The Signal, 1925-4-9, Page 1r Classified Advertisements Read them on Page 8. An ad- vertisement in The Signal reach- es the right people the people who buy. N ENT .1C1GI1TH YEAR. O. 13 • GODERIGH. ONTARIO; THUI:SDAY• APi-:II. 9, 19.;5 4),.M.+, Counter Check Books We can meet any competition. 11 you need a new supply (All Thf • Telephone '35 YITls S16N1L PRINTING ('O., 1.11IITED, Publishers. PETITION BEFORE • The News of the Town COUNCIL FOR EARLY ' Thee M,•nal "atlg t'1111'.. Iii• w 11 1 It final "at 1 m,•" f I h,•. Aesu1 CLOSING OF STORES 1:11'0 a ria -lO n on Wednesday ecegtng• April 15t1s. Wine First Prize Flee .Alan Motuta) ' County Coot Th.. 1',llolie \1'uml•u'+ hws:ur !viii o Q 4' 1Vilwtn 10x* *rut rir••I The file. alarm N:4' .•.luulrrF=''r t+sr++-.,4t-.ww w4'+[-Lttar'L.•s1L- Iiia' Moll n ti her x1 41 414114 4 _gin .Ill[ - l I w,uk !!ul , u F' i t .. .\1 .I 1-. .\ I fli+ miorrJnR to r.rnite a-IeNer from Mou,tay +!lout ]all p.uh. •fur a ;Rn. s t'ntudy • Const sitting tithe week. This 't . Co.. Limited. Kit f:re oftthe toullUon14 01 the ico.t cu•l • was Siong v. Siena. an. actino hr the' John 1 14 Friday. ac ,n llnmhliu ! 4'4 n, u j gf{pjlatlts Appear to Support 01!.14!•01 AO ct'ntA. opener, en,•lushig ,1 ,•h•'( ne for 4:a, of Park *toot. The brigade ries- exeutor+ of the will of the late Jo Mr. Jnselee Lenient will- hula a. t} ._1,slhfe is a w b•tlli tor the isindrrt promptly. ■rid the fire was Some.. .11 lluwlrk, sealnst hie 1/011, titin Other OPpo the tatting-ot_the supreme Court of On- is Ir low dl.• .1111 nn e4' pile r( _•'14 icy s ► ,,n extluguishel. l'h,•r.' w:r at. Thoma+ r(tnflg. of the Acme tow•nshii . N' Ir a to 4'P. The t , - druuslL. don,. for n foal of. farming properly • menddg ou Tuesday. whole 1'ro.9,.r• of thltnrie ,old there .•spiel I. the latter. Jud;;,• 1.es'1.' liquor Seizure , I...ovrt Judgment. ion 1 t do !n l3orle. kit next werl eon teffy..." I rtmlA t1s 1 m w a• for the The Benmiller assault case. which was a keen contest for the prize:'. 1 C'ouneillere flays and Pail ridge , -- - - i t cry whet was to come before Magistrate Reid some cure hnndoni• •11.1.1ay. ht•In; ion; .tor 1'elh•w and 'on -table were a ,Ment from their pia Tuesday morning. was settled and entered. Mn. Wilson is ('• IN. em- 'Welsh made a seizure of liquor at (iotiPekir I1. at fort Colborne the tow ed it reit ular sea 11 council commenced s -the trial nil not take plate.. e.rr,tnletf•d UT40e•hrT wuf•re*^• sWn lust Friday °telt Coon- s !d __ Srnforth on Monday 'Seting, the sr- The i'„rt C.111101.114• CP izen /a tenor Paltrfdge carne to Inter. The altenal's ers•wnrd purr.!,• 1- enol of which w•a• the ulseeeranee, pit•tnn• ip Its. last week'$ Issue The eritnn of Maitland cemetery omittet this week- W' `lupe "Inti • Soo arowrt tA•n - The W. C. T. t1.=wilt alert on Mole-goinghb He Will thus t guilty of having Ines tit. !till( \lount(1in• a. Tax C ector Edward+ reported ,lay. April 1 R bicycle.The front wheel of the hl- toxkating liquor illegally and Was' Mrs Jr•..• llrquitatn Two Alien Boys Arid. (P .before 71ag1Atrate )told on \\'eon's- , Port Colborne intermediate t reported six burials durtns the month ole r1 win not be P Jack L>fea-11hd aP-•-dar-lios++lag of Louie ranocir+. 4i b.• krf tessm. wluncrs trf t Is Int a Look for 1t neTt week 11 Ili at 110011 yemtorda7 wfirn fie was )ttraniford, 011 rnumber o[ (harlCer.. tion ,•lip. Among the (4 Meech.- H down the lnsrb,r hill on ✓ collections Of $48027 from March 2$ to April 3. Mr. ('ampbell reported payments of taxes to the treasurer during March of $4IW':.7$. A petition of merchant.. of the tow11l eel h and vicinity the pwlsl week and Tar, wa pn dented anions that alt shops has handed ci i a uu poet aL k and 9th. at :t m.. in the Temperaoee -Hall. Mitt* Bailie will give a talk 011 her dtpwtnbmht of work. The last meeting brought three new member,. Ihath has avian lw"n M,44y In n tine• 1i. .\. coonsnla we no of 311. and town. -In ex - (10144 broke off and Jack wens thrown 1100.1 $Z4JO and corms with thio alter-; pinU.Ilo M'hs✓,.4101 1114' player. 