HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-6, Page 6TIIE SIGNAL,
New Books added
to our lending library
"A Son of fins Father"
t Harold tell Wright
'The Broad Highway'.
James Olrv, r Curwood
"Sons of The Sheik"
• A sequel to "The Sheik"
The ft,low'iue will' be added on
publication date:
"The Red Lamp"
Mary Roberts Rhinehart
"The Keeper of the Bees"
Gene Stratton Porter
1 \I d: 1 7 )
"On the Square
for forty years"
8y Johnston Abbott
f (All right' newryed)
(loutinue.l from last week)
1 1 brave-
.. al ,ensiled Pies
A she
N :1 she .
ly, and 1 (timed batty to watch our
besiegers. The s iud whistled up the
gorge steadily :,rad monotonously. It
- moult have been au hour later when 1
heard her voice spin. •
1 have • pi; ll." die said.
"fell It to no, Madrwoiselle."
"'I7tesr 1udi:•u cannot, ellmb the
ellits which eh, lest• this valley.'
"Not herr. a• :lug rate:' 1 replied.
••They esnuol go on down the val-
ley without be,itg t. pin tt to your
"Qpite true. \lademolm•11e•."
"So that If they retreat it must be
thruugh those 'tootle to the left."
"1 doubt If they contemplate re-
treat,'- 1 said.
"-They tins he compelled to re-
treat." she s:t:•I "If you can Man-
age to seat rho wools on tire!"
1 stand ar I:,•r lin woodier. It was
a pretty idea'
Now. while ;le wind was fagormble,
was the time 'n last it In execution;
it war the easiest thing in the world.
I stealthily gathered together a pile
14.f dry mass and stifles, call struck
Blot on steel. Five minutes later I
threw blazing brant4 out a ng the
inn -lied grass. and herbage. will took
rire in a donee -
"That suctosI-1 I cried!. in e
tion. and applied myself 'once more
1 to the loophole and my musket.
With a crackle and a swift the lit-
tle tires grew and Ponied- one another
and crept toward ,the edge of the
forest: there thi crackle became a
roar and the en,•piug became it rush
and the etl$ngrstlow- spread and
advnneed ten thea whole width of the
t val'ev wax n great' seething,itheet of
' flame.
Roue of the Indians came into the
op.•u. frogs![!' I crept eautlonely
In another.year, how
1 eren atabay
of yours will look -but
photographs of the t.hil*
dren never grow up.
Let us help you keep a picture
record of their childhood.
Telephone 187 Oederie6.
out and looked to see If there was
any possible shelter or coruer un-
'sere they
might the tire
sal R
h b fi J
be lurking, but there was out. They
bad fled before D. and l noticed with
deep satisfaction that the wind was
blowing far faster than any man could
"Are they gone?" asked Made-
moiselle, when 1 rejoined her.
"They are goer." 1 replied. "and
unless. '1 ant mistaken. they will not
r tutu."
Though Ibis entire bond as now
arouuted tor. others mightcome.
and it eewmel de-,lrable that we
should Amok a fresh retreat without
delay. I inspected the belongings of
the Dudlau who had 'well shot. and
relieved hem of our or two trifles
that might be of use. Incl dlug a
wallet e•ontainlyg awns dirty strips of
smoke) raw deees meat. Oftitle re-
pulsive food 1 offered a little to Mlle.
de ('batillon, but she could t touch
it. and I did not prrea It on her,
hoping to be able to providesome-
thing more Inviting before long: 1 11
bolted as much as I could bring my-
self to swallow, bring minded not so
much to gratify my palate as to keep
up sufficient strength for the exertion
that seemed neeesary. 1)f his wea-
pens i broke up the arquebus, and
powder awl bulla stud a hat-
chet that was in his 1x•11.
