HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-6, Page 8Ike". *41818%.118144111011.1121 <- sr • • r .i .:wx S'I' , ;. -,1 ,, \u to 6. 1923. thehappenings of the early days; ;ix S. 8. 1JQ• 5, MORRIS young ladles .muga couple of sweet HOLDS A REUNION tth� torture pastor, gave a tine address, };yy� `urretwfu111 harried Out w� which was e , large. Atlettdatuee J I :u, On, of the best re- - THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. • ' Hawaiian songs Rev. Mr. Brown. a SOFTBALL LEAGUE toild re by n broom dance Hamner. 12.-G.C.L I♦ lay Derry Jackson. The (.C.1. dropped their flret game While thhi program was guing on of the setons half to the lowly Bane. Itivn l ? vo'w's :e•ld .n this section was anjo7td then' were numerous games gulag tut ars ou Thursday night, when they yertenlay afternoon by the former i in a dt•Id across the way, the first be- were defeated 12-10. The Cullegt- tug a game of soft -ball between teams ane' team was badly crippled by the Of married and single ladles, the re- absence ut two of its stars. The salt ftelug in fator of the singles. Af- Baukers gained a big lead in the fore - ter this a ouu:,,.us supper was nerved part of the game, but the O.C.I. Were by the ladies. Ater supper a good steadily climbing and were almost In game of baseball was played between the married and single men. which re- sulted in favor of the single men. The school was beautifully deco- rxtrd Muth ie, -Ede and out with Sap, etergresse at. I banners. ).his ae'bon, section was orgwuistrl in 1852. and the present building, which was- Inuit In 1901, le tbe thud school. It i- a comfortable brick building, with a 111* playgrounds. }:vidyuee of 'be way the rural popu- lation la de..suWg is found in the fact that in -I'70 this sdh of had 146 p cls ou the roll and now there are only nine. F:rty of the old scholar+ are now betiseen 142 and 90, fifteen are between ''+' and 70 years old. .II the pupils I;, '.;; had Invitations swift thein and 150 from a distance ac'twpted. an,! 'nose who found It im- possible to c•ca,.• sent letters of regret. The follow n::; are the names of the teachers who have taught in this school: John Irwin, Annie Smith. Kate Rmlth. May Mulholland. May Irwin. Richard Adaw., Alice Dick, W. J. }'root. John Armour, James Arm- strong. W. J Grennan. George Black- well. James Knrchtel, Thomas Robert- son. James Nicol. William Potter. ('bristle 'Holladay, A. C. Russell. May Halladay, Jame. ,Stewart, Bert Pass- more. George- Bryson. H. D. Ainley, May Scott, loin (bnnish. Clayton l'roc- tor. Plorenee Tenn y, Clarence John- aton. P. .ilte•esior, -John Hood, Arthur Itlntonl, •Edward Reed and Minnie Reed. and pec -.cut leachers. pupils and the. ratepayer/sof 1.$r44►. 6, ,brats toot: - snip. Preparations for the event had Lusa In progress fur come time and the results reflected great credit on the committee in charge. A big crowd was in attendauce and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the event. The committee was headed by genial 'Richard Proctor, who was assisted by James Kelly. Alex. Cloakey, Charles Wilkinson, John McGill. W. 'Stubbs, Gordon GaUagiler, Carl Proctor. Gar- ___aer Ne li& on, Elmdon Wald►. Wilbur Proctor, Henry Johuston, John Bell, Charles t'oultive. John Clegg. eldwia Armstrong. Earl Andereou. W. Van - camp. Frank Martin. James Grasby. Bert Jackson. Jame- Noble. James Armstrong, MesdamesJt. Proctor, J. ,McGill, Fari Proctor. 3. Kelly, J. Noble, MI -se- Edith Proctor, Frances Jae kson.