The Signal, 1925-4-9, Page 4io ... x"•17... +-4..--. 1p 4 evil 9. 1'r'•' THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. 1 The Store with the Stock be cietk' rano For the Man wha believes that appearance counts Care in dress does not imply fop- pishness. iathf•r, it indieutw pride in appearance ace and keen Ntelltttle•k►t of-.valtu•r.-rt'r�i ettolueiv' falai.:-.-. mart 1:tilnring and c.rrrrt cut L nd poise and semi- I I deuce: to the wearcr. • \lodelx for every ta-t.- i- {'rices that nuakeearefu1 dressing a ptolilalde itivcstntent. From $35.00 up. Others:22.50 to 535.00 For the Boys-- PRINCE CLOTHNG is the best and -'most profitable to buy. It's the kind the boys are asking for. Prices $8.50 to $13.50. 11, Your Easter Hat IC.: Pridham's Special $3.50 Brock $5.50 Boraalino $7.50 EVERY HAT IS GUARANTEED -- _ W. C. PRIDHAM & SON Ms's and Boys' Wean-P,.hs s ST ----Next Bank of Mont sal. BE!`______ li_ ler lost Friday seeuhng to saw the _.. _-_ - ' play "Ilc•re Conies the Rrldegrootn," it 'c M11.LER,. April 7. --The chunk 1 PIM on by the rounK people of Ben- ...am Pn..,u111 not went the crowd )nal spathe ' miller dub. it was unite a .uetMwa. Thr VolPelhy of ,h,• ,.•mmuuitr red i,.r the play last }'rietaey evea•,t.- s to Urs. .Will U. Willow.) and Ito:. The audience was ail that could I Vr. Fed. alas{cdl t1 the loss of theft 1..• deet rel, not 'only 111 size, but Is 1 nether. :II Irutivr and itppret'IMUu'e ttterlui. w? _. °-----.-- well ILS in gout IM•ldavklr throughual 1i111HtKICIT'IY)1K.�l+111Y 'I three hours they were Acis In a crowded condition heron. the keg.- . !,•rinenele wax completed: ttttt,I RIt'H TOWN1411p1'. April L.. Inspetor J. E. 'Pimm visited oar - Spring seeding operations here al- -, to of last week. ready begun In this locality. Nev Sunday. in IteuwlUet at 11 A large number from the tows• a.m. Awl in Zion at 'S p.m • thor, .hili tool. in the annum spring horse; will he sls'einl Frwter services.' dor- show at ('Bohai teat Thursday.- Au hag which new wonkier* wilt be re- ,.y,elleut show Is reported. -cenevi and the luu•ruuhnt of Ih,'Mr. lteg. t4+w,•rhy and Jr.' 14o4s litrtj', Supper will lie adml.tl-feted.' Ilarrls,al motored to Detroit to Rethel w•rvhe *•UI 110 484 the usual spend the week-i•nd. returning on ',..1-fr:"--7.30fen the. 1cd4►wiud Son- %Iwo y. •141.. ..r. V ;, ywe•ial rerdpthnl mud. sn'.rnua•nta! turned to 'Hamilton. ., tyre wilt' )'•114441. TI'e 1A14'. Aid of It.t14,•4 'hunt _-- ------ - , are holding au Fuvter -,heist -at the It.sP:K i home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott. ('lit line. Wednesday evening. Ailed 41 1' 14 hu Ii4•11he4 At l0.:llt Mrs. )'reek and .laughter have re La�p3S. April 7. -'Thr debate In 13th• to }.p t ttaeksu b- - , w..- Kt -pelt- the whiter •in t,oc4'r4•h, are he t l 4AM Mr erlt determines what WW tavola'. /t mtwtiug Chards Mrs. A. Rouuvie.,whn hay,• ' • worth IA.ttgue o !.;tech was tory interesting. The W m„y. ng out to their farm this u week. sn►.est. that wlwt we fn• \aiea. 'rhe %V. 14• ' rather than do our surroundings... �• Mf the home of Mrs.Ith Ir l uri'r • Weal, *iav - of this Tim. affirmance was upheld by Mitm t wvek....51i 44. Whittiehi will De- tl,.ilt•tus- and stili TUlk Itt[l\raaad -+ take the pulpit for the Fu+•ter ta'r- •1e negative by Mr. Zinn Ante Mr'. vice noel Sunday.' There will 4*' Ea- baine.• The ad/malice . won. An 'open .ter musk by nu. S. tet. at •' discussion on the snniecr fnttnwe(I. . 'Tk as vaunt. Then Will be as opera meets= of • the iW. re't. 8. of the Monday. cninit NSURPA$SED FOR 1:1 Hu.•ke•tt's ''hush 3losday PrcnluK The uddr•ot will. beglv1 n - by ?tree• - Th'iutiewn of Toronto, win with .tr.1 CHILDHOOD Thompson is born'. on furlough. A n her from here Are attend- • ' in the sot. at Mr. C (H y kis IMsultifully. FvrryltAdy 1s of "It: , of ' a of four chit and hays always uegel ArmrtnntL• left last 1{Is111wday fol - ' Baby's ,fawn b)Pt4 wh4'h *D?e11 =Tnrontu. N'hrrr she Intend') making • C.AILD l them needed a 'Heine. and 1 run re- her future home. • } te�44Pitd MS- Pia-a*irl'ltduntri'1 - ire:: ani----mtw. - W*11ny suet -him, r.; sed for ,•hildhciu ailm.•nf-" -Thal- ,and family'. of Brumfield. *pant Suu- ('AAi-f'eu .April Ambo sod pent is day with the former'. sister. air.. tl. 4`ourt+tN,..of Arabetty, spent Pistols ..f other oto ,•rs ages. wit., day at he !Dior .441r. and 3tes. Mrs. King a• to the nu\ril a of_tbe Tub. yy tibia . atinnwrK- .. )lows. )Luta. /'olrtney. sr.. ae• I lets. here are it'.wattlds of -homes , The Amend- of tbt' tat. Mr. John led them homy 1 throughout Canaria ,v her the T..hiet.' ('wok took pl4.s• on 1P,dues4ay. April I t r•vldenee with a prshlent for the' coining year. We are orry to report the de.ltil of 3lrs. Duncan MWdmod. Kint.ltl. who passel away last tl.tttlydaay 1'c - cuing. The April' meeting of the- Kintall Women's Institute was held at the house of 31rs. Robert Mullen. with an uttrndathe of over thirty weathers atlnd. xlal1o1M,._ After the usual pn•am- luat4•$ w'4Hllite- meolitent. Mra. N. -G. M,K.nale. In the 'hair, the i tomo ary read ,Wn4tth'rahle cort4Mts lyra were the Ih partment and :papers given by alis, Vary' 11. MueKeu*1e :,1111 Ml$- Tess 1;uoktuStialu, S••yer 14 vletrula selections were 11111eh enjoy'vl I.y all and the hostel+ wryly) a dainty lunch. The in etll444 ••herd il'7, the t4' - na1 way by the situ:la of 111.' King." Mr. Albert Thatn and Mr. Adam Mc- Adam were In Ooderirh on ba.inesa for several .days last w'e'ts Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ilibb,11 enter- tained a In17ge bomber of !fie:r friends it their how,• user Ktutalt 4ln3 'Friday.' April iris .a most c•nj,.yabie 1 eveuh11t was jl4'nt au d,uarlt4 . a• AM - playing playing wok *44TI4 us other ,•hngoelal amitaemenlr, .� hearty vote of thanks w'a• tenderest by pll thoiu• pees - eat fur the kindles soil hu.pitailtY i rs•eiv"d from the IHibbl'it family. l� EKTl9ELD I \\'FST- FIl:I.1'..t April a.. Mr. Edward I Rodger. of the itra(ford Normal. I .tient the ween -end under the parent-} al mot • Milos Bertha aaul Unlee ala4.oit ...vent Staid)' with their-i-4?,•1. Mrs AILMENTS All-. Annie \a'IKhtmatr Tuts returner) Litiaalf a loom- aper spending a few weeks ,oi•h .I. ►' e1M 's t - hea't's of Rrvietvfle4d-,-- '•,4 afternoon. - ' I Mrs. Howard King •R.R. Na :i• , :tics. }vulgar Vas tone, who spent u 1 The xp+rtuie crops ue'..RolaK in \esu., qtr" : - • 1 am the Iunlla,•r f.•w• dues w ilh tar brother. Mr. Henry NEWEST SHOE FASHIONS FROM everywhere come reports that the de - 1 inand for Sailor Ties, Oxfords, and Strap Slippers this season hold the lead in quality and beauty of design. . - . 1,1'„• have the tidiest nattiest, 1110-t wearable line' of ,ler 'le. fOuud. sure we . 7tn pletase y u Icift you'll only let us try. Ease ehganee and 1w•rfe•tion of fit are strong point(' lt1 •sur favor. A le new leathers and the latest {{e1tyI,ia, are uuw in-t.w•k; h1' r the boys awl girlr we are eltowiiig a ,cry largo ussort11 tit of footwear at the lowest possible GEO. MacVICAR ,\'orlh side of Square (;oJrnrh •u•m;d n„I be mcrhM,►e1. 19er Mel kms id Brim. ahlpp•d their t`. fat cattle last week and among thrtu tans t4 whits' steer that weighed .chis.. to '250 0 pound.. kir. 1'aael«rl.urgb 1134 removed In flue u.•4r farm ou the 4luron road south of Clinton. The beet wishes of a boat -:of -Mende TO witf Dim. MILLINERY New arrivals this week in Gainsb ery chic lathe ever popular ams iuel models. - hat in all its. glorious? colors. ' The large hat in black and enlor- i- to•, -t becoming -and ., lbo• rtrw iii all its glory . W. vow• Mr. Gvtj)rkln 3 nu, eta 1 hand readiness f ht• late hardy. who tar teen are sways kept 1111 and ren' m, l,t,: from s a e with Mr. Melvin Tyndall for . for the lea -t .sign of any of ' be ,omni` barge number of friends sad relatt►ea ailments w-hleh , afflict Ittt olt•••1. `, ill pttr•ndan.e•. A very efectiTP «er- of inir e. left .'n 3lcmdoy a reg - }M - tndary. # "slew Tablets_ never fail cot. ens amducted by S. i Mr. an. Mn., K*' 1. from near , ulnae 'he 4i a41I ('nil awwie. h't" )kuu; T110 their y. uden'Ted d *IR ► 441 : try t.ani*h ,wreolli iiml and and ey-- . favorite Aruna of Mr. earth's. .1 am 'Ina In the el• fatten rep house -keep -ave #tion : biteak Int 'suds and simple' f, waftin,l;• fur fie Masten'• The pail Ina In the hottcM caeatd by woe Dave ers: relieve colt'. and bring the hob, bearer. were Messrs. George. reed. t Aweet wIN work fort then h that dreaded teething p•rhd tipper. Walter. Deihl and Gordon 1larly,and 'M ,Mr. Tyndall th Mr. ',limey had n, who u ala I�'-�- - T!" TaTablet.Tablet.never do - 11sonsI sof the deceased.deceased.sPd. Mr.sucomer. )lu n► -always K•nd a+ t4ey aM t ,tie was born at list*•P Edward ps- t (Mand very badly cut while sawing 1 bar\ ]nib Ansils-Taz APP *old _ nr �,;.. e«. ,►f twelve. Since corals to ' if nt • • • ! Tna-ii Ir+ide�d af" vrPst pia ranter(' *twuolut•Iv fee from aa. v landlu - "lux Yo Ontario at L�nod 1L Mr. Ret, (;ten's. is _ do1n ' - You are invited to call - C. A. McKinnon Milliner Hamilton Street nhely. - •• Mr. Arthur Clark. our ,nr::.Kk a norltcUu• .1°111°r" 0r 1 ,� ran this 1'time `e - It pays to use -SENOUR MARTIN MARBLE -ITE FLOOR FINISH Aothin? like it hat' Hardwood Floors /t wears (the Iron erste to Head Office Montreal for Frac Booklatt HOME PAINYING MADE EASY_ SOLD BY 'e- 6 F. HUNT I.01IEItl('It ., nth a Ise. from The Ir. Wiluatit flPl_ i Laundry Soaps 4 for 2lc. Ayer Soups - 2 for 23c. 1 jCooking Figs - IOc. a lb. - Neb Soap Flakes - 2 pkgs 27c. Chocolate Bars - 6 for ?Sc. ' Clover Leaf Salaam merchant. is kept busy evert Tuea- ateMetn. sir.. itnw•kv.Me. (Mt, 1, day looking after the Egg Circle, both here and at Itenmiller. Mr. Russel 11111 and councillor I WHITECHl'RcH Graham have rented _]Lr. R. IL l Tuunfr..•• farm for the - - COLf1ORNE _ f•t)LTW)RNF. T FNs111P.- At 7. Konloka. also Mr. anti Mrs. AMOS - -Mrs. Thos. Mltrhell is not -as 'ell 4 Comeliest spent Saturday ‘\1111 Stir. a• her many ,feleads would wish. 1 and airs. ,Thin'. Smith. -of Ltiekiow. Miss Margaret Cowan. of land Sunday w•Ith Mr. 1 Urn'. Philip is lit Sunday with tier friend 311 1 Steele of Duuganuon. -- I Llys Tp4,1.' - . air. and - Ire. Wesley Legrntt noel Ir.. Nelson _1•earsnu *hlppd a' Mr I�atnily, of Into/vale. spent Sunday sof * (not_ms4;►w ;ttkm--one-day *cit -h Mr_ untf Mrs.' John-3f,�it'br%v,_ -this dark. I Mi. Pearl C,,ng'itu spent $uttrhry Mr:' 1 d Year:_ rd:;ARdt 1A.. of , with Ur J. D. 1SPmroft. 11nngs11u' i. also Mrs. Will Harlow sof 3h' iiiiiarl T,liart'ra. who has 1•(Mlcrldl. sited , with the ladles seas.nt ..• i4'ra1 yeara..in the Wevt. re - oilSif:.Tiir.. 3fi5c;TIt7nC Mlteltett -r tnrnre} to At. -hewn• --1 ' Ja«s w.vk- .na tI1/1ela - ' )Jr. Jolt's Campbell. vile. -client the 31 r. Geo. Rn K. enliioiTivl a rat . wiuts•r in Ih•arult, hnr.._�:.