It was approaching noon when I
once more took Mademoiselle up and
proceeded down the valley. following
the course of the rivulet w-hieh
threaded it, in the reasonable expec-
tation of reaching acme larger body
of water. In this we were not 'Oslip-
pointet. The walks of rock grew low-
er and leap steep and rhe space be-
tween became wider, -hod iresently-
We entered a Ipw'-lying stretch of for-
est. dense and swampy. Through
title we struggled; nutil at lust we
were ',wanted by finding ourselves.
on the rooky shore of a lake which Inc
in it direction from southwest to
northeast and was about (w -o Ieague•s
long and half • trestle wide. dotted
here and there with small islands.
for the most part little' more than
This sheet of water offeror} an lm•
prove} [mousse tat. lucuwutkw,-. with . the
advantage that we would leave no
trate of our passage. anal finding. top
good fortune, a draft tree overhang-
ing the wafer, i harked at the trunk
with the ImKan', bterhet • until the
proje'ting pert tell In, branches mot
all. making a raft of a «,rt. It re-
matuel but to fashion a rade palkIl
and -net Mite. de ehatilbn on hard.
and We were on our way once more:
the wind. which had done us 011e Waal
turn that day, came ngaln to our ale
entente. Ando carried us. with little
effort m1 our part, In the direction In
which w1• desired to go, toward/. the
northeast end of the lake at the
other Aide.
ds.. -ire .drew---dD4$t.--from- tie w
that ',ordered the shore and could
st+e titer and beyond them, it was
brought home' to ns What a fury of
conflagration we had kindled. Far
I. to cost and west, the smoke. rising
ern r I gh.r. tilled the toff* Ikt rn PAY,
It - w,1- an awetome spe'taele, for rat
who were res.p►ntlhle for it..`itnd .1
thought with no llttta compunction
- Of-- fife . tlefle_ poor- death bedsits
who were perishing in it. But there
was no_time for sentiment: and ere
lone-•atridea -came •1. .,- -wart- t -funk
n piece Of meat out of the Indian's
wallet. Mlle. 11r ('hatilion saw me
and stmsMereel.
".err •you going to eat more of
thee?" she Asked.
"Not If we can get something bet-
ter. Mademoiselle'," 1 replied and
produced from my pocket it fishhook
and line.
"See!" 1 eIltiunrd, hailing the
hook and throwing It in. "1f we
are Pocky, we may patch our dinner
on the way."
The water% of that M)ttntry swarm
with fish of good size and delicious
'Inver, and •In almost lets time than
It takes to tell of It. we had . two of
Nerves fine little Rest
Relieved by Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Harrowsmith, Ontario. - "I took your
medicine before my baby was born and
it was a great help
to me as I waa very
poor1 until f started
it. 1 just felt
as though 1 was tired
out all the time and
would take weak,
fainting spells. My
nerves would bother
me until I could get
little rest, day or
night. 1 was told by a
friend to take Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Com and 1 only took a few
bottles an it ped me wonderfully. I'
would recommend it to any woman. 1
am doingwhat I can to publish this
good seise. 1 lend that little book
you sent ens to any one 1 can help. You
can with the greatest of (pleasure use
my name m and to the Vegetable
Compound if It will serve to help ethers."
-Mas. Hastier Mtt.u0as,R. R. No.2,
Harrowsmitk Ontario.
In a recast canvass of purchasers of
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com-
pound over 100,000 replies were received
and 98 out of every 100 said they had
been helped by Its use. This medicine
is for sale by all druggists.
PHONBst Doagaason. 5 ting 3; Blyth, 32 ring 12. __
A restful night on Lake Erie
Makes a pleasant break in your journey. • Osgood bed !n a clean,
coot stateroom, a long sound deep and an appetizing breakfast
in the moaning.
Doily May tat to Nouentier 1511.
[.Mars •ulolo- 9- P. M.1 Eastern l Leave Clevela •9M P. 1.4.
Anise Ca.wla4d -700 A. M.1 Standard Tom f Arrive Baaalo 17,170 A. M.
*Stemmer 'VITT OP BUFFALO" arrives 7n0A. M.
(or Cady Point. Put -in -Bey. Toledo. Detroit and oder poi
Aek i ascot oe soars yaney for rh:k.0 via C efi B 1Je.. Plow TowrYt
Automobile Bate 4.7.50.
Send for foe .eetloed p!wie rio,, of
It-a.ea alp SPEANDBES' and
irlasa*..4 a laed, ado Tani Co.
