HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-05-23, Page 19THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1990. PAGE 19.
Londesboro Poetry reading opens UCW
Compiled by Mrs. June Fothergill. Phone 523-4360
Bluewater Club meets
The Bluewater Club of the
Canadian Council for the Blind met
Tuesday evening, May 15 at the
Bowling Alley in Clinton for an
evening of fun. About 25 folks
came out for the occasion.
Two games were bowlecf and
then members returned to the Dav
Care Centre at Huronview for a
short meeting. ‘O Canada' was
sung and the Lord’s Prayer repeat
‘Forgive us our sins, ’
topic of minister’s sermon
Greeter at Londesboro United
Church on Sunday, May 20 was
Betty Hulley. Ushers were Paul
Jewitt, Mandy Medd, Pam and
Neil Salverda.
The choir sang an anthem.
Sermon topic was “Forive us our
Bible Study is at the home of Gail
Dobie, Auburn on Friday, May 25
at 1:30 p.m. Senior choir practice
Retiree honoured at party
On Saturday a retirement party
was held for Mr. Pat Mason who
will celebrate his 65th birthday this
month. Sixty-five people were pre
sent. They came from Clinton,
Harriston, Palmerston, London,
Developing the ability in disabled adults
Developper des competences pour compenser les handicaps.
ed. It was decided to go bowling
again on the regular meeting night,
June 19 at 7 p.m.
The annual picnic will be held
June 13 at Mitchell.
Lunch was served by Nancy
Anstett and Kathleen Chambers
for the Sorority Club. The meeting
adjourned and everyone returned
home having had an enjoyable
on Sunday, May 25 is at 10:30 a.m.
A Sunday school meeting will be
held on Tuesday, May 22 at 8 p.m.
at the home of Harriet Shillinglaw.
Communion will be celebrated
next Sunday. Next Sunday, May 27
at 8 p.m. a sing-a-long will be held
with the Blyth Festival Singers at
an evening of gospel hymns. The
event is sponsored by the choir of
Londesboro Church. Donations at
the door.
Mount Forest, Bayfield and Brus
The sympathy of the community
is extended to Ramona and Jim
Jamieson on the passing of Ra
mona’s sister this past week.
The May meeting of Londesboro
U.C.W. was held at the church on
Monday, May 14 at 8 p.m.
Helen Lawson opened the meet
ing with a poem on “Home”.
Hymn 394, “Happy The Home”
was sung. Audrey Thompson read
the scripture from Proverbs, also a
piece on mothers. A poem, “My
Altar” and “Is there a mother in
the house”. Helen led in prayer
and read a poem “The Golden
Chain df Friendship”. Helen intro
duced guest speaker Harry Lear
who spoke on the History of Hullett
Township. This was very interest
ing. Florence Snell presented him
Club gives to Asthma Assoc.
The May meeting of the Cheerio
Club was held at the home of
Estella Adams on Wednesday
afternoon, May 16 at 2 p.m.
Laura Lyon opened the meeting
and welcomed everyone. Roll call
was answered by 10 members and
two visitors. Minutes of the Febru
ary meeting were read and approv
ed. Thank you cards were read
from Vietta Hoggart and Margaret
Good and family. The financial
statement was read. Collection and
draw money were taken up. A draw
donated by Margaret Good was
won by Beth Knox. Beth moved
and Edythe seconded the group
give $25 to the Asthma Associa
tion. Estella Adams gave two
readings on “The Shape I’m In”
and “The Nine Commandments of
Human Relations”. Laura Lyon
read poems on “Model T’s” and
“My Pet Peeve”. Another one read
was on a “Seniors’ Income Tax
Form”. A contest was conducted
by Estella Adams. This was won by
Beth Knox.
1/4 cup washing soda
1/2 cup household ammonia
1/4 cup vinegar
1 gallon warm water
with a gift.
President Kittie Macgregor took
over the business part of the
meeting. The Purpose was repeat
ed in unison. The April event had
five people from the group. The
minutes of the April meeting were
read and approved. Dorothy Tam-
blyn gave the Financial Report. It
was adopted as read. The Fall Rally
is scheduled for September 26 at
Brucefield United Church. Fall
Rally 1991 will be held at Londes
boro. It was decided to give a
donation to the Laotian family
coming to Goderich this summer.
This was moved by Ruth Shaddick
Cards were played and lunch and Estella Adams. The June
served by Ora Bruce, Laura Lyon meeting will be led by Group 3.
