HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-6, Page 2GODERICII, ONT.
Declaration Made That N• Two Per-
sons Can tee the Same Display
In the Same way.
et Cassaba Weak News-
papers &noddies
8 :talon price 82.00 per year. Iro
United States and Foreign Countriell.
$2.30 per year, strictly in adValite.
iv. II. Robertson, Rater and IlLUM810,
Thur -day. August 6. lida
st Sods
nic of the Ford dealers or the district,
held at Ihtelleld on Weduesday. July
n, Afternoon
Ideal summer weather.
Have you purchased your amintau-
Fall fair annoutreennuts renriud
et the brevity of our summer session.
It would be interesting to kuow
y how much of the Alberta coal they
were so anxious/ to get has heen pur-
chased by the Loudon newspaper
also Ire correspondingly separated and
The weather observers tell 05 that different poilitions are produced be
July this year was very chow to the
tel over I. Ethel Stirling. Grace ir- different raindrops.
average July in temperature. It was all.nr.
Mary Elliott ; boys' rave 141 In *bort. since the rainbow ls a Mre:
a very good July. not too cool for lei- and under t, Diward Heed. Hex Me- dal distribution colon' (produced
_sure and not too hot for work. In a particular way) atth reference
The program started with a call-
tinunplan parade and pew -region of
deeorated cask led by the linelliaren
halal. ill thereporning, continued with
spurt% lu the Afternoon auil closed with
eert Company 'at eight. The spurn.
program included teeny novel events.
and with water sports as well as the
usual and unusual eyents ou laud and
in motor ears. ii! every reepect there
was plenty to en?. rtalu all preneut.
The prisde-wignier- were as follows:
l'alithumpian panels.. Mies MeGregor
and Mr.. Itoes, MI-. Floy Edwards and
Miss Lucy W011.1-; decorated ears.
outfit, Mrs. Wa.1,.r Westlake. Miss
Grace Stirling; largest fatally iu ear.
T. •H. Elliott: oldeat driver. John
Frasier: heaviest man driving ear.
Cluirien. kits; alt.,. rave for earn. Jack
Martlu, Leone Itii!:. v. Bennett ; (inch-
ing rooster. Mar, Elliott: boxing in
barrels. El. Levi- . w heelbarrow rate-.
Fraser and .1. Harris and
1.intisay; jockey taee, Dale and Car-
ter. McDougal :Awl [tinning: uneiN.
lade. J. H. Stirling: ladies' rater 4 III
tewittre tummy. **wording to Prot, W.
J. Humphreys. Ph. D., of Franklin in-
etItute, Philadelphia. Close observa-
tion* have shown that not even the
nitres are always the same. Neither
le the band of any color of constaut
emptier width. nor is the total breadth
of the wend colont uniform. lint
perhaps the MOO intereating featuee
hich Profetwor Humphreys brings out
la the fact that no two persens see
the same rrmitroii; there are az many
raitibowe as there are pervious looking
at them, it seems.
Theory teaches and ordinary experi-
ence shows as the obeervet 'remising
stationary or nerves, mo also, other
(hinge bring equal. does his rainbow.
If theu, two observers InItially clots.
together should! move in opposite di-
rections. each would find his rainbow
responding in tit* same sense us hie
shadow, and preeently the two pos1
tions, an& thenefs,re. the identity of the
two bows, would become unquestion-
ably different, from which it follow'
that. as the eyes of the two observers
Must always be separated by a greet
er or tem distance. their bows most
al ishatzLHAM1120N,
Goderich, Ont.
Dress Linens, 500 yds. delayed in Arrival
under). Jack titiriins, ('barley Sher-
Gregor; girls -(10--mad under), Ethel
Stirling. Owen Ettiott-; boy,. I 12 mot
to a definite point -the eye -us, tile- at_
A man who committed suicide at server -and as no single dietributton
I+ack; Rtrls (1'S uud uudrri. Jafaty
c:riRK. (i. >itevrn>. YarRarrt Elliott ;
Itst yards, open. �. IMrI L. t►'Brien.
J. R. Binning; rap, for Furd,dral+•rs.
garage men and salesmen. k. t'ud-
(other than uniform and Infinite) caa
Sarnia the other day by jumping into be the same for two separate points,
a furnace at the Imperial 011 plant !t follows that two observes cannot
was said to lar subject to violent at- see the same ralntHaw•.-Rehoboth Sun-
tacke of hay fever. That explains It.
more. D. McIntyre. F. Hanley; tbnv day Herald.