Fares $5.50
Four Rea 'nate* is
Good on the Boats
The Ode.[ Ship
"iS,eEoE AtlyNDBEE' -
Bre.dti 98 f500 ent
4 mdse.
Clubbing List
The Signal as London Free Press " 18.75
The Signal and London Advertiser 8.75
The Signal and The Toronto Globe °?. - r r 6.75
The Signal and The Mail and Empire d'' . 6.75
The Signal and The Toronto Star = 6.75
The Signal and The Farmers' Sun _.. _.. -. 3.40
The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star ..... 3.50
The Signal and Saturday Night 5.50
The Signal and Presbyterian Witness -."... 3.90
The Signal and The Catholic Record ,,.,,.., 3.76
The Signal and Mcl.ean's Magazine , ... _ - :".:.. 4110
The Signal and Rcd and Gun ,,, 3.110
The Signal and Montreal Witness
The Signal and World Wide
.w .". raneeral 3.85
new_ 3.50
.,.retsewaI 4.25
Clubbing Rates With Other Periodicals May
Be Had on Application
.dud you," she said, "what du you
se•e In the ennead and forest!"
1 pondered her question. "1 du Lot a
kuow, Mademoiselle. itomethIIlg that l
is lu all musette and in all forests." I
"As fur Me," she said. -It makes R
utr think of toy home In Fraucte,-at
Lai Roux lu .Auvergne." t
"You are 1044 of your home at Lit
Roux in Auvergne?" 1 naked.
"1 Tuve It!" she said "And yet
it Is not my home, can never be
say buns• again.
Nul knowing what h) Pay. I held say
"Pen. Dufour. 1 believe, has told
you fhe objet of toy search'•"
0 of elle."
••1' Ma !cont a
"No doubt you think it f,olls10"
"Maar' wuulli Balt It so."
"(tut you?" -
"How can our know? Moot of the
thing* We dot leaky appear foolish to
others. Many of the things we did
Yesterday uuw• Arent footfall to us our-
.\ Mow smile dimpled the lady's
,•II, ek.
"Indeed!" she .11 id. "1 ghould have
thought you. for our. would be free
trate" (hp, liunillirtiug recollection*
that now and then beset more im-
pulsive people."
1 shrugged air `,.ihoutib•rs. "Tell
ear, Mademoiselle, this home of
whie;l you speak, -what is It like?"
"it is old and gray. and the stones
are clad wilt eau -s and ivy. Jt
.tank in a great lark which falls
ouzo. to the wnith and west. clustered
herr and there with oak' trews. There
aro no defences uuw. (sit where the
Ulna! once was the (auks are covered
with ruses that in the month of June
aro at the height of their blow. -a
moot,- bimodal& and clothes, tolls,
ite1Plls for cooking. powder and shot.
hag o1 corn, a tent for Mlle. de
`latillou, and for we a parcel of to -
knee". If it; our earlier Jourueyings
we Iota consider.'( w•,• were under-
ulug Ill,r,Mltlp, we now realized that
woe had been travelllug In the lap of
trruatite but to Ndi►Ymthe--civatth'a
proves of Halon•
1n a prdmlthe way we achieved a
tolerable condition of well-being. On
our Island, wlut•L was eight or ten
sere, in area and densely wooled.
small game was p1'ntiful; the lake
was full of &Ili and I succeeded in
shooting deer ou two occasions. We
also found nuts and a few musb-
rooms, so that our dict did - not lack
a certain variety,. For shelter, ear
erected two little huts side by gide,
thatched with hrauehel and shingled
with hark. Atter the first few days
ladcmoiselle wee- ebbe- tee-lseblsle ou
crutches. an Improvement -which af•
forded her the greatest satlataetion.
The morning after our arrival. the
u ind .(ilei away. Intl air anti water
fel: into halcyon sr Illness. Drift log
buck from (be' moth, a thin veil of
white awoke s'ttbsl about 1*' that
gradually grew denser anti hid the
-shores of the. -lake -from olvr r Jpd
cast its white r1fle•tion into the
gleaming water, s, that lake And sky
became as one, and we were shat la
by whiteness all aloitt.
