HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-10-10, Page 23PAGE 24. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1990. SAVE 6.89 WITH COUPONS BELOW Admiral CHUNK LIGHT TUNA 6.5 Oz. Tin SAVE.70 Cut From Canada’s Finest Grade “A" Beef SIRLOIN STEAK ( Product of U.S.A. Fresh Sweet Juicy CANTALOUPES COTTONELLE BATHROOM TISSUE Assorted Colours 4 Roll Pkg. a r HEINZ r Product of U.S.A. Snowy White Mushrooms Product of Ontario Canada Fancy MACINTOSH APPLES 1 With Coupon Below Burn’s Tender Flaked TURKEY or HAM 184 g Tin SAVE 1.00 Clover Leaf PINK SALMON 7.75 Oz. Tin SAVE 1.00 y f Alien’s TETRA PAK DRINKS & JUICES Assorted Varieties 3 x 250 ml SAVE 1.00 With Coupon Below J SCHNEIDERS KENT SLICED SIDE BACON 500 g 1 Pkg. JL • DAD’S COOKIES Selected Varieties 400 g Pkg. SAVE 1.30 Cut From Canada’s Finest Grade "A" Beef T-BONE or WING STEAK lb. __________J Fresh, Young Ontario Pork PICNIC PORK SHOULDER ROAST 1.19ib 2.62 kg .7 ' Product of U.S.A. FRESH BARTLETT PEARS Product of Argentina Fresh Sweet Juicy Tangerines 89*."J QO A • Oizib. -1.96 kg 3.06 kg Product of U.S.A Washington Grown GOLD OR RED DELICIOUS APPLES ASSORTED TROPICAL HANGING PLANTS 8 Inch Pot 99’. 2.18 kg 4.99 each J fCATELLI PASTA 900 g Pkg. SAVE 1.00 79* KELLOGG’S RICE KRISPIES 700 gBox 2.79 VWth Coupon Below With Thi* Coupon SAVE .50 oB he Purchaw ol 1 • 750 g Jar KRAFT sPEAsmisyitea. 2.99 Spoetal Plicu WiOroul Coupon 3.40 Vaio Only Al Knochlai Attoc. Store** Coupon Expire* SaL, Oct 13, 1990 inf BP "S With This Coupon S*ve .70 oil (io Purchase ol 1 • 700 g Box KELLOGG’S RICE KRISPIES Pnw WIN D»t C<Af>aA 2.79 ImqM Pica Wtehou Com*®** X4t YoMOrJy At Koe<*»ILiwo. Ctwp^rfi EjpiiM SaL. Oct t3,1990 WATTS K902410 _____________ Chapman’s ICE CREAM Frozen 2 Litre SAVE. 70 KRAFT CHEESE SOO^WgAi^e-s. Or Velveeta 16's With Coupon Below J With Thl* Coupon SAVE .50 off The Purchaw ol 1 - 1 Live Glatt Boole ol HEINZ KETCHUP Special Price With Tbit .50 Coupon 1.99 Special Price Without Coupon 2.49 VUU Onty Al Kmchtoi A*»»c, &•«•» CwpoA LapUtt B«L Oct. 1»M -*C With Thl* Coupon SAVE 1.00 o0 The Purchaw ol 3 - Pkg. ol 10 SURTEC GARBAGE BAGS Special Price Wi#t Thb 1.00 Coupon 3/3.99 Special FMce Without Coupon 3/4.99 VUW Oaty Ax Star** C—mo fcxpkrv U. Oct. 1J» aF-----"W W>th TIJt Coupon SAVE .30 oil Tho Purcl>aw ol 1 - At toned Colour* 4 Hoti COTTONELLE BATHROOM TISSUE Special Price With Thl* JO Coupon 1.29 Special Price Without Coupon 1.59 Valid Oruy A3 Km chit! A»»«C. With Thi* Coupon 8ave JO oil tie Purchase ol 1 • 600 g Pkg. ol 24’*. Pkg. ol Iff* or Vehreeta Pkg. ol 16'* KRAFT CHEESE SLICES fc-UJ Ark. vnh TU. JOCoucm ^2.99 yj Sf>*Qid Mm Without CowptM X29 2 VUdOrW Alfexftd UorM CowooAbqjk** 3*UOct 13.1W0 S' Fresh Young Ontario Pork SHOULDER BUTT CHOPS 1.59. 3.51 kg Schneiders "Famous For Quality" SLICED BOLOGNA 500 g Pkg. 1.99 DELICA Schneiders "Always Popular" BLUE RIBBON BOLOGNA De// Sliced Or Shaved 2.99 .66/100 g TESSEN KEYBRAND MACARONI SALAD Deli Served 1 . 39 .31/100 g y to With Thii Coupon Save 50 oil the Purchase of 1 ■ Trix -325 g. Pac-Man A Coco Pull* 375 g or lucky Charm* 400 g Box ol GENERAL MILLS Presweet Cereals WU Thi» IOCok^-4 2.99 Pifc. WUtou Coston 149 f , mW™* 5X.0o.l3. IMO Wlti Thi* Coupon BUY 2 A*io<led VarUiej 4x142 g Cup* MAGIC MOMENTS PUDDINGS At The Special Price ol 3 2.29 dAnd Get One FREEI 2 A4 iGwchtwl Ajmc. toe* Ccmk* W, OgL IX 19*90 libe ich With This Coupon SAVE .30 oil the Purchase ol 1 • 300 g Pkg. A**orted Grind* Mother Parker’s VAC PAC COFFEESpocral Pnce With Thi* .30 Coupon 1.59 Special Price Without Coupon 1.89 Vokd Only Al Knochtel A**oc. Store* Coupon Expire* Sal. Oct 13, 1990 RtiP S c>y With Thl* Coupon SAVE M oS The Purchan ol 1 - Aaiorled Flavour* & Size*. EXQUISINE PASTA SELECTIONS Special Price With Thi* 50 Coupon 89* Special Price Without Coupon 1J9 VUM OrW Al Xa.ckU4 Aamx. dww Cot?m> u>»' tx. Oo. U, 1M» „-----. NIELSEN 0(216042 -- - SCRIMGEOUR'S RIVTH jjrw. FOOD MARKET 523-45^51 SAVINGS BASED ON OUR REGULAR RETAILS. VALUES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY- OCTOBER 13, 1990. We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements.