HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-4-9, Page 5333 - Specials in Chocolates FANNY PARKER CANDIES This is an Exclusive Service Store for these whole- some, old-fashioned Candies. Packed in three differ- ent assortments, 60c. per pound. Neilson's Rosebuds - - - 39c. lb. Neilson's Bulk Chocolates - - 49c. Ib. Neilson's Filbert and Brazil - 60c Ib. Fancy packaged boxes - - 40c. up Chocolate Bars - - - - 6 for )5c. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 - The Square, Goderich Prescriptions carefully compounded. 4 100 Photo Frames la Circassian Walnut-, Antique Caddis. Grey and Aritiose- Nit- - firate- for only 35c. Alt_our sitting l'Icture Moubl 1.111111----Srei-ht-thla woels. so. "We Mae yen 'Prater* to suit nal styli, of photos 1.1. prints. Whig )our Orton,. in t.• fiend )I•ur friend+ oto. , of Migotroittlful 111ASTL4 YM1S OK 1100KITTS. Smith's Art and Gilt Store Pe.r Lilies for Easter Roses, Carnatio Daffodils, Tutiiir, GEO. STEWART 1•101:1 fST ‘te4itling Bearbrn-Eknd De- signs a Specialty. Mee NIL TILE SIGNAL. GODERICIL ONT. • se , •, TIMrsday., Aprli 9. I at • .., . - . KIN4ISIIRIDGE. April 1.---M111. t•on. tritaskil is home atter • amending the winter' '' t. Mr. and' Mrit. Toni. Garvey aid Mrs. A. -Austin vialtiArt--ktr. Wm. Tomo& t'ollbarne. ' 1 This colimuulty was grt4tly , grieved to heiti-Thaf tlw death of Sirs.1 . .. McLeod. Kintaii. lit-art:felt sympathy la at:tended _to Ilit:' bereaved family. 11 I -----.. I KINTAIL • T.1N WOOL l'11,EPE IS Su -u' I body, accompanied by three brothers. TRIMMED WITH E('KU Robert Erwin. of Toledo, Ohio; STE Uel Erwin, of Mancelona, Hig11.; and John rrwin of Midland. tcb., as- rlyed.herk.„ou Monthly morning, the funeral being held from the Qom- of Alfred Mrwln, Tueaday afternoon. Mr. J. Jay J01,44.0011 conducted the falter - al .erviee Mr. Mi:Skirta'a huirband pretits Oust ,1 her about 'gilt years lig, row lea“.rt a daughter. 3Irs. An .1rews, and als brothers. Robert. of 0bi0;ohlf7oGeorg, 1111. .1(.;Jr Tom. of Akron. Obtu,. Samuel. of Hau- t ciona. Gone to Her Kest -The Rainy t frienda of Mr*. 1tu1can MacLeod, of Khalil). were surprised To hear of+, her sudden deari. which is•t•urred on i Friday 'slight. Aprli 3. Mr... MacLeod 1.10 been about In her 111111/11 111'101111 all the previnur iday and Wax not ‘7•• ./ontrittintnit of fetding 111. The end I ' t•ume with startling suddenness 01) 3 trblii.y. OW. about 11 ceetoek. whim 1-. -he passed peacefully away n 1? hout a .Irtigrie and without %eying a oiirl 1.. anyone. The late Mrs. MacLeod s hose noiliWn 811111413 was %Tartar.; • Mei/m.814i. was horn In Inverts...1- i -hire. Sll.tlatitl. about eighty-eight i year% ago. in 1.;44. when a little girt'of 41.s or ...even years. she 111111P WIIII her parents and faintly to Canada. They sottled in Ashfield t.iwnshlp at --- Kiniall. winwe her home. has betit. . ever slisee---eighty•one yearA on_ the , same-far9- .A4 a little ctrl ..he at- tended Acton! itifloderieli: thlm school. the first in (alorich. conducted by one Mr. Nairn. When a young wo- man she married the late 11111131WD Ifile, IA ..i. who f kr14144.