1. a conalderable distance. • landing on native of four mouths, in' jail. He' '.he citizen 'wrys this about Billy: hie face. Ile was badly eut and God- ly B Nth rumor *wretched: and will require' medical 1 f 1 •h 1 1 •ft his bean In (;od- atte•ntion for some time. Jack's broth- r• ago. but he brought e4' Frank, the younger s+0n of Mr. and hl. hewk ability with him. much Frank Allen. \'!(tone streee.has• of rine Port tans." op been-Wiup the last three weekt chose the jail sentence. The car in ••Then. there. 11 which the liquor was found --a Ford at it that i' sedan --Wait confheated. • . rrjrh two y + ,• 1:) the. Warden Robertson announces that a meeting of the school cru.taro and A e ,avers generally of the town- ship of Colborne will be held at .the toe-n.dhip hall. Carlow. In'TtMoods.' night, 13th inst.. to discus. the sch Mr which hoe beim lutrudneetl in Legislature h Premier Fer Among the prometalt. e e bill is one to substitute %ctn..' boards in place of now constituted for the tit. s,•Pttuns. All interested attend. Lworthy in the following classes Dry gwdse I mopth •4's of the community. Apps Mot. And shoes, jeweller]. hardware. • State referents to these will he made millinery, hone• furstshiatta and fur- i In The Signal of next' week. nitnrn, grata' furnishings and cloth -1 The Goderkh Township hospital Ing, be _rimed between the hour .9tls sty wilt hWd"* ail of dome - 7 o'clock tae lag evening on tine Saturdaysll 11u -T• 1,x1[1118 -oto Alameda]: April 11. In the morning except in the old stank of Hamilton build - and Pig.!* be•fnTe bolldayt Sud ex In Gowlerieh. The- wile will eom- repttsg also the mimth Of IFewmhee• t 4I• -lit 1%tiiw•K and Ira wilt b4' There w're slennturea to this pe- v'.. l from 13 to ik tttlou under the vartouo follow•' : Dry goods. 7 shoes, 3:, jewellery. 3; hardware. 7: d1 irIct turf clubs and raring. as. down the lakes u4' Toledo. Thi+ war nlitlluery. 4; hou.eturniehings and aociatlons will be held in the conn!hoist to clear To from 1114 wax furniture, 4. ,{!11th fibril+hinge• and clrmbt•rs, it afOrtb• or, Wedneeda1• the fine t 4', _e__ ho and a+ she steamed out 'f ` - - Aiwa 11,. at 11 0.1t. The 14r1Y+44e of-this t the h+4fl. fpr .' she tea .eluted c ,eau s + a w of If•r K the Yt.•ar n.. lir. I)•at ill r -Meted the •IMutt fur .. ....4'u n aria •1 . in- harbor Merl 4htru of the 1318 the tit fir. IflacVlar "mtAteil the dfsets.etrm of matter. l44•n:,Sntnj Mill, the waterworks plant, and rail - that the mattAe now brought forward to hart` racing way I(%rrmot es. The Sierra carries had ►s»•n falltdd at r good deal the an American \in•w. Word .Was re - not few 1ear's. The merchants do • Far (`rood Friday G4'. ..a eelved that she had eneountered not want to ge'baek to the old sys- tem ys• "Jesus Lhes" 114 the title of a bean- heavy iee ou11h of Goalerlch, but later tlis of 144 were o *ears ago. when 'Blot caMsatio o he liven -1p --north. she +vac retortQiI 1i. be eonttnuln Ilse durea were o/rn ev44ry P P11it1 street Methodieh (hump Good Friday on her way to Tot o._ and so would Rite to have the pea- rc,•ning. Doors open nt 7.30 and the Secerl! mor.' bunts leer tirp un - tion grunted and the v1i,FiuR hoar performance. commencesat O. --t elnrk-. tended at the elevator the pant week. TMimission 25 cent', - - Thr w..NI!••u WA5 ......0,l to. the naw. heading! as clothing. ' ho.,t. and I ' A meeting of reyr•aeatativP5 al with typhoid fever. so Jack'. mt4hep Suggest letts lusited illestratel the old saying that r t I ti the e..urse of a disetioelon at "r,. gIaes. •nester come eingl'." We h to ....midi meeting 11..1 Friday night are toad to-say-that-younguFrank has t on. the snbi,rt of civic beautifhWtlon. turned the ,crtical point UT hie ill- it tilet suggested by Mayne l.4 1. watt Bolos nine ._.fir• 4 yit1E T ---,-- PERSON.%. MENTION \jy, ,C"• 1 Snub!, ht tilt. week end with relatives u ('Oemdu. ,\N•.. Major. of Sluder, /lhlo. 1. .i. ping with Miss . A. Pulley. MIRK Atari. 'bean,.,uf .Itu1T:eln. 1. viaitlag -her -vottein. lliss F:IIe' s Fellows: 1 Craiaie is yk•ndiu_ :n week • I+ n'lativea at Buffalo and Strati' t. l }yawl Stoker.. of the hien k'. utlbe, is taking a comities •Ildayu and rest. ^- Mee. loth.. Gobi.)•, of Crewe, vis- ite,1 at the home of Mr. and lir.