HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-4-9, Page 6• et Tloo-,!a... April B. 111'23 THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. Joyous EASTER Cards 000 When you think of Greeting Cards -- think of BOOK STORE "On the Square for forty years" SPANISH DOUBLOONS NEW WATER RATES Rates now payable twice a year January and u iy. 10 per cent. discount off first half if paid on, or before -Mire -1i 12th. Bring your bilt-"Olen rtityment. Make cheques payable to J. B. Kelly. Collector, at his office orilhe Square, (h Hydro Store). and LI COMMISSION By-CAMILLA N YON Piet tire:. by W. Ell. Copyright, The 11.11- vt, • il'outiuued from last week . -Aft ne suf4 tersely. -"11 thitik ysm 11,et, and wbolikwe'll and out litter." Ittoi:11.1 get together the illitigirliee4f01.. for its exeeution. looked to the bond/. 11..• aind 'Ts, posted rookie in nci.hbor. hood with a pair of pistols,. and coin- nutiliTs471.u1iriW Orry eit look after Slim Iliggfeshy,Itrirwrist;. wh every; one by tuner tnopairtun.Iy topplitig over iu a eon, feet! genuine swoon. The the dvotchinati. Cuthbert Vaal woo peelomfiena or tears produoe Mien BETTER IN Ipaid., in the nude breast? "Its been too nitwit for her!" exclaimed the once dour Scot IU totlea of auguish. *tHur- ty. latri--,vve must thld her. SOWS wa- Atseltse,", 1 isiterpiniest""wittking coniti4e: -"Jtiat think oto*..e wry Culla those creatitrea. that 1 shan't S.. 'Non dwattiv, beexitne and " For I had not forgot - l, immensity of my debt to 'Tony. So a /mot was written on it leaf sorefri a poekethook and thrown over the eliff %%righted eith u stone. le, ; wives swooped Upon It. re - 1.0,1 'lien it vh plintienline by or eased if unrepent- asei w Hit; Sir. Tubbs, by gel.. that though sadly 111411. 11101ei. 1. 4.1.1 11. 11. was still our it 1 benefactor. ' 1: e alt 11111,1111‘e group to return 1 u estop Vrelsted the ti ruil it, 'awes it Iiih had inside possi tur titto.,•Nololt f tmertoming the ptrat.-4-In the .ute. 'riot tatte_of itty Tr. V•••••44416, though, Pei...anted with idue modesty, seemed Nita' the finish- tv/vg-, !ouch to the extinction of Violet. for she wilted finally and forever, and iteneeforth even bunted by Aunt Jam, The diary of Peter was pro - emelt off through the woods. The EVERY "After Taking 'Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Ingomar, N. S.-"1 took your medi- cine for • run-down condition and inward ad plums in my right side ...i.. at 'tiltete that"( could not walk tert:'t4bar any distance. I saw about Lydia E. l'inkliam's Vegetable Compound in the rite? - Trhat itellTble -retina Como krina • steamer to this remote, unvis- ited, all but zurgotten little tallied? As the oarotileil drove the boat upon the beach the man in the stern sprung agile') ashore. 'Huizeiti Shaw stepped forward, and the stranger approached. doffing Ms helmet courteowily. "You are the American and Enklbilt party who lauded here borne Weeks ago from the !tutus Smith?" His Englieb was easy And correct, though spoken wIth at pronounced Spoilt:ill retied. 11Is dark ,h1gh-fea- lured face owl, the filer. (A a Spaniard. And his grate was the grace of a opeiniard.rs he bowed sweepingly and newspapers and have taken five bottles hamlet' Mr. Shaw a cord. of it. I am better in every way and "Seoor Don Enrique Gonzales," arid you eon., use my letter to help other Dugald. letwinii iti his st iff -necked ' fashion. "1 iiin MIN.". to see you.'1Int rorteinar. , N. Sr taLY1TA. Jit • PERRY' - as you repreSeul IDS eats/411.11Q' the president of the republic of Santa Nervous Breakdown Relieved Miens 1-ini.tipomr you Caine 1.011 11UN1.