- Anus Kelly. Josephine John- elon. Maud Kell. Gertrude Armstrong, Mildred Russel. Lelia Parkinson, }7ti+a Proctor. The progrnm started with a eali- thumptau proces.lon. there being shout fifty costumes, of all descrip- tions. headed by a jazz band. After this performance the musleal part of the program and the •addre•sses took place from a tooth which was beauti- fully decorated with evergreens and Sags. with Richard Pro. -tor as chair- man. The program was ese ellent. Tue chairman's address referred to what the ,shoal had done for the welfare of the world by turning out such bright pupl w1io were now --fining m • ' a 1►ositluns in all walks of life, as they bad one missionary in China, one judge. numerous ministers, doctors and lawyers scattered all over Can- ada and the United States. The Jackser orchestra gave a selection; James Taylor. a solo; Rev. Austin )fudge. of Hamilton. an old pupil. epnke of memories of the early days John Bell gave a piccolo nolo; Dr. William Potter. of (Galt. Iowa, one of the former teaehrr*, who left here thirty years ago. gave an address; Mrs. Vanwyck. of Wingliam, gave a • reading. which was followed by IUgh land dancing by Maud Jackson. lar. ltrynn, of Toronto. another,, of the former teae•hers. referred to some of xt hat. The game Was poorly at- tended. The tearful were: Mitchell-A.,niowes cf, 4). McLock liu p, A. McHenry'. c. 1. Davidson lir. 1.. Edigbaffer If. It. Wright- ef, W• Elliot eh, iF, R'alkum ;h. A. Moore rt. I Goderich-E. Elliott 3b, W. Bisset 'c c, E. Dogwtte lb. W. ltarlow p, II.I Fox as, R. Bis -rt cf, W. Freetb rf,, D. Nairn 2b, E. Trishaw If. , Score by innings: ' Goderich-1 1 u 0-0 1 0 0 0-3 \litchell 11 41 to 1 It 0 1 x -a 1'mpires-1.. .1. Waawan, Torouto; B. Johnston, t'h went by defeat second game, 1 team Was ol, Mitchell. eight of victory when the game west called on xer,rdut of darkness. The game will be protested. The teams: G.C.1.- -t': Robinson If, 1). Nairn 2b, H. Sanderson p, R. Munro ef, W. Ka • dr Black lb G McCon- ( u ersou 1, nell rt. E. Elliott 3b, A. Mct;ounell as. hankers ---6. Hillard ef, R. Mathte- sup 3b, G. Ryan 1t. M. Mael)onald rf, E., Duquette lb. I'. Anderson aa, C. Nairn b. C. McManus p. G. Ginn c. A.C.I.- 1032004-10 Hankers -3 1 2 2 0 0 0-12 I'wptres--f. Youug and W. Carrlek. Square 12-*.C.C. 11 tin Thursday last the M.('.C.'s were defeated by the Square lit --12 in one of the heaviest scoring encounters so far staged. The last few innings were played in the fast -gathering darkness, and the ninth Innitlgs was not finished. The teams: McLeod If, E. Prldhaw lb. t'. MacDonald cf. R. Platt 3b, J. Lauder ss, T. Pritchard rf, Dr. Hall e. H. 8anderswn 2b, It. Sanderson p. Square. Johnston rf. J. Woods 2b, R. Black ef. W. SnaaN as, M. Mc- Kay If. C. Sheardown lb, C. Black p. R. Stoddart (., R. linaxel ab. :cure by Inninge- Squaree- 13 4 0 4 1 0 '2r--1$ 0 0 1 1 0 2 2-12 Umpires -E. Dean and J. Stewart. The Ward It Is a comforting thought that even. a sword-awaltower doesn't know what to do with hi- old safety-rasor blades. -London $unsay Pictorial. No farmer welcomes it rainfall more heathy than does the city man who has neglecters to water him laws.- Toronto Tele:;taw. sto Sunday u he t4 >; 7 erJrrLar�-ar" slay of The e•twede••p motor driver is of rest. rapidly .rrest.- 4'1111th:ins maklpg It Nod's. a.day Every Week Last Year overs speeded up and profits increased by ADVERTISING. The Mftehell BIG CROWDS COMING POR "DERRY DAY" Nett) l'nreptortes Will .Assemble In (iodertch on Wednesday Next 1'n•paratlous for tbe celebration of 1Xrryl.iAty In Goderich, on Veduesday of tient week, are well advanced, and a very large cruwd is expected in town, representing the Black Knight Preceptorlee of Huron. Brute, Perth, \Velitngtou, Lawbtun, Grey and Mid- dlesex counties. A special train is ipmwwa. 