- Wm, Gouley till* week. - Mr. Wm. J. Finlay. oP ltolm..d11,•. was Uh town on Friday and gave The Signal a friendly call. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart. of Do- troit. Allen! the week -end in town. the guest- of the Mlsi.es liarkrn KNO\ 111 R('H Mrs. J. W. Smith, retuned 4)11 Von - EA/1TF^Ff-$t'Stt1T day front_ Indian head. Sask.. when. - Mnrt ing elle atte/del the runOrnl of her moth Selo "Hosanna- Rev. Ilo•.t Ina- .rauirt 4'r. Mrs. Devitt Jurlirtl•. \ilei - E. 11awe Itev. Father el nam. of town. nen Parol "!Meter Flnw••r•" Father theme. of h'ingorid t ore at Ib•uiMTNgo London a at else.. at St. Peter r Cathedral. •:a4'. „ , 1 ti':u. • '•LigLt Of 1 EASTER MUSIC N.:la'II s'I'I(F:F:r METIIIIDIST , ('HI'itCH Morning Ando u, "'Been as 1l. Kahl- Wllaoa Solo- '.Thr Reotrrtr•.fTim Morn" Gray Mra. Moulton !tale t'h,•rn• "My Lord la R1w14" - 11amler '1 • • Evening Anlh'm -''The King at iilory' 11ha11 ('0010• lu' l.oreas Solo=•^Hen r 114. rat lire' Lo1mas Mrs. Moulton Male Chortle -. "lot Joel. have 111* way" - Lorena In the slfternoon the junior choir w'III Riv.• "Easter Belle- f R anon i at the epee steedon of the Sunday school In for auditorium of the thumb. • •Mian. Illen•gkw 1lettry r.1u1 3111444 1.11. lite 11orTC__,- lion Patterson leave F'ridw4 for Brant Mrs.. W. E. Sounder. '- ford, :herr they will spend their Solo anal; ('tlor11144 "ft levine It.r,etta• Eater ieiblaye with the latter'. •'r" •, 4 ite.t alstcr. 3111. Wrorg,' Ilk.. . Mir.. A. J. lln,Kac and Choir. Mfr. Havre M,'Cr.wth retnrnel last •('arol ••lhly of 11 'under,- ltay '1 e.that:re loon! newspapers might 'ask week atter spending six months I11 (•Iadnt.• 1t .r tum• fhN wntt._.ae„ncr any aro ' military hospital at London. Ills F:yeninit y make lam -40- tea Improved _and _be 1a ('antatit-•'TIIT. It);tt1° Sierra the !loot Boat to Clair l)wTud 1 ti tale throe .they NQUI d • 011e to agati- st--$,a plata at Menatsetan___ _ _.. . On Monday last at about 1 o'clock wnship through the.itiolumn14 Of then topers. Mr. and 3[4'+•, !tarry Kendall end Prelude' tend thorn, "ito [s Mout" D,w►n the Sierra. a big ,ttnerfcan ,,• hnard,4 The Signal 1. very glad to mss the 1001 •nod Nino Bartow• and daughter, Tt4e-'tntal •,do. Mot. 1,. RI---- •gratnboar: eleared the harlrpr. bound mm 5 in tide way.' Thr letter ury 4'y over u e shoietd be brief {Chat the coulee! ins doubt wants is Mr.. .1. Mettphy. the 1\orkl not 14ome gr.[ndhns• s[hemr, hp' prat• lir.. J. Tfrnm}wml. cif R;elan. (1nL. Matheson ,.r Ile . :l_.nggestirms eft tethaw a fluid• rico• herr .last work an httsln,•u. Jn hwe0 .•ls•nditto the er,te sum of money can hoot ha +p'nr counwtlon with the nolo Of hrr rlrm• and llr+. R. S,,.1t In- lmprovinto tlw•.neeentrl'e - of rho c4' lu,tnc•, the faun of the tate David • !'Sony, at Tgylnr's Corners. The. per- chascr le__Mr. ItnheifirMtgr4. 1111 ,:.910,1 t their. the (m to its reader. and o ..f fort Huron. 'visited .Mr. ire, Mr.. 111-01.- "l'pxmo the flr.t .hey of . t11e e a•k,d to lnc[t • them to auto, use of its MI- I %I .1 .• tl w •k•rnd and • rid Ileo Ile mCPteng 1 to form s. diet riot .tie• V...4'+li L Y i 11 t n I-- hr the win tars f tt 1 treat !nn .1 Trip %rou Itr. and Mrs, troit. who lulu winter with N.. k - and to tit.• point. we're aec•,mpnnteal I'M their n•furn by . Mrs. MacKay "1N115 at tied home on N. F:. Twenty-- taw,. • serenfft"kt en. are les' tri, rn+tnr fnr _- - 11 Fil_tne Ith: tri; nre.oeI' the world O. O. gL.) Saeb1'Evrsi118 11 wry of the I'nn.swa '':•riot tem Iii. L O. L. No. 1$2, GOdP ' f t oat*. al -home hP In (:4xlrrk•h. He is a eon of the lite Moms ort mry ay eveningChristopher elitist), who was one of ,•s htl ped epeeist crrmmftt. P. - - - Goderirh Iloy Wedded Application• ler bulldiug wrings. of road oil (tante* 100 r,4' , •nil The mnrria:.• 1..,.k ldnr:e' "dt. Erie. as fellears, wen• ndrrr to tie that un irregulatiahnped hat- anular 1'n.