linens, e�00 yds. delayed in Arrival
Irish Pure All Linen
Uncrushable ' suitings. 36 inches
wide, in colors rose, greens. ca-
nary, peach. pongee, natural,
white, browns.
Our special $I.o0 quality on
sale 59C•
Coats _
Women's smart, stylish COATS,
poire twills and novelty cloths,
silk lined. Regular $25 $18 .00
to $35. On sale
Dress Silks
36 inches wide, black silk duchess,
heavy French make of deepest
richest black. Regular special
$2.50. On sale, at per 1.69
beautiful styles and exquisite
qualities, formerly $Iz $7 95
to $18. On sale
Congoleum Rugs
3x3' - yards . .
3x4 yards
2' i x3 yards
- ....... $13.95
3o dozen extra large Bath Towels,
best English make, size about
20x42. Regular *1.25. On Qn
sale, per pair OJC
Why, lire el • 1'4. irret'RMl whhout eft ,eu
selrtrL 1 to them flat* andiellee- in the world,
Thu. t o_ /list ret. I'attl
wain ltd down to unclean- el III tinst au*fltq a were*) ('hrt!-
Tr,a.. whirr.. ( .rr.\(Ii.•.1 to hitu his liuuw pools nue -hit erre M.14J0
new dela of le,s-r. weut.•41. 1)4(4.14 another sitar erre
Presider Bergeson*. Ne►r are usually cheapest, and .It also hap 1.. 11 Wen•. 'A11 this nu. °' 7 Veva** lain -Thr 1 iaium, great work 1
(I do,. 1a,erIt.ere +: ons that the opt o. J fi'1 +a4 a wan caw ear toeing. done with no mission:
One of the totter critiec,m• wbh•h produced la the spring i 'Spring late ui N . , j.y�r'1,•d t., tau u sr1T'- ter' lL10plttA"m`j t au tudtRruous
I reinter Fe Kgs keepgo over into 1 •.•uutrr aro • p e h_ 1_ a --"fg cairn- tl�•e? �lasahtm *Yr
rgu..10 and tete eatontigu better than summer or
sp"Ak dhs4tt. d - ax ►Ifni! hr Urun iltrlr mss
liorrment �••++ tell Ia.tree
the rupees tr otwv i• litter to lu
Unwashed, sound -shelled eggs wit( Europe to unuw>< lore:tot •n t til t I
autumn laid eggs. the Gospel. I : its, terve told 111* file eraugeixat7un„ U(
c'/,W ,!!situ( :retrrtrr:
uta,. What to Preserve. t rot 1 ,a)I au,1 the;, 14)1
,#„•nine WrtltU, 44 ,{.• sed forthwith 1 These, thrtr• iseyw'th14 "sear itrd three
rq,. 1 F,nt 11eit„(uTst t:, )yf.sace a0r•,1s gn•al churehr,,. 414th uttfers,'into a
tee O*ly the absolutely fresh, clefs*.
• •. •
- �lh
Itenkprtr' Trust Comperty of New .
keep. U yes have to buy egg. for !Peruse 11 -12 -The Journey;
ne. preservilierF-Ts- advisable to eon �p ., lefr Tr .cud its ;no darn pulling together, wttkh txrverte eleven
the them before nutting down unless _oil Iat rut • t het stages, and werkcrt
• through more than twee t •• .
e' t' ani into 11 tin-
then•witie t'vange41wt1,' raml.algn. all
le' have absolute confidence 1n the per some e1 t1*' the pert t n p,
ght mt -stare!! Teel 1154•. anii a ncrrat,.l all
son •suDptrrtng them. Any egg that have hail a•fa, lite 1tn ,i{!. f+tr. }n 1 parr«'«f In•
aur' Goats__ anduld be discarded. Eggs At .-11, 20,4) we of feet Si. '!aid dot.---.Sherwr»„ 1 F.ddy,
r- with shrunken contents, cracked 1•«4. i'daFr ..trc,.•1i-»itt,l.}t}l11iti. - - -
II-ab•lla, watery content or dirty shells 1, Trine, Teo 'too. fr ,, tie- East .•:'tel• w••.!.• old te1.,•w• Fyn look
1° if put In the presser tU -6.1_1/tune 7
will be
,141 is slaw When they come out, and they
0311 also spoil everything that they
In- toast while in the'preservative.
1',O, titan• Containers
tie! /Earthenware, or glass crocks
oh wooden tut1s or casts uta" be used.
