HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-8-6, Page 1For the Bride
IOur Wedding Invitations, An-
nouncements and Cake Box
Cards all reflect that distinctive
style so desired by the bride
of to -day.
Telephone 35. The Signal
punter" Check Books
We can meet any compel- •
tion. If you need a new sup-
piy call •
Telephone 35, The Signal
MEVENT1[ 011Tfll YEAR NO. S:
tiplendld (burse of Lectures and En-
tertainments on the Program
Chautauqua ua u
• chi en. opens The (:u41e rI V
Monday afternoon nest iu the big
tent at Harbor Park. The opening
program will be given by the Jugo-
Slav Tamburica Orchestra, a unique
musical orgnnizatiou with a tine re-
portolre. lu the evening, in addition
to the musical program, there will be
a popular lecture by lar. Hilton Ira
Jones, a noted atlentlat, which will
be accompanied by it lumber of inter-
esting platform demonstrations.
On Tuesday night there will be a
apeetaculnr production of magic anal
mystery by Laurent and company.
and on. Wednesday night the comedy
"Give and Take," by a 'New fork
east, will be the feature. The follow-
ing night there will be a program by
the Chicago -,Lyric Siugets and a lec-
ture. "Pntbwtl>:•s to Power," by Wil-
liam Rainey Bennett. The conclud-
Ing entertainment w-111 be given on
Friday night, when the Harp En-
semble Company will present an
orlglnal musical production, The
f hepberd'a Dream." with special cos-
tumes and scenery.
In addition to the evening programs
there will be a program eacb after-
noon, and on Tuesday. Wednesday
and Friday mornings there will be
entertainments specially for children.
which, however, any bolder of a ticket
may attend -and name of tke pro-
grams arranged for children are very
entertaining for adults also.
The afternoon programa will con -
meow at -5 o'clock and the evening
programs at R o'clock.
Course tickets witt he on sale up to
Monday next at the newspaper offices.
at Mr. II. R. Long's office. Mr. W. C.
i'rldham's store, and Hotel Sunset.
It Is. particularly requested that
t•ouna• tickets be purchased to as
-large an extent as possible, as this will
sac of benefit both to the purchasers
and to the local guarantor.. The
rourse Tickets (-stunt 10 the full amount
of their sale against the guarantee.
while tickets fnr individual programs
couot only in part. The course
ticket 1 for adults) costa only $2.50.
and even If -the holder attends only
three or four of the entertainments
he gettr the furl value of the price of
the ticket. Ir separate tickets were
ur he.•el f',r all of the entertain-
Ekedng a Session
- At the congregational mr•ct1ug of
North street United church 011 Moodie/
night, arrangements were made for
the clectlon of • session. to lie cotu-
pused of twelve eTlTe��.� --rage
four are to be elected for six years.
four for four years. and four for two
Veen.. Nominations were made. and
nominees have until Friday of thio
week to withdraw; the ballots are to
diel" dt$111 0Te it-- on - Sunday. sad -
may be returned not later than the
following Sunday to any Member of
the committee: Messrs, H. R. Long.
W. C. l'ri.ihatu and W. F. Softer.-
I;SDAY. AUGUST 6, 1925
11111 storm. PRINTING 00, LIMITED. Poi/Riots
Mises Mary Baex•hter-1s visiting with
friends at Dublin,
Miss Stirling and Min btardy spent
the week -end at Paisley.
home from Tor-
Pearl Knox is o
unto for a holiday visit.
Mr. and SIrs'. Wateou Straiton, of
Tunroio, are holidaying in. town.
Miss Kris iravlson, of Toronto, Is
visiting Ler suet, Mrs. C. A. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sharman, of
Detroit, are visiting their relatives in
Mrs. Thoma. Shields and daughter,
Marie, are visiting friends at Detroit
this week.
Miss Ida llodgsnn, of Toruuto, Is
visiting her cousins, the Misses
Robertson, Victoria street.
Mr. Wilfrid t►aucey, of Muutrwt:, is
visiting at the home of his parents, T. R. Patterson!
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dancey. 4;. W. Holman
Mr. (:Torg.- Ma.Vicar Is at Kitehe- Sheriff Reynolds
mer this week taking In the eights of C. A. Read
the old bop.' rrnnien there. ('bas. Heale
Mr. J. M..Phillips, who motored to W. J. Morrow
()uteri° from Yellow Grass, Sask., in.
June, spent Iris week In town.
Mr. Walter MacKenzie, of Buffalo, Previously acknowledged ..... .u..
With it visitor at the home of his uncle,
The News o the Town
At the RuborPethlevl4g
Rennin, bare been made the pant .\u epidemic of tty thievirtit seems
week to the -cement work on the west t., have brukeir t to the last few
side of the north' breakwater, i .htvs- Thefts of -htrk.ese have been
Drel Lto
L n 1afatn mx arenow beingreported,
while t w
i• mean thief stole
carrlcil nut letvveen the piers. a quantity of gasrue fete the gaso-
line pump of Mr.Jiro Bieck. Kingston
Contributions to Rand Fundi istreet. one ulgMtt� last week.
