The Signal, 1925-5-7, Page 3Clubbing Rates
The Signal can save you money c n
almost any newspaper or periodical..
Rates on request.
Job Printing
For JOB PRINTING at reasonable
pies try The Signal • You will get
prompt and efficient service.
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
Lifer(Sun Life), Accident and
Auto Insurance
Hostess and tots in Goderich and
Vicinity. and Farm. for Sale
Special eeial for rale this week, Very
vhcur, • seven -room house in ex-
cellent condition, good appear-
once, with one acre of land. good -
soil, upon which there are about 50
assorted tush trees, also gratis. and
small fruits and a good ganlen
plot. Located south Sunset Ho-
tel, fine lake view.
Price for quick rale, i);5SO.
Terin.-$200 down.. cash; bal-
ance on. may terms. immediate
wilt* par
a For all tici-
(itisslrx! oT write'
Above Parsons' Fair
1'. O. Box 99 (ioderieb, OaL
The Color of Soap
The white color emphasizes
the purity which has made
Baby's Own Soap so popular
iia Canadian Nurseries.
Its soothing fragrant lather
cleanses and refreshes.
It is impossible to boy a purer
soap than -
Baby's Own Soap
"Best for you and Baby too" rn
--0 -
Baa meets all trains. Calls made tor,
passengers and baggage to any part os
the town. Prompt servi-d guaranteed.
Telephone 51, Day or Hight
Residence, Cambria Road, opposlti kb*
Organ Factory Office
San Life Assurance
Co. of Canada =
Von owe it to yourself. to your
dependents and to your loved ones
to buy Life Insurance and to buy
it now.' Consult us.
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
TO-2•et.ity. red brick. fully • mod-
rn "r,«soled hones, garage.
-nested on the corner of Elgin
tie. tool Stanley street.
1 -story. frame. 7•rotme,l cot -
.,g(•, furnace. - electric light
std Isatin savage.
Furnished, it-roowel dwelling,
II eiinyenTI'iart. within one
'do•k of Square. ittimedlate
en , roans. electric
i 1ght and berth. • hs•nt.-4 - an
squat re. It.medlnt,• pslsrewiein,
el: W. CRAIGiE
Films Developed
Any size and 6 prints
for 30 cents.
FL -R. Sallows
Short Lessons in Lawn Tennis
!iy t'. I"I'tIN I:. INNES-T.111L1)It
j T1k: Must"tmptrtnnt- runt- ,l.e world
rase saw. It was natural. therefore.
1, that a supernatural agency should
te•44ee4 -0.!14111. i_Mere worldly thoughts I
/ -- f *MI pastoral labors on w-h-ra- 111%
- --- - I foul is beau. :and wilt Wick to task-
- -
I *blob he had abandottr.l for forty
CoasYwt6Hv.) I year-. to the great work of treeing
d. Tun Fundanted
The tao cardinal Insist- to. start
with iu .111W II tennis art.: 1. Keep
ytwr-.•ye ou the ball. S. Keep away
from the ball. You eanu..t play t.•u-
nls well units. you ilii 1lic-.• two
things. Seventy-five per sent. of the
faulty-Ir,ke: are due to the eye
leaving Ib.- hall lefon• the nwment
of Import: Toss should utak.- op your
-- -t
' t the people ..f Caul and lending them
to the laud of promise and then a
the ext', .0 your i•so seny.•.s duelt-lsiou is .muted. where light, a
don't pre -x/ ltetueml..•r_weak %,r.,nl1_1,,rnnnmll )til -it, rite-Ii.$14._uf, line
service Int" been the dowtifrs(1 of ',ming bush, px, man Itesttd,._-/sahib
many sue, otl, rwi-e good phly,•r. and Danielh:ul clavus granttel to
V. The Nerviee irontlnued) 1 them -molten a greet work watt to lie.
'rite beplace to pal your *terries.' • aa4 a great witness had to la.
Is :isear the :ervbej line or, A% fur ',isms, and suiwrittH.untl light and
back rum the net as possible. Such glory pleats' a great - Bart in their
a :e VIre w'nt otrr err"' You more , eases.. 11x. 3. hot. 6. Into. 101.