, Avoid, foetal containers. A vessel of
it, sig gallon size will hold 20 dozen
tetieet'.,g frnu,•rti pe,ple of than
-till i„i rh. re aid hant ,tend. 1%'hy dun'. • yott�-Mk,•
then wrest: by 4 a •,art the {Sia° = r4.'
Neill road :o .. may. 3f later er, Nf•ws.
they tier,.uflie ,»ts. a• Ib ;t.r•utildt
traeel by flu• eq. - !..-tar eerri.•t•.�FALL PSB p3TB$ -
post h • u h _ t•.tald4*list at a 1layflehi-Sept,• 111 gU '
distance of et* miler from one an -1 ttlrth-sept. Si 14 ,
kother, Is Am re4,ks of Iter -to weir, lieu» -elf --(kat. 1, 2.
41'4444115.ptt Ili, putn¢e 4.,)e . ,t, to Parry .Ihu'Kituuo4-44..,. 1 4
ggs, usually er,,,ush for a family. • ler 1 initw ria! 1:toter--5..).' ,J 23 k ;waltn
ri.,.y ft, .nd:1 •,r ,alt ns '•
Whitten.: 1s used it must be clean a1riearl t t'Icl tin )it ('•erritb^'iept. p, 11, 11.
e,(nee- . t. li, 1,•3,
„„ take up " 't The) Gnlmd t t.• .[, , cur p
are bdn•ate4 in the firer nesters
the • .r• ••-eente-a-ttatIon L1S nit
lira• Cot twenty tftya In Mn,* tine
tltictttists are predicting terrible
.tl -IIP' (4144 and for Jun,. 31
Yhmgs about sort hearts weather.
test ,.Ter had' a million -defiant f
two atiwr �tt,,n en Pw. •:Ir in less them two Wont
pxlably not be tar Erna rtorm:ei. and the pry .lees t ,cun_g,L
fihP scientists will than tit1,1 • •_� �a • ,1 , f fly. Ferrcn.m, t:nc
spots which they had not rr'uutPd meat ,pn•,•r..• hope new rev'
which tdrsrt the aou,Lt t;u,? inion --oht404..-tax•p•yters__mite%_
?Ir. 1+ri(r+ --Wow!, is lila inuutr
�t_sl!!tS(1! • ThPLwtll . ty anything ra• Ti'... nn "n}'tt`• festers. "f It -Is; that
��^ :,'1n icer e . ••
her than admit they cannot re•iTiyr
feit:lfl Penne-,i• Feeaw,wp_-L"
ithh[R-at«tet rise- wwttfl•r m.(rr:1wr,mptlshtnq n.,tht
thaw a- day or feu Ahnnd, ++ser(• :r iii tlr tote" nnderteek.•
• • ei r"
;)'j �' 11w_3 a Itann.r \Bear for Western I's/
The ri,lef of Idle !Vin,l.or fire 41,•- 3r , x ,;:it ;. ;, tiale draws near. t
lu,rtm(•nt would nor allow a new fire Wester:: *ter., 1:•e:r rr..und* at Laudon a
trm•k- t.i let d.ttror,..f trr=�- �,.►_' (rklitt... . - r,�:tstd anion47 :dud a
/Tient on a Friday. as la etul.i.'t:•r.It l'a}diff' is r.g poli !n ,bap.. fur ,1I•h
au hulur ky 11:.7. TI:.. l•i'ior ;n rs• tee bl
Fie 4 ttr� vita � 111 rurr e�° rel„ ggec't "cele � "t
gine for 1;1wierl,l, wits , tr I,,-..1 oil a %tat. '•Lhtb)tioh.
Friday, -o' when i . eves St:)ynr nq1-' 11*Pttta Mace• - 1, 4),
nand,.• the 1n .r, lrat.ortrtitl twine tl
Mae1'w53 41411 liars _:, lun•tutttTl n•ts,p art; ref the cents 0ie.ts and
14411110 ineantattim (Jeri 11',4. r4. m -me thcl •
t::trrr• a ir+,•?e'r live' }treacly fiid(ltat
• �f11( +af-1i1rL- er live aIn(•k. •
-434.)1..-Knox I n • Teti v •,, •le_• l p• Prn Fair t
ire HUG lh! antrarr fon tiro new '^t t
•vet .)»'t1.
