HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-5-7, Page 1• Classified Advertisements Read them on Page 8. An ad- vertisement in T.L. Signal reach- es the right people -the people who buy. E1EVENTi-EIGHTH YEAR NO. if GODERICH, ONTARIO; THUROAY• MAY 7, 1925 1 iou-nter Check & oks We can meet any competition. if you need a new supply call THF. SIGNAL Telephone 35 • GOVERNMENT HAS MAJORITY OF 37 IN BUDGET VOTE • Prime Minister and Hon. Ernest Lapointe Give Stirring Addresses 1 OTTAWA, May l.. With eighteen Pr grewnlves. of whom nine were frons Ontario, voting Gov- ernment. with the motion of Hon. .lames A. Robb, acting Minister of Finance. "t,, go Into cvuamltte of ways gltd mentos" was adopted in tbiHouse of Commons between R and- o'eloek 1 a morning try a votof 1•.' on }rdy - to M. a Government majority of 37. The straight Conservative amend- / . ment of general ,ensure was defeated kiy a vote of 4S to 164. a Government majority of 116. Thus was termin- alwl one of the Innt'•nt budget be - bates in the annals of tbo e'anadian Parliament, over one handled mem- --- been of Parltasaent having elpoken and *sane mites of type in Hsnaard bavIng leen expended to r.rotding their speerhen. Thts voting. too, net • the seal of approval upon u 0. -cal =-pailey-whh•h alms nt reeking a OOP - et approach to unity an between the sgrious 1.ennomie and geographic ..tions of the Dominion by a eons - promise between the divergent de- mands of . the manufseturing East and the agricultural W. for lower tariffs and freer trade on the one hand and on the other band higher lariff4 and rest tiered competition from abroad. Chief Progreswte Whip Budget It ,is alonitfraat that it; the div% ohm of Friday morning last there was only'nn. member of the iAt,rnl twirty ,opposed to the Government's Midget. and thnt. was Fran.•i, N. Me cre4. 5 member from ti.• Eastern Townships of Quebec. who bow always and none i- - 'large- opposed -tariff- -tbdne- Is nl•o noteworthy that AC' Clair( whip ..f the Prot:nowise party. J. F. Johnston. n Naskntcttt•wan memM•tl, along with olb.•r \Vouutern Prn,;rir- PIvo'. nnited • with Ontario Progress Oyes ih supporting the Liberalise. This. indie•nt's that In the Prairie Pro'vines. there is a growing voR- nition of the eating of the ptenent • A.lutinistrntion to sdqj d.1..(Jraetleable illi, fate•, and also to support 'any : In rs."nell ng flt*a'61tpoalnE vew'n 0601* gsnde t. Pr -1.-"t tlu• ns' let of Be•l.mtller. maintained Itis record or the different sections of the Do- t:,.dovteh harlor for such at purpose-." Rs 0 clever atndPnt alt the Easter minion. The m,a rarity by which the examinations of the Technical S h.ol, mato moths f..f the adoption of the PERSONAL MENTIONToronto. in the fourth year matrien- tooling ens (•arrfel watt larger than lotion ,ours•. 'He was first in A had l.w•o expected the most sanguine ati dev• Express: Mrs.. M1•Nally. of /lane of twenty-two. being first to e:xtss tndon Imin. that It would jog 1;."lerIeh. 4s visiting of the home of ge•otui y, theory .,f chemistry. prnc- .r1+w•d thirty. Mr. Ilerf Harris. - - ' tient i•7u•ntistry, physics. Pngllitring A W*F11iMR to the LAW Taws S•aforth' News: Mrs: W. -bell. id end eundiI t. second in applied 'el....- An r1..\n important feature of the -b11A- 1;.sIer(7h.-iipent Mond•`• nt the home-trtetfr"atgttrra and-4attn alUttexe. Ret was the warning given he the of Mrs. John. Rankin. Miss Stir- and third ,In Latin and Fr. mit emu- - Petni• Minister neer the e11l.dnalon iin¢. of Goderich, vlrlt..1 Mr. Ifni is.sltl.4t. and taking Is.3 per cent. of his (.Ingtent stretch early Thum- Mrs. It. B. Scott. " day eco tit=. 11 -Mit if :the -effort% of M1!: end Mrs. A. 11legin.,rn the Government to expedite the hunt- to Hamilton on Friday. Inking with 'ni . of - Parliament were to Is. per them MIs, Berths Slo•ppord. who sl.tently thwar•eei by eontl 1 oh- I had been •tisiting them here. -_ tntetite tart:. s of the (41pwrltinn. would have to. hesitation in ast- .. IDA i-.._.EIccncni•y the (governor- nein. I: to' dI'. lve PaHlntw•nt.'Tt M1.. yary. et.tted nt London on mon -telt i Bans,." said_ 1'rinnle•r King• day. i .1. 