The rot 14n%ing additional a iitribu- j i(ealk'asY �f Forgery
dotes to the Daunt funds are acknowl-
edged : Alluu MurlMi f1 wa• la•fnrr MARIa
Mi., Helru Strang. New Turk $ 2.O i trate held on. a.tny rbsrged wtth
Mrs. W. Horton • ei fnrglug thele liklesplos. one of Sno
Hector HaVl 5.Ut1 and two of each. On eonrk•
J. 1'.` Hutu, t(1) lion he was ssutetneed to a term of
G. A. Inglis 5.11) not hes- than one j•t•sr umorn orn than
Wei. Lane :IMO two years lees oh, illy In the Ontario
2•00 Reformatory, Maelh.urll. who crones
1.(11 „f n g,NNI famtl$ had recently crone'
5.00 clu.l.vl a teem . . luterlmunteut at
5.00 l'nutiac. Mkit. '
5(1(1 --,Z+�
1,00 Presentation tf.41r: Fred Rams
141.01) MrFred Hol was the guest of,
1 at a pletAe party at. Jowett'a
grtye. Ra7Aeld. ' b!bIay last. There
acme • about 'pre env
from town and a v re enJoyaMe time
wits spent. On hilhelf of those pre-
sent. must of whop bad twee assts•!-
ateii" with bpm in slettelt•al rireles. Mr.
Holmes was pre cleft by )Jr. Mac-
donald Gibbs wit beautiful leather
vlub-bag as a to 11 token of esteem,
Mr. Holmes. who ill attend tbe Col-
lege J1�
of Phar , Tmmnto. at the !ages. Several hundred people were
romiug term, left '0- Sunday to loin pr,•s,pt. Includlug the righty-erv'en
his parents. 1. L. sae Mrs. inmates of the home, the Lions and
Holmes. at Sander h- tlt4e•Ir 1111 . mud others Lurercwted,
Mr. James MacVicar, on Sunday. $100.25
Mrs. Ileo. Dutton and Mra. Gladys
Tllley,enf Stratford, are guests et the Uvfngatoo--Lalthwaite
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reid, • The beautiful home of Mr ami Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. MacKenzie, of_ •George L,itbwalte. of the Huron
Toronto, are the guests of their bpo- road Goderli'h township, was the
ther-In-law. Mr. James MacVlear• scene on T»esllay; evening of the mar -
Dr. J. G. and Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. liege of their laughter, (Ilady' Thie-
l. 1. A. Hunt and Master Sandy Hunt. - to wnifcm Egbert Liringetan.
of London, recited to town. on Monday. rob of Mr. ,and Mrs. John It. Liv -
Mr. Harold Ainslie, aecompenled by Inpsten. el - Waterloo. The eere-
Mr. Frank Shield., bub of Detroit, any was performed ander an arch
A Busy Day at Spayv's Grocery
Sparr's grota ry store. lutwlltuu
o del-
1 eon
l• remodel-
been tw
street. ha rM• gb )
u t.
led anti refinished and is now• one of
the Hurst groe ry stone in. town. Iasi
Saturday- was advertised as souvenir
day at the stun end every adult who
called received u yardstick free. do
many tool advantage of the offer that
Mr. Sperr did a thriving +business.
Chautauqua Ticket Hunt
There will t:• a Chautauqua tlt-ket/
Mutt fur the boys and glrletnext Mote
day morning. Thur tickets will de-
hltid,n lu different ponces in the' vi -
tinily of the Situary The boys' and
girls who wish to take part/lu the
hunt are invited to uwt-t .M,Lr� Bnwo,
the l'1nNlllallyua reprlxritRya.e, at the
e,urt house steps ar 10 o'clock on
Monday morn lug.
County Wards Entertained
An Isle-hatly pleasant tient of the
week mss the garden party held on
the grounds of/the county home at
Clinton yesterday for the entertain -
men of the;'inmatos of that institu-
tion. The affair was under the ans-
pietar of tbe Lions t'luhi of Seaforth,
Wiiighawl and Godrrlch. au,l we be-
lieve I( Is only fair to say that the
gren part of the preparations was
ma it by the Go,lerk•b Lions and their
motored to Cnskrleb for the week -end. ten the lean by Rev. C. F. ('laver, at Mr. and Mrs. Victor Delis anti fame (1 u'cldck T�r bride and crojn were, Public117 alit' MIL P: T; Mak ar 5ftff*To. unattended- .Afterwards it (taint. • - The regular
are bdidajing milk relatives -E. town. , wedding r.•pust wax eeevnl in the
muss RMA 1.. TUI, of Preston, b house. orio eh was nicely decorated for
spending a` few weeks with her ala -1 the occasion. and the same - evening
ter. Mrs. Allan -Maxwell. Colbornei the happy couple left on a motor trip
street. (to tv.neinde at Windsor. where t11t7
Mr. A. M. Rabertsou la visitln5 II") will make their home. Those present
uncle and other relatives in Pictoytat the w,shlug were immediate eels -
writ be away UDtJ lives of the brae and groom and rencin-
n. ebiro!eluded the groom's_ ;lamina _and his
]ke f•. sister. Miss Barbara LIringstod, and
specie► coital Min, Margaret Muir. of Waterloo. and
of Ghjroprac- t the bride's brotlwr, Mr. Arnold lalth-
tic, return ed to town o .londiyy.wa!te, of Iherolt. - ,
Mr. *.I Mrs. E. W. I ltienlu and i
children, if Ewes, ar,• >,{ Jading al maw t• motor vitmeito Att
minty. "•e•. a
the end of Ata1! et.-
Dr. A. N. Atk
who bas heen taking
at the Toronto Collc
reek -
week or two hen alt Dftala'e' Several en/WS lit speeliug and re•k-
alatet� at Welt. home on . nl street,
Mt. Fred Munro, of T n visited Ikea driving were before Magistrate
here a d d
imposed. and where' eonvtclton w s t'! t la h thr! Rh J 11 Cradgle' mates- - Mani ern
pari„1 him. i. renl� ming for u i .ager made for reckless driving the fin in Fi111N) on \ ietot
visit. j it shrxre through R 1 _Leads
\ tmch •ease w -as $1O and co$ts,•
Mr. ant} Mrs' C• as:.. limit, of Tor if owners of cars ►111 thele
auto, anti Mr. tial ylr. Geo. Juknston• motor Ilrr_nsew, they will that
hayfield rusts( atttex.l d the,Fowley--- among the• itiu1athtns is P repolr-
Itamstty r talon heti :t 011 epringa inR tont when . a'' i or - rehiele anti F1.i,001' of Contra! eehool. Thr
last Thu sal , 1 n'h.- l ! nI
rhnnges mrnrtthlt. riot vd +he--4,atq•slttyt• star s•••p-
Lond Free Pres• : AId. \1', J. Ash- jor,vl i1 nl
for must be sent to P Public High- °mum..
