HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-5-7, Page 2, • - • Thu...day. May 7, MS trim, Aluniti EST.1111.1SIIED IS4S (,011ER1( II • : CANADA ideuther of Canadnin Weekly News. paper. Association Publi4...1 every Tlitirg,lay morning. Sultst•riptioll prie.. $2 00 1.er year. To States and 1. oreigu Couutries. $„!..-ei per year, ,trictly In advance. THE SlitiNAL PRINTING CO., LTD. Telephone 35 : : Goderieh. Out. W. 11. Iteb4•rteon. Editor and Manager Tliureday, May 7, 1925 'NOTES • A good inanv ,114•401)1t• /II .411.44IerIfil %Slit mho Conorillor Paltridge'a re - much that this. -town- uo that it needs th« reattal of a sh..1[ for tile •toring of iserroe. • 'Pt*' debate at tula• %4 11 Week 1* *11111 141 IllIti• los 1. the longest budget olelerte she, e.111. h federation. (if 1;45 1111•111bets of ih• 1141114••• 116. *pule .4uring the detsve. Something ought t.. lie done t..r ;le fellows who kept wile' • • • • In its 140,111111 1111•111101• 4 e•I1111111 4•44•1114 (0 Ile *ore ."1111 !,11411..• 1111111 another republic 444 so fat awae. We did wit read of auytssly's `being elieered for thirtytight minutes et.n- linuously, and Hindenburg have to watt until 41... of Mardi nest year for -ids lnaugurathai. - • • • Enguan language n. peculiar. The Toronto Star say. that when.the war broke out- Briton. ..ami. froni all parts of the world "to take a hood in what was frf,ait.7i. IN•cfretty intelligible to the native; but nue not accustomed t.t th.. tassusxs lintIght wonder if the willer_itat de. scribing an te•robatk• fest or an anatomksi operation - •- • • * Globe juetine. the come litIIiiI Hoe. -and even dee dictum that a sentence mels not .end with a preomitlon. 411 courote I liewriters on a daily newspaper tied it dIthottolt to observe the little nieetie. of Finglish. amt as for 0. we alwfifys endenvoi to as for as taeadi nle riumsy-spylterkrL lcipreag ouraeU with.. . THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH. ONT. FACTS ABOUT TEA SERIES -No. 6 of boiling water, add 1 Oa. whale oil soap it, a sticker. It troubled with fungous Meek hpot at the e0111IlleDee- meta firth.. growing h1•11,4011 the fol. apruy should be uhed every fortlUll(tt'llyile 4111I' 11111. two Wet•k*: Ohe tablespoonful of on of water, one °Mei; of W114114. oll Appearance of Tea No GuideWinter Core • this seetiou, where trittlwilltureo ;won...times go below zero, roses, The only way to test tea is to taste it. Many elu.ses ean be safely witurred fn open ground I.y 1114 44ronlid the people have the idea that a finely rolled and tippy tea is superior in flavour to a plant with soil a. far a. large rough leaf. In reality this is not of necessity the case. The altitude at which the tea plant grows determines the amount of essential oil and alkaloid theine in the leaf. The essential oil gives tea its flavour; the theine contributes the stimulating value. The only way to insure always re- ceiving a uniform quality is to insist upon et skilfully blended and scientifically sealed tea like "SALADA" whose reliability, good - ss an avour have become a household word. ne d deliciousfl LAD voted with the Government Who Is '1,0 say whether Mr. King Was right uO41 Mr7iiraek wrens. or Mr. King an. armor and Mr 111-iek rlrht? *ay nue. between them Hitron's vide wag -- W.. "',311104043` f""Pir"/".1 perfect its form! With its frairr nee that or2:', we to be the *rat of, a what a language It has! The ilort1-1 then it l • In the ,.petbs; I bete. J Me(1111. A. Taylor. ltobt.' o • record of their childhood. frogs are shut up twice Nerreomt . The ini•mbersIttp is• al- Lot u. help you Is•ep • pictur• h;t• I i h. ... I 1,„•„1,,,nt, Th,,,,, hag distributing over Mlitt of the. perptes The ihnikisiturza so,,,,,ty is 1,444_ lik ThomitA was pre.ent at the or- ' it top of plant to one foot ; Otter paeking hoz, or half barrel, or if pintas are in a row place 11011411/4 411e• foot deep eight..51 Indies atairt. 