1. Iwo:, , or n. r . Aitken -lift .w t e and Gmr Pn de ale. .Irl a .1 tken '•tl of h rnm C- 1 t d 1` _-'_ ,t�.e lose to -miry beer all thr,mtrb-tire -fit rm t,lr; of London. were week -Purl summer months .impeded in their iisitort with 31r. Attken's went., !oldness by tern elements loth going Mr. and Sirs. John L. Aitken. 1 in opposite direeti,ns to the same Mr. and Mrs. Moore, sr„ Mr.. ani1 e nds IteJr-.little sun. of 1 . time. If the Government At .I Mrs. Moore. j ., And 1 tt Im1,1".Ible to carry -on th. business Gwen Nomad. are visiting Mi. sail. nt the .onntry as tt ghoul.] Is car• Mrs. Geo. Bender. ri.sl nn. 1 shall not hesitate to ask Mr.. .fns. Griffin visited at- London ills Ex.eIIetley to dissolve the Horne. 1.v.•r the week -end. --- - 1 am sienking the minds of the pen- Mrs. John Hassey Is in London to - pi. nt thin country. that they will dory' visiting her ' alter.- Mini -J,: not tolerate a situation where the Martin. who Is I11 -In St. J,weplrs Government is itntinunlly faced ho.pital. r . with uncertainty. And that they will Mrs,_$,,.yd hon retnrnel from Tor - demand that the government should onto. where 11111• spent the winter Is. returned with a strong majority. months. d have given an outline of haw we Mr. and Mrs. T. Quinlan. .of Rtrat- hawe endeavored to Barry on the ford. wt.ltel • friends In town pfd • 1e11.hte,s of the eountry with if shall Colborne township the post week. majaslte.wind---k--Lmitlie.Senate. Not- \Iis4 Gertrude Begley is home from withstanding this, we have mate it Detroit for hoilrinys. - - record of which any Adminiktratlon Dr, Walter Se Turnbull - WAR to might be proud." town for a few days after retnrnktg' The Pt••gresslves' Quandary from New York. when. lie was taking An interesting sidelight nn the %medal hospital work. and left to present situation in Parliament and spend Rome time at the Mon surgery t1.• position In whleh the major Pro- at Rochester, Minn., before proteed- gre•sslre• group would be pinoed-were Ing to his home at Vancouver. Mrs. It 10 solidly carry nit the Iden In the Turnbull And her two daughters are • minds of some of Ito member,' of remaining In the East in the mean - uniting with the Conservatives and °IINTY RIFLE SHOOT The News of the Town TO BE HELD JUNE 3RD • Wes :Adopted by Match Committee to Govern the Competition The match commltte• of the Moron County Rifle Lonnie sn•t at Dungan- non un Monday and made amine's' meats for the annual competition. to be held on Wedntyld.y, inn.. 3rd. over the Colborne ranges at Salford Heights. The following rules to govern the competition were adnptel: Ranges 200 and :100 yards. The nunslw•r of shots will be seven to swore and one sighting shot. the sighting shot not eonvert{Me. Any pattern of eight approved toy the O. R. A. and the D. R. A. may be used. Position -prone without rest. Mach ass o•Iatlon in to furnish one register keeper without expense to the League. ■Iso one rellithl• marker, and pay same out of their association funis. Rtilers 'flied Pur- ling. n app^ n are J don, St. Helena, and C. A. Robert - now, (oblates.----- - 'Ph. aiming mark nn the targets will not be used. Bowling alley Re nro shorts it ill bee userif obtainable. - All rib/Intern wilt 'eye- the same mark and year of ammunition. A fresh supply will b• furnished If port- Ratio Eaeh asswlatlon mint pay A foe of $5.00, which will entitle It. mem- hers to compete for individual pried...: also a fee of :dlr for oath person rnm- fading, which the treasurer .hall ....f- leet from the ,nptains of the reop,•,•- tive senorlatlnns. e Lewgu. prizes -7M* y - he in mer•hnl.dis.. Webster, SL Helens. ' offers a aperiai prize of $Sall for the person making an aggregate wore of 68 point* at the two ranges. Special Prise for S port SIeeis , } . .R• W igle___3L I'.l'., has thmattsl te $ji ial prize of $10 to the (;,.th- in* fall fair hoard to, be given for the lest three export Meets on 'nod , by one exhibitor. Pleasant Recollections of Goderich !bihor, T'uftesI Ytat,- i 410nanl at Cnbourg, Ont.. renewing his ' Elevator ('orapany's Ansel--Afeedna The annual tutxllaJc of .the shun bu!d.rs of the (t10,rich Elevator and Ttngat Comtsln7 was hell in the Ibutrd ..f 'Prude r,"leu e0 '1',a There wan . good nttend:u,cr. The ottlers for the ,ustItre-xear will be the same as last year with the ,•xeep- than of 4'ham. K. Hunt, of 1swdnn, who repine,. J11hln l. -holy. of Tor - L..ssemt ifs Iowa Tennis Another instilment of the L,•naoa.