HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-08-29, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1990. Classified FAST________ DEPENDABLE HIGHLY VISIBLE RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE, LOCATED ONE mile north of Blyth, $300 per month. Utilities included. Air con­ ditioning. Available immediately. Phone 523-4878. 10-tfn GARAGE YARD SALE Card OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS CAREER TRAINING JEWITT. John and I would like to extend our sincere thanks to every­ one who visited, expressed con­ cern, sent flowers, cards and treats while I was in the hospital. Special thanks to our family who stepped in and kept things running smoothly at home. A big thanks to the nurses and doctors at Seaforth Hospital. Also thanks to those who sent cards and phoned during the time of my Aunt Mary Robinson’s death. Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated. - Barbara Jewitt. 35-1 KING. I wish to express my heartfelt thanks for the many cards, visits, flowers and food I received following my heart sur­ gery in London. The concern of my friends and relatives is sincerely appreciated. - Bill King 35-1 KNIGHT. I got a big kick out of my 90th birthday celebrations. Every­ thing was perfect. Many thanks to all my friends, neighbours and relatives for what they said and did. A special thank you to my family for decorating the church and making the lunch, especially Marion Godkin for the beautiful birthday cake. Thanks to the ladies of Melville Presbyterian Church for serving the lunch. I appreciate the cards, gifts, visits and all everyone did to make my birthday a memor­ able happy time. - Alfred Knight 35-lp McDOWELL-CRONIN. We would like to thank everyone who attend­ ed our Buck and Doe on August 17. Thank you to the wedding party, family and friends that helped make it a great time. - Patti McDowell and Pat Cronin. 35-1 TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for rewarding careers in trucking. Class A-Z and D-Z licences. Davs and weekend courses. Job place­ ment assistance. Markel Transport Training. Guelph. 1-800-265-7173. 35-lp YARD SALE - TODAY’S VARIETY Hwy. #4, Londesboro, Saturdays 8-5 and Sundays 11-4. Weather ; permitting. Vendors welcome. Join our yard sale weekly. Free space for vendors. Everyone welcome. Ads in four papers. Phone 523-9790 26-tfn GARAGE SALE IN WALTON, Saturday, Sept. 1, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., rain or shine. 35-1 LOST - BLACK SPALDING BALL glove in vicinity of Blyth ball diamond on August 23. Reward. Phone 526-7762. 35-lp MURPHY. Special thanks to Betts Funeral Home for the way they handled everything in a sincere and dignified way, to Father Loebach of St. Ambrose Roman Catholic Church and the ladies of the church for excellent food provided. Thanks to the Engel family and John, Pat and Ross Tilly and all other friends too numerous to mention for their generosity and support. It is com­ forting to the family to know that Jim was so well accepted in this community. - Yours sincerely, Tom and John Murphy. 35-1 LEARN AUCTIONEERING AT the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: October 20-27/90. For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR 5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. 35-lp GARAGE SALE STARTING Friday evening until ? In Molesworth next to Feed Mill on Hwy. 86 Plenty of children’s toys, books, etc. 35-lp NOTICE YOUR FUTURE STARTS WITH ... KRAEMER. Hug them, hold them, Love them every day, For God may take them early And teat your heart away. Although Jason ‘Moe’ Kramer is gone his family knows he will never be forgotten due to the overwhelm­ ing outpouring of sympathy from Teeswater and area communities. First to the two O.P.P. officers from the Goderich detachment for such compassion at such a difficult time. It is with deep gratitude and appreciation we wish to thank our relatives, friends and neighbours for acts of kindness, floral tributes, food to our home, charitable dona­ tions and all other expression of sympathy. Special thanks to Rev. Arnold Proud, Rev. William Baird, John Sutton for the tribute, Marg Carswell for the music, Pee Wee Hockey Team Honour Guard, pall­ bearers and flower bearers for participating in such a memorable service. To the U.C.W. thank you for the bountiful lunch served to so many. To Kim, Debbie, Sandra, Gail, Phyllis, Loma and Marlene who took care of the house there really aren’t enough words to say thank you. Barry and Joan Mac- Pherson, your guidance and caring through this very difficult time will always be remembered. - the Kraemer Family. 35-1 PIPE. The Pipe family would like to express their appreciation to their many friends, neighbours and rela­ tives for their kindness and support shown to us at the time of Neil’s death. Due to the number contri­ buting to the many floral arrange­ ments and donations to the Brus­ sels Minor Ball please accept this as your thanks in lieu of individual cards. Special thanks to the Brus­ sels Midget Ball team who were honorary pallbearers, the pallbear­ ers, flower bearers, church ladies and the catering groups, also for the food brought to our homes. Thank you to the staff of the Betts Funeral Home for all their under­ standing and guidance and to Rev. Carolyn MacAvoy for her support. - John & Edith Pipe, Murray & Tara Pipe, Gary Pipe, Pearl Shaw, Freda Pipe. 35-1 Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Financial assistance on approved credit. 1-800-265-0400. Cambridge. 