Depilate Our anth-1y, our imiettience
to tea• gone and Jhr u1werteluty of our
future. the odor .1' burning w,..l is
still dear to uw for the. memory 11
malts up of thawdata off impotent anti
dnngeroM delay.. There was little to
-do but wait., yet: on my hands. at
Inuit. the thaw did not hnng (wavy..
To serve Mile. 4e ('hellion woes a prt-
vilege) to 11.'witl► her n pleasetre. to
listen to her 0 de•11ght. Whereas, in
former days she hail regarded me with
aversion, she now seemed to find a
cwrta' 44lexsurc 1a '^e e. *.lrny
which she was mor.' than welcome,
for her con ,•rs:etion w•as au unfailing
sprit:: of music and wit and good
sense. !ler luterest In. the Incidents
and surroundings of ,pine•r.11fe was
never -falling. and she crontlrinally Ind
mi on to tell -Ger of my voyages ant
adventures. • and the things. 1 ..bad
learned abut woodcraft and farming.
When robe. was able to get about we
would satuifer herr and theere, and i
would -fell her (so far as i k4,.'w'
of the trees and plants and Animals
and bards that 110 enure upon. 1
tnught her the huntsman's methods of
ecoking.wlthuut the utetnsil+ of eirlll-
nation, land at this fhr moon excelled
me. She syn., moot inter•steI when 1
cured the -1;i1,. of the defer we shut
and made leer a i ttbe lair of moc•ra-
fiue: when 1 !•tnbelll$hel them in the
Indian w•ay with rn11e ornaments of
porcupine qui:ls ber delight was Un-
Another . diversion w'hl.'h (ft -fowled
many hour* wag the building of n
1'a111te. winch, h, be sure, eras not eery
ue•f•r-try. shoe w! could not expect
to travel further In it than the alum•
of the tike, and 11j41 ht hare cattiness!
b I`aft= webs --in ek' - tees-' notutrto77-hilt
Mademnisc•'.1.• was curious to ,.ee lu►w
it wear lloye, :nut a►, piece by piece, i
rrmsti ",find It before 11141' ee'en, of a
tight frnmei ort of wend covered
with sheet* .if bir•h bark, An It
turned out, it was a source of mud'h
pte44snr( to us both. being s•nworthy
and comfortable, and enabled us to
wander about the lake at will. finding
new b•nuti s and trifles of interest In
every little hay and On every rocky
point and (dt. The first frosts had
not yet come, and here and taste -we
would see enema of Into flowers, and
Made•molnelle would hnve me gather
great bunches of them, and when 1
gave them M her she would hold them
its 4Ier arm* as a child holds 44 doll.
and so carry them home to our Iel*nd
for the sheer :ore of (•arrying them
and -fondling ?hero.
.111 things come at lnsit to an end.
pe -4f--raw-tlmY-wtttfollt_7i' /Ill-ke- --4
sept that ose•eiialhg 1 watched the -
run met, and reflected that it wmild
be neee**ary to rename our travels the
next morning. A night's steady rain
had nattily quenched the ftnnuldt•rtng
embers in the forest and washed the
smoke out of the air. !nether the diet -
ant pine trees, behind which the Ann
wn' Petting, 'rood out clear and Meek
across his red disk. find -f4ir" },right
clouds that g:owe4 upward fowarl*
the zenith were mirrored .h,wmynrd
towaM4 the sale with all loll equal
Ma4emodapt; wax now able to vvelk
without franc:-, and prosently she
came end sat ,town no a ledge of rook
beside me. 5)1. too, wag In n joenflre
mood, end far s time g*7c,1 thonght-
filly at `the western sky. SaV.. for
the whisper of an oec44'ionnl ripple
Or the distant a ry of home w'i1d 7,1r4
nr hea.t, the ••itlnefs was nnbmkrn.