• LaddTennis, by Captnin R. In - 11.•. -Taylor. - ntn,inc,,t In last w'eek's Niguel. Wil be found 1111 1111)1111)1111)(1.;i of Ills 1"'11.• 1t 1.,"•sugg0ste1 11111t tflose In rhes.• lessons should dip then) from week to week apd preserve them for use throughout these•a5011 • subscription to The Signal, "writes: 1 onto. tion Leri yea's Fuenerutl at Peking "i rad TheNlgnnl regularly and am tter rt- glad to keep up with affairs In ted'' old town of which I have so many pleaaa n t r roe of lett i ons " Colborne Rifle Shoot Following are the score. made at the Colborne rine rang.. at the week- ly shoot held au Saturday last, at 200 and 301 yards. The shooting was not up to the usual standard. as. the wore,' Indicate: 1', Insert r'( E. Wilson 47 J. Bowman 44 W. Leach 51 Motet .set 53ds G. Symon• 47 M. Martin 3 W. Symonds e� II. Itel,ean 30 J. Bowman, Jrl.s. tl0 It. Iltio k It. Ilrt __ 1. itowra .1. llis'.t ro Prompt Ae4ton Saves Life The life of John Boyce. an employee e(ksh rich Elevator and Transit Company. was saved last ?ridgy af- ternoon by the prompt and effective netion of lir. harry Watson, ane -711 the w.ighmasters nt the elevator. when the former was smothered by a large quantity of grain whleh fell rot him. Mr. Boyce was standing just uts(tTe ` n freight ear loaded with Against Liquor Exporting Ruttiness n train Shea the doors of the ear in At the regular meting of the For Hospital Building Fund (`ontrfbuttoun to the %P -lot build- ing fund of Alexandra hospital:.. Women's hospital Auxiliary. GMI- erich, per Mrs. Nellie G. K.dditt. treasurer i t4irt• Pm -slowly acknowledged 51111.42 The following Is from a IP faired by Inspector and Mrs. J. El- gin Tom. Gaderlch, from their daugh- ter. Mics Mabel E. Tom', who is on the star of the. piton M.dical • Col- lege hoapltal^'at -'eking. China: • •'W011. Yon lot Nen Is reads, dead. di'sl in the hospital this morning at J'1'CC'it 77 0:30, this follower,. are most un - H. J. A. Ya.-rw \, happy- They feet that there is no Treasurer, one .spnble of carrying on his work. 11.• evl'l,ntlyt had a tremendous r sonrl{ty Influencing eteryune with Snow launched whom he ea me in contact. fin Wedne'Aay refteermon- W i--ws totneg to the prttiate hm- F'nrrosts new AC.font wow wag ,.rah services bt Sun Yee- Nen, which launched In the harbor from the pok pie In' the 1'. 1'. Y.C. chapel, Island where 11. construction has w•trioh 1 helped to decorate. Dr. Lin just been completed. This man -.lied naked flys. M...).1 an and me to ar- job was well handled and at I o'clock range thi. deeoratio . We also lined i In the afternoon the large strneture the coffin with brig red satin -ret P andeasily down the s eat sec. The slid quietly _ vnlutionary to the las t greased timbers Into Take-' Huron. funeral :settlers were very dignified Tlf►e aeow In resplendent in w gincr- and impreasely ;, but the crowds ottt- ons mating of bright red paint. It Ride the chapii•1 were frightful, a 1s a notable fact that over a ton of art -thing mass of humanity. Alr- oakum was consumed in ,sulking Its- planes flew overhead. adding tumult seams, 10 the o.-aslon." t • Goderleh RIO. Club Shoot. _ _ . Ti'antr41 y Re'paets THE SIGNAL PaLNT1NG CO., I.LMITER, PublUia's "PLASYOTT.$ALL THIS YEAR TOWN COUNCIL RENTS Schedule I}rawn t'p and First Game la on May Illi , Softball apta►reut y T± 'Tu lx• stn + Vette lu tnnl.r1441 this, -year. -1 bort hall A.t'ot•intion has been formed. with eight trams, repr•selhIIt t the Meues.tung t'atom (1uJt. lh, l'oll.gi lite Institute, the C. N. Kallwaysi the Bunkers. the Square.. the 'Western Canada Flour 'Mills. the Lions Club, and the village of Salttor(1. The of flyers of the Asaoclattna art.: Honor- ary pre-mirk-sta. E. lit. -Wish.. M. I'- 1'-. and Mayor Ma. -t wan; maidens. Dr. J. A. Graham. s,eret.wy;trea.ltrer. F. .1 1'rldhnm • and one repr«w•uta- tive front each club in the Associa- tion to form the executive tvmmit ¢t•P. Prayers in earth ,11th are limited to fifteen. and the names of prayers in he r.ewpwrtive ...tubs are to be huuded FREIGHT SHED FOR BEER WAREHOUSE Liquor Export Business to• Be Carried on from Goderich Harbor Gadcrieb i. to have n Is•u,h•d ware. house from nideh 4.1 leer sad striate - el miner. are 10• #Ir exlortet. pre- - ;utuabl r+. .rafted :Mates points lion... tlu• lake T1e• town .