:�wafi---►�-_-f��t�.�ti�."Y.-�---... ....-�. Tllerr hn* !'Pleb An nil
n-rst . , o LbtM`11T3(�1tr.
• • • worths ::. and dealers fur space
• till the ta::,••:+ buildings to disprny
Pl The Lit al 4iuternnreett of New their Prethr. •-
lrnnrwick w . elefnt(wl In the Tht• :,,.,, aufrutachrrrr.+' M)Ild6nz.
vrhh h
BhI sent ele•Uon* 1)114 PrnvInrl� rm r:Wept of lt. khat in flu
war eoenatt' f.` 1.;• fillet ro capacity with
1'tes(tar• Thirty x (loneer:fatletil 4cc1tie )t i'41, lute fe•a lir4mg (*nada'.
were elected and twelve Liberate. hohi !real :r. hh•
Thr I'arrne•ra, nhn_Li, ."(•rep 'spiry 1ff -•-£ZJu�uL1re l'uelly engege•d refer
the tact .'w•gl•Isture•. fa (ed to retain •tel" t ttlat1114n1t sad de/weed/tit ,
o- a 'Ingle .rat In this ., )'.. Ib n., to retake their yeti-
s -The hit. the u•�.rt
, etttatandina - kale before. ih electors c. F,tuttttItle hive and •..rutile
of their. ;, n' here been re•-
w•aa the prop•.*al or the riot [anent '''•I(a.l from as parts of Camila sell
w the development of hydro-, tele rhe ("nit, ! t•„ ,.a, a certain itidfeatfou
Pr to a p 4.11' ent,.rptl.r. p, that i, tC,•.n rn Ih'p,l genennte prize
&Kr what det,•rmlut•'1 ilu• rt•eu i acts i 1 ;ag n.ecatrel (lilt enttru.I-
t in(.re. n anything. elle,,: however, E:..•rethTiiz -{«•inti Tit a'Tecord year,
roil we. the et that Mr.''rnlot, the 1.1h- floc.»u`i. rd .1a_now_ making
Itf� rri(i nom e ' era,( t-}.. ra Pr felon to :t, for exrepUonally
tFti", 8__�-F't(wcTr line' e
('unadi,,,i and tae Gest Roman Carbo- age
4in• ears. ba.
It lie to. seek •lei• as I're)nier of tie. the v hest titin trent,token to and the
aalesemenu the e
Province. And th religion* rynesrlon midway ' -1' the largt'st ever ween
til uta, at the: it . aro. High -Has* nettle•
the'auhJe(d of liter conth,ei•ny title A»'t.r..lis -.,ee, enassel ter the
(Turing the" / a7mpntgi: _ __.. in-transit-Iht
• • ' e('w, and a *•,ia! 'land pxrfnrman•
l t'anarstenta are cw-
t e TTu• .T014/flit- -Sine .1i,,,, tela made in net the prtrlar tiro -
for the I'rnj-.nsi . made la t Renate -work* d Teta p ..-
for rhe eta The en, .-tare 1[r. b, 7n It '71
$ aural rectae 1 'two le )riving carr t•: often( in to alt tm-
'cl; frier* and is•r, , int Arra III supply
prise light and ,r;tnrraatlen rettee.r
tt+n• • ,ruse ..Western F r 1.r.nn
SII to he ah .4.I'..tanding %nee s n1.)
eethe one big outing of the Q e,r
all the ph'pi. of !t-e•tern 4►ntaRto
Th• •at, who fa writing the hl.tnrr
Of the .lenses kora soy. that neerly
(*eery great „vitae hart .t,•
x44.14 Tn mar, 1, the gen Turret ;Of
hap*. -Detroit Free Fres..
a now fia•ing thele l+a�
_ t
tad tweet eggs will quicklyt k t' the -A -11142_14,t__'‘ t*ire Ku ll 8,
Ra ny taint. Better scald vessel before 1'•41017 11 41*11 11 ) h l,nnd,ui-Rept, l2 to 1$.
tax the eggs go 114 • rola Na. 11 The rutdnie ai p.ttrkuo --pt(• , . Vs
. ,Pit wi.. to j*• } t- ' �. .
r It
1.1) Paces'
h.. Place the eggs in the vessel, small
Q.L. end down, and pour the solution of
Waleerglasi Or-1tmre
ern• i are putting /n a few each then
a ran(- - 111 the creek half full Df Liquid and
pp R. f place the eggs when gathered, having
rete at least two Inches--of-1lauad- above__
the eggs at all times. Store In
eytis:isi her..- '•e l Yitchet Nt'pt. 2fr, :41. -.
a *, tlat'.iji4 might Ler4.•afnrtb--p'(ty.t. 24. '
estsbl:-1+ el: There etf,t e t ih. wren,.