1 coming from Loudon, the regular cam won the tourue-, trains by C.N.R. um! C.P.R. will bring mgN Ingham In the eontingeuta, and probably the greater 1-1 The Wingbam number of visitors will come by auto- 0usly outrh.'--e'd by mobile. Several brass hands. luaus tui: one from 'London, are coming toll the Owen Sound Prtneptury way bring a bagpipe corps. The parade is to forte at Victor1(i Tart at F.t10 e't4erek sad Marano tbe Square, where [be program of the af- ternoon w111 be given. Further details of tlw arrangements for the day are given in the advertis- ing coluwus, ou page 4. OBITUARY MRS. Al.•'11. McIJONALD On Tuesday :he death oceurrtd In Ooderich e►f ,t:.:.t.- Mei .KI. widow of the late Arebi, McDonald. at the age of sixty-nine • • .tr.. The dwvaserl, Who was form , a resident of ln- verhurun, had • ed 1u Goderich for several years. She is sureleed by two sans and :are.• daughters: John and Murdoch ‘1.-Ibtuald. Mrs. F. H. Woods and M,-- ltarbtua McIk►nald, of Goderkb, •r:.•l Mrs. I)uucan Mc- Gregor, of Kth,ardine. The Inners' took place to 91;ye•rtou cemetery this (Thursday) a t • rtwou. G. 11. L.tt'DER The people of Goderich were shock- ed by the sudden death of Mr. George 11. Lauder, l'.X.It. station agent, on Sunday morning. Mr. Iauder was apparently hr .11:. usual health that morning. but b,•va:ne unwell and medi- cal attention ,e:." summoned. but ortly afterw:enka he palmi assay. t. Lander had Iran a resident of ()odertch for als•nt seventeen years and was universally eeteet•m,d. and there is keen sympathy for the son. Mr. J. H. Lauder. and the daughter., Mis..,. Bcatriec and Gertrude, e-- perially as they ','a their mother only two year* ag• \ further reference will be made,... tome columna next week. CIN.R. ealttord _ Square Lions W.O.F.M. M.C.C.' Bankers -RAE last 4 0 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 On account of the lamented death sf Mr. G. H. Iauder, who was one of he leading patrons of the soft -tall Rance In Goderich. being asaociatd particularly with the C.N.R. team, the games at•heduted for Tuesday night of this week were postponed. The resources of the league treas- ury must he about exhausted and new palls will 1►e needed to finish- the see - .0.11. 11 is only right that the specta- tor* should help pay for the balls, and not leave the 1Hgyers to foot the bill all the flute. /►n au average abut t'fty fans attend a molt -bait matrh- ,14141 if each fan should donate 5c or 1(h• one or perhaps two new nut -seam halls could be purchased. Notes of the Game l,ik • any basc!,atl club, the Solt - Ball League has Ila troubles, and Past now the lively ball seems In a fair way to spread tumuli among the teams. The driving quality of the new inseam ball in not so very far removed from that of the nlficlal baseball and if kept in nee target ground. will be in order. Numeroiis eircult smashes hate been the result of Its use and since its advent games have developed into batting orgies It may be that "011+1' fans get ,, kiek out of seviug the 'while sphere• wiling into the .lauds, lust the majority would web come the old out -team ball and the closer and hetter-played games that would follow. Those interested in the G.C,I. team ---wonderlog-sehisin vett --=This Year every week --you let slip by'without AD- VERTISING DV ERT ISING gives your competitor a bigger opportunity. Start your ADVER- TISING in the next issue of The Signal and follow the examp!e