-tnute•tl hat rented a po'1 of the town fr.tght .h„t 111 Un• tanin,r for 1hi• porton. t• \Ir. .\Ikman, who hails. it In under- stood. from Amh.•r.tt.,rg. 'Phe export of liquor from Canada is quite legal. but to i4t It Intl the 1'nli.d Staten rayon,. Infrartlon nt Th.•`-tawn ..t tint t ,•ountrc: to the secretary by May 12th, the Ti.e presr,•4ings 1n connection with fee (IJ .for e.oh ettfi1 ,t.. be paid this mutter ennetitutett the •-p1eee de when the list of play''n. 1. presented. sistatie..• at the regular meeting of twN town ,ouneil lase }'rids night. up and play will be on Tuesday and Alf the memtwrs of the e4►avil I Thursday evenings gf each W. cells-owersseut- - mene•Ing at 6.30 o'clock. at Victoria t Ilht V,w.telethwalte *prated Tor Park. At the conclusion of -the melte! the in1U81 two weeks holidays for -• duce the first and .eeo.hd teams nrr Sergeant lasts and himself. The to play '.ff for the championship. Chief is 1.t nning to attend the (ve- t rntinn- of thief noonahiees at WIn- Msy 14L --Y. C'. t'. v. t' N. 11. ' once on Jun. 3. 4 and 5. The re- " 10 --Lions flub v. Rankers. quest was. gra ted. the matter ..f " 21-A. 4'. 1. v. Saltfo�, t securing supply 21-W. '. F. M. v. Sgttare.' ' apet•IN ..t'nwmItIc.. "+ 26--4': N. R. v. Lions t'lub. ` Tax Collector Jed 1 tort • slated that . the (lebg bates were - tw,t is'ing taken nut very f.st. ind he advised that sones atep`e be taken amg•d ars P• A double schedule has been n drawn y R Ro.w•mnn ails hinh mon at the t:Mt- erk•h Rifle flub shoot on Wednesday At the monthly nos.ting of the pub- -or-ilils weee•k, Thcr.. was _anything' lig school board: held on . Ytmdho hat Ideal weather for the _anything' night, Trustee Atte. Saunders, who nttende_the nnnnxt meeting of the which nceountt/ for the (low .carts. O.ttarl Seined Trustees' nod Rate- ThP wv.roa were ns*fntluwi .tit of i JI plwtihle 70:� taiy.rery A4.koo•iatlon At Toronto In s - - Easter week as the representative Of 17.,.,41r*----,rAs. Tetn1 the Itelen ,--. gave ,an IItnros1J:tg--snit Informing xtuur.t (JL,•t m. •tine- -..IJe " --'""...- ---711 tottrhid nl„111 A-vartety of (Attention - 2s. • "' ' C 'id problem. that wore ,Ilsrlts..d at i4 the electing. from the standpoint -of }i. Fisher. 211 _ rr4 the {'ulbl1- interest. _One point . momH. Newcombe 27 •tet a' -whirl he eennmented Pros The pre - R, handle 27 ' 24 51wuolernnce of nirtil representatives R. William- - 27 1.2 1 I at the tie.lting ricer representative. F. ilhannon 25 23 rf of nrrian mnulellsI111es: Es a result W. frons.. 23 19 4: nt this. he listed. tow -rural .,brads A. Randall IS •' lA A7 were staining a pr.fe•reoe. in the This flair will hold,a shoot every matter of Government grants. At Wednesday afternoon. Any_ -person Its el.««• of .-Isis-wWaasa a- 4.14.- 44 welshing to .hood is w'e•h•ome. I-lluuk. tctls 1:• olensl by, the dotard ,to Mr: butundkrs. Forster Gatwick Players Star I I A rommunleutlun was received Gowleriell baseball fans were Much from 511s. Le Tomei. 'who has been Inters -ted he the opening inter -,nun-, ii;, trs_Ur_.(T.e4t. tlylt she exle.•ts to 'League game pfuyewf"1tf-'iTrantCnrl 1w• nhle 1 res.num lei ihttle at the oil usturiny between -the Brantford beginning. of the fall term. awl the - r'nrttag. team--riund---t-be-Itarila-af--w,,eineft,tn was ittstrtn-hd--t„ r-l4v ns- Ntrntfurd. F^ur former 1;. hrlrh scoring her that her pfa,v el. rte star players were' In the game, /ark, is Rd be L. pt o1s•0. • ng referred to the rda to but re- " 26 --Salford e.• W. C.1'. M. " :Pt -Square v. 6. ('. 1.