HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-4-9, Page 3e =4 = Clubbing Rates The Signa! can save you money c n almost any newspaper or periodical. Rates on request. THIS SIGNAL PRL (TING CO.. LIMITED, Publishers. ionat • Signal Calendars We e'till have a few-calenelnr• ria. 8.•11••11: your s'it'..c'ription at onrt• and got 1)11C ( GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1925 The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency Life Sun Life), Accident and Auto Insurance Houses and Lot. in Goderich and Vicinity, and Farms for Sale Saute ..mall places, nil uettw- ,•:roc enll,l.tl:4, close to town. J. W. ARMSTRONG Above Parsons Fair P. O. .lox fat tioderieh, Ont. CRAIGIE'S INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE TO KENT Two1.tury, red brick. fully modern\S•roomcyl house, garage, situated corner Elgin Avenue and Stan •y Street. One.atnr frame. 7 -roomed cottage, fa ce, electrie light and bath. . rage. J. W. itAMIE (formerly dassager of Commerce, Godericb C est, Municipal, ;sad dustrial Bonds ffi ., Accident, Automobile and Insurance. 0111ss 3i/aal Block, North street, .Telephone 33. i CLINTON'S STOCK SHOW BREAKS ITS BEST RECORD Inst Thuraday'a Event Favored by Flat. Weather The spring stork show at Clinton ,n1 Thursday last. t1fh ld(•ul weather, it record attendance. and en unusual- ly large entry list. surto...ell all Its pretios,4•w,r* The judge. bad a diffi- cult task 1u perform. H4 the horses were of lxc.1.tt..181 anality and vane of the heavy classes find frow fifteen 1u eighteen entries. The prizewinners were as follows: 11E.tYT HlltSER Clydesdale- Stallion, a years • and over, 14 Robert rt Murd.s•k. Wu, c field: "-r•d E. Jolu,stou. Clinton. rereherons---Sta lib ., . :1 years. and- aree.-1st- Jnt itevnotds. t'lint+nr:--- Ifleavy Draught--Itnesl *are. 3 yaare and over. lat".Ale tlfrtght, Brucefield : 2nd Woos. Mp(rgnla. 1'lln- ton; oral Jos. Reynolds,//Hinton: illi Jas. Stirling. Hayfield. Fitly ur geld- ing. 3 years and over. 1..1 Robert 1►olg. S,aforth: 2nd Ja.. •1'atiEginotid, Clinton; and Alex. Sinclair. Kippers: 41.11. Brigham Iters... Myth. Filly or gelding, 2 year% and 'miler a, lit Itroadfoot Broil.. Seaforth : ,1 !R'm. Dray. Itlyth: :tn1 1 ;list Ili ItlshHek. Clinton. Filly or gelding. 1 year and under 2. 1st Nroa11f,xd Bare.. Sea - forth: 2nd (:,o. Dale. Clinton. Horse colt ur filly under 1 rear. 1st Wm. tiray. Myth:, 21111. E. Johnston. ('lin- ton and G. Nlalrark. Clinton. Teams. fin harness t -r Alex. Sinelalr. Klpjwn; 22nd tlrighnni Bro.., Ittyttr:-AriF�st,- Fe-a.P. I.ti know. V Nr4'llwlll kir 1-t ICo1M•rt _ Doig. Seaf.,rlh. e LiGIIT I1e►i0IF:S e. alti.tn. Standard -Urea I'rotter- Letterheads Envelopes Billheads a 1..st .holo, Decker. .Ir...Zurich. Carriage Horne In 1f. rm,.s-1 t George Robinson. 1Vingliam: 211d C. Itl.haek, Clinton; aril, 1{uht. Neatly. Wh,ghnm.' Roadster Horse In Harness. -151 ltobt. Mil'Iurti, Heilman: 211d Mau- niug, 1Iros., 1iiadt.2auru' : :ird Clayton }'r}: Winghaw. Roadster Tenni In lianas. --Dat EI mer Thi,•1. %nrieh : 2nd 11 ht. Beatty, 11'ingham! and H. H. Grown. }:xeter. AGUIVl'LTI'it.11, , • Brood mare..: years or over, let W. BL,»pdhwd, I(ellforth : 2nd .ilex. (iim(dan,Feaforth: and r,u.rlit His hack. Clinton : 4th Arthur Nicholson. Senforth. - Filly or gelding. 