11we 1 i g.•l into pn%Itiuit for your op- I - WIleu the was 111.r1 in itethh-
ntitldt.irihu•o- r tdusri,-bAltier .•!,pn1U return and ale -.-present% 11,131._.and the- rrv.,10,1 i of chi' - if -
this ball he struck• where you "7 neT`iffit. -troublesome l'. )r-tsititzu. urtt.',amatr God had to bemush• to hunt-
toikut it. If you look up to see The Japanese %tar. Shimizu. has a bee Lunt and lowly piety, then te
h -
where your opponent is just twfore seemingly slow ..-cele-for- a- first -
glory of the lelow a light from out
you strike the ball or during the ehl%x_-jdayer. hut he. PI"'"" it well Go s we•ref, temple. shone forth to• -
turund or two of this action you will and sends it Int., different spots of lead I s. wfrshll:'1er5 to nethleh.•m. '
ptroMhly Make a poor;4 tnru, the .Hurt and well back : consequent- I
It Is obVlous, also, hat if you al• ly even Sa4'h a wonderful .player as - ' 1 s.,. top, fn St. Pawl's ease: a
world's spiritual • history. a great'
low 'the half to get too /dose to you; Tilden is unable to kill it. 1 men- 'tti111ing n:,int in the Divine pian of
roar stroke ie ;bound to be erampeel lion .this to emphaslz.• that :t service salvation had in(11,. and It moils
It is imp.•ratice that you- Rive to by effisfive does not need to have most fitting that the veil which
your playing arm tut.- of psora h.•ro,tldous speed.
shr is the• unto%'n from mortal
and hoed tt
ride, it is letter to stop forward emnet. built tip 1.15 game on a tem- S loll t e , rawn sae or a momrt ,
and that not `lasts alone but his at -
to make your shot, as you theft get tie twist w'rt•le•, and neglected' his
the full fore not only of plow arm.l ground strokes. The tremendous of
trudants should stand astonished at
but also your body- swipe. If you feet employed to- deliver this service the gp,uy ,uf the light alarm the
of the sun wic
have .to sleep hark It Is nns•h harder i eveutnalty told on hi-.'' arid and now brlabloni. t �Mishri,.t s Inaulf h/Ihmnet-o r
to follow 1hrough.atd you are otrllg• Ise. Is not even conaid.•rel a Unit-
ed to rely tno tauch on your wrist.1-rank player. N'hen .Wilding solved _11.:11""'"r." Hiss.-. _
Plan your ixo.ttlult so that you will; the prohletp of returning, Mel.anzll There was not only tl*'sup'rnaft
have to lend forward and step Mr- lin'w 5er-Irn In tea.' wori l.. r•hntnpinn- al 441"-„ %(.hs. fr"-
wanl to meet the tali instead of - ship at Wimbledon. McLaughlin had d -mer. tacI.y the uftendnnts. but St.
leaving to run bark' to °tennke It nothing to fall. hack tin. as his .ground 'isaft esplatrtx this In his .perch be -
1 strvrkrs to,
weak. ik$t the terry 'f.rr•I(ing .lgripput when h.• etas -that
LR Th unkeen' s.7 'Kin to r 1
There has simonys been a errs fact that Mlrl.aughlin Mosel w••tt ih,, the voice spoke t him in the it'lre w
Unlimited Quantity of T'
ala I .1tnerlea n .hampinnalsil largely tongue. w9tiihs`w'odd eonve•y t=n rn.'nn-
amount of sent rovers)• re•gardh.R .,11
Ing to the- servants-- who attended
}FOOD awe stn LOUD FO& BA1.6
Amato, +•t`xtt>Sfm tlfti treewfrtfttR and' lel•t s
r7111-. tl3 Per single cord. delivered, I backhand stroke, The I%.renew of its s(rnlr
great mn• I •
• 4 T be emit blued 1L ,Wiser Situ' iniplirel who was spielk-
les k- bins -rho Isere! tall. "I au.
--w1Wm thou pends ltte•sl." t.
an ancient F:ugtI-.1i .nlnurttator nh..
-thiel nusrd rltun u th.olsiuol y+ar -
agei. tr.•ating of this pus+sag.•. 1
acarids with r....und rplri[ua1 lu
slaw, I aT_t_11 is e'l1e41 hL lh.-so w.u•.1
to vi.•w the .folotl s of Cltrl%t:es--lista tion Is,• may fay aside tl
seal.•- of 1. is pen •pirllaol Arid.
Verse•ti 1e -12e 17: Is-Saurs Baptism.
Said. after 11s• vision. rose up 4r..1.,
the •nr•th redid was lest by 1lie hand
duh. llntnn•sen-. Ile was there Ihr..
days without sight. dnrtng svhio•h
tIM.• hr .11.1 I..•ithrr rat nor drint.
His eh le- -.std was 'so wrapt tip in
the wonders reveille! to I,Im that the
n and- .,F the body- were *tithe forgot-
ten. II.. went to 111e holies• ,.f Judo. -
in Straight Street red thrpe the na•-
eyng.T of the ',Lord Jesus found- Wm.