1101/ . abort *data on top. till with dry 11•11V11,1, rover with board or Inoue waterpriatif material to keep, the Marra dry. .1 large row -gnawer ... j. Toronto utast two- rooting eat le t,alrl 1 • u re. square tel.( 1 et1YeeM ftbety . Re %aye no tont- ter 'what -141 t in for tiller. straw or chaff 4.r leave... It must be kept I 4iry. n' o dry plant wtlt stand mac); • more frost than ; damp one,- 1 (1413141.g rosett should lie laid 1 down 011 tile ground, as the huow . Will cover them. Host* *re prodite. t 441 the Kevi oils year's I:11 /W111. ---11 ', ftele•It hack in whiter tile :Top is ( ,stroyeol. Methods Have Beefs Tried 'The t•Plboilit on ntIon4.1\let 1111. tide are not merely eekerimental 1 tutve tried them mit thurciughly. ii. 1 havo been growing roses for thir-; ty yoltre. I soak alt fruit trees.' vines, bushee, etc., for two or three; dare before planting. 1 remember ' once planting PM .hrry t 4e5 l'ivestwaamPtioar,water th 35, an t eSe twent‘- our pm, THE GROWING OF ROSES ola • of h ••• SILK SPECL4LS Towels 15 dozen Turkish Towels, superior quality. Size 20 x 40 with deep fancy $1.00 and $1.15 qualities. Spe- cial, each ...... ......... New Linoleums In 2, 3 and 4 yards wide, suitable for any room or hall. At per square yard Sheetings 72 inches wide, our best rality, plain and heavy, on sale Pongee Silk 34-it.ch heavy Japan Pure Silk Natur al Pongee, for dresses, blouses bloomers, ers, skirts, curtains, etc. 300 r75 yards. Regular 98c, at per yard. Black, navy, brown Taffeta, yard wide, best French make of exquisite quality. Regular zF:295, at per yard $2 48 c Swiss and Irish Poilit Curtains - A very large -a -rid" complete choice of these handsome and practical Curtains in ivoty, white and beige, at per pair $150, $4.50, $5.50 and $6.00 borders, Jaquard, floral, etc., woven all colors and warranted fast. Regular c 98c British Sheeting, bleached. Pure FLOOR RUGS --4 only Superior Wilton Rugs, British make. and new. Size 3 x 4 yards, 2 designs only, Persian, very heavy service guaranteed, exquisite quality. Regular $60, on sale' 3 only, size 2 1-4 x 3 yards, on sale CONGOLEUM RUGS -New patterns. 1 1-2 x 3, 2 x 3, 2 1-2 x • 85c Samples they are pile and wear and • • $45.00 $29.00 3,,,3'x 4. W. -ACHESON & SON • f • t tural Society has been organised 4milly J No dowers ire ,,a(a a Islam) and "often hear It. When you hear that' MV. Leith: secret"tatrr-tr4geOlsetnur:. - 'of yours will ,look -but • Of the -iii4eat lyvarijaist4eurnothkeitli L. followiug officers: Ifou. - 14nwro_ripoutlitironsf rooseaff _htandr:ylghtitaXtears-Ittlw_14-. T. J• ilueltgleP Int Ttvninrnnidnnt- diffcrent.that boY or girl t Writ ten by George 1.althwaite, one -haft (11.1" grow:-• 1/r. W. J. Milne.; president. In another year how tresident Galerieh tural Society) L'od at cipher. Me hird in the fall Make srea- f ;04.1rot ; director', E. photographs of the thil- \ • • • brilliant effect as the rose. Dow dy. get your rm.., proteeted for V; Head . Jo4. Stott...rt.. lir. McIntyre. dren never grow up. elean 141 the rave of a