HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-6, Page 77. - ,THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. County and District • 1/avid Clark, for *Wrote year* a resldeut of• tarry township, 'yatw•tl away . ly 'HI.•klu his of ,Centralia. year: hai thres111.11 3411 I,usht•IM of wheat off six and a•helf acres. 'rids is over fifty- two bushels to the Gere. Tele 'alma. tested 114 {bonds to N1r bushel. .1. .%. Manson ens elected herr.. of Stanley township. surevsllug Reeve Hanley. who died suddenly on July 13th. Nilson Carlisle was rle'tel u colt:wider. Doth ele•tto*s were 11).1 aeelaUlation. ARev. K. A. (Whitt. formerly winds- ler of the Wouth K1111010s Prebyte•rtau church. Ims reeeneti and ties serrated a l'ltlt to the pit -tonne of the United church at Ito-vwout. *ear Orange- ville. The church vas formerly Methodist, 1.111 the e,ugrt'gailui has bet.* greatly strengthened by a min- ority tt'ilrh meet over from 11 Presby- terian Congregation which vuteyl RCM- (lite •1f the earliest setters of the Mwnshii• of Gren, lit the pernon of 'l'huums Ennis. pas.t*1I away uu Thurs- 1111y hast at the age of ninety years. Deceased Walt born lit Ireland, cowiug to Canada with his parents when a 11111 of 11•11 years. On their arrival et eine' We he IIPP*1111, pqulrateti from the. other *teepees of the Glwlly and al- though diligent war•h was wade he iter. -r iieartl of thew ag111u. Mute the death of "Mrs. nods abut tett years 1µ;u, Mr. Enols tuade his home with ,his sun -In-law. Jae.ti Long, at I ran- bro.tk. Make sure of a room Thehotels w i).1 be crowd- ed with people arriving for the xhibition. 11 you intend stopping at a hotel, call up by Long Distance prompt- ly and make your re- servations. • If?Ou intend stopping with friends, telephone them • and make sure they can aecommodate - you. They may have. other arrangements. EXETER • al Sineleli. will hold a flower show Augeet list and 'and. ' The dent b a't•urrv•d a1 Loudon 011 July _lith of John Grigg. who for ninny years at,- a well-known bual- nI•.s wan of Exeter. cnrrylug on all t•xts•n.Ili hook aid etatiUtltry Intel - Eleven years ago while travel- ling tour G0111•rlt•11 he met with rt ;riuusfall in which he. suffered It .uud frascture of nue of els -legs Iuettelatinde•r .1he fir(u uhwt• of W. Jrukine & lien. t ighteee+ wouthe ago they purcltaatvl the •- 4'utte genet - 110111404. tomdut•t1ug this 111 addition to their ether busttlees. Mr: Jenkins the Hist two years Nus a ileullter of the town council. ll.• is survived by his wife and nue sou. Frank A. Jeuklns. who was astt*•latt•tl with him lu the -INuetaess. Two brothers out_ two sla- ters also survive: Gales Jeukius, of 111*Ier11•h: Thuwas Jenkins. of Pigeon IIION, Mau. ; Mr-. Frank Gnrrell, of 1lxlatw, NII -k.. std, Mrs. George Latvia, of 1'Ibttial. Mr. Jenkins sus fifty- eight years of age. .\ quid wedding took plat, at St. Catharines on •1'ue-.lay. July :Nth. when Alain Margaret, daughter of Thomas Judd, of Clinton. 1s.'awe the bride of Norman Wood Ity'tuer, of that clay. Tim etre y was per elflike' 14y leer. -J. W.. Schofield et a,* suuage of the Meuteria1 rutted church. Mr. and Mrs. Rymer will re - ...1114. at Detroit. Joseph Rider. ,a resident of Clinton for over fifty years, diad July 24tH after an Illness' of some weeks. fie Nils a uutillt by .rude. Ilia' wife prele-eas.el halal Mout fottrte•tt years. ttlld a had slue• been an 111111141. Ile wit• alit *eerie{. hut. Is survived by Iice bee ra told nue sister. The re- utaius w. brought to Exeter for lutenmrot. . Flee p1111118 lots comm. -awed in 1111., district. Indians from the Muue•y Ms. ace aro :Iaai'tltlg iu tlw work. SE.11FURTH rhe depth teenered at 1Jausilion on .1 111Y :Nigh of AM.,- !tarry LIII Image•. who was at nue• 111ue 111 the .1rygeitsls -t.nsin. 111 Newfo tf, with s I.roitwr- Ile!ii ly..1. 