It Is worthy Of noir that of the two
• • s legged race, men. Cahill and Uanid-
s++ta. (►•Hrleu .nd t►•ltc+aarl;r; three -
race, ladies. Grimy and Ethel
Fight the good tight with all tilY
Christ le thy strenutit. and Christ
thy right; ,
hay liold on life, alien elute be
Thy joy and ctown eternally.
Hun tbe straight race through Gores
good grace.:
Lift up! thine eyes. awl seek Hui
Life with its way Is•fore us Ilea; I
Christ is the path. and Christ -the
beetweb -Thee. Lord. for tide.
land. that it may I.• tilled with men
eminent for truth and righteoumes-s..
Wens those Who ate (.111(41tillig the
earth. awl lake them Thy serrates'
through - Jean* ebrint. Make our
country a joy awl a 'praise in the,
earth. and let der people ull right-
eons. Wherever our language Is spo-
Lett tuake it the of spreading;
1 our Lord Jean; Cli11,1. ARUM.
lowers Title--Temperanee Losses.
Lemma Passaav--lial.
After l'aul, Serie and ThuoTIV left •
(.1011 held. the region of Phrygia
Galatia. They were detained longer
in this district than Paul bad herein -1
etaying owing to an attack ot
old "thorn in the In spite of I
much weaklings be ea. inetatit in rrea-1
-on tool out of neason preaching thel
4:ospel to Jeth and Gentile alike. On
McMillan brothers whe are named as his third whist ........ journey. 1.414111•
candidates in South Huron Robert. half -tulle race. 1111.11. E. Chapman. .1. Welter Complains, With Reason, That three years later. ite re -v i.ited and The 410.-ernor of Arizona refuse. to
Irish Pure- All Linen AraPv. Dresses
Uncrushable suitings, 36 inches
wide, in colors rose, greens, ca-
nary, peach, pongee, natural,
white, browns.
Our special $1.00 quality on 59c.
Women's smart, stylish COATS,
poire twills and novelty cloths,
silk lined. Regular $25 $18 00
to $3s On sale
beautiful styles and exquisite
qualities, formerly $12 $7 95
to 518. On sale
Congoleum Rugs
36 inches wide, blai* silk duchess,
heavy French make of deepest
richest black. Regular special
Towels' 4"4
30 dozen extra large Bath Towels,
best English make, size about
zox42. Regular $1.25. On on_
sale, per pair 07c
There would be mere iucentIve to
sneer -it tr succenedul men tweaked to
enjoy life more.-Colnutbia Reetad.
confirmed the ebonite- he had found- extradite a Man 'vetoed in Texas for
Ihr%hison. o'brien: putting • the Wonderful Bodies of Water Are
the Farmer nominee. bats for year+
-hot. W. McDougal. Hopper. 34, ,A.11 tittle- He bad not lost all inter- making liquor. It must be pretty
tired la the tutrn ttt t4"ftwt'll• witth. Melhotgal; one relay. Not Appreciated. • -eeneree with them in ele- nor -eve -I. for ,00ff.--sitseeelaroi pheht treater.
iteen a practical farmer all hie life.
d: Those who have reed the Canadian
_romance, -Marta rhatidelitine." %Hi
lw interested in the anno orwsit that
, plaque. suitably inecribedha. been
ced b ado/leers in this es,untry Of
Pis Y
Louis Hemon. the author. on the front
of Hie house in. Itreet. France. , in .1" . •! 111 1 _ selves. Trv another: No Neal area Verse% 1344 -Practical GedIhress.
lie bad been most of that tithe et
race. Grate. Jowett..Ella McKey. tos-- Statistics can 'never make people Ephesus and betweea three two places
nat.'s; throwing ,he diet% Mrs. D. ' le I100 miles down Lake Michigan- from ....muesli and 441,) The 41 -Oath -ins'
(irk -re. 'Mary Ee...th 1`.. etottole.; Chicago tr. Stanistique °leans little:, were of Celtic origin and; were there-
ti1;!..11,4{ds1170.11, (II:ril (1.11:!!•11:r.„21/rilet-imIt.i..1:.tagn,,I..- that 000 feet of water is not sin un. fore impetuous and tickle of nature.