- Toronto. Ontario. - "It is protti_hard. ,,,,,,,m. set," to explain your feelings in nervotte "ev- lee' • I gm euchauted that troubles. I felt low spirited, had pains in my head and eyea, always crying. you imp, tid the -tact., without the did riot want to go anywhere. 1 .do 11 ' eae ef explattet ions. Tile' knitting and fancy work. and I would. bus essi id a cold. usually a dissikree- get irritable after a few minutes of e e affair, is at not so? That being work. I have been in Canada five. rare '' bi-cm,... let us get and aye . \ "First do us the hotter te-ba mated, came. I am taking Lydia E. Pinkham,si stat Goi,,,i4„... - - - Vegetable Compound and 1 sleep better and it seems to make me eat, and 1 mutt - . cllilutfinbl.v bestow ell in a tamp-. from hand tO WIWI. TualterdaY•y di* great faith in in your medicine because sumed: say I am feeling more jolly. I have chair M the shade, the Spaniard re• cosery in the cave had rounded out tit what it has &ne for r:rhusband'w‘-emy fkehtt, this hthwil beleark--44 m„ woe h„yity „4 geed. sod pained about with two retiveirell my own little revolver awl restored It to my belt. Mr. Allow had seen to this, and hail said to me, very quietly: J "You ken*, Virginia, if things don't gn. our 'way, It may he necessary for you to use It -on yourself." Aud I nodded tissentingly. We went In ellen., through the green hush of die W01104, [moult In single filer' My aye snide was in the history of Peter to a melancholy -;.:trr:ne:I. IShitTn.reeTimittVleight t0n Avenue,eyou are aware. to the re - of course ' public, of whV 1 have the honor to be a citizen A ri hts comploolon. Bet though We knew the enti wjjeta..d Itt rain at the begin-, Mk: at Peter's Dame, at that of the old grandfather whose thrifty piety lied brought him to Havana and to the Inntialtitance of the dying, mute of bonny Lass, At the whereabetite of the old New England farm which had been mortgaged to buy the Queen, at the identity of Helen, h who waited atilt perhaps, for the lover who never Would return. Hut even our regret.. for Peter did Oat &III the egultattim et* whirk we thlinght Of -the. treasuirebest waiting there under the saw! In the cabin ot the island Queen. All afternoon ae talked of It. That/ for the present, was all we could (o. There were the two priminera in c 40 1* g-iiiMell--and Th)hint nr- ly awakened and med. seiner of_ a strongly peremial and leaeant trend mi discovering their eittietion. Todmorden. Toronto, Ontario. icine, and woznen suffering from thew strictly e.otiserv:.413tillie riepPyritivIticie.11"4 All - All druggiata @ell this dependable med- such as herveatiog the copra crop. ars troubles so common to their see should persons desiring mich are required to give it a trial now. , negotiate with the minister of state at the republic. And t.o. much more, treasure -of Pir 1 't 4-1,11F--T,M.IURINE1', I. L KNOX. Chairms., Se.retary Elkay's Straw Hat Dye 4 - olil hats look -filo. new 11; different ;silors 25c. a bottle Water Glass Egg Preserver - 1 Ib. cans 20c. _Kodaks Film Developing and Printing H. C. DUNLOP Retail Drug Store GODERICH, ONT. it.ar not remained ti, be Seen. After a lit- tle the Seotelontin renturod haek He To which class do you belong? "sw; of the nterithants in any line of business follow traditional methods and are eon - ten; ,ttittll itrofit" - titys it Well kDOWII . .'1'hent-fter204;;..frmi old Intl -Leis too slow -- -are cont in ii ally devising new way- for getting new (:ti-tt,niers- •for making, huger profit!..t." How iww customers . 1' could Vi il find among the ' 50,001* new trill -dime, -in- ' Iltelli41 yearly in Ontario and t/Trr+oec? There wits Cruatoe tiiYaiIdei and need- ing petting. and getting I frem every- 1 body on the score ..f his romantic past iti fteii'ly as well as of is present vir- -11TOS: virmer- Iv set 1. Du aid- diow In she Sate tlphetiVid Miss ant quite out of 0 Ir..;.''