$1tIost her eight years. She leaven to mourn her 40f14 4.-313,3 John. Murdoch and Don- deetining yeam: Mrs. Wm. ‘t.111:1Tr.toted for the youthful ‘I''' -1,• )• 11331elersou has izone to j33 33 3311.3111111113. -11.1.1.• oi ',...1.•• at Pai;khill. 31-111.1. :mil three daughters: 'Mary. who .... cantfulls...cared for her moth - to ‘!.it friends. • .t 19114, frock shown here. This partic- - l'••;:-'••• Mrs. Nolen n MacKay of Sault Su .. ;. la one or tlie new Mart. nd it es- ' • 1 ; ;-: h. r .1.614:I . r \ I CA. 13V3_ l'. Sai- 1 LOY 1,1. 31.1 013 7a. r. 8. busy pinwing and seeding. Tb4. 11141.1 it: in eseettem and al - , - rerdy a• good deal of work liar heel. Jour. e buttal ortd-Hrtle. 34+44 -- -punt the week onil with !ram!, a• •Stritf6111/. Wi• • •• -, t that Mr. 11.- 1••• the. 'ass .11111 h.•• •I •• Ia ,j1 condition. HIP MAL Rev. John oung. of WalIneeburg. Ont.. and hla daughter. -Mr, itorker. •of lh•trelt. aro her.. - _- mi.+ 'Wei. lets for her t Lon:. 114.a ifornia • af- .•:• fatt‘hnd with lo r r.• elte was ..ftered .1 - a ;• so -a; I but vr.•forrea whicro , lo r 1.rt.!---j .! I .f Ni 1tii inn -her ht $t g No. 1. sp. tal the holblos at fief- +- • ttimpson• Kintait ow, dimithu.4. Mar iiraig *MX lfirdiv-for an ingenue "'- 4%mi Is Till- Aturt. -of ea mtaehle, ttarVitt. (Dr.) rpretews-els,- 1431141I1f114113,34 44 the pnrr, 1- s- tnt.red to l'weire grandchildren 1.111rV)Te. Mrs. only trinituing ls Of the fittest 111'• 4,„ t1i.s1 about, eight Yennt NUM • hatbille. 4.11L1111 I ly staibroftlered. t Pe' I la hvoh be Nati min"linAg d"Pftwitinn'.1wIt f side. and the- strings extend around ' l'im "41..'""1" '1%1' velvtlie '‘-‘111 keep lip with the tNpeit .Tarrairs ati ; 1„ 1.3 a DPW ifPrI4 ons The Spring settann Is twinging .114.4cLetal. vi-att -a---wantan_rit quiet _Istal,___i_tlr.44.Thimix Thr ilented for in y..nrn. irtnb • isa‘.. to put -his 'best foot forward to 1.1 114‘ where they 11311 in a jatithy .),.rtir'0111'-- Pty. not fry' of much ilia. Dress Up For Easter See Our Range of Easter Neckwear A number of tradv-t� suits at popular ptit ea Special made -to- , order soils from $25 to $48 - W. C. Snazel Haberdasher and Dry -Cleaner Phone 339 • Nay. but withal a woman nf the trite bow. e7 a Want Ad. Is The Sigma Attic and oferling tills Alt I. .1...t elmraeter, woman a 4,,t.kied Toznefer_Abg__ difintleetAsA.FT sper.al j.13sPt• servlee will he ',19-141 In Smith's 11111 rime, on eat.- , Kintair ithil717.7-lacintsh in tap early • Iti-*-11e. - - - - - . " bath afterisstn. Itet. W. R. Up 1.144 I day*. -and who rxertedit sarong fn- , ---1-11411:1111 flu.- for all tIttat.0 higher qualitle• to kno • icao• arladre and h t.taalitte collars and eo.-Theve May 1 moDELTHEAT fili111141'4. n ho -settled, *rosin(' love. a woman of the old type f ".- Is- made or _organdie, fine Risen or amooth :Thais ix re. 