fou an Mn. A lou mud sop. Garnet in a ---mild
ways Ih{artment a oronto. snit tht
tirdayp Kitchen arcane TFtt bn Sa! in a a-crr heard to way t • i t
ter fee of f:, R th buyer aid porch- _ ,• - -hail
fir and l3oderkh. 1 art �f Seafotth golfers Is e•x- the time• std la it expended by thine1 Bergs. tar Lo.
/ l lenl-
pnblh• .u•hwd boa
day wetting.
that,croutracts had
the remaining tea
alrtady so repo
handed tusble r
of Central school
oat 31t1. This w
N m. Ruddock
place, at a inhere
Thr property
er,-d to have'
school paintea�c
nut vl • •
ship of
('o tty Educe
cbairtuan of -
There was a program of .nm tufty
Boned Pinging. solos by Miss Adelat ie lrn
ewlae ot- the and S!.-*ars. A. F. Mtotdy tad tI.\Ix
war libel Ton Mon- Perseus. god sp• encs- by Mn
report j Jaekatto. of (Tinton. Mayor 1rac1twan,
p eluted with of /lodtrlch, N. •W. Trrwartha, M.P.P..
rs tbe'ataft not Wardti, ItoI ratan. Reeve Middleton,
r John Cntt of (.lutua, Dr. Shaw, physlNan of
lou as e�iretaker rAbe couaty h.tme. Inspector Terrance
bike erect Aug- ! and 'ILeaper Jneobs, b91d.•s ('hlef
ot:agd In Mr. CalJuulow ee off taw (Seafortth ILions,�nd'
ialkCtd lJa ra.
+{-h-goo- toeum, t spokeamen for the Wingham Lima.
litre wed Qaspow- Tb' 11koden•on pipe laud of London
bled.. at ijastral was peetewer and its members cdded
kr, • , wast mull))tto rtep program by tkelr placing
Mlle boos. of
tale elm:06 lr lu
Mims aura
spending a week
Mb's ,Amite
Yrs. G.
of Tyroyto are
Hsu e. ,
Mrs- . 1). l'. i
1s vial bers 1
Yrs. ord.
rs. ,11. P.
f a uwntb
lid Kitchener. r.
Mr. ('has.
ter, Mr."j . H
n•aday dight f'
to tbelr retati -
Mr. J. A.
and ('ol. . l.-
Maclatrc)L �..f 1
fur the week -e
Mr. Albert It
(a •
eit, 1r Ap•udin* -
w of Tortwto lx lktiung lube alis Life l•Dseleabiy
frfet da h) town.
t• Saye Ulhe
-o f Ittlsllugtuy, la I Mr. John P. Mt('oy \'.5.. who was
teed..Mles Urea byre lust week ou the tied errand of
ldrutifyleg sod. taklug bene fog
aeintnt, Doreen. burial the lsaly pf•hlx sou. which was
p;; at the Elliott found at the lake shun nt•ur Amber-
teJ' on Tuta.la}' Id last week, bas since
sou, N l i,M.urg retarultrg hour wrltteu • to Dr. Ilunt-
itoe. J• }:. and er and Mr. lir'ophry. undertaker,
thankiugr.thew warmly for the kind -
is Mit of town nes., shiil/It to ham while he was here.
int li*„Turuilta : Iie. also secnt elipplus_a trots - a. Port
Huron• japer which gave some fur -
•.0 hlt els• then pmrtieularx in. reference to the
n, s rived Vel• scrd affair. The arst of these was
edlna on s iisit` pfbllsbad ew--retelpx- e1 -the moorage
re - Tram Underkh aunousteing tare finding
ren, of Toronto. ut the body. - '
lana. an,l. ]lass.
tun, were•' in. town 1oung Ms('or was the son of Dr.
azul Mrs.., Juhu Me('u, of Minden
and trmily. form-- city, Dr: 'McCoy is a veterinary eur-
erly of Gotlerk#:•and tato •of Luu•k• genu, With Ids hither and the rest
now, have rets, to Seafort'h, where lit the family he had ben sia•uding the
Mr. Rivets. ha t a bladumlth day on the shore of Ldtke Huron. three
sthop, - . miles s,.uth of Ilarls�r Reach. James
Measttp, W. 1!. 1R; ('ox, re- had purchu-oo.t a rowboat with the
comiranled- biti' W, D. -('ta..---aaid motley by earned a- currier 4r The
d*ugtitrr, all mingtou. visited Tt�, llerald daring the winter. and
their mister, rI •lair, Highly lrht w -a• giving the boat its trrt trip.
road. ou M trip was made (hit nlslut a quuru•r•mN.• frotu
by automobiA - a' mjurr, tht• wind lagan to get the u{r
Hun. Fran ' tn. of Toledo. r hand. told tar. McCoy re tlude.l bis
Ohio, n arm ter 111t10 tilatfl �' at the our". only to harp thew
Ie•gislature, mer resident of snap molar his pull. Ile found the
town. with b e d fat.tily tavu- )**t w1111 him and. his three children
piing a terttaj�.r, lake. Mr. Tom at tin- carrc•y of the wind ane. it It. -a.
to a brother of i..
