HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-6, Page 5THE SIGNAL, .111111. GODERICH, ONT. - Camp with a KODAK Whether a week in the woods or a day at the shore, a Kodak or Brownie Camera is an essential part of your equipment. At the counter you will find the Kodak or Brownie you need; also "the dependable film in the yellow box.•' Autographic Kodaks $6.70 up Brownie Cameras - $2.05 up CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 The Square USE CASH DISCOUNT BONDS --AND �.�1E 11tiNEY Wes End Barber Shop -and- \ Shoe Shine - IN New and Used, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE * NILE Ispent a few day* with the forater'r1 ,parent.. Mr. and Mr*. J. Mills. Mr.. E. Lawson and d:tttt:hter. 'Ber- nice, have returned home after vl*it- Iuli relatives, lu Galt autineafonh. Mater Stanley Mtraueslr. of Sieh- rinXville. is 1ialtlus hjs Unit. Mrs,. N. 1). Munro. for- merlyWin.. Fluker, of t'1, ugu ut Auburn. is vi-itmr relative. here. Mr, Bell. Maid la away Judging ow oat crop in the l:uvernuent field coin- -pet flies, - Mr. Pilgrim. who has isee teller in the Standard Bank byre: hue leen moved to Tavistock. Mr. Walker. w•hu hag Iw•ett on the rellert�n� staff for *ome Ione, hits taker Mr. Pilgrim, plavy. Rev. R. A. Miller, a former and very Popular pastor of Auburn Ntethodist church. accompanied by Mr-. Miller turd min. called on friends In the vii. loge able week. lir. J. E. ?aekson. areouapunicvl by Mrs. Jaek.on and children. left on Thursday for n town neat Edmonton. where he will practise his pretension. We are sorry t• repot that Mrs. NILE, Aug. 5.-Mirs *Helen Reid. of Toronto, is the guest (Pt Mrs. Jas. 'flioniment lids week. Dr. autt Mr, Jackson .atel children PridaY le motor for Alberta. Toronto itud as he goes'to hie future field of service in the West he has th• hest wishes of all the Nit. people. Misa Alberta Snell. of Lontlesbort.', and M.1.111 Slipper. 44f Toronto. ere \ 1,41 tug Illsa Louie Snell. Threshing bus begun in this ueigh- well and is a splendid sample. Oat cutting is well under way aud will he soon over if tile dry weather Oon- t holes. Mr. and Mrs. McPhee and Mrs. sister. Mr-. It. NIellwain. thls week. They motored up hist Saturday and ari. staying ter the Nile garden party on the 74 The giirilen party- will bazaar te 1.44 114-1,1 here oil Friday promise-. to be the 1,#( Hie seasen. 'fhe supper will T. Adam. Is ill with diphtheria. Her he served in Nile'', 11A11a sumptimi.s elsildren. who haw.. had lilt" #il 1.1111- 141'. are well again. Nurse MeMatitais. who attemled the 44111(111i . was re- called on Monday. Mr. neg. Hamilton. of lietraile who is spending his Vaell 1 1011 wuti hie par- ent,. Mr. aud Mrs. D. Hamilton. suet ',pd. The went -mints or the ear eseaped unhurt but tbe ear was badly Alr. John Leith. while driving be - •.The booths,. will offer temp'.8- Hon- to the vanity and palate of all proaraIll wilt yap the evening to the Wit ett.t.....ffilt1 Vivra 'Arse- ist. us the leading entertainer of the After spending two weeks with lwr sister. Mrs. Blitte. at the parsonage. WO; Marguerite Jacksou retuned lust Saturday 4,4 tier home In Windsor. Many of Ore roridents 01' this 10- tweet' Anburu and Blyth. met With califs are talking In part of the pro- what alight have been It ry, „erten.. Blac stone's Furniture Phone 26 - Exchange WEST STREET gram of the Clinton old bey's' reunion this week. Several carloads drove over* yesterday afternoon and evening and all report 11 splendid time. AUBURN u. the T. hie lattee's parents. 11r. awl Mre. Doyle, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Riee and little s w1144 have lesen away on a two wet acation. came home on Thursday. Mist* Fern Symington. of Toroi Red friends In the village t Homer. of Michigan.. is accident. when the ear skiddod and the tire eame •off his wheel. the ear going down an embankMent and through a wire fence. Mr. It. .1. Kasai and Mr Earl RA1111- Quite ionnher from here attended the Mettle in Wallaee's grevi• on Wed- Aninirn was weli-licitiseuted in Clinton during Old liouw Week. tbe baseball match 012 Tuesday being the blg attraction. mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur and family itur the day s ith relatives there. MEN, here's your CHANG Big Midiiiime ale - AT M. ROBINS' Starts on SATURDAY, AUGUST 8 AND ENDS AUGUST 22 Men's and