.last its l'hiiip did nh a ,•uo,wanlyd
NO..? nitf as514.11 in- ,iur last Itdx•.i.0
• here .ttiauhi* followed esa,•tty the
explicit Instructions of Jevons.
Al:lnia• .__wag__.probably._-the'elitf
teach,•, of the -loeal Christ -ion' xywl-
gogu,• 111.1'lie had 'heard of Raters
Inlrimee. is starting out for 1)atnas-
' , -Wisat a•.tasti.king--ivtg1M. the -f -
Lori) used :shout. Ids aditus.•."ln emu-.
mtsxinullg Amenrps tr.'se-oit_iinul.l.
for -behold. id. I5 pricy.- tl._ At MIN`
the messenger starts to greet Soul
and het dim- it by calling Jtim "Dr.,
rias`$au1." - to -_this lts.tnrnt-the
(wen Men were�hotal titration -1'i- to each
.,filer. hitt=lrton this tai they sire bre.- 1
fliers hi ('Igrish i.uyhlg his hands!
npnir•-epi--ettmrterF r� . - ire -horde Arm -
rise. and se;.'. awl be fille,l with the
Holy Ghogt. "Ite baptized." he add,
ed. "and wash away thy -Ins. selling
' .ns the name of the Lord.- These
words of blessing and trust were to
the troubled nerves one] netting heart
of the silfferer a Reuling h, them -
/elves. ile rose and SOW. nal took
foot and was strengths -1-1W,- and re -
pelves' from the hands of his humble'
brother that sacrament by which, he
IVa- nlmltted into Ihr full privileges
of the new faith. He 114411 1111. a meal -
(Toot of
CH kl1y\ 11FACTCRI O jority of players, wtve'ct-r - favor a
A ngi
LIMITED. 1 slight .hitt of the grip. Incluiling
St. Phone1
quarrel. of the 'circumference ..f the
ra.quet handle and allow the thump i
ts, rtnr tern, or -arra -ten- m. Thi'
handle t I4
the employment of Ihr wtma grip for
for,•':,ril nod backhand, although
..-Voss t'ery tine player.. trove Tised
in.-Indiug Norton!' lirnok,•s. and. In '
former dale. the 1laddeh:J;, brothers'
:and .1. t'. I'arbe.
11,. 'grip should ahy:ty- 1.. Brut tit
the' moment of ,Impn.•t. This Is Im-
ps•ratIvo.. Some experts recommend l
:n boss• grip Between strokes. This
I you: -deer inadvisable. as the rnrquet
! n+.--tt- r.mdrn.•y- to turn 'Tightly in
•1st• band and, nue 11,114: not always
.'t It in the proper :position for -lank-
Mg the• nest stroke'. Slack the grip.
but don't -loosen. The only shot 111
.thiel the grist should be loosened I.
he :hili voila' ---the racquet-- bettor
hell lowi4y In position for the tall
to hit M.. -that-It will twluel ♦o'er tit.`
net'from IT. - -
7. Aeeuraey
Before take up 'lie- .litfei, nl
-t W-iia-of-lawn-teini-. I t no' irnrrt
oo'1 only the plovers win are start-
ing to learn. but those who wish to
improve. their game. t.. fear in min,(
•olti alt a,'•itra,}- IC use;
hes. .1(rnra(•r in' return+ is the of ell-MI
sI.l Loomed. Tilden and Johnston. it Is-
advisable to shift the'
gel..about oto
-MI hinds far sale-4t5end buy -
Ing a home it trill pay 'you. to see
the houses 1 have for sale. I have
them at all prices. from $700.00 np.
Some real good bargains on et.y terms.
Drop lu and 54'.- me.
1'. J. RYAN,
Reel Estate & lasnrnnce Phone 50
Strength is natnrnl. but grace 1s
-tTiee growth ..f habit. This charming
epinlay moires practice If it IS to ome lasting.--Jo111'iert.
Real Estate and
General Insurance
1 have several houses front 411.. 1.2
morose both brick and frame. good
bargains with small croft pay-
If yon wish to .sell your hose, pct
nor hate the?t,•.rtienhsr.
encs for -----
Life, Fire, Accident and -
Sickness Insurance.
Office: North Street
(etlq..,.it,• Signal Office
'Phone 436 Dos 126.