Elfin To loomt to- drop overboard aid
lie oteh.rul 1 , 1T C.uderlih. .win.` to shore for help when James
Marshall �'* . *bets, Frederick asked 'that hr should. be allowed to
make the trip. thlnktng, tt is e:ahl,
thAt- Willlum. aged eleven years. and
-a1W.--went4 fare leiter
teekeee-ill--hti- twat.
',.y tie! a tifr-precrtt•r
anal 1u•Ipt,l I him near-,
time• l,e watl'hcd the .
bobblig sprit at it moved hrtively
s(igftw•ard-lhcn Ietst &lathc of It. -
la the meantime• the plight of the
IIUW lr•rty Ili iii.• NNt tad been aster• 1
taiticd front the. shin• and a roll for _
tamp .-ytt tn••' Hart.••r lie•• -•1• e;t,•„s
gmtrd. A boat r.•dpsmrteI quickly
and 1'.*id the little rowbont ashore.
It won tntly after *1) wrrt omit tnort•
r,yufortnhie that Dr. McCoy asked for
Jap s. _ k iiitrjed . tyttreh revealed
he bit,nut Amera•le.re. and the
t guardsmen were again called.
%t vUr Er rt'7 1 the Iu1:r waS
Eagle and Allan • olUurake, a trio of
Hamilton yottne•ine7, arrived early
Mtwday toff Netth • Ray to
visit frienels ja !tevin�Kt -atade
the round t „D HAtuntoul by
for home
Mre. 1bJltlatia
aunolNtcis the.
ter. Floteu,e
Ward aitbsou.
plate on Statue
heft:--Ifbe i
girl, MIS J,t•i`
here ,sin.
t on Tnesdity
I. of Ih•troit,
ink• of bee dnugh-
tu_ :Mr. Arthur
eY*nt loving token
August let, tit Dat
f mere a' lerfi�a�
au.l retelllly
titagtfford '•
aaeaubwks of
Dr. Mt
around the..
hot nl. Fur
4Y -
0 or ae ie u . i of or a hroucli fur each of the 1:. Donnell] •as the apes. t ester p n ,
"worn a, i.tlntecvr or a• necktie fur each d,•lirered •n interesting attdr.•- a 41 1Nrt! 111 o s the lake.
(.•. Hops i $2.(s111t on. Central school f The min -gin', eiereige from Camlorlch
through R. C. 11, $3,000 on. Central!of the men, and a Dag of candles and:-tenant•ab t• of the ocemlon whit the the Iirst Nord heard of the iad since
xct;.rol through /i. H. Lofg-tuakhit�'uu ora P alLfunsntl-!ties• Irc1uK ala?;i�atFl«Itoa'hetl on the hlxtorlcalbrate ou ld.Nt "lather snit him bobbing on the
a total of $1(1,0011 on Victoria school i gift of b ,tet of 'the' Ink« tour« then n month
'n. sac that. the helpless ones .fora and spoke of the ideals which ire lip
-treat wee sirange•d ea-- Reil by the organization. Follow ng ''""^"'
[1inttneely Is. pattlhtt`1!f Ii clturch . ierelt-0 (hent! Mu• • r . - Ilsite Take" Cram"
rm o•f words. Nome oto !Rev .t Maelevuy, of _Nova Seotim. e,: )linden "ray, in1y 11. -•Marr r«vrtl
purchaser is reify!' el to pay R tnnn�, Ilsidatad half Club Nees , 'f wait fee drefeeel hrna•tut•era-+tf the order it,fiw(m1ti_yf..- F w1._ -chi pytytblfilC-_�•[
urdt�• Dry motor a hehdmt at Day- iN st that th t ha I ever had, and all, r « lodge -room, uuttty wi+,e•s. mud ' waves Ant Lake.
id of fourteen year old
Astir are regNr•vlble under this rept- '+, party , {Ni weres and I•gler (1 ov I; on the way home.
rs. (!Ilse aJa•l a _ nwet..pu '•!a`_etet e,Xai pan 1 erurse,who nnnde the Nates _atwl- Licht Cammtodotl
d Luella, and of Mahrse.r and ' and
ntwtect,. - ttttttt,r to a, ru $*tytrda nest. tacrtl the local trlbuted the .r.r r, m w'err tvmaidei T"-� 7i0 tIh-h.R •+ 1 frolic wnsta•d
y erg t R \t the hist regnlur meeting of the
Ane leaf e in. the cnai of a car ashore neer ekod riel elnt.. Tuesday.
anghter Eva, all of \'etaist.xk, apical that had ung hands several liars Idayers`tn A match of mixed duuhlea. 'well paid for In h« levy evhlent�waleraml light commission an ap►pii t K
Monday h the. w c• o Sl r. .and"Mro.' notice- r The _following,ls._the._dtas for_ the iteasuro...thnt_-- Jtitru-_tat__ hu isti,n, -tds1511i.111-trnm ATwclthata` Tuesday.