3 years and over. lot Manning Bros.. Londes- tw,r,i • _nd Iltas. titewart. Myth; :Ird 1t. Slusddew•k. lesnife.boro' : 4th Man- -bin": Brox. lnuuk'xhoni. -Filly ur gel.l- Ing. 2 year. and under 3. 1MJ Alex Wright. 1trulrfield ; 2n(16tli sths . ills• flack. Clinton. Filly or gelding. 1 year and under 2. 1st Jas. Flynn. Clinton. Hurst reit or filly. under 1 year, lit Jas. Vatic gmond. Clinton; 211,l 1.. Pea. cock. Clinton; 3rd N. holland. Clam ion. Team in harness.. 9.t Manning Ilrnv.:-T;rsndeshoro': 2nd C. Stewart, DWI.; 3r1 it. Sheddnek, le,adeshoro' : 4th Jno. Wright. Anteirn. l(wt'epr stake.. Manning Bre.. (:INERAI.I'l'RPO F -Fitly or,Rr•1_dlnit. :3 years and over: 1st and 2t,d i1In..th.eker, Z041011: 8r11 -here: lox. %ly.4 t. Tell in harness. 1•t Wm. Decker, Jr.. {ur- Ick Hi 2114 •rh. Cog. Itayfleld : - ar•1 ,•. n , r'11i1 Ii ; 4th Wm. Nes- bitt_ Itlyth_= - _ CATTLE Shorthorn 18111. 1 y,nr. 1st '\I. (trieh, $tu((lrtht-2n&-•I[_ ('eleh.;Net- forth 'Shorthorn raw, a years. end 1 over. 1st. M. Prick. Seaforth : - 2nd M. 11r4r4--3iesieges---1:1turshurit .heifer. 'l years. 1 +t NI. (r i t Seaton -tit. S h r t horn heifer. 1 year. ITM. '('rich. Seat.ir'th 1•„nen .vagus ism. 7 }ears S01.1'TI)IN Lnl. 1..1x1' U'F:1•:I:'S C111040-11't)S!► 'I't/,'/.1.E Datpatkna Aeknowtedaed r. - Tile ('at bol Ir . W..mro. to tgtlr' graiefnlly lu•kta,wledg•• the receipt of tint following donptiou. to ;lire.! in the furnishing of their r.s,w -in the new hu•pital: $tki, .txhflehl t',ttholte Wpmen's L••ntttte:- tw-o 1ra)ololhs. by Miss glary I.arel•; ,ani•]tilt ptlm-w. and Iwo bath towels, by llrs. John MiKimam two calnHesth•ks and 4111• die •. by Mrs. W..1-. LaineiuT 1-lly 'c -(or neral trey. x1.511 smu1J trait Mind gpasx; by ]ire. W. J. Bowtfr,: Milt -dozen tnbte napkins. Apr Mrs: W. .1. l ad -holm : $2. tV lit. 1►uyle: large vase. by vary. by Mrs. by Mrs. it. J. ]hr's. .lass Mrs. I lussey : ttlde4t t nPe)I- Miss II nosh lei.+- �:er+:sii• by lliss Kate Stapleton; feathers for pi Ii.ac,,he Mrs. Jerry Dalton. • • Mrs. Robinson; ema11 Mee. nuan : a pletufe. I'bnleu; tniyet.Nlt, by uln : two pillows, by ,_15ay oth, t.r Miss K. 19.;_.1)01/5!r 1 sA,k by Bairns„• candle•', -h7-- O'Nelt; dre•s.er cover. LIBERAL LEADER'S PERSISTENCY WINS Piddle .tcrount• Committee Deride. to Questlon Smith alwl 'IittheN. T)T1:nNT i. pr ' ss-+onT' pion ;our beer, bowl *oh. 1t.reotigati„1,- ,d,.jrh union, and d191 n�siuuw un l':1 skein• and Iva-ce•xge laltos.lx•'pes1 c to fill In it busy' week a• the L, 1.'9111111. :11111 during the it l,1) '. set oral oat:i•r. have -lacca aired which are of much interest to movie every: where. The tor on gpwd!ne and the tax on hoe -erases. including soft dr aka, are. e. lie .• gni in their aminenilon to --n-arh' pretty- nearly. alt vitt:sea+i Wed • there wits.lruleh pressing of .C.vern. • mens members by !Alarm' front la•nek , ors us ti, Just how these taxes w',t:• -Ju tc•olhnteol. .'