The Signal, 1925-5-7, Page 8F . 1tenr•da . hely 7. 1,115 TEE SIGNA 1 Sunday, May 10th, is MOTHER'S DAY 1 at da; that has been net nside for every wan, woman, boy and girl t.. do some thoughtful act for Mother! • Mother's Dai' is observed by the giving of gifts by • sous and daughters as a way of showing their apprecia- tion is tion for everything she has meant to then, all their lives. Of all gifts, a book is the most appropriate. Ott the. al -v -leaf may be written the Sorel of appreciation. We teu� der scutime,tt, the _i late.. it. w.....,gi>:ett. 411141 -this 11„thcr n Day gift becotnes something she -will long cherish and re-\ member. SAY IT WITH BOOKS l''lotters wither. but book: L•ng rc•uutil.. pleasing aunt lasting reminders of the giver. BOOK STORE . "On the St(uan' for forty year" TOW COUNCIL RENTS - Iationa .haul./ be made to that the eblldren should not be crowded out (Continued from page 1► for permission to erect an electric elgn in front of bis drug store was re- ferred to the public work. commit - of. Victoria Park. The mailer' wet ieft Ti the hands of the cemetery and parki commit- tee. . An advertising proposition brought tee. before. the coun.i: by s represeota- An application from Thos. 1. And- tine of Nee Mtcla•an Publishing Co. ersou for renewal of his license for Toronto, was referred to committee {meddling coal nil and gasoline.. end .tf the whole council. ' one from le 11. Words for renewal of - in Fes/eines. to an invitation ex - his billiards end howling alley 11- tended by Lieut. Kingdom of the Sal - meow. were sett too the special mom- ration Army. it was intimated; that 'Hitter•. as many of the council as possible Theeft.bail .tsw,ci•tion applied wilted attend the public meet to for thews,. of Victoria Park for two i e had under Arm, auspices in Knox nights it wrest. church on Wednesday night of this - • yr. G. ft. -Lauder was heard in. week. sirjgort of thi- request. and ,etsted . The finance committee reported that that the glounds would be 'Heeded i the $1.1100 1WIS five per cent. Domin- ly front d to,* Iveldr$;, He asked ion .t Canada bond of the Kegsing- hat the ground. ler IevellrtlOmeajutt ton Ftiehltu r; Co. fund' had been' sold Pit.•y Might be safer far playing on. by t1.. Union Bank for the sum of H sugge,te,! teat other ;Allying $100;...9. which amount had been de- g'-opttrls might be made available for px:itesl to`the credit of this fund. ,0101 e jte otber nurts of jeep [own- ,.r,0 jhes. commttt..n rsoommeaded.-,that a•nt Itct.orla s.'bnot the exhibition $1,00) hewithdrawn from this fund g wad. , and Harker 1'ark. ;,nt placed to the credit of the town • .ren. ih!. r 1':airri I:r ,th.ur_ht r• sn- general ,a,01501. a- payment of hal TOWN OF GODERICH WARNING Owners or harbourers of clogs without a license will be prosecuted„ ' Dogs at large\without a proper license tag will be destroyed. _Dog tags may be purchased from H. T. Edwards, Tax. Collector. Town - HA- R. `C. POSTELETHWAITE, Chief of Police. TOWN OF GODERICH ROAD OILING Petitions for R0,11) (11 LI NG must he,,. j)rorentc,l to the Town Council of or before MAY 15th s.) t4s to enable the necessary preliminary arrangements being treads. - If you want your street oiled get your pietitkin in as soot, as possible. Dated this, 21st day of April, 1:125. J. J. MOSER, - -__ Chairman of Public Works Committee aut r of amount a.t•aueed by the town general aetount I'M December to mew the Kensinatou Furniture ('om- peiny's 'sutural debenture payment. T -I. 1924 road ell at.eeminents uoder bylaws Nos. 27 to 50 Inclusive amount- ed to *1.2119.Tti and atlowaises of *20 31 had leen wade to (over earner anti irregularly-shaped tote. Tire public works rr,mmlt4re