- on Saturda} las. of 1:11t• 31e - fire committee: J. E. Na le. reroot•'to 1. Salkeld's. corner of Montreal ('urn. dangllter of Mr, August .3 frig dwelling. South street: Alexia- and Waterloo wrwets. tint, Mr.. Dlok• 3larlowe...1 that '•sty. to Mr. Robert em's lot, corner Colborne and Nei. Allan l.lnclatr, of Clr•,•laneet. sun of tauwiN In' S, S. Nu• J. ••,wMrledl town cupl'd the rest of the time until the den bnspll til. garage; Henry Harney., gamy. and remodelling leonine• teen strt•ete. the charge h• on (till Mr.. Ellen Sinclair of Galerieh. The pnrll hours of the men-nlnw. On he - gamy. was ,crformel 1.) Rev. E. hip. l[4' is a II ,i lw r of Mr'. James South •trw•t; ltc\ruin Rrrrs., colt- frontage w'hrrP honee fae•14 and one• 1 St'wnrt of town rend Mrs. John ['or• half of the Lodge the Worshipful reefing Iron to Ka re R.• Rra'k *tp,et;;third of frontage on other Ktrw•t. (►n 1 .4i.'urlu[rt. pastor of Luther 3[em- Slater, A. T. KAIttinR, wisps to 01- F: 'H. Wool. garage. !Teton street :I Irregular -.hoped lots %eviler to •D•: „vial church. at the church 'Arsenate•• Mem- 11.1. of Galf•reeh townl.hllk ex- tend n ctrl hearty coir of thanks to Wm. Proctor. garage, Gibbons etreet: I Hunter's, Mre. Halliday's, rte.. the • at .1 o'clock noon. Thr bride, !rho nil who took part in the evening's E. N. Lewis. garage. Elgin 0(011110. charge b' on full side frontage 44nd One- au• given away by her father, "yam Alio* Hodge itOOeeed progratn; naso tn.th. president and A request from the public library ; half of face frontage. /►n r•g'1:ar attended by her brother and Meter. At tit.• students' lea.ter party en mrmin•r. of the Marine, Cluh for the board fur a further phymeut d 5300 i *guar' corner lot% full frontes,• on In-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ii. J. Marlowe, •q•,.,itlesdav peening of -this week Miss privilege of natter thele room. for (tm 1112:. account WAS referrers to 1114'Street upon which hour 'fa4ws, lied She wau,Rownel In bleque crop• dei• IIw1Rc. the rrtlrluK m,•mlor of the the e•c'ning. - . filmier. eommlttet.----- one half on other 1rontng". Tlin' Shen. and varied (lplielia 11.W*. After r'oll'glnt' bud itntr teaching stair •oil • r ! for the ceremony MP wedding dinner and was fittltlgly hnw,r•d by the student. I/rain:me Referee, firer Trio -"Who - shall volt ono)' the stoner' Messianic-. llaiKoy and 1hmlop, Meet Nairn Solo •'I;nil -hal! elite watt.) :111 tcrrs' • ' Ml.s. 31nrestret W1Mou )tr. -C. C. C'rabb...of Cbieago. Is in Feeit. and 4,•10 "Wi l4'' -,•,..4'•k y.' - the town .hlttag his slated Mfrs. Lee. and lhltTi among til. Thede= ` rich. Geld r, - morn's of his bovhst0d_din _ -Mr.. MacKay .• nR' • e ''4', h e n lodge Miami in'Pate•+fltu• owl ether pitta of IMutual 11 1 t to last. It the Dull fowl lir. \Ixthessnn Who. was a ver' su.'-,'w.ful event. over h Miami tor •i •1 t winter..S Gn.1Prk 's leading dtlzens In his day. florins_:Awake_roll the' met awap- 11.,-it. -And they went not quickly"' Mr. J. F- Tbomsnn sell n• th.•r that a, 'Noe In V urn e L s being Present. ineludlnR Kecrrl from + well known hl the :14011 11 n..4 l.4'•- Ile left Galer,ch at an early age and teetto t4' &W 11 Irnr en tuellral w 14"41 Opt'4u1 .places. The early part of the hr. been In Chicago for ninny years mourn • I'be above pi,rngrni14 ie. from The evening wag taken up by a eoncert etttf report ways, par been very for- Mr.' (,Imne1••rs.' Mtss Yalrns 3iraa[s- after whkh lunch was sPrcfd In the hlnnte fluanrLlly. F:ric lug and torde and earpet=hall oc- Rummage Rule \Nilson rind nt.oa 1. 11 llrrald of :Miami. }InrGLu of April Marine Chili rooms downstairs. Dane - :ire. and refer. to a former student of 1; .s14•rich Illeh School who afterwards • Under the nueoires of the 3ltpl,• Vr+. Snnudrrs Leaf (!Napier.- amilto:.. to ,44' lead in Chert• - ' t) Death, w•bt•re is thy the Ttank of ilnmlltun bntldtnf, torn 511111:'' er Square nu.i Colborne -treet, April Finale. -'Tiles it, and honor, 'glory , 1701 and loth. Anyone hnvIng good __ and !'ower" otoond-i1And clothing kindly 'phone llac'i'Gutl.1' Gild... ,hoit'hm•l'r and Mee. - iia lnilton. 272. or e.1 n i a. An application by Meears. WV• Mrs, llA o road ►y it Ewan & Tehbutt for 7Plmbi$4lon to i 11►':.'I he reduced to amount ...barged rt. -option were given at the home of , put in a staved gasoline Two in; in 1p24,_That ome-tbinl Io, allowed the bride's father. Mr, and Mr.. -Sin- t • .•lair arrived +n Goerrk•th oa Monday .trninnRe• refvrr• for Ontario, wit- front 4.1 their property 0D Fit. A07off 1924 road dl chargee of T wa%' prt w Alien w'itb :1 Iwt-toz -anda A: 3t. )!