1.. 7iw111.. Ile Rnve• up host- ue-, t.. engage in art work. and later 1.11r.•11ase1 a titrtu near Grimsby. e here be resided 111111 a few hills .Igo. Ile had re:t: bed the am:of .ec.•ilty-t hrii• years. F..r .oOtillti drys i1 tutir of strange bird- were sewn in tin• vletulty of the 1 I-1, ••u :h.-•fast..f Verney McMblwe1. ;;h ...ace. -ion of McKillop. t1,ii, r Adatsis Nn- able to ,.Iota Idle ..f 1h.'nl Su the• wile and t•aptnrel It nlbte. Not knowing what it wile. lie sent .It to Ed. Iliuehley. In town. who .il_.ju..LLr_aintluw of lllelsati's. .lure.. ie _ 1f -_. Nth--_ r,•.•,¢1i9.ed by It,ut. Slini11han as :1 turkey buzzard. Ntihtria`Iste 4t}r�, the• • birds belong to the Southern I.tiie• :tint ss such sin - 11 great euri...Ity in 1':nladh. and these birttr- herr Nandr-red far from licit native hat.:.:.. 'rl..• bir.ia ht. -•e a wing spread of sly (PO MO. tht•Ir 4jti. i very_ high (POd grne•ttt. 'rimy 1 isr.• ti, itt FL. izt t'a Willa. 'forki;y ' and ;ire Mown in color with Gan of darker I.r••w1. The lead le tutre of -feltih.•rs snot Gee -i•ia warty ilk* tits bead of n ' oak. c. CORN FIELD MOISTURE MAY BE PRICER% 1•:11 111 Reno THa: WRY MEAsvoN. (Llttvatloa or tntertlllatge the Thing -Hew Muleture l:vaperatea-l\rl- Ovate Frequently But Not Deeply -Parameters All. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Cultleatlag. or lntert11Iage, is so generally praeticed with corn growing that we Mistime It 1s necessary fur growth tad do not stop to ask the reaaop. But there are several rea- sens, the most Important of whisk are to conserve moteture and to de- stroy the competing weeds that the cern may • have the test possible chance to develop. IntertJllage Beneficial. The definite assurance of comfortable accommoda- BEST MEDICINE t LINTON tons waiting for you will make holiday trips doubly The 'Teeth- ni -laurel Jenkins ete- enjuyable, tetrr.-4 ,ti ldenly on Sunday morning. JI :lithat the hospital. Nalien.alien.he SHE EVER USED Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Highly Praised by a Nova Scotia Lady y • had undergulte an operation &sou ten days before. Ills re•eotery Na.. N'INIiHAM . t•ontldelltly expected. and iris d.•ntti Was 11 sins k to the centmtntity. 11' While driving hum.• from le4,4erid was a native of 1'h-keril,4r township.' Inst had lived it. Minot e.ntuty hibli.,----1 11.--Atktrlwl-!.t a tilos on. • t„• Matt aid a mteesslot.. :nil latter novvisi to itolatesxille. For some! urS he wits eml:Iuy.d •*flit the' .Ilii,, latlglnis t'o. In 11: it _rain 41e- 111nnnt bore and nftern:,IA. 1 wt11L. ,nit :h• al-ino•-: - Among the well known and ...Aerat- ed residents of iiewfurl. X.N...is ?Drs. A lr.asjwut#h. S. sue four years ago Mrs. Woodworth had the wlsfortt/te to lose her boom-mt. and us it r*alt or ,wrtfgf for trim during his --illness. and attending to fu nu duties. she been we terribly run -meow,. Mr-. Woodworth says -Iia- felt as though her Wood heti turned to water. The u'a1-t exertion Would I,•nv'e her tired and bro. thb•ss. She w'as often nttaekel by spells• of weakness that left her alluost ajtsstll, s. 111111 fre- quently suffered from ...erre ht•nd- nrlte+. The 1114s110u,•s she took did out help her, and she also -t despaired of militias her health. 111 1111' eottdl- IhN1 sate one day read in a IteNAIup•r of a Case eery similar 1.1 her owlt.._lit Ip1t1th Nits -srnis.rwl-ilinalglt the use of lir. William. .fink Yltts.