•tnrurd an of fertilizer fro Mellow .m MMI- I his home -herr. ' 1lay. 114 It. I'a ref t. n t� Ridgcrest Baby Chicks Barred Rock and single corrlbWhite Leghorn Chicks from bred to lay stock of O. A. C. strain. Pia, your order now beforeall all incuh;llor -pace is taken up. lir if you prefer to hatch fromur own t1.M•k arrangements cap in•_ triad, to hatch for you. -11.H. Revell GODERICH 1 Ib..ti 43c. R,'v,ral.In the eommnuity attended the stack *bow at Clinton last Tbprtr_,• day. - 1 Mr. (',nrdon (*irk. of Cochrane. rind Mr. David C•h(: air Elgin. 31:ua.. w'•(4• ices funeral. i AV I1I'r4':('IIl'aeIL April n. --Airs. home for their to )leltrlen is visiting with her daugh- ter in (Tinton. Mr. and Mrs. (Mule! Steele, of PORTER'S alis+ 1 Int- h e1M•ret. of ImrWIMW. Myth._ spent I -IM•nt th,• k -end with )1iss Annet- -sinewy with 1riende set--Xerth t1oa .vr- Feer. \ large crowd paitheityl at R.•nmil- I Mr.. and 3 Fred 1IkomPaee. . i Toroto. and . Harold Taylor, of \lona real. in visiting orer 4144' w.ek- -IT4T wIttr-ttietr-vieter. Mrs. -Joe -TiffA� Mr.. J. lt. Christie: of Wingtiam. visited one day last week with Miss Margaret Ferree. Miss Haggett. who has been cleft - Ing with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alpo. Emerson. returned to her I New Coats and Suits for Easter 1,Ve have just, received a number of the r ",test and smartest of ladies' and misses' Spring Suits and ('oats. Tjtiey comprise neat, daintily trimmed galmetlts of Poiret twill or charmin for street wear. Or we have light weight velour or bnlivia cloth Coats, daintily trimmed and low-prieed. Ask to see the new suits just arrived th is week and prieed unusually low. - - THE FINEST OF HOSE FOR EASTER - Marvel Stripe Silk Hose1 These are Kayser full fas)lioned and pure_ dye. The new marvel stripe is a series of' little knitted openwork loops which prevent nuns or garter tears. These are just ne'w in and we haw' shades, I'oige, Fawn, White. Meek, Log ('abin and ('ireaysian. Per pair $1.95 Holeproof Hosiery In shades Satin Blonde, Airdale. 44'in- 14t.im,---Black Indian Tan, Sponge, Log Cab in, Cloud and Fawn.. These are a ribbed top hose, priced, Per pair ' 1.75 1 Harvey Point Heel Hose Hee highly recommend third, hose of heavy weight silk, full fashioned and with the additional feature of the pointed '.lee! „bleb gives the ankle an added appear - alive of neatness. The shales are black, snedg. ramel. fleige and grey. , Per pair $1.95 Circle Bar Hose In shades suede, cinnamon. gr.•v an 1 i,ln(.k. 'these are and exceptionally fin" it r hese foe $1.25 per pair •1na1 NEW SILK GLOVES We-Tiltudhe-1111--2Ca r$tik-$wild`with double finger-tip-Tivety-ymir is goarantee•i and you will be delighted with our new range. 4' The fancy Gloves are very neat, being trimmed with dainty -embroidery, scalloping or frilling and all are very moderate in price t his season On you need new Gloves .to eomplete your Easter apparel? Handkerchiefs Silk Scarfs In beautiful two-tone and all -owe• pat- All the new colored erepe handker- tcrn effects of the newest shades. These chiefs iii plain and printed pattern* are new stork and prised at $2.25 each Prices 450 and 35o ilat'P yon seen the Taney law n hand kerehiefe with the dainty cheek 4,110r,..0 Priced at 15c each - 1 TSE S. A. GRAY CO Dry Goods, Ready -to -Wear, Novae-Furnish(ngs McCAIL PATTERNS limo' at •itlyth on Sntur,al. :sk and Mrs. Mdtrien yi4a1e11 on Sand -with -MIAs Tenn i.aldlaw, new, WW1 hlv sister. Mrs. .las. I.nirtlnw. air. Witt Henry left un Saturday for the e.4t.