(!1111!10 j g0p on n visit to the e.nom'y mother. and tmtt m.•'fltu:d-with -:ui ivory set. h(re on 4'h+• sudt79!tt. tirnp•1►Ilr•ntinn G.44lerieh llirine Club. per drew's street wen. sent to the publicf Murney. L012 feet on Bayfield toad: lovas made hyo Vere I►. rumen ham works rommiuee with power to se-1-"fr. J. Morrow, two irif>MI toter tin left this morning• altomlwulerl by_. _The prereentfltlon address was read at COlhmu• fowu.kip to hair Ihr -1 { pf.._q'altrr 31ac11u) IJd 101 M Commnnientien+ from the Preston t Britannia road. and T. ltnrm. two Mrs. Sinclair, to visit relatives at 1►Y Penciled Home and the pnw4'nte _ ie•nminiton h$ore the groom joins drainage w•heme known as Yonne* • • .. Board of Tt91dr, with regard to • vacant bis on Bayfield rod. tluh wit„ made by fllte%s Marawrk $4.71:31 hltl INA his 1s,1at, the steam'. +slanders Jun- rack ,kinin enrried to a prq{or ort- , > rtrpose•, motor road from Bridgnbuty The ffr[• rnm1n tar r.Mommenll<I RPddltt and Harold H4'!nhe. IPi lrrvlOnsly arktrowld Id 4.7(tl tt.7 to hes for the asteaml, The hello will Ioh111f Of the tnetntwrs of the h, _ referee went -nm to (bl• t0 Ooderk•h. em -To Z;oltbampt.. /ter the (h rano of the fire goo- .ttmmrr In -leen.• A1ul-utt.vlti..l lu the lnulte' the - _Cortina arxl then back to the MOOTS mtttrh request the fire warden to ',Pend Part of the tamingLiterary, of which 3tlta[ H• nr1Re` the slob There wore ph•setti"115' d Sir Yl 1 MMartaere Gare Gramm Help ST. GEORGE'SCHURCH Mayor.. Hae'Ewan, treasurer of the Rev. S. S. !tardy, W.A.. Rector »psr•Ial building fltn•i t,f Afr•infoira 141 all 11 FR11+-\1_. _.. hn.l,ltal, alrraowle1Res * 141tional oat \lornln_ Plover. 1/►.:a► a.m. rid teachers of the sw•hoo, A. a y[4'. 46 414.,. }". i1411d••r$n,• K. I`,. trihntlon14 ria fnllnt4%: it/0111 1.'11 0k'tn of th'lr esu•'m otos 11,441e.r .1 :un1 11, per chief Engl. , 'r Lenit. (ln•gori*n (;odrrkb• - an. an ar't it mem r. Miss .•an - - --- _ bnrdPr; from the Ontario Aesodated take action to wee that the structure rntane,•r-. townsh►p c19unclllors. Mud' Trude. with rremed-4e Ito-twrted on Newgate street_ _Mit Winter pnwl{ted herwitha besluti• at ,thl-E-tit and Stopper the ,nen.. , engaged In the o ase 111 4'l AsRosciati i I t with the bfl(Iw1tr iJt Wasin Has Successful ('lope u I order n•as muslts n•1dlnw the township 1 [ of Th.• final meeting ung of the 19f \tr.t \\s,wanolh a• ptFtr rind BoMrdS of f 1 id;i11n4' - fo.(+s: -` 111 r•nJnynTlr aRhtF t"r7fifIT1!r' rnOk an tee (rntark, Trot st s on. rowl. ' on orms 1 . e 4;• C. I. M1•- dodge made n brief but fit- and teem the National Inst toe `', pihre at !110 F.IiIMt . HOtttlr, t><'eif Canadian Int.11lgenee. with regard Committee of the whole munelI re- literary floctety for the spring term ting reply. \ the reftn4'• 114.08h ,I ihr YonnR s •ltnrt. when the mcmlx 4's n/ the to a publicity proposition, were re- mmmru•1ed that els salad el the was In terry wry n great 5u.rr.s. Thr prewrrlfatirtn adtlnss waw as rook •1'rat' should mol have ended- 111 Ma thews ho•k. (lab gathered to- • torted to tbe serial committee. cemetery sexton tar Increased from Thr assembly hall ens filled to cap- follow..: .urh low Rrontil ,l 0 he d reete tont nether 10 honor Capt. Jnr Barden of Mr. H. F. Com, reptww•ntinR the loot to $t1:o0 per annum. from April achy and it wet. impw.•Kible'to provide Deny Mie* HOdge. -The students and- rttt improved outlet h -__,.., the steamer FayllAl. FG,tnP time RRO 4 r s,tatA for a pert of the audience. Judi- the teacher•% of the lie C. I. are pose Tau• tuw•n•hip of W Toronto firm nuunufaCtnring toter, 1st. 10-3 4'r[ .. aw nnu.n was beard with regard to /In order The Heve stated that he had 5011' Ing by ihr uumh'- of townspwrrplr 14'.1'.1 of Rrling5 of 4'y great regret 4a• direled 111 procure the report of fart that the Renin! enpulln ha. Tor this y. el. inn year the town m'4' the plant of the DonlTnion Hord pr•w0nt this te•a'K series of "Lits' that ;'on have given, ljp the pxlsltlon an etigirer•r prnddinR for taw carry- proved hltn%elf a tnir friend and approval. on the swR. which yon LIHW held with jog out of Ihr efrninntm work to a snpponrb r of 1'amndn's nntionnl .tor, 000used t11 t tank can of fhi+ pew Machinery Co. with the manager. Mr. boa met wt 1 iniieaprend ape duet on the rands, and 'both the Mitchell. and he ogre»I with 'Ir. Miss Jean Winter, prealdent of the $114.11 unqualified c•redit'fiow for .n proper uvtl.