Geoff King (right), drainage superintendent for Hullett
Township receives a certificate from Hullett ReeveTom
Cunningham for attending the week-long drainage seminar
co-ordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
and seconded by Reta Kelland.
Thank you’s were received from
Helen Lee and Margaret Good and
family. Joan Whyte made a motion
seconded by Helen Lee to recom
mend to the board to go back to
giving to the Missions and Society
An invitation was received from
Brucefield Church on June 6 at 7:15
p.m. for a special meeting with
speakers. The next meeting will be
on Monday, June 18 at 8 p.m.
The meeting closed with the
Benediction and Grace. Lunch was
served by Kittie Macgregor, Lena
Nesbitt and Linda Horbanuik.
Continued from Page 18
These amounts include $ 31,639 and $ 9,878 for the school boards and County of
Huron respectively which were paid by the Province of Ontario on behalf of
ratepayers to lessen the inpact of reassessment in the township.
for the year ended December 31,1989
Taxation and user charges
Share of payments in lieu of taxes
Share of taxation of telephone gross receipts
Amounts requisitioned
[ii] Non-consolidated entities
The Blyth District Fire Area Board which is a joint board is not consolidated
[iii] Accounting for county and school board transactions
The taxation, other revenues, expenditures, assets and liabilities with respect to
the operations of the County of Huron and school boards are not reflected in the
municipal fund balances of these financial statements.
[iv] Trust funds and their related operations administered by the municipality are
not consolidated but are reported separately on the trust funds statement of
continuity and balance sheet.
b] Basis of accounting
[i] Sources of financing and expenditure are reported on the accrual basis of
accounting with theexception of principal chargeson long-term liabilities which are
charged against operations in the periods in which they are paid.
[ii] The accrual basis of accounting recognizes revenues as they become available
and measurable; expendituresare recognized as they are incurred and measurable
asaresultof receiptof goodsor servicesand thecreation of a legal obligation to pay.
[iii] The historical cost and accumulated depreciation of fixed assets are not
reported for municipal purposes. Fixed assets are reported as an expenditure on
the consolidated statement of operations in the year of acquisition.
[iv] “Capital outlay to be recoved in future years” which represents the outstanding
principal portion of unmatured long-term liabilities for municipal expenditures or
capital funds transferred to other organizations is, when such balance exists,
reported on the consolidated balance sheet.
2. Operations of school boards and county
Further to note 1 [a] [iii] the taxation, other revenues, and requisitions of the school
boards and County of Huron are comprised of the following:
school boards
3. Contributions to unconsolidated joint boards
Further to note 1 [a] [ii] the municipality has made a contribution to the Blyth
District Fire Area Board of $11,534 [1987: $14,924]. The municipality’s share of the
fire area board’s accumulated net revenue at December 31, 1989 is $3,975. [1988:
4. Trust funds
Trust funds administered by the municipality amounting to $221,868 [1988:
$211,265] have not been included in the consolidated balance sheet nor have their
operations been included in the consolidated statement of operations.
5. Pension agreements
The municipality makes contributions to the Ontario Municipal Employees
Retirement Fund [OMERS], which is a multi-employee plan, on behalf of five
members of its staff. The plan is a defined benefit plan which specifies the amount
of the retirement benefit to be received by the employees based on the length of
service and rates of pay.
The amount contributed to OMERS for 1989 was $ 6,372 for current service and is
included as an expenditure on the consolidated statement of operations.
6. Municipal fund balances at the end of the year
The balances on the consolidated statement of operations of municpal equity of
$38,679 [1988: ]$2,932]] at the end of the year are available to reduce [increase] the
subsequent year’s general taxation.
7. Reserves
The total balance of reserves of $415,355 [1988: $ 399,500] consists of the following:
Reserves set aside by council
for working funds
for roadways capital expenditure
for fire expenditure
for disposal site capital expenditure
for recreations capital expenditure
1989 1988
270,000 260,000
50,000 50,000
5,855 -
13,000 13,000
76,500 76,500
$415,355 $399,500
8. Net long term liabilities
The municipality is contigently liable for long term liabilities with respect to tile
drainage loans recoverable from property owners and payable to the Province of
Ontario as loan instalments become due. The total amount outstanding as at
December 31,1989 is $ 507,843 [1988: $577,934]andisnot recorded on the
consolidated balance sheet.