.utItItwrt as s IP t t nt's nose 114rd rtactiAn i') eV 41-111 tines ureas • • .• ister ha 1 dropped toenhularles--with rgeon's assistant ana e.chloroform to the pa - There was the fatigue from exeltetuent whieh ybody felt. and Petef's (nary to t* d golden dreams to be in - Mot there was ihe delicate i• be dIseitsee.Tof bow the should be divided. "Why, It all beelike to Virginia, or Course," ‘141.1 Cuthbert, opening his eyes at the thought of any other view being taketi but this ob-vious one. "Nonsense!"- 1 hastily interpooed. 'My finding the dlary was Net an ac- cident; 1,11 take a share Of it-uo • We Want In Silence Through the Green Hush of the Weeds. ttie -van, hut 31r. ghats- deposed from it-aintOietat -ahead himself, White -t'tithltert_Laue_lirought up the. rear._ No oue spoke, even 10 Whisper.I guided Litigald Shai. when neediul. by a light tough upon the unit. OW - enterprise was one or utmost danger.. If we inet-wif-pirates it was thet iheito OW ours -nand 1 rekrell. with incre- dulity my resOlut ion to Imbed fit'e Of my -sit bullets in a wrier before 1 turned tbe sixth upera ‘e Passed the graveand 141444 that the vines had Bern torn aside again. tlitit the Ibfia1i4T. Was gone.We (Ante to the brink of the eliff. and 1 pointed silently downward along the ledge to the angle tn....which lay the Mouth of the olive. My breath c: quIelify:for at any 'tenant a Awed might be thrust forth Ir the oteei- Mr Shaw and Cuthbert dropped dovn upon the lista,-. Though under whispered /VIC r to retreat 1 eould not. but hung °ter the e lg.- of ant cliff. eager and breathless. with • l.•1111.4 41/10.-totta444,, beide tee.:=Me: Shaw caught my hand, and we ru'leel together into the woods. A. quake, a rear, 11 silowee of flying rocks. I wor Nuicessfull..) or restso family Inns tkm et, tif annual nothoy roomed 10 us 14 Ir' wait HI in tint. woods--t'uthhert to moutit guard over mo -with g cleared is, e. "It's alt-itiftt," he said. "The trance is completely hinttvri. 1 sot the ebtarlrealF, feet insole toe ot roof. le down clear "to the mewl', poor eretchee-they hese all come pouring nut Ulardl the atintlos" All Om. ..f 3... f I.. -,Okt hack ke. the ti.frtt.tt it feet 'whet, on the enrrow strip of "'did before .tlie set-111,01th of the cave, ittr sae the of tour mee, ton %telly attirnt nir a foothattlitt the ph -,'r fare tit the cliff. Av w Mri,“-1 watching lItCni, v, it h. on my part. sst . hoist ill Itt r more." Here MIstt Plrowee.tuttrmured some; thing half Mean)* about "--confined to Members of the expedltion-" but subsided for lack of encouragement. "1 suggeet," said Ougald, "that, our aunakters having most fortunately di- minlalied and there being, on the basis of Peter's calculatiouti„ enough to ci- nch us all, we should mhare and share alike." And this proposal wee arrived with seelamations, as was a second from the same source, devot- ing • certain pereentage of each share to Cookie. to whotn the n7 of 1111 EOU(.1 fortune was to comaJa er as a groat Nurprise. Shortly before sundown Cuthbert sod I tookle were dispatched by 1/d al Illh•w to the Miff above the rave itb supplies for the inhumed pirates. These were let down by rope. A 1 was brought up on the rope, signed b 1 Mr. Tubbs, and containing stningely Jumbled exhortationsprayers and threats. A xecond descent of the rope elicited another missive. neatly folded and addretteed in the. same hand to las Jane Herding. Cuthbert gave this Weitzel to nes, but Its contents must forever be unknown, for it went, unreadinto tire 1 had no mind to find Aunt Jane, with her um - %wells as a parachute, vani..hing over 't the cliff's to week the arms of • repent- i ant Tubba. The tly In the ointtnent of (Mr sat's- fiction, and the one remaining "hitt- cle to