'red by all. 'j--yott yet the you 'out • ,Irop i:. .41 CPCPBELL'S W t Street ... 211t* 41- c.c.rresponda vrith' nor ty SerVie4. WWI West Street sderich ,nnri tile whleh go to imelety Imre!. nn.. better. i stern 11r- lsondar_artd..istis7_ c- ol/atom . GI/muffin' ditty -1W all °things. HOLMES "WERT a d Mem, of - - 1,- 1 AIURN. April 14. -The tarmert7 . • • in thts district are Tensity engaged y-0••••tt 4 • rope; - . •••s ati 1. Miss Ruhy Carter rfsited Trill& -or' W. DONALDSON Plumber IN BUSINESS TO DO ALL -KINDS - OF - - Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing to your entire satisfaction Phone 431, Bayfield -Rot 5 Boys' _Extra Bloomer Suits 7.95 and 8.75$ An exceptionally L. 1 of Spring Suits. In singly belt or 3 -piece bets Smartly tailored fioni diagonally striped or -111i, ed BTOWIls, Heather ItyS. With extra 'Bloom ers. • Now is the time to think of a NEW SPRING NEW MITRESS NEW OIL TOVE Etc. Remember quarters for new and used! I Sizes 810 17 ye,irs $7.95 and $8.75 M. Robins we are •head - funuture: A -trial .till. -?,1. Wiw aPtteoprtat.• mush.. Pair- tint( Renrember we ,,f1114r1.•,: wilt tue_iheiti TI.-ves4 et the hetne of 314. and • Clark. ' Mr.. John nam Touz hfarted out on the .road with- 'his gon Blackstone's Furniture Exchange • week. mass are rue n- ' tut salon_ drama "UWE'S wwiwnntss- 'Inial4W_Aleinedy sr very 3-31rong etPit in the power- strict integrity of character 'in ail itermaitler last week. him:, were +oboe of her marked Mr. and 3,Irs. ,113111) Fiiininial. of dttion. • 1!, 10.1 trlen4s ex. tainilerhorri*. visited friend.' in t'ie liarry Shield+ Ita. lw fetid to the 4iereiter.1rM7rpirri of t 0 1- nee -SEA LEGS" 1ain-11y Ihitfr stn, •II ILI' r. 1.4 ,‘ .41 tiotlerieli r - car- immis.011111.1111111. , • , roirr heavy cattle hem s‘re sympathy4,.the-------31r: Theta ittfittEinn _ less tiler have toistainisl in the death hate moved to thrierich Mr."' of a ehristinn netther- The inners, Werlio-day and Thursday A114 1114.1 Motirlav afternoon. 'April l'tT 0'31.11.1.,E1 t.N111 AGNES etth. to Kititai.1 twilit ry anti IN11,4 III ii linnioreue tale of newly married ' eronthirted. by ber pastor. Rey. J. -Tomonnon.s tni E" , AYRES largely attended. The -en lee war life Hardt... of. Aalifield Pres‘hyt.ri.tO I1antilt4m ha', secured a po,ition. %Ir. C. Nedra has been ertga.red with .1. Johnston In rhe hardware_avol garage. where he will at att,e10k. irs. Spuhl and daughter. Min- nie. oil.. hare been •,ittith Mr". flpahl'e -Nother for the„ -Winter. returned to their liomee Wedm aday.. amin, commenced opern•Innw isith_Mr. S. NI. Lean J'. engineer. play.• "Here comes the /tri4ent:0qm." f'riday 'evening. Nir. Thor. i:nrter. of rinami. There wilt 1.. : ,ni.8i +ervirn in 1nloom rico.' .3. 'at loom 1.411 fl AV 1: .‘333, preneir ti... P. thc-ker.-_ cwt. All are cordially inv1tot1. Slin,hILW ' The t tireagaleintle- tthrttry-tina rn•-' "-SICKLE PLATED WEST" rved a Anootat roonr erre rrws. Friday and Sattinin CHARLES (BUCK i JONES in a fighting outdoor story .'THE VAGABOND TR.AIL" imperial t'ometly "SWEET PAPA" - -FOX NEWS REEL- _______ itatint.tt__Taeo,iy. Thnrioility-n ati Saturday 44? 