.the•- r.atie.t hl rein Cover nest was thar'Yor tl}i•- present it 411.1 not know. that It was study- ing- this 1,1rit, of the .problem :end wont., real•i1 a conclusion in time to rnllswly this-eon-elnslott• In the rrguln'1•• ..nus governiug the. toU,tt}..a-.f the tax. •tet4srding to .the 1'nnadi:un caustl- _tuttln ihl l'rucltsrs lire not pw•rntlI_ t4,I to .h_y7_}In indins•t nn, thesis. t vas iiAr the tariff.. for inatnn4w. How tell Is it going to eoll•t•t gtisollne eels? Tllat Is what Liberal Leader Sini•latr'and ,hla followers kept asking the I:nu rnmi nt. and alter - - how was it. going to collect -Ate -weft' -_ drink tax?, The aisle of a 4rurernment loan In the list dnyx-of ter earst ( tern- _-' m41tL_,Ja_ _L'tttt sing : leo. mnrrm¢it{_ n! large sums of "'Ideal«' from the INNN,IIIe !tank of Canada 51111-rxcupy the at- ..i,•ntlon 14011 thoughts of the p.ojde. When,' Liberal glut r Sinclair ,early' ' this ...'loon declared that full..Net:►` • If i.nr uelghleuts w,nild only do as tlgatlon still IAA 1.. 1s• made tutu ' _1Y 1'rUUgr a in 1,ri,-r. wick of eh4••Irr- 114 U41')Il. 1•nyn. .I i l ants mnneF coerce ilaiTy were 'mane t1,ri1 12 1tr i. tt'la . St hence tildy. \. /kilt .p.m. Drama. ilfip Ina "s t.-14 IlTII ♦}' 1R NO. 4s fleldRoots Mangels EVERY Farmer and Stockman knows tete value of the Mengel as a bodybuilder and a milk producer and in the main- teaance of general good health. Rennie's tested Northern grown ed will yield remarkably large crops of we U formed roots of high nutritive value/iia' excelknt feeding quality. • We Ai tsiy recvrunenJ Itis fofis,oing varieties to •ll Growere who desire Ow boat Rennie's giant Half Long Yellow Rennle's Perfection Main- . moth Long Red Rennle's Giant White Sugar Ronnie's Ideal Order Rennie's Tooled Mantel Sod from your local dealer. or direct from ;M.A. RENNIE (11.;',747, C. ADELAIDE and MARTS Ste TORONTO if you cannot obeain focally. please ratite us. giving your Dealer's address Renner'. Seed Annul --the most r.mpkt. Canadian &ked C.t.iosue free on request. RADIO PROGRAM ar.hest rn. Julins 114.‘ horn, ruudue- tor; Floyd 11, Wolters. organise. _ 7.:141 irn1.--11 alike talk. 7.411 p.m. Wit t, in'. thus..• Dr - t. Unlimited Quantity of . nue Tau aro gctting 'nl nr iter, 11 ('ens, Lindsay. t`Iinton. t ° FA va Polled Angus rem. :1 years ad neer. skipping the rnjx• .ka•.l.'r make your �. � eirti� � 1st rho, 1.lnl.rw►. (-tlnfon . .mt tYms. feet a little � ht`t ue t ou+ Uontn411 •h eaxler for us to hoc,• th,11l.- DI MINED HOOD !VR BALK eng Ire x,nr«�1!_ 1 $t per Slagle laid dellvrretL th, tiutai of a crotid of coung4h•rs thrrtugl t tit,. Prucim•r who agreed Y. 44en YnI ._E.In1 the company' 71st Wiukli ' 9.1es1 nt4•d he Ws: I' 1'lay- wltL kill!' 114 tin. 1'4.14 pr•w'471' 'klhs•yrlos 11t7A.5s meter.). Father, erg. - s nuttier:.:„ the a.1'414. tention. of the• afandnr1 time: 10.31: j41u. Item,. uur'ii- from heti - Snndat•. .t. rlt 12. 10.(111 ' a.m. 01 Albany ['oth•,• 1'rot., I it .• A...., in - THE •r DER1C11 committee rued Luiterliur ler Ireso-44ttlew csti„sL ..twit• iuuvlo Inc 11111e 1uLo,t ry Band and Howie and alien the public aeaunt4 (Pont of C(1 LIMrrFD iI I ('ll t 1 '1 Shl t-alie.