ro.e! Dow ter mut do not uncover until J. Ile•datneh t, M. Chaos- ey,•le et I et ;eat... If so, the Wei (littoral -Society ih again thih year Rama foe Ex is-saf• to anew= ti nem. rra413 nearsly fifty. itennett. of beer let,: ilistrlet.ryear has h ul_and hybrid tea sose..4. our ro.i, show fhb, „lir, Isguteatton t you like to have your solle• IN•114. ash or hong black: this Wsql""d "r 1841 W".k, real rostee throughout the hummer tuakpaa roses grow and bleern and look Ilk.. a ,,,,perph„phat,.. the 3tettusti.t rsonage. the wed - 110.1, Qighly per ...mt. phoe._ ding took place of Media. In.oe, I • and the low lak rate that matae\ettlulition prevail); generativ In the 141" 017 drained hY db.. lakes. Some tempi are clInrd attrileiteTle.--Tow netre\i-o t111 11" o'hiotagoo steal, bop atter d I rotlitalily Utrger eitti5ee are Lak.• Superior t.• le• al a low level. aMI the rhieagu tt-II;11 11..1 he the canto. to thl cat.' . The Ma ;natl.! ItHer ha. been nhardier Iii'T" Instrated add on flower*. • 'ey_this nwet ng and gave an and tall! We are golnE to tell you ephate of Hine: black, sixty per daughter of Mrs- donut Taman. to bow sou van, front tour usul--a•cl- :g tottan tigigHlisig .114111 Armlet oug,__.11..hinit- -others* experiences; so etif -tbni /di: - Nines to ashem; ele out and follow In•trut•tIon.. There an iron kettle. keeping tire .0111.1.1.... b..11" black hr tilling ole.horo% The ceremony was per- t fortned by Rev. A, C. Tiffin.. good rose. without proper 4•are than 1.5 no more- settee la trying to grow ,.„1.,,rimc .,,,,th„,, a„,1 ',mum, nu. The Voting People.; League of the yourhi.lf althorn earil. limy tillhhirr.k.MT,71:11,,P1.101";i71whogirrip.hia:rrti'lli light week as follows: Ilon. president. en. would be in, cap...ling 10 feel Met hod i et eh ureh elected tinkers I You feel if you nett. Infested three-quatter, roll of water: stir in I Rev. .A, 1'. Tiffin: president. 1)r. 11. meet* smelting your !lfeblood t Melvityre: _rios-oresiolents. it.,,, north ..i --44f--4•064-4904.t-nr ...n.ven quarts of h,,s,.: man or a twelve, _ptifny_Laiarr.eorditng 4-eretne.- eldvo- -for- food-- antr er Yet Walt • rinkrt pall Att Ade. Netillett rong ern weather without win- •flot. 1,41 this stmrd thirty! rul"41; rorre.porilling sevITt1117. _ _.. ri44.r.4 tion"hie in... lifurom and Su- ter tprotei on? This is the waY days; give earl plant one quart after 1Iae Taylor; treasurer, }laze, l'ette; I --linty in 4M0ada. it "Wadi! Is. il (lov- ernment saottopoly. ale 31r Eviler. M. , -oi. or .1i..king th... l'hienge diver- . ja P. for North Waterlos.. stinger,. It is doubtful, however, if the I 'Iln- h e lull Cliietigo %Ike. yraffitt 70.1. make \ adlan people, are prepared for -a . at -.. -miteii differ. • • ps like'roniMtion the lak• some people' psi the-1.1-rtises- find . , If_we are to have.o, railway mono - oll Imre given a gond watering. l'innisf• 1111" 31144:troy: assistant wimm ini.vitiody 1141 of- then grumble nd say. we.. Van t h„ rid „it pianist. Nue. Worg.t11. .vairge this furnish., addithinal rea. 111 1"41" 'Ian I I "." J. T. FELL. Telephone 187 Special Valves in Children's Dresses from 3 to 6 years. A small deposit WIII hold any dress: MISS S. NOBLE T ore the wilt\ roar with the hybrid. Keep '4 -veiny -five per eent. of your 'hat a pity! /NMI- plant. - th.i.m. if there Wiff.t, pli-litY of ta at,'. '."THIP"' S"11-rNeir wi %Ohl Pcollf... hulk pleketl off. Tloi. woorko. ...it like aim... !mods Itielf to otevelopmetif tbia: ilia poll ,.cer .., four ealves Ermr.,..er ta;zustri if.u.114(..a. bbilusAtiett t .1:2114.1.55 ........ Jittnoingm.erto4e c%:ovoiati Jr, ciT‘fiert;-oon•nr.irliliertitizy, 'iia. ? 4, 44•1 el,: irit1,1 a,linutetititietui4,3n'tik. 7,117,--itwp ;42; ii,..11:tot.;•,/aiiiiroor tii.:.1L. 4.nothinlittli,(17:11 •4441 i ttf :i heavy Hatitrot. Important to Note ..: .vhaning go togaiser. The , i.e.( •• i t •.• rohe. 'tom.. from Etiir..p.• tend 1,,. 1,111-'u' •11,1:1',1:r4: rf..4'..t) 147111;T 11.11t:141:7141.... SI ..Ittr .• f -1-10-.- grom..*--r , . %0,1.• t,, 14. dri.4 mn. :14 hIi.,...1rItrki ifint,,1:1141• i‘.;•:"%k.:fitteTT-Tilimr.4.. fMet 1.h.r- a.th.n. . t . . • t.t" 711:47-r;rirI.Ft..irril.lrj• a nIrl.r.r2747.1. ii",...""ojo'n7r"ri Ireill'eirtItnttoo toitt-nfn Pilintintle nittialle. :,.• :. ....stk taw ('r i.'. 40 day5. t.. the Amigo-. go fry and lie a win- 111111111re 114 mulch- 140 feet atootnol , 141 pror,11rcti1111, 1111 111 fl and one ealf ti..'. otrekt an experiment.. There are ad- /00 .vitntansa ine-1nev-heat--terto-etreat---.5,ta- pelting isytotems. moot !011ie toresent NEW STRENGTH th 1„ . erneilflOtig ".4.aineetion -wilt]. 4', \. R. tinaueots aro. yo.ry far, from .a.. FOR WEAK GIRLS fttetory they are likely i4I • •••- •-• 4/•34•1'31 1.17•11T•s• grow. moroTTorihk. , • ai • •inZ t yk.4.ftt /WE r.,11.1111.,11. 1*. 7. 111,4 %lion .trop T. ry eonsitierahly sh..rt This 711ifa71,11,----Tuoto, been 341tIs g the Puireti formers to only eleandi *heat for the require st theft., .iinn141.... - --port and tit, not govern the Ali Ulti y1•11144 erop shortage Can Be Had Through the Rich RedBlood Made by Dr. . barns' Pink Pills. 11, ,tf 014/.4 alt! 8-11.1i wenkne.- - int_ The -hernirt---npron-- ' • • W0.4 is t,,,, areal. arid • ,t • 11•1111114.111... ••••••. "trtrid," "f 'I 4111 .-4,1:111 14 1.17. • ,tt a 1 I• titer ha- 1..ft f..r ., 't •h_goe4_11•1.1,1111.__ • ttantlh .ta.ft-tt i ' tct.e, dig a bole i• ,• h wide - (hap. plate th • 1 airs oof !he ,hanory. 11“311 14111.111111"11. '-"1"0010 tirtnly.t ton. ' t•-• ;t7 --,)ii',,:, •ZT7nfirlijnii Ititallt tut' tb.• r tw in any portieulnr r•n.e, latt the rN,Titan lot trtolftruty t. ,lite %Le. i.tr.h,„ it Wit to 11.1.. it •'-u I. nt 1$ QV I of them 'for prompt I/vain'. 114i:1441 11014; IS post ready to re- re n• aut. .tt the *ante time the 1 Next reports eveellent t,,.' .• a bumper 'Chip, 3341 W7111 l'11 States wItear off the. mitrket_ the laic • ' N11011111 he good. lt whewt-gr.m.. Ilirs on both 'idea of th,- Hale eon Mei • prosperity in this way, i. nil; le. a Ittitipy -eonolition • • • g TX114Z-Ztr4....- --trestimerrt- I. sr t • tot,1king tont, opta• .r.• thing keeded• 211, iIt:t,the grovving girl. tijl nemert ef :nature .r." i• le: ot- loroloof Nt.'titola Meat.. Highway. en-tl. N.11. «ay- I aas•In 1111 1'11 r1111-til.W4.1-- .1 lid nervons ,31111 /II. I M.N. 1041-1tr ban -t Iso/r tit., :11Ways /4111... :111/1 sillT,t4;11 111-911.1141 (tom Iteada41,... Year. ago III •forrgot eon...thing of grant port 4. In plans. And now bis , naton l'hurithIll. the present Plane of Th7.-Ezehequer. ' ---•thieovered-_ forgot -some» Manx. wheu,7 „proposed- the DPW 1T7iTIZ. ye" lat. the women and their *Ilk et...hinge-- -oat-of-the- . reckoning. In of - th.i hard 111110. 11131 111, •111,1 prevail fa Itritain at. present. it seem!. the ladiea there are nil wearing silk Pr near -silk ham...wool they ,nre up itt aims tit that is the Proper ,limb to mention in thio conneetiono against the in! Mit will 'actress... the pile.. of their twloved wetir. And Chun -hill, the cables say. 1- prepar- ing to make retreat as gracefol nit 1.