of hundreds of successful business men by keeping your business constantly before your customers through steady advertising. now that a large proportion) of Its 'Halters are away from town. Chrys. Anther, the team's star player. - left town - lam or three weeks_ago-and now they are losing W. Meek and ('. Robtneon,who are leaving fol' holl- lxys. Other school students who might hare filled In the gap* have been signed by nthler train-. The t'.X.It. team ha re .t1tte11 'three, the Bankers eleven, and the Lions one. no far the Collegians have played snappy hall. but their chattiest for the remainder of the season are not con- sidered to be any too bright. The Clinton 6... The all-star soft-hallteam that Journeyed ' from God,'nIelr on Wednes. day afternoon for the tourney at t'tinton lost to Mtteho1l by the close score of 4-4. TN- gain" Wass ,-lose sur throughout. neither team having d.rld,d edge. Mite'he•11. however, Progressive Merchants Advertise MRS. THO The death o.snr after an Mines- ,.! E. Sproul, wit.- .` Tl1 the age of f, -r, Yea ell ('ARROLL _ o1 Friday haat, weeks, of Grace as Carroll, at The funeral took place ou Ktwday woou from the residence ! 'i.'r Tat11e Gtr. John Sproul, to M :::and c try. the services be ,•ahtctevl bt ev. Dr. a2� Ing Drummond, of lit uulltou. in a ab- sence of Rev. 1t. ('. Meth -radii. Inis-, ter ,of Kans ehnrrb, The pala.e• 'ra were Messrs. Matthews, William and David Sproul :End I;eorg,• 'tCllliams. Resides her d14 t1II6l and her father. the deceased-1i:tt.w rl.res' br-nifiredn. William and uattlu'o sprint'. of town. and John, of 1►ett',.14; threw- sisser- Mrs. Wallace Black. of Detroit ; Mr-. \. Seror, of Hamilton. and Mrs. W. Heeugough, of l.uu.iun:-a-lith-brutlter. IMvid Sproul. •'( town. and a half- sister, Mrs. Black, of 1►nnganuun. sister, Mrs. W J. Black,. of Dungan- non. - R1 V, F. A. \LAI'LF)NNAN The •b'ath of I;. -v. Finlay Anglin Maclennan ex•curre.l ':art SaFur,lay at his :aur residence, a Dunbar road. Ton•I,to, after an 'illness of four months' duration. The late Rey. 2¢r. M,n•leun:ui,' who was Isrrn In Scarp Harris. ntern,sshlre.. scotlxud, and who r,',•eived his early ,ehttatiuu its WANTED CHARTiif.REU ACCOUNTANT ' ANTED. - SMALL })LEOTH C FRANK P. OIBBS, CHARTERED WANTED. motor. Wgood second-, buy gosecond-t `■ Accountant, 102 ijotarIo Oreg. hand =Ado.. BOX 8, THE 810- I Stratford. Phone 1580. Ilea. 1330J. NAL. I + HAIRDRESSLNG PARLOR ARTWLF:S WANTED. - FALSE teeth. Also bridgework discarded. Any conintlou. Highest prices. Hall. S. IIAKF:lt, 34.1 Sladeettone Ave., 'Tor- onto. wANT}:D.-A GOOD GENEILAI. maid for housework; plain cook- ing; good wages. Apply to MRS. R.' V. 1I1e1,LAN, corner Wellington and West streets. BORN S('017. -At (awes Sound, ou July 31st., to Ver. W. J. and Mrs. Scott, a son, (newer Ford. HAMILTON.--ln .Ashfield, on July 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ham- ilton. a daughter, Isabelle Grace. AiiNSLIF:-At Alexandra hospital. Goderich. on July 27. to lir. and Mr. Matthew .1. Anionic. a sun. DID SCOTT. -At Owen Sound. on August 2nd. the infant son of Iter. W. J. and Mrs, Scott. L.Ai'i)ER.-In Goderich, on Sunday, August 2, George Henry Iwuder, in his 78tb'year. Melelr(4NALD.-lot Goderich. on Thea_ day, August 4. 1►nnie McLeod. relict of the late Archie MaoDonald. 4'ARROLL.-In Goderich, on Friday. July 31. Grace -E. Sproul, belovel8 site of Thoma. Carroll, aged 40 years. ting edtmter in the eighth. Ins- pitched the whole gnme and kept the hit" wall scattered, having four +tritteentw no hie eredtt. The �tnrs drilled well. but were Inoffecthe LOST OR FOUND coCNS.