1'.4.,nto-Aug. _sy t Vt•.1 r
lisle l,ee t I• 1Wlrtt,.l, /1.-.011._1.1044_41 tl'1
Kith-taul:a) .1 -1.5 In Phil: pt_crani.e-one }ltualiatn-o.:ll, {q. s
. 17.urie•h-ffeL I. 2.
however ft' Jew. e.On1.1 riot x•e-a !bit a__:;_.19_;5, -.ue they dl 1 ,,,t
pnhiti• �or.'_ i,• n,•51,
rrauctetL_iu. .he �ctLi(iG IA!
•atllatatLIgaame__ ret, _ - - erste 13.15.--1101:14 -
,lase "l' -.1x1.• '181 cite fly .•, ,•
e,► ;-__ Three gallons of either the lime or
n: water glassesolutione wf"'presorre 2t1'----14-1e-
dose The1' men.
Ya. P �..,,.atoi Sul
De about two cen s � ret• . c ;reit 147,.1 hi.
Semen Preariwi
n egg*. water glans cost will ' n i t veli' m x i
t dozen eggs. I •Ittrp::ict :r -err d,�.pri-,•,i ••.sour
Hine is a little
II Cooklina Qualities. -
rr•-}- Eggs preserved by lime or water-
glass "olutlons can ble used for nearly
` all cooking ptdrposes as cakes, eua-
i('' tarda or omelettes. --L. Stevenson,
O Dept. of Estenilon, 0. A. College,
u i + '
(. I From Beetling ('an:sees tA'
- Live Stock.
a Failure to destroy by burning or
lata mals tb� th a caress)�- of uses
frequently- results In eons -Wert
" Iota to the neglectful party or of
p•opl• of the district. Piga, dogs
oats and carrion birds will carry in
fectton from a carcase over the neigh
borbood, may b,come infected the*
selves and thereby widen the circ
' of infestation.
In a recent investigation It was
brought to light that a man los
eighty chickens from disease, 11
admitted throwing the dead chicks
into the pens where the brood sows
were etiolated, and having dumped
the cleanings from the chicken house
In the hog yard. The sows and their
progeny developed tuberculosis,
which proved to be the avian type.
A test for avian tuberculo,l, was ap-
plied to the poultr)7` flock, and ft, too,
was found to be infested.
11 aa1•thine tiles, don't mow It for
pig feed. Awry or burn. *eq-�
4.g and cat away from all curdle*
and offal, as harterta which may M
Virulent sad parasite eggs or !ansa
are almost sure to be present The
applteatiea of fire is the best mesas
destroying animals and birds that
may die from any cause.
great railway ."stems of (Isnatie. it
The Senate committee's plffa
alnr.igl114411 41 mantle no chance what-
er.-r or I4.,inq serer up!al.h• 10 lb. PPM
pit. of Van -tele. The proposal is that
the "'.i' 11 shareholder. should be
fttaren/0,A 7 for cent. for all time.
Where In the world would there be
any other inee.tmty,t compared altk
that! These sharer would to as *air
zit ton 1 •n:•. of i:,, swslloe•$s, Die
•it+elew. f 7r , of t emery. ally. I
of his 1 hl one I
that erose of the introit
rtferttl'c• oil fruftfnl'. sermons hare)
1.011 pre 3,•114 • to extrt•tnely-.*mail tette+
ereerfii"h--,xo e.r !tire. t'ero.e._et
te.*•f, -tette ••11P of N'hom 4 t.. after
!nerds Ittrte.L Mit ti, lie a muet-..t:igei•-
oft. Prhtf.' ,,f- the ('rocs• of shit+t.
ern th1.* w tae o* the hurl o4M•ue,)• Ute
heart of ,i.,...a to that the lltteuded
4,1 the pts .. is tearhhig. nu•1 she and
all Tina 1..0411°1(1. whey) (hitt to-,
wtlio'te' !` .lime lalrtikerl di.e•Iple* esf.