our peesiettsion of the treaxure, was the presence of the two pirates In sur midst. They were not nice pi- rates. They were quite the least choice of the coneetion. tihrls. when he was not swearing, well moistly. •ed ao tonclied the heart of Ain't .tallP that or Dyed 1' 'esr of. her let- ting Min go if she get the opportme It, Vehat to do moll the p:rAtel contin- ued for a day and a night a knotty • coif, iliterlor :-Puontion ter PrGhlem• Winn they discovered us. Theo It 1411111 C.1111111491 Vine M1 91011•11 11, •nd with the simplicity of genius. "Why sot send 'em down to their (+tone the way we thli the ealor he asked. Dire outcries greeted the derlaion. Aunt isnit wept, stet rhos wept O•the flowed from captain Magnus In • tuned stream Nevertheless the Olain were led sway, firmly bound. and ;Nettled by Daosid, cnthhert and the negro And the remarkable pro - end neli give them Ions to pat -bit I gram propseed hy Cuthbert V•ne wee atippotat they think -they will soon be trInmohently earthy, out. Ala prison ors Dow occupied the old rave of tha buccal:teen. Ants the camp freed from the pees - f... ,f,.. Arm lime I ',appose. the, on• deratood the nature of their ,disnster. We ...inlet ftt4 hear their cries, but sow t,rflItt liteete1l441 001 to us, fists fratificeby siltation. kande lifted la !Writer. Wt iiitaw Mr. 'Tubbs flop (town m..41 hi* 1114111erUlantned kbees-it was irti rattier horrible. , 1 thee Mick, ptivering. won't he for bog, of conriv.- I said uncer- taltily, "Oust till the steamer contra jUsttt lat More akedetntis-" And here I was threatened WW1 11 moist antlethinut to ray late Aniezonein newel, Who oboad ba frecrient itt.t wt The Remarkable Program Waa umphantly rrod Out. when it Is a question a eery Jorge treasure. Pen r • The Seotehman'e fate w dark. "I lent understood," het reedited. vvitliout looking in the di on" et tlittgleelly-ltrowue, who:. In -the list few moments to have 110104 .--7Deiketertolle once the pirates an toed of watch- fulness was rvpr. • The prisonera- to the eaye Were proVidVid With --no itn- pleuirps ter spade's, whereas dyne - mite aid 'Crowlifirs_o &mid be necessitry to twee_ a_ way through the ttehrIll which choked the month of the tunnel. A looking over of the ground at, the (Tally feedirepatnie would -be enough. and all our 1011 reward - sun would see our ed by the reeovery of the treaeure fr.,10 the Island (Paten, CHAPTER 'Twist Cup and Lip. 7C.. morning' Mt event Oerneeell- thought,' free' even the all-impertant topic of the Island Queen. Cookie, who had been int the high land of the point gathering fireotood, came rush- ing back to *ammeter that a steamer had appeared in the offing. All the party dropped their occtipations and ran to look. That the Rufus Smith had returned at an unexpeetedly early date taus of course Ill,' natural explanation of tile appearance of A VOW! 111 them. lettiel) M1111. Put through the glass the new arrival turned alit to he not the tubby freight - build, lying low In UM water and de- signed for speed ratVer ihiitiiriying capacity. A mile offshore she lay to, and a boat left her side. W.4,1111,111.4( and dim- ,.tted .111, TO•N I G HT AizR OPROW ,IGHT Be Well And Happy --sad you have Nature'. pewee id,. Nature'. Remedy ( Tablets ) • aaaetable laltativp, tones the organs and rehoves Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headaelves. reeeoire that visor and Rood 1.4- nt in nonomary to balm/ ..11 and ham". U..d f.. 0... JO Yoe. slide. ;(17u1.-) , .0 4fif inapt f t 4444.i . 