ShPen{uwt> - without Ei►e- Department; • first round cut the ladies' handler county's rhertns.wln�.farl, 11+P_ affair•t-int:On folie , Dr. John \ '..y. of this
three es of $1 -- 1 hudpnntl for electric. sen by for the
. Poee war the i His - e-tegy-ioac.liui•, Rud "icy,-sleep»t''iiiene- boteeanis-• e'l". 'IL ---
Rey. 3.' W. H'Pt�ec eri, family, of trophy. to ae'ptluy••d off not later than int sdph a huge oneess that wratttm cat ata•
• rx. formerly of t,..b•ri ii. are leer-po t!y Magietn Reid on the Thursday. ►nRo lath: at all Imprdl*ble that it will htironse also a letter from the 1ly/1ru-Elwtrft Harbor Beech. rnll•et there• • u tele- -
rnr ns OW era e The ..,ssto...- on nnwaal growl. ,ant area
tat[ 11 workIF Iia nsi t.wrr. (L t..t.,nt,-,,..n, ?ib.....t..,
xlmum • Ane for a Ingle offence Tau• is,.1y Inv( ltrrlf still -Med •pit-'-
kicky lid Truuessee. They will be Mrs. H«ndlre-Mrs, ttefson •lining the xlNr`iul installation required
der this provi-ioe M )Ira. F. H. Martin -Dr. Mar Tim •Hawn 'for this service- It was derided to pr'' " to Port Huron. where It ell be
aeay in w cul weeks. y
Dr. (.lu Lane, of lal:rolt. Lea a Mrs. VanetunA-LIaA G9klre iasis • -lucre tt_-aerrire installed as sola as
MeV tonight lc Mr.. Mtt'or and t ..
ravel t0 w d R - the lawn 111, 1 t`. anti. tlte-t..� takes.. tar -lite ]t1--
{ tt(ut/ih'a. lroli. n Sirs. 11 1 alt -Miss Ig. aVVNifaoeat If roti are Iookfug `for cacatt0li pSwsiMt . t►tJuj alipUcathtns raxrlccil 1'oc homer h«n•. Funeral 'ser `icte
ores with his thee, 1 niitp T ti• our the regular weekly ho 1. T. Miss H. Galt -dies, T. Mitchell e ani! pstswrl••wrlr fro flusis►,rr" 1'e
tournament on Mondayevenin .#i. T. baggage- It will pal you to rend e� will Ise held at 11 a.m. Saturday from
sure Lane. lire. lir and c. dMaas FsthrrAi
Yo t�ey ton stre•t,'aud L. B. t,ronk, laghtt , t ,
Fdwaids and W. Buchanan ;wo first r(H:►ItM.\N' S ail. on leant 5. St. Peter ter and Patti'. church, !Nth,
arrived ter News:
t .Noun. r airs, I:erdlt-Mrs. •Trow \ It Must have Men 4x4 beer- that street: f.,c electric range Nrnk«, and
Where ,lum«s_tiad Is•.n .1 talihfnl 'at-
' )pro, Mtt}the3_ Mts. Katharine Hays from D. E. Bolick; for electrfe water -
ray. for many years ,e�• silent of On Wednesday afternoon a bow �R ides YtCrwth 11rs. F. Saunders ism of r. ulAGng At 4 itutuu this week, Neuter servicer to' dwellhtg un. Elgin tendatit anti lied tnk.n hie roee-
( (11(1 ter, Is selling L bnust•hold • nfrnaarent was held at the green Mies Mab IlakeI' Mrs, D. Holmes ging from win( -we h... 44 the tit► a:e1111 •. The etniii.err eras !ustmeted ml•stinn, Rol'. --#r: .1 i.•Pl•- dtartaliw. -
t,r 51 and will 11J, w e taw' thumb. .• T. Edwards aid R. George won Miss A. Iinys Mfrs. Donaldson (t1tRs then' to' rep,rt on a1 a, -r kation for all
tweeter. win uffltQtll P, and bN I'l;l; will
tees Jars. Aril prize an4 W..Ptidham and H. Mettters n[ the Listowel golf rR1b t be nttr. In the !oval ...metiers- •
Thomas Je •I- lit Go.lerteb, re. New'tmelleely-Miss Ruth Mar- ele.•frk' a`,IN•r•beutl•t aa•rvleY• to the
Mrs!. F. G. Eagle d three coos and MPN'et' second raze. will pray w much on the IIIui Water Berry pickers, It father and sou at
P tin l'hllrlre•u's Shelter on Camennl street.
Mier Eagle, of liaotfltou, are rialtil4 The Goderieh Lawn bowling club Mr Dery-Mrs. Chapman . Golf anti t'unntry club emtret• nett _ A letter, frtuti fill', H E,P.t',Ir[l)q•, murk In a patch of N,NNIr name the .