--of Peter Smith. ('hilrIcs Matt._ New New York. Jimmie Sruith's1Singiug Ilydlu•.nn: u. xIIy. ntou : . r. Chas. s'''y- ilerulil. nylrsen. ,St. I ., 'atone 61.) Clinton, Polled .Ingo. heifer. ier :1 _ Yeti-,-T-17-1ttmerewn*rn.T�tafnr(F�- -- IMAM cow. (Tea. Lindane, Clinton: hairy cow•. ani age and tiered, 1st 4'has. If you intend bay- Lindsay.- o'lintnn ; 2nd Malcolm Mc - Pay you to see 'nigger!. ('itntdn : aril E. It. all, ('lin- „ • Thr Iw4•r 11111 Alebntc mer , om41101)4 . . salei I bare fou: 4th M. 1'rh•h. S.•sfoiel.. Heifer, 111 her night .h,.e,grhlea• and ute.N'nii.111-{r.m.-tb`rrh•r of First F:ugllsh Mai,. l+utthsnc. $700.60 op uud,•r -1 t. ir•. 1st E. it a.e•11: ('!in- s,•l111)•quo cru , nee si,1e a ter Iinii Was xp eet"ncuiar *for n lime Viii- .-1111,1. 1.,,,i„. •u rhun•h. Alhni) L^n p.lu. h9111111/': 4 )r. 1 s; ra f:.,.n /ray terms. ton : 21.1 I . Itozo•11. -( dnnon; :rd F:. a• Iw•a4efnl 'us.. a+ yon plaa.w Hurl all away wear the DMA. Various amend. • s.L� p,.ut. _Waldorf-Waldorf(ler lo.- N,•o Kenmur. 11ute1. arbud): Rotten. /'Deuton : 4tb tiles 4 .,rnlsh: n! n s,,,I.(1 tin,• bust right "t.ttl load Mehl. were pm.,•uh41 tt ilei were r�•- Ira. .1n'.. th Kur4'ht. emoin,tor ; atlso, ,'Ilton. Sww•p+Inkow bolt.. Short- la,1ahtu' mud ter 11111k.-.1 at sir over e1110114. saved down. bat ensu+ rxln' bn'.. I. n•1 by 1V.1%. hurts. �therden .tngne'err Hrrstor1 'the'tn1 of her {n par 01111 11:1 'low - to Infornintion 1r. to rrgnlutinu" aK 1 IOAa► p.m.-1'iuth1 n•rital I.,r (rod EASTER EXAMINATIONS I'ho 30_ .�'. to sal. such tax cru aaM ,w S1UuleS' t,roaek s4.i1 kv wi:'. _____ � f(7 N r'rlett }traforfh Deist herd. ' T' ' .-g4.1.11-2.. i.taT. 'tt ya tt ' ,x ,rt• son 1 fr,�' ;dn'ih,w , alar HOUSES All kinds for 5111 Ing a home it w the houses 1 have them at all priest, fro Some mal go.w1 bargains o Drop in and ser m.. P. J. RYAN, Real F..state.h Insur.tnce hetes. Jr.. and former dirt, -lire; id 11e 11.:11-a•.m..-Serrlee of First Eng soln.�ly`Ralph Jou, sod 4:eorg,• W. t1•u.w. Ra1.6. l - �ttw. seek, r = Motion fur several ditvs4J4t'- rornfnif- tlr'•�`ir MJttl m L:�l:; eels._ lir. C. E. Frantz, pastor. Staturdni. Apiil T.i►1) m} Ilf,• 4''. •l..,.lha t,. ,H's.•nt 10 it Mel Mr. 3.14:, p.nt. -%V4tr Symphony 4)r,'h$.. F'r,n.1i program enr•1411ng of vocal ._ . , . 11tnt3stir.� .ytr.,_eattutr .L►,[(+gut.:�tltlU,_ss era. Ern htiwrn. w8tdurtor: ekes. gluu•1•? uutrrlmr.. Iduuo, soprano Heil who "mine w•emcee.•tr�•w•�iiwi:p•�i,iT019fitt-= • _ , ta.nr' tak. •rercthinC ►irasn„!. ehe p!oto Is ISP tai• reanrikd:: - •nail W1aw1, 51q,r11ao, wrlula: r1..1h1 w,1ut and roasting- : adders$ h) HuNiillat- e��w�i Stationejr,printr'tiat The Signal Office. We will do a job that till do erodit to ynttr business. Look over your stork of Oilier Stationery and if it r.'gUIles replenishing call ?Thy telephone 3F - Th Sigrral Printing Co. IJmil rd 1 Hotel Tuller DETROIT 800 �� - soo Baths $2 50 per Day and up ARABIAN RESTAURANT GOTHIC GRILL CAFETERIA TEA ROOM C. C. SCHANTZ, Gen. Mgr. T Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada - has a record of fifty-three years of prosperous and sful business. rest assured. R. LONG, District Agent Goderich Phone 115 Houses for Sale BRiCK: 1 have some hue br from 7 to 12 rooms. II h0usr•s are real bargains and cats had on tory easy