HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-09-12, Page 27THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1990. PAGE 27. Blyth’s ‘Local Talent’ to be televised Primedia Productions announced that “Local Talent’’ by Colleen Curran which premiered at the Blyth Festival this summer will be filmed for television in the studios of CHCH-TV in Hamilton next month. Stage on Screen, a television series showcasing Canadian dra­ mas and comedies will be hosted by Martha Henry, Artistic Director of the Grand Theatre and seen from coast to coast during the 1991-92 season. Other productions included in the series include “Letter From Wingfield Farm” by Dan Needles, “Sisters” by Wendy Lili, “Ami­ go’s Blue Guitar” by Joan Mac­ Leod, “Farther West” by John Murrell and “Mixed Blessings” by Sherman Snukal. Anna Stratton and Martha Henry have acted theatre consultants to the series, choosing plays that represent the­ atres across Canada including Grand Theatre (London), Blyth Festival, Prairie Theatre Exchange (Winnipeg), Theatre Calgary, Cit­ adel (Edmonton) and Arts Club Theatre (Vancouver). “Over 13,000 people have enjoy­ ed seeing “Local Talent” at the Blyth Festival this summer”, says Katherine Kaszas, Artistic Director of the Blyth Festival. “We’re pleased that Primedia Productions will be showcasing the same tal­ ented actors from our Blyth produc­ tion: Janet Amos, Anne Anglin, Hazel Desbarats, Dennis Fitzger­ ald, Paulina Gillis and Severn Thompson.” Local Talent had its final performance in Blyth Memor­ ial Hall on September 8 and Canadian audiences will have to wait until 1991 to see it again when it is scheduled for television broad­ cast. Conservatory music results released the Blyth Iw 523-9381 WEEKEND SPECIALS EAIp^^^QUL THURS..FRI.&SAT. 5:00P.M.-MIDNIGHT MW'W \ ¥ BUY ONE B __ The Royal Conservatory of Music has announced the results of the summer practical music examina­ tions held in Blyth earlier this summer. The results are: Grade 4 piano: Honours, Evan James Hickey; Pass, Jennifer Cucksey, Kathryn Maire Mizen, Maryanne Perrie, Dana Mathers, Susan McLachlan. Grade 3 piano: Honours, Carli Ann Tieman, Hayley Snell, Susan Black, Cindy Jeanette Gibbings, Lorie Ann Black. Grade 2 piano: Honours, Julie M. Darling, Daniel James P. Hammill, Rosanne Hamink, Kim Taylor, Andria Harvey, Amy Jen­ kins, Mandy Lee Hadenko, Shann­ on Laura Kammerer, Julie Bachert, Jill Carnochan, Chad Arthur Hag- gitt, Kathryn Lavis; Pass, Ann Laura Darling, Rianne Elizabet Laye. Grade 1 piano: First Class Hon­ ours, Christopher Baxter; Honours, Maja Romano, Bradley Russel Tieman, Vanessa Maaike Laye, Kristen Eliza Hunter, Victoria Anne Waechter, Amy Johanna Schwartzentruber, Kristin Brooks; Pass, Angela Marie Chippa. Grade 7 violin: Pass, Andrea Smallwood. Grade 9 piano, Honours, Donna Lorraine Jefferson. Grade 8 piano: First Class Hon­ ours, Angela Cindy Yoon; Hon­ ours, Immanuel John Ramirez, Alison Rose Jonjejan; Pass, Lisa Caimcross, Christine Kemp, Susan Lynn Snell, Bea Johanna De Vries, Sheila Renee Bylsma, Susan Ruth Elisen. Grade 7 piano: honours, Andrew Perrie; Pass, Darrell Lavis. Grand announces directors Grade 6 piano: honours, Valerie Van Riesen, Carla Diane Johnston, Janice Vera Nicholson, Carly Price, Anita Bruinsma; Pass, Darlene Wattam, Dana Cooper, Janine Hayter, Stephanie Lea Henry, Ro­ bert Linden, Dana Dalton. Grade 5 piano: Honours, Rhonda Dianne Wideman, Jodee Medd; Pass, Amy Theresa Darling. Grade 4 piano: Honours, Mat­ thew James Schurter, Jeremy Pearson, Laura Ann Douma, Tatum Mathers, Tammy Michelle Middel- kamp. Grade 5 guitar, Honours, Colin Darling; Pass, Noah Alexander Train. Grade 3, guitar, Honours, Jane Elizabeth Darling. Grade 1 guitar, Honours, Nicole Catherin Waechter. ■«- CHICKEN‘N CHIPS DINNER FRIDAY&SATURDAY 5:00P.M.