41. Jrs Chips off the Oki Block IP .11$110,111•-4.1tiis Nes The earns -;n et...third doses. ••••dir eoeledor rhntlrer• mod ndlina. sod •y view oreggiet , mew ( IMPBEI4s DUI ti STOW Ilirocess, "that negotiations in • th pit.per quarter, had been \ aM1 brought to • successful isincluelou --that la short we were here with the 'express perthission of tile. govertituest ot-ttenta- hinrinit" - This eats gchallenge which Misa Brnwhol'oUtd not bur m$r. "1 Itaii she said Imarsely, "1 had the game evening Interfering wtlh It. • • The Maitland Tuzla `Square end the $t. Andrew's 121tali of Kim% chureli hati fest mime haskethall on Wednesday evening last lu the O. C. 1 gymnasium, resultiug iu at ammo. 1.5-14 fakor of .the Kt: Andrew's Club, rt watt a fair. chola gains: and ever: thoroughly pottered it. otter foritelting *Watt 11 "TeW sWollen faints 111441 tt few slight bruises. The game was refereed, In Eric Wilson. 114 reve- ille 2 is einintell Koni got elle.. playing the game and 1 for 14 tree throw If it enter.. the laisket resulting from 11m. eppetting I.I. 0114%1 111:4 ,11/111.• rule. 44t. Ateiree's Club---Pettrre. -Saint 2, 1, fors .1 rd. littler. 2. MeCinf; 11414P:,.. atutatisst.i. Cott " " Wohator ; sults. Storied. 2. 2. Meek. \luting -am Maitland ' Square -Centre. Petillatel '2: forward. .Arelier I. I. Jefferwm 2. 2; defenee. on% meekest. 2. .2. 2: sulks-.itnrein. .tiartiner. • • * • There In I.v •Itother Seestioli tsr tlt. linys' Provincial Parliament, In the Easter holiday.. tof enured. Jaek l'urves, our SI. It. 1'. will be peels - MU. We all sista lflmait ',stereo -Mg and alitt aetlye an that In this Kessiou the. M. B. P.X.'ito1111--mo the useater part of their • 11 * Arrangements have been made with the editor. W. t'urrent. of the Tux's. column In Piirt Colbonie 1,, 1.X.1411111ge 'all -lair weekly weer. We hope to reeeive the firth paper titil weed.. so that we can let the Toils boys and the public Limo o hat other Square,* ure doing. Hard t.. dislitat 14 (imp whit Ilkos yon. isn't it" W..11. there's your peace Phtti•--Sleek Ion Independent. 1.1411. SSI olds otit .. closed their eti-. kissing. \ow they don't tett theft- Inottilt& abut aftero .ir.1-. nia 4th -crier. Bobbed heads may be washed It's easy to wash and dry the bobbed heads A free lather ol Baby's Own Soap in a basin of bot water is a simple and inex- pensive shampooatel the linger- ing fragrance as ut roses in Hee hair is very eppealing. Baby's Own Soap is sold in individual cartons 10c. -Every. where ''Egosi for you and B.�, - Whitt it not losing 11, plac,• in the hump. People eili,-illt It for eros.00rd puzzle purpos., Tor - in BUS AND BAGGAGE SERVICZ -0- Bus meets alt trains. Calle made for passengers awl baggage to any part of the town. Prompt servi.e guarauteed. Telephone 51, Day or Night --0-- H. R. STOWE Residence, Cambria Road, opposite the Organ Factory Office Special Values in Children's Dresses from 3 to 6 years. A small deposit w i II hold any dress. I MISS S. NOBLE the ussurance .if a -u .11.ersoll high lo Ilse thiamin! circies 11.f the United Stites, that through his -his Influence with the geversiment of Santa Marina lit.- would not be neressery--In short, could fix the !fresh -fent- e/11-',1 that The Management of es McManus Pasteurizing Plant wish to anno it'.' to their customers and the getter -if public that sum %Ole& 1-vrhleh my friend Miss llaruiing. gave, Wm." - e nam "And the of this induentiat wm rote'?" ipaired the Santa Northam, sus ey i "lianuiltOn 11. Tubtei." croaked Mho Broom.. Senor Gormales "I remember the Mini! Well, madam. It is that of the pretended holder of a. concession from Mt governmilit, who a few years ago induced a number of 4 American acme:4 teachers and clergy. men and other financially innocent persons to Invest In intaginacy.cettei plantattons. lie had In some *Ohtanii fashion become possessed of a little el:their weettdets hind, which formed the basis of his transactions. 