S., that Paul found ton,•11 error of be-
ing. W. Illelham:O. .W. Binning( uhual depth; that the tonnage which
lief had sprtillit III. aniong his ....n.ert.,
11.' goes through the lock. at Sault Ste.
crick: pole vale'. I r!' 'Mel Imixa I. 4'ar• marte la . .. II 11.1 111 111,14 eirlotle to them le• nettounc-
acm the annual tonnage. or
the Suez canal seem insignificant -
these things metin little in them- -__Lightfoot iti-hop of Durban,.
which he was bona.
We Irani with regret of the death
of William Cameron Ke.ter.. M.A..
publisher of The Elmira Signet. at
the early age of thirty two years.
Although we were not pernonally
alert mind and of exeeptional ntillity
as a writer
I., the hairy sho, (We yea r a IA we of water that rolls floats as mueh ehip- in these verrws Pan; pres..... how,.
der- Ow child of Mr, Fred Betel-. Var- One In ar year 1111 40011 th• Detroit two things for thi. ,otisitleration of
na. took erne and lie child of Mr. river. That falls flat, too. The, the Goiania (thri-lians. Hs. felts
The resat*. of the wafer sts.rts' Deputy of the Great Lakes cannot bel Then' that Hwy had 1....-11 vaned W.(
Ilherte (v. 111) awl he would have
were: Veet decoreed boat or 111 1101., COmpared to that of any other water'
In the world and carry meaning, It
Met n , ' .- IFP•altd for Important cultural factor.?
Never before have ,we
had the pleasure of offering
a more extensive line of
artistic F.00twear than in our
new designs are the last word in
hionable Footwear and you can be
ured of getting just the right creation
r every occasion. -‘ The prices are
most reasonable.
Te , Bowling and Outing Shoes
them stand fast le *lie liberty where- ,
with Cbrist theui free; Ion:
Gaon be very care-
ril of their ...millet one re the Hther.
for it would Appear ti,At they are 1 111;
14. 1:. Stratton. A. rook. M.- that are beyond etatistles. There is Ilisciple. of Christ when they
Or.gor; -winuallte race- 7ol Yards. no locality more American In Amer. hare hire . to another tr 14 I. If. I
J. Hann, E. c It. Chap- lea than the Oreat Laken. 14te roe however. .11-tetall of act Ilk.. men
-1.11unting 1%1 lteeeill). traPc, of exploration Is largely for- :HO Clc.stia.ns. they- eoten helurve
st ranee. -Dere Clutp111.1 n : rls• sw int- gotten_ meek+. 8A °iv"; the ftlealsel',-+ mare like -brute beasly:-
Gederich will be celebrating its! ming rare. iii,A. r in. iho.,•hy Strat- Inland communities, once so pictur- '1 - ' t. 1. . . .
hundredth annivereary Itefere long. ton. troth Chapman: to,.,,-. 11,1", ,11v. mid -St++ : a (MOM; as 1 1..• reuse.
esgue, Ere thinning out. railroads 'MVP " . • . 1 . ,
.12114itmti.i. it..r_tay :atm.:4.444_ 14040, _ water: fishing. for the mout part, tri TI ere Is in ..reryoue a etruggie he- '
ea- ofilerni deeision-aw-ler-of -Ille most forms of busineas; the great fleets ; tle-11. witirt is -the corrupt- MO -i.jiyhT1 1'
and down. up; part of le: re.:•1. everything that i.
the eelebrat ion. The comul; -might Tn., - intere.ting -oft hail •eate,.. of freighter. go up
and it is ped to.. early. to begin pr,
0011011. The first thing iteresnery
report on thin.
were playen. rlit it game between too and down, hardly noticed. rarely; -plrittittl. Ott the other hand. the
girl.'.tettnis. that camaitted -try-Made • Monett of, exeept by those dieeetly ' vnirit. tim-retre”-ed part of-mr;striyes
line !Pr.- t., defeated a hall. estottline.1` interested In shipping. Ahri yet fbe , agaillsi lie t1,-, RIII1 1,1.1..Pe,,, iiii',alti
Ifelght. ;b.f.-fired coderielt C011egitit. eivIlinatton, and in time 11110 play. ti,....t. th.. ,.,.1 :,;iiri. glii,1 ;IR. 1a1.0t;14 11..