-A CHAIN OF BEADS a with sru.•lfx.' Apply at TRIM SIGNAL. WANTED. -A REAL LiVE AGENT to take over a good territory for a well established Life Insurance Company. Only those confident of prodta•ictg - business need apply. BOX 33, SIGNAL OFFICE. GUNDR1 S &IIE REGISTER Saturday. August 2l.-Anctian sale of real e•aate. buuaehuld furniture and chattels. property of Mr. \Vw Iterriulan. at 1.t. resilience an Walnut street. ar WANTED. -AGENTS FOR T1118 district by the Confederation Life Association. Exceptionally good con- tracts offered to the right men. Ap- ply to 0. J. CAVANAGH, General Agent. Goderkh. P.O. Box 426. Tallyhos* 4116. AUCTION SALE CHIROPRACTOR DiR. A. N. ATKINSON CHIROPRACTOR Goderich. Chronic organic and nervous Ms- _1aet. Con:mltatIon free. Mlles hour. 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m.. except- Ing Monday and Thursday afternoons and evenings, and by, appointment. Iteeeldetsce and office -Cor. Dant and Victoria streets. - AUCTION SALE OF COTTAGE.. TLe Bedford cottage, Lighthouse street, will be offered for sale by pub- lic auction o6 SATURDAY. AUGUST 8, at 2 p.m. The Nese la a 14 -story frame. with electric lights and furnace. 7'1108. GUNDRY,• Auctioneer. • CARD OF THANKS HAIRDRESSER ANI) SCALE SPECIAL1ST. W. 41 CAMPBELL Treatments for ail Scalp troubles. Consult us at once. Advte fres, Classical ,work is our motto. 'Incas 20, West street. Ai CTI .)N SALE OF WBLL-LO- l'ATEi' ISF.SIDF:NY'E PRO- I'IIIRTY. i sin Instructed by -- M11. 1) JN8MOBIi4 WILLIS to sell by public auction, at the pre- mises. cornet of South and Piton streets. Goderich. on SATURDAY. AUGUST 1STH, at one o'clock sharp: The south part of lot :Wit. in the town of °oder( on which there is a mmforMWe fr residence. ,•oatajning eleven �i►tea. bath room. clothes closets,/ cellar, electric light+. and other eouvenii•nee•s; abet a barn 24x16 (wkich will le u1- tiouai with purchaser,. The property Is just two hlocka from the Square and ingood conditlou and Ls an ideal _ b g 1's•,IUon for an apartmeyf I.ebse. TERMS- One hundred dollars to 4*Ira 1 d at timeof mile; b lance in a thirty drys.. - DBNSI01t8 WILLIS. T. CI'NDRY. - Proprietor. Ancrioneer. THOMAS ('.UtJ{t all. WISHES I AAII to ,'I441 Ilia grat.•ftll' thank+ to trienrls, and neighbors and the Carpet lterwllnlf tint) for , the mnny kind - nes..., extended to him In his recent the ttnri.h .shad, Str.rnew:.i-, null at i sn,l bereavement. F.dhllmrgh, rnme to Canada whey it R ('HAYK ]ll'Rtt\V NYSFlES'75) yatmg. 1112' He taught school in (too., for iwo years, mull then began j thank Nae neighls,r. and friends lull -trrht7l^ for the mini mirth -31'T lit Stu' a bc♦ ettbll'it• 14Ka mur•h kindness during 4 111 I nit..-.ty and the I're.+byterian Ithe litres. of her husband and in the the latter \IAreal. Ithatgraduating from time of lereavena•nt, and also those the lett r I:. 1077. In that sear he who kindly Mowers.,t,ut._7t- i,...t: -toy--411*=-�'iwt.crrr: �t 1 Iengarry Deceased lord rendered service Jn_jie_churt•L whom• ministry. he embr.,"t -for a period) ,rf forty yearn: ITT. mialeterial 'alters were sleet It* -isle• pastorate* of Dinive•gan rhurrh, G1- arry, and South Kinloss I'rp.hytertan church, Ln,(kn-,w. •For the last. twelve years Mr. Mxclennnn had been a resident of Toronto, hav- ing conducted there a Gaelic mission for the ben -tit 6f newcomer+ from, his re and. 