redeem• Mewled elute the petition for road oil oil the Itaydeld road be adopted and the street called as retgtwstd: that the water and light eoninii-nun be requested to remove ttw UIi(nerd poi** from Viet,ria Park: that the chair - Man of this committee he empower- ed to get plans' and tenders for the cued dition of cement. steel and w.eei ,.rep. to the harbor: that the engineer report on taking up and re- larieyr. sewer-art-Northstreet freer Anglesea to Trafalgar: taut the en- gineer report on the hest way of re- lircltg sewer conng,•-,lou on Flamll• ton street. nod 1f nee.swry.•the (hatr- man be euiptet •red to eonetnxK a nee manhole. • The Are committee recommended that three pairs of rubber boots and one riihber coat be ordered tor the Are brigade am requested: that the fire warden be asked to report on amount and condition of Are tete•. with particulars on huge purchased in 19'24. and alae to give • list of all equipment: that a ,Are alarm melte!) be placed in the 'are hall. and. 1f ar- rangements can he made. one in the telephone o>dee. The committee re - portal that It ware- obtaining prices on a new siren Are alarm. also on a new cnmhlaation motor hose reel and Are e ons Or building permits referred to the come I miter at the last meeting had been granted. , The perks and cemetery commltteel recommended that concrete curbing t.e erected around "parkettes" at the Inters.etion of Montreal and Water. Ito streets, Intersection of Rt. Pat- rick -'s and Arthur, intersection of Nelson and Waterloo. Intersection of !truce and St. Vincent. Intersection of Vk•toria and Elgin avenue. and at lake hank at west- end of Cotaurg' street : and that the Wort be done hy► day labor under the supervision of the chairman of the• pnblk works eammltt..e and the chairman of the eometrey and parks committee. joint - 1. The market committee risommend- ed that no melon Ise taken to the wafter of removing the preaent mer - kat building until the matter of bulld- _tng a nee town hall is settled one any or the other. The epee -dal committee reported that the w.lir•Ifor had been eonstiltai with referee.• to the petition for an early r'osing bylaw. and as advised the cowmitree• reerimmended that the w,11e•I1or prepare a bylaw tinder sub- -...non 7 of section W of the Fac tory, Shue and flatly Bnllding Art. to ismer farm of appee:t en. elassifi- - r-ation of shake, procedure, etc. in the matter of the nrvount from the • Muskoka hospital for the mairrten- a nee of Wilfrid Etue. the-.+en/mitteee recommended that the solicitor reply sratiug that ler. letup is not a reel - fleet of the town of l;o.lerieh and 1. net charge:0ble to this mnuiclpa!ity. Maitland Golf Clu k, Ltd. Fees for Season 1925 For Shareholders or Nen-Share- holders, Resident or Non- R1wident. :_ Yuit memle•rship for (;oaf, .Tenni.. and 5...-ia'l 124.00 .1.1.1itional members or faintly for t)ntf. Tennis and T.s•iaL each .. Tennis and Silvia!, each.. Soria! non -pin Ing mem- ber. each Visitors. two week• t -;tors. per day 4'. ('. LEE, D. D. MOONEY, President. Secretary -Treasurer. Phone 2i0. Specials For HousecleaningTime All the Newest Curtain Draperies by the yard and by the pair Cream and white Scrim at 18 cents a yard. Plain cream Marquisette at 25 cents a yard. Dotted Muslin with ruffled edge. Marquisette with .the bluebird border, 25 cents a yard. Marquisette Overcurtaining in different shades, 25 centra yard. Panel Curtaining.r. Madras Curtains, per pair $1.50. House Dresses At 96 teats to .