-"This made he•r de•ide To give'these pills a trial. After using a few Iwlxea she f111111111 .1111. pills aero• bei{,h.g her% and sur co,tinu.vt their use nutii her old- time health snail vitality were r•- ,tert•41. New Mr-. \W1"slw..l•th looks af- ter n •mall fort* of Ilfte•n acres. be- sides 'Mint n1Lht•r heouseweirkra,d says she never felt.la•tter or 1114/11. e*- ergclic in her life. SIR• gives credit for her prt•se•,t splendid I t- iltb to 1Ir. William.' fink Pill Nhirh -Ile ,nays are the best tmelirlur +due .'s.•r used. rsntt strangle• rrr.+mnrt•tsls- 4w 1+N10.-4+ all run-down. people. • Won can get these Pine from any medit-ire teenier.. or by mull et nt mons a box from The Dr. A1.ellcl11. 1'0.. Itrnekrl;le. tont. - lntertlllage also assist• the freeing of plant t an a ooe d n pN n or Ioo- KL% Til Mi -s Elite Logabent ags• Login. la.: beeugtl to teach iu C.S.S. No. 13, Fast Wawa - nosh and Morels. utter the holidays - Collinson & tauusher are t'uwtueu- eing the aux harvest. 'They hype over 200acre* of crop to get Into their Marna I'Sefton.rewration. cotame„vt hl the twill. Miss Gladys f auudy t.' hoer from Airdrie: ,Alta., to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. ldtundy. Miss Mary Tit•ruay *•111 teach ut'Nl tore In N.M. No. 1). Hulett. Miss Mary Putter has seared a st•Issd at 1111 -Nprhlg*. Word 111111 1144.11 rerh•el of the death of Mr. Myth. !of Rlyth. England, 4011 of the emu niter whorl this village was „utted. and owner of 111111111Y (arra 111111 tillage lots • t1 • gl ilur,n ixdlll ly. Iter. N. B. 11it.s1in% tins returned front :1 tutnip to the Ind of the Boweia•1111t'llt a. liewas att•um- tululed by his little daughter. Bur- sting. Mr. %eke Phillips, of Anion:,. uud Nw. Gray. of fort :\llTrt. -' - surface soli will, to ca o1 heavy RRl'SKF.L14 rain, take up and hold w t. nolsture than a hard or unrUltitsted surface. As fast as moisture evaporates Nom the surface more water moves up from below. This is as nature in- tended It should be, and was quite the right thing when the sell surface 1s covered with decay's, leaves and growing vegetation. But under our crop growing systems of to -dee where we reduce the soil to an abso- lutely bare condition, and then plant corn with the oblest of growing Bora and nothing else on the land. we must save the moisture, prevent Its weep* from the soil until the corn plant develops a root syate-w extensive enough that no moisture may pass trout the soil surface. We know that moisture is lost from the fallow field -- 1f there is no cultivation during the warm dry weather, and wt know that tillage praetioed on the harp fallow field will retain the soil Ina mellow condition. How Moisture Evaporates. 1. Thu,•J:I3 .\u;;,w. u. 11L.. r ftlrtWan at Atwta.d for t1,1•.!a-t love- ly years. He 1s survived by his wife and are ehildreu. " Leo:nerl Welker Is laid up n ith a broken edlart.me. the re•mlt wry ceI- Il.lou with a tiny ell s bii•yei,: it. J. McKinney, of Trinidad, was a meellt visitor iu luau. ills father conduct el the .\werte,ul 11el.•1 here years age. Mr. and -ilr.. llumett. , Ita,.letuaa Mayo reluruetl to thou' home• fie 1ln!ut11 after a Omit with relatives ,herr. .\ ttleatr tear. 4105'1'11 by J C'a uterus. 11 . otawereial traveller. of Toronto, was sln*•k and ro*.IAersely damaged by a gasoline Jigger" at the t'.N.lt. erusslug here it few days ago. Cameron we.. driving over the Ing to WAS keeping his attention On a (Leight train 111111 1114 1.1 boli-.• the tlpprtuo•h of the 'JlgAer,'' thii-It Nus ba errt.rg.• of E. Samptam The ger was thrown frith th. r.h11. on t,i' i1- side and s •What TIN• death occurred let"'llvr: home het, on Jill). _ ted of Mrs. Tennant. kite of .1. A. 