MI W tjltt grealtd. tiro A•t1l•
"Elle 1a t Oiled glia.
lou lu a voice of pity, "the lxxrr crea-
1 -praug ashore and lifted her luta
t1te camas and whelp Medemulsallu had
Averted her with a blanket we turned
tint Into the stream once more.
uxury. Huddled tinder the blaukt't. aLe lay
Our of the most pleasant uw•morlea gasplug tad ehatterlug iu at severe
that cows to we wiles I look bark ggur, though the *un shone warm up -
through the yesre is of the utter cum- ou her. We did out stop to question
fort ,iwl conteuttw•pt we rxperieuced
that ,owning when. after we had
eaten our 1111,' 1 111 owe' more my
.h•rishel yule aW1 bagged In the light
foul warmth of the tii anti Ilsleued
to the cheerful, rveu
of illy fair cuw au1un. Nat•
isflel with the press -tit, ear !bought
neither of the wicertaluty of the fu-
ture nor of the peril 4.t the past.
that our frle'usht ital_ Already
ported was no surprise to,ts. for we
had long overstayed tlw-•i►nw•-widens-.
had been agreed upon. 1'. I)ufout
had left a leiter for me.
"My !hoar Nos," It read. "slumtld
this mesas. er,r come to your eyes.
you will know with what a heavy
heart 1 write It. Hoping against
lupe. we have -waited longer than you
stlgge•,tte, And were It p,.iedble to
prevail want the Melissa to stay. we
abould remain' here still longer. 1
hart uu woreb to expecte my grief.
May 4101 lu lila mercy spare you. that
r MAY Are you (MVO again lu this life;
1.4N 1t not. His will to done. Fare -
11, dear te•m
1"hle; your s
uaww .hall #,friends. it d4rreetel the Ilkellh od of
ever Is• lit say prayer'." 1 our being ■b:r to do ear. Still. there
her, ha hastwlt,tta put -ourselves out
of sight of the spot where twe hat h Ld
Lound her. ;duce we feared tt
might have been closely pursue!. This
prer•antian we afterward learned to
have been uuueeessary; she war as
Algonquin squaw. of the Nation of the
island. who who with her husband ba
lit (114'' the baud* of the Iroquois. lie
had 'well killed and she had been car-
ded away captive toward the e,uulry
of the 'furious. She was out nue tO
yield al,ketly to the tyraun1.-t'f fate.
She had killed one of her taor*
made good brr e04-01 • : but the hard-
sitipa and prIt'atieus she had "allured
had gradually sewed her strength,
mud by the time she hell In with- us
she• woes in a condition ut ls•riluua and
deplorable llliw•ia
All this we learned later. In file .
meantime, we knew wily [hal her ad-
v*ut was moat inoplortnne. s111Ce her
aitdsd weight impeded tis and. her
miserable stat,• lulyovd upon n( a dis-
tracting burtkou of care and attention.
1tr ax much as her presence immune
the necessity of one evt•rtik6►g oar
That 11e had indeed overstayed the says no help for It, and we !tell mood.
appointed Ilea,• was shown by the 'late Ila but steruuossl. on our way.
1111011 hi. let!rr. It hail 1 xruwrlt eu All that night the Indian
eonghel anti groanM alio ravel in
fever and delirium, and when morning
emote my fear that we were doomed
to indefinite delay was changed to cer-
tainty. Though each of to had slept
only _bait the nl$ht. I wax gloomily
making rest y W stn ark.-vihea Mile.
de ('hatUlou came to me!
"M. Reenter." she said, "woe cannot
go on. If we try to travel with thte
woman. 1 think she will die"
"That -is so." I said. "It seem*
more thou likely she will die In any
event. Should she tire. she sill be
Do better able to tr4(1.I for many
days. It will Meade we must gu on
to Ville -Marie by Ooraelve1 : that may
coat 1r- our lives oleo."
'To save me, you Myr already
teem! a news desperate risk. so that I
know you do not demur (weans.• of
ansle4y fee noir own safety„' fife te- -,
plied. "clod has feel] tn'•reitttl to ns.
Let. us 1w• merciful to this pour wu-
nn1n whom Ile has pot In mfr-ebart<e,
mud tru-t 1n Dim."
sjau two days prior to our arrival.
fragrant. glowing docket of yellow I handed the letter to 011ie. de (ohm'
,sad pink and white. In the coir are Blinn. "11n.1 we come might iwfore
the gardens and the tables and the last." I said, "we should have found
orchard and the vineyard, aUd a
g ele_e_-dagrslt• dot lint It rk pines where the rooks
clamor in the spring Asti there is
6 gran'£ spot urak•r 4.114. of the old
oaks where, 1 used to sit and look dura
the gentle slope and over too roofs
of the sleepy 41tt1e village• -firer the
ricer and the smiling fields to the
rolling hills beyond. And I would
watch the ripe grass rippling to the
breeze. and ileus to the bum• ut the
bees and smell the )tet sweet -breath
of the clover. end firearm, -and 'dream.