$1.75, in gingharrls. Cbatnbr.ys and panto. • Broadcloth Dresses The latest styles and colorings, newest checks and stripes, at $4.75. Sheeting, Pillow Tubing and Towelling Sheeting by the yard and made-up sheets, by the pair. Wabasso Pillow Tubing. All Linen Towelling by the yard, 16 inches wide, at 15 cents a yard. SHOP WHLItL YOV ARC INVITED TO SHOP A. CORNFIELD LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS THE SQUARE, GOaF.RICH PHONE 416 Theist reports were all adopted. Councilor Paltrldge reported. and (remelt approved. au arrangement whereby (large Young It to ler id - lowed to work mud crop the vacant land at the -fret of the eetw•tery pro- , petty for a period of three years. anti at the end' of Mee term to leave it weeded doWn. The matter of the limier exporting huseiees came up on a motion byte Councillor,' Lie and Hay:, that the east end of the 'oat,' freight shell at. the harbor be tossed to- Mit. R. Aikman. at ;35m muuthK' .auun•il- Ior Lee stated that be had turn the' meuil s , err m f the harbor committee and 411 were in favor of le•ttlttg Mr. Aik- man have the abort• and he I Atkmnal had gotie away with tile• Intenlon of returning and starting business here f en the toUutwiag ]4ewlaF- . -_ 4 councillor Turner corrct,rl ('num-' c11lor Iests statement about the tu"ue- bere of the harbor demmlttee 11e said he had not. given his assent to the 1.ropaslt ion Count-111ov Paltridge moved alt ani nde'ent. seconded - by tier Rer•vr. that the matter iw referred t.. the water, light and harbor .owmttlee. Councillor Ilays said what was pro - potted was legitimate business and the town might as well have the rent- al. l'outwlllor l'altridge observed that the town was not en leant tip that it needed to rent :a Once to store booze. After some further dd'rusalon a rote was taken on Councillor Paltrtdge's amendment (to refer to--eemmittr•.. The Reeve anti Councillors Sproul. Paltrtdge and Cole voted yea and the Deputy Rene and Councillors Hays. Lee and Turner, nay. The Mayor broke the tie. 4-4. ly voting fief the amendment, on the understatdtng that the Committee would- deed- death -4 matter that same evening. Bylaw No. 13.' appointing Rek'e.. Sergeant Roes an Weyer for the ern-'Temperancefonyment of the Ontario Temperance Act. was se -seal. - The couneil'rhen adjourned to allow denlledly^ one of his Miert efforts' in! FOR MIN 14trlhuuent. lice noted that during the year 11r.1.(b 22. the last of the n- FOR SALE -NAPS Or HUR011 servrttve Admltetstrntlnn. total .11s• , a couat7 ►tt 26 Beata each. TIER Iwrn•went on l:uyorawrnt papooses SIGNAL. , had been X404.0011.000, or $51.77 per aaes head. During the ht fiscal yr 1t had beru $Si0,00o.t5io (revised flg- ures), or $$7.61 per heed. Fur every $.4.00 that had been npt•ut !a 11;21.22. the 't;ucerument was new tp•ndtng only *3.(M) A similar retail held with regard to taxation. 015 con- cluding summary of achievement broudemonstration brought a great de,ustratio n from hl+ followers. "Let we conclude with these words," Ise wad: -in the short time that we Ilan. been In of- Ikr• of emote three year. or more. we have redued the puttee debt: we have reducedtaxation. the wort ..t thins *111 the teat of the public ser- vice. More than that, we are able to point to n vast increase la the trade of the tountt , to the grooving of parttime unity, t.. an tmpreveuwut m in our credit. as witness the etnit- .tnn•4• that today then Canadian (fol- iar is qu.ded at a -premium he New ork. Having regard to theme the r nitwstan.e-. 1 think the Govern - mea IM entitied. at least from hon. gentlemen. who have promised honest co-operation where the Governmentu aought to serve the- cuutry's inter- est, to support of the budget which it ha. brought down at tide se'ealon." LEEItl•ILN I.EEBI'ItN. May . -- Mt. We'. Jewell is nsakiug 'lone. improvements by having het house raised and a et sir hutlt. underneath. Molter it demented - afterward,. Mr. Meow el and his men are. dotns the work. (,,. Mr J. A. Parrish to Mw working in Mr. ('rseiRs automobile shop In Goderlcb. the1 TV.O 000D ' COMFORTABLE houses with all conveniences for sale un rraawtable terms, T. GUN - DRY. • BtBY' t.'l1ICKS FUtt SALE; E'Ut►M beeet bred -to strains of white S. 1'. I eghorns. Peke $13.00 peer 1Ut1 N'. IIUME t'LUTT4)N, R. It. 1., 41o4- erkly. Phone. 