'Pettuant. after it long Ilhwes. For many years Mr. alts Mrs. T,•uu11tit N.•r.• residents of klunt town- -hip, tnoritsg U0 Itrtt++..els ut lir22. The tit -crams' as eighty -Gime years of age. She Waw Ib.' Mother or sercrlli C11111.111/11.. bot all pheleteused her. .%% Whim E. liaise diet at his home la r• ..it S11 3 _:d 1t at the age of sixty Ties. It Nu• a native of Brussels. Fur oyer 7111 rt years. he NM. Int em- ploye.• of Me 4•.N.It.. being ttt•tion If we set a pan of water on the unprotected surface soil it will loose one-half Inch of water .daily during the dry weather. A similar pan of water set la the corn field or wheat Bald' where It is protected by til. growing crop will not lose as much - in a week. From. the.foregoing 11 will be noted that .the most import- ant tttiage to save the moisture for the corn plant is done previous to the time that the plant has attained a height of 1f or 16 Inches When the corn Is that high It has developed a root system large enough to prevent low of soil moisture. Tillage done atter the corn is 15 Weller. high has Its main benefit In removing the weeds that compete with the corn tor moisture and dourlshment All 'taken by weeds directly robs the corn crop. In experiments that were conducted to determine tie Influence of weeds on eorn yield It was found that shal- low cultivation gave an increase of et bushels of corn per acre over 1 where weeds were allowed to grow. Rrrry Bell TeLepAons u a Log Distance Station .. Lawn -Service The hours for use of water for lawn service are - from 5 o'clock p. m. TO - 8 o'clock p. m. In case of fire alarm, Service is to be shut off -- thiss- for every person's protection. Your co-operation is required. Water and Light Commission L. L. KNOX, W. T. MURNEY, Secy Chairman Electric Wiring We specialize in Wiring of all kinds. Let us give you an estimate for wiring your house or garage. rivate`Telephones, Motors, amos, Electric Light and Burglar Alarm Systems All Work Gunranteid k, Iron and Toast by Electricity We have an assortment of e beat Electric Irons and' oasters made in Canada. Deep Cultivation Not Necessary. There is no real necessity of cut - at *an early boor last Friday menthol' tIvating deep, unless It 1a to cover i, a sedan. G. \uteIe:lu. of \\•illghllm.' large weeds. It the work 1s done in -osd T. l+wrt•-,.F 1'r t.. ••y.t_a1"( a proper time the weedu will not get nasty aeehleit. In Which the motorists large aqd shallow tillage will take had n rinse ..-cap `from ...ions he care of them, and at the same time .jury. About two toner front Whig- the corn roots will not be Injured 111111111 lulr•b:ode had .l,,•,•1 pelt -eel by the cultivator teeth. }.road cut- ueross the ruulw:ry whet.- . • re-- Ing cultivator teeth that do not putt. were being 1e. 1111.1r�-it is ns-, loosen the moll tante than two Inches red t hat t 1r t. M{rso-iT N' t.,,r1• stltI 7 deep sive condi/tons most -favorshie 'i. ,t- insrend. of t11e t-ial reel. The 'to the full development of the corn 'it-iver dad out vc ale• Iwrrica.1a in plant. The type of cultivatlgg.usual- . blue. and.--.tirlklug It. W'av thrown ova ly spoken of as."Itlp her up deep," I l.e roadway and down in u'iabn.k "Let her down deep." }htrersls' the Dent. Thr cur, aft.r turningn. roue I labor and reduces the yield. fete snore eidwtt..Jawde.l .ai._ite_salle•_ • I tenement t nttttatlun.s Betted . . t t•• .o r . 