'Phase surviving arehis widow, Annie MatEemale, dmna9iter of the late Donald MacKenzie, of Kkneer.lsne; Ind two daughters, Kath- erine and lora, all at home. The funeral took place at Klneardine. J•►IfN r. BUTTON ,Mr. 3,,k F. Bu •na IR 140T limns, occurred On July 23rd after a brief Illness. was born eerenty years Pbr--matry^-yeurtr- ta a 7011114 :uaa be lived In the State of Kansas. !wing one of the !pioneer beeiness• m• . 04 that State Twenty- nine year, ago be came to Detroit, taking the pot of *up.rintendent of the Detroit Malt Co. Later he Oren - pie,' a .'rn:lar position with the Cleveland S, • . kn at I'kevelatt11, anti N. was a --^-:lite, with the patting down for ti..• tlrst time of a reit mine at Detroit tie had retired from ac- hy.• brain.•.. when he was persuaded sigh' year. :,o to come to Ooderinh as «"4"'n•.-7:4eht of the Ood.'rk-h Snit 4'.. ;,t -I in the years that hare since inter:en•.ed he had dlreetel the great 11114 .,v.IKnfa thnt hare been Made in t',.• pdaot of tint ('nmpany, and nt the• ...onetime Irid mode n host sod- -lien e•.t:tt►I+elre, a. pin.'" fur himself In this community as :1: pnb!ie ,plrlted eitlfen. I1.' was twice marrl.- and s's snrrlred by hi- en•.rnd wit, ntriberly Mee. Mnik-y, the fen.i:v - ing Identified 0.444, the Mnlhrr ra.' , ,. of Detroit. Ile leny,s nisi! ton .,,t, F',arl, by the fernier men risco. awl Ib. -.card, by the risen a. Ti•; aa" n noel- member of the Mrneese- ning (':m, b an(itof the Lion. Club and n" 0!' r- .,f both three olnhs at- tend,"') .-Iy at the tuner.0 .en•i,s• co,, hter,•'I s• the home on Friday even- ing. July 240. by Rev. R. (1. Mdkr- mid. of Knot church, and Her i. S Hardy. of S' (George'*. Among three present w,•r, Mr. and Mn; Earl itnt- ton, Of 1107 The fallowing morn- ing the born nes taken to Ik'frnit ane Ield at rest In Woodlawn cemetery, the burial *cavi-, being conduettni by Rev. Clothing -Smith, of the ('hriat;*n Church. "The Shepherd's Dream" to Be Presented at Chautauqua "The SheW.srd's Dream,' �°al misled! production. presented with special scenery and costumes, will be re of a grand concert to Ds rte st the coming Dominion Chaotaagna here by the well-known iDa E: Ms-Vompany Lt. additdde f:a "The apherd's Dram." a program of a classic an, popular character tad tsetnring the roue est the harp Two harps, Allo. violin. organ and piano, as employed by members eompsny, land thems.tNs to beautiful IAstrnmental anssmhlea, goatrtats, tries, duo and solo members. Vol glee win, rinaernhle anti piano ae.•o0*panlmant give pleasing earlsb• GODERICH CHAUTAUQUA AUGUST 10-14 a C.Altl) (►F' TltAN ART HAD -NO opp,rtuutly of tendering my -Menke personiiiy To the Ycmfemen w•ho hy-their timely' efforts -owed my horse from dentructlon by fire• on Monday. night. 1 take' this m.'xns of expressing my appreciation of their efe.'tive work. A. C. HUNTER. PUBLIC NOTICII . NWING14 OF REGISTI1ATiON OF BY ,AW. Notice le hereby given that a by- law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of tl.lerk•h, on the 3rd day of July. 1905. providing for the Dome of debentures do the amount of 55100.00, for the purpose of ppnrcheaing a triple co nMi ation pump- ing engine, chemical and Noe truck mounted on and Including a Reo, one and-ene-(lnarter ton chassis ruling a ditcyllnder, fifty-b.p. bus engine. end that such bylaw was registered in the Reglatry Omer of the Reegistry Dirt - 'ion of the Comity of Huron, on the 20th day of July, 1925. Any motion to gnash or net aside the same or any pert thereof must be made within "rnree Iaooths after the first pnhtten- tion of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. Ilene! the 20th toy of July, 1921. 