1418 Carlow. L,\tlt SALE.-ftslU* CHICKS I'ROM l' extra heavy laying strait. Bar- ad Rocks.' 20 bents each; *IS per . 1st. C1tY1TA1. SPRING FARM.. 1-14. !t. :.-(iedlvieb. 'Phone Cselow , 174. Lxt514 SALE.-BRI►N%F: TI'RK)IY egge fur hah'hing; .from healthy. well-bred birds. Prkee. 50 peat ee.'h. MISS MARY MeKENZIE. fU.11. 1. Ihunganttoa. Te4epswae 14r:t, Uun• gamma. QAIIY CHICKS a, ItEl) Itorke hah•tted May 12 kept on free ra HAYDEN. R. R. Dungannon. tr1r2. FOR SALE. -11 tlt- at 30 trots each; from good layers age. HARRIET E. 3. Goderleb.' ,Phone COR SAi.K.--MOFFAT RANGE. I' woad or tool: laundry store: pair of wales. 240 taw.: table with under shelf. good for fruit cellar: 2 piers upholstered furniture. MRS. J. STItA)TI)N, South street. Ft'RNITi'RE FOR SALE-PARi LI and bedroom suttee,' wittrdrobe, in- valid enmtaode-ebatr, carpets. kit- ' range, washing machine. bana- 1 lag Iamp• •hroedervr•-4d.....5 R. Mc - The Missioi lland is making an DONALD, R. R. A Oodeelch. autogrnph quilt and the members (Dunlop). will he glad to receive names -front- anyone who would like to help them along. 9YRDiIRMINO PARLOR UUAIRDRESSER AND SOALO 111 SPIIICIAWST. W. C. CA'MI'BELL Treetateate for alt Scalp .nobler♦ Consult us at once. Adst fry Clastl,cal work is our motto, 'note 21 Went street. AUCTIONj1W4 TROMA8 GUNDRY, OODERLOR. LIVE STOCK AND G RN1RAy , AUCTIONEER Tvlephooe No. 111x. Saler attended to anywhere and ma effort made t o n sat I Ie4 Farmers' sate notes discounted. � ROBERT ROBERTSON, Ewa 8ttroeQualified Aeetioneer, rill coaduet any sale In the comer of Huron. Fur information apply to P. .1 Ryan. Hamilton St., or ordain left with him will receive prompt M. teatioa. 1 M. STALKER, AUC'1'IONRRR for household effects tar Neely etc.. for the County of Huron. Address an communications to J. 1(. STALK&. Auburn P. 0. 4W ` L. OOLR. R. 0., n• UPTO*14m1*T, OPTICIAN, West Street. Ooderteb. Honor Graduate of the Catadiata Ophthalmic College of Tomtits. is Ryes examined by the latest meat - ode. and the proper fitting of glasses of meat ms Certificate No. -STS. Ontario ~ DIIII.NTAL DR. Lola. WILLIT � NOTICE TO clSEDnlnRli Over Herne Shoe Store. Teloph rnmm iter•, to meet. I On resuming Councillor tete present- As next Sunday is Mother's Day 420. Rveal ed the report of the enter. light and enit will Le ubw•ryM in tee c'hurc'h here NOTICE TO .CREDITOR*. age by appotatttnesk harbor ,mmitter•. recommending nding that and the student motor asks as many ' "the east en1;41*. f the dawn feel ht shed as possible to be present and try to 1 In the estate el Henry Green. late le rented to Mr. .Likmnn ata rental make the reeler eve* pettier than , of the township of t'olhorar, t'etlrrd of $3.i per month from May, 1st. 1:r,t . t last- '.'aro te{,elet mask will rte farmer, deeeassd. payable in advance, the pr(titlaes t, iw given. - I NlYP1(`E 1e hereby giro, pursuant vacated upou thirty days notice at Bev. Father Marry, Chisholm. of to the Rtatpte In that behalf. that all any tj i London. spent a eoslpip of days with ' e having elate'. nosiest the PA- - sus adoptcsl, 1tw•v.• Muilntngs his -parents here last week. 1 tate of the above named Henry and Councillor. d'altri•Ige nisi ('ole- Mins M. Vaacherburg. teaarber of R.. 0reen. wbo died es tide 164 of vottpg nay- s 1went with M S. No. 9, m , the weekend w ` March. 