portant n lr:.ttt 1n tin• hl.tory of -the
her 1i#�sK��ti�-saa-w�+Erlilerl
as resod The. Ex
, -positions' 1::1, •.,E
n- Are Chri.tean Hinnio►ss
i• (ised7 ung 1ayK
When 1 .,nd l 1n India twenty-
three• y'-si rko, to 1rta:, 1 14.51(7, to
t work anionic. ,t few of the .t'L41sr Fn •
11rpj..iN:akt1'g wilegr -*Tthitlirs of til=
ns .1114. tee r..lreusher the era little
aroeup of 111r'-.• boy* 1 had. tote wile
1 u pws.r, low 'Aire 41.,", azaria. frits
,:tete w( ltaltreks so low. that hl* p.eo•,
pie ,•0441,1 Is• escluded from the tem-
ple's of It net tae -tint p.rtuitted e•r•n,
to worship Idols rti thea• temple, l
The green .,y uta* Sant lawn l'arl:),I
Ills ie ,ere the on'e•e.t -
,dregs r .iet7--I.,a'er than the jj
dogs,•san qts csoild Rn ejoit'h theTl
pie. The r(-incr a na A pouth w.( t-_-+itr+.r f„sy.�
rd t*
1' •n I -.• at In'k In 11Y11). "tato,-
117( of rel -.nee. m,mg Other. • i
looked up 110 4.e three bees', 1 found
that that fir -t bey 1. now liiehn
1 Untie. the first (!omni!' f,ittglleaa)
hailer ltieleet 1 'ieinel hie dhs•efe
*weir anter! avows 1.4441Nw..«f-hl.•
The ,u'. and hooiy le now moderator of
the Moth Indian 'United (`humh,'
uniting already In one hotly the 1',--,
b7terlan. tie. Can grega;tonal. the;
Duo* I eforn to&L the. ,Free Church of 1
p('r, i1nd. the Betsl,lt•hwl ('hnrrh of
prof/end and Snew4n Reformed Mit►!
•)pees all In one, and this young man
the moderator of the ('bomb.
The third 14.7 IA today a Alshop of
the Rene
•dine to come Own and speak to bio
The five and the iamb.
It p0salble, keep the ewe and the
lamb in a separate pen for a few
dare after lambing. If each ewe can-
not be kept In a separate pen. 0017
those having latah• at about the
same time should be kept together.
Sines milk Is about 117 per cent.
water, a ens should have &oases ale
all the pure water she will dr3aA.
me.l Syrian Church. fie ask•
Arta Lsesomess-
A met Breath
al all limes
After eatlnA or siaokk11aaa�
Wri$l•ys freshens the moutk
141 dAterNtens the breath.
Nerves are soothed throat le
refreshed and digestion aided.
So tasty to carry the lithe packet,
-after elliery meal /per)
Never before have we
had the pleasure of offering
a more extensive line of
artistic Footwear than in our
present range. : :
The new designs are the last word ill,
fashionable Footwear and you can be ', (
- assured of getting just the right creation
for every occasion.
The Peres are
most reasonable.
Tennis, Bowling and Outing Shoei
Have a look at our line of OXFORDS for men alb �Ig
- ora Sitfe of Square ti Clxler:r%r
Use The Signal's Clubbing hist and Sa
I 1
5X -- 3X Mft, •.
$1.25 per bum up
Robert MacNair Brand
The signified of 13. C..ti/iiiitlet)
The best car we have ever -handled l
1'. n. I/R.1lt ER 180 PlIONF: 47W
Plus half a cast a mil beyond to all points is Mats-
..,... - WANand
!fury. MacLeod and Last
un(, sudhurti•, (�iprrol' and �thrr
'evttih Ontario. Colli
a K flat -Toronto, (� or(' tigt►tlo(1, Penetang, Midland, Parr
toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta,- - Edmonton
• **turning; Hal a cent per mite to Winnipeg.
to !tondos.
A 1 Glelon East, Ber.•ton NI f I
Inglewood Jet. an.l :111 Station..oath and gest thereof in Ontann
TRAIN Leaves Goderic6 Al�g. 21st- ��,,,,�,a •; m
Tla►ay/s tralnatti•-CMIINMsbIat Colealet Mars -
ears for Woes.* sad CAlldroa
lhirell".r ur our hr) destinationto Winnipeg via Canadian Nahanni Railways, whether or are
in the West is a pout or the Casediaa NatWest
Tickets and all inteemeti•s front nearest Agent.
( Y411,
aa'tta•.a., a^