-, - :T hankers e. M. V. (', .Iter L'=Y C--A'._s- W. ('. F. M. " 4-- Lions C'tub v, Square, - _ •1-_(• IL. v gt►trterly ' olEetat Tabard �`lnrtit -.olio %env were r.4ene.ef and the train striet Methodist church, held on Mon- fell ont upon him. Mr, -Watson went flay eve�nit The following remain - tion wss unanimously ndnpted:-= '•That this hnnrd regrets 1111. Bolan of the town emun•11 tt renting the town fr•Ight..hels for no. in export - Ing Ilquur and request. ti eta to ter- minate this Lease at the enrltest Dos - to his r..'ue and rendered flet aid, and he . was noon -revived. He was taken to Aleinndrn . hospital, where h. L• doing nheeby. heat In Teehnleal Mdiool., Exams. Murray Kernighnn: sol -of Mr. tool Mrs. J. Norman Keriigllnn, formerly Mr. Howard Yates, nt Sr. Marys. spent the Week -end In town. . ,Mrs. P. J. Ryan Rud (humbler. J Bowman ' 0. Goldthorpe C. Prong, 5011 for the who]. examination. , 11ts young, Geo, Boding and Sid Mit- 1 4t i. tel'4 - lt► - _ (:..brach anti_ Colhoruc .4411 e ba 11,.--Sl&Tittugii- lrnflt.-.gfl1, Au be ideecel to know -ser Mnrray's ••Mingo^ .}igen,: with tem -Brantford i at once to -hare all dog. I destroyed. +,vest r • Il �BanTteM r - 4;. C. 1. ▪ 9-W 4' F. M.;•.. 4'. X. 6. "- . 31-Mquare v. • Mti " 11-Snitford err-.11tt i, Clots. " 16--4'. N. R. v. Syna4+ 141--M. 4'. ('. v. Ialtfnr,f. . 4'. i. e. Lions Chub. . " lei -_-Bankers v. W. 4'. I'. M. -ii. _" __23--W. C. F. M.' v. tions ('Idf.. �• 1-14quare t- hankers. :i --(L C. 1. v. M. C. C.' ' 80--Lh411 ('1,11, v. M. - r. C. CIO -Rankers v. Sniffer.]. July 2-1*. N. 11. v. (1, 4'. 1. 7--4;. 4'. 1, v. W. 4'. F. M. • 7-N:tltford v. Square. e. 9--4', N. R. t. M. l', 9-lta,,kers v. F.lous Club. • 14 -Square v. Saltford. • 1i --W. ('. r. M. r. Banters: . 10 --Llan. flub v. 4'. N. R. _ 10 --M. C. 4'. v. G. C.-1. 21-41I^7'T7 F. M.- v, ML c.-4'. " 21-ttgnnre v. Lions Club. " 23 -'--NA l t.fird v. 1;. 4'. 1. r 28 -Rankers v.'('. N. R' • -2g-1,k.ns Oak-- v. Snit 0.rd. .:.'S -4'. X. it: R. W. r. F. M. • •• NF.- 51. 4'. C. v. Square, " :to - 41. C. 1. v. Ihlnkers. .\ppli.-ations for positions 011 the Aiig. .4 SL�t' t'. .- Lieu.. Club ,raft -ware r---ri"w1 r'wa Yds. .SLatJtl a --_ »_ -4 . ftunkrl'F� 1piare. lowvdl. 51 .' - Evelyn Dougherty awl •• it 1'. N. It. v. $:11ford I; 11•. t', 1. _ll r'. 11.4% I. 11 1. C. I. r. Square. 1 f pion: ('hug' v. W. I'. F. 31 1:1 Zaltford .- M 1' 1•. - i BAPTIST CHURCH - Ili e; if'. 1..' 1' T I• \I. e ., ltnnk.rs. F Sermon Prearhevt by the i 1• N,pnnre .. ,' X. it Rev. F. l'. ElUott ( 211 W. a'. F. M. .•, Naltfeifil- continued at..s.S in hls statue:, - nine. Yonne pitched the first MIX imflnts foie Strntfoni. tntt Then ask- CHURCH NOTES ei to b1 relieved. The spore- was! in Knox thane, next Sunday the •then 21 In favor of Stri nrr. in II•rOPP" will he ,•.mdn•tnl I'S- ttsw th'"se•trnth frame the Bards stent its nf-svrol6r0.1-'Tt- ieciar and ITITmfweed.. ran T1mw: nslaistPr. 14114vvis sit�i+ p ly`v a.m.. "Milo I'rnfswr.--4;.sl 111•tx's.s ." an.l the anal score was R-4 In favor' Ten 7 p.m.. eighth in 'series on theof Brantford. Com niaadJnents-"A..1'erner lineae of-' Stratford: Il. tern-HPrnh} r.• - - the llnn)0," Mother's Day service porting the gamer, says: "I1tt-lin-'-- work with the willow was the out- stunding feature. He hit n triple. which. by fast running, might have • LIs•n ,,nyrtwl to h homer. and two singles. Haynie and R1i11th ap p. Ar.(1 to Ie lest for Rrnntford." The most dramatic moment of the game was when. with two. Out tend the bases filled. Haynes-W.fli_ tit_ -bar, Miss T1,hlorl. and were filed for flrture rr•h•n mer. ODDFELLOWS ATTEND one that dog* without n tag should 1e shot, another er that • ..h doge •h, t lel Qr�l_1«• Itnt.uuob•d.,s.. 1h,11 the own 1•r. 1111¢111 1111.'.• ,1 shat, -, to iedaim them lin.• .•,nn,illor pointed 1.11, that a faratrr knight 1s• aeswnpanit•d 10 Iowa be 111. dog. preli . a valet all, 1'1111 ie. 111111 II wolllrl 1114 du, 1.. shoot - -u-_floc,-- else t pia was shot the pollee kn.•w nearly ever, .log in town and would tf,t destroy' to farmers dog. Finally a motion wit* ,nrrlel flint the poi lie be hest rtieted .t rb•tly to ruldfei• the dog Keens• bylaw. The cemetery cemetery seeti.1. ?rpw.r•IsI seven . burials swine the month of •torn. H. oleo t. keg -fur n mower, grits= seed and other articles. The .Unit - :min of the e•tiu•tery and parks eons lollies.. wax e•mpaornd • •k -so-t t. 1111 regent to IHi*liit-snprplte. Tll, Mayor stilted `thiat• in tete taxi ter of 51 r.-.lu.eph i►areirter'e- s!ovp d.estr,o..t by n .keg Mr... Robert .IVin- 1.•r, had nod, n t1liiill, thin:; 1h. 114.1 '1111 111 14.1.'1110 Jh0 owner of. fhb• d11,1: ,11x1..1.