8t L. L. KNOX, Clerk. AUCTIONRERING THOMAS Gummy, GOD}:pubs. LIVE STOCK AND GIONWILAZI AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Salm attenued to anywhere and every effort made to glee satisfaction Farmer' sale notes discounted. ROBERT ROBERTSON, Qualified Auctioneer, Eldon Street, Gotteelei, will conduct any sale In the, cot, of Huron. For Information apply be P. J. Ryan, Hamilton 8t.. or ordeals left with him will receive prompt a1• teution. Ylt. JM. STALKER, AI'CTIONEDIt- • for household effects farm 110*. Ste., for the County of Huron. Address all communications to J. M, STALKER, Auburn P. 0. 44.11 OPTOMETRY A.L.COLE.R,O, OPTOMETRIST, OPTICIAN, West Street, Goderich. Honor Grndmate of the Canadian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Eyes examined by the latest mentis. ods. and the proper fltttog of gt* at moderate prices. Ontario Beall of Examiners Certificate No. 876. Ai- 10N $ALI. 4)1 REAL RS - TATE ItIf9NJTIBS, ET('. There wilt bf" offend, fur Gale by - pmWtc auction on THURSDAY-, AUGUST 13TI1. commencing at 2 p.m.. u:: Stanley street. (; sleri.•h, real estate, cou.ist• -Mg of brit# house. fitted with modern iseprenlences. barn, garage and large lot: Also Grey Dort ear in Arat-Class roaming order. washior machine. wringer. tub. t'•'ller.' kitchen range. laundry stove. ,•;l stove and oven. kitcben table :end chairs, leather couch. tapestry e.1 -.. ilnoleum (ux, 9a, Brnsmel* me I9x1Ut, Ilrnsscl. rag (14ic12). .Axminster nig 49210' 0"), 1.1111 velour curtains, 6 )8..1•s llvlag- r.son furniture. I.a:1 rack. White new - Ing atote•hinr: whatnot, -2 bedroom snit*, 2 mems. -se<. Tempi: lawn-muw- er. curtain stretchers, mat unmet(. gnllt frames. garden 4..ee and reel, bread mixer, kitchen utensils, dishes. pictures. etc, in:Isms.-grata• of 310 sad u emelt: over 'hat amount, twelve esentha - credit a.: ; he given on ap- proved mugn,•`' with Inters -t *t 7 pet--eeat.-- per 5 -nets. An Heal Kw' -T `raineremty ,•t' tFo3: within tett days balance w.ohin-three months. T. G('.ND'RY. i.r H. DURN N Auctionei r 1w W. 1Jl'RNIN. }lxeentors Mrs T E. !).rnbn }sate. MUSIC PROF. W. 11 JACKSON. Organise and Director of Music. Horeb street Methodist church. Instroctlom given in Voice Culture. Organ, Piano. Violin. Guitar, Theory, etc Studio sal residence, 37 Noath street. Phone SSC MEDICAL DR. ALEXANDER FISHER, Phone 997 Stratford. Ont. Special attention given to care air Infanta and children. R. K.D. J. R. FORSTER 1Y11. EAR, NOSL THROAT Late Mousse Surgeon New York Op!' thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital aall Golden Square Throat Hoepttal, Lon- don,. Eng. 58 Waterloo It. t., Stratford. Td. ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford. Goderich. anrs Thursday. .tug.t*t 8th from 10 a.m. to 4 pm. 1'=GAL PR0DFOOT & KILT.0RAN Harris -tem Notary Pubik. eec. Money to Leud. Phone 97. pottier --Thr Square. Goderich A. CLI'F'F. Il. A. BARRiSTIIR. 4oltritor and Notary Public. Norti under. St., Goderich. Phone 411. FOR SALE PH 4NESE PIT F(oR SAi.E- R"gleterd rind peiligrrsd. BLIT HIRi) THA. Si14)1'. a LAR(Gel''.AK WRITING DESK FUJI male. -Apply to PROPRIETOR l'i('TiRRE 44111180. (loderleh. /4 rTTAOF FOR SALE. --ON NORTH w crest.Ghderkeh, omA,rl by Mr. J. F'. Hutton. Apply HAYS & HAYS, - Itarrietern Aeeterk'h. a FOR, SAi.F. -ONE 191 FORT) mope; bne 1924 Ford sedan, and one three -tube radlo diet. eomplete. Apply MRS. BUTTON. North street. Goderk•h. - VOR SAiA-REDS. COMMODES, I' etilttfrmm*, easy chairs, rockers, invalid commode chair, tinge, washing mwehine, tabled, kitchenware, AD toren, Jersey !Meek Giant and Part- ridge Cochin haus. Polish nigh !