Though 'the mehaly of her role•
had trailed away Into silence. I slid
1141 wont to real) her thoughts, but
gazed refectivMy at the fntrness of
her fate in the fading twilight.
"And the great vernal stairway and
them still hero."
!the studied the letter pensively In
the flickering • Melt/lit. "l'oor Fere
I)ufeur," she said, "no Joule he Iv
convinced that we are dead. 1 would
we could (overtake him and relieve lila
dimness." .
` "Tour wish is mine," 1 replied.
"urwgh for a lent uuseltlsh resent."
!ihe tsuliet "1 know too, would
lie desirable if we could travel in their
"More than .te-slab." i soot • It
would make all the difference Is•hu ecu'
delay and &tiger on the one lintel,
aml 'spent and -comparative safety on
the other. with them We quid era-
eei (elw-eIy.-to' siege}yew i►r--W11ikt
travel stealthily, with the utmost
carr to avoid being even.'
the mullioned wln,ows and the aro -That Is 0.," ndmt,l \[adrmuulne•IIe.
nutria' bearings on the walls. -they with a sigh. "Ito you think we can
all speak of the honors of the family at(ceel lu r,ioiuine thaw'"
of St. r•Jtienne de In Roux. As a "l'e'thal*. We must res.- at damp
child 1 felt myeelt an intruding alar pursue them a1 the top .•f out
alranger in bhp, home of a ranb.tted aper!.'
-filial -re:- When -1 (Mme- 1W iiow tB "Tnnlltw: at !past." +lid r•1txmdetk
truth. that 1 wean not an Intender -we shall deep in comfort.'•
merely, brit a fraudulent nanrper. the Tired as we were. we embarked at
n44'lae•holy p1e4s44rr .ot rnmtemplatin- the dost_-ign rat dawn, and the rising
seas r.•pint'r1 by 'the humiliation. of 141111 saw 11" w•1.11 "n 0114' wad. T1tWtgb
dlshon"r." ,--- i had slttk nl of the d knger nlyel
"Lladeniulseller.----i n•monatrate1. ling Tu Trnuti dTilyi(ghtT4 111-'4'7 'udP
ensu. there was little holm of .•wap• i
we al'telNel this risk for fhr time b•-
Ing In lbs 111)1*' of 441(44111141¢ grrilr•r
fafety In the end. There was [itis
aunt It al,o. that hostl:e parties
would he journeying either flown
the river or 'Ip: if they were 1►e"
no. going down, lour haste
would hear 11* further away from
them. while If they were before us.
they wenn!,) be first met 'by our pom-
pinion:, AidT. w.. u r Tfk Ting +,n
their mels for a time at least racier
than continue up the rirrr will t
, .Ina- Ions we plied our paddles
toggel1y 1 aLuM•nnoisd•11e brart•ly and
latently -tinirtg -
ale had by now no little -kill t tutl
when !lie Mein ter we weld' on by the
light of the toxin till after midnight.
'lite• rn'*t day we -obi -the .ante: and
the next. and stt•h good progress •ws ail
e main• that on., the . fmlrflt fttlr
Ind•sw w n Cheered by the• r 1+ -
"could the honored deed of La Boni
have risen to life about you. they
would have been pr 1 anti glad to
welcome yon to their home"'
"And so," she continued, soberly.
"being desirous of putting :matt.'rs
right so far alt might !still he p,wdble,
I made enqulrles, but could learn
only that. M. oh• la Iloux had sailed
for New France, years ago, -and herr
I s m." .
here no white woman las ever
been before."
Madh•molpelie'a eucaine had re-
turmrI 111' tette to her feet out, a
Ilttlp laugh.