35-lp GARAGE SALE AT 370 KING ST. East, Blyth, Friday, Aug. 31, 5 - 8 p.m. and Sat., Sept. 1, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Rain date Sept. 15, 9 -1.35-lp MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE - Saturday, Sept. 1, 8 a.m. to ? Antiques, furniture, miscellaneous 2 corners north of Blyth on West­ field road. 35-1 CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS - Blyth Motor Vehicle and Driver Licence issuing office will be closed August 18 - September 4. 34-2b COMING EVENTS HELP WANTED PREGNANT AND NEED HELP? Free positive confidential support. Birthright, 357-1066, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect. eow SAVE $$$$ Buy your 1990/91 Blyth Festival of Entertainment series before Sep­ tember 1st and save 7% GST. Only $35 for 4-part adult series or $20 for 4-part kids series. Call the Blyth Festival Box Office today and save: 523-9300/9225. 35-1 PART-TIME WAITRESS OR Cook to start September 1, experi­ ence preferred but not necessary. Phone 523-4471. 34-2 WOULD YOU LIKE TO CORRES- pond with unattached Christian people, ages 18-80, the object being companionship or marriage. Write: ASHGROVE, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C.,V0E 1M0. 35-lp BUS TRIP: SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 - the Air Show at the C.N.E. Call Isabel Campbell, Nicholson Bus Lines, 357-1938. 35-1 MATURE LIVE IN FEMALE COM- panion for 80 year old widow in country home, light housekeeping, meal preparation. Full-time pre­ ferred, part-time considered. Send detailed resume with references to: Box 3955 c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. N0K 1W0. 32-4 p LAB/SHEPHERD PUPS FREE TO a good home, your selection, call 887-6047. 34-2 CONESTOGA COLLEGE’S CON- tinuous Learning Catalogues are now available. Call Clinton 482- 3458 for your free copy. 35-1 BABYSITTER WANTED IN THE Ethel area, preferably in my own home, starting September 10. Phone 887-9772 anytime. 35-2 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE STEPHENSON. Doc and Nora would like to thank their family and friends for the surprise 40th anni­ versary party at Neil and Joan Beuermann’s. Thank you for the cards and lovely gifts and delicious pot luck supper and barbecue. With family and friends like you we’re really lucky. 35-lp EUCHRE PARTY, AUGUST 29 AT 8:30 at the Ethel Community Centre. Ladies please bring lunch. 35-1 WORKMAN. Thank you to our friends, neighbours and family for sharing our 25th anniversary. We enjoyed your visit Sunday after­ noon and will continue to treasure your gifts and cards. - Frank and Kathy Workman.35-1 c CAREER | TRAINING BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO, every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., Blyth & District Community Centre. $300 Jackpot must go. Over $1,000 in prizes. 43-tfn PALLIATIVE CARE TRAINING Course for those interested in serving their community as pallia­ tive care volunteers. 8 weeks beginning Sept. 11. Tuesday 7 - 10 p.m. $45. For more information or to register call 357-2720. 34-3 McCUTCHEON. A sincere thank you to family and friends for making our 35th wedding anniver­ sary such a happy occasion. Your presence and best wishes were greatly appreciated. A special thank you for the gifts and cards and to our girls and their guys for all the nice surprises and all their hard work. It will always be remembered. Love to all - Esthc- and Jack McCutcheon. 35-1 LEARN! EARN! SAVE! INCOME Tax Preparation Courses. Free brochures. No obligation. U & R Tax Service, 205-1345 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. Exclusive franchise territories available. 35-lp LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Dabber Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Cen­ tre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel chair acces­ sible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. z 14-tfn DISCOVER A DISCOVERY TOYS Christmas! Looking for moms wanting fun, flexible work. You set your hours and goals! Career opportunities. Interested? Phone Cynthia at (416) 668-2232. 35-lp The Blythand District Community Centre requires a FULL-TIME PERSON to assist the Arena Manager in the duties of operating and maintaining the Arena and Community Auditorium. Resumes will be received at the Blyth Clerk’s Office, P.O. Box 393, Blyth, Ontario N0M 1 HO until 5:00 p.m. Friday August 31st, 1990. Blyth and District Community Centre Board. ESTATE SALE Two bedroom bungalow in Auburn, features hardwood floors, high efficiency oil furnace andcentral air conditioning. Call 526-7173. No agents please. HELP WANTED HOUSEWIVES, MOTHERS AND interested persons needed imme­ diately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collection. Call (519) 258-7905. 35-lp FREE CAREER GUIDE TO home-study correspondence Di­ ploma courses: Accounting, Air- conditioning, Bookkeeping, Busi­ ness, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psy­ chology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West. Toronto, 1-800- 950-1972. 35-lp SEPTEMBER 7, 8, 9 ATTEND Annual Reunion Huron Pioneer Threshermen Blyth, Ontario. Working Steam Engines, Gas En­ gines, Antique Tractors, Cars, Crafts, Music, Entertainment. For information (519) 523-9330. 35-lp E'cwssififdads^ f PAYOFF! 1 WANTED - STUDENTS for Fall and Christmas season Weekend work Sainton s Old cAtill in downtown Blyth Come in and fill out an application 523-4740 CALL CITIZEN CLASSIFIED AT 523-4792 OR 887 9114 24 HOURS A DAY