`Iyer pigeons.. R. WI)(1NALD.: (Dunlop) R. B. s, Ooderleh. At•('TiON S.A1.F: OF RBAi, ES- TATE. 11111-8EH411.D Ft'RXi- Tl'BF, ASI) t'11.4TTF.LS. MR. WII.L1.\M IMIRRiMAN will sell by laulr!ie auction at his resi- denee on Wttnnt street (Pint off the Huron roadt,-on- SATI'RI►-\1'. .4I-GI'4T 22N0, commencing at 1 n'el.ek : I'areel No. 1 ides property on W/1I nut street. it, acres of gold garden ground, on %Inch there Is a frame house and .tahie and Ian -house in good repsair. Rot electric lights, good) welt and r armed. • _ l I'ereel No. 2- .t sit -room house on Wilson Street. Newly_painted Inside end out. - e, good gar- den, town water. Close to Hotel Sun- set. Hot•srmOGD F'17tNIT1'R AND 12i1.\7TEL( Two tapestry chair.; 2 rocking ehnirs; I round walnut table: 1 or- Intn.; 1 8 -day hell clock,; 1 sofa: cur- tains; 1 carpe. 1'••tures; 1 full -*pled h,rletcnd rind -1 rtigt 1 featber hid; 1 rin'seer and commode etan,l; 1 raible nig; 1 single Iron Irwlatead and spring: 1 fun size iron bedstead and spt•htg 81111 wool mattress: 2 white etin mel cheater in.:mi rs and wash eland and rug; 1 oak dining table; 0 Windier,. chain*: 1 arm chair; I smell rocker ;..1 bookcase; 1 *id'•!,•'ard: 1 walnut eup- t8tard;'1 drop teal *able; 1 nig; 1 seal heater and standpipes; 1 eleetrte. heater; I eTe'i'11i, iron : lamps; 2 pre. tneestry curtain• end nitre; 1 large table; 2 lona 'nide.: I large cup- board; I Happy Thnaght cook Kum and pipes; 4 I,i!t-her chairs: 4 nIl rhalra; 1 wn•hk.g tnarhlne and Muller; 1 wringer and tub: sattrnlsan.. kettle. dishes. !de,: 8-10-!';; 1 erose-.'nt saw; 2 herd saws: _ hock sawn: 1 axe; 11awn mower; 1 holder; 1 step- Indder; 'shunt 1(1) ~•de. 8 ft. chicken wire; 2 email chicken poop* ; 30 ydss wire netting: 1 flower *rand; 1 hnggy, horse and hornet.; 27 duck*: 35 hens. yearl Ing*. TERMS ON ItF.At, ESTATE. -Ten per pent. of purr!(*se money to be hila at time of Wile; ',simnel. in thirty day., or terms May be arranged. On furniture *ad ehatteis, comb. 1/r. Perelman 1s leaving Godert'h and 1teryt61n1 mist be dl*pxosed of. T. (GtTPR)R7, Auctioneer. DUDLEY E. H(4LMES Barrister, Etc. Osflee-linmiltos street. Goderich. Phone 27 - C. MEAGER. K (' . It.ARR1STER, SOLICITOR, Notary Public abs& Convea neerOffice-Court Boum. y. Goderich. 'daps & Nape RARRIITIR', Fm-. R.C.HAYS-R.C.IIAYS,JR.. B. A. Hamilton St.. Godericn REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 03401108,. - 1*1 Eatale and Insurance HOUSES FOR SALE Local nzcney for life, fire, automo- bile And accident insurance. Offsee: At resfdenee. Trafalgar street. 'Phone 456. INSURANCE OJ. CAVANAGH. • General Agent for Confederation life Association Also tire. Automobile and aeddent Insur: i- ,•. Office: North street. 'Phone 480. P.O. Box 428, INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRM III• ST'RANCE (n. --Farm in/ lenlated town property Intuited. 0iscerii-Jae Connally, Pres., God - tkh P. 0.; JAs F.vana, Vice-Preg,. Beechwood P. 0.; D. 1. McGregor, Sm. -Tress,. Seeforth P. 0. Directors -A. Brnadfoot, R. D. No. 8, Seaforth • John O. Grieve, Na 4, Walton; William ' Rfnn, R. R. No. 2, 2, seatr►rth 1 John Bennelwies, Bred - barn: Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. s. Seaforth : Robert Ferris, Harlock ; Murry Gibson. Braeefleld; .18 ems Rvana, needtwood; James Connolly. Goderieh. Agouti -J. W. Teo, Goderich; Ale=. Leitch. R. R No. 1, Ciliates; John Murray, S aforth ; D. Hlnetlay, derfnrth. Polley -holden can pay all permeate and get their cards receipt. ed at 1:. J. Morrldt'. Clothing /tore, Clinton; R. H. Outt's Grocery. Kite sen street, floderieh. or J. A. Rales Omer 1 storm, Bayfield.