192nd, are required on or be - Reeve Mannings eeportel for the friends at Carlow. !fore the 27th May. 192. to send to committer of the whole.rrcwtmendln¢g to the severe -Illness nt.4tae. , the same dulyverifed to the undee- that ,the town a.lvertimc in the muniei ter {yard Jewell,it was necessary to 'signed tkslleitor for William Me*lardy pal numier •nf the Canadian Ma-' remove him to, the Geslerieh hospital Green. administrator. and that after chlnery null Manadaeturh.: News ata en Tuesday of•1aet'weeK Liefeerr.- sale date the administrator will MA of Mee an.t 4t1r, MMitinnnt for one parts ..f hire are thrrt-he!-.is tmprot-' dJ"trtbutr:- tire AtiSCrf 2tsold de- tlnils:nul .opie' of the fQvertlsemeut.' iig nicely. 1 teased ' among the persons entitled This was }adeptel. and the co+tne•il Congratulations to Mr. and Mr-. ` thereto. and will not be liable for MEM DROr. W. H. JACKSON. Organist and Director of Nnsk. Noce • street Methodist church. ltstssetteta given in Voice Culture, Organ, Plane, Violin, Guitar, Theory, etc. Studio aaM residents, 37 .forth street. Phone 1811 MIDICdL ALEXANDER FISHER, or Phone 997 lltrlttford, Ont. Special -.attention -given to --carr tt.tants and children. Mijonntel. Thos. Chisholm on the arrival of an- the said newts' to Any person of nfhe•r baby girl on Tuesday of Inst whoa.. Haim notice titian not then DR . WM. T. I131'CLLT, (io1 ER\'3IF NT lLk` 1I f .101iIT1" i w .. k. have toren received. Hayfield(L I 'J\SiF.c L. 1ILLORCN (Continued from Age 15 erutnent out of sites• on 'Ills 's•nte? %Vontd It mean that we were in fey - or of a higher tariff or In 'fever of se. tower tariff; That 14 n_question for hon. gentletiten to try settle en. way car the rather." - .. A Polley of Equal Justice A stirring --appeal for a true na- tional polli;y In Canada that trill ' swerve to knit the Dominion more closely together was made in the de- bate by .Boil. Ernest Lapointe. Minis -1 ter of Justice- The._ true- national isdiey." sni.1 afro I.ap,lnte, '•Is one that will give equal ju•tlee to al!. That c411101 'Justice. I nm. afraid. can- not come from those who want eyefy.. thing their own way wiehotn eonsld. eriug the interest. of other.. it ante nof clew.- Troth any tserc which l:_ Eastern or Western in it- ehntmeter and which p,lfcy app.wls «sly t., -ear or the other of our grant gee.grnpbl- eal s.s•tions. How- many times did' we hear the suggestion made by, def. ferent twigs..N• in Eastw (4snada 1 twigs.. thnt Quebec and Ontario /Mould unite against the activities of the Wiese? Sir. 1 would rather flee the !Mere! ;arty end the.(;overnment of which I ani it member 'go down to defeat than attain -an eptipinernl mimes,. no inglorious sietory, by sneh nefarirttts methods. i believe (n Canada, In the whole of ('amide. Canada for (' tn- adians le a splendid policy. Mut It must be Canada for all Cnnatllativ. not for any privileged srtlotl of the Mr. Meigherea. CrItkk.*p ----- -- *4-4' Meigh'tt, lender of the 0pp0si- t!on. In summing rap the debate for the Conservative, and in attaeking the Government, declared that the surplus Mahood by the Llherali thio year was ak•tltlone and was emended solely for the purpose it making headlines In the newepapere. He scored the addition of the debt on a. - ....lint of the Canadian Notional Rail- ways and demounted the matntonance, of a of that Toad when te lwhen thesatDepartmiort en of -Immigration and Colrrntentton at Of - taws was ample to do the Work. In his trneln4ing sentences he said the Government substituted excuse* and promisee of revival M trade for any ennerete policy which would sextrt- c:ite Canada front .lei gent .financial dlITeultice. The Conservative amend- ment, he