l'niteti State. !many in how al o '•,1,11,1 g.1t111.• 1 111. boys of ttaltford
let-inifertaut"rm ago- it was the ClitiaIlirill dollor that ;;-r-- Wetly -my- tbe ohl
pie remember H speeeli by Hugh 'Cs' ii:,..1,-. rail. Arr,,w 1
-Guthrie in Pr.:1 in wide!' it. was de- TI... tiodert-I. Signal saym--This
; and respected and Ille lakes them- 1+,4 the mastery -hi -we
selves will be etudled.and appreciated oa:k it, ;10: miutling the things
end understood. ..f the sottl. n!.. r the Vir11 1111,1 part
c;areil that the Conseil -111 Iv, tariff July %se:oiler net leHre us nitwit Surely inalienable Right.
there k 1111% oidennottion to them
policy was necessary to being mi.
enntotail dollar lite•li 14# pat. ._
.ine 111 the great thing- ;hat Canada
must learn. At present ...we have an I ho F rulers -Sun I I tl..• fruits ,-r tt.c spirit which lutist be
ty valve for her temper and Used him t
Elude= Canada/it WW1' an& Ww4--1_ The-er+.44.-ffeee-af-10-4 -V440:1-04044--1-pr inr-iirramt bar -yr -Am- Tir-t-troL-jr-Fied 10 serfrr-==-12L-en, hist'
tent religions 11 1111 racial r .f t r 1,id" eery. One afternoon, when it was iltit".."1"j"1,1,111.- 'we ware "
abont time to start the cooking for
ent Canadians lsilley ant to .sonte ex: more part', ti ariy Hutto. of the present
ma° 1,,,,lavt the evening meal. she could not And 44.4.4..,,,y.r....--i-14--tortoot ourselves; -es
tr which inniod be '4001441. but whi.•li if food the world 4wer elther him or the Aired girl. At IMO drunkenness at..I revelling. end n11
,1_,_egu_lw greatly retenled ,jf we -41.r not .14410..1 111./1 1-1 effort such as ....me solo-- nhe ditrovered them In the woodshed kiloton& worke. He then _adds _the
hugging and •kissing to heat the band. :tete! eon -ewe -1o.! of imitt'iting in all
The girl fled and left hlm te fere the .eit.e.ntsuItlette11,-1.1f4,-4,11...-1!lestall r1.0.1-Tilnielovrier•Ir1141;14..
kinenotit-iireest.' In rontra-t he Ni-
na?, rates the frat of the spirit. and
/11111-. "alitrin-4 there is no law
f-mrrirtrrtrr---elont-- memo. pertmpx. most 11) 11 1 '1 that nre---i-te christ JPSI1S who walk
that w.• -holed like a litti.• ..... . John Smithers of Richmond. In ; not aft,•r the t1. -II but after the -pir-
Ittirk's Far, has !seine to the days of !Ong 11 11.11. W11.4 'MO "1 thole 1 Ft. and a- many a . sinned by lie ;-pir-
spare if Moron'. tiolden thrte 111 11 ti1111 "Ighlrle.$1. Ind' 11.111911111, t110 trifling rot it of Flo.% .,rv the seas 4.1 Gen '1
I anybody 'wife kept rt rail- Th. then specifies he
I road boarding bonne and tolerated aork- ..r ,1,•• 11-01
Cannot Regulate Fano Produetion
him about the place an fr Fort of safe.. all!'lle.1 :11130M*1 and MMIMe.l. ittirl
early learn the lesson of tolerance
an,' co-olserat
hist year nould hurt. I..ft this l*ror-*
the oilier day. Meiglit;st stated (as hreall for home needs or fodbler
eolirlittiAtio.• 4iseli 'Weather a.
prevailed it. Niar-and- earls' Julie of music. alone.
"Here you are." erled his Indlornant
with thnt young hussy. and me work-
ing the ekln off my lingers t,, keep
yeur werthless bode and P0111 to-
gether: Now, ain't you ashamed of
similar to that .,1 the tountry Im-hel wheat (Asp pram anthill...led
alongside of tn. and with wbom we and. ...owl,. of good rains at denired
intervals %took Neve nesured NM*
ronle 1100 COM114•TIt1.11. 'MVP got
to do this whether tie like it or not. hi.. r faintin did mit
This is "looking to Waeltington- %int those ar,Ms---.wttt do welt If they gets
a vengeance. Aeeording tis Mr. Mel- cryn 1W•411Y 1•11.11e1 rroP,, Thett aft_
hen's tilt -turn Calnidn's tariff poll". tueriTe- ifittetratioes of the extent I,.