• before the embattled hosts glf • • • l'here, 1. trouble Thmong the Pro. nt fittaali-thoenuse they did net 1111 voto---“W way on the loottretrlint we thought It WWI 111fIlintlf With the f'rogresiatvea tliat members were -Independent.; were .001 required to obey the het -1 loafs' or ,sapt•t-wortifts... find were eponsibte only tn. fawn -own ...Institut ▪ Mtn. thin. they now adopted. an f rules of the two old iisrtleo, with it their conflat, their pnrty n sind too on" itt the vote on the hurl - gel Not week. Sir. King (North t • I le. tt la. tried o Ireli1.00.11ts lou :boy IVO - 10,7 h.•11) me in. the least. Tben..rending ;qt.. day about 10r. Pi115.. 1 thstitteit14. try - them. ttert 44.14Pit RI,1 1;1 Illytl. I ifilzir4, lit. Sep. tend. r '1;1 14 • The lin 11.1. - day ......inienceot In Itlytli thle we. 4.4-Th-taz tistimos-sere---troirr she soil tloi, villas.. of Myth for 11... year the plant. Sprixad Lou th :Lc* natural form: nrsobt• ...iy rich soil eon- fill/Inure vvliatever: tread I tirtuly. Ma kt.• 3 140.111 ill1M4111/- 41(rly •,trrotIntling the Want. Water thoroonlity. Nurt be afraid to tr25: pr..- - pert.). Sh_ssit; build wit $221,9111; TaistliT515 wows.. 4.te .1T the .,411 10 the 11.1tt11111 pt the r(mts. .1V 111411. 111444/Mt•. 114.575: in 1 11/140`441- 1,C1140,4‘71): (123: 2:1*; Meth*. s, 24: Episcopullane. 112: Doman 'att.,. Iles. 15: Plymouth Drethrea, The ftlyth communit3 Iflort alien the arming! be- - ,..ines dry. K...p your hoe going t . HIN '.' ' mitt • • fret!. Way .of watering. pit water on your linsi,e. lint streusel the Now. Don't t.•rat.t that roses are budded ,,it an. brlotr. Plata so the graft murk le throw below the, /gir- th 'e of tht, s011. Watch Km. leder sal -here They hove gem•rnIly twn node leave. I o age grourt, lerr-often fhbe imppens onteee tx, • .14-11-` 11 1111.. tkoot tender hybrid is whiter -killed. pro4 ed. . int/ to/MI/IPA 1111111 1 11414 proidng 4 Id be done at the taken sit box*. with 'the recult than filue 1.1' planting am) Isets,re the sap 1 ant 1141W Wen 1111.1 *rrl'Inr W.11.16- •••giii• rrrrlso In the spring. fientn,h-e ttotrias!-- tin.1 a r'y nppetite. In all t*lggyq prune clew of *bat WWI:trine Pi k back t., .trottivwen imene.) ityp or P111. 11111'0 11,411• for TM' I ------------ -ollti. ,1.111110.ilit llii•Illi P.. latlahly - si general thing the entire 1" 1 (1111111 1*' rilnoil'.11. Nit, tor 91 1 ittPiiff'ille dealer. or loy Ina41 AR -to- erne. threit• oor four Minas to the '111* 71't '1,, .4. 191 1. f room anj• i, awing three grw-,d bud,. ,,,I cavil etaits it is.. tr..m Th.. Or. Wlinsipe'thrtith. m,•411elste Co. ftrie•kvile. Ont. WNW.. Direct's, of Canadian ttivIe Publitatimm If fent Wahl eontinmil 1.1rmming red :et trwt mum yet -''ma' al once, mow...holly in Ttoto, -.1111-17 a Ho one • • 411011 Mee 1. Io•ifor 171:111 r,mr 4408411. a trollttleor t': t..rola , er orows.. .so , lin all hot the "entre end .in the United Stool( will . "mei hint when- they are the size of large thy 1W Pillfinfi •If MItiiitil s It rthtt7' 1..11.. 5011)0 varlet fee .)ll "Than., 1,4. Jost /peas /sound "Iry of rannolinn rililleat' et. 'Mel, themselves by overt 'trrizr-.t . urTh177,7aMi ent your This is the eighteenth rgltrit.n flie Poses for ent nowere 111 the Not 1,1.4 in- Atm, first Wine havine ilfirwM1 Mil 11 14112.1 'refer', t hey op,'n, . Never 1.1 row.. The DIrdetory is milstliheti I y Ai I !day fon thp frophe.