terns. -- i RAN1E: Bungalows and Cs,ttattes irlup, 0 to S rooms. All modern and very comfortable. These can be bought cheats and d on easy terms. KF.NTAI.B: If you wish to rent your !same. let me know. I can dist...aero( it quickly. LISTINGS: --- - If you want tool' your Bosse. let me have the listing.Phone 4341 or write and I will call and get the particulars. , - , _ Collections and Rentals made. George state and ins ora n re 'Phone 436 North wt, Box 126 (Opposite Signal Office 1 G(1DF:RI(H 1olnc4 A Lessoit in Success Tach your children to save. Open a ,Union Bank Savings Account for each of them. Let them be friends with the Bank Teller and take their own de- posits to hiss. Theodor/est road e.. gas auee.w im the urmf• habil Lt.UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Wootcnmhe,'Man ler ,p, . ,.g.w , •--, - , , ., of ST P L mart, .greet 'tumor. to AlCrich SI/8 I" nu her fame• nn11 she r,mfi me tette'----`11414L_a;l.e"--11..1:elork of uliltt • tusr _._ Mern.lsv. April 1:i. 2.00 p.m- 1 •Clcrn by the ttturue •-/----tl {u , forth. "tlt•ieutlfIe investigation prose' the Ingrndlents of a mins arc: Fat enough for n bar of limn -dry SCHOOL REPORTS • wu1p. . Droll eu,8tg'4 fur -two nail':. S. S. N1►. 2, WEST W.%'4V.1N441411 Sugar ennngh to fill ..x..11,1 •11n. The lowing Is the report of B. lime 14m,1gh in whitewash- a 4111 la S. No. 2.'est Wawanosh. for Mardi en exip. (the figure represent pere•ntagesl • • Phosphorus fur_ box_ of .Jwtttlitn . I1'. llarga `• I ttshie Y1. Lena i.el- Pn1i e.ln1t11 enough to explode a toy oly 70, Mir Ila •t�ltou 711. 4:e.rge 11111- Oslo'. r - ehitw-ilio Roy 't gnn Ta. Herb. Fin• - l 10pTiilir-etioltgn f., flit a dog nlgan :SS. hex (leas. - Rr-fiL=Dicta mR `t0. ('cern Rut all this -junk musts• I•uight at• Finnigan f41e Dora H his AO, Mary any -earner drag slur!• for in Finnigan SO: - •Wel1. whenever Josephine 91414 Jr. 111-dhngh Leddy i. ohm hitt• huwor In n silly pier like tent 1 r tin,. 40►. -.Margeret 1.,d.. 1� 448►'. agree with 1s4•r-. t-j(rxi--refire Jr. 1L --Kerby llttchtn' Mary with dignity. Now I retied all- iMbie. right. but 1 couldn't •al(•r'i', and pnrty _ i.-- Kitchener _'_1nf11LO, Poon the answer coma. to mg. as a •Sr. Primer -Verna /latching.. enthral inspiration.atat 1 got M. 311.1 u4I her gently that And t last art t t t t u _ ge Jr. r m r a t r . --Margo Iswll n R. meth H,w1g,•s, yzed the sul,je-t 4 f' woman a. mop M. tf(N:(3, •Tescjler h been Iryln' to .lo ever shove the began. S• . S. NO. 4. ('01.11OtN,'E L 'W an. " 1 said. "bus been proved • ) 111x1 ; talk. "4=ud,r,lothing for . Liberal to pressing 10,p11rin.- from elle' by 11,111 Scott, 41othltn: F'dbeo I:,, i. ale• r,ls,rf of the rnllender mid UP14-111,,n uu•ue- itepartment. New York State 4'ulhg•' 1:n.N•r rxxwivarion. w 141 popes. ;.r 114.1111. F:iatluttdr�, 4'oru.l1 1 nlv,r• seto.,1. The 10111,'- are in order of - Sit, . - ; rtirrtf -TOWNSHIP - OB QILS .11.3k) p.m.-Dlu"•r mils i.• by Iloipi 1'1..'41414 I1'. SF:N Tw► Jiawk Trtn. Albany. )tittle. er Jeffery. I-l••h•n Vitae. ('ac 1.'.1 ST W.LRAN(1oiF• R.W►. 1.111. Si"." Inik to Itrllrnl. rt.. 1I'\!•ill. Willi., 1IN.•ill, ('lir.'tw, • The r..nts•It of East lYnwnnnsrr1 Anson Itruu,. dir.