The Citizen, 1990-06-06, Page 10PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6.
Top scout
Greg McClinchey of Londesboro received the Chief Scout’s
Award, the topaward in Scouting from Janet Cameron, district
commissioner in a ceremony May 28 in Londesboro. Greg has
spenteightyears in Scouting and also serves as a patrol leader.
It took three years to work his way through the bronze, silver
and gold stages required to qualify for the top award.
St. Helens hosts District
Happy Gang plans Bayfield trip
The Huron West Women’s Insti
tute held its 90th District Annual
meeting in St. Helens W.I. Hall on
May 28, 1990. The theme “Literacy
in the Nineties”.
Mrs. Mary Hunter, President
opened with the Opening Ode,
Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. Ross
Errington welcomed the 50 mem
bers present. Mrs. Clare Van
Camp, sec.-treas. read the minutes
and correspondence. All district
directors were ratified.
The Londesboro branch did a skit
“Going to the Rally”. Mrs. Cecil
Elliott, board director, gave her
report. The newly elected officers
were installed. Mrs. Jane Muegge
gave the highlights of the 4H in the
County, and upcoming courses for
adults. Mrs. Cooper gave some
resolutions that were mentioned.
A delicious noon smorgasbord
was provided by the St. Helens
ladies. The sale of crafts were held.
Mrs. L. McIntosh, London Area
President brought greetings.
Margaret McMahon, Huron East
also brought greetings. “The
Hymn of All Nations” was sung.
The Presidents from the nine
branches told the highlights of
their year.
Dungannon Branch held a
memorial service for the six mem
bers of the district who passed
away in the last year.
Pennies for Friendship for
A.C.W.W. work was given by
Tiger Dunlop Branch. Mrs. Gamer
Nicholson enlightened the after
noon with a humorous poem “Our
The Public Relation report was
given by Mrs. Jacklin. Mrs. Wm.
Porter gave the Curator’s report on
Tweedsmuir books.
Mrs. Stan Orien introduced
Andrea Leiss - Community
Development Co-ordinator for the
Literacy Program. Andrea has
worked in this field for 14 years.
She has taught in prisons, factor
ies, night schools. She has a
master’s degree in Adult and
Community Education and an
Ontario’s Teacher’s Certificate.
She lives in New Hamburg. She
was thanked by Auburn Branch.
Mrs. Les Jacklin gave the cour
tesies from the Maitland Branch.
An invitation for 1991 was by the
Londesboro Branch.
Officers for 1990-1991 are: Past
President, Mrs. Margaret Taylor,
Londesboro; President, Mrs.
James Hunter, Belgrave; 1st Vice
President, Mrs. Peter Campbell,
Wingham; 2nd Vice President,
Mrs. Len Archambault, Auburn;
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Clare
Van Camp, Belgrave; Assistant
Secretary, Mrs. Alex Nethery,
Brussels; Public Relation Officer,
Mrs. Lenard James, Wingham;
Assistant Public Relation, Mrs. Les
Jacklin. Wingham; Curator, Mrs.
Wm. Porter, Goderich; Assistant
Curator, Mrs. Mervin Batkin, Clin
ton; Program Co-ordinator, Mrs.
Ross Higgins, Brussels; Resolu
tions, Mrs. Harold Cooper, Luck
now; District Delegate, Mrs. James
Hunter, Belgrave.
The May meeting of the Londes
boro Happy Gang Seniors was held
on Wednesday, May 30 at 12
o’clock. It opened with a pot luck
dinner and birthday cake.
The meeting opened with “O
Canada” led by Harry Lear. Mary
Dale gave a reading on “Old
Folks”. Minutes of the April
meeting and Zone Rally meeting
were read by Edythe Beacom. They
were approved as read. Roll call
was answered. The treasurer’s
report was read by Laura Lyon. The
tables and chairs are not to leave
the hall at any time.
Thank you cards were read from
Compiled by Mrs. June Fothergill. Phone 523-4360
Jr. choir sings anthems
at awards service
Greeters at Londesboro United
Church on Sunday, June 3 were
Bob and Audrey Thompson. Ush
ers were Scott Shaddick, Billy Jim
Scott, Danny Hoggart and Mel
The junior choir sang two an
thems: “Morning Has Broken”
and “Seek Thee First the Kingdom
of God”. The Devotional was on
“The Boy who Hated Church”.
This was Promotion and Awards
Sunday. Next Sunday, June 10 is
the Sunday School Pancake Break
fast, 9:30 to 11 a.m. and 12:15 to
1 p.m. Next Sunday evening, June
10 everyone is invited to Hullett
Central School at 7:30 p.m. for a
Residents take
mystery trip
Several Londesboro residents en
joyed a two-day mystery trip with
Marg Burkhart as hostess. They
visited the Pinery Park, Port
Franks, Kettle Point, Chatham,
Wallaceburg, a boat ride, Tender
Tooties tour and a rose nursery.
This was May 28 and 29.
A Review of activities at
CANADA’S FITWEEK: You may be surprised to see hospital staff garbed in jogging suits and
sneakers, playing withfrisbees, skipping, running relays ordoing exercises on the patioduring
their lunch breaks this week. Weareall participating in Fitweek to emphasize that we don’t just
say it, we do it!!I
“BETRIM”: Congratulationsto the 36 graduates of the 1990 winter and spring session of “Be
Trim” Weight Control Program. One additional session will be offered for fall 1990, starting
with a free introductory class on Tuesday evening, September 18, at 7:00 p.m. Circle your
calendar now and plan to attend to learn more about this very unique program.