"Yes." the +lid, "1 am herr,-it
04144.' nntte m
my moot worthy and valiant pro -
teeter, whose kindness IA more deeply
appreciated than words ton tel(, I
hid yon gnnrt-nlght, t 1[i 1ii11 r. -
With en airy courtesy she left ate.
a while the, tare of the rising nur.n.
r' -1 itny' 1 .4 Fivti'd. '?rte meet not
hares. Now let us 144ta1 and est.
How dorso this island suit you, that
we nr. approaclttng, Mademo1grlter
Rhe wits weery and weak and in
pens, but her high 4ourage was un-
dimmed; and she answered me with
a laugh. and PIP long i litter[ her
ashore and laid her on n pile of
brush and lit n fire, over which We
roasted one of our filth; when she
had tartest it her appetite returned
and she declared it 11441* heyontt praise,
end' etrfiearttty, and PO did 1, end
what with the warmth of the fire stud
the comfort that comers of a full
st0msrh. It began to seem that we
were,not on badly off att we might have
The sun was stetting, and there stilt
remained the task .of providing shel-
ter, hat this was not - dlffieult. With
dried grace and dead leaves and the
Damn 1 111140"r -0M
and easy retreat for Mademoiselle In
the Ira M Ail overhanging rock. And
When 1 hart h44thel and bund up her
prior het anti covered her over with
mof1• leaves and grlss. she hearty! A
sorb of contentment and th*nked me
kindly and presently fell asleep; and
being At the cod of my endurance
and renaon44hl;v sure of freedom from
molests Ilnn, i shortly followed her
(lit.(1'TRR RVi(
Though we were now in n position
of c"mp44rstive safety, it was COm-
paralive only, miner we were far from
help and faced the .5rlr advent of a
stern winter, !tope of tieing able to
rejoin torr friend* wait gradually Alm-
pelled by the *lownegn with which
Mlle de (:hatlltnn'* Injuries mended.
Until she could make full nee of her
feet It would he folly to ventere Into
the forest again. And we had ne al
('tt%I'TF;II XVIiI.
The extent of the arra burned over
by the tire we had ktndhei because
evident to Its the next tiny. when ear
slot 011 10 111141 the einrr of Ines*,erhM
that 1'. Ihrtour had promlel to :en*,•
for us. At the northern shore of the
!eke we regretfnitr ataoMmel oar
little esus'. and tIlnl4weel 1111 the side
of A bare. rocky ridge. From the
crest of 11114 ridge we cuu1.4 see far
fo.thc wart and north end east, and
tloe acme that opt onr eye•. wns'm04'
01 tnournftfl denotation. The very
.dol w'As burnt. of the tree. th441 had
eivered the landscape. nothing re-
am -toed hot_ a O1'la.tnrrat Backe'
trunk. Within the whole horizons
there wax net 11 sign of life.
Though we had expected .ometh
4: the sort the reality wee worn -
than we had looked for: neverthedens
onr lath lay directly nerves the de-
y44ft11tfY1 region. and re'ognizing' the
futility of hp.I144(1)n. we plunged- in-
fo it forthwith.. It lens not a piens-
ant journey. At every step 44 (•11(101
of duet rose about uur tart, anti ere
long we took nn the appearance of n
iwilr of. blaekamoora. Here earl- there lo.r strength felted lftT`lib stat %Tee
wear a
eorery. toward eventnlr, of the Otter
were I'. Dufour and hit party laid
iontped the night before: II.dlgeint
1n• the earth beneath their 11re..1 fears.[
it w44. *[111 warm. We had pined a
Despite Our fwtlgtie we presets' 14i
three or four hour.* longer, and when.
the next morningwe again took to
the water. It was *int the hope of
overtaklag them by flint night., Thls
hope endowed us with re,ewerl, vigor.
esti with wiml And•-ettrrent In mit
favor we had alr•i.y severed -.mc
league*, when nn nnev4setel incident
occurred to delay n+. We were apo
proer•hing P fend hi the river and hod
turn, when we heard n bonne try.
rind an benign woman. .eantlly Mad.
etigg.'rel met of -tit -I nslw's-and f, -It
to her knees ,it The writer',. edge, he -
'leeching tut by frantir.ge.ture* to erome
to her sill.