- A4HFTELD ASAP IEI.D: April at. - \ire Dun- can Melntyr• ha. r.'turn•el home af- ter visiting friend'. nt :1.4r..it :11111 Parkhill. The Mission Hand held their me.; lug at the .'hutch on Saturday Iasi. ML Margaret Hardie was ele,•ted LL ' 1•O1HTEIf M t fret ing of KI'w'n1 *•and swine*. \wag east over the neighborhood Iasi w.''k w11Ptl the news reached here of. the 'Taos, tnnnte occident which .511e....1 nth,• death of our old neigtihor \Ir. ItInirt R.'seom on the lnain erossntz..lil'4'14 ton. 31r. Itesoom. whew ens batty afwte.t, stepped off the ...orb almost dire•tly In front of car Fuming from the direction of Sell - forth. and was badly hrnlwel and Goods delivered tee lour orders solicited W. Price Grocer. Elgin .use. Phone 35¢ Ooderleb Only a Dad O\'T.Y A 13 a c(w u To smooth the way for his children sn i Inning with couge stern andAna The deeds that his father dit1 for him. This is the line that for hint 1 pen: Only a dad, but the hest of n1.'n. -Edgar Guest. e No* Dud, one" again, -Have you secured protection for that wife ,_4,nd famiiy in .is Af an early death, or for a11, yourself taielsds& in old aze, lir in caw of disability? Better consider this now ane set C. D. BENINGER, i.: West Street,' • Goderich `Jr' District Manager for The Empire Life Insurance Co. `.. TORONTO „/4 torn. lie wail rushed Tn The map tat. hot uotwltha1tafdimg all, that heed - i. al sk111 .said do he was whittle to stand the .humin and pals -ed :16'11y about 2 a.m. the foik,wing morning. Str. ltetwom had reached th.• ripe old atm -'r+f eightrwiltkt +ewer 441(4 - Non at resident of the town -hip sl early e•hildhew.d. corning from Irelitnd sityeu a more '11114. }IP aired for time on the Ra:. field line. afterwaM,r moving to the farm on the e1th eon- ceaslon, where he lived cnntinaously until he left the farm and west to live with hitt daughter. Mrs. Adam ('nntelon. In Clinton. Mr. Ileneom was one of the most successful horse- men of the county, havitirfalsert as shown some of the best. HP le silt- vlved by one brother. David. of (`iln- ton, who is over ninety-eight years. the, oldest Orangeman of the ,*runty. to polities he was a staunch sup- porter upporter of the (lonservative party. Mr. Jae. Stirling Is laid up with a severe attaek ot\tonsllltis. 44'e hope for a speedy recovery. Mr.Herb Cox upheld the honor of the place by bringing home . w and prize for his teem_ of fine horses from the Clinton fair. Tits was a keenly .t.ot,Rel class, hating nine .entries. but JAI thinks the .hiring ANOTHER GitEEAT (CATHEDRAL iN DANDER iwrge flssurps, up to teen Inches In width, have opened up to Lineal* Cathedral, England. This atrnetnr. 4a one of the moat beautiful P=ampl(w est Oothie architecture In the world. The photo Nowt the northwest tower encased with 'scaffolding where some repair work 1a going b4 litrw CHEVftOLET See the new roadster and CARS touring car with new bod- ies finished in rich dark blue- Duco, with cowl lights, new disc clutch, and new extra strong rear axle with banjo -,L type housing. See the new sedan with beautiful Fisher Body .'rid one-piece V V windshield, finished in aqua -marine blue and black Duco. Sec the new Fisher Body coupe of strikingly beautiful design. finished in Ontario grey and blue Duco. See the hew coach. another fine Fisher Body doted car of low price. Duco finished, mounted on the new Chevrolet chassis with its many added quality features. See the New - Roadster Touring Coupe Sedan Coach 'sits The Huron Motor Sales