Boys' CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, GENTS' FURNISHINGS THE BEST OF MERCHANDISE AT REASONABLE PRICES. Hare are-* -few of, the items,to_gave _,you an idea of our prices MEN'S FOX SERGE BLUE SLATS - 20 Men's Suits, irv conser- vative styles All are well made. Sizes 36 to 44. Nlidsummer Sale 36 pairs only, men's cot- tonade Pants All we'd made -Big B, Bull Dog and Maple Leaf brands included. Midsummer summer Sale 59c. $2.65 Balbriggan Shirt s and summer Sale Drawerr all sizes. Mid - Boys' blue striped Over- alls, sizes 28 to 32..75c. Straw Hats to clear at Alt rflOp'_s_khal.ci Pants are to be sold at prices I-. If This sale will last only till AUGUST 22nd Men's white duck Pants, sizes 34 to 44. Mid - Men's white lawn Hand- kerchiefs. Midsummer Sale 4 for 35c. Men's fancy white Shirts, all sizes. Midsummer Special Harvesters you are -going West it will pay you to buy at this sale. Men's Work Shoes, in black or brown. sizes 6 to 11. Midsummer Sale $2.95 English Broadcloth Shirts, collars to match, in pure white, cream, blue or peach shades. Sizes P4 to 17 ' . Midsummer Sale $2.45 .W1 -wool cashmere I Son- 45o,-1 Men's and Boys' Knitted _ Ties, in plain or fancy Sale Men's fancy checked and 49c. Men's Canvas Running Shoes. 1111 brown or white, sdriizes. Mid- summer Sale $1.25 Men s Pyjamas. Arrow or Faultless brand. Sizes Police Braces. Midsum- A, B. C and D. Mid - Men's blue and white Striped Overalls, all sizes. Midsummer Sale 98c. to $1.35 DUNGANNON BAliFIELD Mit the Yount People's Idociety gine church to eujoy a rocial evening be- fore Mr. Macfarlane. who organised the Soviety, left. The. meeting °pen- is! in the •usual nisy Anil then the president asked Mr. Macfarlaine to lead them ouce more in coninsunity siuging, after whieli there sent cow tests and II abort program, at the door to step forward and the followiug letter was read by the president, Mr. Dear Mr. Macfarlaue,-As yeti know. we have called this extra meet- ing of the Y.P.14 so that we could 4P11(.0 more enjoy an evening together before 'you leave us. You are the father of our Y.P.S., for we owe (Mr organisation to your uneeasing efforts 4444 4%11104 we benefit so much both In always stood back of ula and guided 11A as, a father does ilia children. and now we have gathered to thank )ou for your - kindures mid faithfulness. in the lite of any community. Bedsides its educatioual and religious ealue, -the social side of it haw tilled a long - tett need. Although •you are ieliVing us. >Our influence will remain and 1...latinue to guide us.. In later years we cannot fail to look back with gratitude on your publk-spiritect sere viee in our midst. We feel that your removal will leave a vacancy In our futility %%Melt it will be impossible to till. But we realize that what is our 14 841/4 Will la' Ill(' gain of others and that your ueii sphere of eork will benefit frotu your presence as oun has in the Iwo. As a slight token of our appreciation we ask you to le- eept this club -bag. aecompanied by our love and best wishes. We hope that you will use It to cotne over and see -111ii Mid anent! some of our meetings' in tlw future. to which we earl pro- mise you a hearty weleoule. tAlges-41 44ii behalf of the Society) -Donald alateKeitzle. John lvatson, Tki. presentation W a made by the vhs4-president. Liwy Woods. Mr. Macfarlane made a very suitable re - tidy. in evIdeli he thanked the young people for their gift and wished them ...Very success the future. Lunch Will lA• Of Detroit. who had bevu Ole tor' the last two -weeks, 'eft:on Mon - dee foe the City of the tqraitt, -mu and Mrs.• -Geo. Kitseti-sool-fitga- ily. of St. Thomas, al,t1 'Franklin •Fhompson. London, ‘4. re iisltors ths• house Mrs. Wm. Thouipsou at Ow week -end. Mr. and Mr.. 'tarry iteliaiiis,o( Toronto. Motored tip .ts Saturday 4t141 returned tiptoe est _tide was a W. -elk -end 14121022' aj. her kerne here. :die 4v/14 11101.0101.3: by I friesids. Mrs. Knight and Mr. Ttromajt., of that thriving town. They left ou heir , return t rip ,011 3101111a) Thursday. iligUet 0, 1921-1/ A splendid range of SWEATERS and SWEATER COATS W. C. Snazel vvas theu served, after tibial the mis.t- Yr. and Mrs. E. A. Sander and fam- ily returned to Kitchener on Friday aeconipanied by Mies Floy Edwards. ti.) attend the Kitchener old boys' reunion. Mr. Sander ba• sold his Ilona, of Toronto. are -Verb: at • Clinton for a few ,dpystle I. Jack, Helen Jack, Anti-. Amy Shearer sod Bra. Ni• A who 'lave been the •ts Monday. This Is au exceptional'. s-ips places bang well tilled. Some pi, perty 14 changing hands and taxes are to be bUllt Miss Blount and RIO. Illtrier.. --Wiseltiagion„ are guest,- ar 1,1-• 210r Itlifornnt ....me.. right bark at you with the remark that better 4,. tremble 4 shiver.