-8:00P.M. BUYONE& GETONEFOR 72 PRICE ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEKEND Fri.A Sat. night 9- 1a.m. HUGHYELDER ' Artistic Director Martha Henry has announced the names of the directors for The Grand Theatre’s 1990-91 mainstage season. Leading the list of guest direc­ tors is John Cooper who made his Grand debut when he directed last year’s controversial “Glengarry Glen Ross”. This year, Mr. Cooper returns to propel The Grand into its new season by directing the open­ ing play, John Murrell’s provoca­ tive “Farther West”. The second play of the 90-91 mainstage playbill, “The Cocktail Hour” is a stylish American come­ New youth play dy by A. R. Gurney directed by Peter Moss, Artistic Director of Young People’sTheatre. Mr. Moss’ work was last seen at The Grand when he directed the hit production of “The Man Who Came To Dinner” in 1988. The sophisticated musical “Jacques Brel Is Alive And Well And Living In Paris” will be directed by Valerie Moore. Al­ though Jacques Brel denotes Ms. Moore’s first directing engagement on The Grand Stage, her choreo­ graphy, is well know to Grand audiences (“Rock and Roll”, “Pal Joey” and “Girls in the Gang”). In the second half of the season, Artistic Director Martha Henry directs two of the three mainstage productions; Alan Ayckbourn’s acerbic comedy “Woman In Mind” (December Bee) and the award­ winning Canadian musical “Fire”. The fifth play in the season, “My Children! My Africa!” by Athol Fugard, is a touring production from Centaur Theatre in Montreal, directed by Centaur Executive Director Maurice Podbrey. The touring production of My Children! My Africa! is also included in the season at Manitoba Theatre Cen­ tre’s Warehouse space at Theatre Calgary. Join us weekly for KARATE Every Monday & Thursday Children - 6 to 7 p.m. Adults - 7 to 8 p.m. BLACK BELT INSTRUCTORS ONLY announced at Grand Artistic Director Martha Henry has announced that “I Ain’t Dead Yet” by Christopher Heide will replace David For Queen by John Lazarus as the third presentation in the 1990-91 Theatre For Young Audience series. Filled with traditional music of Nova Scotia, “I Ain’t Dead Yet” focuses on the relationship be­ tween and elderly woman, Margar­ et, and her teenage granddaugh­ ter, Katie. As Margaret relives moments of her own troubled fouth, she reaches out to help 2atie deal with an extremely difficult problem. Commented Ms. Henry: “Chris Heide is a talented playwright with a strong, active presence in the Maritime theatre community. The young Nova Scotian director, Tessa Mendel, will stage “I Ain’t Dead Yet”, a play about us when we’re young and also when we’re old and the secret affinity that often occurs between these generations. Al­ though our hope to co-produce David For Queen with a Toronto company could not be realized this year, we will produce it in our 1991-92 season for young audi­ ences in The McManus Theatre.” I Ain’t Dead Yet, first produced by Nova Scotia’s Mermaid Theatre in 1985, will run in The McManus Studio Theatre from January 21 - February 9, 1991. Performances are Mondays at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday through Fridays at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $6.00 ($5.50 when the entire theatre is purchased). 20t& JIM & CATHY Love Friends and Family held in the BLYTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE Children 5-18 must have parent’s consent For more information call . DANIEL LECOMTE 526-7198 pannapacTion 25t&Utaw & 'Dad Join in the celebration with SHIRLEY AND GEORGE WHEELER on their 35t£ 'Wedduty Everyone Welcome September 15,1990 Brussels Legion 9:00p.m.-1:00a.m. Best Wishes Only Please Love and Best Wishes Familyand Friends Love Chad, Michael and Leanne