id .110 mad,. ip the united states-. _7•„1:11:1•11:11,f;i:4:41,,,,vrf4erlie,-ttitzhie gr:01111-17,tere.1
-SA hare label' illaktat7 deddllui reel:nem in -.rent hest or in minfalt
between tho• brothers• McMillan. May.,...11,1 food production up or down
• Thonia. Alcklillan'e name it• known to the extent of fifty per vent. regn.r.1-
less r,,gr.r her of the ma n -power
throughout Ontario as- that of a lead- "
et agrlenIture. a man who is se
thoroughly devoted fe the "(Ante of
agriculture as lie Is well loomed in re-
gard to, publie affairs an' they relate
to the farming Induntfy. 1/10 would
Waite an ideril representative for such
Pewee/wive member, from the field
Means that tbe. election contest Hr111
be hysteresis Mr, Moine McMillan and
the CosservatIve, antidote. '
The New Opportunity in the Near
. "Humph." retorted old John. n Tht-rt. only fundamental prole
guerin man'm got n right to (ifing 14./11 111 •1 111 Ne(1:. East. It- solution
--Indianapolle News. -kb, tool 41-1- problem+ This
problem i+ tinit of carrying the Ges-,
Leaderless Orchestras. sLe reliet...FA4(iefr of the indlriflatti, to
There must be no despotism of lean society. There nothing that the
ership, not eren In art, Is the decrett Near -EasT toss!. ..0 notch a. th,1
of the soviets. So In Mosenw they have of Jests. Chris' They know the his.
concerts Oren by orchestras enithous tory or that efo; Moslem. Jew nn4
conductors. The soviet papers' insist Chrtstitut tie • ‘‘ith r*r41 other in
resurrection power is ntrangel3
of the perferniere was safeguarded by
"after every meal'
*lime b core Ibr *fir tad?
It removes food particles
hem dte teeth Strengthens
the goats. Combats add
Ilefreeidag sod beneficial!
Hare a 14 at oar line of OXFORDS for men and boys
North sic/col Square I
Dr' Advertise in The Signal to increase your sales -IP1
Hotel Tuller
800 Rooms - 800 Baths
$2.50 per Day and np
$1.25 per bunch up
Robert MacNair Brand.
The best car ws- have ever handled
P (1 int tt% ER 144 PHONE 47W loositi
tho-alisencei et the conductor, with Mt mil,. 1, ;nitioe _
1111. lift irk Ina WIIS If not Jo -
bitten Dine. tie- Nicrelern Mystie. who
"And grillli!.• MAW. heart 14 till grace
rtelshing 11, eirrthr. the long -her -
ren nit!. green.
Happily for inankind extreme varl to frit° m".
The aorMt pm* adds that these per
meassIred .by the earth e *hot.. " 1114 41" P414-41"1 141.111'
The mo-ealleri "summertess !year- of
D416. we know 11)- world-wIde and
Gas Consumption limits.
ea.'', accessible reeordi. wais quite! Tile dilly average ennsumpties ef
hovel It le probatee, If equelly el' I wafflers in the United States has is.
tensive recolOIS %ere "111144141e: 14 (loosed 00 per cent in live pearl. 1)111‘
Would be Dined that the Diocletian „„_ the aro quarter a tom the a,„
femine of PI ihnniired odd yean• ago
tram daily consumption was 1.0814.
was also a* Halted la extent al was
ed him 000 pliong During the Beet mortar
that from which Joseph .111'
brethrer at dill tattler period. d 1288 It Wm 11,1•21000 wawa
When the fresh breath of j.ons Shall!
touelt the hesrt's e111.0.
It will Hee it sill breathe. It Flirt
Ali yon hare to do to get A crowd ,
to follow you le to dad en/ whiah was
, 0 0
$ . 0 0
Phu half a cent a mile beyond to all points in Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan, Aleerta,-Edmonton. Tanner.
Calgary, MacLeod and East.
RertsarnImil-Half • rent per mile to Winnipeg,
us $30.00 to destination.
GOING DATES AUGUST 18th and 2let"
August 186-Torunto,.,Caledon Kant, Beeton. !Nhnfor41, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland' Parry
Sound, Sudbury, enpreol and ealt thereof in Ontario.
August 2Id -Toronto, inglewoo4 Jot am] gll Atntion4 nouth and Word thereof in Onntroushario. car te
TRAIN Leaves Aodeich Aug. 21st L',.h.t.z.17,;•:..
• slat earls for Woman and Childron
Pinches, your ticket to Winnipeg via Canadian National Railwais, whether iff imle
your Ansi destination in the West is a point on the Canadian Hallam&
Tickets and an 'derivation from nearest Agent.