pnlnted out palled for a re- duction in taxes. partir•ulnrty of three taxes which lore directly on the average citlre'n. There Was. he MM, not one Progre spud member in the House who ltd not adrneatod the same thing. and thereby Mr. Hdghen unintentinnelly dlselnsrt the fealty fot+.the en ori% worflin¢ of the amend- ment, It was designed to climb Pro - eremite support be enlltng far low- er tnSry while at the aame time 1t called for higher tariff. which is a tax. troy. '`Thus time,' nadM Wilbert "the people are going find tint wltelhpr the Prngre :seiea are Intereet.rd only in enntlnntng this Government in °Mee or In emetics - tion of sound ptlnelples oto govern- ment." Mute Malodor Rmieven Omen- * Retard The Prime nlste view of the Government's named, Ilia summary et floral pnik•y and of what bad been achieved In the way of r.dsela_ ex- js•ndlterea and ►tntlt11 was tm- I -I Oeoe boars-= d la 4 sad 7 to Solicitor far AdminlatraLoa 11, BORN .I teEw'.%N. lu (:oderieli. qj S:urnr- flay. Maty 2nd, to Mr. and Gorge G. -.Mat•Ewan I nee Edna eek+.rte a daughter t(trae,il7tlnom DIED ItE:11).- he 4 u borne township. on 3Mnday. May - 4. Elizabeth Reid. widow of the late .. B. Reid. ended K: sears. -... _- :. Ell 11.1\ --In• \s!Meld township. 1n Monday. May 4. Nettie• Richard• won, beloved safe of 11•c -ley *1,4.4ln. am -4 40 years: NI, I i.IV.v I N E. -A t Nekton!. 3tloh.. oil Saturday. May 2, Jail.. Hanley, relict of the late James )Icllwa[nr. aged 77 -}cars. 7 mouths anti 2s days. GC•NDRI'S S41t REGISTER S.LTi'lt1),►Y. May O. -Auction sale of hotel furniture at the British Exehauge hotel. commencing at 1.30 -p:m. - CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT (,`t1ANK P. GIBBS. CHARTERED Accountant. 102 Ontario street. Stratford. Phone 1560. Res. 1330J. PUBLIC NOTiCE . FARMERS, TRAPPERS 1 !-THE muskrat setaoe will soon be closed. Bring your furs to DAVID BROWN and receive hIRhe4t" prtc.es. Beet prices paid for rags. horsehair, goose feather. '!?hone 2715. Goderlch. TENDERSrWANTED SEALED TENDERS MARKED • "Tender for wiring Court House" will be received by the under- signed 0p to 8 o'clock p.m.. May 27ith, 1925. for re -wiring the Court Hous", Goderieh, for llghtlpg pur- pos"s. All material to be fnrnlshed by the party receives, the contrast. Plans and 'moderations may by seen at my ofike. , The lowest or any tender not net rrs-array accepted. 0170. W. HOLMAN. County Clerk. rrs..rl h. April 23th, lira&. WANTED WARRING TAKEN IN. `HRR. WILFRID ETUE, Huron toad. WANTED. -A ' 000n RRND- COhand, threelttirner coal ell stove. Write, stating make. tv►ndl- tlon and price. to BOX 266. SIGNAL OFFICE. WANTLD.- DOARn IN PRIVATE hmne on Lake Heron. month of ('1oderIeh pr Reyle4d, for summer moothe. Mod bard and hithing exae'nttal. Apply 'stating terms, ac- commodation, iodation, rte., to BOX M. ATONAL orric14. NEN-AROUND THIRTY TEARS. for (Nem weever -Fair education, good appearance, reference emMa- tiat. Ideal creditless; enasaal op- portunity fere'idetamme et. Perma- nent Inge... rot penman] interview write SPX 47. SIGNAT. OrTICW thelerieh. 4th May, Tien. TCkber hours by appointment. AUCTION SALE DR. F. .1. R. FORSTER Ht MEI, t't'Tt- Rte • NOSR, THROAT A NI'FUICE:. - Ltd Hou. Surgeom New York Op . - 1 um in-trtcted by• 'M1t. TIPtMA$ rTI'Itl)Y to. sell by pethlte anetlou at the Brit• istt reediting,. !Vito!. t;,..lerl0h, aii - SATI-R1tA1'. 