3 t .00 Cm. , tOWING-flAItOlJ3 LLOYD IN 'HOT WATER - 44 Indeed, rto I " VELA- 1•13S13READ is a tempting complem t to any meal -de- licious in itself aisd lan. 'ng. zest to the rest of the menu. Your fami1'MWdemanb twice as much of our Bread as any other. Encourage them to do so, as it is the moat h Ithful and nourishing food they can take. I.EAvE A sTANDIN( ()RIO -A:. WE IsEIJV1R ‘11,1 E.' U. Cleveland Mame 114 BAKER West Street -4,4•1•31•111•1. h., IL 14 mafb•r441.44)41. to pail the oath, - Net1 T ll'orl.1 ..r, that they did lea go -M r itt 1'4 -.'Din Five Hundred and Dance Easter Monday, April 13 IN MASONIC HALL For St. Andrew's Ward Hospital Benefit Cards -,-Refreshments Dancing -1ickets-50-een4s from her. Putt( in tbo Confederation Life Association •A Policy for Everybody - tiLyetir 114444- 0. J. CAVANAGH General AriFfir- North St rtii, : : t;nderieti Phone 436 Sox 426 EASTER APPAREL OUR last shipment of EASTER GARMENTS are as smart in ap- pearance and as reasonable in price as any of our previous shipments. It is just in time for the Woman or Miss who has not yet bought her Easter Garment. TO SEE THEN IS TO BUY THEM Royal Ladies'Ready-to-Wear Co. OFEAST SIDE --- HAI FIELD arry a a good judge of knoss bought a l'ineteatn ;aary !Irmo, at Jas. cnntintra sale. near 4443 44*. lost aeoit..-. payiait °ter Smo for them. team that lin.4 ween prizes. at iwarly sill the fairs armlet 18.4,3: atel, a- iienr,:e 41144* also pitrehustsi the sham- 3131"113••, ‘‘ • tally ii-toect to the tenni enter ed 111 ills Jaime at the fairs next fall. Tierel coed -Melt- ttoorm.. Str: .1olin Voting. our -ter.40,opert, fait-rin4 im a ti -•w 111811 etice and tmiking •ingfitnt.;irtetit-a-- to -tits property. - - • Ilsors have taken -an •advalits. 148.1 art, t$"V at the hiniwst peace •tt went -yvwvs. T:.•• tt.rmetin tw ;..,• tt:An - n- rain. • ‘vt-Tri.n. .‘prn s... tett my tistiwthry- her s,,o. ITi71rA7-11t71747C-Itr . mi.., Alma , ‚4I, -Kay. 1.witt4'tt. +pent . _ Pensit _loft on 310.itliti• for , London, where he will molergo fur. tiler niedieni treatment. 1 Mrs. 111101 McKay spent } rhlay and Saturday at London,. Hobert Brown. *oho spetrt the w 14 1..r 1n Lem414.011. r,4 tiris,3,1 to the village on Monday. Her. .1. Macfarlane +petit 11fe,v day* 11414 weer at 1.4.4111(111. Nliss S1/./111 Parke -.pea a t. w .1, - virltiing friend. in Ilenrall. Mrs. Latta. Densall. is visiting her Pala. -Ow Misses: Parka! • Evangelist 14 T. Faweett. of T.wrn linritand the paristor. Mr. .1. Jay itihn .133n. will begin revival meeting+ at the Methodist ehureit here on 'April Serviee Sunday morning 11145: evening 7 o'clock each eveiWtt (IN trig the week !attuning w'llt 1 -one. Aervice at 7.43. If ycu want • a good Photo 111 _ NEW &It -,ter MILLINERY poasessing a wealth of- • STYLE sad VALUE In tine with lowiy ribbon*., flow- erT4. and- feather trimming effeet s• STARTLING AND NEW Von are invited to inspect 1)1 i 1* "1111.k _ MISS N. R. MacVICAR xspisasi. Godericb ..11"1".