•t. .1. L. Killoran acted 111 ills Mw'li, snmr fflnw(bl' 0pr's$i.nn Reeve and the Deputy Reole ex- MIteh'll that the 1'ompnny was hen- Literary Society. er•1'wl In (hp cnp"r• mon}- crar14. The seeps! 10.111 long t,•r the applicant. 11. 4'. Hay.. Jr.. •1 1•1 iw• mal( nt.fhe high r,.gnrd in Res P premed 1btpPdc'S se ratGtled with dknppr,l in operating in n building its of chairman for ihr evening. Tho-tr[i+w you from your nwu$tntlwrl place.for the toen•hip of Colborne. and it. whleh he is held Try the mntulgnmrur the rults. The peke is the Matte .'nnatruet d a% It was. Mr. Mitchell rgsrtting number of the program ens As tnd'nf. Were4'egnlsr ` urw fnith Vanstgne for *110 tnw•n.hip 4'f we.: and plallrrs of the Mathews ho•ke} r } o covet Wtln by mists -Margaret Wil- ♦idly have-gaidaFtu is _stud-- tenni. winner. for -the tint a5 last year, l:rite per R'IIOn wn r. hod Pitt dews rid ti Part rxpw•11li _and :lily -int.- r \{ atj•tllwAil. pat melee tae Included. was making good and would like to son, Jack Mclhoi n l *ee nnionying ins, how strongly you have 1 enicated son. of the town league champinn- 1 •test "It solved in ns not only prompt and ', ObelItenee 10 I 110/1(4- 1.110.011 111 airy ship. On the srrhal of the hfoM And much would be rigouts thlm._-year. thought the monol and lir. Vitcbell that the school ex but gaup Mr (loan DO-ocdPr for one could probably get together with ad- than the IiomP in t ear in the meantime. vantage both to the town and to Ihr ens n 14pirfted en Metiers. A. Cornfield. W. Price and J. Company. representatives of the fourth form Howard came in at this Juncture and Tho matter was left In the hands and the two third forms. Robert Me - on betng invited to address the coral- of rite special committto. or which T•er.F-and Miss ltnrgnret Jefferson. of (11 'fated their oppolrltlon 14 the the WWI' f` 1. ehairmfln. fourth form. -upheld the ,Rifmative ' granting of .the }pe(ltlon'to elope storee Another dlawus'i"n 0t• park. was view, while the negative view Wal at 1 o'clock. Mr. t3`oen'lleld pninttit'started by Crmncill„r Turner, who ehampIMtPd by Dateless Nairn flan _ oat that people who perp wonted mentioned some places where money MISS Dorothc Brnwn, of third farm. to't'e town next mornlnncarde t0 could be well spent In making small The indite.' de•i•inn waw-givetl hyo hitt door to get something thely peed- I perk lots. such aK at the foot of Rev. .1 W. Holley mod 1011. In favor . ed, and be could not turn them Montreal street end near the light- .1f the affirmative. The third nam - away. Hee thought he had brought lniwe.. Mer. the "teaeliere' clonus," wall 0117 people to t?loderleh to AO their 'tgp' ( The Mayor minted that a$ 1110 00110- thl la'tIrn11] eneore.I. Twdlve imps ping who had provlensly never bees, 0t1 wax appropriating a lur'r Sang the popular "Hew do you 40?" in the town. To grant tits petltIOn 1 amount to the parks, eommltte• this song. Intn eneh verse of - wh10h the would '11e fn (trim Marge awes from year 50010 of the improvements mere 79.41140 of a teacher was ingeniously t t. tlond might be ninths. HP propose! woven. One of the most poptler num, T. Prays, who, like Mr. Cornfield. that the neespl1PPri nrk"their n•ad- hers of the program wits Ihr mock literal nes 'care also ,txt!► -that-tti-ern her emegr%tlrm% err-ler-'w4w4P--t 44 _4p4 -1710- Great _ramekin Cam-, was ti•posslhle not to serve people money should be -spent.