11.esperate nm was our hate, we
should have tern larking In ellery
resgge of hnmdnity had we ignore[
her plea. We drew rap to the tank
find signed to her to e0me *brat/. tart
when she tried f" rise and come to ns
we carne to little gullies or fleenn-s
in the rcw'k which (led I1'(•n passel
over by' the conflagrnrlo, find h, one
of -thew ear took refuge at uighlfnll.
The sky was clear and the air was al
mote frosty. end we had no wraps
Pave the elothpn we wore, lint[ by
Initialing a lire we rnsnagerl 40 Intrio
44 night of dl*ttorbrl and uneasy shr'p.
Inteeruyttn-evervi4441e -whits 9w- tire
nerrowity of -tieing- to pmt on More
wnml, When. At Inst. morning dawn-
ed, we set forth owe move, wearily
trntlging and sfnmbling mime- More
than ones i wan .r'llp,t with the fest
of Inning onr easy, hitt fortune favored
tot and late In the lfternom ear tame
to the Minim ret the .teems we gnash[.
Here we enjoyed the Inestimable
privilege of wlshing off a portion of
the grime that coated not end, great-
ly refreshed and InrIgorate 1. we net
oat to 1110k f0r'the coupe and fie 1,414s
plfees whdchw'4hnp4tdReg.•Alt weap-
prnn.he'I the dealghated hiding Amer
our anxiety enol eagerne,e grew to A
foverl.h pitch. Ain' when rat lest we
found that tar hopes were not Alaefr
pointed 0*1r exnitnllon know no
bonndkdose. snugly eonee11'41
11mld.t the :ow lin+h,w that fringed
the stream, Ina our soothe!) canoe.
well (!led with all that we needed
In Menet. 1 began undoing rrtypre-
itaratina to depart. .
You are not angry at m.•. M. Reg-
uier't" she said. wistfully. -
leeeteenetter ter---# ' Wtner"
1 to b• angry at one to tea:Intifut, 10
generous. w. brave. -we're 1 to 1.e
Angry at you for also showirz tender
mercy toot loving kludm.• to. one in
of tletjnn,- 1 should be la.leed en-
She blushed at- my ntf!a►.Pe, eon).
nwtelatlun, end smiled 1n -a' -,•c c•o-
fudon. •'Yon (01, Sir. are not with-
out merits." she r.•piird, and with this
rxrhange of • compliments, we wet
about malting more eiabwirate arrange -
ovule fur -top comfort of our [cadent.
(To be eontlntied
GEO. STEWART. F'orist.
Wedding Ilnwvhrs--Floral Designs
a Specialty. - Phos- 4011.
$rophey Bros.
ardent carefully attended to
at all hours• night or day
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director
a-}}-4111}le promptly attend'
ed to (I4V or night
Store 335 Res:demos 355w
Hamilton Street, Goderich
Specials at
McDonald's Tobacco -20c. slag-, 2 for 35e
.._.(1 ..-... 14 line. plugs, 2 for 25c.
Cocoa -10t per lb.
Extract I.. n1,,11 and Vanilla, 8R004 quality 10e. • bottle.
Try our kxseTes. _tiood_quality.and cheaper than the powkage Toa.
Freeli Jot of I1ure. Maple liyrup on hand. Treat LWOW, Celery,
Rhubarb, l'albnge, etc.
A new shipment of Dates, Fig", Prunes, Dried Fruits, Me. -•l:
Se r nese Raisins, best quality..,...* ria ee lie.
Shredded Wheat Y1a
Sunlight, Snrprime, Comfort, (nolo. &O. 80a
Yonr choice or atalorted.::.•.•-"•-4 foe Mk.
20 Rigs good bumpy Soap. - - - ler
A hill line of (1001744 for SPRING CLKANTNO.
A good assortment of CURTAIN 00005.
Floor Oil Cloth and Table Oil Cloth in different colors and patterns.
Asoortnlent elf Linen Towelling for Ws. a yard op.
Medium weight Underwear for spring.
Men's and Boys' Caps, at close prices.
We eon nave you :honey in Dry (Ganda.
South Side Square
Phone 44 Gaels delivered to all porta of the tern.