14111 frauds were discovered whUe lesseast lu our eountry. and he wan Obligad 10- le. :u, iutr.. ysobehtipttnipteitt:unpriiimwicomuteidositily, dsifoim,ra.cpecorNrindeedlnisagto iealon to visit Leeward island for any pur- pose woidlitl Instantly Iwo beets re- futed, but as a matter of fact It was never made.e In a benumbed silence we met the blow. The riches that had seemed within our grasp would never be ours. We had no claim upon them. for all our toll and peril; no right even to bst here upon the Island. Suddenly I be- gan to laugh; faces wearing various shades or shocked surprise were turned Id Use. 81111 1 lauelied. "Dotal you see," I cried. "how Attic- ileUe sit-lat- -All the time it is we wise have bees pirates!" The Spaniard gave me • smile made brilliant by the gleam of smoldering black eyes end the shine of whit* telit"Seh.nnrIta. with all regret. I Weld kralr4;he 1d ...show. shrugging. "We wen/ ra a name?"Is remarked VW after other people's property. anyway. 1 ion very sorry about it. Senor Goa. tales, hut I %Auld [Mem) if 1011 don't mind telling, how you happened to iearn.of our being here, it,, lAng as It eat not through the authentic channels. On general pritteipies. I tried to keep the matter qtnet." "11.r. learned In it manner somewhat -what do you say?-curiouS," re- turned the Steinlard, Alio. having pre- sented the 1111.11 with cigars and h7 permiesion lighted one bent/elf, wall Making himself extremely at Immo and •ppearil to have no immediate !viten- thin nt lialiog us away to captivity (14 Banta Mardian dutoteant. "Itut before 1 go further, kititliy tell tne whether you had 11-14pdt01'ti deft (Th be Contioned T'JXIS BOYS CAUMN i('ondileted 1y the :t1 l'oxis Ofitt re ) ?T011 it -at it '1'1 It. 1..' tliY;ff)11 leers -ow M it 1 :1" TN' l'Ittrittl. It'll Andrews. FICItI1'T0R--Crie Arrher. 41•*I'1l14 hiltelad Mnrriott EDITOlt--1111.nset, P1.1111/1110 The 111kItlend Tullis Simnel. hn:. pOOtpnized`the wed& which was to h. held on Wednesday. sprit 4, on ae- count of another social the c. I. Butti•r, Milk and 'But •niiilk east- 1 rt hatl at the plant on East trevt at any time hetw n 9a. nritand 6 p. m. Bargains in Used Machines and Buggies At Massey -Harris Shop, Goderich One Ih'ering t ittitatt.4, It teeth Teo Wagon (iears One (rain Separator One 11 -hoe One 6 -ft. Binder (Ine Riding Plow One Cream Separator Three Rubber -tired Hoeg*. One Steel tiro, !IMMO One. too -seat Surrey One Manure Spreader • One Drag Ilarroe, 3 sec. One Deese Rake Two Sets of Driting Harness Two (nod Driving Donee One Two -furrow Plow One Deering Corn Cultivator Also One Carload of Frost Fence. New ROBERT WILSON I.Pliont 161) _ Godorich For Spring Forks, Shovels, Picks, Spades and a full line of Har. dThtolaere. famous Canada Paint, Sun Varnish and -Stains, -Elephant White Lead, Linseed Oil. Turps and Brushes. In fact, everything you will use for painting. Give us a call How about n new MeCormick-Devriog euhivatOr. Dime' Harrow. Seed Drill or anything in the Implement line? We have them, also repairs. The fatuous MeCorntiek-Deering Tractor 10-20 and 1540 at a right priee. HILL'S HARDWARE, Auburn. PHONES: Demonises, 8 ring 3; Birth, 32 ring 12. "Was Freed of Gall Stones And Persistent Backache" Mr. Alexander Bradley, R_FL No. 1, Carp, Oct., surkesi "I suffered from gall epees, mad coasneaced taking Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver k I feel safe in saying that these pills completely overcame the trouble, as it is some years lace 1 was &acted in this way, and k 1 have not suffered from gall r stones or even backache since./ 1 have also found Dr. Chase'l Nerve Food cleanest for hes trouble and siaortelsw f breath." Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver . & OT, t. VI ma a e beat SS gabIllibuimens. thaiter n., int "en N.