HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-08-22, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1990.
From the Minister’s Study
Love is an act of will, the feelings follow
As I was reading over I Corin
thians 13, I realized once again the
importance of love. I think Paul
may even have been reminding
himself while writing this.
Couple weds in Brussels
Melville Presbyterian Church in
Brussels was the setting for the
ceremony uniting Shirley Pipe of
Kitchener and Jack Hossack also of
Kitchener in marriage on July 14,
1990. The bride is the daughter of
Jack and Ruth Pipe of Brussels and
the groom is the son of the late Jack
and Dorothy Hossack. Rev. Bonnie
Cole Amal officiated at the cere
The bride wore an ivory, satin,
tea-length wedding gown that fea
tured a fitted bodice and full,
three-quarter length sleeves, ac
cented with pearl and sequin
appliques. She carried an ivory lace
fan with ivy, ivory rosebuds, carna
tions, baby’s breath and floating
Matron-of-honour was Susan
Pipe of Lucan. Her gown was made
of lilac embossed satin and featur
ed a fitted bodice with a keyhole
back, full skirt, and full puffed
sleeves. She too, carried an ivory
lace fan adorned with ivy, lavender
carnations, ivory rosebuds, plum
and pink baby’s breath and floating
Flower girl Lacey Hossack of
Brantford carried a basket of
lavender carnations, ivory freesia,
plum baby’s breath, floating
pearls, irridescent flowers and ivy.
She also wore a matching head
The mother of the bride’s dress
was a coral polyester crepe two
piece ensemble featuring an em
broidered lace bodice with a short
jacket and peplum waist with a
matching hat. Her corsage consist
ed of small pink orchids against a
white lace fan adorned with white
The ring-bearer Matthew Pipe of
Lucan carried a pillow of ivory satin
decorated with lavender carnations
and plum baby’s breath on which
he carried the bride and groom’s
wedding rings to the altar.
Best mail for the occasion was
Hardy Hossack of Brantford. Ush
ers were Robert Pipe of Lucan and
Jackson Hossack of Brantford.
Elaine Hiller leads worship
at Brussels Mennonite service
Elaine Hiller led the worship
service at Brussels Mennonite
Fellowship on Sunday.
During the service Elwin Gar
land, representing the Elders ad
dressed the congregation on the
recent bereavements in the com
munity and referred to several
passages of scripture. He pointed
out an error that we all make, youth
and adults alike, the belief that we
are all invincible. Our thoughts and
prayers will be with those families
in the next few weeks as they work
through their grief.
Dave Goodland, Bev Brown,
Elaine Hiller, Bruce and Linda
Campbell gave reports and reflec
tions on their recent trip to Virginia
to a Life conference.
Special music this Sunday was
provided by Lena Seigers and her
sister Rebecca Bauman who sang
Sunday evening the Youth Group
met for a farewell gathering for
Gary Martin who will soon be
I say that because Paul is using if
I in the first three verses. In second
Corinthians, chapter 10, verse 20 it
says “For some say, His letters are
weighty and forceful, but in person
his unimpressive and his speaking
amounts to nothing’’. Some were
not impressed with Paul’s preach
Organist was Joanne King and
her daughter, Karla King, was the
The reception was held at the
Brussels Legion Hall with music
provided by DJ’s Gord and Wendy
Welhan of Waterdown, Ontario,
members of Lazy Lakes Camp
Special guests at the wedding
and reception were Mrs. Beth
Lansing a dear friend of the family,
Bert and Dorothy Daer, Freda
Pipe, and Lloyd and Nora Pipe.
leaving to attend Gashen College in
Indiana. The men’s monthly fellow
ship breakfast will be held this
Saturday at Campbells.
Legion members
compete in golf
On Saturday, August 11 the
Brussels Legion sent a golf team to
the District finals in Goderich. The
Brussels team members were
Frank Stretton, Pete Bennett, Lis
Brewer and Eric Ross. Although
the team failed to qualify, a great
time was had by all participants.