•4tor a ntldetl,+• ,unai, Wink Stapleton. Ted. 11'111011 1`..Ilege. L W•I11r1. . met on lUnn4t al.r. with all the meta• 74I'r p. m. Talk. "Ten Minutes in CLASS iV. .11-Nitdt sirs pro -•o.. Mleoue. uf- .rex thrrdrn." t'n.fr•itstn -ltotw•rt- --1t , meeting were r,•Hd :old approved. 7 �'Ifitlft°: 11mTlr M Kis. 151+. ' %dames. New: York Shue Schoen of rem,. 1leromette. Irene Jeffrey:- Er representative of the Sawyer•Masse, .thrlinlnire'• err 1"wyr, 1(1r1'y ('hnlrn. Mary lhe- ('u, waited on the ...omen regarding 7.1.: p.m.- Talk. "Spring Slyis- in Bell. Male of rood mnehtnery. Nothing in ('l,thiug." hr Beat ries. (Hunter. Nett' t'J..1SS M. 14F.Nllnit this line wag purchased a ,resent. York State 4'ollrge of 411/Mm• F:e..nont .toguath1• Page•. 111111.' - Ithrrow, the council h,•ing of the opinion that _.Cart_ �.ru, - Januar SY1i Nu•y had ,pithiest gnsdwrs, Pte., .fur l - rte. ,s, mi T"ar: p err --NYtY 'rrrr•losir t lfr : tCr,fira-l'RwnrR :loffn'y. Eva tlat)r•m7 ...-7-- - thin, year.' In ranne•Uon wffh the ,lobo I Faulkner. soprnis,, ndilri•-.+. Rhea Ihn„•hl,r. IInrry Babb. above if mlglit be stated that .1. »ire Kiwi to Animals.- by It. "l'. (l,%SS 111 Jf'NIOIL l'rntg-•echo- hi*' .rpera,te4-- the Torre T'rncen. fhld iirtmo(z.'p 0rYh,• .trn,'iT• V.•rnnk,, Itji n. rt WehT,. T n- grarler successfully in the pest. will eon Humane Association. rllle firnt. Terewi�,l'hlRhnIm. F:114•n t expected, M• 1 cine o f again. 1 n n t g Tuesday. Apurll 14, 2.4sr p. m. O'itriru: Vkde Jtoxn141..hhn f ninrnnn. the saint. at the .ono terms as last, )inch•: non mt J,l-I -. 1 !lint lit Tfu.91as Mclennan. \Joseph Itnrkett. 3.lir. The eh•rk vans in -trusted to Ilrldi•s,•' by win, Ma hoe Player.. Walter i,atuunn. Ik.rhny K,mr11oc. have n bylaw pngwtyrd for n1•xr m,rh 2)6 p111.-4)rcnn ,NIwlh.n. I' 111rohl Ot.•rhult. 15 regarding the landing 111141 e1l''l 3 1.111.1111.11F:. 1191/.4'181r from 1Inrnnn111 $EI OND 11 L.0 44 Bleaker 11h11. Albany. .elms O'Brien. Unt'id Tilhin. Fresh" 0.30 p.hi.- flintier smile by New IevO.mt.jean t bbilud n 4'IoW' Biondi - Kenmore hotel 1 Irrhestr6, .limner - ler. 'Inrg:Ire. Meru. chortle `1)orrlug- 7.38 p.m.-.tddr•sc. "Working Your` ton. Thotu:is Palm lfayme {'Hite. ('on - Way Through 4'otltg.." by Mico Die-lits{dMuu. rob, Ely. .-u•gistr:t r. l'ni.m 4'olleg•.. I'SI?'IN1) f'h.tSS 7.40 p.m. Abut Tan IInip•.,tt'st. Mari.0lhI,1T4.•h1r•r1,s4'nmernn, KlHngan. ' of (lnonntt• F;IIgo lietI. ,1. Mnesimi4- -•riff---flnttrn1nlr:- -Cattti'rinr--1-en mrtr.----;?'^'^` � 14. No. 4. Colborne. for the month of•t with hornet i Mandl. IJ may he interesting to Brass emu to hitt in anywhere. know' that the pupils of this %clea.�•= fi- ,,,onigh to embitter `the h�lttee 54/4.11'between forty and flfty I SO -ti lest male d . whim.. t different kinds of bird.. faint enough fo nn 1MBA. sun - i Jr. 1V. --Margaret I'ilhrindo. Frank- art. ` - { fin Flick_._- -.- - -- Powder enough to bin iiv h iHti �t,l• Sr. 1111. ---"Olive 11111. Myrtle Me- t. , (;litre. J►Ii)trnn Mi111nn. tlnl'rrntnme enough to gas n element. 111,-ifl,lrnkta Flick and Marie Perfume All of which 41111 1st' had r 11117 Fltrllrr, less... 