\VPIhI«xdA%, it*t k renx3 Tree' title. north' of ford=.
tt�t'Ir relatives tON'li. )i r. Eagle ;will hoitt their animal risk tournament Mrs. Drama -Miss M. Lee Norio rveunnne•udiug that a more suit-
herr but r ger tee bhit er o and at the p+loinn etn•et greens on !1'Pelnes- On Sunday evening tinting the hand g t•ri.-Ir, tomo., ow 1N0y: They wen -
Mrw nithnrst• -Mien N. Colborne Able nflke hnil.11n secured
R day, August 11, colirert it car drR'en by Mr. Jos. WIl• *Mooted by the roIet•tion orf the sun
w111 make a on er visit later on in I Mlas I. blrott--Sirs. Baker Rod hail over for co•slderatlon
Ole summer Mlss
Ylew Josie Yaanders
Nr. and
elite, 01
A Midnight Klase ----- - ,
Shortly after 1 dcl,a•k on Tuesday
morning people were roused from
their slumbers by the ringing of the
Are alarm. The Maze was iu the
barn at the near of lir. L. L. Knoi s
residence on Nelson Street. and before
tbe fire brigade arrived the barn on
Dr. hunter's plies., adjoining. w-asron
Arc and the houses on both places
were In grave danger. When the
water was turned on the blase was
'soon under control, but not before the
barn In which the fire originated was
destroyed and the upper part of Dr.
Hunter's barn was badly burned.
D'art of the first tern. which was
pwned by Deputy Reeve Moser. was
�.Jiy Wilfred Smith. butcher, as
a stable. Ills horse was taken out
unharmed. but a large number of
bens and pigeons were destroyed. to-
gether with tfia•tta7 and other con-
tents, Mt1• Knox had him Overland
car in his part of the • barn, and' al.
though 1t was moved out the top was
burned off and it was badly scorched.
In Dr Hunter's barn dirty or eix
pigeons. the speelal care of' Colin
Kenneth Hunter. were roaste
death, only three of the birds
saved. Dr. Huoter'a ear was
before the Are had got 4y
to injure It.
it is suepeeted that
MIAMI In same way by t5v or young
men who were steeling Mr. Smith's
S. There have
sort recently, and
fore the Are Mart-
o hod got into trim -
e Are was
chickens or pages)
Leen thefts of the
only a few hours
eat some boys w
tile with the thorltles bad retnrned
ammo of Et.. . er'v p*Rmri" with Rn
There fa Insnrsnee mean the prop-
flail there been anything Like a
he lite inn t
n wind blowing. t Lal
earn lid o ig
have been a very setioni one. As It
way, the Knox and Hunter resldottces,
were In bora and
danger from _ ___ -.... The Vomit Iso else a gratin/0e of the 141 iunotmenineaat. -
iMa T)erL WPet Guilford, ant. k �• •pat orjtpniaatl0n among those laAtgR `nrthwiestern T'nlveroft and a mem- , C
flying raters Rnd the hent pt- the Thcr wee i tar ' tette
Aatn•'». The circumstances em aslftet N• IfnM•rt Honorer; Mks Mary i..l part. itnndmaster .ienner's Ix,yo wore � 7m, t .ex(-ht.ivel of ladles,
a print widen The 91gna1 be tried -ohL YIRa _JMarjaele---1wuaur, Mk* not the least pleasing In: the masir •.her of the I•b1-.0eita Theta fraternity. 7 7
/ atherine W. McLetehle. Detroit : they rendt•ret: and many t'ompli- After- the' wedding breskftst the ¢Remelt iIRTt1-411111'on -Than
to Impends, namely. that there Is eny 1 Mflas Rt -eta Bil o Ont.: mentarr remarks were passed elm- .7011111 etnq)le 'lett for Minot. from ..•'tt the gtvotn.1s of Mr.' T. d1. (',.lajt
vin spending * great thpt of money 1 w, t1raekan. lit.. P which point they eat for the east on i P
on Improved fire equipment nnlPSA xry'• if. R. MacLean, New York City; ermine them. v I ('olsrerg elrre•t bade iTic�tns fits
there 1P R radical improvement in the1 Mrs• A Rirk t 1 k Mi Fi h 1 Aft theprogram each night there their honeymoon trip. The wedding Ahnivek IT*ptir, • 1.O.DE. The 1
A rink of A,alerich lawn bowlers.
akipped..hy "Fred Hunt, took part 1n Mrs,: F, 3.
the' Hanover tournament 011 Monday i Yee. D. Wit
rive in the _
and nutted off the first prize Mrw. Kerr-.
ass..ela.tion mat eh. The rink was I Mre. Dtmlup
T. Jlei)Prme1j - R. - Shar- I, Mn. t Mt
mall, ?-"'C. Badde0 and F. Hunt. The' Mnt, Aehesou-M
.prises were four elaborate chino break- ( Moos Alix :auntie
Mrs. S. iienry-leve
avian -Maas Olive Allen dr
net--Yisn Jean Kerr gy
s Helen (harrow Ila
• s _Mary (Jarrow
lltegurtr -Ifo-s 5i
Killoran gr
Ise A. Wertelo at
T al
- 1
re, A. S. (lirrtbitr,'i4freeft.
., announce t1.' etegagement
of their' 01,15 daughter, Betty. to Mr,
Lenin Bryan, only Son- of_ I1r._ and
Mrs John Bryan. Aurora. the Itaar•
rl e to take place in ,t ltd ,
Galerieh laid a brief rtsi: an Mon
F tram tie Mrsare. F. R., If, E• gnu foot vete. The dotter -kb men are loud
George ,Hodgens.