L satisfactory way ter Jerome ae-
citrate in pity pifd g,,,ls. a prtlettw.
hitting the hall into pertain snots on
the court. The greatest woman pla)•-
'•r of today. Suzanne fenglen. mast -
•rel her grimes In this fnahinn. Her
fntIo-r 11-e1 to divide the court into
squares anis make his elapghtepr {day
for .-vermin -genre- from all parts of
the mart. Tins she learned to place
the Lull in .rnny desired position. and
her wonderful game Is fnim.(el more
.,n chi- p, -•11r114'7 of her returns than
on their. speed.
Ito not try to skim tete, net Inn
elms.-, .te gaal fntvhnn,T drive may
go eighteen Inches above the net. yet
bur- n sntlsfnetnry length • return. A
slow full length hall is harder to
handle than n fa -ter one of poor
Hotel Tuller
800 Rooms - 800 Baths
$2.50 per Day and up
C C SCHANTZ, Gen. Mgr.
Elkay's Straw Hat Dye
Maker old hats look
ltd different coin.-
. 25e. a bottle
Water Glass
Egg Preserver
1 lb. cans 20c.
Film Developing and
Rexall Drug Store
A lesson
in Success
Teach your children to save.
Open a Union Bank Savings
Account for each of them. Let
them be friends with the Bank
Teller and take their own de-
posits to him.
The stout rood to sueowe fa eh.. ear,nde hah(f
Goderich Branch F. Woolcombe,•Manager
-11. 1-A1aa.11AMILT(1N,
e nideryh, 1 Mt. -
I. is the coir of Jesus that r hear.
11is are the hindsstretched out to
draw nie lle:Ir:
ltd His the blood that can for all
. atone.
.1n,1 set Illy telet '.•:.: there• I.-f..r-o 11n'
l h rone-
'Twits lire who found me on the death-
• 1y w•Ilt.
-Unl -milde nn• heir - of henv.•r. rhe
Father'- child.
-And day .by day. whereby
mitt'_ lire.
Gltr, no' ilk grill, of par.h,n. and
w•t11 stiv1.
'4' ENTI l•:11i111'It 1F:1K \O. 19
FOK a bumper crop of Swede Turnips for stock teedinin Fall and Winter, sow Rennie's specially setectd
Northern grown Seed.
Permit's Swede Turrup Setas to carefully tested fur geemeutisa
MA purity. and will yield heavy and profitable crops.
We highly recorrtrnend pier following
leading varieties
-Crimson top
-Bronze Gram top
-Purple top
-Bronze Green top
Order Rennie's S,oaJe TS.a(p Seats
through year local Deal►
or'trod from
w111-I,W RENNIE wui'm
if use mama *dials La
urns m. giving Veer Devise'..Jtbtn.
Reseed Seed Anauat- the sweet es.o.
piste Canadian Led C.eaiueoe-
free on regime,
'(1 Almighty and Eternal God. who
hast so Lo•el i enTITy`Worl.( c- 10
•giv4' Thy Son J. -,,s I'Itrl-t to .lie up -
nn the cross for its stn, we draw near
tit. .Ther _through Illus. anti . implore.
i1firi' for the -RntTur.,- - sake,
We. have mule isinfessinn of sins.
for whirh we never mourned. and
made promises of amenh.s.w1.-wJtir4
w't• never kept. Create ❑1 Its clean
hearts fwd r.'nrw__ III n. right spirits.
for Thine own _name sale. :1rnt•ft.
S. S. LESSON FOR 11.11' 171h, 1923
Lennon Title -Saul Becomes a
('hriM lane
I,enaon Palmate -.Acts 9: 1-12, 17,
16. -
' Golden Te1tt-2 t'oe. a: 17.
Following clomp on Stephen's death
cams. n hitter persecution of the
1%11 thins In Jerusalem. One who
took a vary aeth•, Dart in this was
T SSlQ;_ the• yoiths man "al'' whose feet
those who witnessed against Ste•
phkn laid down their clothes thes when
bee lit ttu' chump of Christ, tip• ottI 1.1.11111.1111.1.11111.11.11.11111.11
drpation of 8-tdell hull is en for
months the most lutssidnnr,• desire
and 111.• trust uetiyr purist.$• of„ his .
Ilfe. It,•n.,dorth to Paul 1'hrdaiianl-
ty %.1 ;la suwmel , up In one wont-
1'11rt'st.- Farrar.
In a village few things are as sit:
nifl.•ant as n ev'dower tyith polished
uails._-hatlimorr 'Sum.
M..ther's Day, Sunday, May 10
Wedding Bunches Floral Designs
a Specialty Phone 105.