'Fish Y. v - _ nitre. ' The next mornite 1 tied my 1 n Sr. tr-40416 .1'ithlarin. Florence breakfast. -"Former I'ntnatn." McClure. Edna M. I. - - , Jr. 7L -Norma H . Gordon Mr - Coal. . Mr. 1. -Mermen Fight, Clare Pit- bledo. Ruth. Pilhlado. Jr. L---EiiMr Fisher. Jr. Pr.-Eillth Flick. ClnyliM Mit- ltnn, Norma Philter, Winnie Pifidndo, Olite PHblado. (3:' E. KN'111CHTEt Teae h('r. --�- 1'. 1. F. Nt). 17, Vl'R1IT W.tW ANNMH birch report of ..,,lee R. N. No. 17. West WawannRh. 1'.-Myrfle ie•isrlhutnn (tai per (int. Sr. 1V. -George IiHmiltr,n 6R elle e•ul.. Earl Mi -Ne• :As, i14srilthy Han 4S. •FIIi Spruill 20. Jr. iV.--frnliam MoNe• 01 per rent.: Elmer Sproul Rel. Mary Rirvin 24. 'Ethel Mdlral4en 18. Sr. IiL-l'harles 'MeNe• 1l1 per vent.. Bessie (tern 57. Friuli. (liver 41, •F..lith 1(ptoill 10. Sr. It--11It11a' Flnnlgnn i6 per .end., 11,•Ihonrne Culbert 1r2. s(lordo•i 11,ltrnften ea� Jr. Ii. -Stanley Mel3ratten s•, par 401)1.. Harold Oiler 67. Evelyn Cir- cin 4v. l 1st-Annold Olver• ('nil Finnigan, Clifford Culbert. Primer Lenore Stnthera, Willie Sperm'. Emily M44iratten. Those market thus • have mh+sel lino or more examinations. N(t(mhcr on roll. 39; average altend- an/v., K.1). HiLL, Teacher. • of motor Irneks In the mmilillw,,Ilty. The following 141athmnsters were ap- pointed: J. N. 'Tierney. R. Patterson. J. il,err• It. J. McGee. W. Anders(m, W. 141ranghap. Fred Tull. J. Vincent. Lien. cGowan. J. ('nldw,ll, W. '41c - 4:i11..1. 1►iugwall. It. Wilson, W. Wid- th -4i. 11'. 4. -nudger. 11'. J. {'arks. Snell. ,t. - E. Walsh. .fns. .1144:113 Jr. I4ader. hurls Planate. Apia 1►yrrhwlf. (.err 1luyden. It. W. Scott.--lion-1t!,ir. 11'. , 1).mr p.m. Itruli.wirk I1011r of MU: field Denomv. Claire `a'-''- `e --- t Fothergill. 11. 31.•1►..wrlt. Fred 4..s,k. Rte. from 11cor.hl,i Laboratories . t r . i1. 111ack. Fred Cook. sr.. S. Cook. R ,. Stn ,, V. Verde _ _,_ Jr.. Brion/owlet: I111J.e-t'ull.•udrr (Yr'; aslso Spa in- \'rein 141nIW1. 47. 11'. 1(1•013. j. D. AlldehlfL J. i• hrnn.L•nst by W.1%. 1YIt%. KI►K.1 and•FIRST /'1..11414 3I -('allntu..i. Mrlh,rn,y. E. Stnpli•t..n. 1<111- Teresa linechler, I'hytlis Itawill or. - W. 4', Scott..leo. M4lturney, 1'. Wight-. 10.044) p.nt. .3,111'i4 of Holy Fr.. -...Frilled.. Mer... Eileen Thmomc, Joseph u.. R. 1:Ild,on', G,'.. Irwin. SV. .lance. .%Ilan}; N. Y. Mirk... Lorne Kenny. 1':,t Mardis -I,. SI,.'bottom. J. 'Menzies. }. 7hompr livid. W. .t. e'urrl,- t. 4.. on. ('._1'artrr. ,. Kerr. .I.' 1' T'hrrie.. I: •el 1+n id"8r, .1. Falco. - u: 1. 41111.1ep(e, IT. Ree haeme, .t. I:ruee. `hiu'nn. N. T)u..,i 1 '. Elliott. 1: R!.11d,t,n. 1 r. W..1. T Iter s•nrft. .1. 11.w•. •.:11' Robinson. 'r nn. • I'oundAAelx•14 n,,tt sl nu. 414 (or'att.•rly. fetrevIewo-rs The fallow -hag nor (ten. i,-,I.l:'• - 1lownrd Campbell filling In wash mt. onncrs+Iou I. AI: 79m Standard. print Ing, x81 ;n: TI,..., Phlulls.< tile-•R3.l.: rn. • .1. 14. M4KINN1►N 1s the ('anadien Imhutrinl n•pr•n,•nt• ative of the British Empire Exhibi- tion to he held again this year at Wembley. Mr. McKinnon Is a past president of the Canndin,i ,llnnttfne tnrer'' Assoetatinn. 1.:1. Tong, Iiiinr.rlh(in tie ..i111(1 Th..nepwnl drain. N.S1101; rnrpa,rntlon !Styli.. hall rent. Inti -ion court pier' I M.