HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-06-13, Page 12Sneak peak Gray Snihur (centre) gets a peek at the painting of the Londesboro United Church presented to his father Daveand hismotherCaron bythemembersof thechurch. TheSnihurs are leaving Londesboro after six years to take up a new charge in Woodstock. Congregations bid farewell to minister and family United Church hosts special concert . Sat. The members of the Londesboro and Auburn United Churches held a farewell party at Hullett Central School on Sunday evening, June 10. this was for the Snihur family - Rev. Dave, Caron and Gray. They have been in Londesboro for the past six years. God’s blessing and their friends best wishes go with Residents attend graduation The sympathy of the community is extended to Janet and Joe Hunking, Gerrie and Wayne Kenn­ edy and Tom and Marjorie Duizer and families on the passing of their father Arie Duizer. He was a Londesboro resident before going to Huronview. them to their new charge in Woodstock. Cards were played. Harry Lear read an address. The Snihurs were presented with several gifts as tokens of their time here. Dave replied and lunch was served to a large group. Lome and Addie Hunking and Tom and Marjorie Duizer attended the Convocation at University of Guelph on Friday, June 8 when Lisa Duizer received her Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Human Nutrition. Congratulations Lisa. Londesboro Compiled by Mrs. June Fothergill. Phone 523-4360 UCW meets in Clinton Bums U.C.W. met on Wednes­ day afternoon June 6 for dinner at the Blue Fountain Restaurant in Clinton. There were 19 members present. Following the dinner Gay Salverda opened the meeting with a reading “When the days are dark and gloomy’’. Ida Salverda gave a reading “lam the good shepherd”. Ida Leiper led in prayer. Read­ Greeters at Londesboro United Church on Sunday, June 10 were Ed and Mary Salverda. Ushers were Lindsay Salverda, Joanne Wilts, Sharon and Karen Bergsma. Senior choir practice is at 10:30 a.m. next Sunday, June 17. Sunday June 17 will be Rev. Dave Snihur’s last Sunday in the pulpit as the next one is the outdoor picnic. This Saturday, June 16 at 2 p.m. the pupils of Gail Lear will present “Round The World’’ with music in the church. This is a concert featuring folk music from many countries. Everyone is welcome. The Sunday School had their pancake breakfast before and after service. Sunday, June 24 will be the outdoor service and picnic. Service is at regular time of 11:15 a.m. Everyone should bring a pot luck lunch and lawn chairs. This will be held at the Hardys. The choir anthem was “In My Heart there is a Melody’’. The ings were also give by Gladys Leiper, Ramona Jamieson, Mar­ garet Taylor and Renee Snell. Renee Snell conducted the busi­ ness. Roll call was answered with a bible verse and minutes of the last meeting were read. The treasurer’s report was given by Margaret Taylor. A letter was received'from Huron-Perth Presbyterial. Renee Snell closed the meeting with prayer. flowers at the front of the church were in memory of Arie Duizer. Guest speaker was Peggy Camp­ bell who is Chaplain at Huronview. She spoke how salt and light played such an important part in the lives of people in Jesus’ time. PROBLEMS WITH CHILD CARE? INTERESTED IN PROVIDING CHILD CARE? Then plan to attend a COUNTY WIDE PRIVATE HOME CHILD CARE PUBLIC PLANNING AND INFORMATION SESSION to be held in Wingham June 19 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall Clinton June 20 1:30 p.m. in the Committee Room (above police station) Exeter June 30 7:30 p.m. at the Old Town Hall Get Involved Huron County This is your community. You make the difference For more information call WOMEN TODAY 482-9706 WI attend Belgrave quilt show Fourteen ladies from the Londes­ boro Women’s Institute attended the Quilt Show in Belgrave on Thursday evening, June 7. They then returned to Londesboro for a short business meeting to plan the Grade 8 Graduation banquet on Monday, June 25. In place of the regular July meeting the Institute ladies plan to attend the Blyth Festival on the evening of July 17. Legion hosts Jamboree BY SANDRA JO SLING Again this year the Brussels Legion will be having Warwick county Music and Fiddle jamboree. However due to the large crowds last year the jamboree will take place at the Brussels Community Centre. The jamboree is on Sunday, June 24 starting at 1 p.m. All proceeds go to the Brussels Legion Building Fund. On Friday, June 22 at 8 p.m. the Legion will be having a pub night. There will be darts, cribbage, euchre and pool. Anyone wishing to join in the fun are welcome to come out. OUR COUNTRY IS TOO IMPORTANT TO LOSE TO THE POLITICIANS!! Robert & Mark McIntyre Hearing Aid Specialist will be holding a HEARING AID SERVICE CENTRE on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 AT MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. JOHNST., WINGHAM PHONE357-2111 FOR APPOINTMENT If your present hearing aid needs service or you are thinking ofpurchasing a hearing aid CALL TODAY McIntyre hearing aid SERVICE 275 HURON ST., STRATFORD Strong stuff, we know. Sometimes you just get to the pointwherealmostanything makes more sense than what’s been going on in the country in the last little while. We are not rocket scientists. We publish weekly newspapers in Ontario. Like you we just get up in the morning, go to work and try to make a living, keep our heads down and save enough money to take a few weeks off in the summer. Our beat is Town Council, not the House of Commons. When the Di rectors of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association met recently in Belleville, it was plain to see how much we love Canada, and how deeply upset we are that our nation is being violated. We believe it might be time to take it out of the hands of our politicians. We think it makes sense to Send to: OCNA ACCORD P.O. Box 451 Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A8 Further comments are invited. Please print or write clearly on separate sheet. A statement issued by The Board of Directors of The Ontario Community Newspapers Association and endorsed by this newspaper. elect a fresh group of people from across the country, whose only mandate is to settle the constitutional issues of this country, and not to get elected again. In short, a constitutional convention. Thisgroupmightmeetforamonth, orayear. But they wouldn’tstop until there wassomething to put before the people of Canada. After all, that’s how the Constitution of the United States was written. If this matter is left in the hands of our politicians, whether or not Meech passes, the future seems to be pointing towards the slow disintegration of Canada. Ifweare not careful this will be our legacy to our children. If you think we are on to something, let us know. You can reach us at the OCNA Box 451, Oakville, Ont. L6J 5A8. Fax (416) 844-2769.