HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-06-20, Page 26PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1990. Classified FAST__ DEPENDABLE HIGHLY VISIBLE RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. HELP WANTED VOLUNTEER USHERS (OVER 12 years of age) needed for the Blyth Festival. We need Adults as well as Youths for all performances, espe­ cially for the matinees and week­ ends. Please telephone 519-523- 9300/9225 and give your name, address, telephone # and age (if under 25). 23-3 HELP WANTED CHILD CARE NEEDED FOR summer months for an 8 year old boy, Monday to Friday, 8:15 to 4. Call after 4 p.m. 887-9190. 24-2 CARD OF THANKS COMING EVENTS COMING EVENTS RUTLEDGE. We would like to thank all our friends, family, relatives and neighbours for all your phone calls, kindness and delicious food. Special thank you to the nurses and Dr. Underwood at the Seaforth Hospital, Betts Funer­ al Home, Rev. Carolyn McAvoy, the pallbearers, Royal Canadian Legion and Ladies Auxiliary, Branch 218, Brussels. Your thoughtfulness goes a long way with our appreciation. Frank Rut­ ledge, a dear husband and father, will always be remembered by Doreen Rutledge, John and Gerald Rutledge, Julie Payne, Chad and Krista Rutledge. 25-1 STEPHENSON. Bill and Velma Stephenson wish to thank their friends, neighbours and family for the wonderful 50th anniversary party. Special thanks to Barb, Marie and Donna. 25-lp 95TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION - Russell Wilson, July 1, 1990. Relatives and friends are invited to an open house in his honour, Sunday, July 1, 1990 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. to be held at Blyth Legion Hall, Blyth. 25-lp DR. MAARTEN BOKHOUT, Medical Officer of Health, invites the public to attend the press conference announcing the start up of a new Information Service for seniors and physically disabled adults in Huron County. Thursday, June 21 at 9:30 a.m. at the Huronview Auditorium, Clinton. For further information call 482- 5666 or 1-800-267-0535. Everyone welcome. 25-1 BELGRAVE COUNTRY FAYRE - Belgrave Community Centre, Sat., June 23rd starting at 4 p.m. Free Admission. Featuring crafts, needlework, baking, etc. Cold Meat Supper from 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $7.00, Children $3.50, Pre­ school free. Sponsored by Knox United Church, Belgrave. 23-3 FRIENDLY, OUT-GOING PEOPLE with pleasant telephone personali­ ties for a telemarketing subscrip­ tion drive. Evening work. Good commission. For more information call Keith Roulston, Publisher, Townsman magazine, 523-4792. 25-2p SINGLES DANCE, THE AGRI- cultural Hall, Hwy. 86 and Tre­ maine St., Listowel, Friday, July 6, 8:30 p.m. D.J. Refreshments. Call 367-2394. 01-tfn BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO, every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., Blyth & District Community Centre. $300 Jackpot must go. Over $1,000 in prizes. 43-tfn READ FOR A CHANGE? TOPS’N Trends, a leader in ladies fashions sold at home parties, needs sales people. Start today, earn today. Call Lynn Rooney 1-800-268-5670. 25-lp LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Dabber Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Cen­ tre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel chair acces­ sible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. 14-tfn PART-TIME INTERVIEWERS Wanted for opinion research. $8-12/hr. plus expenses. Days, evenings, weekends. Population Opinion Studies Inc., toll free 1-800-268-0272 anytime, 2455 Caw- thra Road, Ste. 75, Mississauga, Ontario, L5A 3P1. 25-lp WINGHAM AND DISTRICT Community Living Association in­ vites applications for two Commun­ ity Support Workers, various con­ tract lengths. Applicants should be continuing secondary or post­ secondary education. Interest in Human Services, knowledge of cultural and tourism activities in the community. Students must be registered at Canada Summer Em­ ployment Centre. Resume and referencesto W.D.C.L.A., M. Ray- nard, Residential Manager, Box 1042, Wingham, NOG 2W0 by June 22. 25-1 BUS DRIVER required for Hullett Bus Lines Ltd. Duties to commence Sept. 1990 Contact Ralph Buffinga 482-3747 THOMPSON. The family of Eldon Thompson wishes to extend sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours. Your visits, cards, prayers, food, flowers and dona­ tions in his memory will be long remembered. Also thanks to Rev. Baird and Barry and Joan Mac- Pherson for their compassion and care. - Kathy and children, The Thompson family. 25-lp VINCENT. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our family for the planning and effort put into the open house in the hall for our golden anniversary, and the won­ derful dinner that followed. Thanks to our friends and relatives for the lovely cards and gifts and best wishes. It will long be remember­ ed. We also want to thank the ladies who supplied a wonderful lunch. - Les and Hilda Vincent. 25-lp FRIENDS, NEIGHBOURS, AND relatives are invited to Londesboro United Church June 23, 1990 from 2 to 4 p.m. in honour of Wallace (Jake) McDougall on his 90th birthday. Best Wishes Only. 25-lp SOCIAL EVENING - FOR SHEILA Gulutzen and Brad Smith, June 22/90 at B. M. & G. Community Centre. Dancing 9 - 1. Age of Majority required. 25-1 A MEETING OF THE LADIES Auxiliary to the Wingham and District Hospital will be held Monday, June 25 at 2 p.m. in the board room. Special speaker is Keith Carson. All are welcome. 