11..0,11 g t . � lip to the time that the corn shades brill -,d uud Ysernkeu n, 1 the ground eultiv_ate frequently, and An atnon*,Wle rolllsinll es.eurrd not over two inches deep; atter that, WIDELY KNOWN ROBT. TAIT rtat'trirlsu AL Masa MU Ill the In•11ch at 111N•kh;i, u. laud. Ute sten Is casting ,hp pile- o! . t.:, three feet deep. .Tui, ,- „ne of the itMesl solutions of th. .,rel- Volt - km N'1' have hour) aeon: ikgrup Fuc i'res-. s • u.. -4 Apply Minard's at once. It halts the pain and stopainflam- mation. Removes all poison from cuts and sores. Keep o bottle on the shelf. ♦l Use Baby's Own Soap. It's "Best for Baby - Best for You". \. Fy Every lOc Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS �Wg8o°WORTH or AMY N STICKY FLY CATCHER Ckan to handle. Sold by 114, Druggists, Grocers and General Stores W. DONALDSON Plumber IN BUSINESS TO DO ALL KINDS -- OF Plumbing, Heating and T insmithing to your entire satisfaction hone 431 Bayfield Rd. ROBERT WILSON for - Massey -Harris \lav hineryFront rn Buggies' Fencing Toronto Asphalt Roofing \ Rubber 1- arm Lighting Plants - Hamilton-Strfl et, Goderic$, Ont Hot Point Stoves :: Sunnysuds Washers Radio Sets and Sup 1711' telephone We MacDONALD ',..;. 1:• Harvesterl ORATOR COMING In• II•ellpan' t`v r. 1 Ilv nl by , k Iu 11 vv r al kindly Witliatm Rainey Bennett tic astFriday evening- alone -Ill hells; continue to cultivate shallow prtnci- ,a, the boundary line between %log- pally with the , hj.•rt of destroying weeds. -Department of Extension. Dave'. Great Address. linin and \\'hlv httr•h between a - v 1 mean 1.011181111111‘1.011181111111‘11. l'orn•r. stn of of j O. A. College, Guelph. James furter of "Iuruta•rry- .. ,I H , "Pathways to Power" is subJset • (lequsnt Inspirational Lecture. William Rainey Bennett. who 1111'entreeee his noteworthy address. "Pette ways to Power," at the coming lyo minion Chautauqua, is otic of the greatest dramatic orators of the der The theme of his lecture. "Pathways tb Power." Is that "he can who thinks he can that In every hratn there Is n ,.lee g genius and that it eon be Lulklnter. of "\\'Inghltl t. and ,mother Parasites All. ,Driven by Mr. Wiley. of the llcldtslgll- r When the deg'tlea finds the dog, lin garage. Ki,altrdinr. Wiley violins It 1s happy. po 1hO1r'h so that It be- 1•brte•r nets on the wrong -Idle of the comes very active and fleas become r'1nQ 111541 i nrrvr r;rtm-- w1My bed leg numerous. The flea found its host. light'. .\ b+11cr rets., w..* 11111111,4 nl And sr; it In with plants, they all have the time. which prob:lbly ens the their bacteria. Generations of living prune e:uMe of the mix-itp. Roth car-, together have developed kinds and wore badly swished. 11ntl thrown into pee, with their likes and dislikes. T.•.• r 11Rttt partteutar plant has its auto- itnrt. Wiley Ilnd his elf.. and 091114 Mated bacteria which become active iii the car. lint cont• of the ,n•r ninitttt t when they come in contact with the ivenelmrt--_..-..-_.__ - -_.- -_... root. We have loo, known the close t;. 14.rMrt1 glialr association between the roots of the admit- Mat be clover plant and certain bacteria, to himself. the general advanuue of both. This iim.rape c discovery was made largely through the bacteria carrying on the work in a way that left lar„' visible nodules on the clover root. it has long been suspected that plants belonging to other orders had associated with them erecterta that t trrled on a work similar to the clover or legume bac- teria. And it hap now been demon- strated that the corn plant has associated with it bacteria that do for .the corn root's what the legume bacteria do for the legume. It has been a mystery to many agriculturists how the corn belt land could go on growlnt corn year after year and calf lave an adetfust, supply of available nitrogen for the neat crop The secret Is now out. the corn plant hap Its parasite, a nitrogen gathering batcerta