HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1990-05-09, Page 10PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1990. Morris Council sets date for first installment A meeting of Morris Township Council will be held on May 10 to review the mill rates for the township and the mill rate by-law. Council reviewed the mill rates on file at its meeting on May 1, but were unable to process the final mill rate or budget as the Huron County Board of Education budget has not been finalized. Council did set the first instal­ ment date as June 22. Council discussed the Ministry of Energy Grant for the Belgrave W.I. Hall and instructed Clerk Nancy Michie to notify the Belgrave Women’s Institute to get estimates for the furnace approved by the grant. It was decided that the two free tickets for the Politicians’ Night at Blyth Festival on June 19, will be used and 10 additional tickets will be purchased at a charge of $8 each. Since that is a regular council night they have rescheduled the meeting to Monday, June 18. Road Superintendent Lloyd Michie was present to discuss several items with Council. He informed Council of a request from Gary Carswell for additional Higgins-bottom catch basins be installed at Mr. Carswell’s lot in Bluevale to drain his surface water. Council decided that if Mr. Cars­ well needs additional drains he will have to install them at his own expense. Mr. Michie also informed Coun­ cil that Mr. Henry Rouw of Lot 6, Cone. 8 has requested that the roadside be seeded and re habili­ tated and the CSP that crossed the concession road at that location be repaired. Council inspected the site and advised that the roadside is not washing at this time and they feel it may cause eroding problems if work is done there, therefore the site will remain as is. Crushed gravel spreading by George Radford Construction will begin on May 7. The letter from Wingham Golf and Curling Club concerning the placing of guard rails at their entrance was also discussed by Council. After looking into the matter with the insurance company and checking the area, they agreed to advise the Wingham Golf and Curling Club that the township would not install guard rails, however, they would install a sign of warning near the entrance way. A motion was passed for Mrs. Michie to send letters to Mr. Rouw, Mr. Carswell and the Wingham Golf and Curling Club advising them of Council’s position. Council then reviewed tenders for a cab and chassis for a new dump truck and instructed Mr. Michie to finalize the tender as set out and invite tenders for May 22 with or without trade of two used vehicles. Tenders for the box, plow, and wing will be discussed at a later time. Following recommendations from Chief Building Inspector Leo Sanders demolition permits were issued to: Sarah Anderson, Lot 8, Cone. 5, shed; and Evert Stryker, Lot 6, Cone. 5, old school house. Building permits were approved for: John Eleman, Lot 1, Cone. 3, two-car garage; Doug Chapman, Lot 56, 57, Cone. 1, shed; Evert Stryker, Lot 6, Cone. 5, double car detached garage; Sarah Anderson, Lot 8, Cone. 5, shed; Herbert Palmer, Lot 30, Cone. 3, addition to value of residence permit issued in 1989; and Hugh Ives and Jane Smith Spt. Lot 18, Cone. 6, drive shed. Reeve Doug Fraser declared a pecuniary interest concerning the next matter as he is the proposed purchaser of the lot in question. A motion was made that Councillor Clem McLellan assume the chair. The subject of George Blake severance, Lot 30, Cone. 9, was discussed and the conditions which the County of Huron Planning and Development committee place on the decision. The structure of the lot had been inspected by Mr. Sanders. The motion was passed that further to the condition of the planning department which states the residence on the property must be occupied for a reasonable length of time before a demolition permit can be issued, Council decided that it must be occupied for at least two months. Mr. Sanders will inspect the structure again before issuing a letter stating that the walls, roof and windows are in a state of repair. A grant of $150 is being given to the Brussels Agricultural Society. Council approved a tile drain application for Wayne Hopper for Lot 21, Cone. 3, subject to avail­ ability of funds. Wayne Riley was appointed com­ missioner of the Johnston Drainage project for the township at Lot 1, Cone. 1. Council had no objections to the amendment of the County of Huron for Brussels, which affects Part of Park Lot 2 RP in the village to establish the lots for residential use. A grant of $60 is to be given to the Huron County Roads Superin­ tendents Association. Blyth family A 17-year-old Blyth girl was the driver of a car that was involved in a single vehicle accident on May 1, at 8:17 a.m. on Highway 4 next to the Ministry of Natural Resources, just south of Wingham. According to Wingham OPP, Jennifer Allan, was northbound on highway 4 at a speed of 80 kilometres an hour, when she swerved to miss debris and the left front tire of the 1981 Mercury . After considering the request of the caregivers support group, “Kids Are Us’’, council felt a grant was not justified at this time. Council authorized Mrs. Michie to attend the Clerks, Treasurers meeting in Kincardine. A Waste Management meeting will be held in Wingham for Clerks and Council on May 23. A request has been received for a minor variance for James and Evelyn Blake, Lot 26, Cone. 8. A hearing will be held on May 22. General accounts in the amount of $47,359.46 and road accounts in the amount of $23,910.68 were authorized for payment. in accident Cougar caught the shoulder of the road. The car spun around and rolled onto its roof into the east ditch. Miss Allan, OPP state sustained only minimal injuries as a result of the crash and was taken by ambulance to Wingham and Dis­ trict Hospital for treatment. Two passengers in the car, her father Bryan Allan, 42, and a sister, Sarah, 15, were unharmed. 4$ Bell's DISCOUNT CENTRE ~ AND VARIETY STORE ) QUEEN & DRUMMOND ST., BLYTH (IN THE FORMER BLYTH SUPERMARKET) YOUR ONE-STOP FAMILY SAVINGS CENTRE DOG GONE IT g LADIES' WEAR ^ALL IN-STOCK LADIES’ BLOUSES, PANTS, TOPS, SKIRTS & SHORTS / 1/3 OFF/ SHOP EARLY FOR MOM A couple of weeks ago we ran an advertisement concerning our lost dog. Missing since April 12, we advertised extensively with no response. We finally found her dead with a bullet wound in her side and her collar missing, laying innocently on the outskirts of a nearby bush. A part of our family for four years shewasalways friendly and seldom strayed from home. She certainly didn't deserve to be shot and it would be highly unlikely for her to be mistaken as a groundhog or any other wildlife. Whoever took her collar could have found out who the owners were, but we were never notified. It upsets us to know that a thing like this can happen to any pet, especially ours who was expecting puppies. If perhaps you accidentally shot our dog, admit to your mistake. It would ease your conscience and ours too. Thank you Tim and Donna Prior. 40% OFF MOTHER'S DAY CARDS SAVE BIG! Birthday, Anniversary, Get Well, Sympathy, Congratulations Wehavealloccassionsat.... 40% OFF SUG. RETAIL PRICE IMAGE CRAFT GREETING CARDS ay Queen - Reg. 34.99 Sale 22.99 appy ■other's Swirl Glasses 6 pack-10 0Z. 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[For amount of purchase only] QUEEN & DRUMMOND ST., BLYTH 4Mfc •NO RAIN CHECKS THIS EVENT •WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Mon.-Thurs.-8:30a.m.-9:30 p.m. Fri.&Sat.-8:30a.m.-10:30p.m. Sun.-9a.m.-10:30o.m. V/S4