- 10 mak, An a4... .. ftt•ttnrni Thr: ---matter tens* --loft -tn---- the hand. of the ai' "I ,ommitte•. - T11. %luyur and Iteet's• rt is.i test neon their rl.it iii- Toronto owl their +1111•rajaw-- rii4, I ter -Fit +frr way. wilts regard In 111, .rn,thlsrtk.a of the rot -Metal hfghwar from V.'nl• - mo street. othey .� neon run.: to the retiree of the town, They wore f1..'. rowed - dote -the I;..r.•runl.-nt *mad ghe forty per rent. of the eon of a 1. Forceful Th.!`a1, anniversary of TT.e i1i TI ' M I•itmw--t'htir'su -f` f I tntlnit nf'(►ddfe•lluw-I.t; 1n thl. l'ror•i Ymon r. W. t'. 1'. M. 1 Incv .vas marked lost timidity by the I -3- -Salt fiord v: [tankers. member. of Huron lode... Xo, 02. 1. Sleuth of Mrs. Stephen Slolher. I I. 1t F'., fu attending 111' morning9 Rervle at the liapNat .larch. Thrl 'Hen hum, of 51:. X1.•11', St.tlo•r., lwssttr, Iter. 1 ('. I' Ilintt. pr.•ache•d Trafalgar .1rn t- has h'•rn •nilly Is• - toting the Llborals nut of power, was prtnent(d ' this week In an 11- IuminntlnR .pitch by one of the Sas- kntche •nn Progre►slvea. Thomas H. %l. -Conic, (ilattleford). "This tar- iff sltnatinn Is an Important matter." sa.III Mr. IleC•nlen, "We are going 1.. twee --a- vote Ow t1* hlldgt.t. 3 do not propose to vote for the ('nnner-R- tire nmendment. That is quite set- tled In my- mind. Now•, how about the budget', Myhon. friends to R my right (O hostttnnl nrr Re1nR to rote against 11 bcaune the tariff Is not high enough. My frhen& to my left (his fellow-Prrlgresslvext are sup - pound to rote agnlnst iR-imennse It Is too high, if 1 vote against 1t and my friends nn my right agninnt it nrr they voting with me or am T vot- ing with them? Or are we trytng to hitch tip n team t of pnll the Gov- ernment from the -neat of power, with one horse pulling Katt and the other palling Welt? And N we succeed. *1,n iR going to get the credit and la going to take the regpnnnl- 1 That Is the intention i would to WHIM in my - mind. the nevi 00Y- time. nv time. Mr. Tom (knotty, jr.. has returned from Toledo, where he was taking a ,name at the 5111. Bennett lInntype school. Mr. and Mr... T. M. 1►avls, of WIn- ono, were to town for the week -end /11111 on their return were aenmialnied he Mrs, 0. F. Ilene, r. with them for n while. 51r. And Mrs. 11. 1'. I\'llltntns Imre retuned from Detroit and tire again ...copying in their residence on Welling- ton atm. Mrs- John Beattie. -has returned from 1'inrL, where she spent the win- ter with her '.nn, Mr. Flank Beattie, Minn ('lnrn Stntilers left on Mon- day with her aunt, Mrs. Jame. WII- .nn, for it rest of it few Whets at the Intter'a home at Flora. lira. Ben Iloggnrlh end dnnghter. Minn Grace, have returned from Port linrnn and are again In their home nn RagInn ntr/rot. T►r. J. It Whitely and 1►r. W. F' ('lar'te were Rt Renforth yesterday entiorilleting arraagrmentn for the Western Ontario ruing circuit for 11125. Mr. and Mrs. Ilowsri Itnhertson. of Stratford. spent the wetrk-end in tows. 11 the Nitirheth school at 3 o ,lock. Tu• pastor, Rev. F. C. Elliott. will ...copy the pulpit at the Baptist Atwell next Sunday.. Subjects - morning. "Mew Missions:" evening. -God Blew( thlr Mothers." The Mis- sion Circle will'meet on Friday. nt 3 p.m.. at Mrs. Blind...es. Topic, "Sleill•a1'Work In India•." to be -tak- en by -Mrs. Atkinson. - for Brantford. Young ontgnleest•d At the Victoria street church next him and strati him out. The two' Sunday a lip s 'Ial '•Moth..'. .4►ny'• preceding hatters also had twined., servile will be held at 11. In the It was perhaps his tense work In AfI TTI,on at t thrrr 'wilt -fire sr" that tnnlnfn'. when he refiret-11W. Ade - tial rally of all members of -the Sun- fly srifeefslve strike -onto with the' (Inv school for -a Mother's "♦.t pro -,bon's filled. that put Young ,.ut,of gram. in the r\('.ning nt•t %rev. J:--e,mdition for finishing the gatm•. R. Peters. of- Tktngafnon, duct the Renders The.arrtke.t In North street Methodist claireh next Sunday will he As follows: 10 a.m.. Men's club. ,larch classes and Mission Rand. "Are we hosing sight of the original stgnillkinet• of Mother's T iy?" is the subject to b• discussed In the Ment ('lab and to be Intrndnetd by Mr. M. W. Howell, Sermon