• to drop aft 114.Klm /.1m1ted, t'ann,ts'. tarsi.* , in.eet. and [Mortises ailvertitang ano-firy whk•h WI* ...ital.- l _It teneeite. I. yontr olisdro Ilse black flailed in P041), 7'lle neenf y Petty 7itaf 441 ..r nieotine sulphate. whIel, recotrnized that it Ifepenrinb!.. record, '-:in be bad At A tiraR RAIN'. The rid - .f ets00.1110 publieailtitt• way neree-! lowing i. the snlittion: One Aram to ssry rn ti,,..,,sisa fieroloptisso '4 *4- three pfiltrol* of water. ono miser. or vertistsg. find Si) the ,'11rnt Ishate of whal.• oil emip; thie ef111.11.11 1110 SON - /11k 1)1rect,trY WAR 11111,11.herl when t1,n to. "tick. Aprils once every _tiro he MeKini .1geriey end been only weekit. Another most rennely Is Solt: hr.l. year', 'In loistIne*,.. i 001 toloar,e0 soap. P. 71 '1 lige belle- Melilm'm DIrert(iry of t'ana.tian: biro or orsennt.• of Ilme or remelliee 'nfilleation. I. nceepte.1 fla ts reit- you (111.1f On. 115 they .1..41 the gip. MO %MIMI, of informetIon on ran -t pentanes,. of the tonige. Rase bugs (Ilan tut bl lea t i OMR *Ili /IR Weil' le on. hest ,b,„troy NI by band pfryony, ean.ollterl for Canatilno ecottn1Phl- If you 01 rt. t Pill Nod with /norm. olli- al And etriti.tical pnrtit-,,targ Shur Huron) voted against the Govern • omit and Mr. Black (South Har011) he first edition we. modish...1. egieh *bleb are caused by dampneen. nee thin formnla: Dimolve toreeding bone haw ehown en im• A oft. of common baking soda 1 irovemeat over the. preview 01111. a one 511101 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO SPECIAL COURSE FOR TEAS In NATURE STUDY AND Ac.sticuunntst To equip t•ocis•r• to meet the eteet elm quil.../nenl• of the Deptioqmsgat el Lissa. Ii in this subj.ct. (Two crastit• b.+... les tisk. anutes Cagann• offer•el ales by Afasoorma/. Cltrui.try, English, French. Goethe Hisitory, Latin. Mat hensatica and A splendid social and •thl•tir pro throughout the •n - tire ale •••••laa. Beautiful nen Uni- versity Buildings. St•rt on • B. A. Coura• nor! Sit ‘1.- 111•11ttut wesks of study and reare• lion. SummerSchool jAuuTurTehkr form Motorists - Pass it around after (Vry meal. Give the family the benefit of its aid to ditestion. Cleans teeth too. Keep It always in the house. r 'Costs link • helps much" IGLETS 41t perys 112 use MARTIN -SENOUR MARBLE -ITE FLOOR FINISH Not/tint like it Aryl/art/wood floors /t wears like Ayr; Write to Mend Office Montreal For Free Booklet NOME PAINTING MADE CAGY SOLD BY • F. HUNT CODERI(II HILL'S HARDWARE, Auburn. PHONES Dung .1 ring 3; Wirth, 32 rens 12. Buy your Tires from the 'Tire Man, who will supply them at the lowest prices ever oucTtict in Goderich. 30x3 1-2 Nobby Cord, guaran- teed for 7000 miles $8.95 30 x 3 1-2 oversize Royal Cords guaranteed 8000 miles $10.95 32 x 4 Royal Cords $20.50 33 x 4 Royal Cords $21.25 All other sizes at ( orregpood- ingly low prices. applicatioes n. 28 Balloons given on 28 x 1 1-2 Bicycle Tires $1.65 111ES p-RicEs itTECASH H. J. FISHER, Ilamilton St., Goderich GOOD TAILORING \ is Never Accidental Tai ng involves many processes and opetlaknia. Un1 s your tailOr knows bcw 10 pros.....] from the time ttr niessureslire taken until t ho. aertuente are eon; -ted, satisfeetkm is 1101 to be expeetrd. Our NEW IIATS ft. Bore tar you well-dressed men who seek 11,uewest at popular Use our remodelling, relining and repair service. t HE PHONE NUMBER IS FOUR -NINE. FRANK H. MARTIN TAIkOR AND NATTY& NeLcan's Block, Eaat Side of Square, Goderich -.8.1111111,411/`&1 . •.