On Sunday, August 26 the
Brussels Legion is hosting a Mixed
Dart Tournament. The deadline for
entries will be Friday, August 24.
Contact the Legion if you wish to
register a team.
ing but realized that love is more
important. Even if Paul could
preach in any language known to
man, even if he could wow people
with his oratorical ability, without
love he would only be a resounding
gong or a clanging symbol. The
Paul says even if I have the gift of
There were also many friends from
the Lazy Lakes Campground in
Niagara Falls, New York, who
camped out on the Pipe farm.
Master of ceremonies was Ron
Schmidt of Kitchener, the bride
and groom’s close friend.
Following the reception the cou
ple left on a honeymoon trip to
Massachusetts, Maine and New
Hampshire. Since their return they
are residing at Carnaby Crescent in
Keith and Carol Nicholson of
RR 2, Bluevale are pleased to
announce the forthcoming
marriageof their daughter
Mary Lee-Anne to Barry
James, son of Jim and
Frances Shaw of RR 1,
Bluevale. The wedding will
take place Saturday, Sept. 1,
1990 at 4:30 p.m. in Bluevale
United Church. Friends and
neighbours are invited to an
open reception at the B.M. &
G. arena at 9 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
prophecy and can fathom all my
steries and have all knowledge
without love I am nothing. In other
words if Paul was the smartest man
alive and knew everything, without
love he would be nothing.
The third way Paul tries to show
the significance of love is by saying
if I give all I possess to the poor and
become a martyr without love. I
gain nothing. After stressing the
significance of love Paul then goes
on to explain what love is in verses
four through seven.
As you look over this list you will
not find one emotion. Too often we
think of love as just a feeling. We
talk of falling in love, falling out of
love. We write songs about it,
example “You’ve lost that loving
feeling’’. One line from a song says
“I don’t know where we went
wrong but the feelings gone and I
just can’t get it back”. The word
love used in I Corinthians is the
Greek word agape. It means that it
is an act of the will, a definite
choice. Not something that magi
cally appears or disappears. That
doesn’t mean that feelings aren’t
involved. It is like the old expres
sion putting the cart before the
horse: the cart is feelings. Love in
the Bible is an act of the will, the
feelings follow the act of the will.
There’s a story about a woman
who wanted a divorce, she hated
her husband. She went and talked
to a person about this. The person
came up with a plan. Go home and
serve him a month - wait on him,
doing everything as if you did love
him. Then when he is accustomed
to this and his defences are down
you can then tell him you want a
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
8:00 p.m. - Evening Service
Wednesday - Discipleship Training
Friday ; 7:30 - Youth
August 26 Pentecost 12
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Carolyn McAvoy
11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship
We welcome anyone and the Brussels
United Church to worship with us for the
month of August.
We welcome you to come and worship with us!
Guest minister: Rev. Hanegraaf from Woodstock
Sunday at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Sunday School 11:00a.m.
The Church of the ‘ ‘ Back to God Hour” and ‘ ‘Faith 20’ ’■
Back to God Hour 10:30a.m.CKNX, Sunday
Faith 205:00a.m. weekdays, GlobalT.V.
divorce. That would hurt him as
much as he has hurt you. She
thought that was a wonderful idea.
After a month the man called and
asked, “Do you still want to go
through with the divorce”. Oh no,
she replied, I found out I really do
love him.” Love is a choice,
feeling’s follow.
The third thing Paul states in
verses eight through 13 is the
permanence of love. In verse 13
Paul says “And now these three
remain - Faith, Hope, and Love,
but the greatest of these is love”.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gervais of
Huntsville are pleased to
announce the forthcoming
marriage of their daughter,
Pamela Joanne to Dwight
James, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Chaimersof Blyth. The
wedding will take place Satur
day, September 1,1990 at St.
Mary of the Assumption,
11:15 a.m.