--Ottatut. _Jaw: motored In Pert Buren 00 sanday and daughter, ef Illutirft, Wet. 'abhors at 1 the bonne of MB. Mud arti. N. Whyard senday. 'They re:tuned tonne on number from the linage awl •leity spent )(suably at the rondo', 1-traroa. They all report' --Inseths Rt. Mr. Pitcher. ef Toronto, oeeu pied le palpit ilt Er -i, his church last Sunda. and Her. ?sir Dagen win he the 11111 er for !ley, Sunday. ere -le a mod, ro building x11 the resill of -Ili. "-,lior and errpri- anot her 'Fill'. -Car Albert Coal returned Alterelt.Y. NOTICE Up-to-date Bathing }louse and Refrestment Booth at the The Bathing House Is situated on the South Pier and the bath Ins beach at this point k ez- 4 LET US SERVE YOU DAILY '11 with pore, whoiesome Bread and sexuantahle Pastry. All orders will reseive•our fill and prompt attention. Leave a standing order. We E. U. Cleveland Master tei st 'Aden t 01144 ring Student : 1110 Illae011.1 Exclusive Kodak Finishing Roll developed and 6 prints,.2.Sr Cash with order R. R. Sallows 1110DELTHEATRE Monday and Toessilay '- ANTONIO 1111 KENO 111 a peppy. hilaeioti- ...wetly roma , "LEARNINO-TO LOVE" Mermaid Comedy tlilz ality„ and --01 the hinder. ',listened II 14 a hit Arrived "TUE JOB 11101)GER" (.ontinuirtie Show en 11/errs flay Mr. F. 1 'Morn. hank htspeetor, of Teronto. tea le a 4:sit our local Ottawa, 81r, and vor, I The Wiiinoii's itt-: 'lite held Au e- llen'', in the ferm oi! .1 picnic. for the :Knee en Wednesday itternoon arf last week. After the Iiii-owes pus of the meeting. games were played, luncheon served end a gereral gnat time en - Anyone desiring to try our own CANADIAN COAL must order at once, as it will not last long. Men's Harvester Hats, in black or brown.- Mid- summer Sale 69c. Come and see for yourself. Hundreds of other articles not mentioned here will be put on our Big Bargain Table at slaughter prices. M. ROBINS OPEN EVENINGS 'to Toronto by luotour after spending a neek visiting ttw !AOC?' is ter 11 114 daughter. er Loudon. m ism.," Nettle and Clara Sproul spent Smuts,: wttli4heir parents their neut. 'Mrs. Mliv It. Ileffinen. ----Kr. -and -Most Ig. 4 Mann and um. St. Ttrrrings.-vpettt- Ow W014( -01141 at the home of their foist,' Mrs. Max B. I 144111$11. 11, NI laa. Helen Kitson of st. rto.mn a. Nei'. 17111Vrin-lhirree- I'd Pt. Thomas. a vtmlent few the 01w -try, will preach in the United Mum!) for the next !lire,. Plumley:44. staple %Ins the V1 mi. fnr Rev. .1. R. Peters 'oaring vocation PP'rfir'11:14, first commun.,. "service in till IUnited chureli Wa, 1114/1 011 81110111.. 110.1.1111ta al 11-0.44001, and seas tarae- 1 ly attended. Almon I 10 were present. 1, week for London. 4 4,i,ra Mrs. tril're 1, will vielt retativr., ioute Mr. Peters I *III- take a trip to the Prairie Pros. - JOHN B. MUSTARD COAL CO. COMING -"(111 %RI Ertl AUNT" SPECIAL SALE OF CHILDREN'S DRESSES NOW ON Miss S. Noble Summer Millinery Half Price -In This sale we ulfer at half price Hats that rep- resent the best values of the season in style, materi- ols and trimmings. Yott-w sUrely find just the Hat y want in this great sale MSS M. R. MacVICAR * Kingston St. Coderich Victor Pecords, at Menai ttlitt 4111 I( mit itt 11011 wand ea:•.11, tit thiq H. E. JENNER For First -Class Electrical Work tin PROMPT SERVICE W. MacDONALD Telephone mw GODER1CH liritannia Road - We outwear about the hardest thing tthlo State Journal. VACATION BAGGAGE .re preparld ,.11141,14 .\,11r III TRAVELLING GOODS • Club -bags Walrus rind 'rep.. grain. Black or brown Happy Is the Baby and healthy too, if it e• kept out in the freeit air. NIsike Aire your baby gets nil the fresh air poosibir by hating.mi "mut you rtroyind ono 01 our latest well-built, easy many .tyies choose frotn at tI all J. R. WHEELER Hamilton S'reat, Gotlerich. Ont. Box Trunks, Steamer Trunks, from $7.00 up Suitcases, $1.75 to $15.00 Hat Boxes, Overnight Bags Webb and Leather Straps 1 SHARMAN'S "Th. Loading Shoo Store" W. REQ. SHARMAN (IODER1CH