HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-05-09, Page 22PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1990. Reading for grandparents Grade 2 student Cody Fidom of Blyth Public School reads a story to his grandparents Jim and Irma Mason at Senior’s Day, which was held at the school on Thursday. Brussels students pitch in -l' Hullett Happenings picking up the garb- a good effort on the students who were PITCH IN by Jason Engel Was pitch-in day a success? That is the question. There was a notable difference in the look of the town but I do not think that it will stop people from littering unless they are the ones who have to go around town age. There was part of the cleaning up the town and a good effort on the part of the students who stayed back to clean up the school. I also believe that Pitch-In was good exercise for the students and it showed that people are throwing things, that can be re­ cycled, on the ground instead of recycling them. I think that people should start recycling more than they are or there is not going to be any room for all of the garbage that is being produced. CLEAN UP by David Becker Not all students went around town picking up garbage. Grade eight students stayed behind with Mr. Axtmann to do work around school doing tasks such as cleaning up after the construction workers finished the addition. This was an excellem chance for doing this after what seemed like a lifetime of winter. We shifted sand to the Primary students equipment. We then packed 300 trees, keeping the Blyth students see play LA GROSSE VALISE by John Ramirez A magnificent theatre production called “La Grosse Valise” produc­ ed by “Masque ‘n’ Tape” was shown to all the elementary school teachers in Huron County on May 1, which was P.A. Day. On the following Tuesday and Wednesday, the play was viewed by all the grade 7 and 8’s. The touring group of five Canadians from Quebec, Richard Lemire, Carole Bougie, Joanne Benoit, Onil Melancon and Philippe La Liberte, came here to Blyth to entertain all of the young adults. Vivid ideas and pictures were easily captured, and portrayed using the spectacular costumes, props, and exceptional masks. All of this was done, with a minimum of speaking, which was amazing. It was a thrill and pleasure to go and see them. Good luck in your Canada Wide tour! roots damp with wet newspaper. They were handed out Tuesday, April 24 as part of Earth Day. All in all they improved both neighbour­ hood and school grounds. SPRING CONCERT by Betty Clarkson and Tim Machan Brussels Public School had its spring concert “Rockin’ The De­ cades” May 2. Grade 6/7 started off the night playing “Pep Rally Rock”, “Music in the Air” and “Rock One” on their instruments. Kindergarten sang 1900-1910 with “Clementine” and “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”. Grade one was in the 1910-1920’s singing “Bicycle Built for Two” and “Ford”. The 1920s to ’30s was represented by grade 2/3 singing “Varsity Drag” and “Five-Foot- Two”. The Dirty Thirties was represen­ ted by grade 5/6, who sang “Sunny Side of the Street” and “There’s Nothing Like a Song”. “The Sound of Music” and “My Favourite Things” were sung by grade 3/4 in the Second World War. Grade 8 were Rocking and Rolling in the 50’s and 60’s singing “Duke of Earl” and “Rock Around the Clock”. In the Ed Sullivan era the grade 1/2 sang “She Loves You” and “Purple People Eater”. The grade four class sang “Cana­ da” and “Ontario”. The grade 6/7 class sang “Joy to the World” and “How Deep is Your Love” from the AUTHOR VISITS B.P.S. by Melissa Kerr On Wednesday, May 2, Shirley Day, (the author of “Monica’s Mother said ‘No’,” “Waldo’s Backyard,” and “Ruthie’s Big Tree’) came to Blyth P.S. to tell the children in grades one to five about how authors edit and detail their books. Ms. Day is from Toronto where she not only writes and illustrates books, but also paints and her work is exhibitied in an art gallery in Toronto. She also has time for her four grandchildren, and the story in her books always have a point. Ms. Day writes her stories based upon her childhood. She tells the child­ ren that these are “family stories”. The Students and Teachers of B.P.S. would like to thank Ms. Day for coming and maybe someday some of us could grow up to be an author/ painter/ grandmother like herself. We would also like to thank Mrs. Webster for arranging every­ thing. 70’s. The grade eight band played “Small World”, “Jazz Prelude” and “Stand By Me”. Rebecca Dauphin, Laura Douma and Heath­ er Somers played a trio. Kerrie Foxton and Angie Yoon played a duet on trumpets. Stacey Hunter and Sarah Dauphin played a duet. Stephanie Henry played the piano and Jacquie Seili sang. Andy Overholt, Grant Jarvis and Dylan Hutchins played a trio on trumpets. Sherry Tyerman, Victoria Richards and Jennifer Machan played a trio and Stacey Hahn and Lori Ann Black played a duet. The teachers finished off the night singing “Four Strong Winds” and “Daddy Sang Bass”. We thought that the students and teachers did a really good job. MOM DESERVES THE BEST" (all you can eat) PRIME RIB ROAST TURKEY BAKED HAM BBQ RIBS SALAD BAR DESSERTS $12.95 MOM EATS FREE WITH PARTIES OF SIX ADULTS! RESERVATIONS PREFERRED - * * Editors: Laurel Campbell and Erin Jamieson P.D. DAY by Melissa Hanna On April 30 there was a P.D. Day. All the teachers went to a workshop in Blyth. At the work­ shop they worked on programs involving the arts and drama. EDUCATION WEEK by Melissa Hanna From Monday, April 30 ’till Friday, May 5 was Education Week. The theme was Education: it’s everybody’s business.” Throughout the week different activites took place. On Monday there was a P.D. Day. Wednesday, May 2, in the morning there was an Open House for parents to come in and watch how classes function and dress rehearsal in the after­ noon. There was also a book fair in the library. EARTH DAY AND EARTH WEEK by Maria Stepan As you all know the week of April 22 to April 28 was ‘‘Earth Week”. Hullett Central school students and teachers planted trees on the school property to celebrate “Earth Week”. Students also got to take home trees to plant. Grade seven students learned a little verse to go along with the theme of “EarthJAgek”. We are one with tire earth If we destroy the earth, We destroy ourselves. GUEST SPEAKER by Maria Stepan On Tuesday, April 24, Hullett Central School was visited by Huron County Science co-ordinator Wayne Stewart. Mr. Stewart show­ ed a film about space, and talked about it. He gave students problems to solve, then they compared the problems in space compared with the problems on earth. It was an educational experience for all the students and it helped them to think more and learn more about the environment. 25t& /kwwww/ity GLENN&DOROTHY COULTES May7/90 You are invited to an OPEN HOUSE Sunday, May20th, 1990 From: Paul,Steve, Mark&Tim BestWishesOnly Weekend Specials MAY4-MAY26 PIZZA 1/2 PRICE RIBS a KRAUT DINNER FRIDAY&SATURDAY 5:00P.M.-8:00P.M. BUY ONE & GET ONE FOR 1/z PRICE / y2 PRICE SPECIALS APPLY TO EAT-IN OR TAKE OUT ORDERS the Blyth 1PP 523-9381