11AV te. 192.5. toromcucing at 1.30 o'clock-_ sharp: Twenty iron bels: 20 mets of .p,rl'.x : 3r) laattt estw.s : w'strnom MOW and carpe(,.; softs: lounges: uphet- Mterd walnut chairs: wash 'stands; dressers; 1 heavy plate glass mirror. about lot ft.: 1 large sldeb)erd. anent 10 ft.: 1 targe refrigerator: 1 Singer'kwln3 machine:_6 extension tables: 13 onetime chairs: 1-._Jafye,hat stand: 1 lint reek and nntttterone other neurits. . The weeds e. b- sold hare leen re- placed with n•w Real hln¢s t�nd.will all be di/Toed of without any et" serve. -•TIMMS - All minis of *10 and un- der rash; over that amount. R months' credit will be given on T'nrnlshing approval joint notes. A dl.eount allowed for -cash on,,tredit amount.. THOS. (ll'Ni►RV, Auctioneer. PORNO HOTTER thalmie and Aunt Hospital, aadetnal at Moorefield Eye Hospital sal Golden Square Throat Hospital. Loop don. Eng. 53 Waterloo St. Se, Stratford. TIl- ephoae 267. At Hotel Bedford, Gotland% MI May 1111. at 7.30 p.h., ll May 19, at 1 p.m, CHIROPRACTOR A. N. ATK LYSON .- REGISTERED CHIROPRACTOR Goderiele. Chronic organic and nervous die eases. Ooiaultasbn tree. Owes hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m., and by appointment. - Residence and omce-Cor. Meat and Victoria streets. LEGAL PROUDFOOT k KILLORAN Barristers, Notary Pubtle, eoe. Money to Lend. ['bone 97. Oflke.-The Square. Ooderleh Q 4. MUFF. B. A..-HARRLOTIR, SolleItor and Notary Public. North St.. Ooderich. Phone 411. 4,01 DUDLEY E. HOLM.ES Ber. later. Etc. Ofece-Hamilton street, Gederlei. Phone 27. TENDERS E'(Nt DREDGING SEALED Tender,.addressed to the undersigned and endorsed - "Tete der for dredging. Collingwood. Mc.. as the came may be. will be re- erlred until 12 o'clock noon (day - Mitt mollify. Tuesday. May 12. 1911. for dredging required at 4'ollinewood and Goderlch. In the Province of On- tario. • Tender will not be considet,'ed tin- kles made on the forms ianpplkd by the Department and according to the conditions sat forth th#reln. Cnmbined specification and forts of tender ren be obtained on applientbn to the undersigned, also at the o des of the Morel Englneere Royal Bank nullding. London. Ont., and Fgttlty Melding. Toronto, Dat. Tendert moat Inetn r, the towing of the plant to and om the'e*ork. The Arm -Igen and other plant which are intended to be used on the work shall have been _duly registered in Canada at the time of the filing of the tender with the• Department, or obeli hate been baht in Canada af- ter the filing of the tender. leach tender tonne he accompanied by an accepted chegne, on a chartered tank payable to the order of the Relater of Public Work&, for 6 per cent. of the contract price. but no cheque to be for leas than fifteen hundred dollars., Banda of the Do- minion of Canada slid hoada of the Canadian Natlnnal Railway Com- pany wtjl Mao he accepted an securi- ty. or Mende and a ehrgne It required be make up an odd atnnaat. Hy osier. S. R. O'B RIEN. Dspaslmattt of Public Worts, u(a, Apse les. 1185. ✓ MEAGER, K.C.. BARRI817R. IOL1CI'POR. Notary PibMe tall Coaveyaneer. Oliee- Cosrt Hem% Godertch. BARROOM, ave a Nave R. C. HAYS-R.C.HAYS, n.. B. A. Hamilton 8t.. Goderlen t'e INSURANCE. LOANS. aro. Melt1LLOP MUTUAL VIER IIs• SUTRANCE CO. -Farm aid Illo1a01 town property Insured. Officers -Jas. Conaofy, Pens., 0.4 rich P. 0.; Jae. 14'i Y1srPre., Reec'twooe P. O.; D. 7. McGregor. lee. -T ere., Seatorth P. 0. -- Dlrectore --A. Rroadfoot,- N. s No. S. Seatertb t bobs G. Grieve, Iola. 4, Walton; 7flUam Rina, R. R. No 2, K Seafortb; Jobe Bennefwies. Wed bases; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. S, Seetertb ; Robert Perris, Harleek; Murray 4lheon, Bromfield ; Jams Drams, Beederreed; Jams Otltatme0y, Ooderich. Apmte-ter. W. Tee, Gelled&; Ales. LNtcf, R. R. Ifo. 1, 1l1ntes t Jobs Murray, Seaford(; 1L Maealq, t1lMfbrth. Policy -soldiers aaa gay ill payaests stet get theft earda rtats4 . M at 11. J. tlorrleb's CHUM* Nola Mena; 114 1L Oatt'a Olsmry, Kea Meet, Ooisrt a, er i, 1111 Ower I Mew MIAOW.