that multiplies In the pres- ence of the eorn root, just as the flea will thrive only when it find,. a mutt - able host. It 1s to be hoped that nitrogen gatherers will be found for all agricultural plant. r Department of Riteaslon, O. A. College, Guelph. Worms.Among Raspberries. If you see any evidence of the ar- rival of worms among your rasp- berries use a pound of dry lead areenale In a barrel of water end cover the tipper and lower purfaeep of the leaves. That Ie, use lend sr - senate up to the time the fruit set. After the fruit set use white helle- bore. do•••*'t know the truth about 1'crinlps this is a cgs.• where is Miss. --Ilitml,?..n Gerald .sesame WILLIAM RAINEY BENNETT Wakened. This lecttts* has Inspired t gissisands to higher actoevetnents sod , less gluon poise and power to mann. ( Mr. Bennett Is sstleaally known as dig lecture plattnrel• Yesng and old sfltre tome flutter tate spoil of his en- 1. thualum. Led.. :ea Chautauqua :Auit1.t I0-14 This is Different from all other laxatives and rebels for Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The action of Nature's Remedy (MI Tablets) is more natural and thor- ough The effects will be a revels - tion -you will feel so good. Make the test. You will appreciate this difference. Used ter Over Ta1.-t, tee. Chips off alt• Old Block iM JUR,OR5 sae LIEU Fee TTe ..me FR - In on. -Mod n....s. randy ro•ted. Tor rAlldren and .1.a. SOLD DIY MR AMMAMMI os' l'AA4rBRl1.'f4 bRl'G STORK alITViNINO 001140Fro TO WINm WINNIPRONIPdO �et not net 2 Q rho j4 con' net 'I. .t.ruae _Pim _ that r alt. ..cLe d and - Oc'1.tt to Winnipeg -Motel F-dtwailt to points b dome C nano Ontario Sheen Frog Staten* In Ontario, Smith's Pane to and Including Tweetaes. Labe..- -- -_... _____ one and Ha•eleea J.twAero IJ.e. Aug. -��•• Frown all St.ilon•• Rinanton to Renfrew Junction Inahwlw• Fr.m tJ elbow Denneel to Port McNleal and �wketo. to Mkeara•eet lasltaln. Preen Se ..ton• en Toronto 1udb,.7 dlnat Llwc. Namli cin Wolk•et ,• In ie South dna- WMt el-Toeors�e lie and 1wa tf Meller'I Niagara F.11• and Window. .�,tlla. TeeattaMt �er'a. uKew�+l. rrorrrqqg ��."""Il aeatlen. en Owen Sound, W.IL op, n. ollio. Bramante. pedw.h. stn M.rn. Pert Burwell. and Bt. ' ltoen • Fro -..Ill Stat loo. Toronto end North he Belt td nelu... I1 St.eten. 1.Ont.rb ,••• •t•• MMhi .n Central, Per* Marquette. Windex t.wm et LobeIre** .-. C..behr.as wen..ore a L.L. 1a., Greed Other, Lake Erle 6 Northern and ?.....t.. Hamilton & Buffalo P.11wer.. SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE FROM TORONTO - g„a/let and Chlidren Sp..0.1C.re mal tor.w...d Is, theaJua a tae.d ladle, children tad their e.w. •or Travel Pull information irons any Canadian P.riffc Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC *opts 1st Aug._ 21st Sept. 4th Midsummer Clearance Sale SUMMER DRESSES The balance of our summer Dresses are being offered at crepes, re- ductions. They are the latest frocks, in voiles, crepes, printed tub silks, willow suitings, embroidered and drawn, silk fugie. In order to make room for fall goods these must be cleared out quickly. SUMMER HATS Ladies' white summer Hats in this season's latest , styres fir %ss than manufacturer's prices. SWEATERS AND PULLOVERS Sleeveless Sweaters and Pull.tyers, in silk and wool and all wool, at big reductions. BATIIING SUITS �atRRRR�fng-Suits for men, women and children, ;,t rt-dttt•ed-W.lcsa----- STRAW HATS Clearing prices in men's Straw Hats. Cennc save money. in anti get one ',HOP %WiIF:RE %D1 ‘11E. IN\ IT111 TO 1.11111' and A. CORNFIELD LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGSPH NF. i1R THF SQUARE.. GOt)FRICH J