25-1 CAREER TRAINING BUS TRIPS: WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 - Wonderland featuring “Heart”. Monday, July 16 - Marineland. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Call Isabel Campbell, Nicholson Bus Lines, 357-1938. 25-2 FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE, LOCATED ONE mile north of Blyth, $300 per month. Utilities included. Air con­ ditioning. Available immediately. Phone 523-4878. 10-tfn GARAGE YARD SALE GIGANTIC YARD SALE-WALTON 14 families June 23rd, 9 - 4. Baked goods and drinks. Well worth the drive. 25-1 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE - Saturday, June 23, 9 to 12, 2 miles north of Blyth, 1 mile east. Watch for signs. 25-1 FREE: 1990 GUIDE TO STUDY- at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Book­ keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secre­ tary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. 25-lp KIDS’ CORNER ’90: “CARING For God’s Creation”. All children in Gr. K-6 are invited to Kids’ Corner on Mondays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 from 2:00 * 4:00 p.m. at Brussels Mennonite Fellowship. 25-2b MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE. (We’ve cleaned out our attic). Lots of old and used items - furniture, deep freeze, clothing, dishes, crafts, bedding, fabric (some quilt­ ed, plastic back for bags), tools, etc. 1/2 mile west of Belgrave on 9th cone, of East Wawanosh. First farm west of school. Saturday, June 23; Sunday, June 24, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 25-lp MARKEL 1-800-265-7173. CLASS AZ-DZ Professional Transport Dri­ ver Training. Careers? Financing? Tax Deductible? We’ve got the answers. Markel Institute of Pro­ fessional Transport Training. Guelph 1-800-265-7173. 25-lp 25TH ANNIVERSARY - THE family of Dave and Karen Hastings invite friends, neighbours and rela­ tives to an open reception July 14, 8:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. in the B. M. & G. Arena to help celebrate with them their wedding anniversary. Best Wishes Only. 25-lp HAY STRAW 17 ACRES OF MIXED HAY. CALL Boyd Driscoll 527-0866. 25-lp HELP WANTED YOUR FUTURE STARTS WITH ... Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses, financial assistance on approved credit. 1-800-265-0400. Cambridge. 25-lp COMING EVENTS CRUISE THE ST. LAWRENCE, Saguenay and Ottawa Rivers. This summer or fall, spend 3, 5, or 7 nights aboard elegant replica steamships. See romantic cities, the world-famous 1000 Islands, the International Seaway and Locks, whale-watching and magnificent flords. $592 to $2,480. Dial-a-bro- chure 1-800-267-7868. 25-lp HOUSEWIVES, MOTHERS AND interested persons needed imme­ diately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collection. Call (519) 258-7905. 25-lp BLYTH LEGION LADIES Auxiliary annual Penny Sale, June 21, 22 and 23 at the Legion. 25-1 MUSIC CAMP FOR ALL AGES: July 29th to August 12th; profes­ sional guidance. For brochure write 220 St. Germain Ave., Toronto, M5M1W1. 25-lp LET’S GET BIZZY! MULTI-MIL- lion dollar national firm seeks 2 representatives in your area. Can­ didates selected can earn up to $2,000 weekly. Individuals apply­ ing should be available immediate­ ly for placement. Call (416) 756- 2111 or (416) 756-7796 for your confidential interview. 25-lp WINGHAM & DISTRICT COMMUNITY LIVING ASSOCIATION Invitesapplicationsfor: Temporary Part-time Night Support Worker working alternate weekends AND Temporary Full-time Councillor working evening & weekend shift Experience and/or education in human services. Positions to start mid July for various contract lengths Forward resume by June 25 to WDCLA-M. Raynard, Residential Manager Box1042 Wingham, Ont. N0G2W0 GAWN. In memory of Kelly Rae Gawn who was killed June 20, 1988 at Chilliwack, B.C. You are gone but not forgotten Kelly babe. - In loving memory from Paul, Greta and Eugene. 25-1 HEMINGWAY. In memory of Viola Hemingway who passed away June 26, 1986. Today is remembered and quietly kept No words are needed, we will never forget Deep in our hearts you will always stay. Loved and remembered every day. - Always remembered by son Morris Hemingway. 25-1 MAN’S SOFTBALL GLOVE LOST at Blyth ball diamond with Bruce Schmidt’s name on it. Phone Joey at 523-9226. 25-1 MACHINERY NO. 10 M.F. BALER $350. PHONE 523-9227. 25-1 315 NEW HOLLAND BALER AND 70 thrower, $6,000 or best offer. Phone 523-4408. 25-1 MARKS. In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather, Clif­ ford, who passed away June 16, 1986. You are always in our mind, No matter what we do, All the time within our hearts, There are thoughts of you. - Sadly missed by daughters, Edith, Dorothy and Mildred and sons Stanley and David, and their families. 25-1 LEGAL NOTICES I, CON VAN VLIET, WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Lois van Vliet, after June 20, 1990. 25-3 1985 - 1144 CASE INDUSTRIAL Tractor/Loader - 5 foot bucket, 3* \ pt. hitch, runs on diesel, only been used one season, low hours. Excel­ lent condition. Call 887-6453 after 6 p.m. weekdays. 21-tfn PERSONAL CHALLENGE - ONE OF THE judges of the Rutabaga Cooking Contest, who will remain nameless, issues a challenge for anyone to submit a rutabaga angel food cake. 25-1 WANTED 85 overweight people to lose 10 to 75 lbs. and earn extra income working part-time from home. Toll free 1-416- 550-0217. CALL CITIZEN CLASSIFIED AT 523-4792 OR 887 9114 24 HOURS A DAY