They were up to In their praises of tale Hanover pato n
attend the Clinton old -boys' reunion,' Pie and of the manner which they __ t w
Mr. 11, E. liodgens note, Is in buss -I were entertained. They ttarnnment _ _ - MaeKal-Betltr3dt
nes+ at I'eterltorougb and 'Frank and! "As .1 ttieat enmpee; A one rinks The following is from LP dart- tt)
George are from Toronto Inking fart. saran- (North Da�total vtxate, II
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Junes and two• The parents of the bride (a and see
children, of Toronto. o� ht the past Clinton gunmen a Great Mn. A. R. *whey) erre .71)4 atm;
weak vlelting Mrs. Jooed' father, The Clinton reunion thi(w k has of ROderich High ?School sdme III y-' t'
Cnnnty Clerk Holden, Thiy motored been a very successful affair. The Ave inn afro: I m
up from Toronto and left rriday for weather has been ideal. and leitides Miss Marlon Watson MacKay, o •d+
Stony Lake, where they Intlznd to the home -coming old boys and Ririe this elty, and Theodore Schmidt'. or
xp n.l o fes weeks' h011days. large nuns en' of people from .the stir- Chicago, were married at the home of P
Miss Retie Strang.-wba.w*i •y*talin- rounding Pnnntry and nearby towns the brides parer to here Islet Natter- II
tttg l'aP*'rs *1 the epartment-a )dn- hove crowe.ed the town each day, (Uy morning at '► o'clock. Rev. I. i). in
111ion, Toronto, In July. spent a few Probably the high point of the cele- ![client'omelafini. The Vide to the- '
days at her home her* -_and Jolt oa bratloa watt reached. on TueadaJ 1'1 ii est daughter lit Dr. and Moro. A.• n
Tiesla3• 04 a trip to the Maratimeru t, when the tattoo was prevented R MacXnr a J I'as born an react- ''
Prortnrew. Her sl.ter. lllas Mar- before an immense teathering of people in this city. 141' Is a graduate of 11
gent, of Toronto, Is aecompoeying In the lark. Eight bends took part. Northwestern I ilveredty, (1ltrngvi, : g
her. I among them the Goderieh hand, and rereivlaR the B..5. deRtrP fstar yewrs 1''
Ottt-of-towti inPMs of the Mille 14Ird the hundreds of (Joderieh people Ago, and the M.A. degree three )mai s g
• Nile !s a member of the Miele 1
Tett dhoti Bttle Water Benoit: Mies prvsmnt were RrMtly p1eRArd with the
1m• t
Greets J. Dyer, Pott ('rvdlt Mrs. J.. pesformince 1 their band. Though Omkron P111 1(0rnrlty and a'w, of the 0
Wilson, ratrlxrrt lliartar (Ihlo: Miss the imallent in number an4 the rennin
u e IUdt-i1 with a horse and buggy from the shire tali• preserver Ned nb0nt
weft itjt 1VIIte"-I'traham, The - -- -A letter from Mrs, L)orls Fofine a .
f g1vf+\at !7 a1.,Z2W lode Bidets It a • .. > -
w•Nr. badly damag(•ci- conveyed her thanks to the mi-mb•rs n;t "!•n on n u Ie wn 0 -
The annual gash party and ,of the commission and omcials for the bnrtleu ashore. 111141 hintediutely
zexr held hthe 1Yo 's (iniad of their gift -and mal ens' ben on the too 't'slstel 1n getting the Is sly to Goal-
. (itvrrgte'3 ` elft .ora ta.fj' e.i Nur reddlw erfrh:- wimrr- Id...ital.-orb. 1. -ottani wits made'-
aaws, g
s 'well
1 • h of was 'flooring
Imola'', -11� 'r ,i let. 11 r a n
minds 0Aa i u n R
t (�pt
tlpidwl, tante} rritcea.Ia• amount to (In motion of tbmmlAAlnnee TaSlof t
1 it meas 4..•1,1,-.1 fhut the .•Ie•trte Ilgh, .Deet. /on•most anti btdlcations ere
rout $.2.rat • .� ___ -. . l e arm Into=autce
the sideiIweffan ire
Mr, J. W. Armstrong had h eeryy of the town le overhauled and r„ m an attempt r.. snip hIN,fn1Itet hru
arrow escape on Monday'aftrrn.aruy .v.;14. tlL_w_.441t_.of from $:nor t„ Cher met -•hater. tad been strleken try • x�"-� r
ten TITS calif wear neer
I - .11 tY t .1
the embank-
t h hatrk r�t'ltntps. it - ie- -doubtful if the twaty
cut on the north hill in Saltfortl' ea,�t1. r cottaaen, It `was (leveled,
went down at alt. owing to the hnoy-
r. Armstrong was inti hurt. but the sb�iith .1s billed at two d011ara A Month' :n11sK of 1be aft bet(.