--- 1:mf t•s. Mnf," w•h1t•h we' put on in who cache to his door. 1t was pointed , Them there wn4 a ,prnpo1gl by t'•om• good .tyle 1.y a nundwer 0f th,•'hnyi. ont; however. that Mr. Prieu's line.. dolor Cole that rows of tree. he Following the trial Mr. Ger,. Leith - groceries'. i. not Included in the lie- planter! at. the borders of Victoria welt.. gave n fifteen-mintte tnik on Ilton. , Park. and 1)0petty Reeve Moser mug- horticulture. Tin• last mitelrwl num- The denotation -s.' inured that rest,.d that the wbhle c•nuncil take her of ihr• ec0ning Was n piano solo their t4•pn•sentath,rr* wonld be con-' n few hours off some day and make 1.y -*telt McI'rmM. altered• a tour of the town to doterd1hle The prise' -winners In the eonteesta Reports of standing rrommltiees - Mint .11.91(1 he 4one. in c0tlne•tinn with The Review were Were lion taken rip And adopted. in The platter of road ,4m1 reetneat nnnounete1. and the tflstribntion_of the part. they Ivor,. ea fonnwil: came 111) next, and severnl proposals *444114114, •u5 follow'$. was made by The fthence mmmlrtee "reported WPM! made. Tom ('tjlt : Junior 05.,44]. Gordon Ry• that Mr. It. T. F:dwnrrl1 had filed The public works committee wall an; '.n(or essay. Robert McLeod: tie oath of once as assessor and col- ompnwvrrd to make needed repairs poetry. Mnnrfee McKeee; eartotn, lector of taxes and had commence,. to the fence" at the fair Rrnunds. One 110:. Monro. his dntl0;.: $(11x1127 had been r5 of the eounetllnrs stats flint ff not The Inst mtmher on the program -retired frets the collegiate In.tifnte looked after errrythtng et the fair was the play. "Cratehit's Chrlshnes beard and $747 (kS from the water ground' would he Oaken away. The Donee," from reckons. in which the ,1111 118411 cnilrtnlsslnn In pelment of pollee. sand the Reeve, should make Revert part+ were exer utlonally . meats of '+ming bond.. an (xnmete of snmentle. well Octet by toy and girt fendents. The pINk• aorta% eommlMee re- After w,mr• further dlsensilon the TAP writer Jnnrnal woe mad by Rog. prrtr4 J to the matter of a•1Jn.tment ennncll ndjournel Munro. April' $, 11016• The council WA% 00ah11' tO May how get into a more• imitable building. He on the piano. The , e r•. ,' errs more influence 1s,hfiell `'.oliilers' lid Circle their ,s,teen1 gni•-t I1 wyr. notie..I nonlding enarac4•r,'+ ley over its, but :do. proper reep.'1 , •1111,. 11„11„,1„1 1. n statono•W of 11111P rim' rta,pwed 1., tor' 'they .a4' nrn.t tw'tw,rn the for the rights and privilegea of tach -the •dl.Iseetlutl of the pinnal of rhe down nt the table Ioetntifnlly laden 9re.p'r _1'swlnl ,411 Hymn. 14:t. Itt`. Ti:_ 1'v,•nn.g rimy. r. flcmu t :I Sarum len Bel ng l'ropu•r 1'snlus "l Chant. Jr Trine Il. ran 497 Vox T►Ile•tl Hymn !rel St. Philip ,Hyw , Brstttude ('aninta "1'eni1' n,.. Pardon and reser- .1. 31. \launder 11ynur 1.1. ewtcell 1!r. Fred Hullers. l.tritn11•• •trove!. • EASTER 11.4'1 114.1v 4'ilnuuuulon. 11 a.m. 17,w•,..aomet Ilynn 171 Tule. Hennas Kyrie (t..rin Till I'r.-.I'.. Full 4'h„ral 4'omm inion in le .1. Stainer i1'. nevi Tia• ' Tune, \'h•tory Ssomon -\nth.•m -''A. It Denali To Dawn" (,. ('. Martin =1ionor-181- - TNta•:--Salzburg Sur*n a1 ("nnL•I Ter Sanctus Ben.alictn. qui \'unit gntvs Ih•i Pater Ntw;ter Stainer • other.- principles of which we ttee•d Ashfield Soldiers' Aid CIreh' In emi- with eatables. After the mammary (,Ihria in Excelsie to t4'' frequently reminded. We know motion with the ,\I.•,ni,,'y4 rn Marine enn4.•r•sIllnc tient t,s,,,,hl• take. pint' Poet Communion fen,• \'til. Itti we shalt grow Into letter", eltizelip and, (1,•n'ral 116091(111 'T 4;.,l•rielt. w'IIon 5144441 fi'11ow5 get ,105.41,,•r, Mr. Nun' Ilimittle lin' 4 4 tlsn6,glh yonr helpful Infl.war.,.-, ire. ow-wnr tbl+-lusowy- -.waa nom.tl- Witt Mu*zele on -behalf of tin+ Mat- organ! \'olun14ltey __• \l'e au'nlla•rs .1f sl' stun 11:14' 111',-1)j„r Ise Rift. 19r rs,f's'Inlutn'nl. mud hew'. h,w-krc Ship, pr"x'Ili''1 e'apt. fanfare 11, 1''.- thsr.l'n with n honnNfu1 0791111846.1 :\y' 1't+1n1 N'.znr' you and have telt' :1 felt til•/tl will t,lnt'd iu flu Sealing Itunk. linmintl n h• I ariteN 7011 hove Pn'r felt that genial- 114,1,, ns it hod I44r11 nnnnit1sonslc inek't .1n wht'11 n'r.' Instrol44•d,fh' 11n.,.luja Its of spirit and heortlnene of Co- ai1,,ra Riser, •wto tzn__ tone-_-heetijal mime of the 11446'7'5 daring ihr r,n5s 1',•sta h\.•ns•m,. 7 1, ae. operation that emanated from you, +ho,ld 10 built ,in Gol•rk9,. the .A. n • •1114191• ono ,.I'•, emblems of the Mo- L'4' re s+to al , not 1.,. wheel enabled u4' M work together fie•1 ('fret' rots to fnrol.h a want •Dole find (441.11ellon A' Itrd'r14. '111.