stth- js•ats: 11 a.m,, "Mothers of the -Bible," 7 p.m.. "Honor Thy Father nod Mother," Sunday school nt R p.m. en to represent North 'insert Metho- dist ehnrrb at the Methodist district meeting to tw held at Dungannon next .week. Mr. Wm. 10.111e i. the Alternate representative. -_The.. Longrtitttto!fl&...meeting of _ North street Methodist church ieiif he held next Wednestlny night, whet'' the tarloni church nrganisatle w111 present their reports for e past year. The meeting will not- able nt- n Ire rasth el Met before the rhe eh Pn- United Church of nada. tees tbe T ted At the annual meeting of the La- dles' Aid Society of North street Methodist church, held on Thnr.riny last. ofileers for the ensuing yy'ear werassele0ted nR follows: President, Mrs. Ellen Sinclair; rice -president. Mrs. W. T. Marney; frea1nver, Mrs. J. itobertann ; .Peretary. Mrs. F. Marney: tesslatnnt secretary. Mr.. JMstnw; ptaniet. Mrs McNP1'ln: por- .onage committee MM. • Moore, Mrs.' Vapstter• Mrs. Andrews. Mrs. Wal Mrs. Hick; kitchen rnmmlttoe, Mrs. Vanntter, Mrs T. Johnston, Mrs, Bishop; visiting and relief emit mitt*. Kw Aitken, Mrs. Paters. Rs• Rowell, 11181 Waailaiten. ' 4 e^4 KELLOGG DAY IN GODERICH-55.00 GIVEN IN PRIZES Saturday, Slay 0th, will be Kellogg Day In Goderich. On that day 'Mappers at moot of the Goderich gres'ry stores will have the opportunity of getting a free pneknge of Kel iogRi "Pep" -the new bran I, fool. Those who want -Pep" nd who ,bo sn't?--mny read qq about It on tinge 0 of' this faster of The Signal (not ne- gleetiRR--Fhe--trdes eif Ewen -and W. Price nn page 71. L. .onns•tion with this -its.- elle] Kellogg Day prime. amonnt- Ing to tt.•..00 are offered for the rs number of copies of greatest rnm the picture of the Kellogg plant at Tdifdon. Onts clipped from thi. week's ..banal. The $5.00 will 1149 divided as follows: $2.110 for the greatest number of Philtres; $1,50 for the next gr.ente.t number; $1.00 for the third gretteent number. 11 there should be a tie the money will be divided amongst those en- titled to It. Competitors for threw prizes must hand in their clippings Rt Th. eignnl .file, by 4 n'elock fenturdtey afternoon. The resnits will he announ.ed and the prism a • x masterful sermon, taking ns his rnatel 1n 11e 'frith of hl. wife. subject the partible of the Good un-! w•hir1, ,s.•. rr.vl ou N'..hu•+dac ulKht marital.. 111s text was front Luke of Ina w,ck. .11rr11 L"k h. .\IthonRh 111:_r5t-"Ahd, iw•lold.'a ,•i•rfnil. Inn.' Mr". !nigher. Mot --tine nn Inrwttrt Ser stood up, and tempted him. stir-' lrnm rhemnulti.m fur many years, her Mg. )taster, what shall I do t^--10- 111.1111 Illness aa. n brief nue and the• herit eternal lite?'• a end ran,,• suddenly and unexpectedly Thr_.tiott t t' Bind_ saltuo'Itnn_to the member. ' of the hnttw•hnld_ Is one of the most fnmitlnr .sturir. hl Ivr"• )41"11"'". 11hnw• maiden risme the Bible." said the speaker. •'Thr t 1.11" Snrnll FL' 1►tltldsrlh• its isi Tii•r heart of the In9deu1 Is lure• and lovesixty'-third year. She woo bent nt Is the ftmndatlon itnk of; ytrrr Or. ilooltwnnfn: x -'laughter of the late der.- Mr. Elliott drew attention to Sir. an.! Mr..Ttt(�b.'rt Davidson. Mlle the bla,kbo,trtl on which he had Aly drawn the ,emblem ii the 4l411fellow•s beige. the three Ilnkk--Fr,tendshlp. I.nve and Truth. The link of lot., he'lointel 1111(. to highee,t and to this aro.' united the links of friendship and truth- Frlend.hip Is what unites us to one another, or in dth'•r L'onts is' n hand extended. Without toe there is no fo\mdntlon on which to extend the hand of friend -011p, The apefiker then toll the etory of the Good 'ttlimnritan and pohttrgl out to the tnernh'•r. /.t the tinder hot' the work of their lodge go.' hntol-fu hand with this great 1)111. dory., "Within the circle of your lodge tire men who ,ire prosperous. You are nt1 Rttttng sintrir-wintttrttfr' and your sr...tent service Is not to the men within your lodge but to the min WI 111011t who have (ellen by the wny- aete principle f your tinier 1• )selpfuhters one to the other. Yon will find 11 i. those rho tw'bong to your owlets- that need it the levant. The.in.