•es, *2x.241: It. .1. 4'nrrl•, filing rah- hset. clerk',. ,sllkN. 5111, (4tellnell ad- journed to meet again at the roll of the Reeve. - A. Pt1ItTF?uP4FY.1). ('leek. (good Business •}t Ji eery gratifyi44e to trv4rti fnon, one of mer advertisers. the Wm. Ren- `iiir•Tn.`T:Id.. of Torentn, char' they attribute Its no Ratall manner the In- creased demand for 01144 91,41' In Is district to the advertising which they placed In mer paper. This 14 flirthl•r evidence that "It pays to ad 'mike." and {anrtk•mlarly when the advertisement is harked np 11 a good rane•rn that dellr,•rs the right goal It7 of ;roils at the right pekes. (2.444) p.m.- (►rgntt mrn*k• Icy Steph es, E. Ikd'clsir. ,11141014. N. 1'. Wednesday. .peril la. 41.:111 p.n.- Program for '1 lldte n -- 0.r. p.tr 1.!y,•utore _'h!l' fr,pu Youth'. (*mop: dor.. - 700 pin. 11l' 111• stony! Theatre 4lrchesftw. .Inlial+ !twitter'. .....ober Dor: Floyd 11. Walter., orzoni-t. Thursday, .\ •.r11 10. '2.00 7 01 1111Ac : tnl14 '' 11 .• 1449185 ('1 .1II 1.,'' Tlrin F'e.plc." 1'ru4,s10r - Il -,,rice' limiter. New York Stale .Col lege of 1lone- Economics, (',ruell 1 n iterattY. - 1 2.:10 p.m. -Orgtnr 14,•1431 151 f1c14r i•n h.' hoiw Into. ' o :p► it m - l lir,ro•runisic I.1-I1ot.:1� 7 r Eyck Trio. 7.• t p.m. -"A F,rt Mornetar. 111111 New 41." he Wilrl:,11, F' .1.n„1,. Ilhnrrin tl.ws:rnl Electric 4'01.11.-'I: 7.49 p. . -Veriest t,stri• tem.? : Mabel A+Ise soprsn o and 1111,• 1: 1'4ltrn. noa,nr lois! and •obese : •,r.• gram prnt•M,'.l t• 19Mrt.'IIon91 1..• I'm'am ('e1 a;c-_- 11 w► p,m. ..ti :vo program hr Stephen E. !lois, h,1. \t'rom from -t01.4 llnrn8u,u' Oleo, k. r Ih,111 .116nny. Friday. .%pelt 17. -.IMI pVp talk, "11'ashIng and ilyotn,6„,t'urlMn. and intgs." Kelly ir„vldsrm.tti•'ek'ty for Elivirlenl ftcvelopment. . 6.1)4) p.m.- lnternstIona! M IIM(ly Sehont lesson. 7110 p.m.- :Albany Strand Theatre flarri- K,urnel. Norine .vital, %filet, it irk.% llntlne• l'Iniroom 11„1,1 l'tuib•h. 1.. 1011ith. TI,. followwen• absent rr..a. . I{minatluas • - ('lass III. Jr. Madeline lire pit. -r h• CRDs,- I1. Raymond , 1!1 -In, 1:r:,,. Hnrrl'. 1Iltian 1�+•nio,l}'. Thi rt *wow( 1 ...ln+e•phine Kenhc,h First rhes.. .4.'. 1 i'i.•n. RAMP Farts .ilansl. ('nna(ta ".100Ir Fact.-.1be,n1 1 ann l t- '- h err 01j+ 415 I rich storeli',1se ..f luf.rua- 11on slime. 11.1 PonnnGnt. 11 n. itp• r - -pr.ahn•tiun of ►r•„,. Vete. Ih • rt. '. ._1 rc:suiswl.aytheluLh-en his ,volar, a. orite•j mud Mc10,.-r. The !went4 and vrnu,lai ,dill.,, 1s ant for l.,3. and ail!. as in former yenrsi. Is: w••i-' coined by an 'appreciative pslhlh-. 1.31 t+ cInpi.r.. _from ".tgrk•111t,1r••' "talkon" • Inr9nd,• n series of - arctic. Ina farts pr.w,•01 .1 111 11 ,resp. ter ,• torso- tenet Ta.tei„ 11. -nt ri1T:Ttfi; 'rbc..tlrlu 1xsu,..rnatnb.s-ibo,l, new matt.,,-lmel.n4I)1 (r-'trtki*R'rom/.sr.4'- the emcee• orf 411r national growl.. during the gnarler of n eentnry since Post T1•.• hook 111411 114• 91anr,d 81 Ending 111/81 11,. or iy w•nditrg 1. rents to the ('n naliltnn Fart. I'ubl1..11- • lux Co.. 74.4 iluron 'trool. Toronto. 1f,• 111/1 would know l'i,i d, will* find this n•underfnl lir tle Ns ,k 1 18411114 to ,)int