\ ".ei.nc4"04.00400~6, HERES A CASE WHERE COME TRUE PUT US It, VOUR CELLAR ANO WELL PROVE THE CASE TO you • 1 R. R. Sallows 11 High Tea and Bazaar Thursday, April 16th in St. tieerge's Hall I d the Churchwomen's 1:1511d , . -cavity ti 1. tt 1 r11131.3"4c45444 Tt111114 -"Pra-serve4,trout.-.7....t.e.luek 'dew' Pragraiti ansiTitea 511e. Miss Jessie Metcalf. of Detroit.' spent a few flay+ vialting her parent. Plr and W F Metcalf Dr. .101in Atkinson spent -he with hi. brother. A. (L Atkin•on. The T. P. ft will hold in in the bastetrient of the Pre.....it-rian 43/111M11 on Friday, April 1731. Part ' tlw program will onsIst of ile hate. -flesolved. that religion has I beenit greater fat -tor in- Me. tverbtli progress than science." A small fee will be eh/treed for notemembert. I Rev. Mr. Paull, new rector of Trill Ity ehnrch. arrived with Mrs. ,l'ant; anturifiv Trord- Atwood' Tont er fairishand preached Stititlay even- ing. commencing next Panday. Raster serviee will be hellt In the morning at 11 oclock and miornIng aervice' will he continued dnring the summer. I/eath of Mr*. H. litssearn.ls-The death took placetat her home. Mich., of Mra. Henry lb acom (Marjorie 17rwItio after on Illness of mat ithse_dity-s. Mrs, itesoson nit4*! ri miden/ of Midland for wer for.: ty -ars and for the paat fiftis-n years ad carried all IfIrar pry lot es.. hot had Jii.t completed the sale f her store tiropertv. It is', auppieted t extra strain anti excite -I owe breath on s atroket whirh res salted In her whk•h took plans laat FrIday evening, April 3rd. The , SWeet dreams are the m 11. -ro- ward who fortifiea his cella with a inad of lfnat fork.#. I1il41WWW• 14 full of life. liberty and laughtrir. tie's_ free from frequent cellar -trips and free from closing doors in order to sit in c.onfort. This coal, wealthy in heat unit.i. keeps the furnace healthy. It it' the original genuine lorgit ing winter tonic. Call the MgCtflUtt For Good dean ( 11/11 CHARMING is the word for our 11044 !mites of ;lining room ,and IIVUlg room furniture in period destignm. We have them in small, medium and full aim& seta. _Me are agenta for Maxwelk Ltd. Electric 'Washers, et, J. R. WHEELER J. B. MUSTARD OVALN P110441 le 600111ICH Wit:rola 14..1011 Musicjor the. Easter Holiday t.. .iitcrtiatt v our tete' th. pi,1140, t here it 14 Popul 1' 31.3341.11111111 of Music from *bleb torhOo , or, it you, the VI1TItOhi. to do the entertaining, 11 are reeorilo that are a runl 111 to ii341.11 10- " - by Till. Victor Opt -tit Chorus, for itiAttinee; it's a petiolt. H. E. JENNER arid ore Femoral Director Hamilton Street. Godes-heti. 0*1, Spring Footwear For Men, Women and Children New Patterns - New Shades New Prices AU of which will interest and please you l'htne 158 A CALL SOLICITED SHARMAN'S "The Leading Shoo Stem.** \V REG SHARMAN GODERICHN