•n who need ynnr help are not nppenlitg to fon. Love le the nut - hint of the h.nrt, not the Rn.wer to response" - Mr. Elliott cited Ahrnlinm i,111, -1l11 nn A gr,nt t'ltafnpl a of manhtd.4 And de-hr,d hr• waw•nne of the greatest men this continent has ever known. it. closhtg. the speaker risked the members of the Order not to leave the Mlfldfng without remembering flint Je.u11 l'hrint was the great Samaritan. Special made wn. rendered by the . twwlty-foot . strip. The (int tWib.nt was piinntng to mnradnmlzr• tfle rote. 1etw..•ti t;n.liriiell neral Stratford and wu41W -.slit-a- nom herr- 4.r --ser- 31 -if - twnnit 110 of wit sonnet' to .•ttMuIIsh n plant her. 1,1.1 work from thl. tend, lion. 51r. 41et(ry mit keit that the town g.et the row.] oti the hi11 lending to the Smitten! bride...mit it on the a nil- ly system. so that it mig'Itt get the regular ,. ,'l'lm,ee. T1.e elti.• deli. gates live.• nee..inioni,d in tI, Ir rail, upon the 31h,l,t,r- by F: It. While, - M. i' I' Ti,.• Mayor nod Reeve 111.0 attend ed ole Moot itot at. Toronto ,11 w'hfrh to. To tirl.t .Isws lltlon of Ontario was` lnlnrhe,l. .1 large number of ' 1TI,r4r9(t81ttsp. lt"iv1a-_1(reaeeht. Timm various 4,•utr.•. Ii, the I'rni•In•e, and M..sr-. .5N .\,loot libel Fran,, were tu',e140_-Ir.,(u.:(ar(ia to ten drat 11.P right. of Th. film Wnrt'r11tg11r1'it, - __- betel at I(ungan , tintll she rt.emr I , Mlnl Its of -_ ed with her husband and faintly fa; tflgh.e:,7. na. prnsrut red "anted '.11.14• . n•uh�rt12,i ' The t - -.-- Goderich twenty--s,y,n Fears ago. In 11141 11.' „e r.ntarnt "'as wIlling h. spill• of her aril.•tioo, site A -LA at I„ ohne, anything to hate the roads .- way.. patient and cheerful. nn.l .Io, iu •"1 ondilinn for tourists. im gently missed In the home and by The Itee.e -toted that Mayor 1111.• - those who knew her an a kind friend. -I:"'n, had IRe.n-'plae4l nn 1110 rx,r,i She Imre., leslden the b.•reacf.t bus -!'11l' cola ntitl.e. 41 7h. Hew tend. ono 91011. 11'fltiam, and delight .re, Mrs. Whither 11.. tt-ll.. of tlua _- There nits i1 fee of $23 for men.- and M1... ('Inns, nil of town !tither h,. rphip h. the A4.44.41;111011.noel the• ihtt•idson_ Jame. T)ntldsun noel \I r. 'It•'•.linn of hnining the •.\aw.•Intl,t, IVm. Slither.. of lhtngann.u,. 11n h nod ptrytne this fee was tvft-•wtth f1m- JtatI Icon, of Y1.knt.hew'nn. fuel )Irs. .pedal vomn4it', .Inmos N'ilwm. of Faorn r• broth 111.11. • .ht • 'forma'. the SLsynr "ed res and • sisters of the der...ased doh'. Itwar n!.' '1'w Ula Premier. 54.4•- - - - and there an. five grnnd.hildren, In' hlry with record to the booklet nd- n whom she w'nr gren1tf' InMrest.d I t-trtlaint; the Previa,, to 4401.•11 (:.sl- 'fTte• • fntternl took -per•9.• -6 144 .'-nffr•i- 1 i'' 'h- . PKr'Q,l - mom to Mai11tonal cemetery. tIi. fun--trsp.l,u of I,s•u1 clews. ern] .,mires Iw•fog performed by her-ll'pl•i -t,(t. Js for hnilding permits, n. pnator. ROI. R. C. M,ih•rmil, mints- 1 follow.. "1'1'12 mrerrel M the fere '• n n e w IITm•f 12oi►nslt ts•; -:1- ::::::rneorow.s:ernninaref: - ter f Knox odmtrh. Th s t 1 in 'klMhr '1 g n. Elgin avenge.: R m;/'hsWln, res wren JnmO, ntl!1 Tterimrt I1avld• ¢ min, John Elliott 1ltungannon-) apif r''no(InK lbtrt of James Wtt.nn (Floral. Among those W. R. Bowden. garage, Reny. street; prrse•nt b.,'h 1cs the brothers' and sly- l It. C. Hays. Jr.. p•rg.dn at redden•., 1.. tete (except lir. Ranh i►arlA.nn, or 5lontreal street : Minima (►hl0r, r.w.f- Snsktetehewan 1 were a number of I nig Qu ening. l'atnhr{a r,aii; R. Stone- friends front Intninnnos who cam to ley fhr• Inst tribute to the memory of one whom rimy boil in high e•att.rm. 1'.+t.rday the Iosdness people had their first Wednesday half holtdny of the Reason. The w•.•tither wire rather too flail for enjoying nntnf- dow►r dlveeiMns and for this mann the , holiday was not OP thoroughly appreelstsd as otherwise It would "ej* * 1 T k Argo w sit 4 5 P. house, garage, BnyMs] ol .nwd; Jas, llm•bnnnn, glass pinch nt.. Ilnrhan- • , en's A(atrtawllta, New!rate street .• Petition, for -road nil on Colborne - -- street. from St. Patrick's t.. Nelson. and nn Notation street, from 111..11 to 1'i4nrla. wore refrrral to the public works mmmtttee 1n spplt:•ntion from the board of AlelnninI hospital for a grant w I' r.•A•rr a to the feline enmmittro. •