HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-09-05, Page 20PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1990.
Golden occasion
On Saturday afternoon and evening, September 1, 1990 the
family of Ernest and Anna Snell held open house in the
Westfield Hall in honour of their 50th wedding anniversary. A
pleasant after noon and evening was spent as friends and
relatives gathered to congratulate Ernest and Anna on this
special occasion. Analbumof family pictures wereof interest to
many. Both Ernest and Anna were born in the Westfield
community and were married on October 30,1940 at the bride’s
Arthritis Society seeks support
Federation hospitable group
Hospitality is always a word that
comes to mind when you think of
visiting a farm family or any one
who lives in rural Ontario. Hospi
tality is certainly a word that can be
applied to all the activities of
Federated Women’s Institutes of
At the urging of one of the FWIO
Board Directors, Gillian Catto from
Whitefish, FWIO now has a list of
WI members from all over Ontario
who are prepared to open up their
homes by providing a comfortable
bed and breakfast next morning,
but more important than all that is
the opportunity to sit around the
kitchen table and talk about con
cerns and activities common to all.
A nominal charge has been set to
cover expenses. While attending
the FWIO Conference in Ottawa in
June, the FWIO President Elect
Marg Eberle and PRO Geraldine
Campbell took the opportunity of
using the hospitality home list to
break the long journey. The infor
mation gained and discussed was
invaluable for all concerned.
Other W.I. members are opening
up their homes to overseas visitors.
This year there has already been
one bus load of English W.I.
members visiting rural Ontario and
more are planned for this year.
This is a great way of exchanging
ideas and concerns but also is a
chance to show off Canadian farm
ing methods and even more impor
tant still, make a friend in another
country. Just as anyone in Elgin
West District who hosted the
Yorkshire W.I. visitors.
When the Nebraska Council of
Home Extension Clubs, (mainly
farm women; wanted to find out
about farming and farm and rural
women’s organizations in Canada,
they contacted Federated Women’s
Institutes of Canada who in turn
handed it over to FWIO. Last year
FWIO hosted a visit from Harriett
Steeson, a farmer’s wife from
Nebraska. This June, Margaret
Munro, Past President FWIO, was
hosted by the Nebraskan women.
Margaret not only talked about
Ontario and farming methods in
Ontario but she also learned about
farm life in Nebraska. She is to
prepare a slide show and talk of her
experiences in Nebraska which will
be available to anyone who wants
an interesting programme.
A group of 26 FWIO Board
Directors and members, and one
brave husband, lead by FWIO
President Peggy Knapp, journeyed
to England in July to help the
Women’s Institutes of England and
Wales celebrate the 75th anniver
sary of Women’s Institutes in
England and Wales. As part of
those celebrations FWIO hosted a
reception at Ontario House, Lon
don, at which time a special collage
of FWIO photos and Canadian
books were presented to the W.I. of
England and Wales. The Ontario
W.I. members then experienced
English W.I. hospitality as well as
taking in courses at Denham Col
lage, the W.I. training school in
At any time W.I. hospitality can
be enjoyed at the Erland Lee
(Museum) Home at Stoney Creek.
They have three special events late
this year. On August 25, they held
a Victorian Tea Party. Their tradi
tional Harvest Festival, Oct. 3 and
4 will feature ‘‘Milk Stools and
Butter Churns” and will honour the
Dairy Industry. On Dec. 5 come
and enjoy the sights, sounds and
smells of Christmas at the Lee. The
Erland Lee (Museum) Home is
open 10 - 4, Tuesday to Saturday
and they would love you to drop in
for a visit and see the dining room
table where Janet Lee hand penned
the first constitution of the very
September is Arthritis Month
and after nearly four decades of
research there have been tremen
dous achievements made in diag
nosis and treatment of this painful,
debilitating illness.
Rheumatologists are trained on
an ongoing basis, working in 16
medical schools and teaching hos
pitals as well as other communities
in every province in Canada.
Improved diagnostic skills have
been developed, especially in lu|>us
diagnosis. Rheumatic fever, gout,
Ordinary family tells
of extraordinary trip
At the Sunday Worship Service
on September 2 at Brussels Menn-
onite Fellowship, Nancy and Paul
Greenwood shared experiences
from their recent trip around the
They told of several churches
where they had worshipped and of
several Christians with whom they
came in contact during their tra
vels. They are glad to be back and
refer to themselves as “a very
Crime of the Week
On April 22, 1990 at about 3:18 in
the morning a male described as
white, 5’ 9”, medium build, wear
ing a dark jacket and hat was seen
running from the area of the Huron
Road Becker’s store, Goderich
towards the rear of Strickland
Motors. A check of the store
revealed that two 4’ x 8’ windows
had been broken.
Find out how to make
your work place
more accessible to the
Deaf employee. Call
the Canadian
Hearing Society at
416-964-9595, or
write to us at:
271 Spadina Road,
Toronto, Ontario
M5R 2V3
leaves you flat?
Religion leaves a lot of people flat. It sounds fine on
Sunday morning, but has little relation to Monday
morning’s flat tire
Christianity doesn’t have to be that way. not when your
church is made up of people who care about each other
in our
9:30 A.M. Worship Service
10:30 A.M. Christian
Education Hour (or all ages
and infectious arthritis can now be
effectively controlled. Hospital
stays for severe cases of arthritis
have been reduced from months to
weeks. Artificial joints have been
developed to replace joints totally
destroyed by arthritis and more
effective medications are available
to control chronic inflammation.
Over the next five years, the
Arthritis Society plans to intensify
its research into molecular and
chemical activity of the many forms
of arthritis since they believe this
ordinary family who took an extra
ordinary trip”.
Thelma Steinman led the ser
vice. Alice Brothers and her friend,
Ruth Hughes, provided special
The greenwood children also told
of some of their experiences during
a special Children’s Worship Ser
vice held in the Fellowship Hall.
Sunday School classes for the
new quarter will begin next Sun
If you have information about
this or any other crime call Crime
Stoppers of Huron County, 1-800-
265-1777 and you will be eligible to
receive a reward of up to $1,000.
\J J PdRTicipacnon
first Women’s Institute in the
world. If you are bringing a bus
load they would like to be notified
in advance.
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Carolyn McAvoy
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
Sunday School
9:30 a.m. - Belgrave Service
We welcome you to come and worship with us!
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
8:00 p.m. - Evening Service
Wednesday - Discipleship Training
Friday - 7:30 - Youth
September - Pentecost14
Blyth Brussels
9:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
Zja reformedchurch
Guest Minister- Rev. Arie Vaneek
Sunday at 10a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Sunday School 11:00a.m.
The Church of the ‘ ‘ Back to God Hour” and “Faith 20
Back to God Hour i0:30a.1rh. CKNX, Sunday
Faith 205:00a.m. weekdays, GlobalT.V.
approach holds the greatest pro
mise for future advances. They will
continue to support clinical re
search and the training of rheuma
tologists. Also, they are committed
to increasing public education in
both official languages.
As door-to-door canvassers ask
for your support this month the
Arthritis Society reminds that your
contribution can improve the qual
ity of life for countless Canadians.
Gerald and Carol McDowell
are pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter, Patti to Pat, son of
Jo and Bill Landon and the late
Lome Cronin. The wedding
will take place Saturday,
September 15 in Auburn at 3
p.m. Open reception to follow
in Blyth.