"The Servant in
the House"
Sparing you travel -trouble
--}� makes shi.j)lting
lighter! -
Sparing you tru'vvel-titer
-it makes shopping
S taritig vont shopping j:►ma
noak.•s .hulling•
_. _-.emsier! - -
Sparing you expense
d(4llarm go
fartlw•r! -
'lancet- to those who
fully realize how
it enables them
to accomp%ah -at minimum
exp \
length. • ---- they Mgrn1 to steam hint.. So Zen 1011.4
if you cannot ,nnrk out a euurf of alts lu• than hr "muds,!.• havoc of the
your own. like Suzanne ie'ngleu. you .-lurch. entering into every houses.
mnr nt least have n young brother and haling men nod women eolnmlt-
or sister. she. will kno•k up w•itlt tel them to prison." With the pet. -
7NH. and give yon easy thnts to prac-
tise on. Mis•h mny thus he gained
117 playing with n weaker player
than yourself, provided you do not
slacken In your own efforts as a re-
sult of not bting presses to win
paint1. •
S. DSA4'( Perna -
The servh•e may be considerer) the
most Important stroke of all In ten-
nis in that .-eery point is retorted
with it. in golf the word pressing
is turd when it payer 1N trying to
pmt too mush form, .into n shot. trans-
ferring n enntroilnbly safe shot Into
W wltd kugh. The siimi• enh he Ap-
plied to a -immix player who ('ndet-
vers to .end his Ord servlM over.
irking It every 071711.4' of energy he
pnesyss-s. and with so myrrh exirn
speed that he estrum? control it. so
that only a small percentage Roe. In-
to the eonrt. -
Thls'Is the innit notlrnable error' of
ninety nal of n hundred players.
The result IN disastrous. Yon tire
vnnrs.-If out nnnp•essnrily-ami your
'opponent. who knows yonr flrsf ser-
vice will hardly evu ie good• sets
himself romforl,)hlr for your aecnnd
servlee. whteh nine times eat of tea
tN a "sitter," RA the man who Nerves
fast faults on Ikis first delivery gen•
orally has R weak lecon4 service.
Therefore. Nie flrht and molt Im-
portant thing In serrire is to develop
a consistent one. which ran he relied
fon to No over the net and fall Into
the service e'onrt. Try to even sip
hog of flute the perineutinn did
lessen. for In today's lesson Saul
found going into distant patrts fol-
lowing those who were sentter.',F
air.,nd when the trouble arose in
.ierusnlemt. '
fere 1-AMiehg6stlan Hate. -
Smi1,'1(hn'aftervfards had his nnme
changed to I'nul. himself In his writ-
ing's describes, time and again. hit -
hatred of Chrisr[nns.. He .never
eonld forget the intense Tint -fort with
which ' he had originollt• foe wad
("breathing out thrent.•uing• gond
slaughter") the disciples of the Mari
ter. (Acts 211:911) . •
Verse,' 2 -0 --.The Dania/lens Journey.
The high priest bud the fullest
Jorlsdictiotl over the Jews wherever
they dwelt, in things pertaining to
thole own religion. it wit•s there-
fore hi accord with Roman law and
Moran (bat when Saul wlshed to ar-
rest mrmtwrs of the nynngogue of
i►mmnit•uti, he should make nppllea-
tion tee the high priest for n warrant
to enable him I.o ratty out his par-'
pose of enrryfOg'them hack to Jern-
Nolen! for Judgment by the Snnhe-;
drltn. As he and Ms enmpanlopn
neared the end of their long Journey
---Damascus IN one hundred and
thirty miN•s north-east of Jerssnit'm
--they came, No tradition Nays• to a
bridge near the city and thee.' the
happedng of ouch tatspendono mo-
ment took peace. Next to the life
and dtath and reSnrnrtlnn of 0ttr
Lord. the conversion of 8t. Pant was
Minard's in an enenry to pain.
It penetrates to the root of the
trouble, soothes and disinfects.
Splendid for neuralgia.
backache and .stiffness of the
muscles and joints.
`MBNA D'sl
/%ash neer .••vl,ernlrr i.J4 to dor
Features You Would Expect to Find
Only on Higher Priced Cars
Long semi -elliptic. springs -dry plate disc clutch, requiring no lubrica-
tion -extra strong rear axle with banjo -type housing - beautiful
Fisher bodies on clouted models -all model. finished in beautiful
colors of Duco-.onc-fete V V tyj+e windshield on closed models!
Ask abort the i;11,4C pew rift dr erred partner, Oise
sed (.mere! F.rrhaarr I.trrorre.
The Huron Motor Sales