• 1')n•- L.yr., ' ltot+etiea with the utmost of harmony and Rome, nith \Ill. Inox'y in m'mory o1 opo\capinirn was serprl'.d and 114*4 1 a Rrspen'.i•s. 1- '4 11• _ 1'a '1• w111. We trust yonr Spirit w111 re- ..1111.• heroes. The 111,ms -.h:ts alit le hnuor the Lots were •1.11795 lois. Proper rsa'ars k'; 41'. IW. I:ash. meth with ns, -" ' nnlr , , '-44►'thewl A wnril hot alio the at in n twat .l' '.1) .pmrkling nHl 1 hill Term•- r5• s11411 I:+[4's• '1 - 'Be assure!, 11 11111,, H.1'Ige. 11:1 , our cis' ro/ltn and nnr.ery 114 well. w It V.nd 1101111/1'74.11-1.:. onor. hr tendered hl. llnlfiifirnt i. b i,i,.l'r 5eldee+ In the elites room will long 'I'hr'nle.h 1tr ;ire.. the committee wl+h tlnhkw to the (lotions. He %old 11 101114 :some !emit, h. he remembered and tre•l.ttro.l, and. to Shank the ismrd , rind eapeinlly the a Pleasure to he of service to Ilio At•tlr001--"A. Is Il rO i. T., tansy:- tethallr..1 coir Stmty and rained no ',noel. lit Air thwt.. nnfnithrg kind- les'kev ,•klw,u'ist. of Goli'rieh ntel he r G. C. Mnr1hk 1 1 141 4'r *tem". to the ethlptte. fir• so•Inl rretoto•.'- m4'.+ .-noun• '. in mrstst+vrg In tit•• 14' ujlw.f t-' 44ml initxllee I.f hi. •.e..- Ilymn 1d7 1 Uo . ,ansa. t' the T1ternry activltles of the 4404001. " pnr'din•ing •,t All 1111' ne•r-ary ..pn19- port and of his interest to their w,•1• Anthem -"Ih,ltehlJah 1Jntn (lod'r Al- _ Again we %n) we• shnll rill nos. 5111 inert ner1e1 Aur these ro4,n1'. i4on,'• .:Ire. 4lw»r-1114( were then made Ice mighty Sen" (rem Beethoven's "'Mount .very mocb, and shall have a longing of. the pen-hnstel, 44irr made In ism 411.; following mcmbers'a'nd players of of Olive." I►R'rtory, on the present: that yon might Le' hack net, .1•. and ne; lot, e ill 'tl,` ether *.s-k•tlri.: Chit 711'• .1nl: Gordon .3iet).,nnld. Noreen' 'stitm- M the Alm* Beethoven !rine l4,• 4entnrr 11,.' hope that to )on. III(' board did 'fpr' ns and o,' ne.• \IeNny. f'orll Ilnnw;n. ,Frank McAr- nol'tnn Te ih91m 4'. V. Stanford too, that Mme feeling and dealt', may very grateful. thnr. Will Beek. lien Felker. .1n. k 1!teet.ssintlal hymn leo,. T St. Kevin r•nmo. :\erntnnt4 wit1. the Lieard mei put,' Ville. ll. Yoting.-R: lnstsel. 11111 11adr 'Organ Voluntaries . .As some Slight token of nn: f'rMngw. h} them; \Veale( 1% 'ker. $t11.:all .1. rind ilnrry 1.111101 Among the March Rnmttn' ('1. Gnnnnd w -c 4'.k yon. MI., itrwlgr•, to be p1'asr.t It. \Vloelor. 11W1: riethry Tiro.. toasts proposal (Inflow the 040nlp* 1'tiumphit March C„era to tercet' this fitted suttees' with the *24x1.17: W. 11. ItInek tone. 14l3.33: wets ono to the captain. which waa thellelnjah Handel luck pinny therein, and nets hat box. latent'% nrxm11111t,. 14.43.211,* ra'1t lskhi k•IIOw.rl by tihre.'lwarty cheer...Other Muter IluhOltl 310 1)Qnald. w,pnno Willett we /IMO PM! may ORO 1[',4)110111- to hoer!, $1!x1.11. Vial, ..tlitettie. ,4_L toasts Were One to the 'bneit• ' 51d•dst ly In travelling Wok to (iodetlrh' ►n counts 'mid Ivy- the %eltrt*ty: W. e] OW, end nn.• t.. the_ Indies .1n ern- Mr. ll. Ir. Jenner. mule (matt renew our frIendohlppn. Ac11rs..n A soh, *73,1N,: A.''('tuufl'ld, j0)14)1 ' time Ins In 51mn1 in sing: Charles A'. 11. Wf11(41. il, ereani•' on.* . \\'' wi.h yotl lotsg 111.' and on the A30.71: lir. Jtw•k. e9; J. frit,. Intl: nod mn,1e. Ilnn s .elre'tli,n. were• . ehotrmamter. l•1er+ine• to 'which your kindlinees 54.25: Mr.. MrWhinnr7 (f4' therst, givegn by 11th Snare? 'owl vlolla Pelee - and worth entitle you. $(1.31: E. 4'. lioh'rtwnr. $3.73, .1. .1. lions by Y'4'. Thomas RllIrtte pro. Going .Away For Realer? •signed In behalf of the mtIR and McP:w,'n. 53,441►: 1. 4'. ('arrie. $2.1.1: praetor of the Elliott Har44'. The event 11 50, yon ma% moot n trunk.. ee, pulpae!. A. (i. f;rny. li:t.lt. Total. 141'1.62. plot ',remelt to a clomp with three Imt1 or rniten•c. 1\'c Invite your ',1 J. I'. Rome, .1t/snnts paid In fall- $7:.11.:4). stand noising ehe're for Mr. and Mrs. Et. 5lw.1 011 of one eemplPt1' ne* .t,s't Jean Winter. and !tank depnslt 4e•onnt- *7X3.30. Mott rind. the (inging ..f "He'• a Jolly of t('.,•' good.. l'rl.'• . she ( 511.\1 1111e. .1. It •1.It.111.1M, Secretary. (loll Fellow. 31.\X'!v. 1 •