r was da m5g''•1• service' hut rgt. ;1!115 metered cunsutup.- iimmt,' ens horn in Mb I''" *'itis
}'rieads rd ,UexaodrA hospital aertes-E„.. _soot;- 211, 1011. 11e was gritli,te.1
Trent the etglrtt, grade In 1024 and
0s• s fresllmn.b in Intel. s'•hol at the
I1me o! his • den'lt. 11e was nice a
*menet •nf . seets Boy Steen,' !r' ' .. .1
Herber Beach, era a pJ'-r Noy f, -
'Thc Time•s•Ileralt1
mttbhis the the
lirsIal l'rl,lay Al visiting1i•*l'A draft of 1ao110ae.l Rgt•r•tuen' fear
the`tnpply n! . ater -for Ihr years
I,r. Ihr hours Is•Ing brunt '1 to 3. k►
v the ('annul "u .Tlatloual, Ila ltvay�
m. Meittber$ of Ihr Wom«n'tt firs*-• lit ob1• t«ein' s f ubij,ltte 1 Lar 'ie
aI Anxtlipry will be on. hand of was d,v Iden to d- Ilan hitt to
II Lily to iseeist the Mat rah in Flom. unity the
..ta:oray Po tl,y+_. that
g t r through 611111 water still Is• •, 111 nmrly at Snrcisll. him lir•• hie potents, and
Tarr ttr'*n Wove- fiRkr a.bvPNl«»1 ti,,; fur, -., --nit: "i.i some Tient.r„ ni: tTM^"� t"*hrr= nt•4 »i.t• es: John. 21. R
t.paw•1n offer for last ttRtnrvley and ssM ,,.'o alt tPalakc.� n . srofir•r Olive. 1 who attend* 4t,
IMetttle he N. .-is :buried #t w it peat
neer when-ea11cN1- at th+. - ar
"'ha"' }:It-Rr-e. °Il •nR ,iii1
It wn� deildr'd tai get prier'! •,n slat
o•pntnd tin of clip And ior•ahnntns roar
,•an. The proprle-
Al , all r•
h fly and ar
/Wry calf
erngt• and
•owel free a
route and an 0
lir. state. that Ni
Fs 'will to. put 0n
suers; should watch
honorary fraternity Phi 'tete Kappa, 0
•r *pedal day In
t(IRnsl for TLi'" Snndn school of 1 titlefrn Ia
lance, Hien ane•t ufteil hurcit heiir-Ttt, suints
111 (ho picnic yester.i:,y- at )tPnest•tung• Patch
1pq bur sad lista-11eujulable outing- -
on in Knox chnreh next Snbhath morn -
f In1t tfie wen ice wl:l le rondnrt.•Tt' b)
�� Ret•• Dr. R, t\'. Dt.'klec, D.U„ of Manu
refs!, Saliba:!: school at to o'eln.•k.
Member* of ()olden dote- - Rtysl
1lRl( Pr, r...tort•, Ni.ItnV11: 'Will
hI a tiny t0 1st. Gt'"Fo is
neat Santini *Penang Rt T
r actor, k. -v. 4. 4, Hardy.
the address to the ender.
era are nskeal to meet nt
lea Rt 1.015 o't'4or1t, •
alarm ,r tem. 1f a building is to he
horned .lna-n before the fire Lrtrade
Rets to 1f, there Is not t*tnh sail.
feelinn in having the emb rs ex
tingnl.Aeel by an expensive pgntpment.
The expn(ttnre of a few hundred
dollars wont( give the town an alarm
system whirl) would greatly lower tbe
Holt of seriona Ares.
P►1 r r , • nes y, After took lacy In tau• presence lit the rel*- dors p)yed cards. and 'thyro w0M
Toronto: Miss M. Bowden. London• was a esrnlr11 on tine streMR, tong- D P Donath* fur the' sale'nf franc malt. `
Mies Merrell* Meier. Nllnne•npolis; tinning until the early morning hnare. theca of the eontreetlnx !moles ands y R
Mr. and Mrs. IA, MM'onn.•II. Varna : The chief of pollee apparently was few ant -of -town friends : Judge and candy. flower: etc. A Item of over 'teal
John Argo, Lnndne: Miss Margaret given it vacation, and hlith finks held Mrs. E. it, Goss And daughter, Marton, "Bo wast added to 1he fonds of the
Mc('oenrll, harlrm; Mien Fischer M. sway. Some aMtA GM1Prle•h eltlxen. of Minot. Iles Charles i►nrnln and (log I'ter as it resin, elan
"'Alf, Detroit : Miss don titer and Mrs. 1►f. J' . Greene. of o'clnrk.
Margaret ile(lIn who reacher bopis of * l tt Ir for g Mrs. C. A, 1CaslP lit Gran.l Rapids, *111 delle
ftrnmptnn: HIAA Agnes Comhr. ('lin enrlyl Naar explain that fhre erre t1'e.th+,p•. The Advocate joins * 7. pt
ton: Mks Del. iatOPf0l1, 4t. Thom*s: r*nght in a jam lit eon and could wet largo number of friends of the newly- Mich„ is swungWith her,
timer. All the menial
Mrs, J. F. Buttes, ?Porth street. The IMP 1".'
MiGs Barry 1'stmtrP, comm. get *soy sooner. weds in extending lr,ngr*tnlntlnn+.
I •h:ti-0.. 11'11.ram:.-9: _Thomas A•
oseyil,. -1: ito/sert. 2. and holly Frank.
• llatit
.r -Ifni
w. •dnitus
Ti"' 'morel -see wlrlhl ori
Wednesday wornint. August :b, at the
C'eInrir*r :tree! T'tiitetl rhnl'ei manse,
ti`tnter Knight -.beg tter ref
51. Knf h toHenryT
Mr Knight.H n , Bar
Mr..anil'M►a'. ilenry. Bar-
ker, all +.UTkilprk.h. "�}ie meetings"
woe very gnit•t. the rerenieog.-.Dyeing
performed at 5.30' .i et.w•k by Rev.
4.•1by .Tefft•rsnn. The bride• wore her
!resetting snit oil day MU* With tray
het, find ithmediatety After the erre-
rn,eny the couple left on the ('.NAR.
train 0n a honeymoon trip to 4nnth
smptnn and Other pnlnto. On their
return they will take lip their real
A&•nc•e on flanks street. The bride
whit -the retlph'nt lit numerous gift*.