ACTIVATION GROUP NEWS: Marj Varley, Volunteer has retired for the summer months and
will return in the Fall. Thanks for everything Marj! Welcome back from the sunny south, Ruth
Thornburn; she will be taking over where Marj left off.
With nicer weather on the horizon, the Activation Group plans on being outside on Tuesdays
and Fridays for one half hour.
Fridays havealso been working well for “PetTherapy” when our weechihuahua “Tina’ ’ visits.
Ideas or donations areal ways welcome. We are wanting plants for our planter tubs on the patio,
as well as wooden tubs for our new Occupational Therapy patio. Call C. Hunt or M.M. Nash at
527-1650 - ext. 231.
LAWN SALE AND BREAKFAST: The Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Maintenance, Purchasing
and Housekeeping Departments had their usual lack of co-operation from the weatherman on
the Victoria Day Weekend but managed to raise approximately $3,400.00 for the Hospital
Building Fund. It seems that is where the difficulties ended though, as again this year we were
overwhelmed by the time and effort put forth by friends of the hospital staff, their families and
patients. They loaned, lifted, sorted, baked and gave us much needed moral support.
Margaret Good. Huronview dinner
for Seniors month on Thursday,
June 7 at 12:45 p.m. Charge will be
Audrey Thompson thanked
everyone who came to her anniver
sary party.
There were six tables of euchre.
Winners were: ladies’ high, June
Fothergill; ladies’ lone hands, Viet-
ta Hoggart; ladies’ low, Margaret
Good; men’s high, Ted Fothergill;
men’s lone hands, Margaret Tay
lor (playing as a man); men’s low,
Orville Kelland.
Two people won a draw prize of
starter for Friendship Cake: Gloria
Farewell evening for the Snihurs.
Cards will be played. Bring cards,
tables and lunch. These are the
Sunday School Awards for 1989-
Kindergarten Class, Diplomas of
Merit: Michael and Lindsay Ot
tens: Angie Elliott, second year
seal; Gray Snihur, fifth year seal.
Primary class: Melissa Driscol,
Diploma; Carrie Buttars, Diploma;
Tammy Vincent, fourth year seal;
Katie MacGregor, fifth year seal;
Susie Salverda, Fifth year seal;
Angie Konarski, seventh year seal.
Junior Girls: Erica Horbanuik,
fourth year seal; Karen Trick, fifth
year seal; Carrie -Salverda, fifth
year seal; Lindsey Salverda, fifth
year seal; Karen Bergsma, sixth
year seal; Jennie Konarski, eighth
year seal; Jennifer Szusz, ninth
year seal.
Junior Boys: Darryl Bergsma,
sixth year seal; Todd Shaddick,
eleventh year seal; Kent Shilling
law, eleventh year seal.
Nursery Class: Elizabeth Mac-
gregor, third year seal.
Intermediate Class: Jason Kon
arski, ninth year seal; Pam Salver
da, sixth year seal; Kerri Szusz,
twelfth year seal.
McEwing and Ted Fothergill.
The June meeting is on Wednes
day, June 27. Members are to meet
at the hall at 2:30 p.m. to go and
see DeJong’s Windmill near Bay
field at 3 p.m. after this they will
have a picnic supper.
The following Londesboro Happy
Gang Seniors will be taking part in
the Seniors’ games at Stratford on
June 25 and 26; cribbage, Tom and
Genevieve Allen; shuffleboard,
Helen Lee and Lome Hunking;
bowling, Harry Lear, Jack Lee, Don
Buchanan, Reta Kelland and
Edythe Beacom; euchre, Ted and
June Fothergill.
at United
Sunday School
Nursery to Kindergarten: Chris
Driscol, Angie Elliott, Robbie Ar
chambault, Joseph Thompson, Neil
Salverda and Elizabeth MacGreg
Kindergarten to Primary: Gray
Snihur, Michael Ottens and Lind
say Ottens.
Primary to Junior Girls: Shannon
Scott, Angie Konarski, Tammy
Vincent, Theresa Oliver, Katie
Macgregor, and Debbie Hoggart.
Primary to Junior Boys: Ben
Thompson, Joey Airdrie, Matthew
Armstrong, Jeff Johnston and Scott
Junior Girls to Intermediate:
Lindsey Salverda.
Junior Boys to Intermediate:
Darryl Bergsma, Todd Shaddick,
and Kent Shillinglaw.
Intermediate to Church: Erin
Horbanuik, Kerri Szusz, Rhonda
Howatt, Christie Scott, Pam Sal
verda, Jason Konarski, Greg Mc
Clinchey and Mandy Medd.
WI meets
W.I. members take note for the
June meeting members are to meet
at the hall on Thursday evening,
June 7 at 7 p.m. sharp when they
will go to Belgrave for the Quilt
Show. This includes lunch, the cost
is $3.00. Members are then to
return to the Londesboro Hall for
their meeting.
3 miles east of Cranbrook
JULY 3-13
Ages 31/2-Grade 8