HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-07-18, Page 7Auburn THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1990. PAGE 7. Seniors picnic in Goderich Compiled by Mrs. Mildred Lawlor. Phone 526-7589 Meditation Moments’ study of WMS meeting The July meeting of the Presby­ terian Women’s Missionary Society was held in the evening at the home of Mrs. Hazel Craig. The president Martha Daer pre­ sided and gave the Call to Worship. She welcomed all present. The devotional period was taken by Frances Clark. The scripture por­ tion was from the book of Nehe- miah the first chapter which was read alternately. The meditation was on the Life and Work of Nehemiah for God’s Kingdom. The study was taken by Marion Haggitt entitled “Meditation Mo­ ments”. Frances Clark also read a piece entitled “God's telephone number - Jeremiah 33 - 3 verse”. A piece about the Bible Society selling used stamps to purchase Bibles was also read. The Lord’s Prayer and Mizpah benediction ‘Sunday- closed the meeting. The August meeting will be at the home of Marion Haggitt. Sunday School Fun Day, Aug. 8 The Auburn United Church will be holding a Sunday School Fun Day on August 8 at 8:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The activities of the day will include crafts, singing, sports following and lunch is provided by the U.C.W. Cost is a silver collec­ tion. For information contact either Mary Arthur at 526-7561 or Linda Plaetzer at 526-7121. About 15 Swinging Seniors from Blyth attended the seniors’ picnic held at St. Christopher’s Beach, Goderich on June 27. They began with a sumptuous pot luck dinner at noon and although the day was 4 little overcast and cool they moved to the other side of the building where it was very comfortable and it kept improving all afternoon. President John Hesselwood opened the meeting with a joke and then the secretary read the min­ utes. The rest of the reports were short. John reminded everyone about the upcoming bus trip on July 24 to Markham and Toronto. There is still plenty of room so if anyone is interested please phone John Hesselwood or Harvey Mc­ Dowell. There will not be a meeting in August so September 26 will be the first meeting starting the new year. Alvin Snell, Erma Cook and Phyllis Boak, the nominating committee will bring in a new slate of officers at this time. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Gene Snell and Lloyd Walden for their June birthdays. Games prepared by the program committee followed. Vera Hessel- wood had a card game and the four people left holding the prizes were Phyllis Boak, Ida Proctor, Millar Richmond and Ruby Pattison. The next game was a team effort. This was conducted by Erma Cook. Team No. 2 was the winner led by Phyllis Boak. Mary Walden con­ ducted the pop ball game and Effie McCall was the most expert at this. Erma Cook then conducted a type of Bingo game concerning things a senior might take to a picnic. Ruby Pattison came out the winner. The “time race” was won by Feme McDowell and Effie McCall was the champion at throwing balls in a pail. Vera Hesselwood guessed the “mystery package” and John Hesselwood was the only one with great-great-grandchildren. Effie McCall took the prize for the nearest birthday to the picnic date and Ruby Pattison was able to guess the most riddles. itizen BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Monday -10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tuesday - Closed Wednesday -10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Thursday -10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Friday -10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Saturday - Closed Sunday - Closed The Lost Day’ sermon topic Rev. Paul Ross conducted the morning service at Knox United Church and Nancy Park was organ­ ist. Rev. Ross gave the Call to Worship followed by hymn “Praise The Lord! Ye Heavens Adore Thee”. Rev. Ross gave the Prayer of Approach and Confession and As­ surance of Pardon. He told the children’s story, “What do you like to do on Sundays”. The hymn “Morning Has Broken” was sung. Rev. Ross read the scripture follow­ ed by Prayer Chorus. The hymn, “On This Day, The First of Days” was sung. Rev. Ross’s sermon was entitled “Sunday - The Lost Day”. The offering was received by Greg Park and Brian Gross and dedicat­ ed. Rev. Ross gave the Prayer of Thanksgiving and Concern and the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. The hymn “New Every Morning” was sung. Rev. Ross pronounced the Benediction and the response “Now Thank We all Our God” ended the service. W. Wawanosh approves lottery West Wawanosh Township Council approved the request of Huron County Crime Stoppers to conduct a lottery in the township on a hind quarter of beef and a five minute shopping spree, at its July 3 meeting. Signs printed “Steel and Cast” and “Tin” have been ordered from ARC Industries in Walkerton for the landfill site, according to the specifications of the site operator. Building permits were issued to: Peter Grazier, barn addition; An­ drew Yoder, house addition; Hamilton Fuels Inc., storage shed; Tom Armstrong, house addition; Raymond Hanna, house addition; Allan Dickson, shed addition; Ro­ bert Woods, chicken coop. A by-law was passed levying a special rate on Lot 20, Cone. 14 to cover a tile dranage loan in the amount of $6,300. The road accounts totalling $66,378.98 and the general ac­ counts in the amount of $22,334.51 were approved for payment. r-1 | I , THE dJL /_jJ HOME OF SPECTRUM PHOTO FINISHING LEAVE YOUR FILM TO US PROD. OF ONT. CANADA #1 FRESH HEAD LETTUCE THE TASTE 0F H7177 LOW, LOW LWIttJ PRICES! PQD0ES 1^6/1.99 of SWEET WATERMELON Prod, of Ont. picked daily 4.39kg FRESH * MUSHROOMS>1 AA S I flWV. 1.29Prod, of U.S.A. 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